Doin' it wrong:

It IS!!
Not cool, man. Not. Cool.
Update: If you can't tell, the bottom cake is an edible photocopy of sprinkles. Yupperdoodles.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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159 comments | Post a Comment
Pictures of sprinkles??? Isn't that more expensive than the sprinkles themselves?
The first one is a "picnic cake," whatever that is-- perhaps the sprinkles are meant to represent an invasion of (very colorful) ants? No?
What the problem with the bottom cake? I can't see where the arrows are pointing to!
Wait... is that... an edible ink picture of sprinkles?
If not, I want to find some uber-big sprinkles :(
It took me a second to realize what I was looking at. Now the question is, is it edible photo paper, or an actual photo?
I don't get it. What is it?
I don't get it. What are the arrows pointing at??
Ohhh, I see it now! It's a picture of sprinkles! Love it!
i'm not sure what I'm supposed to see there? lol
... a photo? Oh, criminy.
WV - mendable. This cake is not.
I don't get it. What are those arrows supposed to be pointing at? More sprinkles?
I don't get it.
I don't get it. What are we supposed to be seeing?
Hah! Edible photo paper. That's schadenfreude in action.
They PRINTED sprinkles???
Oh good grief.
wow, took me a minute to figure out what was wrong with that 2nd cake (other than the overload of crunchy sprinkle goodness). I'd probably rather eat a sugar-picture than all those sprinkles, anyway. :)
ROFL....a picture of sprinkles?? No...they really couldn't have done that.....could they?!
Apparently, they could.
I don't get it....what are we looking at with the red arrows?
Am I missing something? I don't get it.
It took me a minute to figure out what the arrows were pointing at. My brain could not register that anyone would do that....even after seeing every other wreck on your site. How...Why...But... I just cant understand why it hasn't sold after being marked 40% off.
I don't get it...
Is that a picture of sprinkles on that cake?! Wow. Now that's just horrible.
I don't even understand why someone would do such a thing.
Now that I think about it, I guess that's not particularly different from most any other cake wreck.
Ok. You gotta give us more than that. I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out what the arrows are pointing and I could only come up with mouse poo?
It reminds me of the "look carefully into the coffee beans for a bald man" picture. Amazingly stupid pictures of sprikles? Now that is LAZY!
I don't get it...what are we looking at? maybe its just too early for me???
40% off?! With those little crunchy extras?? Aww. With those kind of goodies, you'd think it would be worth more. Nothing like good ol' mouse poos to make your cake zing!
Hmmm....well, I'm not seeing what you're pointing at. Is it a missing spot or something?
it is what?
So let me get this straight - in the first picture it appears the wreck "creator" unloaded their entire arsenal of sprinkles onto a poor defenseless white cake and then tried to cutsey it up by calling it a "picnic" cake. Wow, no picnic I'VE ever seen!
But the second cake, oh now that's the deal! They apparently couldn't even be BOTHERED with a sprinkles container because that sure looks like a PHOTOGRAPH! Check out those nice clean edges! Someone give me oxygen, I needz my sprinklez!
Um, what are the arrows pointing too?
Licorice candies?
*sigh* Not enough coffee this morning maybe... I don't get it though. What are the arrows supposed to be pointing to? The icing border? The smudges on the lid? Can someone tell me what's "not cool man"?
It is what?? I can't tell!!
Are the arrows pointing at the giant rat turds around the edge of the cake or something amongst the sprinkles?
Maybe my brain isn't working, but I have no idea what that 2nd one is...
I don't get it. Is it that edible photograph, uh, paper?
Sorry, what am I missing from pic #2? I don't get what the arrows are pointing at...
Am I just oblivious?
I have no idea what the arrows are pointing to! I must know what I'm missing!
Is... Is the second one just a PICTURE???? O.o
Good lord, have the Wreckerators gotten THAT lazy that they can't even dump a bucket of sprinkles on a cake?
The second Sprinklefail is, by far, the funniest cake in a long time.
I don't want to confess how long I had to look at the second cake to figure out what your point was ....then, ohhhh!!!!!!
Sneeeeaky wreckerator.
This was one of those that when you see it you go "Heeeey!"
It took me a few times scrolling up, and scrolling back down before I saw it.
Side note: I have successfully indoctrinated my children. We walk past the bakery case, and they can point out which cakes are cake-wrecks and why. I may be a bit biased, but I think my kids are awesome.
I'm confused? What are the arrows pointing at? I'm sad I'm not getting a cake wrecks inside joke! I've read ALL your posts!!!!
