If there's one thing I love, it's couples who have fun on their wedding day. Let loose a little, show some personality! And really, what better place is there to throw tradition to the wind than with the
Submitted by Peter D., baker unknown. Anyone recognize it?
Dragonflies, roses, lightning, and a viking helmet?
Admit it: you wish you were invited to this reception.
This one will make your guests nostalgic for old-fashioned candy dots:
So sweet! And the fact that you won't end up with a mouth full of paper is the icing on the cake. Literally.
My fellow cat lovers may find the hand-painting on this next one absolute purrfection:
Sub'd by Lessa. Baker unknown.It's like a painting in 3D!
And check out the amazing details in this south-of-the-border Sweet:
I love the individual tiles and teensy maracas.
For you cowboys and girls out there:
Sub'd by Tom G. Baker unknown
This reminds me of the
Van Gogh cake (scroll down), with the icing blended to look like actual paint. It's a neat look, and great for you icing purists out there who don't like the taste of fondant.
Ever wanted to turn the traditional wedding cake on its head?
If so, then, voila!
Sub'd by Vanessa M., found via Brides MagazineThe Day of the Dead might seem an odd theme for a wedding cake, but there are tons of them out there. Personally, I just love all the bright colors:
Sub'd by Melanie B. Baker unknownCheck out the gorgeous designs on those sugar skulls!
If you prefer a more traditionally romantic theme, though, you can't go wrong with Romeo and Juliet:
Preeeetty. Just look at those sweet little roses, the vines, the sculpted balustrades...so much great detail, and simply divine with all that white.
Suppose you
do want a traditional wedding cake, though, only with a twist.
In that case, how about having it delivered by turtle?
And now from the other side:

Before you're overcome by the sheer adorableness here, notice that the turtle is only supported by his four legs. That's some impressive cake architecture going on there! I'm also digging the little 3D turtle freckles (do you call them freckles?) and the texture on his shell. Just amazing.
Seen a fabulous wedding cake lately? Then send it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com!
80 comments | Post a Comment
OMG the Dot cake, turtle cake and mexican cake are all so cute :)
Am I the only person here who really, REALLY wants to know the story behind the first cake?
All of them are gorgeous, but that one is fascinatingly enigmatic.
I love the upside-down one and the one being carried by the adorable turtle!!! Also, the Romeo and Juliet one is nice, if you like more romantic ones. They're all so perrty! Now I can't wait for an excuse to try making an amazing cake.
Meow! I'm a cat! *giggle* That sunset cake was pretty awesome: I've been trying to do that with paint for months... imagine how hard it must have benn to do it with icing. And the turtle (I prefer to say tuttle!) cake. My sixth-grade sciense teacher would have loved it!
Underneath the turtle there are clear support. It's still a great cake though!
I just squee'd! So totally awesome. They were all very good but I especially loved the turtle. Very different and very sweet. Oh and I can't forget the cat cake! Wonderful!
The south-of-the-border-cake makes me think of San Antonio. It even has tiny cascarones (confetti eggs). I was amazed by the tiles and the serape. What an awesome cake!
Oh, wow! They're all fabulous, but I really love that first Viking cake.
Thanks for sharing such interesting, amazingly well done cakes!
Awesome, the cat cake says "I'm in ur side stealin' ur hearts." Huzzah for the lolcat inspiration!
I have to admit; the first cake had me wondering about the theme of the wedding for the bride and groom.
Second cake; oh, that is SO CUTE! i really liked those candies! Not so much the paper that would stick to them, of course.
I've seen a few Day of the Dead wedding cakes on shows like 'Amazing Wedding Cakes'. The ones i saw were bigger and much more colorful, but this is nice and it works if you're having a smaller wedding but want to make a splash.
Oh, the TURTLE CAKE! That is just... the turtle is SO CUTE.
Some great selections!
I think I'm in love with the cowboy/cowgirl cake. If I have a Western-style wedding I just may try to have a cake like that.
