Yes, it is!
Introducing the Cake Head Diet Aid!

That's right, folks, just place the professionally decorated Cake Head Diet Aid alongside your wedding cake. It's that easy! In addition to being a delicious red velvet groom's cake, the Cake Head Diet Aid will effectively dissuade all but your most ravenous and/or non-squeamish of guests from indulging in the gut-busting baked goods. Guaranteed!
Here's what our happy customers are saying about the Cake Head Diet Aid:
"The children ran screaming - no sugar buzzed hellions at the reception! Thank you, Cake Head Diet Aid!"
"Never have I wanted to eat cake less. Just the thought of your product has kept me up nights, and I've lost over 15 pounds!"
"When my husband said the wrong name at the altar, I was ready to kill him. Slicing into the Cake Head Diet Aid, however, helped me vent enough of that murderous rage to make it to the annulment. And the jam filling - oh, that was the best part!"
As a bonus, your Cake Head Diet Aid is completely customizable! From football helmets to sunglasses, iPod earbuds to nose rings, you can make your Cake Head Diet Aid the spitting image of your husband-to-be while incorporating his favorite hobbies!
So girls, be kind to your guests waistlines while giving your guy his just desserts: order the Cake Head Diet Aid today!
Michelle D., I bet these work great at birthdays, too.
UPDATE: Alright, all you PhotoShop nay-sayers: there IS such a thing as edible image printing, mkay? I also verified that this came off a professional bakery's portfolio site, so chill wit' da hatin' , yo.
179 comments | Post a Comment
aughghgh!!!!! is that real???? what the H E double hockey sticks is that thing? I'm about to puke up my breakfast now...omg omg omg omg omg thats a HEAD!
oh and FIRST! I shot gun the corner piece of cake with the whip cream flower!
OMG that is disturbing! The eyes are following me...
This decorator has some serious skills. Although, perhaps an occupational change to mortuary cosmetologist is in order?
Oh Cripes on Toast! That is awful, disquieting, unsettling, disgusting, eerie, ghoulish, macabre, nasty, ominous, scary, sinister, spooky, and down right icky. (Thanks But the decorator haz some mad skillz! I think this is worse than the baby cake...only because the eyes are following me around the room!
That is creepy...the eyes are seriously just creepy.
Do you think they could do like an Amy Winehouse version and call it a a Coke Head?
... I'm having trouble believing this one. It looks too real!
I think if I were at this receiption, I would spend hours starring at this ... thing, waiting to catch it blink!
Whoa, that's gonna haunt me badly tonight. I think I'd rate this as one of the best wrecks you've posted.
Yeesh, it's a bit early in the morning for such shenanigans.
I am sooooo tempted to ask for my (un)favourite politician's head on a platter... but I won't hijack your blog by naming names!
Um.... jumped the shark much? I say this with sincere love of Cake Wrecks, but you're trying too hard. The early wrecks seemed effortless, genuinely funny. Now, it's kinda like watching Robin Williams on a talk show.
Firstly, as an artist I have to say that whoever did the airbrushing on the face did a marvelous job...
BUT! There is NO way I could ever eat anything that was staring at me! Muchless red velvet with jam filling! *shudders* The groom definitely had a sick sense of humor.
"Just when you thought it was safe to cut into the helmet cake at your wedding, it starts talking and winking, and now you've crossed over to the Twilight Zone!" ~"Rod Serling"
Looks like someone photoshopped their face in.
What. The. Hell.
Is that the most realistic air-brushed frosting in history, or is this a joke, with an actual dude sticking his head through a hole in the table and wearing a fondant-covered helmet???
I like the mortuary ref by anon above--could be a useful replacement for what would be a closed casket ceremony... Want an open casket? We can offer cake!
I wonder why the transverse plane through the head was deemed necessary? What was wrong with the groom's chin?
That HAS to be photoshopped. How in the hockeysticks can the face look that real?!?
There's no way this can be real. No way. It's got to be PhotoShopped. And who puts a guy in a PINK HELMET?!