I thought the arrows were pointing to sprinkles that looked like a certain male appendage. lol
Thank goodness for the comments - I would have lost sleep over that!
PS If you enlarge the photo it becomes pretty obvious :-)
Glad to see that I wasn't the only person who didn't catch on. Thankfully there are much swifter people to help me out!
For those as confused as I was - it's not even real sprinkles. It's just a picture of sprinkles. Because dumping all you've got in sugary cake decorations was too much work!
OH WOW....
I am sad to say that I recognize the store logo on that second cake. Now every time I shop there I'm going to be looking for this!
Thanks for explaining at the end-- at first, I thought the glare on the lid was a big chunk of missing cake in the middle, but the arrows weren't pointing to that...
The red arrows need to be a little closer to the edges of the sprinkles photo. I was staring so hard and the sprinkles that the point of the arrow was actually touching that I didn't notice the edges of the photograph on the cake.
No way! If your are going to put "sprinkles" on a cake make it the real thing! They're not that expensive, especially since bakeries buy them in bulk!
But sprinkles are tasty! I'd eat that first cake quite happily! Now the second...that's a different story.
That is ridiculous! A picture of sprinkles!! Instead of real sprinkles!!!
hahahaha the second one is awesome!
Oh ha ha ha!
So the ultimate iteration of this would be to take a picture of the cake with the edible picture of sprinkles, and print it on edible paper, and just serve that up, as is.
Wow...a picture of sprinkles instead of actual sprinkles. Who comes up with this stuff?
Okay, now I want to see an edible photocopy of a gorgeous wedding cake plopped on top of a sheet cake.
Toooo funny! Not only is it printed sprinkles... but what an unfortunate border! Blech. Black logs... how.. erm, appetizing....
First cake: too many sprinkles
Second cake: no sprinkles, but a picture of way too many sprinkles instead. Definitely not cool.
But it's "fresh" edible sprinkle paper. It says so right on the box.....
That last Sprinklefail is definately a Kodak moment.
Now, when are they going to start putting edible paper on ICE CREAM?
Yay, I made it onto Cake Wrecks - the first photo was submitted by me! Jen, you've made my day :) .
As for those of you who didn't get the second cake, the perfectly straight edges around the "sprinkles" should have been a tip-off. Not even a ruler is going to make a perfectly straight line of sprinkles along the outside (the partial, cutoff sprinkles may have also been a clue). I say, be subtle, Jen! They'll figure it out... eventually.
WV: nortway - There is nortway all these Wreckies didn't figure out the second cake today.
well, on the upside, I guess those "sprinkles" won't fall off and defile your countertop when you cut the cake?
A picture of sprinkles. A *PICTURE* of sprinkles? OMG, at least when they realized they didn't have enough sprinkles to seed an entire cake like their competition did they didn't go up to the checkout lane and grab all the Tic-Tacs they could get their hands on...
The arrows didn't show up in the correct place when it came over to Live Journal so it wasn't until I got over here to the actual blog that I could see that they are pointing at the edge of the paper with the sprinkles printed on it.
Wow... I'm not sure if that's cheap or just plane wrong.
Wow, just when I thought I'd seen it all, when there was no way to come up with a new type of wreck, you go and post that second one (which, yes, I realized on just my second or third glance was indeed a photo of sprinkles).
Well, maybe the printed sprinkles are less crunchy.... my 7 and 2 year old's decorated cupcakes this weekend with a lot of sprinkles! They were cute but my husband said they tasted like eating sand.... this may be this wreckies solution to a problem....
Since today is my birthday, I am going to wish for a cake with an edible picture of sprinkles, too. :)
WV: sazierif - couldn't be sazierif if I tried
"Hello, Wrecktastic Bakery. You buy 'em, we wreck 'em."
"I wonder if you can help me. See, my kid loves sprinkles more than anything, but he's allergic to them. Is there any way you could decorate a cake with mock sprinkles?"
omg... how didju not murder yourself during the vetting of these innumerable "Wha? I don't get it!" comments.
You are now my model of tolerance and I love you!
KittyKat: Don't know you, don't know your kids. Speaking from a fairly unbiased stance -- your kids are awesome.
Next development in quick and easy cakery? An edible photo of the whole cake!
So, let me get this stright. For $3.99 I can get a REAL cake with REAL sprinkles. For $8.39 (ON SALE) I can get a real cake with FAKE sprinkles? And, why is the fake cake so demanding? "You Pay $8.39". No, YOU pay $8.39. I will not be spoken to in that tone of voice mister. I will take my business elsewhere, where real sprinkles are only $3.99.
