Thursday, August 5, 2010
Maybe He Likes Feet?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Don't worry, Rebecca M.; I'm sure he was only kidding.
Note: Yes, this photo really was taken in a restaurant in Asia. Beyond that, I don't have any details - so let's just hope a vengeful waiter really was the culprit.
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78 comments | Post a Comment
This provoked a real laugh out loud from me.
that's .... wow. Just ... wow.
This is a classic example of everything but ONE thing going right on a cake, and therefore making it a cake wreck.
Because except for that one word, the cake is pretty nice!
Should I be creeped out that the pedophile's cake is lined with lady fingers?
Ans WTF? No singing today?? I guess I'm just easily spoiled!!
... am completely and utterly lost for words...
All I can say is: oh my gosh.
And the past couple weeks I've been in Korea had given me such high hopes about the quality of Korean cakes...
LOL! I travel to China a lot and see english blunders like this quite a bit. Talk about lost in translation!!!
Ok, so let's say there is an occasion in this country where one presents cakes to teachers...and celebrates their love for the children they, not THAT kind of love!
Never mind, it's too late. We've all been tainted.
Here's hoping this is another Jesus (pronounced HAY-zeus) situation, though I can't come up with any other way to say it. Beautiful cake, though.
This reminded me of the Peter File scene on The IT Crowd:
Best. Cake. Ever.
This is one of those times when the truth is probably more bizarre than anything we could come up with as a joke to explain it.
Uhhh... maybe the result of a translation goof? Someone was going for the English equivalent of a Korean "man who loves his children" and found a convenient one-word translation, without realizing that there was a conceptual glitch?
Wow- that one made me almost fall off my chair. I have struggled to think of what they meant to say and I am lost. Just amazing....
Awww and the cake itself was so beautiful...
my goodness. You just gotta be hoping it's 'feet'.
Maybe it's a sting operation, and there's some undercover cops waiting to see who picks up the cake?
Oh my! I'm going to hope it's an inside joke cake for someone who married a person much younger. That's what I'm telling myself. Shhhh.
Oh dear! LOL
Wow! Word of wisdom... don't read CW during teacher inservice workshops. People may give you nasty looks for laughing at inappropriate times!
WV: widei.... what I was when I saw today's CW
words fail me here... O M G
In Vietnam I went to a bakery called MasterBake. I hope this cake was from there.
Wow...I honestly don't know what to say. The cake itself is gorgeous and yummy looking though. I'd like to think Babsiegirl is right, I hope it is an inside joke. That actually would make some sense. Although, my hubby is 20 years older than me and I'm not sure he would appreciate it if someone got him this cake LOL
Wow. I'm speechless. So pretty, yet so - ~headshake~. Sigh.
Maggie K - I'm not Catholic, but I did think your comment was in poor taste. Those kind of jokes are not funny.
Happy Birthday! Why don't you have a seat over there...
Seriously (comedically?), one of the best cakes ever posted.
Erm.... Well, pedophiles deserve lovely birthday cakes too? // I don't know....
@Thumbellina, I thought about the Peter File scene too! That was hilarious =))
Maybe Chris Hansen is doing a special on Asian sex tourism, and this is how he'll let the subject of his investigation know the trap has been spring!
Alas, yet another reason why poor Petey Fowl will never forgive his parents for their absolute love of parakeets.
I'm just imagining the baker (or someone behind the scenes) working with an online translator, the original word being something like "loves children". Oy...
WV: kabehoar. Wow. Not even sure what to do with that...I'm sure something pithy will come to mind after I've had coffee ;)
Normally I love tiramisu.
However, this might change my mind.
[Basil:] "What sort of doctor are you?"
[Dr. Abbot (Mrs.):] "I'm a pediatrician."
[Basil:] "Feet?!"
[Dr. Abbot (Mrs.):] "Children."
[Sybil:] "Oh, Basil!"
[Basil:] "Well, children have feet, don't they. It's how they get around."
Perhaps 'Raylene Miles' put it best: "I'm sure there is some perfectly innocent explanation." One hopes, anyway.
So beautiful without any writing...a true wreck with this particular writing...
Wow. My first experience spraying coffee through my nose. I'd read about it, but didn't really believe it until now.
At least it's spelled correctly.
Any Filipino wreckerators out there? Doesn't that word sound a little like a Filipino name?
Maybe it's greek? Pedophile = ped-off-uh-lee LOL
@Craig - nice Fawlty Towers reference.
Years ago, when i worked in a boo store, the girl who worked on the Special Order desk told me that she had an older lady asking is she could help her find a book in the health section.
She said "My brother has just been diagnosed as a pedophile. Do you have any books on the subject?"
It became clear that the woman had absolutely no idea what a pedophile was. She might as well have been asking for a book on diabetes.
My friend broke it to her as gently as possible. The woman was mortified and horrified.
It would be the perfect cake-for-one... if it were poisoned.
I just got my first cake decorator job, and I hope I never have to see my work on this site, hah! Except maybe on Sunday Sweets.
Our local paper once had a headline about "Barney the Purple Pedophile". I wrote a letter to the editor and they were appropriately mortified. the editor must have been dozing on that one. . .
Pronounced, no doubt, ped-AH-fell-ee
Does it make you wonder what song they sang when they brought that cake out? And perhaps we should all be grateful (or amazed) that the cake wasn't adorned with cute little plastic characters.
wv: vogra
Wow. I didn't know blogger was associating their word verification with the content of your posts now!
