It was a night like this,
Forty million days ago.
A wreckerator piped a blob
Called it "cakey dino."

This one was spitting fire,
This guy was blue as ice!

I felt a little wired,
so I wrecked this next one twice!

I wrecked the dinosaur.
I wrecked the dinosaaaaaaur!
[Everybody, now!]
Open the door,
Get on the floor!

Everybody wreck the dinosaur!

Open the door,
Get on the floor.

Everybody wreck that dinosaur!
Boom, boom, acka lacka lacka boom!
Boom, boom, acka lacka
boom boom!
One night I dreamed a dream,
Such a cute and lovely cake!

But it was not to be,
When I saw it awake:

That night while at a fancy wedding,
I looked around the room.
Behold the Wreck - you must be kidding:
That's what they got the groom??

They wrecked the dinosaur.
They wrecked the dinosaaaur!
Don't be a bore,
Get on the floor:

Everybody wreck that dinosaur!
Sorry you're sore, get on the floor!
Everybody wreck the dinosaur!
Some are pink and girly,

Some need a throat lozenge,
*cough hack cough*
Still we know that surely,

The dino gets his revenge!
Hey Alison G., Jill B., Susanna K., Kelli T., Jeremy W., Sunny W., Debbie C., Misa M., Molly S., Marla S., & Liz S., have you ever seen the music video to this song? Wow. That's all I'm sayin'.[UPDATE: Turns out the vid is only viewable for U.S. viewers. Sorry, guys!]
136 comments | Post a Comment
Bad dinosaurs make me sad. It's like when I got my new LED TV and watched Jurassic Park on it. It was so realistic it made the dinosaurs look fake. I've never wanted to return something so much in my life.
Wow. Jen, you rock my world--this is GREAT!
And now I need to go detox--just looking at those piles of frosting makes me feel like I've eaten too much sugar (and I only had Wheat Chex for breakfast!).
Is is possible that the blue one (below the red CCC horror) is actually a wrecked -- and flattened -- elephant?
As soon as I saw the post title in my RSS feed I had that damn song stuck in my head. Arrrrgh!!
I like that last one, though! :)
Seriously, I'm almost, almost shocked that you guys actually know "Walk the Dinosaur' by was (not was). But you two seem to have about as much pop culture in your heads as I do.
that's a great send-up of the song, and I AM shocked at the number of dinosaur wrecks you have
Dinosaurs and Princesses.
Perfect together!!
Ok, first off, that was hilarious. Secondly, I think the dino-timing is crazy, as I just put up a picture of Paris Hilton mudwrestling a velociraptor before I clicked over here.
Thirdly, that was freaking hilarious. GREAT POST!
Had to stop and watch the video, worse than most of the cakes, just sayin'
I believe the third dinosaur is an ancestor of Jabba the Hut and the fifth one (Red ccc) is the saddest, even including the groom's dino.
The 'saurs just make me think "yick."
The song, however, makes me say "Yay!"
Is it bad i kind of like the "Happy birthday hayden" one? ;)
Run princesses, run! That last cake kills me!
Bahaha Priceless!!! The first however reminded me of something I've seen in my kids diaper. Are you sure that's really cake??
That last cake needs Cinderella's dino-taming skills, stat!
I used to decorate cakes. Just me personally, it wasn't a business, just for my kids birthdays.
I rememeber clearly looking at my inferior products and thinking, "I'm gonna cut this up in a few minutes. Who cares?"
I was reminded of that this morning.
For some reason.
Oh, I knew immediately who that group was. (no pun intended!) I did not dance to that song. Let me say that again, at no time DID I DANCE TO THAT SONG.
Was(not Was) was an odd group even for the '80's. I went and looked them up on wikipedia a moment ago and found this quote about them.
Detroit's Metro Times described the band as "an endearing mess... ...a sausage factory of funk, rock, jazz and electronic dance music, all providing a boogie-down backdrop for a radical (and witty) political message of unbridled personal freedom and skepticism of authority."
What else can you say about a band that played with both Ozzy Osbourne and Mel Torme?
Hilarious. And yes I DID dance to that sone. More than once.
That might have been the very first cassette I ever owned. And I might have danced around my house in fifth grade to it, repeatedly. So, thank you for the flashback.
Oh, my, that last one. If you click it, you will find that the dinosaur has Snow White in his mouth. Since the princess side has 6 candles and the dino side has 4 candles, I suspect the parents were too cheap to buy two cakes for their kids who have the same birthday. Poor little princess birthday girl will be in therapy for years after this.
I remember that song... this was wonderful. thank you!! :-)
The last cake is a testiment to why it must COMPLETELY SUCK to be a twin... especially for boy/girl twins.
