Before you give me a hard time for posting more Dad Wrecks, you should note that:
a) It's really *your* fault for not submitting these earlier, and
b) See point 'a'.
Besides, it's not like there's anything here that really screams "Dad", you know?

Ok, well, except for that plastic thing.
maybe the golf clip art.
But the actual cake?
That's just screaming,
"For the love of Sweet Duncan Hines, WHAT AM I?!?"If only I knew, little Wreck.
If only. I. knew.Here's how you tell Pop you're on to all those Christmas shenanigans of his:

Yeah. Watch your back, "Santa."
And then there's the weird stuff.
"I do the weird stuff!"For the record, there is no combination of the words "king, fish, dad, dad" that makes even the remotest hint of sense. None. King fish dad dad? King dad fish dad? Dad king fish dad? WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?!?
[patting down hair] Ahem.
Actually, I find it oddly comforting that the yellow fish/dad/king/thing looks just as confused as I am. It's like he understands my pain. Yeah. So thanks, fish/dad/king/thing.
Say, here's an aspect of father/child bonding you don't see often:

A shared love of cycloptic mutant bunnies.
(Yes, I *did* just make Cyclops into an adjective. Trust me, it's going to fill a void in your vocabulary you never even knew was there. You'll see.)
And finally, the most horrifying Father's Day Wreck I've seen all week,
hands down:

You know, something about that icing seems off, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Well, maybe the Wreckerator was all thumbs, and so decided to just slap on a digit-al design. In that case, you gotta admit: s/he nailed it.
Wanda W., Clint R., Laura M., Heather L., & Katie T., high fives all 'round.
TOUR REMINDER: Hey, Salt Lake City, for a good time be at The King's English Bookshop tonight at 7pm (or a bit before). We've got all kinds of goodies in store for you. [saucy wink]
Update from john: Did you know that apparently, little boys are made up of Y chromosomes and Epcots? Neither did I...
204 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 204 Newer› Newest»A lot of people might say this too, but the first one might be a "Y" chromosome. You know... the chromosome that Dads provide.
I just automatically assumed that first cake was the y-chromosome that distinguished Dad from Mom. Wrong?
Kinda looks like the first one was trying to be a golf tee.
The first one is OBVIOUSLY from a son to his dad to thank him for his Y chromosome!
Maybe the first cake is a Y chromosome? ;)
Is the first one supposed to represent a "Y" chromosome or something? Weird.
Is that first one supposed to be a tie? The "plaid" gives it away. TOTALLY.
I think the first one is supposed to be a tie. Maybe.....
Just a guess here... the first one is a tie?
Or Epcot.
I'm pretty sure that first one is supposed to be a Y-chromosome.
And although "cycloptic" is a good guess at an adjective, there already is one derived from "Cyclops" - it's "cyclopean".
Hmm, that first one is either a necktie or the letter "y" for dad's y-chromosome. Either way, it's wreck.
By the way, you're quite handy with the puns on that last wreck! ;-)
That headless Santa cake looks as though the perpetrator has left a warning with the knife being laid oh so subtlely on top. (In a raspy voice) "You'd better be good!" Nope, no nightmares there.
Okay, I admit to being weird. I actually get #1. Y - as in the Y chromosome that makes a guy a guy. At the school where I work, that's what we blame all of men's problems on - a defective Y chromosome.
As for #4, that's absolutely NOT the cyclops that I saw, and what I saw was more inappropriate than ANY wreck so far this week!!! I guess my mind has hit the gutter early today.
As someone who regularly bakes with a four year old, I could tell what those cakes were no problem. (I cheated and asked him.) Y says yuh yuh yo-yo (tie?), a beehive (bbq apron?), a fishie cracker, a tree (tie?), and what every cake looks like at my house when left unattended.
I know what the first cake is: a Y chromosome! It's the essence of fatherhood!
I think the 1st and 4th are supposed to be neckties.
Perhaps the first cake is a tribute to the "Y" chromosome, imparted to the offspring by the Dad. Or, it's just a weird cupcake cake.
I think the 1st and 4th are supposed to be neckties.
That's what they call a WHY?!? Chromosome!
cake number 1 is maybe a Y chromosome?? it's the only thing I can think of ;)
A golf tee?
Don't you see it? It's the "Y" chromosome! Dad's a boy!
