Monday, May 2, 2011

Totally Awesome

Monday, May 2, 2011

"Bakers, it has come to our attention that 'morale' is 'low.' Therefore, effective immediately, we will be instituting mandatory staff meetings every Friday at 3pm to get to the bottom of this problem.

During these meetings you will each be required to list at least one 'awesome' thing about working here. Susan, GO."

"Oh, come on, this is so STU...."

"Did I mention this will be on your monthly review?"

"...PENDOUS! Haha! Yeah! [grabbing manager by lapels] WORKING HERE IS AWESOME."

"Something more specific, please."

"Oh. Ok. Um...

"Oh, I know! Making the candy apples is awesome.

"It really gets my aggressive tendencies out."

"I...see. Bob?"

"I like misspelling things and then convincing the customer it's actually spelled that way."

"Cracks me up every time!"

"Bob, I'm not sure this is exactly..."

"Ooh, yeah! And scaring the kids! That is SO awesome, am I right?" [high-fiveing Bob]

"Alright, everyone, if you'll just wait your turn..."

"Oooh, crap!"

"What's wrong, Debra?"

"No, that's my awesome thing! Putting chocolate poo swirls on everything!"

"I call it my number two special. Haha!"

[sigh] "And Mary? What about you?"

"I like giving the customers exactly what they ask for."

"Ah, excellent! You see, everyone? Now this is...

"No, I mean EXACTLY what they ask for."

"It's totally awesome." [giggle]

"Well, I think that's enough for today. I hope this meeting has helped remind you all to cherish the little things, and to really enjoy your jobs here. Now, next week: Airbrushing! See you then."

Thanks to Denise G., Gema B., Amanda N., Meagan B., & Anne L. for being, um, awesome.

Oh, and hey, here's something that really IS awesome: my friend Neil of 1,000 Awesome Things has a free copy of his new book, The Book of Even More Awesome, for five of you lucky readers!

For a chance to win, just leave a comment telling me one of your favorite awesome things. It can be anything: getting extra icing on your slice of cake, picking the fastest line at the supermarket, snagging the last one of that sale item you wanted - you name it. We'll announce the five winners both here - on this post - and on the CW Facebook page at 12 midnight, EST, so be sure to check back!


GIVEAWAY UPDATE! After randomly selecting five comments, we have our winners! Congrats to the following readers who shared a few of their favorite awesome things.

Sunshine Dayz at 10:17am, who understands how awesome it is to find a few extra hours of sleep before the alarm goes off. (We share this joy with you.)

qurlyloks at 12:34pm, who REALLY appreciates awesome caffeinated coffee.

Elizabeth C., at 1:54pm, who thinks it's "inconceivable" (and awesome) that her kitties unleash cuddly kryptonite! You wanted Neil's book? As you wish.

TCC at 3:06pm, who loves awesome unexpected treats (and turns it up to 11).

soarin_ca4 at 8:37pm, who shares a birthday with David Beckham (which happens to be today). I bet winning Neil's book just made your birthday even more AWESOME.

Congrats again to our winners! Please email us your mailing addresses. Thanks to everyone for the great comments. So much awesomeness!

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Simmersons said...

my newest awesome thing is a day without 'feelable' aftershocks, running water, power and some functioning sewerage! Rise up Christchurch!

Longhorn Lady said...

My favorite awesome thing is being late to work and snagging a parking space on the first level of the parking lot! - Kathryn V.

TiffanyM said...

Crafting! :) I love having time alone!

Anonymous said...

Awesome... CAKE WRECKS + EPBOT!!!!!!

Julie H said...

Lindt truffles. It's like a party in your mouth!

Kim said...

My awesome thing is the laugh I get each day I when come here. Then the follow up dessert of the Sunday Sweets!!!

Kate Smith said...

I'm gonna be greedy and list two awesome things: first, making people laugh. Always FTW! What could tie that? When my husband and kids support me I'n standing up to a life-long abuser. I am SO blessed!

Cake wrecks? The sweet icing on my days!

Cheri said...

Hearing the birds singing through the open windows in the morning is Awesome. I love spring :)

Anonymous said...

What's really awesome is when all the kids in daycare cap at the same time! :)

Tania said...

My favorite awesome thing is me. I am awesome, and everyone who knows me agrees. Or rather concedes. Plus I make awesome cupcakes and cake pops. So that's more awesomeness for me.

Beth said...

Seeing my baby smile at me when I get him up in the morning is awesome. I didn't realize just how awesome it was until he got sick all last week and I didn't get to see him smile almost the whole time.

Cheri said...

Hearing the birds singing through the open windows in the morning is awesome! I love spring (and love knowing that when they start singing at 5am I still have an hour to sleep...even more awesome!)

Jessica S said...

Knowing that I only have 20 days left of work till summer vacation!

Spazzella said...

one of my favorite things is when both my dogs curl up against me and don't fart nuclear stink bombs!

Eddy C. said...

