Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wreck's This? The Musical

Saturday, August 7, 2010

If you enjoyed Wednesday's "What's This?" post, then have I got a treat for you!

Prepare to have your mind blown.

Then push 'play.'

This work of genius is by Joel Bradshaw, a talented Wreckie with mad video editing skilz and even madder taste in blogs. Thanks for making my week, Joel! When our bid for Wrecky World Dominion is complete, you'll be first on the list for promotion to head henchperson. ;)
krazykris said...

ok, he gets my vote as head henchperson!!!

Awesome video!

Unknown said...

So I love that in the first couple of seconds John is singing Popular from Wicked! I totally didn't catch that the first time haha

-Emily F.

Sheila Bennett said...

Fabulous job! So, are you working on a version to be performed live on Broadway? :) If so, then we will definitely make a trip to NYC to see the show!

Nicole said...

I am dying with laughter. OMG. Brilliant.

and... the dog...

omg hilarious

The Alphabet Gang said...

Oh My Flying Sock Monkeys!!! I laughed so hard that my son came over to see if I was ok.
Triple A plus, fantastico, incrediblus maximus, you name it, I say it...



Steph said...

That is AWESOME!! Way to go!! I didn't listen to the first version the other day since I was at work and didn't think it was probably "appropriate" to be doing. AWESOME!

Daisy said...

Love love love it!! Nightmare is our favorite movie, so this was totally awesome!

Claire said...


Sorry about the dog.

But WOW!

Chrissy said...

I simply love this. Greatjob!

Upupaepops said...


amazing awesome and fantastical

I think everyone associated with Nightmare would be pleased ( perhaps even some of the suits at the Big D )

and the dog died oddest punchline to a one sided phone call ever

Justinian said...

I love that he transcribed the phone conversation... so funny.

SuperDaisy said...

Superb job on the editing- Having the visuals and the soundtrack backing to go along with the song just put the icing on the Cakewreck!!


Hooray for Joel! And John! And Jen! And The Other Jen!


Elizabeth said...

Tears! There are tears - this is hilarious.

Lena said...

You are so funny, I think I´m dying with laughter. Great job!!

Tricia L said...

Absolutely fantastic. Please add a tab for music videos and include this and the other CW parodies.

Wendy said...

I was skeptical but they won me over. Hilarious!

ShelleB said...

Bahahahahahahaha! This made my morning!

Vellum said...

That Was Fantastic.
Can't wait to see Cake Wrecks: The Musical on Broadway. ^__^

Debbie C said...

Love funny!

Rebecca F. said...

Oh how fantastic!!

I vote that this is a monthly feature. Please?

L.B. said...

Perfectly executed! Kudos to Mr. Bradshaw! I'm not a major fan of 'Nightmare', but I know many folks that are. They'll love this!

Jules AF said...

That was AWESOME.

kelly said...

My mind IS blown!

Kelly said...

That...was great! What an awesome way to start my Saturday :)

Sassy0 said...

I loved it the first time through, but this video is double-rainbows, baby!

wv: pressiv - that's some mighty pressiv work you did there, Joel.

kkrapf said...

After watching this with me, my two-year-old went:

Dumpa dumpa... What's THAT!"

Anonymous said...

Wicked + Nightmare Before Christmas = Epic win

nancy jeanne said...

...Standing ovation! Thank you Joel for polishing the original! (A diamond in the rough) "Her dog died"? wonderfully irrelevant. Did you guys plan this or did it just happen? (i mean the whole video thing)

Shieldmaiden96 said...

Am I the only one who WANTS that Tom Selleck cake?

This is just the shot of wakeup I needed this morning.

Tami Anderson said...


Thanks for the giggle.

Sandi said...

awesome editing--I can't believe he matched you up with the music despite your digressions

Dinwizzle said...

Wow! Can you do a musical wrecks on occasion like a monthly installment for us musicians? :-) It just adds to the wreckiness when it's put to music!

Let Them Eat Cake said...