This is disturbing on many levels.
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the CakeWrecks...Seriously, like most disturbing cake yet.
Worst part? The sort of forlorn expression on the guy's face. 'Oh, sure, go on, eat my head, it's just my lot in life.' It'd be like eating Eeyore, or Marvin the Paranoid Android. Though I'm not sure using a cheerful photo would have been better, actually. "Sure! Eat my head! Cool! This'll be so fun!!!"
I would like to hear the thoughts of the person who modeled for this cake! Truly one of the most bizarre you have posted yet!
that is truly disturbing
That is extremely impressive, mind-boggling, and disturbing all at the same time.
I'm waiting for the day someone sends you one of these with a pic of them cutting it up.....I wonder if anyone actually goes that far?
Question; even if it weren't a head, how does one cut a spherical cake?
How about thos eyebrows!? Mmmm.
argh!!!! that head cake is truly disturbing. I mean... it looks like a real head. On a plate. Who'd want to even cut into that thing?
I'm not sure which I'm more disturbed by now- the infamous meat cake, or this... (shudder)
looks as if the face is photoshopped on.
I mean, the helmet doesn't have that kind of realistic detail.
i think the face's faded out colors are due to some serious embalming skillz on the part of the "cakemaker." oohhh, what a great name for a new horror movie character!
I'm disturbed. The face on the cake looks so real, as if some guy is actually sticking his head up through the table into the helmet. It's probably one of those edible sugar sheets that you can print a picture on to.
Still oh so creepy...
It must be an edible image. I don't have any idea how someone would make the eyes that real, otherwise. I think edible images of people are creepy anyway, this one goes the extra mile. Why would it be so bad just to do a plain helmet. Would people not understand that it was the type of helmet that the groom wore without seeing an actual representation of his face in it? Ick.
I think that's a real head. He looks kinda sad about being decapitated.
Oh my...I truly believe you've been punk'd again. That face appears to have been photoshopped into that helmet. Not even an edible image would look THAT realistic.
Look carefully at the lower left edge where "face" meets helmet. Something is amiss.
Love your site, and take it as a huge compliment that folks will go to extreme lengths to get you to pick their submission. :)
Oh my God! WTF? This one's really really disturbing. At first, I thought there was a real head on the plate. Sick, very sick.
Wow, whose wedding was this? Salome's?
Salome to Daddy Herodias: Daddy, I know you've already spent $50K on my wedding...but what I really want is John's head on a platter.
Daddy: Well honey, you know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. Consider it done.
Creepy idea, I will not do people or animals, but you have to admit, the skill of the decorator shows!
This is just wrong... wrong, wrong, wrong... I'd love to meet the person that thought this was a good idea!
I kept waiting for it to go Hut!Hut!
Words cannot describe the feeling of sickness I have in the pit of my stomach. YUCK!
Such great cake skills, so little judgement.
Exquisitely executed (pun intended), but WHY?!?!?!
Oh Dear God! What the hell is that thing? It rivals the life-like baby cakes.
that has to be photoshopped.
You know, edible ink and paper CAN be put to better uses. Good God.
It also kind of looks a little bit like the person is emerging from the table, maybe like a wedding of the living dead kind of thing... ew.
Brings a visual to:
"I'll have his head on a platter."
I gotta give the decorator props, the face looks SO realistic! Creeeeepy! I agree, perhaps he/she should go into mortuary science. Could make a decent living in a funeral home.
Oh my good god that looks like a real decapitated head! Where's did they find this decorator...Madame Tussaud's?
OMG poor football head man, he's looking at all from behind his helmet cage, pleading with eyes to please not be eaten. And to have red velvet cake in there, only appropriate I guess, if you're gonna go disturbing, might as well go all the way.
I love your blog, thank you for the laughs!
He looks so sad, must be because his helmet is pink.
I feel like I've been transported to another period in time, where decapitation is still a jusitfiable form of punishment and the King orders the head of the theif to be displayed on the table for all to see and remember!
Geez. it looks just like David Archuleta!