My favorite awesome thing is when I wake up to my alarm and then remember I don't have class or work today... so I can turn my alarm off and sleep for an extra hour or two :)

Anonymous said...

Leaving work early and blaming it on IT - because they need time to fix my computer!

Alena79 said...

Hearing my son yell "momma" repeatedly when he wakes up from his nap. Love it!! :)

Mrs. Dean said...

I'm a first grade teacher, which is pretty awesome most of the time. But 22.5 days left in the school year is awesomer.

Holly said...

My husband just made me a Tardis icon for my Time Machine backup. It's AWESOME!

draco_joel said...

Awesome thing.... I love to wake up in the morning (I'm in the land of Oz) and sit back with my coffee and laugh at Cake wrecks.... (and secretly Epbot as well).... suck up? me? No Way!..........

Linda said...

In my house, where I am outnumbered one female, to three males, I think its AWESOME to actually cut a payback fart that is worse than the ones they deal me on an everyday basis, and then it totally grosses them out.

Unknown said...

I am a kindergarten teacher and my.favorite listening to 5 and 6 year olds "read out loud" their favorite book. I get to watch this miracle every year and my heart never fails to swell each time.

Culinary Contessa said...

I saw the child reaching for a cupcake in that creepifying Owl picture and I wanted to scream "DON'T TOUCH IT!!! IT WILL GET YOU!!!!".


So, my awesome thing is setting my alarm on my day off just so I can shut it off and go back to sleep. And THEN still lounge in bed for an hour or so. Heaven. : )

Anonymous said...

Watching movies you loved as a kid with your kids, especially if they have swears and poop jokes in them. Makes both the parents and kids feel like they are getting away with something. Examples: Caddyshack, Bad News Bears, Monty Python & the Holy Grail.

lisa said...

What is awesome to me is being able to have the means to buy a house and snuggle on the couch on a cold, dreary day with a nice cup of cappuccino :)

nadia said...

my favorite awesome thing is riding my bike outside on a warm summer night. and cakewrecks of course.

Dana said...

Favorite: When my son says, "You're a genius Mom!"

Tere said...

Awesome for me is winning 3 digital scrapbooking kits in ONE week from the designers that made them just by posting a nice comment about their kit on their blog(s)! They ask people to comment on their new scrapbooking kit, then each designer picks someone and that person receives that kit for $free-ninety.nine !!! Yes,zip, zilch, nada !

LeeP623 said...

One of my favorite awesome things is when my 2 year old tells me that I'm "the best" Just gives me warm fuzzies all over :)

Unknown said...


What is awesome to me is when my three year old granddaughter knows that Tutu (that's me!) can fix anything!

Freya said...

Awesome: Using Cake Wrecks as "carrot" (I'ts punny) to reward myself for getting work done on a history paper.

wv: matind - that owl's feather looked rather matind down, like it had slept on its face.

The Witty Wordsmith said...

One thing I love is hearing my boyfriend say that he loves me even on a day when I am flatulent, unkempt, moody, and practically hirsute.

Another thing I love is using all of my letters up when I play Scrabble!

-Danielle Hayden

Dave D-O-Double-G said...

Wasabi peas!!

Stephanie said...

Reading a good book is awesome. Oh, and eating Cheez-its while reading a good book = double-awesome!

Timm said...

Going to a birthday party and seeing a cakewreck, almost commenting on it, but then realizing that your mother-in-law made it, keeping your mouth shut and watching your wife's eyes as she sees the poo swirls all over the cake.

Also, finding little, hidden notes from my daughters telling me to have a good day, or thanking me for help.

Just Me said...

Awesome? Hugs from my 2 and 6 year-old daughters. Nothing better in the world.

MamaChristy said...

"No Candles on This Cake!" I. Love. It.

Awesome thing? My amazing babysitter that my children adore and is always reliable. I'm almost sad she's smart because I don't want her to graduate high school and move away.

Scraps said...

One of my favorite awesome things is when I save more than 50% on my grocery bill. It makes me feel like I'm playing a game with the store and I won!

Sarah said...

Visiting friends and realizing that they actually use the baby blanket you worked hard at making for them, or hear stories how their kid loves it.

The feeling when cold meds kick in and you can breathe through your nose again!

Adrienne said...

awesome is reading this blog everyday! haha :O)

mountainlaurel said...

Awesome is a house full of neighbor kids. There will be extra cleaning to do tonight. But no one is crying they are bored.

Anonymous said...

My awesome thing recently is stepping on a scale and seeing the numbers go down each day. It makes me realize that not having the joy of dessert is well worth it. Chocolate chip cookies will always be awesome but their absence in my life will make my heart grow even fonder of them.

-Donna W.

Rhonda said...

Awesome is showing up for jury duty this morning and having the one case scheduled for that week be settled out of court! Jurors dismissed!

Jenn said...

My favorite awesome thing is seeing the look on someones face when they open a gift I have given them that they really, really wanted or has a lot of meaning to them. I think I like to give gifts more than receive them! :)


Lesley said...