I tried to sing along in my head but somehow I kept switching the tune to copacabana... it's late, I'm tired.
Thanks for finishing my day on a high!
That poor Sheila E wannabe in the video. Relegated to COWBELL.
Dead dinosaur head in your bed... That's what you get for disobeying the velociraptor!
What, you couldn't work the "Miami Vice" line in there somewhere? psht. Amateurs.
j/k, awesome post!
Hooray! I thought I was the only one who remembered that song!
Wow, I'm going to spend the rest of the morning in flashbacks to the dance clubs I hung out in grad school in 1988. I admit I did dance to that song, and I even wore giant shirts while doing so, but I DID NOT do their "walk the dinosaur" dance.
I think I'll go make a playlist on Grooveshark of late 80's/early 90's music. Love Shack, What I Am Is What I Am, Stand in the Place Where You Are, and of course for the slow dance, Orinoco Flow.
I'm kinda liking that last cake. Especially the black candles.
I saw the third one and thought, "You know, a little Godzilla would have improved some of the recent Star Wars films, but Zilla the Hutt? I just don't know."
But...half of them are maybe supposed to be dragons? (especially the first one), not dinosaurs, so could you please come up with an equally hilarious bit for that? :)
And thank you so much for the earworm - argh!!
That. Was (not was). Awesome. I think an audio of this version is in order here. Am I right? What do you think John and Jen? Ready to dust off those pipes? Who's with me?
#6 Looks like a blue ALF.
Let the 80's references roll!
I think the 3rd cake down looks like some bizarre blend of Jabba the Hut, Barney, and Dino.
And sadly, it just dawned on me now that the word of the day I keep seeing people define is the "word verification". Obviously I'm not getting enough caffeine in the morning!
I adore song parodies -- thank you for a great one, and wonderfully horrible pictures of the dreaded Sucrosaurus.
wv - shamall. After we dance to Shmeverybody Shwalk the Shdinosaur, let's go hang out at the shmall! Shtotoally Shawsome!
Oh, no. That song is going to be stuck in my head all day! Of course, it replaces "Last Christmas" by Wham so it's probably an improvement...
Imagine what that last cake would look like in the hands of a talented decorator! For a brother/sister who share a birthday and have the same twisted sense of humor? It would totally rock (I can see my brother and I doing that).
Such a tragedy that it fell *just* short. And for a 6 & 4 year old? that's just wrong.
I think that groom cake might be the loch ness monster. Ya know outta focus and hard to tell if it's fake. Looks just like Nessie.
I'm not ashamed to admit I love both that song and the video. (I'm pretty sure I still have it recorded on a vhs tape somewhere...)
Ha ha ha ha...oh crap. Now that song is going to be stuck in my head all day.
Not to quibble, but I think at least two of those were dragon wrecks, rather than dino-wrecks.
when t-rex and diplodocus mate, you get a blue jabba the hut with ancillary arms and legs, and bucked teeth? Who knew?
This was AMAZING.
Love it - please come up with some audio :)
Wv - Dincess, as it what you call it when a dino eats a princess for dinner
Oh lord - just when I thought nothing could cure my day, boom-boom-acka-lacka-lacka-boom-boom! Thanks!! You are the best!!!!!
Well, I have seen the video now! That was really something.....I think wow pretty much covers it!
How on earth can you tell that the red cupcake monstrosity is supposed to be a dinosaur? It looks more like a red version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar!
Just so you all know, that 6th pic down is actually a Heffalump from Winnie the Pooh! (Or Poo, as the case may be).
Aw. That poor third dinosaur just broke my heart.
Nice song, shame about the cakes! And, pah! Wretched YouTube won't let us watch the vid over here for copyright reasons. I feel cheated...
The bad news is, your link to the video, alas, "is blocked in (my) country" by VEVO. What have they got against Canada?
The good news is, I know the song by heart and can dance to it! What's up with you guys who won't? Not cool enough for ya?
Personally, I think you should have slipped in the one with Jesus cradling the velociraptor. That so bears repeating...
I think the 3rd one down looks like Jabba the Hut with a dinosaur head... Oh my goodness.
I don't recognise the lyrics, and when I hit the video link, I get "This video contains content from Vevo, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."
At least the dinosaurs made me happy. I'm gonna give that green-and-purply cute one (the sample, not the wreck) a go some day... I'll be gracious and send you the pic of it, if it goes horribly, horribly wrong! Pinky-swear!