This is creepier than the baby butt cakes! WHY? WOULD? YOU? DO? THAT? TO? CAKE?!
That is seriously gross. *hurk*
I have never, ever been so disturbed by a cake! I actually went to the comments section as soon as I could so it would get off my monitor.
Oh my, this is very disturbing! Nobody's severed head should ever be decorated with icing--it's just wrong. Ew!
It's a fake. The helmet is a decoration, but the face is a guy with his head stuck through a hole in the table and tray. Just so you know.
Looks to me like the guy stuck his head up in a hole in the table. That looks way too real to be a cake. Wish the photo was larger, I'd be able to tell better.
What in the name of Sam Hill is that thing??!! And why does he have that expression? Like he's waiting for death??? GAHHHHHHHH
I don't know which question rattles my brain more: HOW is that possible, or WHY anyone would do that?! It looks too real and is VERY scary!
Okay Jen. You win.
Most of this site is just amusing beyond belief. Although--until now--you hadn't posted a cake that I wouldn't eat. I would have taken delight in carving up and munching those creepier than crap clowns a few posts ago. I'd have even nibbled at the sushi cake. But this? No freaking way.
Also, I agree with the first anonymous poster. Decorator needs a career change! STAT!
It looks like a trimmed photo just stuck in there. Still, it is creepy. The expression on the face is what does it. So resigned to the coming carving.
Um....ew! How do you decide who gets to eat which part of the cake? "I'll take his nose!"
I'm pretty convinced the face was photoshopped into this one. But it's uber-creepy!
wait.. is it just the helmet that's the cake? the head itself looks like a real person. if that's also cake, then DANG!
what would possess someone to request a cake like that?
thanks for the nightmares!
Wow. And the weird thing is, the helmet clearly looks like frosting, but the face is creepily realistic. It's like a real severed head with a frosting helmet. Kudos to the decorator. I wonder how much therapy he or she needs now as a result.
um... you with the camera... I'm stuck under here. Please help me???
I... uh... it's... ummmmm...
You know...
In general, I haven't been as horrified as other when you've presented, say, baby-shaped shower cakes. But this... this is just disturbing.
That cannot be real. Is it? How? Prove it!
Holy crap on a stick, that scares the hell out of me!!!
That cake seriously looks JUST like this local high school football player that died of heat exhaustion a few weeks ago. They kept plastering his image all over the news. Ewww.
that was so creeey! i know decorators go for "realistic", but that was over the top. shivver...
Pika23 - you can have the whole cake, I don't think anyone will fight you for it. O M G. If his mother was there, did she faint?
there is no way this can be real... no way. i think it's the eyes. totally creepy.
Looks fake to me. The face looks photoshopped on.
Maybe the decorator *IS* a mortuary cosmetologist? Does this on the side? (shivers)
Seriously, the red velvet would just make the blood and gore thing that much more realistic. Hey..this could be entertaining, too! :o)
Is it possible to create a cake veil to put over the cake head so you won't know which part of the head you just cut into?
Then again that might make it into a bigger wreck.
That's good for putting on your front patio during Holloween tho'....
That was the catcher who fumbled the ball, right? Ewww.
this beats the scary baby casket er bassinett by far.
i couldn't eat this, no way.
very disturbing to say the least!
Are we sure this isn't Photoshop? If not, can the person who originally submitted this clarify what was used for the face? I'm guessing photo transfer...but that looks a little too neat to be real. --hep
This, well, it takes the cake.
oh great, no sleep for me tonight!
pmsl.... he looks so real!!
but why does he look so sad?
can't a head cake have a smile on it?
The face is reflecting on the bottom.
I am convinced that the face is either photoshopped in or is simply an 8x10 photo trimmed to fit. That would explain the odd angle at the jawline as well as the fact that something is indeed odd about the lower left corner. (As if the whole thing were not odd enough.) The helmet is pretty neat looking though!
also... what is behind him, it looks like a skunk's bum cake!
Beyond creepy!! Oh, good grief! Who wants to eat a decapitated football player?
