Thursday, November 13, 2008

Face Time On CW

Thursday, November 13, 2008

This is so exciting, everyone: I had no idea there were Doctor Who fans in the Walmart bakery! Check this out:

How cool is that, huh? It's totally Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen!

[crickets chirping]


[Pin dropping. Loudly.]

What's with all the blank looks? Are you guys telling me you don't know who Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen is? Really?


Well, here, she looks like this:

See, she's a human from the future, and she's had so much plastic surgery that there's nothing left but her face. Get it? (Really, I don't see how you guys survive without this kind of quality programming in your lives.)

Ok, now go look at that "cake" again, and tell me it's not her. Go on.

Hm? Oh. Yeah, I guess you do have a point: she doesn't have eyebrows. Or a nose. Or weird purply hair tufts. Or antennae. But if that's not supposed to be Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen, then I'm going to go out on a limb here and say maybe the Walmart in question should consider employee drug screening. Not that I'm implying anything by that, of course - nosirree.

Thomas R., you thought it was her, too - right?
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Etiquette Bitch said...

my first thought was it was some "cool," art-deco lookin' lady. yikes. it is pretty bad.

RevAllyson said...

OMG You watch WHO!!!!!! LOL... Yes, it does look rather like Cassandra, though I admit I liked her best in Rose's body, fondling the Doctor. *grin*

HorribleLicensePlates said...

I would like her better if she had a beard. Awesome wreck!

Anonymous said...

I see it! I saw it as soon as you mentioned Doctor Who! There need to be more Doctor Who cakes in the world.

Anonymous said...

The bitchy trampoline! "Moisturize me..."

Anonymous said...

and here I thought It was more like the Face of Bo.

Arlynn said...

Why does this "cake" exist? Who would buy it, unless they wanted to scare some poor, sad toddler somewhere. This is a real shame... but at least it's funny for me, if not a bit disturbing.

Trevor said...

That cake is just screaming "Moistuerize Me!"

I think the cake is scarier than she was.

Anonymous said...

The lips make me very afraid. Also, is that purple smoodge at the top supposed to be hair or a ribbon? Are the two pair of cupcakes on either side of her head supposed to be detachable flying ears, ponytails, or antennae? The eyes make me very afraid.

Anonymous said...

Can I get the cake cheaper if I ask them to make me one with the unruly eyebrows and the peeps-esque sunglasses?

Anonymous said...

Did I just fall in love with Cake Wrecks all over again? I think I did!

Carissa said...

Both of these images are extremely disturbing. However, the cake is real - so that gets on more point on my scariness scale.

searching_for_something said...

Is that ears or hair coming our from her head??

Anonymous said...

Sigh, I've given up trying to tell the others about the awesomeness that is Doctor Who...

And those tufts on the side of the CCC are obviously pigtails - how could you be so blind? :)

Anonymous said...

Cassandra was my first thought when I saw this cake.

"Ewww," was my second. "Someone's going to eat her face."

Anonymous said...

I thought it was maybe a sheep?


Slytherpuff said...

OMG, that is *totally* Lady Cassandra! I don't know which is better -- this CW or the scary Daleks that you posted a while back.


Anonymous said...

I think maybe I'm scarred for life.

I've seen her on Doctor Who. I simply can't imagine eating a cake image especially because I would imagine it tastes like rubbery skin.


Thanks. No really. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

i think what's more concerning is that they expect someone to pay $20 for that sad sad ccc.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to take the drugs away from the steamroller drivers that have plagued Cake Wrecks this past week, because CLEARLY what we have here is Princess Leia, post steamroller encounter. See, her little buns have been flattened into pigtails. Maybe.
*scratches her head*
No I'm lost on this one too...

Anonymous said...

ok i totally see it! and eww. eww.




Anonymous said...

Too funny! My mind immediately went to Dr. Who before I even started reading! If it is not her, than who/what is it?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the purple hair thingys are actually sunglasses. Not that that makes it any better.

