Well, this cake is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike that.

Anyway, I've given up.
In fact, I can't help but be impressed by this individual's cryptography skills. Hey NSA, I've got your next Enigma machine right here! Think about it: for the cost of a piping bag and some chocolate, you'll never have to fear Wikileaks again. Eh?
So long, Jackie W., and thanks for all the fish.
Achtung!!! Es tut mir leid; Ich bin eine Sachertorte! Fahrvergnügen! Neenër neenër!
267 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 267 Newer› Newest»"Seeker"?
- chante
I see a few options:
King's Cake
Yeah for the Hitchhikers reference!
Don't forget your towel!
No idea what the cake says though.
I do like the way the fiddl-y bits look a little like fjords on this cake, though.
And yeah, no idea what it says. Maybe it's Klingon?
I think it says "Sadie"
I think it's supposed to be "Sacher," as in sacher torte.
I'll bet my paycheck that says "SACHER"... of course I'm "self-employed", so really it's not giving up anything...
Aloha. Spelled REALLY poorly.
At first, I thought it said "Lecher."
Seeker to me too
i have to agree that it says sacher... very poorly written (and baked for that matter) but its a sachertorte...
It is definitely "Sacher" you know, the Austrian chocolate-cake?
After wrestling with the meaning of that cake I'm going to need a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster....
Ford Prefect?
My guess is "sacher" too, but if I didn't know what sacher torte generally looks like, I would have said "Slartibartfast" was the best option.
I think it looks like "twelve."
Maybe it's like one of those inkblot tests, and whatever we think it says says something deep and important about our psyches.
Or maybe the wreckerator was stoned. One or the other.
Sacher... that makes sense! I was wondering if it was upside-down or maybe some sort of mirror writing!!
geesh...it looks like "loeber" or "soeber" to me...either way the cake actually looks like it would taste good...anything is better covered in ganache!
I think it says "Seeker". : D
It looks kind of like "Sseko" with an extra swirl or "e" on the end. Sseeko's are a fabulous pair of sandals I just received for my birthday with interchangeable straps... Still, I'm not sure who could read this!
WV: "ilars" the wrecky version of "liars"??
Amongst the horrors that we've seen on this blog, I hope that we could agree that this one is mostly harmless. However, I would like to see your list of 42 words that you are considering. :)
My money's on "Locker."
I'm thinking "sister" without the T crossed.
And if it were a king cake, it would look more like a donut. :)
WV: berate. It's so easy and fun to berate these cakes.
Don't panic... we'll find the hidden meaning behind this one. Perhaps it's God's second-to-last message to mankind? Or maybe an example of Vogon poetry? Someone dig out the Scrabble pieces; if we draw them randomly out of a bag, I'm sure we'll come up with the answer.
In the end, though, I'm seconding the "EPCOT" suggestion. This post = Epic Win.
Maybe it says
I agree with "sacher," although considering the amount of time I just spent studying it, it could also be "Sucker!"
I keep seeing "Ivanhoe", for some reason.
I know this is really bad, but I kept seeing the word "alcohol" written... I kept wondering why someone would write that on a cake to begin with, but I've seen enough on this sight to know not to even start to wonder about anything!
If you trace the lines from start to finish (which I just completely had my 6th grade class do. Put this on the overhead projector in class last 5 minutes... used markers on white board, then turned projector off. Scientific experiment, right?)
We got Loeber. Class of kids all agreed on it. It must be so.
My wv was salis. Maybe that's it.
Socker? Maybe they were going for soccar?
I saw the word, "sucker". Now I can't un-see it.
It says "sacher". It's a sacher torte..but it's very poorly written for sure.
It says "Lover."
I thought it said aleeve, it sure is giving me a headache trying to figure it out.
I'm dizzy trying to decipher all those loops!
I read "aSeeeher". Maybe it's Huttese for "I see her" ;-)
wv: pututic: A cake or CCC that makes you want to wretch "Patooie!" is pututic.
Heck, even this word could be what is written on that cake for all I know!
I'm stuck. What can it be?
A Vogon name in triplicate?
Dolphin for more fish please?