Ok, as to the last cake. My two kids' birthdays are 10 days apart and they are both happy to have a party together (they're 2 and 5 so this may change next year). Last year we had a dino cake and kitty cat cupcakes (never again - those things took forever). This year it was different dino cake and a very hungry catapiller cake - they were cute as far as my cake-making abilities go. However, both kids would have LOVED the dino-eating princess dual cake. My son hates princesses with a passion and to see a dino eat one would have made his day. My daughter just loves cake so, she'd be good. Although I would need a much bigger cake...
Cool song... but even cooler the cakes.
What makes this post even funnier is that just as I start reading it, the song starts playing on my radio! Boom boom acka lacka lacka boom!
Why does the second cake have spaghetti in a heap next to it?
It just made my day that my favorite childhood song was in a cake wrecks post. Plus, that dino eating princesses? I would love that cake!!
The video crashed my (US-based) PC. Literally. I had to log back in on the laptop.
wv: Sulfa. Will sulfa drugs treat this computer virus???
I need a dino-princess cake. Why do I not have one?
wv: hersh, it's fun being hersh to wrecks.
You have no idea how awesome and timely this post is. DH and his old roommate spammed the heck out of one my posts on FB last night.
DH then proceeded to end it all with the YouTube link to "Walk the Dinosaur".
This post just makes it all the more awesome. Forwarding to
@Danger Boy, did the velociraptor win? Heh heh heh...
#2 Is that a pom-pom in the foreground? "Gimme a D! Gimme an I! Gimme an N! Gimme an O! Uh, oh..."
#3 I don't know if Frank Herbert and Steven Spielberg were contemporaries (maybe the next 50 comments will enlighten me), but this is what might have happened if they were.
#4 Big Bird ate too much spinach. Is that shredded lettuce on the right, or another pom-pom. There are so many themes today!
#5 I can see the dinosaur. Which worries me. At least it's not a true CCC (patooie!).
#6 "Heffalump Airlines hopes your flight to Super Mario Land was a happy one!"
#7 Awww.
#8 Oh. With a head of solid frosting, no less. How many weeks did it take to get the kids to sleep that night?
#12 Can't quite make out the recipient's name (isn't that rather pointless?). Maybe the last letter is an 's'. [innocent whistling...]
#13 Black candles, really? The twins' problems are only beginning, it seems. @Shanti beat me to the Cinderella reference. Poo.
Okay, call me crazy(ier), but I sort of-kind of-maybe think the first blue one is kind of cute with squinted eyes from a distance!
The one needing a throat lozenge... ewww. Just. Blah. Looks like it is spitting out teeth or rocks. The mouth is too blood red. Would NEVER eat that cake, not even a slice of his butt.
And now that song will be in my head all day!!! ;-)
for those that can't follow the link in the post (for those of us in Canada)
Wow, who knew there were so many dinosaur / dragon / lizard / heffalump / Epcot cakes out there?
And I kinda like the last one. I'm not saying it's good or not a wreck. I'm just sayin' I like the idea.
That was hystrical. You need to do the audio for that one!
The "cakes" (if that's a term you can use for collapsed piles of icing) leave me speechless, but that "Walk the Dinosaur" vid is way rad! It's a candidate to become my new theme music.
My WV: blubc. So that's the name of the technique today's wreckorators used.
Check out toothpaste for dinner 3rd one down.
Have a great day!
those dinosaurs are scary--and not in a good way. The CCC is barely recognizable as a dino! (if it wasn't a dino post, I wouldn't realize it) and why is he eating "mud"? is he about to get stuck in a tiny tar pit?
the next one looks like a flattened elephant. With no ears and a ridge on his back. Unless he's part anteater.
What is the pink one doing with the tiny bunnies under his paws?
My favorite is the last one though. It has a great sense of humor. The black candles go with the morbidity of dino slaughter. And he's chomping on poor Snow White!
I bet this is a cake for a pair of boy/girl twins or other brother/sister combo cake. Great hybrid, mom! Princesses for her daughter, a dino for her son. Now I hope it doesn't traumatize her daughter.
funny how calmly the other two princesses look on as the dino snacks on Snow White
wv: gatha. "Gatha your skirts and run, Ariel!" Jurassic park has come alive!
And about that video...
*sigh* I miss the days when scantily clad hot female dancers actually smiled and looked like they were having fun instead of always putting on the "come hither" face.
why does a groom need a dino cake? is he a paleontologist? or is he 8 years old?
Oh I have that song stuck in my head. THANKS.
