"Ok, team, time to show our Irish spirit!
"Now, quick, make a bunch of dead leprechauns!"
"Now the Geico Cavemen!"
"Now the banana split!!"
You guys enjoy your St. Patrick's day, hear?
Update from john: Some of you have sweetly pointed out ("...and you call yourself a geek?!?") that today is Pi Day. Sadly, we have nearly 14,000 cakes in our archives but very few explore the mathematical joy that is "Pi." However, that's not to say we don't have any Pi Wrecks:
141 comments | Post a Comment
Ahh!!! Donkey Kong ate the leprechauns!! What did they ever do to him?
That last one is a little odd! A pig on a gingerbread cookie, and a shamrock? Wow.
That first one's kind of cute...in a hideous sort of way, I mean...
I love how all wreckerators seem to think it's okay to use the gingerbread man cookie cutter willy-nilly through the year. Just because you slapped a huge, honkin' "shamrock" on it doesn't make it a St. Patrick's Day cookie. It makes it a gingerbread man with a huge, honkin'--dare I say--misshapen "shamrock" on it.
Merry St. Patmas, everyone!
That last one is ...is... I have no words. I have never laughed like I did with that one. I actually laughed out a "ho ho ho, ha, ha, ha". I know, I even scared myself!
Gasp! No pies? Yeah, I know, it's Cake Wrecks, not Pie Wrecks, but it's Pi Day! Come on! (mutter, mutter)...and you call yourself a geek...
ROTFLOL! Those were funny!
Cake 1: Looks like a McDonald's Fry Guy. With no legs.
Cake 2: He's not dead, he's just sleeping! I think passed out from the Irish Whiskey.
Cake 3: *giggle* @ Geico cavemen! Nice cauliflower ears.
Cake 4: Cupcake critters? There's 2 cupcakes under that mess? Ah Shamus, that be a banana in ye pocket o' ye just glad tah see me?
Cake 5: Um. Well, uh, I guess all I can say that boar hog may actually be useful. O.o
Despite having read every Cake Wrecks post, I still can be amazed at the fact that someone will put things like this out and expect people to pay for them!
That last one -- wow, that's one happy shamrock!
I've herdmeni laughs come out of my mouth while reading Cake Wrecks.
awwwww!! The green Tribble is deh cutes!
I forgot my word verification...hymbil.
These wreckerators should eat hymbil Pi.
Pi-R-squared? No, pies are round!
I can't help but think the leprechaun is running away from those awful cc's or that last uhm, cake...
The last one, dear God, what is that...thing?
Um, that last one? Wow! I was literally saying "WTH?" It's awesome in it's tragicness.
Lisa, I'm glad someone else noticed the lack of pies! Since Pi day is also my birthday I haven't gotten cake in years but I'm sure there are at least a few math cakewrecks out there
Hey! I've been to Scotland, which everyone knows is almost the same as Ireland, and that qualifies me to be mortally offended by the assault on the very noble and dignified tradition of eating leprechauns for St. Patrick's day. They're delicious!
The wheeled shamrock piggie of doom is VERY HAPPY TO SEE YOU. VERY. HAPPY.
Be afraid.
WV - strems: It's amazing the strems the truly talent-free will go to in making a "holiday" cake...
#1 - Oh, yum, broccoli. I used to stare at my veggies and now it's returning the favor.
Dead leprechaun - I hope there are cupcakes on top of that cake, otherwise that's two solid inches of icing.
The faces of the Geico cavemen are well done. If they had just left it at that.
Two hats and two, um, er, yes, bananas.
Another example of solid icing. *smiles innocently*
The first one looks like it's from a production of Salomé, with Oscar the Grouch as John the Baptist.
I believe the dead leprechaun is actually squeezing his eyes shut and shielding them against the horror. As are we all.
I was going to say that 4th one looks like the melted Wicked Witch - just hat & shoes - but there are two hats there! Looks like a boob cake gone bad!
Ummm...so that last one is The Gingerbread Man incognito as one of the Three Little Pigs wearing a "shamrock" right? Oh, I knew that his $500-a-day frosting habit would lead to a life of bank robbing crime in the wilds of South Boston!!
What, nothing for pi day?
Than again, I suppose π cakes are hard to come by...
Great post, but I think you are forgetting a different holiday that should be commemorated on this day. I know you are a cake site, but what about Pi day?
On that last one, see the Celts venerated the boar. And a boar is really just a wild pig. And boars were considered a fertility symbol, so the--uh--happy shamrock is--well symbolical.
And the wheels are some sort of sun thing for the return of spring.
