Thanks to Clare M. for the rad wreckporting.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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103 comments | Post a Comment
What if they're... elephant trunks? Like... a mom and baby--
wait. then they would be creepy disembodied elephant trunks. on cake.
I think it resembles two bottles of chocolate milk in love.
Common misconception: Those are simply cooling towers. They could be attached to any form of power generation, not just nuclear.
Shouldn't the hearts be giant and mutated? That would make the cake so much cooler! IMHO
Wow and I thought they were supposed to be volcanoes erupting hearts...seismologists in love? It's a pretty enough cake but definitely a bizarre theme...
File this under Most Brilliant Post titles Ever!
This cake doesn't even make sense, certainly they weren't actually going to nuclear reactors, but what? What else could they of been trying for? It's like telling me I can't have a lighter on the plane but allowing me to bring matches. My head hurts now.
wv: ingult
I was thinking they were beakers and it was some kind of chemistry / love thing.
Its a loooove factory! =p
The first thing I thought of was nuclear reactors, also.
I live 9 3/4 miles from Indian Point power plant in NY. I can't imagine a better way to celebrate our impending doom when the emergency sirens go off.
As we sit on the Taconic Parkway with the other 3 million evacuees, we'll have something to do: Pass around the cake!
Sadly, those who live a quarter mile down the road, won't get evacuated-No cake for them.
Clearly, this is two sea anemones (arms retracted) spawning.
WV--stagnati A Mafia family that hasn't come up with any new crime ventures lately, OR the gelato flavor you *really* don't want!
Our nearby coal-burning plant has cooling towers like a nuke plant. But no nukes.
So maybe it's for power plant workers? Like Homer?
Unless those are clam necks on the cakes, it isn't just love for nuclear power there; it's a meltdown, or at least a leak.
Stuff isn't supposed to be coming out of the top of those cooling towers.
mesas and smoke signals?
...actually, this is kind of cool. I'd buy/eat this.
It's a volcano of love.
Could also be traditional pottery kilns or as other wreckporter has said ordinary power station,
Still a weird choice for cake!
I'm in the "what is it really" camp. Loving the pun though. You (nu)clear on that? ;)
WTF was that SUPPOSED to be??? D:
it's The Power of Love!
Now Huey Lewis will be in my head the rest of the day.
Maybe they're smokestacks? To celebrate the ever-popular "I <3 Global Warming and Pollution!" Week. I think this was their inspiration; http://blogs.reuters.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/rtr1kqtc.jpg
Looks like the baker was fission for compliments. Why don't we just salute (C)hernobyl effort.
WV: eversa -- This is the most random cake I eversa.
Volcanos spewing lava (lova) hearts?
Maybe swollen smokestacks from an ocean liner (Love Boat)?
Maybe it's pottery… Ghost comes to mind. :-)
We're going to need a bigger cake.
This cake reminded me of something I'd seen once... had to do some hunting but I found it:
I see oddly-shaped volcanos erupting with love. Wait...that came out wrong. 0_O
Sharyn, I salute you!
WV: tumrquet- a device used to quell bleeding of the abdomen.
Love potions, perhaps???
So cute. I wonder if its yellow cake.
maybe there's a plant nearby and coworkers tend to fall in love there? maybe it's supposed to be bottlenecks for people who like to drink?
Thanks, Christina. Now _I_ have Huey Lewey in my head all day!
This cake is a reproduction of a petroglyph allegedly found inside an Anasazi dwelling. The two items pictured are unfinished clay pots (note the typical coiling not yet smoothed out), hastily prepared as the tribe was getting ready to disappear. The hearts are not emanating from the pots, but are falling into the pots – symbolizing the hearts and souls of the tribe members being gathered within their culture, to be kept safe for all time. The larger vessel stands for the adults and the smaller, the children. You’ll note that there are more child hearts than adult ones, for, as is typical in many societies, the children represent the hope for the future. While the sky is blue (blue skies, nothing but blue skies….), a clear indication of the optimism that tribe had lived under for so long, the two white spots near the left of the adult pot may signify the “hole in the future” (see Richie Havens song of same name), a foreboding sign, and, ultimately the cause for the symbolic gathering of the tribe and its civilization. Others have speculated that the white spots represent the approaching “white man”, and the picture denotes the tribe’s attempt to save its culture from that influence. The cake itself (note the white coils, also unfinished) repeats the theme of the unfinished pots. Where did this cake go? That, too, remains a mystery.
wv-moortati: what you need when you don't have enough tati...
@Sharyn: love the puns!
Anon @ 11:29,
Awesome. Just awesome. I can't believe I didn't think of it.
Well, it's a pretty cake, all things considered. Maybe they're supposed to be fancy coffee mugs or something.... haha
Love Canal celebration...