Did you intentionally wreck Joel's last name?

LKT said...

That's amazing! Awesome job!

Kahla said...

Ha, I laughed so hard I think I may have wet my pants a little, damn weak bladder. I think we should see this on Broadway, pretty sure it would sell out. Oh, that made my day, he gets my vote too!

webmailaddress2 said...

Mad props to all involved. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I think its bradshaw, not bradshow.

Jessica @ One Shiny Star said...

In a word... hilarious!

MJ said...


ania said...


The phone call puts it over the edge in morbid hilarity.

Especially since we find out that the excited laughter "that's Cray-zee. No, that's Great" is because, "Her dog died."

So funny.

I mean, not that the dog died....

Marianne Guymon said...

That is about the best thing I've ever seen in my life. I loved the blog post it was inspired by...this just takes it to a whole new fabulous level! Thanks for sharing guys! word verifictaion is "abductomo"...I find that funny too.

Tea'N'Crackers said...

OMG! Hysterical - my kids had to come check on me to see what the heck I was cackling about! Bravo!

Rebekah said...

Simply amazing. Love it!

RoseAnn said...

That is positively hilarious! If you keep featuring sing-a-longs I'm going to have to be careful not to check in from work as often as I do. LOL

Pilgrim said...

Speechless. Really.
And way to get back on track after the dog death and everything.
Can't wait for the CD to come out...

Megan said...

Wow.....this was amazing, I was laughing so much! I feel bad for the dog dying though, so sad. But that whole phone conversation was hilARious! I'm such a huge fan of cake wrecks and the nightmare before christmas, them being put together.....epic!

~Megan G.

Curlygirl said...

Ok, I have to ask. What is the story about the dog?

Miss Mindy said...

Mind. Blown.


(Getting Wreckie Henchpersons to handle Saturday posts - outstanding!)

(And I'm sorry about the dog, too. And the invoice for the pants.)

drgns4vr said...

I am so glad this came up today. The first time you had the snippet it wouldn't work for me, so I missed Cake Wrecks, the Musical. Thank heavens for roadshows.

WV ablet If the cake wrecks give you a headache, take one ablet and call me in the morning.

drumnate said...

I always love cakewrecks but just when I thought it couldn't get better . . .

Michelle S. said...

Someone should bake this man a cake.

Anonymous said...


Fysh Phoenix-- said...

Thanks for helping me waste my Saturday, guys.

Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC!!! I loved that he put in big letters "SIGH" because I can totally see John rolling his eyes and sighing when the phone rang.

Anonymous said...

Love the choice of song - show more cakes next time!

Melissa said...

I may have just watched that several times through... Excellent work. You set a standard for wrecky henchpersons everywhere to aspire to.

Tamara said...

This is amazing.. hahahha I watched it a few times!!!! I really didn't catch the dog thing the first time it was posted lol.

Spiffy Riki said...

Epic. Just epic. <3

Creig said...

Hahahaha FREAKING AMAZING! I think I have a new ringtone for my iphone now.

Rachel said...

That was awesome!!! I loved it!!! i HOPE THAT YOU KNOW THAT i NOW HAVE THAT SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD. Oh yea, and BTW, how do I send in a picture of a birthday cake? I made my own birthday cake because my birthday was Wednesday, and I thought that it would be great on here, considering that it was hand made, and hand painted by me.

Audrey said...

Standing ovation while wiping away the tears of laughter!!!!!

mn_me said...

i didn't think it could get any funnier than the video the other day, but this was even better... Love you all - you make me laugh out loud, giggle, smile and generally forget that the world can be a kinda rotten place - CakeWrecks takes me away from that for a bit and reminds me that there is still fun to be had (work has kinda been a not so fun place to be lately).

And i think CakeWrecks the musical sounds great - go for it!


Brigette said...

BA HA HA HA HA HA HA. I love that he transcribed the phone convo too.

WV: hemotif. Hemotif left that part out, but he didn't!