Anonymous said...

It IS her!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zitny Clan said...

Oh Cu-ree-py.

Anonymous said...

I... I think the hair tufts are supposed to be sunglasses. That's... interesting.

Amy said...

Hey, I love that show! And I absolutely knew who you were talking about. The resemblance makes the thought of eating that CCC rather nausea-inducing. Is there any way to think of her and not get a nasty mental picture of the part where she dries out and explodes? Bleh.

Anonymous said...

Oo, a Doctor Who reference! That just made my day! :)

Anonymous said...

That is quite possibly the vaguest cake I have ever seen. It's a..... nope, I got nothing.

Amanda said...

You had me at "Doctor Who fans".

Jamie said...

I'm just glad my geek wasn't the only one showing. I saw 'Doctor Who' and jumped immediately to Lady Cassandra. If only it hadn't been a CCC, and they had included a little brain-shaped cupcake underneath, this could have gone from wreck to pretty awesome! But, alas, drug-induced wreck it seems to be...

Bri said...

O. god.

There are no words.

Speaking as a person who draws people for a living -- I dunno... I looked at it again and just got sad.

You sadden me pasty CCC lady with the stringy eyebrows.

Brianna McCarthy @ Passion.Fruit

Kristin Anderson Barrick said...

Oh my Lord, I immediately knew who you were talking about JUST from the Doctor Who mention.

Doctor Who cakes (not just Daleks) would be a WONDERFUL opportunity for some MONSTROUS wrecks. Literally and figuratively.

Love the site. Love you. And love Doctor Who.

Kristin Anderson Barrick said...

OH! And when they take the CCC apart it'll look like her when she gets all dry, cracks and dies!


Anonymous said...

Oh my! That is hilarious! Surely no one would buy that?!?!?

Nosnin said...

LOL!!! I knew what you were talking about right way!

Angie McCullagh said...

That is so very, very odd. But I know a few people who would really dig that cake.

Angie (from over at

Anita said...

I totally knew who that was!

Mintychip said...

You'll be glad to know that I immediately knew who you were talking about. And yes! people do need more quality programming in their life.

Are those floating cupcakes supposed to be anntenae?

I have no idea what this CCC is supposed to be if its not Cassandra, even if its not a good Cassandra.

Anonymous said...

Moisturize me!

Unknown said...

You know what, you're right! I didn't need the explanation, but then I'm lucky enough to be a Brit, and therefore fully versed in all things Who!
Thanks for this blog, I love my daily dose of Wreckiness!

Anonymous said...

I knew exactly who you were talking about!

*retreats back to her Anglophile geek corner*

Unknown said...

I knew who it was!!! It also reminded me of the Face of Bo.

Word Ninja said...

Once again Jen, your humor surpasses even the wreckiest of wrecks. We've seen Daleks, we now have Lady Cassandra, what's next? I'm hoping for a CCC of a Zygon, that would be truly wreck-tastic! Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

It IS her! But those are purple hair tufts, they're glam purple sunglasses, which are totally appropriate.

Her scope for accessories having become necessarily limited.

JC and RD said...

I didn't read the text before I looked at the cake and I was TWO SECONDS from calling my fiance and going, "You have to see this wreck! It looks like Cassandra!" and then I read your text and went, "...oh. That's the point."

That said, if the decorator was going for the oldest living human at the end of the earth, he/she did a REALLY good job.

Garret said...

One Wal-Mart clearance rack coming up! Ewwww.

Anonymous said...

I would buy this wreck if I was having a doctor who house party.

BTW I was laughing at the reference to the doctor before you got to the Cassandra part.

webbith said...

I was hoping the label on the box would give some insight as to what we are looking at... alas, no. It just says "Chocolate cupcake cake with buttercream frosting".

I've never seen Dr. Who, but I think the mere thought of Cassandra will give me nightmares for YEARS.

Anonymous said...