Maybe the stripey blue thing is a Y chromosome? There's nothing more male than that. Or...ya know...a tie?
I dunno about you, but I think that first cake is pretty obviously a Y chromosome. You know, to celebrate the manliness of being a dad. Any one see it? Anyone?
The first one's either a necktie or, as your title made me think, a Y chromosome.
WV; nator = an alternate name for a birth mother
Maybe the first one's representative of a Y chromosome?...
No...that can't be...tell me that last one ISN'T an actual handprint? Like they looked at the cake, were impressed by what they did and gave the cake a high-5 in celebration? Blurgh.
I'm hoping the wreckerator didn't actually use their hand for that imprint...yumm, stranger germs...*shudder*
Also, if the quote is from Dr. Horrible (and I suspect it is), isn't it "We do the weird stuff", or are you singularizing it for a reason?
Clearly that first one is a "Y" chromosome.
The first one is OBVIOUSLY a [mutant] Y-chromosome. Someone is wasted as a bakery hand and needs to return to the lab/lecture hall.
Also, a cycloptic bunny? Nuh-uh.
It's clearly a decapitated angel. Because that makes SO much more sense.
Seriously, what the heck is that Santa one supposed to be? I'm at a loss.
I thought maybe the King Fish cake was attempting to be Dr. Seuss one fish two fish red fish blue fish; King Dad, Fish Dad? The handprint cake made me LOL. Gross!!
Please someone tell me what the second cake it supposed to be! I can't figure it out. My husband and I just stared at it for ten minutes and we still got nothing!
Well that first one is a testicular cancer cake. The second one I don't get. What does a bee hive and a fork and knofe have to do with Santa? The one with the "fish" is obviously a mistake. It's one of those cakes made for mafia dads and it was supposed to say King Pin. The one with the "bunny" is soooo not a bunny! It's a dress for drag queen dad. Duh! And the last one is..... ewww. It's just wrong. Why is it brown around the edges of the hand! Gag!
First one is an ugly plaid tie, in keeping with Father's day traditions.
And yet again, you've inserted a gratuitous Dr. Horrible reference.
First one is a "WHY?" chromosome.
But, will someone please tell me what cake #2 is? It LOOKS like a beehive Santa with a cellphone belt buckle, but comes with a fork and knife hanging off the belt? WHAT?????
Sharon's Edible Art
Ha ha, nice Dr. Horrible reference! I love it!
(And is it bad that I thought "cycloptic" was already a valid word??)
The first one IS a Y chromosome, the other ones i'm not sure about
Taylor et al, I think you are giving the wreckerator faaaarrr too much credit on the Y chromosome thing. I'm going with a tie, too.
As for the second cake, after looking at it for a while I'm reminded of cakes I've seen in the archives here: I think it's supposed to be a grill (there's the propane tank, though otherwise it looks like a charcoal grill [bravo, wrecker] and the plastic utentils to represent grill tongs and such). Yikes.
That yellow figure wearing a crown MIGHT be Dogbert (from Dilbert cartoon). But still... (Love the website). Kellie
Yup, my first thought was Y chromosome all the way... with a nice reference to the X chromosome too in the pattern on it.
I actually think the idea behind the hand print cake is cute...the execution however, needs to be worked out a bit better.
Ignoring the obvious "it's a tie".
Yay Captain Hammer!
I was thinking the second one was Dogbert from the Dilbert comic strips...
only yellow,...
1. Tie
2. BBQ apron w/tools (and propane tank)
3. Dogbert
4. Cute idea but brown was NOT a good choice ...
and by the second one looking like Dogbert, I meant the third one
(hahaheehee) My co-worker has one of those painted hand prints from her kid to remind her what he was like "when I was that small." To find a honking huge print on your Father's day cake, (haha) when it's not even your kid's, just makes me giggle from the sheer randomness of the design.
Not to mention the eye-searing tie colors, the "king fish dad dad" mystery (would make a great t-shirt caption, no?), and the Christmas BBQ grill.
Today's post fulfilled a need I didn't even know I had.
(Gee, I hope they washed their hands before that cake.)
Hooray for the Dr.Horrible reference!
I didn't think the first was a chromosome at all!! Hello McFly... It's a flux capacitor!!!!
I have never posted before, but the epic quality of this EPCOT was just too funny to pass up!!
