Tuesday, October 6, 2009
"So Funny" In Bold, with Exclamation Mark
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
*Yes, I'm joking; there wasn't a third cake. (So far as I know.)
Stephanie J., Kathryn S., Wendy M., & Jenny, you guys rock in all caps!
- Related Wreckage: Wreck Creators
NOTE: D'oh! Ok, you doubters were correct: the "in Spanish" cake IS an intentional order. Sorry, Tasteful Cakes, and thanks for having such a great sense of humor about it!
UPDATE ON JOHN: John is out of ICU and feeling gooood! So good, in fact, that he's been pestering the publisher to let us go straight back on tour the second he's discharged from the hospital. (Hm. Maybe I should recommend another head examination...)
It will be a few weeks before his lungs are completely clear, and he will continue to be on massive amounts of antibiotics in the meantime, but as of this moment you'd never know he was deathly ill a few days ago. That's the power of prayer, warm wishes, good juju, and modern medicine for you! Thank you all SO MUCH; your e-mails, comments, jokes, tweets, pics of get-well cakes, and offers of help have been overwhelming, and helped us more than I can say.
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What's a Wreck?
What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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Praise for the Book
- “Will have you laughing so hard you’ll forget to eat!”— Washington Post
- “a hilarious winner” — The Oregonian
- “a fantastically gut-busting book”— NPR
- “It’s all here, each wreck a disaster of hilarity.” — BookPage.com
- “Hysterically funny!”— Epinions.com
- “laugh-out-loud funny”— The Times
- “Yates’ sharp humor makes the funny even funnier.” — The Dallas Morning News
- “an amazing laugh-out-loud book”— The Book Triblog
What the fans are saying
- "I was laughing so hard, I couldn't catch my breath."
- "As funny as the blog that started it."
- "WAY better than I expected!"
- "Cake Wreckery at its best!"
- "Wrecktastic!"
- American Mensa:Top 50 Websites of 2010
- Amazon: Top 10 gift books of 2009
- The Orlando Sentinal “Orbbies”: Winner Humor
- 2009 BlogLuxe Awards: Funniest Blog
- 2009 Bloggies: Best Writing of a Weblog, Best New Weblog, Best Food Blog
- The 2008 Weblog Awards: Best Food Blog
- Blogger's Choice 2008 Awards: Best Humor Blog
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We don’t have any copies of Cake Wrecks for sale here, autographed or otherwise. We decided the shipping and handling costs would be too high to make it worth your while. So instead, buy your copies locally or online and then order personalized bookplates: it’s cheaper, easier, and I think even looks a bit nicer.
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- Autumn Terrors
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- There's a Fly on My Cake!
- When Wreckerators Take the Fall
- Recipes for Wreckage
- "World" "Domination" Tour Back on Track!
- Bride/Baker Communication 101
- Oh, It Sends a Message Alright
- Sideshow Slideshow
- Sunday Sweets: Simply Awwww-full
- "World" Tour Wrap-Up: Austin
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- Erring on the Side of Caution...Is Still Erring
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- The Day the Tour Stood Still
- "World" Tour Wrap-Up: Chicago
- "So Funny" In Bold, with Exclamation Mark
- A Long Shot
- Tour Wreck - UPDATE
- Sunday Sweets: Tour De Force, Pt 2
- That's Some Spout
- Comic Issues
- The Dish on Denver
- Adowable Widdle Wrecks
206 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»ahh, yes....good juju goes a long way! Glad to hear he is up and at it again! Cheers :)
The "nothing on 2nd" cake reminds me of "Who's on First?" Hilarious bit.
And it's good to see my name on a cake. I just wish it wasn't pink icing. Taylor is a guy's name too! (okay, no it's not)
Praise the Lord! I'm so glad he's feeling SO much better! I pray he's able to take it EASY, rest, and continue to fully recover.
We were going to be in Bethesda tonight to greet you; disappointed of course but we are so happy to hear that John is on the mend! Thanks for all you do.
Thank goodness things are clearing up for you! Rest easy now.
SO glad John is doing better! Good luck for a speedy recovery!
Oh, that is great news! So, so glad to hear it! My goodness, you poor folks. Trial by fire doesn't quite describe your book tour, does it?
And now that John's out of the woods, I can tell you what I thought yesterday's first cake was: Panties. I thought it was a thong. Because nothing says "classy" like thong cake!