Lady Cassandra lives! First there was the Dalek cake-off, now this. I'm in Doctor Who/Cake Wreck Heaven. Can we have an Ood cake, now? Pretty please? Or at least a Tardis?

Dani said...

OK, I was CW fan before, but your Doctor reference just pushed you even higher up the charts :)

Before I read your words, "Moisturize Me" went thru my head. After, I wondered where (chocolate) Chip was.

Anonymous said...

ohh, i have a birthday suprise for my Dr who obsessed friend! yey wal mart crack head bakers! :)

Kirsten Alicia said...

I recognised the wondrous Lady Cassandra immediately! :) What a, umm, errr, 'interesting' wreck. Hehehehehe!!! :) Kirsten.

Anonymous said...

OMG -- thank you for totally making my day. Cake wreck + Doctor Who reference = priceless!

sues2u2 said...

oh, too funny! My 65+ yr old mom LOVES Dr Who!

LisaDiane said...

This cake was so scary I had to watch your post from behind the couch! I love Dr. Who - and I could immediately see Lady Cassandra. Moisturize me! Moisturize me!

Kells said...

Cassandra Cake! The perfect scary addition to complement the TARDIS cake at your next celebration!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Who reference FTW!

..and wow. Just wow. That thing looks like the unholy union of Lady Cassandra and the Face of Boe (hey, the Face did get pregnant...)

MichieGrl said...

Okay, the Dr. Who image was even more disturbing than the CCC, but I would have to agree that that is in fact what the Walmart bakery had to be going for.

Kimmie said...

Moisturize me! Moisturize me!

I'm with you, it does look like Cassandra.

April Fossen said...

CW and Doctor Who together in one post?! My day is already complete.

jemmo said...

I cannot think of a more fitting epitaph for Lady Cassandra than a CCC. Of course, there is the (admittedly very slight) chance that this is actually a very clever and precise depiction of her in mid-explosion (those ignorant of all things Who: Lady Cassandra needed to be constantly moisturized, because she had no moisturizing system left in her... body. When she didn't get moisturized for a few minutes, things got a little bit 'splody).

Seeing_I said...

Hm, she could be flatter. She's got a little chin sticking out.

Kameron said...

It's official! You are obsessed with CCCs. I think you should change the name of your blog to Cupcake Wrecks! :o)

wvc said...

I guess I'll admit that I thought it was Cassandra. All it needs is a few robotic spider cupcakes.

Lisa Chin said...

I LOVE Dr. Who and as soon as I read about you saying this cake was from Dr. Who I KNEW who you were going to say because it looks just like her. How funny!

Anonymous said...


Yep, that's Cassandra alright. I have to send this one to my husband, he's the one who first made me watch Doctor Who.

Unknown said...

One glance at the picture and I thought the same thing... Haha, need to lay off the doctor addiction.

Unknown said...

I totally saw Cassandra right off the bat. YAY!

But I do have to guess that wasn't the goal.

...Someone send it to D.T. maybe?

Kuroda said...

YES! At least someone in America is a doctor who fan!

Anna M. said...

Yes! I know exactly what you're talking about. And that totally makes sense, too. Now I want to see a Lady Cassandra cake that is supposed to be her...

Anonymous said...

While it resembles Cassandra it also reminds me of Amelia Earhart (guess it's the goggles/glasses on top of her head.)
Either way...what was that crazy baker thinking? (I checked my local WM yesterday, alas no cake wrecks - darn!)

Jessie said...

If you ask me, the CCC looks like Michael Jackson. If he had purple hair.

Raina Cox said...

A Dr. Who reference? I now officially have a girl crush on you.

This is just the best blog.

mimi said...

I have tried watching Dr. Who many times... and every. single. time. I've ended up watching this episode. Not quite sure how that's happened, but I got the reference.

Anonymous said...

I thought that it looked like The Moon from The Mighty Boosh

But that doesn't explain whatever is going on at the top of its head. And The Moon has less lipaction going on too.

Robin said...