Either I've been reading too much Celtic mythology lately, which is entirely possible, or I've been taking CW too seriously.
I'm going to go sleep for a while.
WV: drazones. "Then the drazones attacked."
When I think of st patty's day...I think of bananas?
Where's the PI day cakes??? Or, at least PI day pies??? With all your sci-fi and geek references, I expected more from you, Jen (shakes head).
Ah poor little leprechaun, and he looked like he was in the middle of doing "Riverdance" too!
I cannot believe that today's post was about St. Patrick's Day. Today is PI DAY, people! It's 3/14! You guys needed to post about Pi. I'm sure there are some horribly mishapen pi cakes out there. Go and find them!
Happy Pi Day everyone!
Cake #1 looks like the "Cousin Itt" version of a leprechaun!
We unexpectedly came across a huge pre-St.Patrick's Day march & gathering in London yesterday (those Irish know how to celebrate....) and while we saw all sorts of green headgear, face paintings, pipes, and many other green/Irish objects, there weren't any bananas wearing hats.......
At first I thought the leprechauns had rollers/curlers in their hair.
Pyrex - love it!
For those of you looking for Pi cake... http://redglassfire.deviantart.com/art/Pi-Day-Cake-115953210
Of course the only wrecky thing about it is that there is math all over it.
pyrex! lulz.
The decorators who would recognize pi day as the celebration that it is are able to calculate how to properly execute their designs. The sin(e) of pi is 0.
Two hats+two long things = major wreckage
Dear John,
Thank you for the Pi Wrecks joke. It made my day. Seriously. It's been a while since I've heard a good pun and that was pretty awesome.
Love the pi wrecks visual pun! :-)
As an Irish ginger, I had to comment. I'm ashamed of these wreckerators, destroying my heritage. Ashamed!!
Love the blog (and Epbot) and am grateful you brighten up my day with the hilarity. :-)
It took me 10 full seconds to get the Pyrex one, but then I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Pi Wrecks!!!! Love it!!
I tried soooooo hard not to laugh at the Pi wrecks, but I'm ashamed to say that 5 minutes later I'm still giggling.
Pie Wrecks. Groan!
Hey guys, John is going to approximate Pi Day later this year, on 22/7.
I'm just thankful the "shamrock" on the pig wasn't upside down.
wv: inalos
St. Patrick's Day is celebrated inalos of places around the world.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Thank you for making my day. You really did. I was having "that" kind of day, and this just totally changed it. THANK YOU!!
PS My dog is looking at me funny because I'm still chortling over that Pi Wrecks joke. :-D
Would it be correct to call the pig-faced thing a leper-con?
@Anon: It looks more like Corning Visions glass ceramic...Pyrex cookware is (if European) clear borosilicate glass or (if in North America) greenish soda-lime glass--the main difference between the Pyrexes is the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). The brownish color of Visions is from the phase-separated ceramic. The type of glass is important when it comes to baking, since the CTE (and therefore susceptibility to thermal shock) determines whether the glass will break upon cooling or heating. The scientists designing the glass must have had some understanding of pi to design the glass. It is a pie pan made using pi, which relates to St. Patrick's day because food could be cooked in it. Let's hope the bakers understood the difference between these types of glass or they could create a dangerous wreck.
Wow, didn't get the Pi Wreck one until I read the comments. Sigh.
I actually did make a math cake last summer! My significant other is a physicist, so I wrote out "Happy Birthday (his name)!" in mathematical symbols that roughly looked like the letters. I don't think it's a wreck though! He really liked it. And since I'm fully a humanities person who barely understands basic algebra, it was quite an undertaking for me.
So yeah. There's one math cake in the world. And it was red velvet.
Anon @ 1:46,
Actually, it says "Pyrex" on the bottom.
After staring at the last picture for a few seconds, i had a lightbulb moment and my "HA!" scared the cat right off the couch. Love it when that happens.
*snicker* He said, "Pi Wrecks"! GOAL!!!
Sooo that pig is really for frosting your own cake with these convenient blobs of frosting, right?!?!
I'd already had my fix this morning, but I just somehow knew I needed to check back in to CW! Thanks for the snappy Pi Wreck addition John. You rock!
I love the pyrex = pi wrecks.Thank you for that laugh!
I made a chocolate cream pie with PI on top of it once, for a book club meeting about the Life of Pi, but I didn't get a picture of it. :(
That last one. Uh, Piglet with a third (green) nipple? I dunno.
Love your Pi Wrecks!!
Pyrex... ROTFLMAO. Seriously. I fell out of my chair. Not sure if it was that good a pun, or I just desperately needed a good laugh. Either way - thanks!