Wow, this is exactly what I needed to pop up in my RSS reader this afternoon! Thanks!
I wonder if it was cream filled.
Maybe it's one of those "the word sounds nice to non-English-speakers' ears" things?
I heard once that to non-English speakers, the word "diarrhea" is the most beautiful-sounding one. Maybe someone saw it and thought it looked neat and sounded pretty?
Man, I hope it's something that innocent...
'Gary Glitter cursed as his cover was blown....'
Maybe there was a mis-communication and it was meant to say "Happy Birthday Peter File"
I would not be surprised that someone really named themselves Pedophile. I am Asian, so I can criticize. I have seen some really weird names that my Asian brothas and sistas have chosen. In a magazine ad for a fitness/weight loss center, the client's first name was Creamy. The last name was Ho. They also like to name themselves after fruit, like Apple, Banana, or Lemon.
Maybe it was supposed to be Loverboy?
Loverboy - boylover - pedophile?
I know that we all wear different hats, so a cake might say "Happy Birthday, Mom" or "Happy Birthday, Teacher"... but really?!?! I think this went a little too far.
It reminds me of a story I heard about a man who walked in to a local bakery in New Orleans and said, "Hey, you got any of those pedaphiles here?" when he meant to say "Hey, you got any of those petit fours here?"
Sorry, we are fresh out! :-)
I guess that's the nicest possible way to call somebody a pedophile ...
Yes, I want to believe that the cake was meant to honor some teacher or coach or Den Mother for doing great work with children, and the maker just didn't know that "pedophile" implies another kind of love of children ...
Yes, I'm going to will myself to believe that.
I once saw a children's clothing store in Saudi Arabia that was called "Fondled Child."
I cannot even conceive of what they were attempting to translate that got them to "pedophile"... O_o
WV: calinsub... Our old translator was big doofus... calinsub!
OMG! Slight error! That had to be intentional. The only name I can think of that comes remotely close to Pedophile is 'Phoebe' and there isn't even an 'l' in there. And no offense to any Phoebe's reading this.
Oh. My. Gawd.
WV: ambal. An ambush that takes serious balls. It's what should've been done to the Wreckerator.
i hope it was a cranky waiter-otherewise someone should be in jail
hahaha! okay, so i read this blog all the time but i never comment. of all the cakes i've seen here, somehow this is the one that really makes me say WHO WOULD MAKE THAT?!
I love how it's spelled correctly, it's just not the word they were probably going for.
Ooooohhhhh my gosh.
This is both hilarious and incredibly suspect at the same time.
Wow.. not much I can say about this one. That cake looks nice until you read what it says. Ugh if it was a fired waiter boy was it ever a mistake to ask them for help lol. If not someone there will soon be fired once they realize what was written on that cake. I honestly hope that wasn't done for a customer otherwise..uh oh trouble would be comin lol.
LOL! This brings back memories of the months I lived in Bolivia, South America. The missionaries I lived with told me that the Quechua people love to give their children long names. They knew of one couple who decided to use a biblical name and searched the bible for a nice, long one. They named their son "Circumcision".
Now, now, pedophiles are people too, and even though they deserve to rot in prison and be beat to death by the other inmates doesn't mean that they should never get to have their cake and eat it too.
Single Dad Laughing
By the way, can't believe I'm just discovering your blog. LOVE it. Definitely will follow it.
You're really left wondering what this could have been mis-translated as.
"Well, the American Exchange student loves to play with the kids. What is the English word for 'child-lover'?"
Oh, Craig! You wouldn't believe how old I was before I discovered a pediatrician wasn't a foot doctor. There was enough Latin floating around in our house that I knew "ped" meant foot - pedals on bikes, etc. - and I simply couldn't understand how so many of my friends had bad feet and needed to visit pediatricians. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!
Anybody submit this to an Engrish website yet? XD
wv: parym: If you find the guy this cake was for, you definitely don't want to parym with your kid!
I've been living in Thailand for a few years and I am not surprised by this at all. I wouldn't be surprised if this was an actual Thai person's name. I've heard names like Porn or Titty Porn often. Of course knowing this doesn't take away from the funniness of the cake.
"Did I leave a sign on the cake I just delivered to the prison? I did? Oh, I'm terribly sorry -- how careless of me. You say the guys saw it before anyone on staff thought to remove it? Never mind, then..." [hangs up and walks away, whistling]
Gives a whole new meaning to 'just desserts'.
I think that every clown post should have a pedophile post directly below it. Just sayin'...
Surely that was a joke because that was just... just... just disturbing.
The translation error for "someone who loves children" seems like the most likely explanation. I could easily see a blunder like that happening to someone trying to decorate a cake in a language the decorator doesn't speak or read well.
I like the possibilities of this being a humourous translation error (reminds me of the Gerber marketing glitch I was taught in B-school: in some countries with high levels of illiteracy, they put a picture of what's inside the product on the packaging. Gerber's logo is of a baby.... they were wondering why they weren't selling much baby food).
Or, perhaps the cake was for "Peter and Phil"? Depending upon which country it was ("Asia" could be anything from Turkey to Fiji), the accent of the speaker and familiarity with a bit of English could explain this.
Those scenarios are funny... and leave me feeling sorry for the undoubtedly fired employees involved.
The other explanation I can think of -- that it was in a sex tourism district -- is just too depressing. Unless the cake's filled with glass shards, barbed wire and painful, slow-acting, irreversible and fatal poison??? That idea makes me smile :)