I also like the "Happy Birthday Hayden" cake. It reminds me of a Tim Burton drawing, or an illustration from a children's book. WHAT the dinosaur is doing, that I can't decide. Is it laying down dead? If so, then they nailed it. If they wanted it upright they should have changed the orientation of the "Happy Birthday" banner.
if that blue one is a heffalump, it's still a wreck! it has back spikes and no ears! and it's squashed. or slipped on ice and splayed
What, no audio?! Come ON, guys, that genius of a parody is just screaming to be heard! The fact that you were ballsy enough to rhyme "lozenge" with "revenge" (and have it work) demands vocals.
(And since now I have that song stuck in my head thanks to you, at the very least you owe me. ;) )
#6- Can't decide if it's a Heffalump... or a Jurrasic-ear Aardvark. YOU MAKE THE CALL!
WV: rentioc. The sound my retinas make after being exposed to some of these wrecks.
Hands up, readers, for who thinks CW needs to post audio of Jen (#1) singing this? Yup, a forest of hands out there. It's unanimo-- wait, You! Back there in the corner! Why isn't your hand up? Oh, you're new, you don't know she has a fab voice. OK, stick that hand up in the air now. up, NOW! Great, it's unanimous! Please post audio?
I don't understand how all these designs require massive blobs of icing. Given how disgusting most commercial icing tastes <shudder... and the simultaneous pitter patter of taste-buds fleeing for their lives)
Cake #1: I thought it was two snakes, and one was having serious anatomical difficulties (the eyes on their sides!).
#2 could that be a dead croc?? And weren't Elvis' shoes suede not croc?
#3 While I've seen T-rex cartoons like the torso, I've never seen a mouth-less brontosauras swallow a t-rex before!
#4 is rolling it's own eyes at how ridiculous it looks.
#5 well, at least the wreckerator did a cupcake mosaic rather than a CCC. And it's chocolate cake.
#6 points for using cake not icing for legs. Cute girly eyelashes. But if that's a dinosaur/anteater/elephant/croc mix, I think those mushrooms in the back are magical.
#8 the sad thing is that I can recognize which dinosaur that's supposed to be. Maybe the baker hated the bride??? And-- just how old is the groom?!
#9 well, at least it's technically not a CCC. And is recognizable as a critter of some kind...
#10 is actually well done, for an utterly pathetic design, assuming that the photo before #7 is what the wreckerators are supposed to imitate. Although-- I can't tell if she's holding bouquets in her feet, or those are rabbits about to be squashed.
#11 well, Hayden's cake probably went over rather well, if he's a boy in late childhood. If he's a littley, that was one scary t-rex.
#12 some parents INTENTIONALLY had their pre-school son's t-rex eat one of their barely-school-age daughter's princesses? That would be a hoot if they were in their twenties and the shared birthday festivities had become a family joke, but at age 4 and 6 that's just cruel. I hope they'll pay for their daughter's therapy bills!
WV serizess. As in, are these wreckerators serizess?!
Oh my head! Some of those are beyond words. But I am totally loving that last one, the dino eating Snow White! That is freakin' hilarious! I actually, for the first time, spit out some of my food laughing so hard! I really should learn not to read this blog during lunch!
I forgot all about that song! I can't believe we used to think that song was COOL. (In my defense, I was a child at the time!) I guffawed a little too loudly, and got the "what's wrong with mom" look from my kids. I get that a lot when I visit this site. :)
I think the third dinosaur is thinking, "I have big butt... and tiny arms."
That song totally had some cowbell power. Check out THE Cowbell goddess herself. Masked in the coolest sunglasses ever...2 min.
I love the road-kill blue Alf.
Inspired post, you had me singing along.
I like the last one! I'm not sure who the t-rex is eating, but I hope the princess is next.
The third photo reminds me of the Slurm Queen from Futurama.
So they didn't even know how to do a CCC correctly? They didn't join the cupcakes on that poor red one with the usual mass of slathered frosting to make the dinosaur one solid object...
Oh, and I do have boy/girl twins. This year for their 6th birthday, I made them each their own half a cake--but used two separate round pans, so the pirates (in his case) wouldn't be tempted to attack the princesses on hers. And no way would I have been able to get away with black candles for their birthday!
So our local NPR station does a show called "The Swing Years and Beyond" every Saturday night, with music from the first half of the 20th century (mostly 20s, 30s, & 40s). Some of those songs are about such light, silly, fluffy topics, it's hard to take them seriously--we just say "well, they don't write them like that anymore!" Well, I guess they still do...!