That is seriously freaking scary.
I can vouch for edible photo printing - I've had the great pleasure of chopping the head off my father in law on a badly thought through 50th birthday cake.
Someone is very, very talented or very, very sneaky. It looks too realistic. Photoshop? Air Brush? Artist? I can't decide.
Insanity! That is total insanity! Love the diet aid testimonials...
Ok, I don't comment often, but omgoodness that's just wrong. So many levels and so many ways wrong. Horrible!
Gotta say, The jam thing made my stomach churn! Lol!
I have to say that the first thought that came to mind was the monkey scene from "Faces of Death," that has been forever burned into my brain after my older brother made me watch it as a kid. So this cake as a diet aid? ABSOLUTELY!!
Worked for me! I'm never eating again.
I smell a photoshop.
This is one of those things where you have to ask yourself just what part of some person's brain thought this was a good idea.
And like a couple others, I can vouch for the existance of edible transfers for cakes. I've seen them used in challenges on the Food Network, on an episode or two of Ace of Cakes, and heard them referenced in the cake design/ordering segment of several wedding planning shows. They can look surprisingly clear.
I just can't imagine why anyone would think the groom's mournful face would be an appetizing image.
I just have to say this is the first time a blog has ever scared the you know what out of me. I've had this *thing* about severed heads ever since I saw The Omen when I was a kid. I don't do decapitation. Period.
I swear if someone served me that I probably would have screamed and ran.
Blah...I still have goosebumps after looking at it.
Maybe I'm dead to horror for the minute, but the first thing I thought was, "why is the helmet PINK?" I mean, I understand it's a wedding cake, but it's still a bit incongruous... ;-)
What I want to know is what the hell is on the cake platter behind the head? Another body part?
You know what REALLY grosses me out about this cake? Eyebrows. Man, I get totally put off by hairs in my food, but the thought of eating an eyebrow, even one made of edible ink, 'scuse me...!
Where did this come from? Cannibal cakes? Yuck.
Sadly, I agree with the above poster that this blog has definitely jumped the shark. This is so boviously photoshopped.
Yes, there are such things as edible printed images, but if you look at the edges of the "image" they don't line up properly with the planes of the cake. Also, if you look at the nostrils, you can definitely tell something is up.
Just because it is decent photoshop, doesn't change the fact that it is still photoshop.
Pretty please, less photoshop and intentionally staged wrecks, and more baby carrot jockies, por favor!
Dude who thinks up these things... that cake looked creepy.
John the Baptist for dessert, anyone?
I think it's the lighting that is making the helmet seem pink--the tablecloth, which I think I can safely assume is white, is the same color. Probably a white helmet.
This does, however, seem like a really good idea for a Halloween cake...
Now hang on - there's no way that's not a real head. His eyes are glinting in the camera flash! It's got to be one of those pranks where somebody sits under the table and sticks his head up through a hole. Maybe the cake decorator posted the photo to show that she could even ice real heads?
That is the most disturbed thing I've ever seen! I question the sanity of the Bride.
Now that's just nasty!
Ah, the perfect groom's cake to go along with that wedding cake that looks like the bride!
That is terrifying, the eyes are way too real. I've got goosebumps.
I should have ordered one of my ex when I got divorced - that would have so been worth it.
i totally thought of that scene in "hanibal" when i saw this cake, creepy!
I don't get how people can't figure out this was edible ink?? I've seen amazing works of cake-art with the edible ink printer stuff....
The person in the picture, though, looks REALLY depressed....
creepy cake, that's for sure!
but i can't believe all of you who are making such rude comments to our blog owner. she has proven herself already by researching as much as she can about each cake post so we have no reason to believe that she has done any less with THIS one. take thumper's advice...and if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all :)
thanks for an always enjoyable blog!!!
Ew, ew, ew! What? I think a headless helmet would suffice, don'tcha think?
Cake for everyone....
Would you like the ear canal or perhaps a bigger piece of sinus cavity?
I'm partial to tounge in cheek....