Lady Cassandra! That's disturbing and beautiful at the same time. Beautiful for the Who reference, of course. :)

Upon closer inspection, the thing that really wigs me out is that her eyes don't match. One iris is filled in and the other is just outlined. It's all wonky. :(

Anonymous said...

I knew it was Cassandra right away. Didn't even have to scroll down.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking Will Ferrell in Zoolander.

Das Mutter said...

I have to say I'm a little freaked out by the picture more so than the CCC, although both seem to have a few issues....

LutherLiz said...

Yeah, I totally knew it was Cassandra. Props for the Who reference and the wrecks! Love it!

jackie31337 said...

When I showed this to my daughter, she asked what it was, and then declared that she wanted a CCC. Much to my relief, she immediately corrected herself and said she wanted a cupcake. :)

Anonymous said...

I really wonder what the heck they were trying for if this *wasn't* intended to be Cassandra. :/ Wonder if they'll do a Slitheen cake next, that'd be pretty scary . . .

Craig said...

You know, I really liked this site since I first saw it, but after a reference to the Doctor...I think it may be love.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for spreading your love of Doctor Who!

Jamie and Angela said...

I can't imagine what occasion would call for a cake like that...

Anonymous said...

OK, so what the heck is it *supposed* to be??? What did the person who submitted it say?

Anonymous said...

See, I never watched Dr. Who. I did watch In Living Color though. To me that CCC looks just like Jim Carrey as Vera Di Milo!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha I knew EXACTLY who you were talking about... does that make me a dork?

Unknown said...

I always thought we were kindred spirits, but now I know! Same sense of humor, same sarcasm, and now same TV habits (and Dr. Who IS a habit!). Thanks for all the laughs!

~teachmom~ said...

LOL! YES!!! IT SOOOO LOOKS LIKE HER!!!! We are big Dr. Who fans in this household. :) That's too funny! :)

Angie said...

ROFLMA That is seriously freaky looking.

Only good can come of a drug test for the baker of this freaky cake.

Lisa said...

OH MY GOD! What is that SUPPOSED to be?!

SolaMommy said...

I think it looks like Frida Kahlo.

Unknown said...

My first thought was Face of Bo. But Cassandra works too.

Adele said...

and you can get her in all of her detailed CCCglory for only $19.48, I'm guessing the $0.48 is for the two cupcake antennae on top!!! What a wreckalicious steal. the only word to truly describe her is NOLLU which blogger must have thought of too since that is the security word verification for this post!

Karen from the Cape said...

Lady Cassandra? I immediately thought of the little adipose babies in Partners in Crime, the first Doctor Who episode with Donna as a regular character. Those were some cute aliens.

Anonymous said...

Looks like that ugly white spider guy on Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends. Ewwww.

docgrumbles said...

That is TOTALLY Lady Cassandra! Moisturize her!

Beth said...

It looks like Spiderus from the Nick Jr. show Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends, but with out legs.

Persnickety Ticker said...

As if I weren't already terrified of Wal-mart.

Gee. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I love you and your blog more and more each day, for bringing together two of my most favorite things: Doctor Who and baked goods gone wrong.

Now if we can just find the TARDIS in fondant...

Anonymous said...

That's ... wow.

Just wow.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else see the shari lewis puppet?!

i hope im not goign crazy here lol

Hyena Overlord said...

I'm glad you went out on a limb for us on this one. Especially, since neither the cake or and "bitchy trampoline" seems to have any.

Are those purple things sunglasses? Is she supposed to be a cloud? A little happy cloud for that painting guys birthday?

I should watch the new Who. The old one with it's $5 prop budget used to crack me up.

word verification menforna...should be malforma for the cake

KandiB said...

I don't care who it looks like (or doesn't) - what really freaks me out is that they would charge $20 for it! They should pay ME to take it home and throw it in the garbage. Yikes!

Erica said...

Someone needs to get this cake some tweezers. Seriously.

erin k said...