Thanks for the mental visit back to my college days! Well done!
WV: berph--what you say when you see these wrecks
Thanks for getting that song stuck in my head.
No, really.
for the 12th(?) that a cockroach in the dinosaurs mouth?
The groom's cake is ... scary.
Great, now that song (which I haven't heard in about eleventy years) is stuck in my head.
Those wrecks are DINO-MITE!
wv = knoti: they can knoti be serious about those dino cakes.
Thank you, oh thank you, for the trip down memory lane with that song reference. Ahhh . . . those were the days. Great wrecks too!
That video...holy crap. Awesome.
My favorite is the dinosaurs getting the Disney Pricesses :)
I think I've only actually heard that song one time in my entire life, around 1990 or so when I was in middle school. AND IT HAS BEEN STUCK IN MY HEAD EVER SINCE. Thanks for giving me that extra push I needed to finally seek help for my problem.
My mom went to high school with Don Was who sings that song :)
Fun post!
Anyone else think #6 looks like an Alf-a-saurus? That looks like an Alf snout to me!
As Mr. T would say, "I pity the fool who would serve these cakes!"
I wasn't going to comment except my word verification is 'andsued'...I ordered a dinosaur cake, got this monstrosity andsued!
That red one isn't a dinosaur, it's a battalion of mutant tomatoes!
O. M. G. This. Post. Was. Awwwwesooommme (sing-song voice)
That song plays during the credits for Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs. - Ellen, your wv sounds just like Sid the Sloth LOL!
I didn't dance, just cracked up at the parody and the cakes! Way too funny!
I IMMEDIATELY thought of the Cinderella/T-Rex cake (it's one of my favs)! "I told my managers it would never happen again, but wait'll they see where I put Snow White" *snort* I guess we know where now!
wv: forule (for-ule): Beware of this song, forule have an earworm all week!
(fo-rule): Between the princesses and the dino cake, the T-Rex forules!!
I don't know that song, but your post did remind me of the dinasaur song in Mrs. Doubtfire:
"...Yo yo yo, see me,
I'm living below the soil,
I'll be back but I'm comin' as oil!"
Ok, NOT THAT FUNNY, I have to pick up a cake with a dinosaur on it tomorrow for my son's 5th birthday party. I don't expect too much, it's just from Costco, cause I need a big cake that will feed lots of people and...
Oh God. What have I done?
The conversation in my house:
7 yr old: That looks good. Especially with the fish eggs.
me: I think the sprinkles replaced the fish eggs.
7 yr old: That's too bad, because sugariness tastes good with nothingness, and the fish eggs don't really taste like anything and they pop in your mouth.
At first I thought that 6th cake was suppose to be an elephant, but then the "spikes" down it's back made me question myself. I suppose that's sort of the hallmark of a "cake wreck" not really knowing what they heck you're looking at!
I've been a long time reader and follow you on Facebook. I always get a chuckle out of it. I recently lived in fear that I would wind up on cake wrecks after trying to make a daisy shaped cake for my daughter's birthday! But, then I remembered I'm not a professional baker so I'm off the hook!
the last one is awesome!
wv: miculati
as in, miculati cakewreckius, the scientific name of the dinosaurs we just saw.
Okay, so here's what I've got,
#3 couldn't tell the difference between Jabba the Hutt and a dinosaur
#5 Well, at least each cupcake has its own frosting, instead of having a 2 inch layer trying to make it look like one cake. But still, too much frosting.
#6 Looked a bit like ALF, but blue.
#7 Cute face, actually, compared to the rest it was pretty cute.
#13 Gotta love a dinosaur eating Snow White. I'm really not into the Disney princesses, so this made my day!
Are you sure that one isn't supposed to be Jabba The Hut and not a T-Rex???? Or maybe a love child of both??
oh, jen, what joy it brings to my heart for you to use this song. i feel like you're my long lost sister!
The video link was priceless! Thanks!
(Again my husband had to ask me what was so funny!)
Shelley in So. Illinois
WV: aerme as in I can't believe you just did an aerme. That stinks!
look what i saw today: (you have to click it and not assume i am making any judgment about if and when you decide to have children)
The post made me laugh and then I watched the video...hilarious!
amazing job on the "spoof" :D
Now the song is in my head-thanks so much... regarding the cakes-well not much I can say about them 0-o
I am looking forward to the musical version of this. You know you want to. You know we want you to. Why deny both ya'll and us? ;)
