I was at a loss for words to describe this cake, so I plugged in the word "hideous" to my trusty thesaurus. I still didn't find any silver bullets, but here's my best shot:
This cake is appallingly distasteful.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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55 comments | Post a Comment
What does it say?
As far as I can make out, it says:
"Colourful is... Happy Birthday Cyoon Wei". Erm. Perhaps an Asian name?
I think it's a magic eye puzzle.
mummy my eyes taste like burning...
Colourful is...
Happy Birthday
Cupon Wel
Maybe they had to use a coupon to get this...?
I believe it's supposed to say "Colourful 18"
I give them credit for utilizing a unique font for the writing instead of your typical Parkinson's Diseased script icing.
When I first saw it, I swear to God, I thought it was written in Cyrillic or Arabic or some alphabet other than the English one. Also, my eyes hurt!
Purple and orange were the colors for the late and lamented Bay Area/San Jose CyberRays of WUSA. Maybe this person was a fan?
I think "revolting" about sums it up, personally.
This cake looks like it took a trip to Mardi Gras and came back really hung over just in time to be served.
I definitely got:
As lounpul is...
Happy Buppoy
Cupon Wii
My eyes. They hurt.
The colours and the "font" used reminded me of Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem from the Muppet Show (http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Dr._Teeth_and_the_Electric_Mayhem).
Had it been a Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem cake, then it would have been totally acceptable. Sadly for Cupon/Cyoon, it probably wasn't.
Perhaps their birthday was on Halloween?
See, now I would totally buy that cake. Though the roses are a bit much...
Well, it is colourful....
I beg to differ with everyone! I think this cake is awesome. I mean, look at it, it was obviously designed by someone who had taken far too many psychedelics. And it's fascinating. I mean, you can be assured that no one else will have a cake like this.
As well as the fact that with all that dye, you'll probably be having bowl movements of various amazing colors for days afterward.
Okay this has to be the funniest thing I've found in a long time! The cake are a mess and I've been rolling in the floor between co-workers walking in! Thanks for the laughs!
The red roses look like two big eyes to me...
We play a game with the kids at church called "color confusion." For some reasons this cake reminded me of it.
Honestly, I really like this cake. I'm tired of every cake not having it's own spirit and style. No bland frosting or boring old-school anything. (and the font is totally cool)
Um, Clemson Tigers fan?
This cake nearly gave me an asthma attack!
This is clearly a Halloween cake that someone slapped roses on and tried to (unsuccessfully) pretty up.
Brilliant! My daughter had a great idea... this may be a "sampler" cake from class that they have to try all their tricks at once and new fonts!!
I don't really mind the cake so much, except for the roses. They really don't belong. The cake sort of hurts my eyes but I like the design. However, the roses are a bit perplexing.
This is a great halloween cake. I actually like it, for a halloween party! Except for the random red roses and pink rosebuds. Shouldn't they be black or something?
Can anyone read that?
I suspect this cake comes from either Singapore or Malaysia. I think it says "Happy Birthday Choon Wei" - Choon Wei being a male name in that part of the world.
Incidentally, I am from that part of the world, so I can confirm that a) Choon Wei is a male name there, and that b) cakes like that can be bought there.
I get that it's Choon Wei's birthday and that the cake is really original...what's up with the "Colourful is" though?
upon closer examination, I think "colourful is" is actually "colourful 18".
Which makes it even more unfortunate that Choon Wei is old enough to appreciate the ugliness.
I feel like I'm going to have a seizure just looking at it.
its not a bad cake, I've never had one as good (unless you count the chocolate chip/brownie cake creation...) Maybe I'm just a guy, but I thought the colors were good and with further inspection even the roses kinda fit. At least it was made with skill and doesn't look like someone hit it with a sledge hammer like some of the other cakes on the site.
So, this kind of looks like something you'd see on the "Flavor of Love." Flav's definitely got a thing for purple, and the pimp-your-car inspired scrawl across the top drives this design home!
I don't mind the colors as much as the lettering. It looks like globs of glitter paint.
The orange leaves look like kraft dinner noodles that have been strung together in some nefarious way..
Maybe I'm weird, but I kinda love this. It's like the 70s projectile vomited on it. Awesome.
"It's like the 70's projectile vomited on it."
Possibly the best comment on any blog, ever!
I love Cake Wrecks. I wish I had a picture of my graduation cake from 1981--a stupendous wreck.
Aside from the roses and some of the texture choices, I think it's a pretty cool cake. But I do have a soft spot for tacky things.
Just reading back in the blog and looking at old posts...
I think I shouldn't do that at work anymore (even while on a break) because the Electric Mayhem comment nearly did me in. I was sitting here shaking silently with tears pouring down my face...
Your blog is awesome. I am enjoying it greatly! I am thinking of going to some local bakeries with my camera. :)
That's so bad it makes my pockets hurt.
I think since it says "colorful 18, happy birthday [whoever]" that the cake was supposed to be solid, and the number 18 was supposed to be colorful.
To quote a friend of mine, "I'm not sayin' it's wrong, but it's not what I would do."
This cake appears to be decorated with shrimp, drops of blood, and orange tape worms.... and oh yah, plastic roses!
That font is so very Lord of the Rings!
all i can say is.....owwww
all i can say is...owwww
This looks like a cake that the customer may have chosen all the colors/decoration on. This color for the border in this style, etc.
Sadly, I've been forced to make worse. I wish people would listen when they're told things just won't look good.
I should be able to feel my eyeballs.
Why can't I feel my eyeballs?
All I remember is purple...and orange...and...
It looks like a halloween cake, an anniversary cake, birthday cake...all rolled into one! xox
Everything looks nicely done, just mismatched. I agree with one of the other commenters that suggested that the features on the cake were probably picked out by the customer.
Colourful is...Happy Birthous Cupon Wel
Hear that? That is the sound of my eyes spontaneously combusting. Technicolor disaster.