Maybe the title of the post should be bigger :-)
I agree that the photo mid-way through the post has to be a decapitated angel. It's the only logical choice. And yes, the little hand print is icky. Do 7-year-olds ever properly wash? Um, no. Eek!
I haven't read any of the previous 42 comments before posting this so I apologize if I'm the 43rd person to post this but...
Jen, I believe that first blue/white swirl, vaguely Y-shaped cake is supposed to be a golf tee.
I can't imagine why there are two cupcakes without something golf-related stuck in them like the other two though. Maybe the flotsam-free CCs are supposed to represent water hazards.
I thought the first one was a Y chromosome immediately. That didn't explain the awful spray pattern, and it gave the wreckerator too much credit, but still, that is what it clearly appeared to be. That is until I read someone's comment about it being a tie. Yep, that garish spray plaid pattern is definitely the sign of a tie. The frosting even forms a tiny tip at the end. I knew I shouldn't have been reading science into a wreck!
I'm thinking the 1st one is a necktie and the 2nd one is a grill? (maybe the fork and knife are supposed to be the hanging grill tools?)
Is the Santa cake a closed grill as viewed from the side? I also like someone's suggestion that it's a bbq apron. #1 is totally a tie.
I think the first cake is a golf fairway and the second reminds me of something to do with camping. Is it a backpack? It looks like a buckle in the center. CC
After looking at these, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind why you so hate a CCC.
The first one might be a golf tee (too go w/ the theme)...though could be a necktie...nah golf tee.
The second is what looks to be a grill w/ the white blob being the propane tank. The knife and fork are suposed to be grilling tools my guess...
The third is just a weird person/thing w/ a crown.
The 4th is a necktie
The 5th I'm hoping is the image of a handprint and not the wreckerators!
The first cake is probably a "Y" chromosome. Only males have them. So that would work with the "father's day cake".
Thank you to the people who suggested that the second cake might be a grill - it was driving me batty trying to figure it out.
I vote necktie on the first one (PLAID!) but commend the creativity of the Y chromosome idea.
For the first four wrecks especially, I just had the same thought over and over...WTH, WTH, WTH and W.T.H!
Fistbump for the Dr. Horrible reference!!
Pretty sure Santa there is a grill. A horrifying, CCC grill.
WV: phtyl--the sound one makes when encountering a CCC.
Cycloptic mutant bunny? Or headless angel in a second-hand bridesmaid's dress? Gross, either way.
The first one looks like one of those dowsing rods they use to find water. Maybe it was all metaphorical and stuff, and he was thanking his dad for not letting his love be thirsty. Or somethingl
When looking at wreck 1, my first thought was also golf tee. The other golf contraband would be totally random unless it were a tee. No self respecting wreck would have random plastic ware on it ... erm. wait.
I'd like to call out Melissa, Renee, and Anonymous 1 and 2, and Anissa for spotting the grill in wreck 2. I think that you just might be right...
That top one is either a Y chromosome, a tie (because don't all dads wear a tie while golfing????), or else Dad cheers for the BYU golf team (assuming they have one).
Did anyone besides me see a decapitated angel in #4?
I thought the first one was the "Y" chromosome too. These cakes seriously have my jaw hanging open and shaking my head in disbelief
Okay, I can't believe I'm the only who saw this, but the first one is a woman's reproductive system.
The first one is a Y-Chromosome, and "Santa" is a Weber Grill.
I am probably being overly optimistic, but I do have a custom cookie cutter shaped like the outline of my child's hand. Maybe they have a handprint cutter they used as a stencil for the frosting? Because I *really* don't want to consider the alternative.
ok, I know #1 is supposed to be a tie, but my first thought in a pictionary kind of way was, "Y Chromosome!" I don't understand the saddle shoes....
(note how the Y is further emphasized by the extra Y drawn on it in icing, before the airbrushed "pattern." For the love of cake, WHY?)
#2: headless santa? Santa's butt with his buckle on backwards? a lumpy barbecue grill? a UFO? another cryptic CCC...what's with the white blob? also, if CCCs are supposed to not require cutlery, why are there a plastic knife and fork stuck to it? and why are they dangling from Santa's belt? he eats cookies, for pete's sake! Maybe Santa wants to BBQ...