Kimberly said...

This was amazing! I've been checking out the blog on the reg [cool person lingo for 'regular] and this is the first time I've felt a pull to the "comment" button. I loved it!! Love the song, and I really love that Wicked is being sung in the beginning... it made my heart so happy! Yay you guys!!

Buffy said...

This is the most awesome thing ever. I, too, had a child checking on me to see if I was okay.

Anonymous said...

This is my new favorite video ever! It's beyond awesome! We need to make this thing go viral :D

bikegirl said...


Alison said...

This was about the funniest things I've seen in days.

Anonymous said...

this is just the best thing I've seen in so long!

:)~ Nikki

Three Turtles and Their Pet Librarian said...

@ Anonymous (at 2:41) - we did our part and posted it on our blog (along with the book, which made it work-related). Of course, we only get, like, 18 visitors a day, but it's a start!

WV: relyspit - I relyspit my coffee all over the place! What! Is! This!

Connie Moreno said...

Good lord, that was frickin HILARIOUS!!

Mary said...

I so want that as a ringtone! BTW, one question. Since the dog obviously isn't, I have to know, are the pants ok?

OCCA Survivor said...

I. Love. Everything. About. This.

Erica said...

Hilarious!! I love the phone call in the middle. Perfect.

Bek said...

My 2.5 year old was even roaring with delight. She thought it was fantastic.

Seriously, though, the best part was the phone interlude.

Unknown said...

I think Joel is my new favorite person in the world! After the three of you, of course. JCubed- World Domination through wreck-tastic parodies!

Tesha said...

Totally awesome! Am passing it along to everyone I know!

WV: Resabla

S'mee said...

ok so I am delurking for the first time EVER because if I don't the universe will implode. This was perhaps the best part of my week, maybe month. well done John, Jen and the other Jen, and of course Joel!

Melinda said...

Definitely the BEST thing EVER!

Thank you SO much for making my day!!:):)

Jeff Hickmott said...

Brilliant. That is all.

Fie upon this quiet life! said...

that is hilarious.

VeggieT said...

"that was TOTALLY WICKED!"

Liz said...

Um, guys who have commented about feeling bad about the dog... pretty sure that was a joke. Dark sense of humor, but a joke. I highly doubt the conversation even had anything to do with a dog.

I love this video, and I love the other Jen's sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

THAT was absolutely amazing!!! :D :D :D OK, yes, you absolutely must explain the story about the dog. How in the world do you get from "That's crazy! That's great! Her dog died."

Wanda said...


Anonymous said...

i can't get it to work. :( but i'm sure its awesome.

Anonymous said...

Joel deserves an Oscar! Fantastic!!!

Unknown said...


Samantha said...

That was genius.

Anonymous said...


The other Jen: ''s ok...tell her I said hi...ok, ok, bye'...Her dog died.

Me: ::blink:: ::blink:: Contorted face.

Back to song.


AWESOME!!! Thank you for sharing! I only THOUGHT I laughed a lot on Wednesday.

Jen and John, y'all are gonna make me go into premature labor. LOL!!!!

William Hawkins said...

I demand an mp3 of this so I can listen to the hilarity on my soundtrack t-shirt!

Danielle said...

You truly have the best henchpersons ever! The original video was a hoot, but this takes it above and beyond.

punxxi said...

Dude,it's awesome...I think it could be a monster hit on youtube!

Kaaren said...

Ha!!! Perfectly insane.

Anonymous said...

XD XD perfect video for this site

San Diego Sarah ICU doc said...

My 4 year old is saying "again, again, again!" Yeah, pretty funny! It was a slight improvement from the original.. I guess I am a low techno phile!

JennyF said...

Hysterical! I love that the segue into the phone conversation didn't get edited out. Killer!

Procrastinateher said...

Oh oh, Cake Wrecks AND Nightmare Before Christmas in one? Happygasmness.

My word verifier says coraing. I feel like this is a word that would appear on a cake wreck. Accepted.