The turtle cake is pretty awesome too. It reminds me of my best friend and me always joking that our transatlantic packages are delivered by sea turtle. :P
The Fiesta cake was inspired by San Antonio. The cascarones had edible confetti inside. The only non-edible parts of the cake were the toothpicks holding up the margarita glasses.
That candy dot cake is just awesome and the Turtle cake is so cute!
Tortoise, not turtle, you can tell by the feet. Even more adorable than turtles, in my opinion.
The turtle reminded me of the Great A'Tuin... Awesome. (And seriously, when my husband and I have our remarriage with an actual wedding party, we are doing a viking cake. I married a viking. Seriously. Icelander. From Iceland ya know.)
I saw the South of the Border photo in person. It was fab :)
The Romeo and Juliet one kind of looks like Phantom of the Opera, to me? With Christine in a large dress and the Phantom watching from Box Five.
Are you saying the turtle is CAKE??? I thought is was amazing that they could balance a wedding cake on the back of a ceramic garden turtle, then I scrolled down to see the whole thing is the cake. Amazing.
Loving the dots cake. Can just imagine how a wreckerator could take such a simple concept and mess it up.
Please tell me you've seen this cake. Or have you posted it before?
I love that Mexican one, with the tiles. Lovely!
Ohhhh!!!! The turtle cake!! Absolutely a-MAZING!!! I seriously squealed with girly joy at that one!! Thanks so much for sharing :D (and thank the baker for me!!)
Love the cat cake! And the turtle is adorable!
the candy dots cake is beyond amazing! i mean, they even did the ribbon in candy dots... sa-weet! (literally.)
also love the upside down cake, quite a nice little engineering marvel.
Now I want to see a cake supported by an elephant supported by a turtle!
All of them are so cool and cute! When I get married someday, I am definetly going to have a "fun" wedding cake. :)
The cowboy cake got me singing -
"Oklahoma! Where the wind goes whipping down the plains!"
That cake could have been Curly and Laurey's wedding cake.
Tortise/turtle-co cute!
I know a couple that would love the Day of the Dead cakes. Slightly grim but with enough color and pizazz that it doesn't seem gothic. Totally them.
Wow. Most of those were incredible.
My vote is still out on the sunset/windmill one. I love the country. I love sunsets. I love windmills. But, I think that cake looks more like a wreck than a triumph.
I cannot tell you much how much I love the candy dot one. Wow. Why didn't I have that as an option for my wedding? Hey, Honey, I know what I want for my birthday...
Beautiful cakes-- proof one can have fun, be eclectic, and yet still tastefully celebrate the day. But, I couldn't help but think what wrecks these designs would have been had they been made/decorated by less skillful bakeries!
The first cake made me laugh-- it's so joyful and summery. Roses, raindrops, dragonflies-- with lightening and a helmet?! You can't help but think what a fun, lovely couple they must be, and want to be friends
I've never had candy dots, but it's well executed albeit a little girly and pastel for me.
I'm not a cat person, but that cake is adorable! It really shows their love for each other. And their pets! (Too bad not every pet is as well-loved)
NIce details, classy design, and love how they interlocked the different cakes. cool idea! I may just have to play with that next time a friend has a milestone birthday and I have to bake for a large crowd! (The challenge will be icing it-- I'm not a pro, and don't know how to work with fondant)
Love the colour blending-- just gorgeous. But I'm surprised they didn't smooth the icing a bit more; looks a little choppy. The upside is that I might be able to make something like that!
I LOVE the upside down cake! What fun-- a classic design writ a bit funky. I could totally see myself going that route. Hmmm....
I'm not sure how dead people, or a couple that suicided, are suitable for a wedding (!) but those are beautifully made cakes. And I have a skull-obsessed friend who'd totally squee over those stunningly-decorated sugar skulls.
