The fact that this cake was inscribed by a color-blind and apparently epileptic geriatric is sad enough, but check out the background: the birthday girl was also IN THE HOSPITAL. Wow. Way to cheer up the birthday girl, there, folks.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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21 comments | Post a Comment
My husband and I love this blog. We have no cakes to add though. I added it to my facebook page so maybe someone will have some.
A little harsh don't you think? The writing was probably added by a favoured child...
Don't worry, codemonkey; I'd never be THAT mean. I verified that the cake was inscribed by an actual store employee. Otherwise, I too would have assumed it was a home-made inscription.
It definitely looks like a homemade inscription, like they were too cheap to get the lettering done and decided to try their hand themselves. That's horrible. Almost as bad as the plaid-gone-wrong...
does it really say "GENDA" or do i imagine that? Is that on purpose?
Our grocery store has a deal where you can buy the cake, and it comes with a tube of icing to write your inscription on it. I figured that's what I was seeing until you said that you checked first.
I wonder if it was for a newborn, and the girl in the hospital bed is the new mum.
In response to the "new mum" idea - only if they normally outfit them with Foley catheters (notice the tubing hanging down along the side of the bed? yep). I don't know if that's especially relevant, but I had to mention it. Don't you feel enlightened?
Actually, if you have a c-section, you will have a urine catheter for a night or so ...
It could say "Genda." I know a woman with that name.
I thought it said "Genoa". Which is an original name, don't you think?
The cake and the chocolate icing looks lush, but the writing has certainly naffed it up. still im sure it was better than hospital food
Eww and the cake is next to the catheter. I know it is a tube, but still.....
Lettering is tricky. Looks like the cake was made by somebody who knew what they were doing, and the lettering done by the amateur.
LOL. This was the cake my husband bought for our daughter on her actual birthday (ie: the day she was born). I was in labor overnight so when he went to pick it up around 5AM, the grocery store bakery wasn't open and some random person did the lettering. Badly.! At least we'll always remember it!
With both our kids, we never told anyone their names until AFTER the kids were born, so reading the cake was the first time anyone saw their names. Too bad it didn't work so well the second time!
Well, can you imagine how shocked I am to find an image of a birthday cake written out to me! And I was neverin the hospital over my birthday! I know of only one other person in the world with the name Genoa, and I don't think this is her cake either!
Great name for your daughter, Amanda! But, I must say I am biased!
I must say, being able to see the tube from her foley catheter to the top of the catheter bag made this cake even less appealing for me.
I'm a nurse so I don't know if anyone else would have noticed that, but come on! Cover up the poor girl's bag 'o pee! Give her some dignity!
BAAAA HAAAA HAAAA!!! That was hilarious (your comment about the geriatric decorator was priceless)!!
Hey after a c-section, all modesty goes out the window. Once you've been showered and wiped after going #2...people seeing your pee bag IS discreet LOL
Wait, so what's her name??
It's mud flavor! Why would the roses be muddy brown ? ugh im gonna puke.
Katie M