Hungarican Chick said...


That's awesome. Invoice you for torn cargos.... ROFL

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

Very funny!

Unknown said...

That was AWESOME!

Aliza said...

Kudos to Joel for taking a very very VERY funny audio clip and integrating a best-of-cakewrecks slide show and a transcript of most of the phone call. I agree with the previous commenter: this is definitely a YouTube candidate. And this definitely needs to go under the Fan Faves/Classics tab :)

PS To those worrying about the poor fuzzy, I'm now convinced that after a "that's crazy/that's great/tell her I said hi" conversation, "her dog died" is just dry and dark humour, particularly since she undoubtedly knew this was being recorded and probably didn't want all of us to know someone else's personal details!

Mrs. Marino said...

I think I will be singing this and laughing for days! As I type I can hear my 5 year old singing it from her bed as she is going to sleep! You are affecting generations!

Kellie M.

HeatherM said...

.... I laughed so hard and so loud my mom came out to see what was going on. :P

Absolutely AWESOME!!

Liz said...


Anonymous said...

i would have thought that was funny had you not ruined it by making so light of someone's dog dying. animals are a part of someone's family. i realize there most likely never was a dog, and it's your sense of humor, but it's still not something many people would joke about. i'm only one of 99 people, the other 98 of whom seemed to love it, but i used to recommend people to this site all the time, emphasis on used to.

Donna said...

I can see it now....

Cake Wrecks the Musical!

Renee Nefe said...


my junior wrecktater thinks so too!

Amber said...

Wow! I didn't think it could get any better! A coworker and I were laughing to the point of tears when we saw the original what's this post. This is hilarious! Thanks for sharing! :)

Tesha said...

To John (The Hubby of Jen),

As a fan of this site, a pet owner, and it being my birthday I have to say.... Just because someone doesn't get the funny, you shouldn't have to apologize.

My cousin's dog was found two days ago having been hit by a car. She saw this video and didn't get offended.

That's all. Have a good day!

WV: Outie

My son has an outie belly button. =)

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

You're absotutely right Tesha.

You can make some of the people laugh some of the time...

Wreck On!

Gween said...

I'm ranking this right up there with "Do you wanna date my Avatar" and "Game On".
Epic Win!!

Heather said...

*like* *Like* *LIKE!!!!*

Akira_kin said...

EPIC!!!! That was insanely glorious!! Really really great video there!! I just loved it!

SarahPants5 said...

This is AMAZING! I'm laughing so hard, and it's so well done! I can't wait to make my mom pee her pants laughing from watching this...always a fun past-time of mine. :D

WV: shickie - Gosh, I hope my mom doesn't get a shickie after seeing this video...I just wanted to make her pee her pants a little, that's all!

Andrea said...


Anonymous said...

That was great! I view your blog after I get the baby to sleep and I was laughing so much I woke her up! Great Job!

Wolverine Girl said...

Best. Earworm. Ever.

shikishinobi said...

That is comedy on so many levels, I can't tell you. I'm simply going to add that to my favorites on YT. Well done guys!

Ell Bradshaw said...

Wow, thanks everyone for the comments! It's great to see the video brought additional joy and laughter to so many people :) I'm glad I'm not the only one that loves Nightmare and wanted to see what would actually happen if the soundtrack was actually there.

And for those of you crazy enough to want download this or the original (or even a few ringtone-ish clips!), I've put such things up on my original blog post, so you can head over there to do so.

And Jen and John (and friend!), thanks for the laughs! After just putting this thing together, I'm impressed by your ability to keep your blog coming, day after day. It's no small feat.

(wv: guiesi. I guiesi I'm supposed to append that if it's interesting?)

Jen said...

That was ten different kinds of awesome. I cannot stop laughing!

Anonymous said...

You have to promote this God-man. He took what was already hilarious and just cranked it up to 11.

I think the thing that really made me howl was the music underneath it all! So awesome.

Michelle B said...

