Obviously someone needed to rein in this woman during the wedding planning. What kind of ego does it require to commission a life-sized replica of yourself in cake? But what really baffles me is this: the details are exact right down to the hair clip, so what the heck is UP with that tacky red rick-rack down the skirt of the cake? "Sure, we hand-painted a matching bodice-design, copied the make-up and hairstyle, and have identical veils - but then we thought this giant rick-rack would add just the right extra touch!" ?!?
Obviously Bridezilla shares my opinion: she's eying that red trim with murder in her eyes.
170 comments | Post a Comment
No, no--the BEST part is the GINORMOUS bosom. In fact, I would guess that the shower cake above belongs to the bride featured here.
OMG!!! This is SO ridiculous it's hard to believe it real! But there it is, for the whole word to see. Poor poor man that married her...
I completely agree with the question of ego size. Additionally, what gets me is the cutting-the-cake aspect. I mean, at some point, it just HAS to stop. My suggestion is somewhere around the bouquet.
OMG! This is a Bridezilla at their worst! And they look like such a happy couple.....
the red 'rick-rack' is actually the cable powering the speaker and mechanical mouth parts.
I just wish I could have seen the meeting in which that request was made. The pastry chef had to have been speechless. Or amused. Or at the bare minimum they had to have had a fleeting thought that the bride must be joking.
Yeah, that one made me laugh out loud too. I saw an update somewhere, wish I could remember where, that said it took the bride's family something like four months to finish eating all the cake leftover from that reception. My thought was, again, "Ewwww...who keeps eating the same cake for four months? Gross!"
Hmm, do you suppose they cut off the head and stuck it in the freezer for the 1st year anniversary! Can you imagine seeing THAT every time you go for the fish sticks! HILARIOUS!
Gives a whole new meaning to "Eat me". Holy cow, this is funny.
This happened out of a bakery in Dallas. It was proudly on the news featuring the baker for about a week, with live coverage at the wedding.
It's "rein." Comes from horses, not kings.
Oops - thanks for the spelling correction. You all are really keeping me on my grammatical toes.
Also, the necklace is different.
The whole thing is still horrifying, though. :)
There's an interview with the bride from a Texas TV station:
This is simply hilarious! I would argue about the no budget thing, though--this must have cost a fortune! From the picture alone, though, it looks like maybe this wasn't the bride's idea. She looks a little freaked out at the idea of cutting into her own skirt. I would too.
I think when they said 'no budget' they meant the bride wasn't on a budget, i.e. the sky's the limit.
Never Never a good idea TM.
I actually think that the cake is better looking than the bride....
The rickrack is so you can tell the difference between them because the baker is JUST THAT DAMN GOOD.
Cynthia: it was DEFINITELY the bride's idea. Apparently it was her childhood dream!
Does this cake make me look fat?
Makes the Pop Tart I'm eating right now look downright boring.
Wow I think the cake looks better than the bride!
Actually, she was overjoyed with the cake. It was definitely her idea, and a childhood dream ever since she saw a similar themed cake as a child in Nigeria.
(Just summarizing from the video link.) :)
I'm guessing they added the red rick-rack to distinguish between Bridezilla and her dessert replica. That way, there are no unfortunate misunderstandings...although looking at the daggers flying out of that woman's eyes, I think it would be doing the groom a favor:-P
You would expect the bride to be a nightmare, but in the video she seems so sweet. My guess here is that it's something cultural (she's from Nigeria) that doesn't translate well.
Thought it was a nightmare when I saw it, then I saw the video of the bride - now I think, ok, weird, but ok.
The red mark going down the cake is so that people can tell the difference between the cake and the bride even when drunk. Can you imagine the groom dancing with the cake accidentally and having the whole thing fall all over him during the wedding?
To be fair, that would give him his "just desserts". HA HA HA HA HA HA! PUN!
(And yes, I am aware that the actual phrase is "just deserts", with just one S. This is a pun.)
The red line is the breakway. I'm certain there's someone inside who's going to jump out. Maybe a stripper.
I figured this woman was from either Ghana or Nigeria, where effigies are pretty common, even in cake. A number of West African groups have effigies as a major part of their cultural heritage. You guys are being a little harsh -- this may be a question of cultural difference.