My favorite thing about the pi wreck is that at first glance, John appears to be offering up a few Vienna sausages, which after a moment do look like fingers, after all.
Thank you so much for that, John!!!
@ Oldish Lady and anyone else talking about the pig:
The pig is a good luck sign in German culture. It means prosperity and wealth, more so around new years though. Giving someone a little candy pig with a shamrock is wishing them good luck and much prosperity for the coming year. May your proverbial pig get fat and you remain secure.
Pi Wrecks...Pi Wrecks...OH, PYREX! Bwahahaha!!!
Thanks, I really needed that one today!!!
Hyena Overlord here. Can't remember my login.
The Yuck of the Irish is right!
wv: megato: The name of the new pig/leprechaun pokeman character unveiled in cookie form here on CW.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Pi Wrecks!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! John, I love you, man.
You excavated a Pi Rex egg? What a great arcakeological find!
The leprechaun isn't dead--He's drunk!
uhm... so... a gingerbread pig with a giant, misshapen, gangrenous uhm.. "unit"? How is that Irish, exactly? Just wondering.
What? People actually expected PIE to show up on a cake blog?
That would be completely inappropriate!
Anon @ 1:46
I cook quite a bit, and I must say NONE of my Pyrex glass cookware is green or brown. My mom has some of the brown Pyrex though. I've seen blue and red Pyrex in the local stores in the baking supplies aisle.
And with that I am off to check on the chicken I am cooking for the chicken pie I plan to serve for supper.
The hilarious entics of the wreckerators never fail to make us laugh.
Oh goodness...it took me WAY too long to "get" that last joke. Aha ha ha. Good one.
Also, I am wearing this little necklace today for Pi/Pie Day. Made it a couple of years ago but I think it's fun!
*groans loudly*
I had to say "Pi Wrecks" out loud to myself several times before I got that. And now I cannot stop laughing.
I think the cakes cracked me just a wee bit.
Or maybe I was cracked anyway. *lol*
#2...definitelt insulting...looks like a DRUNK Leprechaun to me...My oh my! LOL!
FYI - for anyone interested in ACTUAL pies for Pi Day - there is a baking contest running until Match 20 over here:
I like the update of the pie wreck! LOVE you guys for keeping up on funny posts... even if some people don't get that it's a joke and take things WAY to seriously.
I teach online college classes and I had a student who said she learns about other cultures by watching movies, such as the fact that Ireland has Leper Cons! [I'll let that sink in a moment.]
Really? I'd like to see the film about Irish convicts afflicted with Hansen's disease, because I totally missed that one! Must have been an indy film. Maybe that's what the second cake is about. His fingers look kinda stubby and he was probably shot by prison guards while attempting to escape. Totally makes sense now!
Do Leper Cons use Pi Wrecks?
I hope this doesn't end up being an epcot comment, or triggering a facepalm (or an eyetwitch) because I missed the joke, but...
There's only 7 cupcakes on the "cavceman" cakes.
Thanks for the giggles. Much needed.
Can I just say I've never understood the green beer phenomenon for this holiday . Huh? GREEN beer?
Well, goes with these cakes.
That green monstrosity up top is NOT a cake, it is a recurring monster in the closet type nightmare. Whoosh! -Mrs. R.
oh, you mean the irish aren't known for their banana cream pi...?
wv: appers. my favorite pie is appers - a la mode.
My daughter's birthday is St. Patricks Day, if her cake turns out anything like these, I'm going to jail for murder.
Thank you. *snorfle* Pyrex. Love it.
Merry from Annie's Book Stop/Sharon, MA
Your Pyrex joke made me laugh the most. Good work. :)
Okay, I totally missed the pi wrecks joke. I'm ashamed.
But the leprechauns wearing apples made me think of a favorite book of my children: "Apples, apples, up on top! We are so good we will not stop!"
Oh, and @Anon: I have a Pyrex dish exactly like that, as far as I can tell from the picture, and it is, indeed, Pyrex. I just checked.
Heee! We should celebrate Pi wrecks every year now! :)
for those who were wishing for pi cakes...
pi cake!
another pi cake
wow, there's another pi cake
pi-rate cake!
more pi cake
pi birthday cake
pi cake that looks like pie
pi cheesecake
fondant-tiled pi cake
star-tip pi cake :)
pi! with sprinkles!
more pi cake
gel icing pi cake
polka-dotted pi cake
three tier pi cake
adorable pi cupcake!
Oh dear... I just laughed so hard I think a bit of wee came out...
Well, maybe not but you get the idea.
Hehe pi wrecks...