If this is a wedding cake, why does that football player look so bummed out? He looks like someone important to him died yesterday.
Props to the decorator though. My cake decorating skills run along the lines of those wedding cake disasters posted here previously.
On second thought, add some "blood" and some gruesome details and you'd probably have the most awesome Halloween cake ever. Still wouldn't eat it though. That scares me!
I bet they made the helmet cake and then just put a picture of his face in it.
The only thing wrong with this is the face could stand to be a little bluer, and a pool of red icing around the base could have done wonders for the effect.
We would not find it hard to believe that someone could paint a sculpted piece of clay to look like this, so why is is so unbelievable that someone brushed edible ink onto fondant laid onto a well-sculpted cake? The "glint" in the eyes could easily be a bit of white paint. The cartoon characters on the back of my cereal box have a "glint" in their eyes, but I'm pretty sure there isn't an actual cartoon character sticking his head through the box.
For a second I thought someone put their head through a hole in the table...the face looks too real! Scary!!! I wonder how much that cake would cost.
I had to stare at that one for a while. I thought someone stuck their head through a hole in the table or something. What the !@##?
Wow! And Wow! That looks so realistic that it's creepy. Hats off to the decorator for the real life head....thing, but to eat a piece of it? I don't know, it's just too weird. Why would someone commission something so not edible? Oh, I forgot. It's the DIET cake. You are so hilarious!!
(Maybe photoshop ought to have some regulations- no using it on cakes! The public gross out factor is enough reason.
OMG- that is awful. So disturbing, and realistic. Tell me is wasn't red velvet...
How did the cake decorator do that?
If that's photoshoped then the groom was gosh, darn, drunk to do that.
Ah,no I don't want a slice of that.
Thanks, but no.
Ummm, ewww.
Go long!!
That made me literally LOL! Hilarious
Like someone said in an earlier comment. It is amazing how many people do not actually read the other comments or even your notes at the bottom of the blog.
The above link is for the Photo Frost which allowed you to print a photograph onto an edible surface to use in cake decorating. The cake designer took the picture, placed it at the side of the cake, and sculpted the icing for the helmet around the photo to make it looks like he was wearing the helmet.
Keep up the great work with the blog and don't get the others get you down. I hate when people try to tell blogger how or what they should blog. It is your blog and you can blog as you wish with it.
If I had to guess, I'd say the cake behind the head is a football.
The head sorta reminds me of John Belushi.
i could never eat a cake that has a pink helmet. i'm sorry, pink just is repugnant.
Yeah! I found the cake and it's real from a real bakery!
Check out the groom cake section and it's right there. Personally I think it's a really well done cake.
I think Jen is owed an apology.
Is that for real?! Pretty amazing if it is! I'd eat it! HAHAHA.
Come on over to my blog for a giveaway!
Hahahaha! That is seriously #@*%ed up.
The fact that it's red velvet inside...oh, good lord!
I mean, it's no worse than the life-sized bride cake...
Oh, wait. Yes it is. SO much worse.
Check out that Sweet Creations site-- if that decapitated armadillo roadkill cake isn't a wreck, I don't know what is.
This just made me not a football fan. Who in the right bloody mind would pay for this??? It'll leave ya speechless alright...
I love your blog and appreciate the fact that you take your personal time to find ways to make us laugh. If people don't like it, well, they could quit paying you- oh wait, they don't pay you!
(you don't have to publish this, i just wanted to encourage you!)
first off, does anybody rememer the sculpted baby with the eye looking at you? there was a video of it being made. i would never have believe that such a realistic cake could be real. but, it was. so why can't this one be real? (yes, i thought head sticking through table too at first)
but, wouldn't it have been better to use grey cake with red filling much more realistic... ewwwwwwww!
i think the skunk in the background may be the football on the same website. or else someone went to extreme lengths to not have to eat that cake!
Personally, I think it's kinda nifty... I mean... If you hated the football players in school, this way you can trash them without going to jail.
If you always wanted to BE one, you could now become a football player--at least in cake!