From the look on the bride's face, I'm thinking she's none too pleased about the fact that her wedding cake is ashy. And that her "ginormous" rack (well said, Heidi) is balanced out with an equally ginormous budonkudonk.
Then same could be said about the cake.
Thank you, Quezz. A lot of American customs probably look pretty tacky and tasteless to outsiders as well. Pretty cruel to judge her (and her marriage, geez, Alicia, was that necessary?) based on a cake.
Unfortunately, as Miss Manners has often pointed out, mixing traditions from disparate cultures rarely works out as well as hoped. It's not insensitive to note how odd this cake appears to our eyes.
I Googled - according to the article she'd also wanted a cake copy of the husband as well, but apparently there wasn't time. Would it look less odd or more so if they'd got both?
Even if it's a cultural thing, it's pretty strange to the eyes of the culture in which she is currently living.
I recall reading about this on another board. I believe that the bust is actually clay and was made by an artist for this purpose. Only the dress is cake.
I remeber the local coverage this bride got as well. Maybe the red zig zag fabric was placed there to hide damage...
From a previous anonymous comment: "A lot of American customs probably look pretty tacky and tasteless to outsiders as well."
Well, yeah...and to a lot of insiders too.
No one feels any sympathy for the groom in all this? Good God Almighty he needs prayer vigils held for him every hour of the day being married to this sociopath bride.
The groom looks really happy. He's got wife, and clone wife, and... OMG clone wife has got a knife!
I think the Groom ordered it. He is so pleased. She is wondering.. What did I get myself into..!
"the red 'rick-rack' is actually the cable powering the speaker and mechanical mouth parts."
You mean it TALKS, too?
Wow! The groom can have his cake... and eat her (the bride), too!
This cake is not all cake. The bust of the bride is actually made of Polymer clay and was made by a polymer doll artist. I know, because I am on a list serve called Dollmakers and she is one of the dollmakers. She has a web site where she shows the process she used to make this cake TOPPER of Polymer clay. http://www.weddingsculptures.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=17&Itemid=2
Looking at it, I think her dress has that same red strip. Cake bride shows us her right side, bridezilla shows us her left side. I'd bet my last cupcake that if she (zilla) did a 180 we'd see gingham!
My husband: "The cake is prettier than the actual bride..."
The red zig zag is so you can tell the cake from the bride, cause it's SO HARD TO DO.
Oh, bless her heart... that's just so weird! lol
After a previous poster mentioned that the bride is from Nigeria, and wanted this cake because of one she had seen as a kid, this made a lot more sense. There is a strong tradition of interesting coffins in Ghana (nearby country)http://sociolingo.wordpress.com/2007/03/10/ghana-bizarre-coffins/. Such strong artistic expression probably doesn't stop at national borders, and isn't contained to just funerary stuff. It seems entirely plausible that big events would call for "big expressions". Still kinda odd, though.
I seem to recall an episode of Star Trek: TNG where there were life sized cakes...
maybe it came to her in a dream.
Customary issues aside, I think the way she's looking at the cake while holding that knife is pretty disturbing...
The bride was incensed to find out that the email was a fake and she wasn't going to get the $25 bazillion dollars afterall.
Maybe the expression on the bride's face is unhappy because she overheard someone making a rude comment about her dream cake.
What //I// love about it is the huge soda-can tab dangling from the cakified statuette's neck. Did anyone else notice that??
Thank you Seoul Brother for typing the words "ginormous budonkudonk" in your comment. Never have I seen those two little words typed together before. I'm sure my neighbor thinks I am CRAZY because I am laughing so hard.
P.S. Can you imagine being a guest at that wedding & walking into the reception hall & seeing that for the first time? What a shock! I'm sure punch came out of someone's nose. :P
Even if *some* of it is polymer, that's one HUGE cake - how many guests could they have had??!
"Dinner will not be served at the reception. Everyone will be sustained solely on cake. Don't worry. There's plenty."
I think the rickrack is there so that no one cut into the actual bride by mistake. :)
I'm just freaked out that the grooms left arm is three feet longer than his right arm.
Is that guy standing behind her a cake too?