Now, a David Tennant cake, I would enjoy.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA!! I do see lady Cassandra!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cassandra would have certainly been My first thought, too!

"Moisturize me! Moisturize me!!!"
B*tchy trampoline... :D :P
(Ladyfox7oaks, over here from the LJ/RSS feed)

Anonymous said...

Oh god, you do NOT want to look for Who cakes. Well, actually maybe you do - there are some pretty great wrecks out there. But they're mostly home-made from what I've seen so not nearly as hilarious.

KatieDoyle said...

Dr. Who=Best sci-fi schow ever!!!
Well, maybe not ever. I am overly fond of anything Joss Whedon.
And that cake totally looks like her. It was the first thing I thought when I saw the picture. Before I read the post.

Anonymous said...

I know who she is! And another Who-ite <3 She does in fact look like Cassandra AND Zoe Wannamaker - who played Cassandra........

Anonymous said...

I totally knew who she was, and you're right, that's totally her. Scary!

Ream O Rama said...

Looks like the Wal Mart bakery manager needs to revoke that creative license...

Maybe this is a signal from the lone Dr. Who fan in WalMart begging for rescue.

Moisturize me!

A Strange and Wonderful Man said...

Woohoo! Fellow Who fan! And yes, saw it right away.

Anonymous said...

The minute I saw the picture, I immediately thought of Cassandra! I'm still convinced it's her...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I laughed right out loud - I actually thought it was Cassandra before even reading your description/comparison. NICELY DONE!

All I can say is those cakes better be MOIST!

Anonymous said...

You have reached a new level of awesome with the Doctor Who reference!

As for the cake...yeah, totally Cassandra.

Anonymous said...

No way, you're totally wrong! It's clearly made by a fan of French techno music producer Sebastian's recent EP Cover:

I'm just kidding, you had me at the first sentence actually. Cake Wrecks + Doctor Who = Made my day!

Laurie said...

im going to have nightmares about this cake and that picture from Dr. Who.

Who would ever buy that?!

Anonymous said...

Moisturize her! Ha! That is hilarious. As soon as you said "Doctor Who" I saw Lady Cassandra.

But WHY would anybody want a cake of an evil, body-stealing, plastic-surgery-obsessed character?

Why not a TARDIS? How hard would a TARDIS be to make out of cake? I would like to see Ace of Cakes do that one.

Jacqui said...

That's creepy. I never watched Dr. Who, but after seeing that my interest is piqued. Was Cassandra a big player in that show? Seriously... what was that cake supposed to be?

BreeAnn said...

Hopefully this cake explodes just like she did :P

Melodi said...

It looked like a strange cow to me.

Unknown said...

I agree with other's that is totally the Face of Bo. The heavy eyebrows, the big lips, the purple life support tubing . . .

All it needs is a little cat cupcake on the side . . .

KateF said...

Doctor Who is everywhere. And I love it!

MaryO said...

Hmmmmmmmm. I confess I had never heard of Lady Cassandra, but I did Google her after reading the comments. Now, I'm even more confused.

However, I think this cake sorta kinda resembles the Jason's ship (the bow of the ship shaped liked a woman) from Jason and the Argonauts. It's supposed to be Honor Blackman (Hera). Anyway. That's what I think

I cannot imagine anyone paying $20.00 for this wreck. Man. What a ripoff!

Janet said...

The picture came up and my mind immediately thought 'Doctor Who'! Then I scrolled down and the smile spread across my face.
This is truly a good day. One of my favorite blogs references one of my favorite shows.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Toni Basil from the end of the Mickey video; that was my first thought.

CarrieTown said...

I must see the Daleks cake, if only to finally use the following joke.

Wait for it....


Get it? It's like "Exterminate"...

you people are lame.

TheOtherJennifer said...

It looks like "Spidaris" from the Miss Spider cartoon.

ChatRabbit said...

Good Lord...
They're both highly disturbing!

jamie said...

