Now, Yoshi is hard to resist anyway, but mold him in chocolate...

(Sub'd by Josh G, & made by his lovely girlfriend Lindsay H.)
Also ranking insanely high on the "irresistible" scale is this grumpy goomba:
My mind, it is boggled.
This next one is actually made with brownies, but I couldn't resist including some old-school 8-bit action:

This delicious diorama comes all the way from Scotland:

(Hey, Fay, you looking to adopt any thirty-something geek gamers? Just curious.)
And because I'm in love with that little bomb:

So perfect, it's hard to believe it's cake! Gorgeous.
Lots of fun coming up next weekend: John and I will be attending Star Wars Celebration V here in Orlando, so naturally next Sunday will be all Star Wars Sweets! If you have one to nominate, send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com. (And if you're going to be at Star Wars Celebration, be sure to say 'hi' if you see us!)
59 comments | Post a Comment
Oh my gosh, these are amazing! I think my 5 year old is going to pee his pants when he sees these :)
Would Fay be willing to make that cake for my boyfriend and send it to Seattle? LOVE IT!!!
Finally! Cupcakes done right!! These are pretty friggin' sweet!
I LOVE these! The Yoshi cake inspired a squeal only dogs could hear, and I'm totally with you on "da-bomb". Time to fire up the ol' Gameboy and play some old school Mario!
Such artwork goes into these.
I'm kinda a 'cake mix/canned frosting' girl myself.
We'll be at C5 - will you be somewhere with a bag of your books? How will we know you? Looking forward to a geeky weekend!
That last one looked like it involved cupcakes... and yet there was no gnashing of teeth... interesting...
I love the Yoshi cake! When my younger brother got a puppy, I suggested he name him Yoshi after the game because he was a big Mario fan. Sadly, our Yoshi went to doggie heaven, but everytime I see Mario cakes, it makes me smile.
The only time that a bomb makes me say Awwwwww
My 20 month old went "boom!" when she saw the bomb and then just kept reaching for it saying "me,me." (That means she wants it.)
Ack! I'll keep my eyes peeled for you at Celebration! And hey wow that sounded super stalkery. I'm easy to spot; just look for the nerdy blonde fangirl. Ha ha!
Hopefully Celebration will inspire some Orlando Wreckarators and we can have another round of Star Wars Wrecks too. I love the pretty stuff, but nothing beats a Wreck. I'd like a random sheetcake with some plastic SW doodads please.
LOVE! Simply stated.
I love Mario!!
I love the brownie cake! It works for exactly the reason cupcake cakes don''s supposed to be made out of little squares!
Oh, how I wish I still had my classic nintendo! I would blow into the cartridge and go play some old school Mario brothers right now!
These are so amazing and remind me of all my summers in jr. high trying to beat Super Mario. oh, the memories.
I like the brownie photo - I can never manage to cut brownies nicely, let alone make things out of them.
what is even harder to believe is that you've featured what might possibly be a cupcake cake! that last mario one is really fantastic...
Those cakes look so delicious that I would find it hard to eat them!
-French Bean
Yoshi is a girl!
Wow! These are all so fantastic, but the old school brownie Mario totally blows my mind!
My 8yo son wants all of these for his bday! LOL :) AWESOME CAKES!
Where were these cakes when I was a kid! Today I whipped up a Betty Crocker cake mix and spread Betty Crocker frosting on it, and I felt like I was doing pretty well!
Single Dad Laughing
Jen - I'll bring the SW flotsam cake to C5 and you flag me down by waving a Cake Wrecks book around k?
I'll be looking for you - you can't miss me - I'm the one with the adorable guy in the bright green power wheelchair (my son) who is the ultimate SW fan. Not me. I'm just going along for the ride and to be his assistant. (and to take in a little Disney in the evening).
Amazing....they look delicious. I really love to bake and it encourages me more when I those picture of cakes.Thank you and good job.
I have an important announcement on behalf of Mario geeks everywhere.
It's Bomb-omb!!!!
That is all.
That Mario head shows a PERFECT use of cupcakes!!!
Ummm... pretty sure that last one is a dreaded CCC. Does it get a pass because it's Mario? :)
Super Mario nostalgia is in the air! Check out Neatorama:
I love that you occasionally post what great cakes look like! I fear my standards were starting to lower as I laughed at Wrecks for weeks on end! Thanks. These are gorgeous.
I have a friend of mine make a different video game cake for my husband each year!
From Mario to Zelda to Sonic, you can see them here:
The Mario bombs are actually called Bob-ombs, which I think is equally as cute a name. :)