#3 is not a fish. a yellow lamb head, a smiley face with arms and legs, whatever--but not a fish! He actualy reminds me of a character from the Mr. books, like Mr. Happy, but with blobular appendages instead of scrawny arms and legs. (though he doesn't look so happy, crown or not...)
#4: how does a snow covered palm tree make sense, or relate to dad? oh, I see. another botched tie. big surprise. They must only know how to draw palm trees (note the flat flared bottom of the trunk instead of a point) and figured a white collar would "make it."
#5: poo smudges and a handprint? nice!
The first one is a neck tie. A bad one, yes, but to me it's obviously a necktie, the classic gift from a child to father.
I'm sure like everyone else it's supposed to be a Y chromosomeor a necktie , but it looks like an IUD to me...
Way to work some Dr. Horrible in there! :)
As much as I like "cycloptic", I thought it was a headless angel--which is no closer to sense than the bunny you saw.
Santa need not worry about his job. I think that one is supposed to be a BBQ grill. Unfortunately, the wreckorator has never been outside his/her shop of horror and seen an actual grill.
No complaints here about more Daddy Day Wrecks.
I think anyone who thinks that first one is a Y chromosome is giving the wreckerator WAY too much credit. Besides, why would she/he make it plaid?
Clearly a really bad tie.
i thought #4(cyclopic mutant bunny) looked more like a headless angel.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the baker was just trying out a biological illustration.
Dr. Grandmom said: OMG!!! Initially I thought the first one was a Y chromosome, but that might mean that the wreakerator knew about the X and Y chromosomes, so I am betting on a tie!?! Today's pictures made me really laugh out loud. Thanks.
It just figures, you guys come to Salt Lake, where I am from, and I just happen to be in New York! What luck :/
I know that the 4th one is supposed to be a tie with shirt collars, but I saw a dress with weird, fancy sleeves. Then when you said "father/child bonding", I was thinking, father and son are both cross dressers?
I think I love the "cycloptic mutant bunny" phrase best of all.
When I first found Cake Wrecks, I went back and read all the older posts, lots at a time. By the time, I got to Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys, I was crying from laughing so much. It was my favorite phrase and I wanted to figure out how to work it into general conversation.
My new fav: Cycloptic Mutant Bunnies. Might have to carve a rubber stamp of that one . . .
What kind of mass mind meld overtook the commentors today? I didn't see a chromosome, it just made me think 'why?....' In fact, they all made me think 'why?....'
WV - despiara...I despiara......
It's really disturbing when I see a cakewreck and can instantly identify it for what it's meant to be. The "Y" and the cycloptic bunny are neckties. What's wrong with me???
I had to tilt my head at some of these.
I didn't think it was a mutant cycloptic bunny -- to me it looked like a headless angel. Equally disturbing.
its a y chromosome
so they say
but not to me anyway
It is obviously
an avatar dad
dancing to YMCA
I thought the 'cycloptic bunny' was a dead angel at first actually... and now i'm not quite sure which one is creepier...
The first one looks like a Y chromosome- the one that makes a dad a dad and not a mom.
i saw a dead angel on the "cycloptic bunny" as well...
maybe we all thought "cycloptic" was a word because of dr. evil.
at the 0:30 mark. :)
it is def a tie! i doubt the "artists" are wise enough to make a Y chromosome. plus, it's plaid.
So tell me, do you guys think the first cake may have something to do with the “Y” chromosome? Because it is unclear from the comments whether or not each and every last one of you had that identical thought and felt compelled to share it.
Do mine eyes deceive me, or was that a Dr. Horrible reference?
A Doctor Horrible reference?! You are my hero.
That last one looks like the bloody handprint on a window or mirror in most horror films! And the cycloptic bunny is SO my phrase of the day now. Thank you.
In the immortal words of my mother "There's only one thing that all dad's have in common and they don't put them on cakes. Or well they do but not on Father's day cakes."
OK the 'Weber Grill' is just...weird. Not as weird as FISHKINGDADTHING but weird.
However the handprint cake is hurltastic. Gahhh.
WV: undsh--the sound of someone turning green!
Laura, I'm with you. I thought of an IUD right away when I saw the first wreck. I didn't figure out the grill until our fellow Wrecktators brought it to my attention - good call! Today's "cakes" (and I use that term very loosely) are all wrecks, but that last one is just gross - the thought of a stranger putting his/her ungloved hand on my cake gives me the heebee-geebees. Bleh.