Don't worry. I got it. :]

zann said...

totally got the reference and agreed with you. The fact that you're a Who fan has just made me even more in love with this blog. But what was that face suppose to be for real? Did yhe person who submitted it have any answers?

JJ Sobey said...

I totally thought of Cassandra too!!

Anonymous said...

I think the funniest part of the whole thing is that they're charging $19.48 for it!

Anonymous said...

Um... I don't know why but it looks like Bjork to me.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I love the Dr. Who reference! Cassandra as a cake? She'd be more appropriate as a crepe. :)

Ell said...

Who else could it be?
Hahaha, so bad, really.

MK said...

It is reminiscent of Cassandra, scary!

Amy McMean said...

that purple stuff sorta looks like sunglasses pushes up on her cupcake forhead

Loth said...

Not only do I know who Cassandra is, I am sitting not 2 feet from an action figure of her (or should that be an inaction figure?) We are knee deep in Daleks and Sea Devils too.

Anonymous said...

Bwahaha! And you can "explode" the cake to eat her! Love it. LOVE IT. Although MY favorite Cassandra incarnation is when she's David Tennant. Hilarious. I pee myself laughing every time.

Unknown said...

That is the ugliest cake I have ever seen. I think it may even top the birth one.


Carrie and Michael Brown said...

I think those purple things on her head are supposed to be sunglasses.

Anonymous said...

The cake doesn't even care that it's on cake wrecks. Is it bothered? Look at its face. Face; look; bothered? It ain't bothered!
(Apologies to the Catherine Tate Show)

Anonymous said...

Um. Is it the evil spider villain from Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Kids??

Anonymous said...

Hooray for the Doctor! Does the cake need constant moisturizing, though?

Sra said...

Also resembles the puffy faced dream lady from Eraserhead. She freaks me out.

Sorry if someone else already mentioned this.

Donna M. said...

And for a low low price of $19.48 you too can have a face cake! Who's face? Who cares!

punkinmama said...

This is my new favorite blog. Seriously.

What in holy heck *is* that?!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure which is scarier... the CCC that resembles a face very vaguely.... or the creepiest television character I can imagine. I don't watch TV, but that plotline and frightening image doesn't give me much motivation to do so. Yikes!

Anonymous said...


That is awful.

Who would buy that? I'm not even sure what it's trying to be.


Glittermillie said...

Hahaha! I know who she is but then I live in the UK and it's compulsory to watch Doctor Who here! :)

Emmers said...

wha...wh...WHY WAS THIS EVEN MADE?!?!?

Kitti said...

I think the purple puff thingy's are supposed to be sunglasses, LOL!
I think you were right about the drug testing!

Anonymous said...

Was it supposed to look like Cassandra or is it something else?

Unknown said...

There... there... there are just no words for that... thing

Susan said...

That is very scary in its own right, but what is even more horrifying is that someone thinks worth $19.48.

ames said...

Ha, I thought you were going to say it was the Face of Boe!

Chuck said...

My first thought was that it was meant to be Will Farrels' character "Mugatu" from the Zoolander movie - I wonder if Wal-mart was trying to challenge you to a "cake-off" LOL.

Amy said...

I think the name of this blog ought to be cup-cake wrecks. Not that I'm complaining.....they crack me up! Keep them coming! : )

Take the hint all you cake decorators out there, CCC's are a disaster waiting to happen.

Danita said...

No, I totally saw Cassandra before you even said Dr. Who!! Tooooo funny! Love the blog - keep it comin!!!

Kathleen said...

The terribly sad thing? WalMart DOES drug screen EVERY applicant/employee - even my 65 yo mother! (when she was 65 and employed at Walmart)

Anonymous said...

the first cake looks like spiderus from 'miss spiders sunny patch' Kinda creepy.

Crazy Raven Productions said...

*dies laughing* It's TOTALLY Cassandra!!!!!!! Oh My God!!!

cadylee said...

I'm sorry, but WHAT. THE. FRACK. I mean, I follow the disturbing psychology that prompts baby and pregnant belly cakes, but this is just ... weird.