Today's batch just makes me worry for our collective future, is all.
Good luck!! And though you don't even hardly know me from comments, I send you both hugs! But of the friendly, we'd-be-sure-to-be-buddies, type. Nothing creepy or weird. Promise.
Bless you both! Thanks for the update, glad to hear John's doing so much better.
The Literal LOLs always make my day ("Exclamation points")
Good News about John - made my day!
John is better! YAY!!!!! Jen, thanks so much for the update. I hope you too are feeling much better. I was so worried about both of you and was definitely sending the good juju!
Wreck on John and Jen....wreck on!!
So glad to hear that John is doing better. Sounds like your job, Jen, is going to be to limit his activities for awhile while he recuperates. Best wishes to you both for continued health and wellness!
Wreck on!
So glad to here John is doing better. Here's hoping he will be out of the hospital soon.
~Veronica B.
Praise God! I'm so glad John's doing better. I've never posted here, but I read your site every day. I enjoy it so much! I haven't gotten your book yet, but I plan to. :)
Glad to hear everythings looking up!
I really like the modern looking TV in the first cake. Nice "rabbit ears."
*And feel better, John. My girlfriend and I are wishing you well.
Sad, sad. I'm becoming jaded, though . . . Heidi's cake looks suspiciously like an intentional wreck. Quotation marks AND parentheses?!
Get better John. We miss you in bold. =)
What good news about John! I'm so glad. But someone needs to sit on his head and make him rest up and get healthy. We want to see the rest of the tour, sure, but we want John to recover more.
But those wallpapery diamonds (?) should make up for the English.
(I'm so glad John is better!)
YAY!!!! I am very happy to hear that John is doing so much better!!! You guys will continue to be in my prayers that he completely recovers soon!
Hurray! I'm so glad John is feeling better, and I hope you are too. Tell him he needs to go home and rest, rest, rest! (and so do you.) He needs to take extra good care of himself over the next few months so his body can completely recover. Here's hoping you can go home soon.
P.S. Thanks so much for sending an email to the people who had RSVP'd for the tour to let us know that the rest of the tour was cancelled. In the midst of crisis, you managed to be courteous to all of us strangers (and some are stranger than others). You are a class act, Jen.
Mary C.
Wow! John's out of ICU? That's FANTASTIC! So, John, hold your horses and reschedule your tour for another time. Don't mess with pneumonia . . . give your lungs a chance to recoup and regain strength. Your immune system isn't strong enough to fight off all the "cooties" floating around in the massive crowds that follow you guys everywhere you go.
As for "ChRis in orange" . . . I never did figure out that it said "orange." I thought, "ChRis in Obama?" "ChRis in Omaha?" "ChRis in WHERE?" Orange. Figures.
I am so relieved to hear of your hubby's miraculous bounce-back! (I nearly scoured Dallas-area hospitals for telltale crumbs so that I could deliver chicken soup!)
Continued mojo, juju, good boogie and all the rest that his healing is quick and complete.
I'm so glad to hear that; I popped over to send some good vibes, but I guess they got to Texas before I got to the website! Take care of yourselves...
GOSH! I was going crazy here hitting the refresh button on my pc so many times the pc was starting to smoke! I'm sooooooooooooooooo happy to hear John is out of the ICU and doing better! I can relate to the "not clear for a few weeks"; back in 2002 I had broncho-pneumonia and it took a few months for it to clear completely. BIG KISSES!
BTW, those cakes are way too funny!
I'm so glad John is feeling better! It can be very scary getting sick so far from home.Hope you are feeling better as well.
Jennifer in CT
Although not able to make your tour I'm glad to hear you guys are recovering!
Oh, I am so thrilled to hear that John is doing better! This lurker has had you two very much in my thoughts.
I am so happy that John is better all caps with three "exclamation marks"
Now make sure both of you take care of yourselves. You scared us and we've been up all night worrying, so we're sleepy (and a little hungry). Get some rest. Have some cake. Curl up with a good book; the good people at CakeWrecks have a new book out, and it's fantastic!
WV: dessedr - Getting dressed in the dark so everything is all mixed up.
YAY! I've been waiting for an update, and I'm so glad to hear good news! But yeah, John still crazy, apparently. Go home and rest, you crazy kids!