That gives an entirely new meaning to the phrase "getting a piece of [butt]".
TRT, you're thinking of the cellular peptide cake (with mint frosting) from "Phantasms". You can't see it in that picture, but it was made of Troi.
O___O I've never ever EVER seen anything like this before... Not even on the Cake Challenges on Food Network!
I would've loved to see the reaction of the pastry chef (or team of pastry chefs) that got the memo to do this.
Besides, I thought weddings were the joining of a couple why is it only the bride who's in cake form??
Kristen, I'd wager it's the same reason why the bride buys her dress, while the groom rents his tux. Why the bride is walked down the aisle to much ceremony by her father, while the groom is just kind of standing there rather than being presented by his mom. Why when I interned for a kinda creepy wedding photographer, the weddings were organized by the bride's name, as the groom was just another accessory.
It's supposed to be a big shindig for the woman's benefit, in order to make up for the ensuing decades of picking up the dude's socks.
do you think they saved her head for the one-year anniversary
no really, imagine keeping a life-sized replica of your wife's head in your freezer.
hey honey, where did you put the frozen waffles?
they're where i always put them...on the second shelf...next to my HEAD
oh right....
The guy in the picture is my cousin!!!! I nearly laughed out loud at work when I found this. I have NO IDEA what they were thinking.
the red "rick rack", is obviously there for the groom's sake... so he knows which "sweetypie honeycake" to stick the knife into, and which to go home with!...
I thought it was a PIZZA on her chest??? Anyone else?
I like how buddy has a Go-Go gadget arm that is 3 feet long wrapped lovingly around her waist. Kirsten
And I think the pattern on the cake dress bodice matches the groom's tie instead of her dress which "ties" it all in nicely.
the man behind her is actually a cake also, her real husband is cowering in the corner!
I was watching something on WE the other night and saw a preview for a new show - "My Fair Wedding." Some wedding planner guy helps prevent weddings from turning into distasters...And, at one point in the commercial, the girl says "and my wedding cake will be shaped like...ME!." This is the first thing I thought of when I heard that...
http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/01/07/cake.irpt/index.html That has more pictures of the cake from other angles.
Nah, the bride is unhappy because after she saw the cake, she realized that she wanted it even larger. Because 3/4 life-size just wasn't large enough.
Poor, poor man.
And they say America is the land of excess! Wowsa! Of course, the bride has relocated to Texas, so that could explain her quick acculturation into 'living large'.
What's the big deal? It's all pink on the inside.
This must be what Lewis Carroll was thinking about when he wrote:
He came as a baker but owned when too late (and it drove the poor Bellman half-mad)
He could only bake bridecake for which I may state no materials were to be had.
See, I think the Groom has that "Isn't this just the greatest surprise I could possibly have gotten her? I'm so proud of myself" look, whereas the Bride has the "What the...? That's not my tasteful 7-tier apricot cream filled rolled fondant covered decorated with hand rolled pearls cake!"
You gotta love her expression.
Exactly how long is the groom's left arm Hmmm? - - 7 or 8 feet long?
This cake actually made it into the papers in the UK!!! I know because I tore the page out and sent it to my friend whose wedding cake I was making and asked if she would like somthing similar..... (she declined. Politely though)
Ugly cake.Silly wedding cake idea.What happened to"taste and class"
OMG It's just like the commercial for "My Fair Wedding" The same person had to make both those cakes.
I can't imagine the thought even going through someone's mind. I mean really!
I can only hope that red rick-rack isn't out of sight on the other side of the bride's dress, where it would be IRL.
Just imagine she saves the top teir of the cake for the 1st anniversary but has her house searched by the police, they find a head in the freezer. hmmm gives you something to think about. haha
Is no one noticing that the cake version of her is a ringer for Macy Gray, maybe she's not a fan of Macy's music and that's why she is so pissed off? Just a thought...
Don't forget that it's tradition to save the top tier of the wedding cake to be eaten on the 1st anniversary. That means that for a year these people are going to have a replica of the bride's head in their freezer!!
My heavens! That couple just got married and now they're eating eachother? Wonder what happens when they have kids?
