Saturday, October 3, 2009

That's Some Spout

Saturday, October 3, 2009

"I'm a little teapot,

short and stout.

Here is my handle

here is my..."

Erm. Yeeeaaahhh.

Heather L., do you take one lump or two?

- Related Wreckage: This One's for the Ladies
Boozy Tooth said...

This deserves a triple X rating.

But I'll have a big ol' slice of that spout anyway, please. I do love me some spout.

Unknown said...

Uh . . . , words fail me. One lump or two . . . {{snicker}}

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha Instant classic!

Erica said...

O.M.G. Now granted, I've been a bit shall we say, 'deprived' of late, but still... this actually made it into the display case?!?!?!

WV: gisheigi - the gutteral sound I made in my astonishment upon first viewing this wreck...

Wendy said...

"Attention bakery department, please have the cake decorator pick up line two, Dr. Freud is on hold."

Unknown said...

Oh please tell me there isn't cream cheese filling! Egads!

(word verification exctish: as in is this cake suppose to exctish me?)

Rebekah said...

Oh No!

Jennie said...

Ummmm... wow! That's quite a "spout"! ~ Jennie

Karen Valinda said...

They needed to reconsider the color change on their 'spout', matching the handle decor might have been safer!

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

I do NOT want to see that thing "get all steamed up"...

Anette S said...

It lookes like a dogs head! Tilted to the side, with pink ears and a rose insted of an eye. And a gap instead of a nose so they didn't have to make yet another colour of icing. Pink, green and white should go a long way when making dog head CCC!

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Hmmm. Are you sure you want to drink that? lol

Melinda said...

You know, just once, I would love to see someone actually order a cake that looked like a phallus and see what the wreckerators came up with. If they can turn butterflies, tea pots, balloons, etc. into members, what could they turn a member into?

Anonymous said...

Is your teapot's spout too small? Click here!

Double AA said...

ya know what... after looking at the spout, blinking a few times in shock... and re-looking at the cake, I've deceided the handle hole also gives me the heebie-jeebies

AA said...

Dibs on the "spout"

Unknown said...

Ewwwwwwwww!!! A little exhibtionistic pervert teapot!! And I just wanted to cook some tea.

Anonymous said...

Perfect for a little girl's first tea party!

Anonymous said...


Stephanie said...

And of course it had to be pink.
I'm pretty sure that was unintentional, but still... yikes.
Now, off to find something to scour my brain...

Michelle S. said...

Well, hello! :D

Jackie said...

Oh, dear. That's got a bit of the phallic to it. The ladies who lunch will be appalled.

mandi said...

Why does chamomille sound dirty now?

Ronda said...

That is just bad!! How do these cakes actually make it out of the bakery?

Niecey said...

Freud would have a field day.

(and btw the one lump or two comment was just too much! I just ate breakfast. ew)

Anonymous said...

This was probably the birthday cake that started Amber along her merry way.

I love this site so much. Thanks for keeping up the postings and updates even while on the road. Talk about your wreck stars!


Anonymous said...

The real crime wasn't the error of how it came out, but actually putting it on the display case! What person didn't SEE this??

MotorCityMich said...

Hahahahahahahaha! This is my new favorite wreck of all time!

Love it!

susie said...

I am still sitting here with my mouth agape.

Cecile said...

Anonymous said...
"Perfect for a little girl's first tea party!"
...and now you know how Lorena Bobbit got started.

Melis said...


VeggieT said...

I'm just going to say it looks like an elephant trunk... yeah... that's it

Anonymous said...

I'm a little "pee" pot, perhaps?

Laura said...

Really, some people must do this type of thing on purpose - who can't see this? Even so, this would have been a wreck even if the spout wasn't so phallic!

wv: defecace - a descriptive word for some of the c*** we see in bakery cases.

Liz said...

Veggie T, I'm with you...can any other disney freaks see Dumbo in his clown get up here? Or is it just me?

I think Freud would have a field day with me...

Anonymous, for now said...

I never realized a little teapot could look as if it had caught an std... I mean it don't look right on SOOOOO many levels.

Paging Dr. Freud... Paging Dr. Freud... stat!

CCCS Photo Class said...

When I clicked on the related posts link, I expected it'd be this one:

But the linked one was good too. :-D

Stephanie said...

I know you were this was on your mind...

Julie said...

Nothin' like a good piece of spout!

Merujo said...

Thank you - I needed a good cleansing laugh this morning after oversleeping a criminally long time. *SO* looking forward to you coming to Bethesda!!

Mandy said...