I'm so glad things are looking better! That is some scary stuff. I just got not only a flu shot but also a bacterial pneumonia shot and am keeping my fingers crossed. My mom was in the hospital for 10 days in May with pneumonia! I hope the continued recovery goes smoothly!
SO GLAD to read good news about John! To heck with the tour, go home and rest up.
WV: agiaties...the sick twisty feeling you get in your stomach at working lunch meetings.
Glad to hear everyone's getting better. Go home, recuperate! The 'wreckies' (or
'wreckers' - in the vein of terkkers vs. trekkies:-) will be there for the next tour, this one can wait.
If you can't depend on people you don't know from the internet, who can you depend on? I'm so glad to hear that John is doing well!
As for the cakes...wow...I think the last one is my favorite. I love the exclamation point after "In Spanish" HA!
So glad to hear you're doing better. Take care of yourselves and keep the wreckage coming.
That's great news about John! I've been anxiously awaiting updates. Take it easy, both of you!
So good to hear about John. Now remember to take it easy until those lungs get clear. Trying to rush will only make things worse.
*turns off mom mode*
These wrecks are classic hilarious, but I just can't seem to grasp what the first one is saying (or not saying). Was someone yelling at their kid in the background while ordering cake (because their remote broke and kids are obviously the next best choice for channel changers).
I'm so happy to hear John is doing better. I have been so worried. Strange to be so concerned about people you've never met, but you guys are like my secret Internet best friends...so secret that you don't even know I exist. :) Hope you are home and 100% healthy soon!
P.S. The book arrived Saturday and it is the awesome.
SO glad to read that John is doing better!!
I have tears in my eyes I'm so happy to hear John is ok! and how are YOU doing, Jen!? I think you guys should head home and/or take a vacation. all of us bakers will be waiting for you ;)
Yay! Keep getting better John. Be happy and healthy and keep on laughing!
I like the cookies. I would not doubt it if there was a third one! lol And even with orange, I think ChRis's cake still would have been a wreck! Orange icing and a blue truck! Icky!!
We're so glad that John is feeling better! This is a little twisted, but his condition helped my girls deal with the death of their 3-year-old gerbil, Waffle.
We'd been discussing John's condition in our home and hoping for a quick and full recovery. After the girls learned of their gerbil's demise yesterday (not a shock since Waffle had been sick), they were sadly trying to play Pollyanna. One of the "good" things about Waffle dying was "at least it wasn't John"!
Good to hear! I hope he'll be well enough for you guys to go home soon!
I'm happy to hear that John is feeling better. We'll keep him in our thoughts.
I'm a first-time poster, finally out of lurk mode--so very glad to hear John is on the road back, as I've been very worried about you both.
There will be more tours, I am sure. Tell John to try not to overdo it these first days, and I'm sure he's very excited to get out of the hospital and back to real life again.
And of course I never miss of day of "wrecks", so very much fun, thanks! (Also, I don't have an account yet so will show as "anonymouse", but I'm Nancy, from Lincoln, NE).
That's the best news I've heard all day! I'm glad to hear he's getting better!
I am SO GLAD THAT JOHN IS FEELING BETTER!! I don't even know you guys but I love this site and check it every day. Reading that you were both so ill made me really concerned. Thank goodness he is doing much better! Much love to the both of you!
Glad to hear that he is doing better!
I hope you guys do get to finish or re-schedule your tour, I know it must have been fun and exciting.
Keep Wrecking it up.
YAY JOHN! Thank the Lord he's feeling better.
And as for the cakes....what can I say? Literal LOL's are my favorite.
Ah, those literal-minded Wreckerators, dont'cha love'em.
Glad to hear John's recovering. Look after yourselves, and thanks for all the laughs!
I'm so glad to hear that John is feeling better!
Yeay, John!!! I was quite worried about the blood infection. It's good to hear that you're on the mend.
Cakes: What's with that last one? It looks like it was decorated with foam core diamond shapes and cones of white paper. What *is* that stuff?
So happy for the good news! Take care!
Oh this is WONDERFUL news to start my day at work on! I'm so glad! You two have been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. I don't know why I feel as if I know you, but I do! :) You are good people and I want nothing but good things for you!
So thankful that John is doing so much better! I hope he continues to make a speedy recovery!
Glad you and John are doing better!!
Yeaaaah!!! I'm so glad he's getting better. I usually wait until the afternoon to look at your blog, but I wanted to see how John was doing.
The offer still stands about bringing you guys a home-cooked meal. Please don't hesitate to ask!