I'm impressed with the turtle cake-- he's so well done, and even seems to have personality, I'd feel terrible cutting into him and eating him. I'd just feel like I'm further endangering the species :(
PS @Kristen's right-- if you zoom in on the first photo, you can see the clear supports under the turtle. Still really cleverly done, and the fact that those supports are so easily missed even by you guys shows how well chosen they were to not interfere with the presentation. Even more credit to the bakery!
I just re-looked at the Van Gogh cake. It is not just a Van Gogh cake, it is also a Monet cake. When you look at the other images of it on flicker you see that the bottom tier is all Monet with the water lilies. The middle tier is both because they both did hay stacks. The top tier is quite obviously Van Gogh because it's quite obviously the sky in "Starry Night."
and that turtle cake is a bamf!
They're not "dead people" or a "couple that suicided." El Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a Mexican tradition. It's about honoring the dead, celebrating death as a part of life. It's not glorifying suicide or anything else. There's a long tradition of designing various casts of skeleton characters, calaveras, that poke fun at the living. Sheesh. It's a gorgeous cake!
I love the dot cake, the "Will you marry me cake?" and the turtle cake. Love them!
The one with the windmill has to be an aussie tribute
these are awesome!
I'm guessing for the awesome "viking" cake that a gardener married an opera singer? Totally fantastic.
Love this site!
That candy dot cake just begs to be licked! Jen, I heard you on the Splendid Table on NPR yesterday and it was one of those moments when I wanted to shout "I know her!" which is completely not true, and a little stalker-ish, but I was excited to hear it. Who woulda thought; cake wrecks + npr = joy!
#1 is balanced on the knife edge of sweet vs. wreck. Bugs on a cake? I don't really care why they're there, I'll pass.
#5 I like this one. I'm a country guy at heart and my fiancee is a country girl (which works out nicely), so this would be very appropriate for our wedding.
#7 Again, sweet vs. wreck. It's gotta be a tough call. Maybe there could be a new category: sweet-wrecks. That sort of imagery is the last thing I want to be contemplating on my wedding day, thank you very much.
#8 proves that it is possible to have multiple cakes, architectural elements and taste all at the same time. Very sweet, and not a lighted fountain in sight.
#9 I want this one for my wedding, too. The chelonian* would symbolize perfectly how long said event has been in arriving.
*Generic term for turtles and tortoises; my contribution to the anti-EPCOT effort.
There are clear supports for the turtle. I had to look close to see, but it is still such an awesome cake!
The candy dot cake now has two little girls planning their weddings and wishing for that cake! I think I'll be planning a spring or summer party just because simply for the chance to make one. :)
Yep. That Tortoise cake totally ROCKS!!!!!
Gena - I think that Aliza was referring to the "Romeo and Juliet" cake when she was talking about "the couple that suicided." Also, if you're not familiar with the Day of the Dead, a cake with skulls on it *does* seem a little gothy. (I think it's pretty, but not for me.)
I can clearly see acrylic cubes under the turtle, but that's nothing to be ashamed of. So cute!
Our wedding cake had the top tier sculpted to look like a castle, and we thought we were pretty hot stuff.
Hope you don't mind my making a second comment, but since someone took offence to a remark of mine, I'd like to apologize.