Oh MY! What a big..."spout" you have!

Woo-hoo...hope they serve sake with that teapot!
Word Verification (SCORE!!):

maturrec: "Warning: the following teapot is intended only for maturrec". That is, "Mature Recreation".

Anonymous said...

my husband's reaction: "What's that, a teapot?" "Yeah." "No, I think it's more of a pee-pot."

Little Lovables said...

is that rose a crypt orchid?

("retained testicle")

Heidi said...

I'll take two nuts with that spout.
And tell Loraina that her Cake is ready!

Zhoen said...

What makes me more sad is that it's rather pretty otherwise, then you get SHEMALE!

Anonymous said...

"yes, please!"
"One hump or two?"
"Oh my!!!"


Diana said...

Oh, Lord. You just know that cake was meant for somebody's granny.

Albatross said...

Oh my goodness gracious...LOL!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

you shoulda warned us about the adult content in this one :-)

Nice spout by the way...

Glory von Hathor said...

We should totes hook this guy up with Mrs (Angela Lansbury) Potts from Beauty and the Beast.

Lisa said...

Whoa... dirty cake alert! And the worst part is that is was probably for a bunch of little girld fancy tea party. Oy.

Anonymous said...

This is amazing.

Anonymous said...

To paraphrase Mae West: Is that a teapot yer holding, or are ya just glad to see me?

Meghan said...

Nothing like a good laugh first thing in the morning. That is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

OMG....did it have to be PINK?

Unknown said...

Wow! "Pour some sugar on me.."

Amy B.

Unknown said...

all the ladies go crazy for my sugar lumps

Anonymous said...

It COULD be a flower-loving elephant if you tip your head and squint just right. :P

Suzanne Dargie said...

Actually.....if you look at the whole thing long looks like a cute pink and white elephant's head...with the obviously pre-fab rose being the eye.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Jenna Jameson got herself a day job.

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

Bwow chika bow wow...
heh heh heh....

leihei said...

Is that a spout in your pot or are you just happy to see me?

Jules said...

I dunno... looks like the "spout" is suffering some shrinkage. Must be iced tea in that pot!!

Oh a side note, I just bought your book and read it and laughed so hard that I cried. Thank you, oh thank you for such a wonderful contribution to the world of the written word!

WV: doweep. "When you see this cake, you doweep".

CrazyMom said...

ROFL that's classic!

mlpieters said...

oh my. (i'm a little pee pot...*snicker*)

Lucille Ball Jr. said...

oh thats a gem!

Nancy said...

Someone needs to submit this to failblog too! Oh my!

Promise said...

Jen, Just got my copy of the CakeWrecks book in the mail today! I immediately sat down and devoured it. Awesome job!

Jennie said...

Nice FotC reference... can't have a pot of tea without sugar lumps.

Anonymous said...

Amazing. The comments are just as great.

Anonymous said...

At least it's a HAPPY ,little spout!

12 hour pills said...

I want to meet the person who thought they could make a teapot out of cupcakes. That kind of thinking takes cojones....which may explain why the thing looks the way it does.

Anonymous said...


Well blow me down.

Terry Lee said...

... "when i get all steamed up, hear me shout. tip me over and pour. me. out."

*sigh* if only it were that easy. ;-)

i do believe this little teapot should be in your next book!

gearing up for AUSTIN tomorrow! can't wait to meet y'all! i'll be the blonde with a texas drawl. ;-)

liz said...

I always prefer those spouts that are bigger than a baby's arm ;)

reikifeet said...

ROFL Double AA -- "Handle hole" is what we're calling it these days?

the spout was so ...stunning that i didn't even notice it was a CCC til reading the comments!

WV: watol = watol you have with your pee -- i mean tea?

Melanie said...

It looks like the decorator was aiming for delicate and feminine... and missed. By far. At least it was a shocking pink and not the lovely fleshy pink we saw on the fire hose cake. *shudder*

Unknown said...

Oooh, this one would've gone great with the CCC bra and panties photos I submitted this summer! Too funny!!!

Lybertygirl said...

I knew I liked tea for a reason!

Missy said...

That certainly does not look like a spout.

Siouxzr said...

I've never scene a cirmcumcised tea pot before!

I just got your book, Jen. It made my day!!!

NYCGirl said...

Um...the flowers are pretty.

Anonymous said...

When I'm horrified by cakes on this site, I think about how delicious they must be because that would be the only excuse for selling such monstrosities.

Have you ever done a post about what people can do if a bakery severely messes up a cake (putting the wrong inscription, etc?). Do they have to make it right?