I am truly so glad that you everyone is better! I've not posted before, but I've been actually distraught over John's illness and the fate of your book tour. I live here in Austin and kept thinking...."maybe I should make them some minestrone", then figured I'd risk coming off as some obsessed stalker fan, trying to my minestrone on y'all, which you'd then likely toss or get tested for poison before eating. Regardless, I was surprised at the depth of my feeling for you both, which is a testament to how much I depend on your delighting me each morning. Thanks, and please take care!!!
Yaaaaaaay!!! Welcome back, John!!!!
Thank god! I lurk around here every day and I have been thinking about you two. Strong, healing vibes to John!
Yay, so glad John's better! He's been in thoughts here in MD. Now rest up a lot more to get all better. Theeen talk about going back. ;)
So glad to hear! Take it easy, Jon, and let the prayer and medicine do its work.
You still owe us the rest of the tour now. Something to look forward to next year!
Get well soon John. (In spanish!)
"Congratulations John" (in Spanish)!
"Congratulations John" (in Spanish)!
I am so glad to hear he's doing so much better already. Please, don't bother with the rest of the tour, get totally healthy and then reschedule. And while you're at it...maybe a stop in Vegas?
I am so happy to hear John is on the mend. (ICU sounds so scary!) It's bad enough having a loved one in the hospital, it must be worse when you are out of town when it happens.
I hope you can restart the tour. How about "Cake Wrecks World Tour II: Electric Boogaloo - This time it's personal!"?
Great news!
Keep getting better John.
So glad to hear John is doing better! Y'all take care and John, take things slow and easy for a while, OK?
Glad to hear about the quick recovery!
(I think I speak for all those who would name themselves anonymous when I say that.)
I'm so glad that John is doing better! I got my books in the mail a few days ago. I crack myself up looking at it every night. Your comments are hilarious!
Is it just me, or does that "Congratulations Heidi" cake look like it's decorated with tampons?
SO GLAD that you guys are heading back toward normal - but DO take it easy, the book tour can wait. Srsly.
LITERAL WRECKAGE! I love literal wreckage!! Hee!
P.S. My spouse sez: "Tell John since he's on heavy-duty antibiotics to eat yogurt with every meal. Bitter Personal Experience." So, tell him. :-)
I'm so happy to hear that John is doing better! YAY! I'm sending continued prayers for you both to be well. Hugs too!
Now I can breathe...good to know John can too.
Good health, safe travel, and you know, all that good vibe stuff is being sent your way!
YAY in all caps! "I'm" so "glad" to "hEaR" "HE'S" "better" in orange!
Glad that the good juju is helping. In the meantime, tie him to the bed because pneumonia has a bad habit of kicking your butt when you least expect it. (To the publisher -- NOOOO!)
I was going to ask how you and John were holding up--glad to see you're both feeling better. The whole book tour extravaganza to ICU transition was a little scary.
Many Blessings and giving thanks for a speedy recovery.
Glad to w he's feeling better!
Good to hear things are looking up! :D Keep up the good work John, but take it easy!
PS I'm rather disturbed by the word verification here - 'rearimp'?!
Glad to know he's feeling better!
so, so, so, so happy to hear john is doing better! getting sick like that and having to be in the ICU is stressful and scary, no matter what reassurances the docs give. good thing you were in texas! it's (almost) the best state in the country (and my home state, heh)!! it was great that you could still spread the laughs even while you were both down and out. GET BETTER FAST! take the meds, push the fluids, and rest, rest, rest :)
Oh, I am SO glad John is doing better! Thank you for taking such good care of us, and giving us laughs, in spite of your own trials!
[Kermit the Frog]YAAAAAAAA![/Kermit the Frog]
Great news keep working at getting him better!
love that last one! i am glad that john is getting better!
What a great post! Classic CakeWrecks and why we all love you. Great news about John too. Thanks for bringing a little sunshine into a cloudy day!
So good to hear that John is on the mend! Please take it easy, eat well, and rest a LOT! Please let yourself get totally well so you don't have a relapse. Sending good thoughts to both of you!
i'm so glad to hear your hubby is feeling better!
So glad you guys are feeling better. Hooray!!
I'm thrilled to hear that John is moving up in the medical world! Rest assured that we'll all keep sending positive thoughts your way, and hope you'll be out in no time.