Wow, Mel, you have a lot of time on your hands. Good thing, too. ;)
Can you say Love Canal?
I don't suppose the submitter gave you a location? If it's from West Virginia, it would sort of make sense. Sort of.
I can totally see someone living by Dupont or Carbide doing a cake like this. I've got a friend whose dad works there, she'd love this as a fathers day cake! Its like baby and daddy cooling towers.
But this is perfect for The Simpsons themed party I'm throwing! D'oh!
I vote that they're actually Bottle kilns. Was this cake sighted in the North Staffordshire (Potteries) region?
Dear Mel,
I always learn so much from you. Would you be willing to teach my daughter's world history class. Her teacher knows nothing. NOTHING!
And while I'm at it: Yellow Cake! Hysterical.
Seconding the beaker theory. There's a game called Rhythm Heaven where scientists make love (potions) in beakers in a lab, complete with wafting hearts.
...at least, I'm choosing to believe those are beakers.
It's a Tube Worm Valentine. Because coelenterates need love, too.
I was thinking they were wasp nests but with hearts instead of wasps coming out of them. But, isn't the opening usually on the bottom or in the middle of the nest?
Still doesn't make any sense or make me see the need for a cake with that on top.
wv "andefe" Of course she got the cake wrong. Our decorator is blind andefe.
I'd buy it, if only for the conversation at the party!
are those hearts coming out of it??? I am sooo confused!!!
wv: I wonder if the cake tastes 'mente'
Clearly, they're the tops of coke bottles. Diet Coke is doing a program called "Heart Truth" that raises awareness for women's heart health. See: http://www.dietcoke.com/hearttruth/the_program.jsp
Not the best rendering of it, but copyright issues may have prevented the baker from putting the actual Diet Coke logo.
I would eat the hell out of that cake. The nuclear war, hell out of it.
I love this thing. I wish more bakers were this creative.
Thought you might like this cake-related news story.
I think this is actually a really cool cake, and if I saw it in the store I would buy it! I'm not sure why they made it though. There probably aren't many celebrations that involve cooling towers of love.
That is one sweet love factory!
Reminds me of Celestina Warbeck's A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love, except nuclear style.
An homage to CW! It's the "I *HEART* Big Piles O'Poo" cake! Awwww! Such dedicated fans out there, even in the wrecky industry!
wv: mockin
Don't be a mockin if the cake's a little shockin!
I am also hearing Huey Lewis in my head, but envision him singing in the middle of a pig farm in China where they use the poop as power. Go poo power!
It looks like a less explodey, less exciting, more floaty version of this.
Hm. The mind boggles.
Just wondering if you saw the Hell's Kitchen Cake Wreck? If not, you can watch it on HULU, in the current season it is the episode where 12 chefs compete--the cake was atrocious!
It's a well-done, if bizarre cake. Perhaps someone ordered it and changed their mind?
I like all the guesses, tales and puns! Very entertaining.
The only thing I can think of is perhaps the nuclear power industry is celebrating itself? And the hearts symbolize that air above the plants is clean, unlike coal plants.
BTW @Tina, it's the butane in the lighter that's the problem.
Mount Wanna-hawk-a-loogie (Finding Nemo)?
Maybe it's in Springfield and it's Mr. Burns' birthday?
Anonymous said...
"So cute. I wonder if its yellow cake."
Now THAT is funny!!!
Strange strange strange design to NOT be a special order.
wv: retsunn. That stuff that they always said was in "Certs".
Champagne bottles with bubbles rising from the top? Brown, stripey champagne bottles? With really big bubbles? Maybe?
Bee hives, perchance?
Maybe it wasn't finished?
Yep, my immediate thought was "3 Mile Island" before I even read the description.
I think the baker just heard the grade school joke: "What did the boy volcano say to the girl volcano?"
"I lava you!"
This looks like a Hello Kitty version of the Japan nuclear disaster... which would be such a japanese thing to do.
I initially saw two volcanoes spewing hearts... but you're right, it does look more like a pair of cooling towers or whatever. I'd still eat it. :-)
They look like vases to me. But apparently I'm the only one who sees that....
Ha, Mel, you said it so much better than I could. I was just going to call them Chiminea of Doom
wv: ronne. Ronne for your lives -- it's the Chiminea of Doom!
OK, first, Mel and the anonymous "yellow cake" suggestion win the thread as of this moment.
Second, I think it's cute! I grew up near Ft. Calhoun in Nebraska and then lived near a major nuclear weapons research center, and still have a relative who works with medical radiation stuff. I'd buy the cake in a heartbeat!
This is the best variety of comments & descriptions ever - clam necks, sea anemones, chocolate milk bottles, kilns... You all rock. You know you do.