Thanks guys...I sooo needed to laugh really hard first thing.LOL

wenwill said...

This video practically screams ADHD! Love it, love it, love it!

Meghan O said...

that was the most genius arrangement i've ever had the honor of enjoying.

Tesha said...

To Joel

Great job man!

Keep wreckiin!

WV: piedupp

I do my best to make sure all my bills are piedupp.

Anonymous said...


Dillypoo said...

That was hysterical!

ilovecake said...

my mind hole has been blown. that is too damn funny

Serenity said...

I keep playing this over and over again!

ecuakim said...

freakin' awesome.

ecuakim said...

@shielmaiden96: No, no you are not. And I actually laughed harder at your comment than I did about this post because I thought THE SAME THING.

TisforTonya said...

awesome, just awesome!

Dan Pearce said...

Oh my freakin' crap that was funny. Definitely posting it on facebook.

Single Dad Laughing

Christy said...

I had no idea it could get better than the original, but this was FANTASTIC!

Rebecca said...

I...could not.... stop.... laughing!!!! So hilarious, I about fell out of my chair, and now the husband unit is staring at me as if wondering if he should prepare to commit me.

Unknown said...

I didn't like the part with the telephone. It didn't fit in with the rest of the song. I think it would have been better to have left it out.

Unknown said...

This song is now hazardous to my health and well being. A friend's dog died today and I couldn't stop laughing...

Stephanie said...

Oh. My. Word. That may actually have topped the original video - and Lord knows that one already had me in stitches!

Molly said...

So, I thought the video on Wednesday was great, but the new Joel version is fan-freakin'-tastic! Love, love, love it! :)

Anonymous said...

Joel definitely deserves head henchperson status after editing this video! Well done, well done!


Becky said...

Love it, love it, love it!

Manhattan Mandie said...

LMBO!!! That was hilarious!!!!!

Just Me said...

I'm laughing so hard I'm cryin'.

Mom2JandK said...

I thought it was great the first time, but now I'm totally blown away! Love it!

Leah said...

I laughed until my head hurt. And then my eyes watered. Therefore, in the true spirit of wrecks, I read Standing Ovation as Standing Ovulation...LOL...

Jamie said...

I didn't think the earlier version of the song could get any funnier, but this is awesome! Great editing!!

Unknown said...

Loved it!

lasersmith said...

wonderful ! thoroughly enjoyed it. thanks for sharing.

Abigail said...

So I was checking out the post and chatting online with my sister and she goes "I'm reading an online article about autism and pollutants, what you are doing?" to which I go
"umm...watching a parody on Cake Wrecks."


ania said...

Ding, ding, ding ding!!

wv = word verification!!!!

I was going nuts trying to figure that out, because from person to person, it made no sense and seemed to have no common thread.

Yeah!! I figured it out and I didn't even Google it!

Wait, well - maybe I did Google it, but all I came up with was "West Virginia" and so had to figure it out on my own - which is nearly the same as not Googling it in the first place.

I am not a good liar.

Anyway, still loving this video!

Dahnks said...


Sariah said...

Okay, so I'm totally late on this bandwagon... but this video is THE AWESOME. Can we get more Wreck videos like this???? :)

Mags said...

I love the "wreck" that is this video!

But I must have missed the decapitated football head cake that is somewhere on this blog.... What is THAT?!!!

Anonymous said...

brilliant.whenever you start thinking people are really crappy, something like this comes along and restores your faith in humanity.

Anonymous said...


gryphonesse said...

okay so I have to know - did the dog really die?

and yes, this is an awesome tribute to ADHD (other Jen, have an adderall?)

hilarious, and a wonderful "finishing touch" WTG, fellow wreckie!

wv: jugeduri - judge & jury as interpreted by a wreckerator. (it could happen...)

Christina aka Hot Pink Manolos said...

I can't even explain how amazing this is! :)

Christina said...

That was excellent! Thank you for making me smile after the longest week (and it's Wednesday) ever!!