And anon- our Pyrex is brown too. Lol @ your wrongness!
Call me stupid, dense, whatever you want: I do NOT get the pi joke. Why is that picture so bad?
*groans at the Pi Wrecks*
(But good one!)
Every day I love you more and more. Pi-wrecks... genuis.
Pyrex, PI Wrecks! Made my day!
3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196
Okay...I now have "The Pi of the Irish" (Eye of the Tiger) stuck in my head. Thanks for that.
PYREX is an oven-safe glassware made by Corning. It is pronounced like PI WRECKS, hence the joke. PI is the part of the equation to get the circumference of the circle: PI times the radius squared. PI equals 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651... and the fraction can be continued on infinitely. Today is March 14th, or 3.14, which is what most people remember for PI.
Today, 3.14 is a PI day! There are several jokes inside this joke.
GOOD LORD, THE DEAD LEPRECHAUN! It's like he's dancing and so deeply focused on his little magic dance, because he just can't believe how lucky he is.
Aaahahaha. That first one looks like Cousin [Paddy] It.
Remember the saying, "As Irish as Paddy's pig?" Well, that was the pig.
pi wrecks? PI WRECKS?
ok, you win teh interwebz.
thanks for the best laugh I've had today :)
It took me a minute...but I got it :)
Holy cow! That last pic is the best!! As someone who ADORES puns and is a big cooking/baking geek, this was amazing. Although it did earn me a verrry strange look from my husband when I burst out laughing and almost was in tears from how hysterical this was to me.
There is another holiday that is celebrated today. It involves steaks... but you'll have to google the rest. Try Urban Dictionary for March 14. I don't think it involves cakes though. hmmm, I'm sure it could involve lots of wrecks.
hahaha nice Pi wreck:)
I confess I had to say Pie Wreck out loud before getting the pun, but I definitely groaned out loud at it. Your purple Pyrex sure is purty, though - I've never seen that color! P.S. The wrecks were funny too! What on earth is that first one supposed to be?!?!?!
About the pig, as far as anatomy is concerned, there are supposed to be only two globs of icing above the green "stem" if you so call it.
I love the Pi Wrecks! LOL!
The first one is totally a green Tribble that is finishing eating the leprechaun.
wv: dried - I have dried and dried and dried, and this is the first time I've ever had a real word for my wv.
Yikes, that first one made me jump!!!
I have to disagree with Anon @ 2:39, my first thought was carrots arranged carefully in the bottom of the covered bowl. I couldn't figure out how that related to dead leprechauns or bananas with hats.
Oh and speaking of bananas in hats, can someone explain what makes them critters? Or can someone explain to the bakery why they are not critters?
wv - ovabind: Bakeries ovabind perfectly good cupcakes with too much frosting to try to pass them off as cake.
that hurts.
Ah... Pi Wrecks. BWAHAHAHA!!!
Thank you for the best really bad pun I have "seen" in a long time. Still howling. May the Pi be with you.
I am lol-ing my pants off right now.
It is always worth checking Cake Wrecks more than once a day!
Love the pun, and I have that "pi wrecks" dish in pink, brown and blue!
John, I must applaud your choice of Pi. Or Pi Wrecks, as the case may be.
Best pun I've seen in WEEKS.
Pi Wrecks...that is Gold! Made me laugh more than anything else and I was already laughing at the Irish piggy of doom. Thanks for making my evening more mirthful!
I have to admit, I didn't get the Pi Wrecks joke. It just wasn't funny. That is, until I went to pull my pies out of the oven and grabbed the handles of my new Pyrex pie plates.
Ha. Ha ha ha.
Omg the bananas...the piggy with the frosting what?? N the pi wrecks....thanks for tha laugh!!
No need to be cake fussy on St.Paddy's day. As long as it's a green enough cake deco and served with plenty of proof, it'll do...
Pi Wrecks - hee hee!
Aieeeeeeeeee that first one looks like a melting Oscar the Grouch! And lol at the pi wrecks..lovely dish hehe. Also I fear the pigheaded uh green poo creature. I think I would run away if presented with it lol.
freakin' read the update THREE times, John, before Pi wrecks clicked!! stupid daylight savings time be messin' with the pun lobe of my cerebral cortex.
(that's my story & I'm sticking to it)
As for the cakes: WOW (Way Out Wrecks)
the 1th one is a reject from the movie Critters
-Barbara Anne
@BADKarma!You are awesome
Well, at least there are no clovers today. I'm so glad that got cleared up -- people who come to 'Cake Wrecks' to do scholarly research on symbolism could be irreparably confused.