A cake after using the infinite probability drive and it never recovered?
I see "teacher" written really badly with an old-fashioned cursive capital T. If it does say that, I hope the recipient didn't teach penmanship.
It's "Belgium" -- used most gratuitously on this cake -- and WOW, am I offended. It was clearly written by a mattress named Zem in the script of Sqornshellous Zeta between willomying and flolloping floopily.
So long, and thanks for all the cakes.
To me it looks like, saeeheo...maybe they are speeking Klingon.
I very distinctly see "Sucker" with an ugly U and a frilly R.
I am guessing Jackie since that is who submitted the picture. But still, the writing is very fancy schmancy. ;)
I thought it says "Later", but after reading the comments i might agree with Sacher, but that's no fun at all!
no idea... but now I want to re-read my Hitchhikers books!
I've never commented before, but I just had to share this time:
I usually get your nerdy references, because I am a pretty big nerd. But today I am especially proud of myself, because before i had scrolled down enough to see anything but the first 2 sentences and the first cake, I already knew you were doing Hitchhiker's only because of the "almost, but not quite, entirely unlike that" line. I guess the babel fish probably had my brain unconsciously going in that direction anyway, but anyway.
Related story you might be interested in: a while after Douglas Adams died suddenly, they did a related story on BBC World Service News Hour with Owen Bennet Jones, who at the end of the hour would always read a couple of listener e-mails that had come in during that show. I was quite sad about Adams' death, so I dashed off an e-mail about how I'd be re-reading all of Adams' books right now if it weren't for the fact that I had to re-read all the Harry Potter books before the next one came out, and what a loss his death was, and Owen Bennet Jones read my e-mail on the air! I about peed myself with excitement. I'm just a little American nerd, and here was my e-mail on the BBC World Service News Hour! It is one of the nerd highlights of my life.
In conclusion, YAY for HHGTTG. Love.
I'm seeing Soiker or Loiker?
Argh. All of the Hitchhiker's Guide references I can think of have been used already.
Wait! It says "Stavro." As in "Stavro Mula Beta." Yeah.
I am also going with "sucker." Maybe the cake is full of plastic babies hidden amongst the chocolate, lurking and waiting for their next victim to bite.
wv: bedentic - The condition in which one finds oneself when one's bed is suddenly smashed by a bulldozer.
Looks like "sucker" to me. I think we've all been had, staring at this cake for an hour trying to figure out what it says! Sucker, indeed!
I read it as "Speker". Intended to be "Speaker", but with both the A and the descender of the P missing.
I see this: "Hey, which of you pre-schoolers wants to come and squeeze out the last of the icing onto this cake?"
wv- hurthari: She dropped the vase and now hurthari.
It's Sacher, as in Sachertorte, a Viennese chocolate cake.
It's likely Sacher. The apricot filled tort. DON'T PANIC!
Definitely Sacher, but I had to use my Babel Fish to get that one.
It says "We apologize for the inconvenience."
Thanks for the Hitchhikers theme!!
Let's run over it with a bulldozer.
wv: corqu: UK swear phrase.
Gotta be "Sacher", Austrian for "very dry chocolate-ish cake that looks like it might be good but isn't." They make so many of these cakes for tourists, looks like they've given up trying to make them readable.
I first saw a misspelled "Sleeve". Seelve?
I am also inclined to see Seeker, although that looks NOTHINg like a snitch!
I had "teacher" then I saw all the votes for "Sacher" and apparently, it does LOOK like a Sacher torte and they frequently write it on said tortes.
Although I want it to say "daisies" now.
I'm with Amelia, but that may just be because I'm dieting and my first thought upon seeing chocolate cake was "Hello, Lover." And for some reason it sounds like Barry White's voice in my head.
You just made my morning with the Hitchhiker's references :)
Maybe it says "So Long!" (And thanks for all the fish?)
WV: "pelab" - where they should have tested this wreckerator for drugs.
That's disgusting! You should remember that children might see this blog, and they don't need to be exposed to words like that.
Pretty sure it says "AloeHoe"
whatever that means..