Man I'm glad I'm the only one in my department today. Once I hit the King Fish Dad Dad cake thing I started laughing and couldn't stop. Especially with the handprint cake. I just lost it there
I haven't read all the replies, but "santa" is really a red bbq grill with a knife and fork hanging on our left, two black grill legs, and the white on our right is the propane tank.
Good God, people! The first one is a tie, for crying out loud. A Y chromosome?? Really??
On an entirely separate note, I loved the Dr. Horrible reference for the Kingdadfishdad thing. Four sweater vests!! : )
O paternal one,
defend me, thy offspring, from
the mutant bunny!
How I have missed Cakewrecks this year! We're about to leave Honduras and will finally be someplace where the electricity, internet, and water pressure don't disappear everytime it rains.
Ok, what gets me -- is that under another day's posts (Dastardly Dad Designs) is the SAME unknown representation that this time you're calling 'the stab Santa in the back' ccc!
Scary. To the Max.
I really saw an angel in that bunny cyclops. A Headless angel. Not sure what that says about dad around my house....
A red BBQ apron? The knife and fork make me suspect it may be so. I have to agree though, my first take is that it looks like a perverse Santa. Norine
Cake #1: a very sad, blue-plaid y-chromosomatic mutation w/too many golfball jokes to tastefully include herein
Last cake: someone dusted and managed lift off a complete handprint from the crime scene. Police are on their way.
Cy·clo·pe·an –adjective
1. of or characteristic of the Cyclops.
2. ( sometimes lowercase ) gigantic; vast.
3. ( usually lowercase ) Architecture, Building Trades . formed with or containing large, undressed stones fitted closely together without the use of mortar: a cyclopean wall.
Nothing says Father's Day like a beheaded angel!
The first is suppose to be a tie! They had one just like it at a local grocery store, except you could tell it was a tie!
I refuse to believe the first cake is supposed to be a Y-Chromosome, I think its just a really botched attempt at a tie if it was supposed to anything more than a random arrangement.
The first one is definitely a giant Y chromosome. Maybe a necktie, but definitely a Y chromosome. Surrounded by golfing stuff. Yeah. *blinks*
Also, I definitely prefer "Cycloptic" to "Cyclopean." Yes.
WV: Gershe. "Gershe, That's an ugly cake."
I think the first one is supposed to be a tie...
That last one just completely grossed me out!!! I hope they washed their hands.
pretty sure the handprint is not done in brown icing, but that the icing on the cake came away when the wreckerator pulled their hand away (after whatever compelled them to smash it into the icing had subsided), exposing the cake's tender, moist underbelly. poor cake, it's defenses have been penetrated!
WV: readou - all these wrecks could use a readou!
Honestly, do we all think a Wreckerator knows what a chromosome is?? You guys are WAY too optimistic for my liking. Clearly that's that ride at Disneyland in Florida, what's it called.....Bacon?
i've always used "cyclopian" ... like venetian. hahaha. ha.
Cyclops bunny looks like an 80s wedding dress to me. Same sleeves as mine had.
You know the bunny one struck me first as a headless angel (I don't know what that says about me or the design) and then I thought of the Liberty bell. So maybe instead of the City of Brotherly Love, it was the City of Fatherly Love for a day?
Did the first "Y" cake come from utah? I would bet money that the dad is a BYU fan (which everyone calls the Y, and their colors are blue)
The first cake is a Golf "T" for holding the ball.
The Dr. Horrible song reference just about made me wet my pants at my desk.
The first one is obviously supposed to be a tie, but I'm going with the Disney explanation - "Y? Because we LIKE you!"
I think the mutant bunny is supposed to be a tie... and the Y i think is supposed to be one too... The king fish is far more puzzling.
Nothing says love for father like a belted bee hive with exhaust pipes...oh, and a knife.
[pats hair down] LMAO! Stealing that.
I also think the first one looks like a Y-chromosome... though I suspect it is supposed to be a tie.
All I remember is that in the first one or two Dark Tower books, Stephen King uses the word "cyclopean" like about a zillion times and it drove me crazy. There's your random for the day!