#1 Another vote for broccoli, in its ever-unpopular (and redundant) closet monster guise.
#2 Poor fellow was caught out in the open, and is hoping to escape another EPCOT.
#3 Speaking of which, the eighth (apple, cc, whatever) is under the buckle, @Anonymous @ 4:04. Nice try.
#4 Exactly what sort of 'critter' is this -- a rare Irish Mastodon in need of some tusk whitening? A Bammat, perhaps? (A little Manly Wade Wellman reference, there.)
#5 Ok, points for the cross-cultural luck-wishing, but that 'shamrock'... I'm glad it isn't a side view.
#6 And finally, Pyrex! It comes in *lots* of colors. I have several official Pyrex pieces that are white (not greenish-white) and some that are clear. I even have a Pyrex measuring cup that says 'Pyrex' right on it. I may even have a red casserole dish or pie thingy, or whatever it is called. Just in case anyone cares.
BTW, July 22 is also a pi day, but only in places that put the day first when writing the date: (22/7). Yes, I know it equals 3.1428..., not 3.14159...
*snickering* You have acheived a new level of aweso-Hey....Where's the Boob Nazi?
the last one looked like a big giant green you know what, lmfao
Pi Day isn't until 22 July, so you have plenty of time to find a pie wreck. 22/7 is a far better approximation of pi than 3.14
Thanks for the attempt at a π wreck!
I just wanted to let you guys know that no matter what you are posting (and it is all good!) this blog (and the other one!) are part of my morning routine :) Thanks for helping me get started in a good mood!
What exactly do two bananas and a very uncomfortable looking bra have to do with St. Patty's Day???
Making puns with geek material?!? How uber-geek is that! Pi wrecks cracked us up! Too funny!
Pi Wrecks. HAHA! I love you guys.
I love Pyrex, have loads of lovely Autumn Gold pattern and use it every day, plates.casserole dishes lovely!
By the way as USA insit on putting dates the wrong way i understand why you have this idea that March 14th is mathmatically meaningful but over here not a lot.We have 14/03/11
and did that person read all my stuff about welsh americans her comment really annoyed me!
Pi wrecks.... and the colored kind, too!!
Anything that uses the word DOOOOM! is an automatic win, well done!
I'm dubbing the first cake Fuzzthulhu.
Now, okay, weird and misplaced shamrock on gingerbread, I can understand that, but the pig? What's a pig got to do with anything?
Okay, I'm going to be "that" guy.
Ï€r² is the formula for area.
Circumference is 2πr (or πd).
And because I know you're wondering*,
Area of sphere: 4Ï€r²
Volume of sphere: 4/3 Ï€r³
I hope no one will suggest that π is "exactly" 22/7, because it's not. Pi (π) is irrational, which aside from being like a wreckerator with PMS, means that is cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers.
I guess this is where I say "ahem ".
*Actually, you're probably wondering how to type symbols in standard text. Hold the ALT key and type on the numeric keypad (the numbers above the letters don't work--don't ask why, they're just different). And, use of preceding zero matters, too.
Ï€ = ALT+227
² = ALT+0178
As a math teacher, I respectfully disagree with Karen (3/14 5:53pm)who said: "PI is the part of the equation to get the circumference of the circle: PI times the radius squared. PI equals "
The circumference of the circle is pi times the diameter or 2 times the radius times pi. Pi times the radius squared is the formula to find the area of the circle. And since I'm being picky, Pi does not EQUAL anything, it's an irrational number, so it is only approximate, not exact.
We celebrated pi day in class yesterday by eating pie (after calculating the area and circumference first!)
The pi wrecks pic was the best.
(Actually, what was the best was that my husband didn't get it and I had to explain it to him.)
Well at least the pig looks happy about it. ;)
The banana split - does anyone else think that someone drew that design intending for those 'bananas' to be rainbows? You know, leading from the leprechauns (or their hats, at least) to the gold? And they handed it to someone else to color and failed to explain properly?
Eh, who knows. It's a theory. ^_^
pikkewyntjie, the Leper Cons thing cracked me up. (Are you sure you teach college, not third grade?) But I'm sure she meant leper conventions. You know, so all the Irish folk with Hansen's disease can get together and watch presentations about new developments in treatment and new convenient tools to help you live with your limbs falling off.
Is it just me or does #2 look like he's having an attack of explosive shamrock diarrhea?
ouresco: Hopefully a better decorator will come to ouresco.
Pi Wrecks? Ummmm......that statement just sparked a thought, Pi cakes......new catagory, new theme, recipes based on Pie are Squared! Oh my, I could go on!