Aloehoe...for someone addicted to aloe?
wv: torfl - because it's as much of a word as the inscription on that cake
I'm impressed! Four Hitchiker's Guide refernces in such a short post!
It's been so long since I read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! Love the reference!
I agree it could be "Jackie", since that's who submitted it. Whoever produced it, they were sure skimpy on the chocolate frosting!
2 words: Band logo. Slartibartfast is one of my favorite names ever since I read Hitchhikers, but it makes a poor name for one's offspring. Band name is a totally different story.
But why would a sachertorte have to have sacher written on it? And wouldn't it say sachertorte?
And why am I trying to think like a wrecker?
it's definately, beyond a doubt, Sacher...when I saw this picture I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it until I read the description. Just because you don't know what a sacher torte is doesn't make this cake a cakewrek.
Freddled gruntbuggly?
People are commenting it says "sacher" meaning a type of cake.... do people really label their cakes by type? I know carrot cakes often have carrots (with or without the babies) on them, but no one actually spells out "carrot" on them, do they??
No way you're going to find out for sure what it says and end all our wondering is there?? I've already wasted too much of my time today staring... O:-)
What the heck does that say, I refuse to give myself a headache trying to figure that one out...
This looks exactly like what preschoolers produce when they pretend to write-- which makes me want to turn in that bakery on suspicion of violating the child labor laws.
Yep. Definitely Belgium.
I like the Rorschach idea. It is a test designed to make you think about life, the universe and, you know, everything.
Why would a sacher torte have the word "sacher" on it? Really, people.
Could it be "Lecker" (= yummy, in German....)?
Oh Douglas Adams... So inspirational. I think the word is Vogon for 42.
So, I hear you have a list of 42 names?
(and look out--sacher is becoming the new EPCOT)
First time commenter, long time follower. First thing I saw was "Seeker", Harry Potter reference perhaps?
I think it's "sochop" - no not "so chop" but "sock hop" only spelled wrong...
Thanks so much for today's giggles. The mice will be pleased.
I am turning *42* today and have often had my first name LeeAnn misspelled.. (Really... you'd be SURPRISED at the number of ways there are to modify and otherwise bungle what was designed to be an easy, two syllable name, my favorite thus far being 'Lean'.) So I'm choosing to believe that cake could *possibly* have been meant to have my name on it. After all, starting today, I can begin to enjoy the ULTIMATE ANSWER to life, the universe and everything!
Have a great day everyone! Jen, John, and everyone that make Cake Wrecks possible have just given my birthday a great start, as they do daily. (it's always someone's birthday somewhere, right?) Keep up the great work!
I can't pronounce it, but I'm pretty sure it's a word that means "something almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea."
It's definitely Salker, they just forgot to add the "Fatherhood."
a wreck upon a wreck thrice removed!
This post made me very happy.
I think it says, "DON'T PANIC", but those are NOT large, friendly letters.
Hate to disappoint but it's just a Sacher torte........you know, that stuff some of us Krauts make.
following the writing i think it has to be Loehoe? no idea what that means
Whatever it says I'm sure it'd taste better with a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster!
I'm sure it says Ivanhoe. Well, nearly sure.
This is the cake served at a psychologists convention....mmmm, rorschach cake.
wv: hellf - hellf I know what that cake says!
Looks like Sucker to me...
I think it's my name!
Great post and great comments!
Why is "Aloha Oe" running through my mind?
Perhaps the person decorating that cake was trying to boldly split infinitives that no man has split before.
Perhaps it was decorated by a small furry creature from Alpha Centauri.
In any case, we should not be surprised. The plan for this cake was clearly displayed in the basement of the bakery for months.
i think it is supposed to be a "sacher" torte. a badly done sacher torte.
My first thought was "Loeher", but now that I've read the comments, it's definitely "Sacher".
Mmm... I could go for some Sachertorte right now.
*squints* Hmm, I think it's... umm... nope, I got nothin'.
I say it's SOEHOE.
Imagine, the little label in the pastry case that reads: "Sachertorte". Next, imagine hundreds of customers pointing at the cake and asking "What kind is that?" [brief interlude with chocolate script] Now, the pastry chef can glare at the cusdumber, smile politely and say "See?? It says the name there on the cake! Can you not read?? Eh??"