The "I want sprinkles!" line has become a running gag for my husband and I; whenever one of us says "I want..." it's inevitably followed by "You can't have any!" and hysterical laughter. We don't even get raised eyebrows from our friends anymore... :)
There is a such thing as too much of a good thing!
check out my blog:
AM I in the minority that I saw the straight edge of the photo paper right off? Because, I mean, that crap is funny. And kind of sad too.
I agree, the second one is one of the funniest wrecks in a long while. Hilarious!!
Wow - now I feel cheated! I was really looking forward to the sprinkles. :-)
It could be that the first one actually used so many sprinkles that a worldwide shortage developed, forcing the use of photocopies thereafter.
At least these wrecks are 'fresh'. When did that become a selling point instead of something that is a given?
I wonder what would happen if someone paid for the second one with a picture of money.
Speaking of money, 'decorating' a cake with a picture of sprinkles can't be about saving money, so if it isn't about waiting for the next Five Year Plan for sprinkle production to kick in, it must be about making sure that every customer gets exactly the same result. Reminds me of Phil Hartman's 'The Anal-Retentive Chef' on SNL.
SO not cool...
Wow. The picture of sprinkles is just a new low in wreckery. Is it possible to wreck a wreck? If so, I think this is it.
That makes me wonder is there a right way to do sprinkles? I'd like to see some Sunday Sweets with sprinkles. I dare you! No, I triple dog dare you! ;)
What does edible paper taste like?
And the real sprinkles had to cost more than the price of the cake. That is like 3 bottles of $3 sprinkles. Unless the markup is 90% from wholesale. Entirely possible.
Baking, just like sewing, has gotten more expensive to do yourself than to buy mass produced crap.
After seeing the first cake, and saying "Oh, YUMMY!!!" my dear husband was extremely disappointed with the second cake "WHAT???? PAPER??? I CAN'T have ANY?"
I think those who could not see just haven't looked at very many sprinkled cakes.
BTW -- hubby says -- first cake is not a cakewrecks... it's a delicious decision by the baker to make a perfect cake.
*sigh* Next year for his birthday, he'll get one. Why should I spend 4hours deorating, when a sprinkle coating makes him delirious?
I send a huge thanks to all the posters who couldn't figure out the paper sprinkle fake out. I needed the laugh.
Because sprinkeling is tougher than you'd think right? Maybe the printable sprinkles is less mess? Or maybe the edible paper cuts back on sugar factor- for those sugar free cakes?
Oh, now I see. Thanks for pointing out to those of us who are clueless. I just thought it was the angle of the camera and the plastic top distorting light.
This year for my daughter's birthday cake, I'll just layer three sheets of paper with a picture on top.
I'm sure there will be fewer calories.
First cake looks like something my 5 yr old would not only decorate, but happily eat. If I could find that picture of my mother's day cake...
Surprised so many people didn't get the second one? Jumped right out at me.
Moses = parted the sprinkles so the knife could cut?
Thanks for the clarification-- I was reading this through my bloglines account, and just kept staring and staring at that pic to see if the arrows were pointing to mouse poo!
ADD in a box.
Wonder if anyone bought this work of art after the price reduction?
There seems to be an abundance of confusion over the arrows in the second photo...I believe they are there to draw attention to the straight line of the edible paper, whereas if the cake had real sprinkles on it there would be a jagged line...proving there are no actual sprinkles on the cake. Happy wreckerating!
Omigod - did we check to make certain the cake itself was not a picture...?
what is SAD are the people that don't recognize that it is a PICTURE of sprinkles immediately......How clueless or drunk do you have to be?
Gives a whole new meaning to hundreds and thousands! (what they call sprinkles in Britain)
In all honesty, I HATE sprinkles. I think that add absolutely nothing to a cake. Sure, they're colorful, but they taste nasty and get all stuck in your teeth. And, hey, I'm not 8 years old anymore. Frankly, I'd *rather* have the edible paper (or at least paper that is more easily removed than sprinkles) than deal with sprinkles on the cake.
I think it's an improvement.
That is officially the funniest thing I've ever seen on this blog. I mean, there have been some great wrecks, but a PICTURE of, you can't top that.
That second cake is so wrong.
"An edible picture of sprinkles."
Why, God, Why?