Glad to hear that John is on the mend. Good luck with the rest of the tour if you do go back out.
That first cake posted today is spooky, I sort of like it. Maybe I'm just aching for Halloween wrecks...
Oh gosh, what a relief! I hope he continues to feel better and that he can get back on that tour soon - but not TOO soon!
Felicidades, John and Jen (congratulations "In Spanish!") on your recovery (so far).
If you're still in Dallas and could use a free place to stay, let me know.
Yay, I’m glad John is better! In Spanish.
And I hope you’re hanging in there as well! In orange.
Nothing on the third line.
Hope you’re back home soon! “Turn the channel”
WV: bedimmer. Nothing is bedimmer than a wreckerator who can't bebothered to think!
Yay, I'm so glad John is feeling better! And seriously? Trying to go back on tour? Well, if you feel you're up to it I don't know that many people would complain but...It's so easy to strain yourself when you've been so sick, you'd probably be better off just rescheduling another tour for later, when you're 100% healthy again!
Also, these are my favorite kinds of wrecks. Love the "nothing on the other" cake. What baker thought that was expected?
W.V. --> Blessent. We're all glad John has been blessent with his health again.
Glad to hear John is feeling better. Make him take it easy for a while!
I am so happy to hear he is feeling better! You try to keep him resting a bit longer though, k?
Love these cakes, too funny :)
I don't normally comment, but wanted to say I LOVE your blog, and have gotten others to LOVE it too!! And I am very happy John is doing better!
I am so glad he is doing so much better! I was so worried, especially after the last post mentioned a head injury (yikes!). Tell him to take his time getting well. The fans will still be here when he is ready to resume the tour. I promise!
So good to hear! Keep getting better!
Big applause for being out of ICU! Take some time off to recover, eh?
Hey, I have a quick question for anyone who knows:
Is there a way to order the book (or a place to order it) that maximizes the percentage of the sale price that gets to Jen & John?
Those hospital bills are going to be outrageous. I'd like my purchase of the book to do as much good for them as possible.
Glad to hear John's doing better! Remind him to take the _full_ course of antibiotics no matter how good he's feeling.
Kermit the FROG: YAAAA!
So good to hear he's improving. Keep up the good work looking after him and keeping him sensible. Don't worry about the tour and just work on getting him better.
My thoughts are with you,
Free Cake treat!
I'm so glad he's feeling better, you guys brighten my day so much. I love reading your jokes and stories. I hope you both feel better very soon!
I'm glad John is "feeling better" with exclamation points!
So, so, sooooo glad that things are looking up. Personally I think you should head home, recover and reschedule the tour in a few weeks when things are less flegm-y. We adore you guys, you know we do, but your health is really more important. The cakes and books and wrecks can wait on you. It's the least we can do.
Coming out of lurkdom to say I'm so happy to hear that John is doing so well! Yall were definitely in my thoughts. I'm still sending good vibes your way.
Glad to hear that John is on the mend. I've recently learned how scary hospitals can be. My 24 year old husband was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia on September 28, and since then I've become far more acquainted with the ICU and hospitals than I ever desired to be. I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for your website. It helps me laugh when things get too serious. Thanks for keeping at it even through this time when updating the website is the last thing on your mind!
Phew! We were all so worried. Please take care of yourself and John.
And, this post was hilarious!
I'm so glad he's doing better!
Don't let those microbes get you down, John! Can they handle a pastry bag? An air-brush? Fondant? Nah, I didn't think so. Fuggetaboutem.
MarliO and MyCatsRule:
The first cake was real, and it was for a student organization whose theme for Soul Night was "Turn the Channel". My friend picked it up from the store, and it was hilarious :)
Glad things are looking up - praying that you guys are both fighting fit again in no time. Take care!
Great wreckage today! Awesome.
~Amy B
So glad John is doing better! I'm tempted to make a pun about 'breathing easier', but I think I'll leave that to the pros. (That'd be you, Jen.)
Literal wrecks are my second faves, right after wedding wrecks. These are awesome.
my WV is unati: John, unati boy for wanting to get out of your sickbed and continue the tour!
So sorry to hear he's been sick--I missed a couple of days, so I just found out. Please get better soon, and don't overdo it!
Love the cakes as usual.
Jen, just be glad he is in the hospital so they can take care of him. My DH got pnemonia a few years back. It was such a pain having to take care of him, and our baby, by myself. And have to give him anal medicine. GROSS!