Tonight, at 11:00. "It should have been the happiest day of her life, she had the dress, the handsome groom, and the dream wedding cake of her childhood. Little did she know that disaster was soon to strike. An over-zealous caterer, charged with cutting and serving the wedding dessert, mistook the actual bride for her lookalike cake, and thrust his 10 inch butchers knife into the newly married woman's abdomen. Guests, who were too busy trying to convince the cake/bride to throw her icing bouquet, didn't realize the tragic slaying had occurred until the paramedics arrived.
It was unclear whether they were going to serve the rest of the cake at the memorial service.
I bet the baker made mega bucks I would have if it were me. I think the cake is ugly but I heard the baker is one of the best ones in the Dalllas area.
RE: the groom, I'm actually jealous. A life-sized replica of my fiancee made of delicious cake would probably be the most awesome thing I could think of.
Ummm.. I believe I saw this couple on Dr. Phil, about Brides who go a bit overboard on their wedding days. Her friends/relatives were actually calling her Bridezilla. If that's not the couple, sure looks just like them!
geez.... can you imagine the guests:
"look! i got the boob!"
"i'm poking her eye out with my fork!"
I wonder what the grooms cake looked like
They couldn't carry her HUGE life-sized cake in one piece (boobs and booty!) so they had to bring it in halves...and cover their secret with a BRIGHT RED ZIGGY patch up line. Well, it only takes an idiot to agree to making this cake...
actually i think this is pretty amazing... take skillz to make it look so much like the bride! stop the hate!
Um, I met the maker of this cake at a craft fair I entered last year! OMG. She does all kinds of cakes like this.
Now ya' gotta wonder where they are displaying her clay torso and how creepy it would be to have around the house.
It would be creepier if they made her as a cake at her funeral. Mmm lets eat dead person. Then, little did the guests realise it was so lifelike they accidentally eat the real person. Mmm so chewy, oh, wait.... s**t!
I do have to admit that this is awesome (cake skills) and yay to the baker if there is such a demand for it.
This bride and her clone bride cake were featured on a Style Network's program: Who's Wedding is it Anyway? And yes, she wanted tons of money spent to have her dream wedding, yes she ordered the cake, no it didn't bother her to cut into herself. Her face looked like that the whole show. I don't know about the whole effigy thing. I seem to remember her explanation was that she never had dolls as a child and could now finally have a doll. So what better doll than one that looks like her? No comments on how the doll/cake/clones decorations totally don't look like her dress and look like deranged paisley tadpoles?
the only things that are different are the necklaces and the flowers in that particular spot on the cake :D
Dee said...So do they save the head to eat for the 1 year anniversary?
Dee said...So do they save the head to eat for the 1 year anniversary?
Betcha there's rickrack on the real bride's dress on the right side. Why the hate on rickrack? It's good stuff. This cake is quite a feat.
It's the husband's idea!
Look at the pride on his face and compare it to the look of horror on hers...it's the first time she's seen it.
Martin of Harrow
Do you think there are little strawberries inside for the ovaries? What do you think they made the uterus out of? Mmm, give me a slice of bladder, please. It's full of yellow buttercream!
What I find hilarious about this picture is her husband's freakishly looooong arm that stretches clear around her body WHILE, notice, he's standing two feet away from her. !?!
This is oh-so tacky!...only in America eh?...Dallas too!...ha ha
I think the red rickrack was there so that they could tell the cake from the bride.
Ok, it's driving me crazy that people keep asking about the groom's "freakishly long" left arm, and no one has yet pointed out that his right arm is bent at the elbow and that we're viewing the forearm from almost straight on, making it appear Much shorter than it actually is. C'mon people, it's called perspective. =)
I'm sorry, maybe I'm losing my mind, but the longer I look at this photograph, the more I'm convinced that the groom is not a human being but also a large sugar sculpture himself.
Cake effigy or dog? I would have chosen the dog.
Maybe Im crazy, but I think this is a beautiful cake for a beautiful bride. I wouldnt want one for myself, but I like it. And I think her dress is one of the most beautiful I have seen!
This cake was on TV the other day! They explained that there was supposed to be a cake of the groom too but the bakery ran out of time.
I'm still not sure if having a cake of him too would have made it better or wreckier...