@mel - clearly, you are a graduate student ;-)
Anon @ 11:29 - +5 nerd-points to you!
@Slartibarfast42 - love, love, love
I'm thinking that they are deep ocean hydrothermal vents. Of love!
Alyssa said:
'Clearly, they're the tops of coke bottles. Diet Coke is doing a program called "Heart Truth" that raises awareness for women's heart health.'
Good answer! Good answer! Either that or beehives. I live near a newcleyar cooling tower and it looks nothing like that!
WV: credgew----I'm incredgewlous at some of these answers, lol! But LOVE the yellow cake comment, right on. :)
I think April Lewie had the best explanation- it's a love factory!
Also, Sharyn's comment wins today :D
Finally, I feel lame, but I don't get the "is it yellow cake" joke :/ Can someone explain it pleeease?
I read all the comments hoping for some light to be shed upon this cake, but to no avail. So I shall offer my 2 cents.
Geoducks in love.
Hey, it could be!
I think they started out to do one thing and changed their minds halfway through, so now we don't know what they were supposed to be making.
Also, what would be so special here about "yellow cake"?
Hey all,
Yellowcake uranium is used in the preparation of nuclear fuel rods.
It also has something to do with bad guys.
Sad to say that would be something my dad would pick out for their anniversary, he's special like that. And he's worked at the nuclear plants most of my life.
hah, "rad" reporting. I see what you did there :D
Maybe it is just smoke signals from two mesas. There can be love in the Wild, Wild West.
It's bizarre, but neatly executed and actually rather pretty
Two geoducks, spawning?
Mel, that is the best interpretation of a cake I've ever read--awesome!
Why was the blonde bad at archaeology? She didn't know a sipapu from a hole in the ground.
I also thought cooling towers.
But could the hearts be going INTO the tops? We're sending love to Fukushima? (and Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, etc., etc.) As in, memorial/thank you cake for the valiant souls who worked hard to contain the mess?
The other ideas are great, and @Mel, you either have way too much time on your hands, or you have done in-depth study others never will. I'm hoping for the latter. ;)
Sharyn said...
Looks like the baker was fission for compliments. Why don't we just salute (C)hernobyl effort.
BRAVO!!! (or is that BRAVA??)
Mel, I love you but in a non-stalker, freakazoid kind of way.
TY to everyone who got here before me and asked about yellow cake since I didn't get it, either. :)
I thought tube worms, if anyone's interested and glad someone else did, too. Either that or upside down poo fezes. Fezes are cool.
-Barbara Anne
OK, I followed Alyssa's link and went to the Diet Coke web site and found nothing that resembles the design on this cake. Did anyone else find what she was referring to? I don't think the cake has anything to do with the Diet Coke promotion.
I think it's pretty cute, actually.
In my dad's hometown in Pennsylvania they have a nuclear plant with two smoke stacks just like this. It's sorta like their local landmark. I've even seen postcards featuring the stacks sold in town. Maybe that's what they are trying to do? I would be interested to find out where this was taken.
@MsMargaret - I didn't say that's what they were for certain, that's just what I thought of first when I saw the cake. I provided that link merely to illustrate the heart+Coke bottle connection. It makes more sense than hearts coming out of cooling towers, that's for dang sure.
I think it's Coke... "open happiness" It's a summer theme cake. Obviously.
This cake reminds me of a music video called, "God is not a white man" by Gungor. There is a factory and little paper cut-out hearts, some guns that turn into kittens and ice cream cones. My 5 year old makes me ( gives me an excuse to) watch it repeatedly. ;)
Of course it's nuclear - look at how the trim around the top of the cake mutates.
Justin Credible
Barbara Anne,
If you want to start a "Mel's Non-Stalker Freakazoid Fan Club" I'll join! Our logo could be a stalk of celery under one of those universal "NO" symbols.
Perhaps they were thinking of this?
I think it looks kinda cute lol. To me it looks like two happy volcanoes but what do I know? Love the cute little hearts. A rather nice wreck in my opinion.
We could actually use that at hubby's office. Mind you, Nuke plants are part of the job.
A work inspired cake. Well, work for my husband's office anyway.
@Sharyn and Barbara Anne: You're both funny, and too kind...thanks...
This is what happens when Cupid crashes into Three Mile Island.......
The sad part is that the border on the top of the cake is actually nicely done.
If you turn it upside down it becomes very obvious.....two elephants having nosebleeds.
Maybe it represents Pele, the Hawiian goddess of fire and passion. She had a lot of lovers and that could be the explanation for the hearts coming out of a possible volcano. Pele lived in a volcano.
They are two volcanos...what they left off was the caption, "What did the boy volcano say to the girl volcano? "I LAVA You" :)