- Rev W
Yep, it's a Sacher Torte. For some reason, it's traditional to write that on top... Imagine if we did that with ALL desserts!
I know, it says Sookeh!
Best served with Advanced Tea Substitute.*
*Note: To facilitate categorization, this is an attempt to be witty by including a Hitchhiker's reference.
@Monica: truly, a mostly harmless wreck. Nicely done.
I agree with the "Sacher" vote, although I'm also liking "Sucker" (which I think would be hilarious) and @Lecher. Or @Loehvl.
Epcot, definitely epcot...
I'd say this baker succeeded, I don't notice the spelling errors at all...
That's a Sacher torte!
I laughed as soon as I saw this -- even before all the Hitchhiker's references.
When I was a cake decorator, they hired a lady who came from what she considered an upscale bakery. Everything had to be done like it was done there. One thing she liked to make was a sacher torte, and, yes, she had to write "sacher" on it in big loopy letters. Not because anyone in our little grocery store would know what that is. Just because that's the way they did it at "s" bakery.
@Anon at 11:19 - Forgive my ignorance, but unless the Sachertorte tradition also requires the icing label to be illegible, I'm sticking with considering it a wreck. And a darn good one at that! =0)
i got the references! so proud of myself! lol
This hoopy frood is going with 42!
Kudos to you for actually finding words in that...I got nothing.
It says Sacher, its the traditional way of finishing a Sacher Torte
I'm pretty sure it does say "Slartibartfast", but I told you it wasn't important.
Soho spelled incorrectly as "Soehoe"
It's got to be "Twelve" spelled out in cursive.
Ummm, chocolate. Good bite, and thanks for all the fishing for references! Dolphinitely!
im pretty sure its just random squiggles.
i got nothin'
Hooray for Hitchhiker references!
It says 'Sacher'. It's a Sacher Torte...and that's what they always say on them
I'd like to buy a vowel, Pat?
I think someone threw the icing at the ground and missed.
If you gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of piping bags . . .
Well, it's definitely NOT 'Sacher' - if the first letter is a fancy S, then the 2nd doesn't look like an 'a'; and if the 'a' is within with 'S', then there's too many letters. Plus, why write just 'Sacher' on a Sachertorte? I like the suggestion that it's Jackie, with the 'J' and 'e' getting a little out of hand :-)
I loved all the Hitchhiker's refs!!! You're a nerd's angel :-)
It says Sacher ,its a traditional sachertorte, austrian cake and that is how you decorate them.
I think the picture of the cake is upside-down.
If you rotate it, it clearly says "Znjoago."
oh and it is gratifying to a middle aged Brit (who actually listened to the radio series when it first came on and watched it on BBC tv etc)that you bolshie ex-colonials are so appreciative of such British humour.Do you get the bits that take the p*** of you?
No, no, you guys, it's one of those three dimensional cakes, where the letters stack on top of each other! So instead of being a single word, it is indeed a whole phrase, which if you have the proper knowledge and technology to read would say:
Attention Lemmings:
It's clearly from Canada. *firm nod*
New category: carpel tunnel syndrone [sic]
A restriction of the humor nerve due to repetitive restatement of corrective "facts"
A good sacher-punch need only be delivered once. Any further constitute cake battery
Maybe it says: Sacher? As in type of cake Sacher torte?
And out come the informers....at what level EPCOT are we now? ;-D
It's probably Zaphod's 'autograph'.
wv: ductrola: When all else fails...ductrola it!
Oh, GOOD! I'm not the only one without a clue as to what the what that's supposed to say...
I'm going against the (Epcot) flow...
I think it says, "Seder," but I'm not Jewish, so I don't know how likely it is that a Seder cake would be labeled that way.
I have always loved you, but the Hitchiker's references just made me love you even more!
Informer warning (plus highly superior):
When I was in Austria last summer, all the Sachertortes were plain, even those from the Sacher hotel.