So when the husband cuts into the cake is that considered murder?
That is way too weird!
Did anybody else notice that this guy's left arm is either 8 feet long to reach her waist from where he is standing or that he is ridiculously retouched?
a little self-absorbed are we?
The weird thing is, aren't they going to keep the top portion of the cake in the freezer for their anniversary? Creeeeeeepy.
The look on her face more says "Ok, so where do I cut this thing" then anything else
Oh man.... I just laughed SO HARD. For about 10 minutes straight. Mr.J had to get up from his video game and came and asked me if I was on crack! I showed him the cake, and he said he'd be having nightmares tonight. =)
what kind of a bride is so masochistic that they'd want to cut into themsleves with a giant, sharp knife? shes stabbing her cake-self!
Actually, I saw a tv show about this couple, and there was supposed to be a groom cake to match, but if memory serves me, I think the cake maker ran out of time. this couple was awfully weird and mean too.
this is the height of wastage . the simpler the better the saying goes. this girl must be from naija the headquarter of wastage and vanity.
gross, gross, gross!!
I would never!!
My Lord! If ever anyone asks me to make them a cake that looks like that, I will surely throw an immediate temper tantrum. If financial constraints, cause me to say yes, which would be never! I will not take responsibility for that monstrosity, you can't make me do it! LOL
When I first saw this, I was dumbstruck and horrified. THEN, I watched the short TV interview with the bride for a local TV station - she is Nigerian and apparently saw a similar cake as a little girl back home, and having such a cake fulfills a life-long dream of hers. I suspect it's a cultural thing that got lost in translation... rather than a bridezilla's ego fueled creation.
Kudos to the people who made it though.... wow...
the gloves are also different! was the necklace and the gloves the (lazy) last thing the decorator did?
I saw this couple on one of those wedding shows and she was a total beyotch as I recall, so any news clips of her being nice was for the camera then. It was a vanity issue, and I do believe there was "rickrac" on her dress, like on the train, but the train was removed for the reception. And the necklace and gloves issue was her fault, because she made a last minute change to her ensemble, but was pissed off that they couldn't change the cake at the last minute as well.
Just goes to show that just because you have money doesnt mean you have taste.
ring if the cake is red velvet so when the groom cuts into it it is like a bloddy massacre?
So what part are they going to save for the first anniversary, the head?
What part of this cake do you save for your first anniversary? Will they spend that first anniversary feasting on the frozen decapitated head?
This wedding was on a wedding show. The show that featured this bride more than likely paid for the cake and actually may have been their idea. This cake was pricey but at least she didn't have to come out of pocket for anything.
Slightly narcissistic, and totally absurd!
Is it just me, or does the cake bride look much happier than the real bride?
This just made my day! I haven't decided if the things on that hillbilly wedding show or this cake is worse. I'm leaning towards this cake being worse. Thanks for this blog it's awesome!
Omg it's Olivia the blow up doll! And her boobs haven't changed even after the baby...keep pushing!
I bet we will see this bride on Judge Judy soon.
Do couples still save the "top layer" for the first anniversary?
If so, this cake will be beheaded. And if the marriage doesnt make it, it can become the Divorce Cake!
"When Brides Have No Budget (Or Taste)"... more like When Brides have TOO MUCH Budget and/or No Taste
must resist urge to make crude remarks about giving someone the head piece... must resist...
I did a little google research, and it's just a topper. It's made by an artist, not a decorator, and then placed on top of the cake. Oh, and a life size topper is $5000- cake not included. What do you do with the "topper" after the wedding?!
Wow, I have sat and read every comment. I'm the baker that make the brides dream come true. To answer some unclairities... The cake was not red velvet. The bride was extremely happy. No TV show paid for the cake. If I have to do it all over again, I would. The orange "red rick-rack" was the trimming on the train which was also on the brides actual dress. No the gloves and necklace was not the "last lazy thing the baker did". How could one be so stupid to refer to a baker that carried out such a feat as lazy. Humm go figure. The cake was no more ridiculous than cutting into the dreaded deer head or armadillo. How can you find the deer and armadillo and duck cakes so wonderful and so cute but find this brides dream cake so terrible. Get a life of your own. Oh well I'm only the baker that has gotten so much free advertising I would change anything about it. It doesn't matter to me what you say. It can be good or bad... Just keep saying it. I love it... I love it too much. Nikki J. www.absolutelyediblecakes.com
Yet the cake is still gloriously tacky and in most glorious way. The cake was done very well however this cake only demonstrates a bridezilla and an egotist then sheer cultural love alone.