I think the first one is probably a plaid golf tee. The plaid and the golf clip art give it away. I think.
question: is someone who makes a cupcake cake going to be smart enough to think of making a Y chromosome for fathers day? Just sayin..
clearly cake 1 is supposed to be a golf tee given that everything else on the cake is golf-y, but in the context of things at first I though (ugh) plaid dad thong bathing suit.
I like the word 'cycloptic'. It has a better ring than 'cyclopean', which is the dictionary-version of an adjective related to 'Cyclops' (which I only know because H.P. Lovecraft uses it to describe the weird masonry in virtually every story he ever wrote).
So, see? There is a long-standing literary tradition of using 'Cyclops' as an adjective to describe horrifying things!
the first one is meant to be a golf tee. hence the golf shoes and golf ball. while a it does look like a Y what would DNA have to do with golf?
Are you sure that the dad that got the first cake didn't play golf with the YMCA? ;)
I'm in agreement that the first one is a Y chromosome. As a molecular biologist I can definitely confirm this. As for the cupckaes around it, I have no idea.
I don't think the first one is a Y, I was thinking neck tie.
Jeez, people! It's so obvious: Yes, the first one is a Y, but not because the wreckerator was thinking chromosome, but because it's Dad's initial. His name is ...uh, Yerkes or Yilly. Or Yason.
WV: inevi "I am inevi of the decorator's skill, NOT"
Hey, isn't that first one a (spit)cupcake cake?
I thought tie too, but golf tee also works.
If you squint, the Satan--I mean Santa--cake might be a bucket seat from a car. It even includes the open can of beer by the driver's feet.
cut out the papyrus on the watermark.
Oh, no! It's EPCOT all over again! *drops to knees and screams at sky* Y?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I dunno, I think the handprint's kinda pretty. I just think they should've had, like, a 4 year old do it. Then it would be cute and not wierd.
oh my. the last one makes me think that there is a scary underground lair beneath that cake/trap door and there is someone being sucked into it and reaching out for help....
maybe i watch too much tv.
I was sitting here laughing at the dad/fish/king/dad/thing and 4 year old little girl walks up looks at the yellow...thing and asks what is that supposed to be? Though my laughter I said, "I have no idea." She looked at it cocked her head and said me either its funny. I only laughed harder. She also declared the mutant bunny to be a dress.
And high five for the Dr. Horrible reference!
aren't hand print gifts reserved for mugs and t-shirts and things youc an keep rather than eat? and aren't they usually of little kids' hands to preserve how small they are? why would anyone want a full size handprint on a cake? and a dirty one at that? (considering the flesh color is spot on)
makes me wonder. is this a joke referring a to a boy who smeared poo on walls during the potty training years? (i know someone who did that) that would explain to the poo smears and the dirty hand. but then writing that he loves dad IN the poo....kind of a mixed message....
another dad disrespect cake?
Thank you for the homage to Dr. Horrible!
the first one is totally a tie... the white cardboard represents the shirt, and the other cupcakes are vaguely buttons!
and yeah... I'm glad I'm not the only one who something highly inappropriate in #4...
I believe the first picture is supposed to be a work shirt. The Y is a collar and tie, and the other cupcakes are pocket buttons. It explains the gridwork, anyway.
Ooooh, Taylor said it first, said it best. LOL.
"I think anyone who thinks that first one is a Y chromosome is giving the wreckerator WAY too much credit."
No, we're just total nerds.
Confound it, I saw all of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog a few months ago and STILL don't get the reference.
As a former Anthropology minor I feel I should comment on the first entry. I also believe that it's a tie--the plaid is indeed a dead giveaway. But this leads to further consideration.
How many of the posters on this board, under the age of 45, have ever seen their fathers wear a tie? Very few, unless their Dads were going to a funeral. Now I think what is happening her is that the tie is turning into a symbol that has no connection to its original function. It's slowly becoming an icon. Like Kokopelli who started out as a trader with a back pack who mutated into a hunchback pipe playing god. Future archaeologists will write papers on this strange "y" symbol and will probably assume that it's a representation of a Y chromosome. Dissertations will be written on the subject.
Congratulations on being on the forefront of future scholarly research....
Y chromosome was the first thing to pop into my head on CCC (ptooui) #1.
Thumbs up to Dawn for "headless angel in a second-hand bridesmaid's dress".