I hate to admit this, but I actually see the "Sacher". The thing that looks like a duck is an S, the thing that looks like a peach is an a, the thing that looks like an e is a c, the thing that looks like someone was testing a pen is an h, the second thing that looks like an e really is an e, and the thing that looks like the gear fell off your spirograph is an r.
I don't know why fifty million people all gotta tell you the same thing, but then again, even if I squint really hard, turn my monitor upside down & my head sideways, I still can't see "sacher" in that writing. So what do I know?
I love you guys.
I'm thinking this person either loves or hates True Blood, because that cake definitely says "SOOKEH!"
YES! Thank you for the HGTTG references!
The mice made that one for Arthur
That's my best guess.
Only one cake?
Where did you get the German from???
I agree with the other poster that it looks like" twelve" to me. The First letter is supposed to be a fancy "T", not an "S".
It is a Sacher torte. It is a traditional cake, and only true sacher tortes are allowed to have 'sacher' written across the top. Though now everyone does it. Obviously this one was poorly written
@ diddleymaz
Says the middle-age bolshoi ex-colonial:
Shall I read you some of my poetry?
OMG...I ran across a total "The Storyteller" comment as I was reading them...didja see it? Didja, didja? Huh? I thought it spelled "Sober" and we were celebrating someone's 12 Steps. ;) Have no idea what the heck a "Sacher Torte" is, but apparently tens of people say that's what it is.
wv: dineu (French for "no knowledge of") as in, "I dineu what that cake says."
The more I look at it, the more it looks like "Sacher."
Upside down it sort of kind of looks like "Lopez."
Well, dontchya know, it's the first ever Word Verification Cake! It spells out a different nonsense word for everyone!
wv: sconitis
While WV tells me this cake says 'sconitis', it's more likely the baker had come down with a bad case of sconitis while making this cake, poor dear!
You guys are some really hoopy froods! Brill post! First though: Seeker, but Slartibartfast is so much better. Then again, it is not important. Now I must hurry to make a brew, or I shall be late. As in the late...
So long, and thanks for all the laughs!
A Yorkshire lass in SCOTLAND!!
I'll bet if you get drunk and squint, you could be led to believe the cake says "alcohol." Hell, I'm sober now and I believe it. ;)
I see "Seeker" too.
- Samantha
#1 The message was to have been 'Share and Enjoy', but something happened during the Great EPCOTs of 2011 so that it now reads: 'Go Stick Your Head in a Pig.'
This is why torte reform is needed.
[Gratuitous sequential label for categorization purposes only.]
I left my Babelfish on Vogsphere, but I think this says Soeber. Maybe someone is celebrating a successful graduation from a twelve-step program.
Ach Du Lieber! It is a sacher-torte that says Loeber!
Now the big question-- is it an Eduard Sacher-Torte or an Original Sacher-Torte? Legal battles have been fought for years over the question.
wv tingshel-- By tomorrow the Epcot will be over and tingshel be better.
Sailor! Or... Sacher
Having stared long and hard, necessitating a visit to the optician cos that really hurt my eyes, I think that it's supposed to say Sookie.
Ah, Hitchhikers - must read that again soon.....
Okay, it's post-because-of-the-wv time again!
Merry at Annie's Book Stop/Sharon, MA
wv: thell - "What thell does that say????"
I think it says Soehoe!
I saw right away it says "Sacher". But I have lovely, undecipherable handwriting so I guess I have an unfair advantage.
wv: pardes
Pardes-moi ma 'andwrighteeng, mon petit Loechoe...
I really think the word is "Teacher!" I am a fourth grade teacher, and I am therefore exceptionally good at deciphering code-like penmanship.
"Lopez". I love it!
And BB Miami, you are the thing that sounds like a very funny person.
It's "sacher". And I'm going to start labeling everything too: "carrot", "cup", "pointless use of food coloring velvet".
wv: photted. What the decorator did as he used the piping bag.
--Blondie's Mom
Looks like Seeker to me.
Where's "The Informer" when you need them?!
Sitting here drinking a Hurricane in the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.
Some of these comments seem like a set-up after yesterday's post. J, J & 1, ya'll must be laughing like mad fools.
I see "Sucker" and no one can change my mind!