How the frak do you KNOW the red CCC (patooie) was, in fact, an alleged dinosaur???
(shudders in horror)
-Barbara Anne
P.S. I remember that song so well- dweeby but catchy. Thanks. It'll be a dino's age before I get it out of my head.
The third wreck's face looks like one of the baby monsters from the movie Monsters, Inc. The one that bites Mike on the hand round about the time Boo goes missing.
WHO even remembers that SONG?!?!?!
Too many wine coolers (wink)
Thanks for the great laughs
-your pal in santa cruz, ca!
That grooms cake was "supposed" to be a dragon.
Oh, I so totally forgot that song. And now I remember why.
But... 113 comments, and nobody has made the "Cake Rex" joke? OK... toooooo obvious.
Oh no now I have that song in my head.. lol. I still say those are Ooompa Loompas in disguise. That or the wreckerators really have no idea what dinosaurs look like and just took a guess.
I would just like to say that I have the "Walk the Dinosaur" single... on 78 RPM vinyl. Hells yeah.
haha its funny
I totally sang that in my head!
I kind of like the coughing T-Rex cake. Why? I don't know. Looks like some of the illustrations and old art prints I used to collect. It's so weirdly well done in the naive pop art style and I kind of want to have a painting version of it complete with wacky word bubble.
After reading, laughing, and spending much of the day humming that song, I took a quick zoom through the supermarket to pick up some stuff for my Mom, and, of course, to look for Wrecks.
There, in the cake case, was a Wrecky Dinosaur -- one very similar to the first one in this post!
I almost started singing in the store, but resisted the urge.
Loo-E Loo-I wrote:
>>That song plays during the credits for Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs. - Ellen, your wv sounds just like Sid the Sloth LOL!<<
Shreally? Shthat's a Shcool Shcoindence!
(I actually misspelled my wv in the post -- it really was shmall, not shamall. Hence the "sh" rather than "sha" before everything.)
Oh, man! Anyone who can reference Was (Not Was) for humorous cake posting is alright in my book. Thanks, Jen! Of course, now it is in my head for the rest of the day!
(Yeah...I'm a day late. I was shoveling snow!)
So I asked my 6-year-old boy/girl twins about that last cake... They didn't like the black candles, and in true kindergartner logic, their response--"that wouldn't happen, since Snow White and the princesses were WAY after the caveman and dinosaurs!"
They too loved the video--now they also know about "ear worms". :-)
How come you didn't make a comment about tyrannosaurus wrecks?
Best. Post. Ever.
Seriously, not only are those some wrecky wrecks, but now I have that song stuck in my head. Takes me back to a Jr. High dance all those years ago...
Agh! you've got to be kidding me!! I so took a picture of a CCC "dragon" yesterday that made me want to claw someone's eyes out... it even had the "it-might-be-moldy"-green and brown color T.T I didn't send it in because there was a glare on the plastic lid and the angry kroger lady kept shooing us away (and selling us a tinkerbell flotsam cake o.O) bah. i'll have to sneak in and find some more next week!
Seeing as the linked vid won't work outside the US, here's a link that should (I am outside the US):
Oh, and to mix in some Stargate SG-1 watch this:
I swear the song is actually about SG-1, even thought the song came first!
Re the Groom cake (#9)
The cake happened to be at my wedding this past May. I had considered submitting it myself after we got the travesty however the submission process on the site seemed a bit daunting. It was in fact suppose to be a DRAGON and not a dinosaur because we had a Renaissance/LAPR wedding. The cake maker completely botched the cake so badly that she ended up giving me a refund. The Grooms cake for all its ugliness was quite tasty, while the bride's cake was nasty and nearly no one ate it. I'm glad to see that ugly cake end up on here.
I'm sorry, but the one of the dinosaur eating the princesses is awesome.
I think that it's funny that I still have the soundtrack for The Flintstones that I borrowed *cough* stole *cough* from my brother a few years ago. Those cakes are great!!!
was (not was) wow! you're cooler than I thought!
Thank you for making my morning. "WOW" is definitely an understatement for that music video. Love it and you guys on so many levels!
I am both surprised and delighted that somebody other than myself remembers that song...sang the damn thing the whole way through, too. lol
*Sobs* My childhood, is now OVER just OVER! I loved dinosaurs as a child (still do but not to such an extent) how can someone...MANGLE a dinosaur cake UGH!
Linda Unfortunately most of the cakes look like they are covered in Crisco frosting. The kids even miss out on that.