Cultural references aside, animal cakes aside, bakers needing to say their piece aside... Tacky is as tacky does.
Even if the "money dance" (where the bride and groom dance with as many people as possible to have people put money all over them which devolves into "stuff the money into the naughty bits") is a cultural aspect of my Latin culture it doesn't diminish its tackiness nor does the possibility of people having blunt opinions--both wouldn't cease simply because it's a cultural thing..
,,,and it's ridiculous to assume that because it's "cultural" means that it's not subject to looking tacky or subject to some sort of need of restraint on opinion.
Personally I think there could have been a lot of different ways of getting across the cultural aspects minus the tackiness.. just saying.
Amazing...the baker of that cake has a few wrecks on her site..the "Star's of Hollywood" cake, a million copyright infringements and....someone get that woman a level. I can't imagine posting all those leaning cakes (not topsy turvies...just not level layers)as advertisement. Ah well. More fodder for Jen.
Since no one else asked, I'm just wondering why the fabric panel on the bride's bosom has a pink background, but the fabric panel on the cake bride's bosom has a yellow background.
It is actually a gorgeous dress and an amazing cake.
Her dad had to let her get what she wanted so she didn't just stop at the cake she got the matching ice sculpture too I bet!!
I just have to point out that the cake, and the 'Bridezilla attitude' toward the red line on the dress, are matched only by the RIDICULOUSNESS of the size of her RING... :O !!
She has to be related to the bride "Operation Repo" last week! Outside scrappin' with the Repo Man 'cause he came to hook up her new hubby's car during the reception. Hubby: We spent so much on the wedding, I couldn't make the payments!
I know the lady who made the polymer clay head for this cake. She had the hardest time creating it as the bride was very fussy. She is in my guild and instead of insulting the maker please consider that she was only carrying out what she was asked. She would be so upset if she saw some of these comments. Here she is on flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/elizabethbonura/1904857864/in/set-72157601895489988/
That is just sooo wrong...
They look like a wonderful couple: the husband is in the backround, kinda smiling at the camera, and the wife is standing like, three feet away -totally ignoring her new husband- trying to figure out how to smudge that rick rack off without anyone noticing.
I remember when this was in the news! My friend emailed me this photo over a year ago. It's hard to believe someone could have an ego so big, let alone fine a baker to make this hideous cake. Hats off to the baker/decorator for actually pulling it off!
I'm a little freaked out by the creepy way too happy look the groom has on his face as he's getting ready to STAB her cake self... could this be foreshadowing? Someone should find out if this lady is still alive...
They're almost identical apart from three things-
1. The red rick rack
2. Did anyone else notice the difference between the necklaces?
3. The cake has GIGANTIC BOOBS! Totally GIGANTIC!
I can't stop imagining a scene where someone comes up and stabs the bride, and then says, "Oh no! I thought you were the cake." (from Tiffany)
This is the funniest (albeit craziest) thing I have seen in a loooonnngggg time. OMG who could agree to make that with a stragiht face!!
The rick-rack is so that they don't confuse the two. How embarrassing it would be to stick your fork in the bride by mistake!
Um you do realise that cake would have costed like 5K? much more expensive than most wedding cakes, so yeah, she obviously has a huge budget.
Can I just say that the fact that her name is INNOCENCE makes me want to shoot myself. I personally think that she is glaring at the cake because the hand-painted bodice is just a tad darker than her bodice. I can almost hear the fit that came from this.
I worked at a bakery for 3 years and had make a comment for this cake. Yes it is a very odd cake, yes she may be dreaming of this for years and is from a different culture however, it is the "cake planner's" job to make sure that the cake is still "tasteful". Trust me some people come into bakeries with wild ideas for cakes but that doesn't mean its the greatest idea to make these cakes. I understand the bride wanting something special however a cake that looks like her is on the egotistical side. Perhaps a cake with the same design as on the dress...