Like Anony at 10:13am I thought about a kid's plaster of paris placque (I made one or two in my time as a child) but was horrified at the idea of an adult child doing that for Dad. Little twisted in my opinion.
wv: bunmisme - another term for cycloptic bunny
Number two makes my head hurt. After a bit, I got 'ham in a seatbelt.' But that does not explain the mismatched legs or the white appendage. I keep going back...head still hurting.
"I do the weird stuff" - I've been lurking for a while, and just have to congratulate/bond over the Dr. Horrible reference. Bravo, madame, bravo.
LOL at the comment suggesting a 'king fish dad dad' t-shirt. That is an AWESOME idea...although it would have to be worked out whether it should be 'king dad fish dad' or 'king fish dad dad'. Still giggling over it though. :)
Oh, and the 1st one looks like a tie to me and the 'santa' one looks like a grill, complete with bbq tools and a propane tank.
Points for the Dr. Horrible reference!! :)
My brother used to work in a bakery and a y-chromosome Father's Day cake sounds exactly like the kind of snarky suggestion he'd make to the ditzy cake decorators (at his store, they were all a bit air-headed anyway, not saying that's the norm for the trade). I wish I'd taken photos of the baked "goods" that appeared during his tenure there...
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for that Dr. Horrible reference.
The cakes are not the hammer.
Well, the "king fish dad dad" makes no sense in itself, but maybe it was supposed to be a reference to Huey P. Long, once governor of Louisiana, who was known as the Kingfish. Also, Kingfish is another name for the King Mackerel. It doesn't make the cake any less bizarre, but just a thought that it might refer to Long.
The yellow King/dad/fish/dad is an attempt to represent Dogbert?
I didn't sift through all 157 comments to see if anyone else got this, but I'm pretty sure the first one is supposed to be a necktie. That would explain the funky pattern.
The first one reminds me of an IUD.
Dr. Horrible! Wh00t! "Four Sweater Vests!" = next year's Father's Day gift idea. :)
As I saw someone else has already pointed out, I too read the King Dad, Fish Dad cake in a sing-song-y Dr. Seuss rhythm!
The Y chromosome tie is great. All Dads need one! Glad everyone was feeling the same.
And the final cake: for some reason the coloring of that creepy handprint makes me feel like someone is inside the cake, trying to get out!
Is the Y cake for a Brigham Young University fan? Their color is blue, and that school is often referred to as "the Y," although I don't know "Y." Haha
I'm assuming the first one was a tie. Wh-y oh Y, y-ou ask? Simply because if the wreckerator was so clueless they couldn't make a tie properly, it's unlikely that they would know about the y-chromosome. Plus, it's tacky sixties-era plaid, which just screams "dad" to me!
Thanks for the explanation that Santa's actually a barbecue. I don't see it, but I'll go along with hit-- the big guy in red being stabbed in the back was just to distressing a thought.
Saw a headless angel (speaking of distressing!), but love the cyclopic mutant bunny reference. Not sure what it actually is, though!
I actually do see a fish wearing a crown. (should I be worried that today's post feels like a Rorschach test?!) I'm assuming that Dad loves fishing, and the bakery messed up the inscription.
Lastly... that the hand appears like on a steamy mirror is , but the idea's cute. The execution-- I hope they were wearing gloves! And that the health inspector's called in to that bakery pronto!
PS Keep the Father's Day wrecks coming! these are a hoot
The first one's either a Y chromosome or a tie.
I'm a long time reader of Cake Wrecks, and although I have never commented before, I just have to say I laughed. So. Hard. at the king/fish/dad/dad bit.
I expect to think of it again tomorrow and laugh uproariously.
KUDOS on the Dr Horrible quote!!
Nothing says #1 Dad like a inter-uterine-device being besieged by angry unfertilized eggs cupcake-hodgepodge.
When I get to that point in my life, that's exactly how I want my wife to tell me I'll be a new Dad.
I, on the other hand did NOT think that #1 was Epcot, I mean, a Y-chromosome. I am not sure what it is, having never seen a tie that was blue plaid.
And: "Cycloptic mutant bunny" made me think of Anya from "Buffy".
"I've got a theory it could be bunnies!"