@Wendy-- thanks! That was exactly what I meant
@Gena-- Wendy's right, the suicide couple line was in reference to the end of Romeo and Juliet (I have never understood why that play stands for "romance"!). I agree with you that it's a gorgeous cake, so can we pretend that it's a romantic Victorian setting instead? :)
As for the Day of the Dead cake, I just thought it was along the lines of the cakes with movie characters or gothic symbolism (due to the topper and the recent skulls fashion trend); I didn't realize it was a religious tradition in some parts of the world (I'm from the country on the northern border of the US, so we aren't as familiar with Mexican traditions as many Americans would be). So I meant with my comment that I thought it very odd to be glorifying death when you should be celebrating the prospect of decades of life with your new spouse! I'm very, very sorry if I offended you; I had no idea that it was a way some cultures honour beloved relatives who've passed on at their weddings. I just thought it was a quirk of the couple (akin to a Viking helmet or cats or movies themed cake). I've lost a mother and a stepmother, and am looking at the possibility of a wedding in my future, so I completely understand why my comment could be upsetting to you. I just wanted to reassure you that some readers/commenters are well-intentioned, reasonably familiar with multiple cultures, but don't know them all, so may mistake a cultural reference in a cake for different taste. So, we'd welcome an explanation-- learning is one of the many bonuses of reading the comments sections on this blog. Today it's my turn to go off to Wikipedia thanks to your comment :)
And while I"m posting another comment anyway...
@Craig... you have me nearly convinced I should consider a turtle/tortoise/chelonian motif if I do get married!
I'm loving the cowboy cake because 1) it is so well done, and
2) I am an icing purist.
The fondant cakes are undeniably gorgeous, but I will always love true frosting the best!
I love the candy cake! I also love that you're featuring the good along with the bad...although the bad is still my favorite part.
This is the interwebs. If somebody isn't offended, you're not doing it right.
I would write more but Jen and I are writing a post about poop!
The turtle's (it's actually a tortoise) "freckles" are scales. Unlike many reptiles turtles or tortoises do not shed all of their skin at one time, so you often see a variety of shading. The larger scales that make up the shell, or carapace, are called scutes.
There's the bio lesson for the day on an extremely cute cake!
As an ailuorphile, I am in love with that kitty cake! If I knew who did it, I'd have them make me one for a BIG birthday I have coming up in a little over a year. But the others are awesome too -esp the "dot" cake! Wow.
All these awesome cakes make me want to get a weird, totally unique if unexplainable cake. Whenever I get married. Something like that biking helmet cake, where you look at it and start wondering how it came about. And that Day of the Dead cake was so pretty...albeit a bit morbid...but thats me! And hey, dont like it? Dont eat it...more for me!
I'm with Oldish Lady from 9:38 AM-
I really, really, REALLY want to know the story behind the Viking/Thor/dragonfly/rain/flowers(roses?) cake aka the first cake. I read today's post first thing this AM and I hoped that by now someone would have posted the story but I don't see it in the comments.
Will someone please at least make up something really fun?
the tortoise cake reminds me of the the book "the grey gentleman" (orig. title "momo" tranlated from german)which features a tortoise character. maybe that's the backstory?
i am in love with the turtle wedding cake! it's adorable.
Oh wow that candy dots cake is so gorgeous! I would hate even attempting to cut into it. So nice. And I have never even eaten any candy dots lol. And awwwww to that adorable turtle. Someone rescue me from all this cuteness!
I think that the Day of the Dead themed wedding may have a little something to do with Little Big Planet. I know that seems weird, but there is a whole world devoted to a day of the dead style wedding, and they seem to have become more popular after that came out.
Love the paper dots one!!
I read "maracas" as "mascara," and spent a good five minutes looking for some sort of fondant mascara wand on that cake.
Damn you.
If it weren't for the dragonflies I would have said the first cake was something to do with "What's Opera Doc?" my favourite Bugs Bunny short http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0051189/.
There's no dragonflies though.
Still an awesome cake :-)
I would love any one of those cakes, but I would have to say the Day of the Dead cake is my favorite. Husband and I got married in Vegas on Dia Del Los Muertos. It's a big, and old tradition in both of our families and we chose that day for a different reason. Lucky for us it landed on that day. I hope those are real sugar skulls, mmmm.
The 'Romeo and Juliet' cake is a Debbie Brown design. It's clearly been personalised for a bald groom! My daughter picked out this design for me to make for her 9th birthday cake last October, so I know that there are over 150 separate pieces in the balustrades alone. Went down a treat with 30 8-to-9 year olds though!