Except for Loo-E Loo-I @2:45 who said it was Zaphod's autograph, and then I totally saw that on the cake.
But then Slartibartfast42 @5:07 explained that this was the first word verification cake(FTW), bringing me back to my first guess, "Sucker."
Now, MsYendor @2:35 diagnosed the Epcot problem as a "restriction of the humor nerve." Now that we've got the diagnosis, we just need a cure so that posting can continue on a regularly clever basis.
It looks like the @ symbol followed by some squiggles
I says Aleive!
Love Hoe??
"Soeber" because clearly the baker was too drunk to spell properly.
Yay for the Hitchikers ref! woot woot!
I am thinking it is in the language of the original settlers of the planet 'Now What'. This may be their substitute for swearing similar to our $#*%%%@
Happy Birthday??
This was the perfect follow-up post to yesterday's! You guys are the best - Love and kisses, Zaphod.
It looks to me like something Wonko the Sane's wife made just before going outside to get out of the rain.
But in all fairness, I'm not a hyper-inteligent shade of blue, so what do I know?
Sacher! As in sacher torte. I smell a culinary school in-class assignment that needed to be checked off!
another vote for "Seeker". Maybe they've seen that SyFy version of a really great fantasy series?
Love the hitch-hiker's guide references :) Maybe you should try an HHG2theG theme......unless you have already and I missed it lol
I bet Mike Johnson knows what it says
love the Hitchhikers stuff! (I'm a bit of a BBC geek girl - Red Dwarf rules!) but I'd be especially impressed if you do any Dirk Gently references. My embarrassing story on meeting Douglas Adams: he came to California for a book signing. I got to the book store after it was already crowded with fans, so I was sort of in the back trying to see what was going on. A man starts to muscle his way past me to get up to the front. I gave him a dirty look and proceeded to watch him go up to the podium to speak. Yep, it was Mr. Adams himself. Doh! During question time, I kept asking him when he was going to write more Dirk Gently books. He brushed aside my questions (it seemed like he really just wanted to talk about making Hitchhikers into a movie) and gave me dirty looks. Later during the book signing, I noticed he was chatting with every single person who came up to have their book signed. When I came up to him (excited to have the chance to gush about how brilliant he was, how much I loved his writing, etc), he took one look at me, quickly signed my book, gave it back to me and turned to the person after me and started chatting. I guess I deserved it, since I had apparently turned into an annoying possibly stalker fan. {sigh} BTW - his book Last Chance To See - amazing non-fiction tales of endangered species and his travels to see them. Best part of the book: the Australian snake venom expert who kept "fairy cakes" for tea in the venom fridge.
This cake is obviously from Bill Compton. It clearly says, "Sookeh."
Seeker. Definitely Seeker.
Hitchhiker's references on my 42nd birthday! Reason enough to post a comment for the very first time, though I've loved your blog for ages!
I think it just might be a person's name. Oh well, it's probably all gone now and at least we have the cryptogram pic to remember it by...
okay, that definitely does NOT say "sacher" in any alphabet that I know how to read...
I thought it was Twelve. And apparently only one person agreed. Ah well.
It definitely says seeker. Of course, it probably looks like that to me because I have too much love for harry potter or something.
Maybe speller? Like as if someone won a spelling bee or something? Oh the irony in celebrating a spelling bee win and the baker not spelling speller right! :D
Even though I could follow the jist of your post-script, I ran it through Google Translate to be sure. Imagine my surprise to learn that 'Fahrvergnügen' means 'Driving pleasure'. I didn't think it was *that* kind of wreck! Either I have a very dirty mind, or you do.
Note!!! I'm sorry; I am a Sachertorte! Driving pleasure! Neenër neenër!
Driving Pleasure??
I think something is wrong with my babelfish
Sacher schmacher - it's clearly a freddled gruntbuggly. Unfortunately, the wreckerator's writing is a little hard to read, and has been ever since they were rended in the gobberwarts with a blurglecruncheon, wielded by a mildly irritated Arcturan Megadonkey who had imbibed one too many Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters.
I'll sit in the trench with the others who see "seeker" as that was what I thought before deciding to look at what other commenters were saying