Mel said...

It totally looks like her! Hmmm... I wonder what the TARDIS would look like rendered in cupcakes...

Anonymous said...

Thats about the only Doctor Who episode I'v actually seen so i got the refrence at least.Still trying to figure out how to make that dalek cake...

Anonymous said...

This has become one of my favorite blogs EVER. Thanks for makin gme laugh until I cry on a regular basis!

Anonymous said...

I think maybe that purple stuff is sunglasses.

Pirka said...

I saw that as soon as I saw the cake...I didn't remember Cassandra's name, but I instantly thought 'isn't that that stretched-out-skin lady from Dr. Who?'.

It kind of creeped me out when you saw the same.

~ Emily

PS: Long time reader, first time poster. LOVE this blog (and under neat that write 'it is awesome' :) )

Donna M. said...

Ya know...I just took another glance, and it kinda looks like John Travolta in Hairspray.

Minerva said...

Looks to me like a reject from Pee Wee's Playhouse.

"What's the secret word, cakie?"

Amanda M. said...

she's actually *the last* human ever.

i definitely liked her best in the doctor's body, admiring the smokin hottness that is david tennant... mmmmmm... cassandra knows where it's at.

Kristi said...

Hmm, to me it looks a bit more like the Face of Boe...

Andrea said...

Totally saw it.

Anonymous said...

Looks kinda like Spiderus from Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends

<.< >.> <.< >.> <.< >.>

Don't ask how I know that

April said...

Sweet baby Jesus, that's disturbing! That was more traumatic than the time I walked into a school assembly with my skirt tucked into my pantyhose.

Anonymous said...

I need this CCC to go with my Cassandra "Action" figure I got this past summer!

Anonymous said...

I love Dr Who and know exactly what you are talking about :)

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever been more thankful that the Wal-marts here don't have bakeries.

Anonymous said...


River said...

I'm a Dr Who fan, so I knew who that was immediately.

Mantolwen said...

You Americans are way behind on your Doctor Who episodes! *Thinks back several years*

I'm gonna miss DT as the Doctor.

Unknown said...

Dr Who? I thought it was Paris Hilton with rollers and a facial mask.

Anonymous said...

Holy crud, it DOES look like her! And I remember that chick... or what's left of her. (Not a huge Who fan, but I saw several episodes of it at a sci-fi convention a few years back.)

Anonymous said...

My five year old likes to look at the cake wrecks with me each day. She wanted me to inform everyone that its actually a really bad looking sheep cake. (LOL)

Wild Child said...

Hmmm...sad thing is, Wal-Mart does have a drug screening program.

I really, really, really, really want to know what they were going for.

MetalNoir said...

Sorry, Wreckmistress. You have this one wrong. This is high art. I'm serious. Compare it to Picasso's minimalist period. This is great stuff. I'd have this at a party. Not for the kids though: they wouldn't get it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, can the submitter tell us what this was originally supposed to be? Was there a photo they tried to replicate of something? Hilarious either way.

Unknown said...

The first thing it reminded me of was the famous cover art for the Great Gatsby - the woman's face.

Except with no tear, and some crazy... horns?

Mer said...

Hooray for Whoovians! :D

This post made my (and my Who-loving friends) day!

Jen said...

that is totally Cassandra. I'm glad that you like quality programming too.

Gidgidonihah said...

Hahahaha! I looked at that picture and thought. That's not just a face. I know that face.

Then you mentioned Dr. Who and that was totally it. Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

As soon as I saw "Doctor Who" I immediately started debating whether it was Cassandra or the Face of Boe.

Lutra said...

I can absolutely see the resemblance now, though at first glance I thought 'Cool! The face of Boe! ... should be greener.' : )

Anonymous said...

It took my hubby about a millisecond to say, "Hey! It's Cassandra!"

Andrea said...

OMG!!! I thought it looked like Cassandra before I saw that you wrote that! Yay for another Whovian!!!


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