Those look awesome. I'd be too afraid to eat them. You can't wrong with Mario
Listen to this
Jen, as near as I can make out, that is the 1-1 theme music on the Goomba cake (I'm a musician, and believe me, I have most of the themes memorized).
When I saw the staff, I thought, "wouldn't it be cool if that was the actual music?" So it would appear. Gotta love it when people pay attention to detail.
Speaking of same, I love the ultra-precise rendering on all of these cakes. They didn't approximate, they got the characters exactly right, even to shading. Just goes to show it can be done.
wv: wrest. Are more 'Mario-like' wrecks lurking out there, waiting to wrest these beloved characters from the clutches of the competent?
"As a bonus bit of geek cred, I hear those music notes are the Mario 1-1 theme song."
the great part of being both a music geek AND a retro geek is that I knew that before I had even read down that far! ;)
The old school one is not quite Old School...See Super Mario Galaxy 2 world 9. This is the world and you have to hop from square to square...they disappear on you so you have to be fast and not get hit...The red is lava...the other spaces are empty or ok to stand on for a second...
To the folks sniffing that the last cake is a CCC: I don't see that thing frosted together into a misshapen, sticky, hot mess and plastered onto a board with even more frosting so no, it is not a "dreaded CCC".
I really don't get why you keep saying "geek" for something as mainstream as Mario. Probably everyone and their mom has played those games and anyone who hasn't is probably strange, really old, or too young to start playing video games.
I really love the bomb cake. I want the little Mario in a form that I can keep on my desk. :D
You have no idea how big of a Mario nerd I am. I have made mushroom cupcakes and a big Toad face once, but nothing as amazing as these. I absolutely love these!!
If I get married again, I'm totally having a Mario-themed wedding cake. Thank you for making me eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee so loudly I probably woke the neighbours ^_^
I just shared these with my obsessed Mario sons. They're both like, "when are you ordering us a Mario cake?!" Thanks, Cake Wrecks - LOL!
All I can say is I want that cute bomb cake.. heck I would love it in a plushie too lol. I love Mario Kart and that bomb just makes me laugh every time someone gets hit with one.. yeah I have an evil streak lol.
I have been asked to make a Mario cake for my sons 4th birthday this year. I hope it comes out even half as good as these. Wow!
The fireflower is in the details and the magic star is in the time and effort. Go designers! Yes, I am tired and lacking in vocab.
Does anyone know of a how to page or get instructions for that 8-bit Mario brownie? I think I might be able to make that, but definitely not the others!
OMG! I always thought my cake would make cakewrecks... but never in a good way!! I am sooo honoured and floored!!! Yippeeee!!!!
:) Lisa
If you want a bob-omb plushie, try Etsy. A ton of folks make them there at any given time. Cuuuute!
Ange- tell me you're joking, ok? You do know that that world in Galaxy is a joke because it is a giant version of the Mario sprite? You do know there are old school games, right?
BTW, look again at your game- in Galaxy, their are a lot of GREEN squares that dissapear when you stand on them. This brownie cake doesn't have them. It looks...just like the original Mario sprite.
I saw someone already beat me to the nit-picky & nerdy punch -- Yoshi is indeed a girl and you called her a "him". Dudes don't lay eggs.
Wish I'd actually looked yesterday - I could have played Mario for Wii - but now I have to get some work done! Great! Now I'm going to play original Mario Bro's in my head while making bows!
I hung up my controller when the Mario Bros came around (I heard the bell tolling when the 9 year old down the street could beat the socks off me) but I have to say, these are so clever. The 8-bit Brownie!Mario is my favorite.
My mom has a cat named Yoshi. Everyone asks if he's named for the Mario Bros Yoshi. (he's not) =P
Wow! Love these Nintendo themed cakes!
My wife made one for our son's bday this past April.
It was 1up Mushroom cake she made, as well as Super Mushroom cupcakes.
If anybody wants to see her work(sorry can't add pictures in least I'm not sure how), you can see them:
I have a friend that did a good job on her first Mario cake:
I'm going to be at CV!!! I hope I can meet you! :-D
I love the last one!!
These are freaking geektastic! I really love the goomba cake, but I might be prejudiced seeing as I have a plush goomba. :D
If you get it in a plushie, send me one too! That is just TOO cute!
I want little statues of the bomb and Yoshi ones for my desk. seriously, don't you?