The first one is a cake for all seasons! Look closely, and you'll see Christmas tree sprinkles, spring flower sprinkles, shamrock sprinkles, and fall leaf sprinkles. It's good to know they've got their bases covered!
Hey, looks like my six year old got that decorating job he wanted! He loves sprinkles! (and he would considor the second cake a HUGE rip-off)
WV: Maman - yup, I'm his mama in french, too.
Wrong. Just so very wrong.
Ya know, some people like to save their sprinkles.. it's not like you can just go anywhere and get them!
Oddly I went back to a childhood memory of an old Warner Brothers cartoon of the cat and the dog in "don't forget the gravy". Only this is, "This time I didn't forget the sprinkles."
I have no words for the sprinkle paper. Esh.
WV: Preptida - prepared for the tide of sprinkles.
That second cake is genius! Sheer, cheeky brilliance! I am going to have to request one for my next birthday.
I would love to dive into cake #1. Cake #2? Not so much. Pity.
For your amusement:
wv: gofixa
Can I please have some cake with my sprinkles? Thank you!
you can tell, because it looks awfully straight. they should have put some real sprinkles (even more?) on the side to make it more "natural" looking...
word verification: slingstr: what you call the guy that 'slings' those sprinkles on :)
I had no idea that my children had gotten a job decorating cakes!
I had no idea that my children had gotten a job decorating cakes. If I had known that all I had to do was print something on the printer and slap it on a cake, I could have been rich!
A picture of sprinkles! Hahaha....that's like that engineered wood flooring....compressed sawdust with a picture of nicely grained hardwood glued to it!
My kids have made a few cakes covered in sprinkles just like that first cake. Absolutely precious when kids make it. Not so much coming from a bakery.
I'm just impressed that *someone* has an edible ink printer that isn't off color balance, missing a color, or with plugged print nozzles...
Hahahaha!! Especially the last cake with the *picture* of sprinkles! It's all just too much!! *:)*
I would totally eat those. More sprinkles = more fun. (#_#)
"Boss, the lady wants the top of the cake covered in Sprinkles!"
"What does she think? Sprinkles grow on trees?"
"And there's no way I have enough time to shake them on. Hasn't she heard of lead-time?"
"Ok, here's what we do--look for a downloadable image of sprinkles on-line, blow it up on adobe, and print it off on some edible paper. That paper will go down in one swift move. Time and resources saved."
"That's why you're the boss, man!"
Lol i read "paper" as "pepper" and was thoroughly confused.
No, no, no, people, it's "JIMMIES"!
The newer version of this post is more clear. The arrows have been moved over - so it might not have just been a Livejournal thing. This is definitely a re-edited picture, not the same as was up here this morning.
Like another commenter mentioned, I was just so absorbed staring at the specific sprinkles seemed to be pointing at, that I didn't notice the straight edge.
A PICTURE of Sprinkles?
Good God, how do you spell "lazy"?
Cschoen, come on now! 'Jimmies' are the chocolate ones. 'Sprinkles' are the colored ones!
I think it's a New England thing...
HAHAHHAHAHAHAH fake sprinkles!!! Soon it'll just be an edible paper cake!
First, the great minds of the food world invented artificial blueberries to go in our muffins.
Then, they invented "crab with a K", that lovely white fish with a red stripe of food coloring.
Then, what I thought was the worst food invention of all time, artificial carrot bits for carrot cake. Good God, people, carrots are about the cheapest thing on the planet, and you have to invent artificial ones?
And now, photos of sprinkles. My mind can not comprehend this. Surely the colored ink for the printer costs more than a bucket of sprinkles. However, clean up is considerably easier. What is this called? Sprynkles? Sprinklez? Zprynklz?
So the one with the actual seems to have Christmas trees, fall leaves (red, green and brown maple leaves), teddy bears, and orange things--hearts maybe? That's quite the picnic.
Do you think eating sprinkle paper will give you green poops like the ones on the sides of the cake?
The Recession is hitting everyone hard! Sprinkle cutbacks suck.
Is it possible that the picture of sprinkles isn't a wreck at all? Edible paper isn't as cheap as actual sprinkles, the printing was perfect-- and it seems to be an *awfully* good way to tweak CW about the "I want sprinkles" in-joke.
I do like the lines of other commentators though about a photo of a cake, and a picture of the money...
I would have called them awesome and awesomer. Good times.
Is that for people who are allergic to sprinkles?
The 2nd cake actually wasn't looking too shabby... until I saw the edges... ((gives great big disappointed sigh)) lol.
Crunch, crunch, crunch...