Such wonderful news to find this morning! Yes, prayer works! But, John, keep off the cake for a while, because sugar doesn't.
There was an enormous response to your book giveaway on my blog (of course!!), I'm getting ready to post the winner, I'll be so glad to also post the good news of John's recovery. Thank you again. I hope you'll have a chance to read all the great cake related comments left there, some real doozies.
Oh, and to Chelsea in Austin, I do minestrone. Come stalk me.
well that is certainly fantastic news, jen!! i am so relieved to hear it.
please continue to rest and take care of yourself and john so that both of you are back to full health as soon as possible.
we did miss you v. much in austin. was so looking forward to meeting y'all.
i agree with chelsea in austin (above) ... i have been surprised at the depths to which john's illness has affected me. to the point of wanting to hunt y'all down and DO something to help! :-)
it truly is a testament to you and john and the gift of laughter that y'all share with all of us.
thanks and take care!!
terry lee
I rarely leave a comment, but I just wanted John to know how glad I am to hear that he's doing better!
Is it sad that I quickly glanced over today's post in order to find an update on how both of you are doing?
I'll go back and reread everything and I can laugh now. :)
EXCELLENT news that John is doing better! Cheers!
wow, could these bakers take things any more literally? scary.
so glad to hear John's on the mend! best wishes, blessings, and get well hugs to you both (ok, just regular friendly-type hugs to you Jen, since you appear to be all recovered.)
Hooray! Good juju and silly cake (and antibiotics)...the perfect combination.
I'm so glad to hear that John is on the mend!
Glad to hear that John is feeling much better!
Cake Wrecks to celebrate!
(nothing on the second cake...or the third)
so so happy to hear he's feeling better! *whew*
thanks for brightening my day every day, and for the special healthy bright news today!
My roommates and I follow your site; although we've never posted, all of us were very worried for you guys, sounds like airport/crowd cooties attacked hardcore :(( Very glad to hear you're on the downhill slope towards recovery, but you should really take it easy! Pneumonia is hard for the body to fight if you aren't rested.
On a sorta side note, one of my roommates wanted you to know that she has had a staff infection (got it from the hospital) -- I don't know what form yours took but hers was a big mess on the outer part of her butt that oozed and pained. She says that she is happy you don't have what she did, because to have pneumonia AND have to worry about sitting down too hard and making something explode would be just too much!
lots of well-wishes from us,
"LuCanDrea" from AZ
So glad things are looking up! Thanks for that update.
Those cookies could have only been better had they been cupcake cakes.
*runs away*
Hooray! So glad to check in this morning and see good news (and hilarious wreckage).
Holy mazola--I go off into Cat Rescue Land for a few days, and the whole ding-dang world goes kablooie!! WOW, guys...I'm so glad that everyone's feeling better--but wow, that's scary. :::hugs::: to both of you--stay well, or get well, depending on whether you're Jen or John.
Still sad to hear you won't be in NY tomorrow after all. :[ But I am very glad your John pulled through. Best wishes to you both! I'll still be here for your next tour.
So glad to hear John is better!!
Cakes are hysterical too...
I am so glad to know that John's going to be OK - I've been sending good juju across the Atlantic from good ol' Blighty since I heard he was ill...
Glad he's feeling better! I know your book tour would never come all the way to the Arctic Circle where we live, but I was thinking and hoping hard that you all can get back on track!!
Glad he's feeling better! I know your book tour would never come all the way to the Arctic Circle where we live, but I was thinking and hoping hard that you all can get back on track!!
Oh, I am SO glad to hear that! Thank heavens! Wanting to overdo is always a good sign. Best-tasting cakey goodness to all the medical types who took/are taking such good care of him!
tarta bueno!
Thank God
(next line)
John is better.
Yay! So glad to hear John's doing well.
Don't be ashamed if you have to tie him down and knock him over the head again to make him rest like he's supposed to. It'll only look silly and hurt for a few minutes. ;)
Yay for John!
SO glad to hear he's doing so much better!!! (((HUGS))) to you both!!! <3 You TOTALLY need to get him a cake now - that will help!!! :D
Thank you so much for the update, Jen. I'm really glad that John is out of ICU and doing better. I was so worried I'd read today that he "took a turn for the worse", as the saying goes. Hopefully, he'll be back to 115% in no time!