Thank you for the Dr. Horrible reference, the void in my heart from lack of new episodes can only be filled by small references on blogs (there are a surprising amount out there, and never where I expect them..).
also, i feel stupid now for not figuring out the Y chromosome thing,, apparently I'm not as geeky as I thought D:
I am ashamed to say that I recognized what the first one was within two seconds of seeing it, but it is a tie! Isn't it? Maybe one of those old skinny ties from the 80s? Anyone else see it? Don't leave me hanging...
haha. 'santa' looks more like an Energy Dome to me.
The first one is definitely a Y chromosome.
Actually the first one looks a lot like someone from Provo may have ordered it, and is trying very hard not to have too much blue icing in favor of B "Y" U... silly BYU fans anyway
I think I may have to go bribe these father's day wreckerators to stop making me cry and hide under my bed lol. These things are truly scary and if anyone bought one for their father I hope they ate that cake quickly before he noticed what was on it.. lol.
The obscure Dr. Horrible reference made me smile. Your wit and nerdiness always keep me coming back for more.
That's not cycloptic mutant bunnies! It's a DRESS for a transvestite dad!
Dr. Horrible reference made my day. Wish there was a whole post dedicated to Dr. H wrecks, that would be so great.
The King Fish Dad Dad cake left me gasping for breath with my belly fit to bust. The neighbors must think there is a maniac living next door.
There was something a little familiar about the combination of words and it took me a minute to figure it out. There was a song that was played on alternative stations ~ 10 years back with the lyrics " ... space lord mother mother " (altered from more explicit lyrics). Maybe the "artist" was tripping and having flash backs ?
OBVIOUSLY the first cake is a Vuvuzela. For that Dad with World Cup Fever! ...right?
Yay for subtle Dr. Horrible references!
Instead of a psychedelic one-eyed bunny, I see a psychedelic headless angel.
And I hate to break it to you, but 'cycloptic' isn't filling a lexical void; 'cyclopean' already exists.
WV: berse - That headless Santa looks like he's about to berse right out of his belt.
Well, at least we can conclude 3 things from all this epic y chromosome business:
1. Your readers payed (arguably too much?) attention in science class!
2. Your readers place (arguably too much?) faith in a wreckerator's creative talent and intellectual level.
3. Nobody reads the comments section.
Well, I'd say that about sums it up, don't you? Thanks for the laugh! :D
It's supposed to be "Cool Daddy King Fish." No idea where he got it, but my bro has been saying it for years.
I think the first and fourth ones are supposed to be ties, but that's just a guess. I don't know why "Ties!" popped into my head, but it just did.
I think even saying it's a Y chromosome is stretching a bit. But I did love the Dr. Horrible reference!
Sad to say, but I believe Dr. Evil already coined "cycloptic" in the first Austin Powers movie. Good try, though!
Does #4 read 'Sloppy Fathers Day' ?
i'm sure we've seen that second cake (only more-wrecked) in another post....i can't remember what it was called though! something like "Dastardly Dad Designs" but i can't find it anywhere!
I assumed that cake #4 was a dress,which leads us to a whole new level of wrong....
I though the fourth cake said "Sloppy Mattress Day." Then I thought, "ewwwwwww!"
C'mon, it was a doctor Seusse book. King Dad, fish dad
red dad, peuce dad
black dad, blue dad
old dad, new dad.
this dad has a little scar
There's more
I think there was a rewrite, it's been a while since I read it to the kids.
Although it's been said many times now, I just have to say I thought the first one was a Y chromosome, but once it was suggested in the comments I am now convinced the wreckorator thought they were making a tie b/c of the plaid/checkered stripes. The execution is better for a Y chromosome, however.
And....I also thought the cycloptic bunny had to do more with the creation of a child than with lapines...
Yes! Random Dr. Horrible quote for the win! :D
Kingfish used to be a Southern term for big shot, big wheel, a real important guy. Huey P. Long, once governor of Louisiana was nicknamed the Kingfish. The term also was the name of one of the characters on the old Amos and Andy radio program, pre-television.
Guess someone thought their Dad was a big shot, ordered the cake and got - a mutant yellow lamb's head wearing a crown. With li'l legs and arms.
The 1st one looks like a Y and the 2nd one looks like an orange beehive!
I know what the second cake is...
It a gril.
Interesting..... Y chromosome, or tie for someone on (the children's television show) Word World? hmmmm....
lmao the first ones a tie
Yey! 100th comment! Loving the new adjective! The cakes? Well... they're not as wrecky as some - the only good bit about them. :D