I agree with Allie — first thing I thought was, 'Kill the waaaaabbit!'
I think my hubbs would have given his left horn for a viking cake!
Spear and magic helmet?! I would live to know more about that first cake!
Hurray! Lochel's is right down the street from me!! Their cakes are the very best. I've seen the candy cake in their store, and it's just as gorgeous up-close.
the tortoise cake reminds me of the the book "the grey gentleman" (orig. title "momo" tranlated from german)which features a tortoise character. maybe that's the backstory? ------->
I loved that book as a kid!!
But I think this is probably a connection to Sir Terry Pratchett's comic fantasy book series "Discworld", which parodies the supposed tortoise-and-elephants cosmological myth (common in a lot of mythologies, like the Chinese or the Indian), with the "Giant Star Turtle" Great A'Tuin carrying four elephants on its back, which in turn support the world on their backs.
Viking cake story
Bride: Oh, the cake is perfect! Our garden wedding will be spectacular.
Groom: Wow, I love it! You know, you got to choose almost everything for the wedding, and it's really nice and all, but...
Bride: I don't care, you can't wear your Viking Helmet with that fake lightning bolt hair for the ceremony. Nice try decorating it with flowers, though.
Groom: Fine. (exit bride) Now, where to put it until the reception?
I'm pretty sure the last cake is a reference to Discworld by Terry Pratchett, which Great A'Tuin the Space Turtle carries through space on his back.
The candy buttons cake is my absolute favorite!
Lovely cakes, one and all. Still, am I the only one who thinks that balcony cake makes Juliet's butt look fat?
WV: "cheisms" - those cute, witty little sayings that Che Guevara was so famous for?
Not sure if you've featured it yet but Celebration Generation cakes has two completely unusual wedding cakes!
There's the Glam Goth cake, and a so-cute-it-should-be-illegal Bubble Bobble cake.
The Romeo and Juliet cake is from Debbie Brown's Dream Wedding Cakes book which is a brilliant book if you are looking for something a little different for your wedding. The one in this post is pretty good but I have to say - Debbie does it best!
That tortoise is just adorable :o)
i like that cat cake. especially the two cats snuggling theme of it.
The turtle cake isn't supported by only its legs. You can see the plastic pillars underneath the body.
I want to see a cake supported by 4 elephants standing on the shell of a tortoise. Maybe if Carrot and Angua ever tie the knot?
The windmill on the cowboy cake reminds me of my grandma's paintings.
WV: gockate
It's an anagram for "got cake" or the way a wreckerator would spell it.
Is this is first "Tocpe" for Cake Wrecks? Rather than 50+ posts of people telling Jen or John they're wrong, we're at 72 posts...and I personally am still waiting for an explanation that explains the dragonflies and roses.
I'm wondering if the tortoise is a nod to Discworld? Either way, I, like others, was completely shocked that it, too, was made of cake! Sheer awesomeness.
GUYS the cowboy cake is hundret percent a daughters of mcloud cake!
from Anon-1/27@12:03 up, 6 Discworld refs so far!
Wow. Woulda thought there'd be more.
WV: bownfle. Bow-n-File? Bonefile?
The cowboy/cowgirl cake could be a reference to the musical Oklaholma! as well. If you see a stage production of it, the opening of the musical is in the yard of a house with a windmill like that, and the backdrop is kind of sunset-ish like that.
Amazing Cakes! They all should be at the show Fabulous Cakes!
However, the Viking Cake I loved except Vikings don't have horns! Just something people added to make Vikings seem more awesome! Lol!
I LOVE THE tortoise cake carrying the classic wedding cake! what a drag for the tortoise to have to balance that thing all night though... great combination of grooms cake meets traditional... Studio Cake is so super talented, they have the best design/sense of style!!
The Romeo and Juliet cake is from a design in Debbie Brown's Dream Wedding Cakes book. She is a wonderful cake designer.