And as always, great cakes! The second pic especially made me giggle.
I am just so relieved to hear that John in on the mend! As a mom, it's my job to do intensive fretting and/or worrying, so I've been doing my share for the both of you. I cannot imagine how scary it must have been to have to go through all this so far away from home, but I'm glad that you at least had the power of positive thinking of all your fans to surround you. You jolly us along even through the worst of days with your blog, now we get to return the favor.
SOO glad to hear of John's almost recovery. Thanks for keeping us updated. Thanks also for keeping us laughing throughout your ordeal. It is good medicine.
I'm SOOO glad he's better!!!
Good lord, I'm so sorry that John was so sick and so glad that he's on the mend.
I'm greatly relieved to read that John is much better, and you sound better too (if "sound" can be inferred from text). Take it easy and keep getting better. Meanwhile, those are some of the more atrocious cakes you've posted on the blog. I can't believe the thoughtlessness of those decorators!
So glad John is feeling better!!! Tell him not to do too much at first, we don't want him to get sick again. The body takes time to fully heal.
"WUNDERFAL!" Take care of yourselves and each other. We love you. A lot.
next line.
These cakes are horrible. In the most wrectacular way possible.
By the way, Jen, I think I found how CW fans feel about John wanting to resume the tour right after getting out of the hospital.
Hope that cheers you guys up some. :)
I wish I knew what was going on in those bakers heads. LOL!
Glad to hear John is feeling better!! :)
Easy there John, we aren't going anywhere :) You need to Rest!
Good luck getting him to sit still for a bit Jen! :)
Great news, guys! Relieved to hear that John is on the mend. :)
I take it, Jen, that you too are feeling better?
So glad to hear he is doing better! Those hospital acquired infections can be nasty! Is he taking any probiotics to counteract the negative affects of the antibiotics in between doses?
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! John's okay! I'd suggest investing in some good restraints for when John gets out of the hospital because it sounds like you're going to need them.
So glad to hear that you both, but especially John, are doing better, and are on the mend.
I was really looking forward to meeting you here in the Big Apple tomorrow, but your health must come first. Maybe you'll swing by in a few months?
WV: ingamm I'm so glad you're back in(the)gamm again!
Hooray! Get strong and stay well! Dr. Deborah prescribes eating more cake. :-) All the best to you both. ~ Deborah in California
What a relief! So glad to hear that John is out of ICU and that you both are on the mend. I'm sure it was all the jokes that people posted--especially the pirate with the steering wheel (which seemed to be a favorite of many Wrecksters).
Take it easy you guys. Eat lots of chicken noodle,er, cake.
YAY!!! Thank God. So happy to hear John is out of ICU, but tell him take it easy and rest! The fans understand.
I am thrilled to tears to hear that John is well on his way to recovery and feeling good.
I can now say that I was absolutely terrified for you both because I know the reality of a systemic infection. I am a blood infection survivor, so I know the survival odds are about 50-50. I suffered heart and organ damage and lost a big chunk of flesh on my leg... and I consider myself extremely lucky. Please, please do all that your doctors order until you are fully recovered.
Sending warmest wishes your way!
AWESOME FOR JOHN!!!!! I Knew all our wrecktastic juju would be helpful.... not to underestimate the Non-Wreckalicious care of his excellent docs in the Longhorn State. Let us know where we should send Thx and Congraduations to the Docs for caring for our Wrex Crew!!- continual XX's, btw
So glad to hear John is doing better. Wow! You just never know what life will throw at you. You guys make my life a little happier every day! Thank you!!
So pleased to hear that John is on the mend . . .
I'm sure it's been said already but next time, book a wreck tour NOT wreck a book tour!
Glad to hear John is doing better.
I was wondering why the last cake had pizza sliced into diamonds on it.
And a comic today you should appreciate.
Yay! I hope you get to go home very soon.
YEA!!! So glad to hear of John's recovery!! At least now you can both get some much needed rest. NYer's will miss you :-( but, we are certainly grateful you are both better.
Is this "pneumonia" (underlined in red) a cunning plan of John's to get you to take the tour to Australia where the weather is warm and his lungs will recover faster? Very crafty!
Seriously though, so chuffed to hear everything is taking a turn for the better.Take him home and take it easy!
So glad John's doing better. keep up the pestering John, we so wanna see you here in NYC... But get better first, don't want your cooties...
