When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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16 comments | Post a Comment
I had to come look at the color pictures just to verify that it really was tweety bird. It's pretty much unrecognizeable without the bright yellow coloring.
The little shih tzus don't actually look so bad! But yeah, Britton's right--Tweety just looked (more) like a blob without the yellow.
AGH! Meercats and swirling poo! MY EYES!
So true. In black and white, that picture does not look anything like Tweety Bird.
Did anyone else ever dissect a fetal pig in high school biology? Because I swear they took mine from 10 years ago and put it on that "meerkat" cake!
New test for cake displays. Take a picture in black and white, if you can't tell what it is, cut it up and sell individual slices.
Kinda like the monkey, other than the fact that you'll be cutting into his face.
And the fetal pig comparison added a new level of creepy to the meerkats.
wv - mispowe: Geez, I can't believe so many people mispowe, haven't you ever used a dictionary?
Brittons of Provo said...
I had to come look at the color pictures just to verify that it really was tweety bird. It's pretty much unrecognizeable without the bright yellow coloring.
ahhh...it is pretty much unrecognizable WITH the bright yellow!
Sadly enough, the meerkats still look like zombies even in color.
Hell, thats unrecognizable WITH the bright yellow coloring!
OMG that really IS supposed to be tweety bird!! What was that wreakerator ON??
That tweetie cake reminds me of the one where he was Jeckyll/Hyde, and he got all big and scary. Does anyone remember that one?...no?...mkay.
Yeah and the meerkats look really proud of the fresh droppings they left on the cake.
In b&W, the Tweetie cake looks like an alien - with the big angular eyes. I've seen the shih-tzus done before, but done MUCH better. And whoever said fetal pigs took the words right out of my mouth. How is that NOT supposed to look like poo? In b&w or color, all I could see was poo. I bet NOBODY, not even the birthday child, was willing to eat a piece of that disaster.
Swirling poo? Meercats? What has this world come to?
(Kinda makes you wonder what the customer ASKED for!)
You know, the meerkats could almost pass as meerkats. Bald pale meerkats.
Tweety Bird? more like Scary Bird! That is a show stopper without doubt...in a bad way. x
I think the worst thing about the "Tweety" cake is how DISGUSTING the display case window looks!!! When have you ever walked into a bakery and seen extreme condensation on the inside of the display case windows (or the outside for that matter). YUCK!!
The little doggy cupcakes are cute...but I wouldn't want to bite into a cute little doggy, so...no.