Paper!? Seriously, custom margins please.
wv..chipem...don't crunch all those sprinkles with your teeth you'll chipem.
I agree with Stephanie. I was going to say the exact same thing. A cake topped with a photo of sprinkles is genius. I get the joke and I love a cake with a sense of humor. I wish I had thought of it.
Yupperdoodles :D lol
Seriously, people?!
Wow! Pretty! Pretty overdone, but pretty... except for the paper. Whatever happened to good old colored icing to decorate your cake? Sprinkles go on ice-cream or as a light decorative motif, but otherwise, just no.
Did you notice the date on Cake #1? "Sell by 1-2-2010." Maybe they had to use up 2009's sprinkle remainders before they started fresh for the new year. Hence the shamrocks, etc.
A photo of sprinkles? Now I've seen everything.
One of my friends actually made a cake like the first one for another friend of her's. I was like, "Um, that cake is gonna be kind of crunchy..." She said, "But it's pretty!" Yeah... pretty. Sure.
Who on earth would make edible paper of sprinkles and put it on a cake instead of the dog gone sprinkles??? They cheat! If I want sprinkles I want real ones lol and yes I will throw a tantrum til I get my way or blame it on pms and make them give em to me either way.. sprinkles. Must be real or the wreckerator should run for the hills.
i figured out the arrows were pointing to an edible image.
i like how sprinkles look, but they do not have a taste!!!
i think its a funny idea and less messy
Amazing. They did more work and somehow ended up being lazier!
O...M...G! Seriously? That's sort of funny!
Fake sprinkles. That's just not right. Truth in advertising!
The edible paper should be attached to the inside of the cover, print side facing out. Wait for it...
Notice the other sprinklecake behind the first one. What's the story on that bakery?
"Appalling. What's for afters?" "Well, there's sprinkle cake, sprinkle tart, sprinkle sorbet..." "I'll have a slice of sprinkle cake without so many sprinkles on it."
Yes, there's nothing like a cake that has a nice, satisfying crunch to it. Though I did just eat a birthday cake (well, you know what I mean: several slices over a few days) that had the sides covered in sprinkles. And chocolate buttercream. That should be in it's own food group.
wv: alicut. What you get on your tongue if you aren't careful eating edible paper.
I was going to say the exact same thing that the first commenter did--isn't it more expensive, more trouble, and less fun to do the edible picture of sprinkles than to put on actual sprinkles?
wv: nessie -- ! the Loch Ness monster loves sprinkles. (Real ones.)
Who puts a picture of sprinkles on a cake???
Oh my sweet grasshoppers... just when I think that wreckerators might be running out of ways to wreck cakes in new ways and resorting to reinterpretations of the classics (misspellings, mangling instructions, unintentional phalli)... they do something like this... and totally redeem themselves! I'm just in awe over this one. Instant classic.
I want (a picture of) sprinkles.
P.S. Had to look up "phallus" in Merriam Webster online in order to see what the plural form is. So proud that is now in my search history. Thanks cakewrecks!
My little sister is the one who submitted the second picture.
I couldn't be more proud. (^_^)
Is anyone noticing the "Fresh McDonalds" sticker in the corner. Is it a McDonalds cake or an a promotion?
I'm so honored to have found the second wreck at my local supermarket and submitted the photos here. I fully assure you that it was a real cake, hanging out by the milk, on the "Reduced for Quick Sale" cart.
Hard to believe that it wasn't just snapped right up with it's authentic fake sprinkles and it's lovely green frosting borders.
It's not a photo; it's a [url=]texture map[/url]! Clearly this wreckerator has been taking a cue from the video games industry. Saves on polygons, and nobody can tell the difference. ...Right?
But, but, then you never ever run out of sprinkles! By just pouring them onto the scanner you now have an infinite supply of sprinkles! Sprinkles for everyone!
With a green poop border!
ha ha ha! I have never seen ANYONE get sprinkles wrong before. It's as bas as those poor, sad fool who don't know how to boil an egg!
omg! i love the cake with the picture of sprinkles instead of sprinkles. so funny!
FAAAARRR to many sprinkles...way too much people. xx that a Meijer cake?!? I SHOP there!! And for everyone who doesn't get it, those arrows are pointing at the EDGE OF THE PICTURE SHOWING THAT IT'S A PICTURE AND NOT REAL SPRINKLES! I hope the huge print helped those who were confused.
OBVIOUSLY no one here deals with grocery store sheet cakes very much if they cant see the edge of the rice paper photo... Wow....