Woo-hoo! So glad John is out of the ICU! Stay on the upslope, John! Take it easy til you're in the clear!
Andrea in Seattle
So glad to hear John is feeling goood!
I cannot believe those cakes. Are you sure you aren't baking and making them up for a laugh? You would have to be stupid to make these cakes...and sell them?????
It's great to hear that John is out of ICU! My sister and I have been thinking of him, and we're both very happy to hear this great news!
I'm happy to hear the good news about John!
I am NOT happy to see parentheses surrounded by quotation marks.
Whoooo-Hoooo! (that was excitement not sarcasm) So glad to hear John is on the mend. Please take him home so you can both take it easy and recoup in full.
Thanks for keeping us all updated. At the risk of sounding like a stalker I visited often looking for an update.
So glad to hear John is getting better!! Keep making us laugh guys! :)
I'm just getting caught up on Cake Wrecks after a few days' hiatus. I am so sorry to read of the illness John has suffered and the difficulties you both had to deal with. I'm so very glad to hear that John is out of the ICU and improving. What a wonderful community this is, the great amount of warmth and support are so very touching, and a wonderful reflection of how much joy you have brought to the lives of so many :).
These types of wrecks always make me think of that song, "I Love You Period." Used to drive me nuts on the radio when I was in high school! It could be a wrecker's theme song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFpsDAL4oKE
Glad to hear you're doing better, John exclamation marks We were worried. Next line. My husband and I appreciate the laughs; we can't imagine the Internet without you guys! ("with sincerity")
The cakes were funny, but I actually tuned in for a John update.
Glad he's doing better!
These are my favorite type of wrecks.
(hope you two are on the mend, health update when you can)
Praise God, that's wonderful news!! So glad I came by to check before going to bed.
And I love things in italics. I like to think the wreckerators think of these as "asides" - you know like in theater where you talk to the audience and not the other characters. Because how else could they look at their finished work not know.
whew! Glad to hear that John is out into a regular ward where you're not so special any more. Pneumonia is not to be er... sneezed at - especially in adults. You two need to be at home not on the road. Tour can wait. Hey... how 'bout we all come to you - get the books autographed bring a few wreck images... no worries we won't stay. Purel on hand ( again she puns)
leaving... now....
prayers juju energy whatev... all good.
Whew! That is the most wonderful news! The world just isn't the same with out wrecky cakes. Kudos to you for persisting with your posts through the whole ordeal. (Hope you're feeling better too!)
So happy to hear that John is getting better - take it easy both of you!
So glad John's better! Now rest, bold and in all caps.
WV: alerl: what alert people are on medication ("I'm totally alerllllllll*snoresnoredrool*")
You both bring a little joy and a little smile to my life (and many other peoples) every day so I would say it was Karma coming back to give you back some of the good energy you have sent out.
I'm so glad John's better. I'm sure the fear that I might attempt to tell more jokes helped just a teensy-tiny, little bit. ;)
Keep it in mind, John. Seriously. You get sick again, I tell more jokes. That's the deal.
WV: emitype. Em. I type. That's right. And write.
What good news! Feed him some ugly cake!
You guys totally rock!
So, so glad that John is doing better! Take it easy, and keep healing!
Soooooo relieved!
YAY!!! I'm SO glad John is out of the ICU!! GRATS! I was worried!
So glad to hear John is on the mend!! ICUs and blood infections are a scary place to be - I'm sure you're happy, relieved, rejoicing, etc, etc :)
Also, nice inclusion of a third cake :) Sometimes it amazes me the people they let work in bakeries...
So glad to hear John is doing better!
So glad to hear he is doing better! A word of caution, though. I remember when I had pneumonia. Right now he feels awesome because of all the medication, but after you have a lung issue like that, you are SO tired for a long time. I was very easily fatigued and slept a lot for literally about three months after I was off the antibiotics. Do not go back on tour--take it very easy and be extra careful not to get sick again. (I recommend vitamin D, lots of rest, and don't get flu shots--it will do more harm than good!) :)
!!!!CHEER!!!! next line
I just can't understand why people are so dumb that they actually think people want "next line" "in spanish" and "in orang" on their cakes. I know one thing for sure, I'm making a cake order in person, and I'm watching them decorate it to avoid this idiocy.
So glad he's feeling better, by the way!
Awesome. Glad that John is doing better. Glad that bakers are still wrecking it up for our amusement.