DevilWomanCake said...

It seems the guy that drew the phallus on the "little Mermaid" movie poster got fired from Disney and decided to follow his dream to become a cake Wreckorator.

Anonymous said...

Wow, is that a cake you're eating or are you just happy to see me XD

rhonda said...

You know what really gets me? That's actually a pretty decent buttercream rose in the middle. Why on earth is someone who can actually do some decent decoration making such a hideous mess of a cake?

Erin said...

No. No freaking way...

DMackendrick said...

hahahahah! I do believe that is a XXX CCC?

Jennifer said...

Um.. that's about all I can say!

Shoshanah Marohn said...

Oh, give me this cake! Give it to me! yeah!

Pahz said...

Today is my 40th birthday and now, my simple DQ ice cream cake somehow feels... inadequate.

I have cake envy!

Plaidfrogg said...

Teabag, anyone?

Stacy said...

I dont know if i am allowed to say the word that comes to mind when I see that Uh "spout"... oh yeah its a tea pot. Hehehe!

LynUn said...

I wonder what the flavor is. At least you wont have to add your own cream to this tea.

Trace and Sarah said...

I just found your blog...I heard about your new book on PW. I could not stop laughing when I saw this one! Instant pick me up!

Amy Lyn said...

At least it's not steaming.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it has cream filling...

Alison said...

OMG, I haven't laughed that loud at a wreck in some time. Them wreckerators still got it!



wv: gated
I would have preferred the expur-gated version.

Jane Martin said...

tip me over baby!!!!

ksaldria said...

Ohhhhh, that's not right.

Twirly McSwirl said...

Well, it's okay if it's short, as long as it's stout.

Anonymous said...

Hey, just a quick request. If you have an "adult rated" cake would you mind putting some sort of note at the top? My kids love to look at the cake wrecks and I'd hate to have to explain this to them! :) (Yes, I usually preview it, but sometimes they look over my shoulder.)

The Wright Family said...

That is horrible!!! Wouldn't the decorator see what it looks like and scrap it or at least change the color!?

Maddi said...

wow thats worse than i thought any cake could ever be.... lol

mandy moorehol said...

this is the worst cake i've ever seen.
check out my guilty pleasure

Carrieinparadise said...

I like to drink my tea directly from the spout.

Selectively Bitchy said...

I'll take spout any way I can get it...just not 3 inch spout...

entsala said...


Unknown said...

My husband and children (ages 8 and 9) just looked at the cake. I asked them what they saw . . . all three of them said, "It's a teapot." My children wanted to know what was wrong with it . . . I said, "nothing." My husband looked at me and asked, "Is there SUPPOSED to be something wrong with it?" I asked him if he saw anything else. He said, "Nooooooo . . . " I said, "It's pink. The spout." His eyes widened, "OI YO! OI NO!" My kids asked, "What? What is it?" We both replied in unison, "It's a teapot!"

Anonymous said...

Instant CakeWrecks Hall-of-Fame!

WV: layotte - I had to layotte floor I was laughing so hard

MC from NZ

Jael said...

Um... and somebody's going to have to cut off Mr Happy in the process of eating that cake.

I'm never going to look at that rhyme the same way again.

Mandy said...

"Twirly McSwirl said...

Well, it's okay if it's short, as long as it's stout."


Bwahahahaha! That is a very good outlook!

jmv said...

It's not the size of the spout; it's the steam in the kettle!

Odette {OdettesVintage} said...

Holy moly! That had to be intentional. So funny!

Susannie said...

Omg, this made me laugh out loud! As a psychologist I think this site is better than Roscharch.

And to John: Good recovery!!

Unknown said...

All it's missing is some "tea" drips. Ha!!!

Unknown said...

There is NO WAY this was not done on purpose.

Anonymous said...

I'll have what she's having... :)

Mamma Essex said...

Good Lord! I roared with laughter at this, prompting my 6 year old daughter to say "what's the matter mummy?" Boy am I glad she thought it looks like a teapot and she doesn't have my tawdry mind!
Greetings from England.

Angie said...

Nice. I wonder if they took a good look at that before they put it out?

Anonymous said...

the best is still that space shuttle...

The Historian said...

Sometimes a teapot is just a teapot.

Anonymous said...

And somewhere in Arkham Asylum, Jervis Tetch is crying his eyes out...

Anonymous said...

hehe "Be Our Guest" has been stuck in my head for a couple days now and the line about "one lump or two" just made me giggle.

Junko said...

Uh... the captcha on this page is "herpape"... I am speechless...