And, on yet another hand, if you really LIKED someone, you could put his/her image on a lifelike sculpted head cake and... well... "tongue" him/her--or at least his/her icing likeness.
There seems to be a whole untapped market for stalkers out there!
I'm always impressed with the research that goes into these posts to verify their authenticity. And, frankly, even if they WEREN'T researched, who cares? It's her blog! And the cakes are funny! We're just here for the entertainment value. It's not prime time TV! Unhappy Neilsen families should go watch something else.
Carry on, Jen. And thank you. :)
LMAO yeah, that armadillo is TOTALLY wreck-tastic!!!
My first thought was: I sure hope it was not for a funeral.....
Is this to train children into cannibalism? Who baked this thing, Idi Amin?
Makes me wonder: if you cut it up, will you find some kind of "sweet chestnut spaghetti"-type brain inside?
Note to all the Salome commenters: According to a couple of archaeologists I know John the Baptist in all likelihood did not wear football gear.
Blech, just looks a little too real.... (shudder)
In all seriousness, if I would have had something in my mouth when I saw that cake, it would have been all over the computer screen!
...At least he doesn't have any zits.
This is the perfect cake to serve on movie night - if you happen to be watching "The Philadelphia Experiment" that is...
I think it's funny!!!
ok- the foot cakes, pregnant tummy cakes, and baby cakes didn't throw me, but this i find creepy as hell. *shudders*
i'd still eat it tho heehee
Why sans chin?
And yes all photo cake images printed with an edible inkjet printer on potato starch paper have been around for years:
I can't help thinking that this would be the best (or worst) cake to have at a "my football son died when he was beheaded by a flat brown piece of something" funeral.
This is the place I come for laughs...serious belly shaking laughs. Thank you!
I LOVE your blog (thus the reason for the comment - I've left an "I love your blog" link to you from mine, since you've got my friends laughing now too...)
Oh - I did one of these "rice paper" photos once when they were first offered at my local bakery back in early 2000 - it was disturbing to slice through the family...but not NEARLY this disturbing... Not RED VELVET disturbing...
Creepy, creepy, creepy!!!
I saw a pool table cake, a fish cake (now that's a contender for this blog),and a couple of nice to huh (?) cakes, but nope not a grooms head cake to be found.
So if it exists,
And sooo many people think it does and who really cares it's still funny though,
It's not at
as far as I could see.
But hey, jen should definitly show the fish cake next.Fondant Guy are you with me on that one? Come on write in vote with me.
I've never sd that I've haven't enjoyed this blog. I would'nt have put it on my blog as one of the blogs I follow if I did. Via Va la Jen! Via Va, Via Va!
Possibly the most disturbing one so far... We once had a cake with a photo of my cousin on it, but it wasn't 3D like that. Yikes!
I must be getting old because I have no idea what the "shark" comments are about. But from the context, you are clearly insulting our wonderful Jen, and I don't appreciate it. We come here for a laugh, not to read about how you are too closed minded to accept that a phototransfer might look photoshopped.
The point of Jen's post is that this is a wrecktastic concept! Even if it is too well executed, and therefore hard to believe.
Get a sense of humor people!! We come here to laugh. Not to listen to you complain about Jen's choices!
Thank you Jen!
Whiners, cut it out!
why? WHY?
it is not a good idea to look at this before you go to bed, or in the dark. :'(
This cake TOTALLY creeps me out!!!!!
clueuin, it *is* at Go to the grooms' cakes:
Then click on Next on the bottom right, and there it is, staring at you, third from the top, in all its horrible horribleness.
lets just hope its not a red velvet cake or something like that (remember steel magnolia's and the hacked up armadillo cake???!!!)
O.k I'll go look. BRB
O.k I'm back. Saw it! Had to shrink my view to 75%. Kind of glad I did. Bad enough we see it blowned up here. (Still funny though.)
And Fondant, I think we have a winner agaisnt the fish shaped cake. Mmmmm,armadillo roadkill cake anyone? Anyone? No?