I hope the groom enjoyed that moment. It would be the only time he could take a stab at her with a knife and she'd be okay with it.
So, I am sitting here watching the link to the news story on this cake, still stunned:
And I listen to the interview with the bride...and can't help but notice that more than one smoke alarm is chirping in the house because they need batteries. I am guessing she couldn't afford the batteries after paying for a cake that BIG.... :P
I guess I'm behind the times on this one, but here's another angle - on Etsy!
What is she thinking? How could the husband let their cake be of her.
You know, from the way she's holding that knife and the look on her face, that cake has about 10 seconds to stand.
Waw. I can appreciate the workmanship..but come on. Seriously, why would some want that for a wedding cake?! Bewildering. x
Please, oh PLEASE tell me it was red velvet cake!
This makes me sick to my stomach!
Yeah, that one made me laugh out loud too. I saw an update somewhere, wish I could remember where, that said it took the bride's family something like four months to finish eating all the cake leftover from that reception. My thought was, again, "Ewwww...who keeps eating the same cake for four months? Gross!"
The Complete WebMaster Information Portal
Haha, I can just see it saying, "Howdy, folks, welcome to the State Fair of Texas!"
I wonder how long it took for them to finish doing that cake!
Whatever Happened To The Normal Wedding Cake
By D.K. Milgrim-Heath©2011
Whatever happened to the normal wedding cake?
That a chosen baker was prepared to make?
The new version being exactly life size of the bride-
By its photos my laughter I couldn’t hide.
The cake really was quite artistically done-
Even if not suitable for everyone.
The baker surely has artistic talent given-
She was told to do these specifications paid ‘by the livin’!
The painstaking hours that it took-
For the cake getting its doppelganger look!
I’d hate to think the high price of it as 5 thousand dollars-
If it was affordable the ‘shoe did fit’ and no one did any hollers!
Below I put my favorite postings together in some lines-
Towards to cementing this commentary of mine.
So ridiculous hard to believe that cake seemed so ‘real’ even to me-
But it made UK news in glorious color for the whole world to see.
Is this a Bridezilla at their worst of all?
Hilarious from all the news photos on call!
Being from Nigeria a tradition was what this was even as a cake-
Miss Manners on mixing cultural traditions don’t always have a positive take.
Be one of their guests walking in the reception hall seeing the cake at first-
This person goes into shock that could almost burst!
This newly wedded couple now at their reception has to eat each other-
The looks on everyone’s faces in this reception should have been recorded… oh brother!
In the photos the bride does really look freaked-
Has the shock of a look a-like cake now really peaked?
Having to cut into her own cake’s skirt is more than the bride can bear-
And the groom does look strange with his ‘abnormal arm’ really even standing there!
Was the replica bridal head saved for the traditional 1st year anniversary?
In their freezer next to something also frozen obviously!
Where is the frozen waffles honey- the groom eventually does say?
The bride says ….on the second shelf next to my head on the right side just over that way!
So for a year this couple will be eating the bridal replica head?
And then have pleasant dreams when their asleep in bed????
This shows the world just because one has money taste you can’t acquire-
Even when spending thousands of dollars on the replica cake you together alone do admire.
Have you heard? The baker of this cake has recently been on a significant Food Network Challenge, "Last Cake Standing."
While most of the competitors on this show have competed in Food Network challenges before, this baker hasn't been.
She said that she's "the baker who's known world wide for making the life size bride cake."
(I couldn't help but chuckle at this because I've only seen this cake here on Cake Wrecks. Ha.)
I am so glad that someone mentioned that this baker is on Last Cake Standing!! I think my jaw hit the floor last week when I saw that because like LD I've only seen the cake here on Cake Wrecks. I wish I knew what made the Food Network team pick her lol
If you check out the baker's gallery of pictures on her website you can see that her cakes are ok but not as artistic as the other competitors cakes on Last Cake Standing. In fact there is a picture of a piano cake that looks just like the one she made on episode two of the show. As for the bride cake, I would have been more impressed with her skills if she had made the face, but she only made the dress.
Maybe they were covering the seam??