Dustin G. sent in this lovely bit of irony purchased for the cast of a show called - you guessed it - "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying." If you're feeling charitable, you can tell yourself the decorator misspelled "without" on purpose. If you're not, you can also nitpick the extra-wide spacing.
What's that? Taxes are due today? Grrr. Right, so, dudes: What is UP with that crazy double-spacing, eh?
54 comments | Post a Comment
It doesn't even make SENSE!
I can see that the guy who made this cake was too "wtf"ed at the cake request to spell 'without' right.
The logo for the show is awesome - why couldn't they have used that?!
<-- Played Rosemary in a 1998 community theatre production of How to Succeed...
Perhaps there with be a lucky switching of numbers in your taxes and you';; end up better off than this cake. lol
Just trying to fill up the cake, I guess. It is weird looking. And what a pity, it is otherwise entirely unremarkable.
WV: trastal - That's too much cake to put in the trastal - send it the way it is, they'll never notice.
All I can do is shake my head...
This cake is lame. Spelling mistakes aside, couldn't they have slapped a few $$dollar$$ signs on it or something?
What IS up with that spacing anyways ? ?
How to look like a fool without really trying.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
Webster is rolling over in his grave!
Ya know, compared to some of your HORRIBLE wrecks, this one ain't too bad. At least the lettering is pretty...even if all of it's not quite right.
Cruel irony indeed...
I definitely thought that the "how" looked like Hour.... Which makes it even more wrecky.
How To Fail At Cake Decorating Without Really Trying.
Just gotta say...I'm playing Rosemary in this cast and I read this blog EVERY day...This is such a great way to start my Wednesday!
The cheese! The extra space is for the cheese slices that hand is about to add...
Maybe it was a test---you know, the one where they misspell words but because our minds somehow right the wrong, we can read it anyway.
WV: untsome: like reading word verification words and thinking they are real words, and can I get away with using them in Scrabble
Now it all makes sense!
Maybe it had been a long, been a long, been a long day for the wreckerator.
<--- got his nickname from the Venezuela-bound executive he played
I've seen the most typos in my Business classes, so this makes sense! =p
"How two Fial Speeling Wihtout Reelly Tring" is the working title of the play this wreckarator is working on.
I believe in you....
How do you spell succeed and business
correctly, then mess up without?
But I guess they weren't really trying!
WV-inwinci: This the cake inwinci messed up the spelling.
You gotta admit, the baselines are super straight. I think they put a ruler in between each line!
at least the writing is relatively straight, in spite of the double spacing...maybe they didn't want it to look cramped?
I'm with DangGina here, it's not that bad. Not that good, but... I make that error all the time, but when I type! Maybe s/he was trying out a new icing linotype machine.
It looks as though the "Wihtout" was first spelled "Wihout" the T, which was squeezed in later in the wrong place.
Wow, I was surprised to see which word was misspelled! I thought for sure it would be "succeed" or "business." Who spells "without" wrong?!
This is an example of how to make a cake without really trying.
How to fix spelling without really trying!
The spacing doesn't bother me nearly as much as they botched correction job.
Mind you, I'd still eat it...
WV: Vachness -- in such a vachness of space, any mistake can be fatal
I'm with hj. After succeed and business, without should be plain sailing. So, what's the story? I think our wreckerator obviously got too confident, too cocky. Or went out for a few quick halves at dinnertime.
Did this wreck come from Richmond, VA? I know people who are in this very play performing here right now.
I think your title sums it up quite nicely.
Word verfication: harstink. These cakes — they harstink.
It goes wihtout saying
I'm trying to figure out the point of the whole cake.
Do you succeed by eating cake??
If that's the case, then I'm golden!!!
Spelling "without" correctly would be trying way to hard, and they were wanting to convey how to succeed without really trying. you know, like apathetic cool, like yeah, we just happened upon this successful cake. isn't it great?
Or, "how to succeed in wrecking a cake without really trying".
That's triple-spacing, mind you.:o)
~Amy B.
Eh, thank goodness the rest of it isn't TOO horrible. I can't believe how many people CAN succeed in business without knowing how to spell though.
solution: cut the cake quickly at the error and no one will know.
I love how they navigated "succeed" and "business", then just murdered "without".
I think it damn well may be intentional. The whole cake seems half-assed. A TV show celebratory cake from a grocery store with unrelated red flowers?
I wonder if there is something we are supposed to read between the lines? LOL
The cake really isn't all that bad except for the spelling mistake. A simple error in word spacing!! But seriously...Don't people LOOK at their cakes when they pick them up and check for errors that can be easily fixed on the spot?? Oh yeah..they did..
Would it have been better if the post had started with "How to Fail in Spelling Wihtout Really Trying"
he just needs the time to think
it out
Maybe it's time for a new category: "Phoning It In".
It's like the decorator took one look at the order, sighed, and grumbled, "I hope they like rosettes, because that's what they're getting!!"
That's bad... you can tell they forgot the "T" and THEN put it in the wrong spot! tsk tsk tsk...
Why, Miss Jen, you seem to have read my mind (er...were you especially bored today?)!
Until now, I'd been wondering WHY there had been absolutely NO sort of reference, allusion or nod to the TAX SEASON via wreck! I really expected SOME little SOMEthing, like maybe a cake baked with a file inside for incarcerated tax evaders, or at the very least, a green and white cake.
It's like trying to ignore flying-insect season--sooner or later you're gonna get bit in the ass anyway. May as well have cake.
Okay, so there WAS no cake.
Never mind. =^u.u^=
She's obviously a writer - it's ingrained in us - double space, dobule space, duoble space. . .
The spelling is stupid of the cake maker, but seriously, what's wrong with the spacing?!
I think that the Wreckerator was set on the wrong "Justify" setting and that is why the writing is spaced so weirdly. Hopefully the hit the re-set button before the next cake!
Ya gotta give the decorator credit for filling up every inch of cake space with something!
I was listening to an NPR blurb about SpongeBob this morning. Apparently it's his ten year anniversary and 18 million adults watch him per month!
no spell check for cakes!
high school near me did how to succeed 6 months ago. decorator also spelled without wihtout
I know, this one's old (currently prowling the archives). I've discovered an oddity I have the cake decorator may share: when handwriting something, I tend to duplicate my most common typos for the words in question, and "wihtout" is a very easy typo to make for "without".
Hey! That play has HARRY POTTER in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!