Can't say I's blame yous!
But stop all your votes folks cause we have a winner here!
Nathalie - if clueuin's browser was acting like mine, the "Next" button is hard to find. That site's HTML is kind of messed up. I only found the Next button because you said it was there, so I tabbed around through the hotlinks on the page. If you don't do that, it's invisible and unreachable off the bottom of the screen.
Anonymous (Alex), or anyone else wondering about the "shark": check Briefly, "jumping the shark" refers to the moment when a TV show has something so absurd that you realize it has passed its peak and it's all downhill from here. Named after an incident on Happy Days when Fonzie actually jumped a shark (I think while waterskiing).
I hardly think CakeWrecks has jumped the shark. This cake's decorator might have, though.
Oh, and whoever said "skunk bum cake": I was enjoying that part up to now, because it just looked like good dark chocolate cake with either white cake or a super thick layer of filling or frosting in between. Plus it was better than looking at scary head cake. But now I can't see it without thinking "skunk bum." So thanks a WHOLE bunch. ;) Though I guess skunk bum is still probably better than looking at scary head cake.
I hope the inside of this cake is red, or layered with raspberry jam. Muahahahaha!
I've found the excuse for the armadillo roadkill cake look here at:
Can't get a copy of cake @ that website though,copyright protected.
I think this belongs at "Zombies are Magic"
I had to take a double take for this one... *faints*
No way in Hades...
That head looks WAYYY too real. The eyes are boring into my soul.
The best part is the look of utter resignation on his face. The question is, is he resigned to being eaten or getting married?
OOOO!! Even better- how about a groom cake with his mouth wide open and a look of terror on his face?!? BWAHAHAHAAA
Who is the baker? I want one for my Halloween party!
That is the scariest cake I have ever seen! I just wouldn't be able to eat it.
The process for putting a photo transfer onto the cake did not properly capture the warm glow of a living face. It is creepy because it looks like a drained of blood decapitated head rather than just a cake that looks too much like a living person's ruddy head.
Hannibal Lecter's new career as a cake decorator didn't work out near as well as his old psychiatry gig.
Couldn't the customer have come up with a better picture? Could have at least been a bad picture of him making a nice face, instead it is a decent quality photo of a "Life sucks" face. Or maybe that is just what he wanted on a football helmet cake at his weddig reception: "Life as I knew it is over. Waaah".
Other than that, I would be delighted to participate in the amusement of hacking into this head, just like on the 1007 crime dramas we are bombarded with every night ( the only kind of tv show anymore besides "reality" shows'). We see so much stabing and gore on tv, what fun it would be to DO IT!!! And have all the lovely red velvet innards gush out! I am cracking myself up I am so deranged. Better than the prospect of cutting into the perfect baby cakes or the twin towers. THOSE would be macabre. Chopping this guy up would be fun and funny.
Keep the laughs coming! You rock!
Suze in PA
Another thought: Set up a motion sensor. Every time you go near it with a knife the head barks "Don't do it!" "I'll get you for this!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" "It wasn't my fault!" "I wasn't even there!", or growls menacingly "I'll haunt you for the rest of your days, you will never sleep peacefully again!".
I could eat this easily hahaha
Its just a cake people.
I mean you eat meat all the time its all the same.
I went to a funeral for a priest who was in a particularly gruesome car wreck but they had an open casket anyway, I remember thinking how he looked like he was made of wax, but really, that is what he looked like!
Looks like Rick Moranis in Little Shop of Horrors... after getting eaten by Audrey II.
Wow - what a creepy cake - cover the head with red piping gel to remind Halloween revelers about their appearances and health!
The Cake Head Diet Head can be custom-made for kids' birthday parties! Just ask the decorator to fashion it into the heads of 215 pound Connor McCreaddie, 420-pound Jessica Leonard, or 555 pound Alexander Draper! Serve that at your child's next birthday party and watch the childhood obesity rates plunge right before your eyes - amazing! It can be customized for Christmas time to help your guests stick to their New Year's resolutions!