My most favorite awesome thing is having all 4 of my kids together, which is getting more and more difficult as they get older. It does my momma-heart good!

Shim said...

The smell of clean clothes after they have been drying on the clothesline, especially sheets!

Unknown said...

My favorite thing is that on my birthday you had a post called "Totally Awesome" since that is what I always tell people I am!

Heather H said...

When you get the exact perfect ratio of cream and sugar in your coffee and it tastes wonderful. This is especially good when you've been up all night with a baby with the wide awakes.

Freddie said...

One of my favorite awesome things is returning home after a very long period of time. NOLA, here I come <3

Melissa said...

Finding out class is canceled! AWESOME!

-BYU Student and future scientist

Anonymous said...

When one of my 4 year old boys crawls into bed or into my lap just to cuddle and tell me they love me. I also love to hear them play with each other (small pay-off for the double trouble twins cause ;))
Beth, NC

Anonymous said...

when I'm being goofy and make my husband totally crack up. Seeing him laugh like that is just awesome!

JessicaUtt said...

Pets are awesome! They make you laugh, keep you active, and at least someone is happy when you feed them!
You don't realize just how awesome pets are until you lose one.

Joanna R. said...

My favorite awesome thing (that I can think of right this moment) is coming down a cloverleaf onto the freeway with not a single other car in sight.

OCCA Survivor said...

My favorite awesome thing is hearing my son say "I love you" when I drop him off at school and him not being scared to say it. :) Total awesomeness.

TheNinja said...

My Favorite awesome thing is wearing clothes right out of the dryer.

KC said...

My husband and I went to the Saint Louis Zoo this past weekend with a couple of friends and we discovered that the Zoo Cafe had...TOASTED RAVIOLI! Totally Awesome, we were so excited and it tasted Awesome, too!

Marnie said...

One of my favorite awesome things is sleeping in on a rainy Saturday with a good book to wake up to and a good movie to go to bed to.

BTW, I kinda like those Hello Kitty apples. I just might have to try that!:-)

Kaaren said...

Sleeping in on Saturdays is awesome.

Kelly said...

I keep thinking of a quote from Kelly on The Office in a past season. She lists things she likes: "Pink the color, Pink the singer, things that are awesome ..." Mindy Kaling and The Office as a whole are pretty awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hitting the after Easter sale at the chocolate shop in town. So much goodness, so much saving. Husband approved shopping.

cheryl said...

Chips and salsa (or queso) followed by a big piece of chocolate.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite awesome things is going to a showing of The Rocky Horror Picture show, having a new call line pop into my head and not only being brave enough to yell it out, but having everyone laugh AND use it the following week!

Barb Blackledge said...

The most awesome thing for me every day is that my beautiful boys are alive!!!!!! They were more than three months early, so tiny, so many problems......and now, this month, they are graduating high school! I've never shaken the happiness I feel every day, that they LIVE!!!

Anonymous said...


My awesome thing is putting my ipod in and dancing around like nobody's watching :)

LetsChaCha said...

Love the owl cake! haha
Awesome is when I'm on vacation, tanning and sipping a pina colada by the pool, temporarily forget all my problems and responsibilities waiting for me back home :)

Wendy said...

Awesome is when my three year old pulls his stool up to the counter in the kitchen because he wants to help be the "maker".

Unknown said...

My favorite awesome thing is browsing around at an antique mall and finding a cool, really old cookbook like the one I found last weekend from 1883.

kat79 said...

My awesome things is a tie between the fact that my son still comes in and snuggles me every mornig and that my daughter likes to snuggle up somewhere and read together even though we are both reading our own books.

Marine Mom said...

The most awesome thing is finding out that my son, a Marine, left Afghanistan looking forward to play ice hockey with me (his mom) and his brother. We were just thankful to have him back safe and sound.

Unknown said...

My favorite awesome thing is rummaging around antique malls/junk shops and finding really cool, old cookbooks like the one I found last weekend from 1883.

Jill E said...

A very awesome thing is when I am gone for 15 minutes & my dogs get so excited & welcome me home with hugs & kisses like I've been gone for 2 days :)

Amanda said...

You can totally leave me out of the drawing.. but.. Awesome is... a midnight chat with your best friend, falling asleep with your pets tucked up against you, and seeing your sour teenaged son, laughing so hard he nearly pees himself.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite totally-awesome things is finding money in a bag or a pocket....bonus points if you find it precisely when you need a little pick-me-up.

Is blog is pretty awesome too!!

Paula R (from Guatemala)

Tucsonjill said...

New socks. It just doesn't get much better!

Erica Boswell said...

One of my awesome things was hearing my 21-month-old little boy try to say the blessing at dinner by himself tonight. :)

Anne-Marie M. said...

My recent awesome thing was getting sight of the Grand Canyon for the first time in my life - it was AWESOME, and AMAZING, and HUGE! Another awesome thing is the oncologist telling my mom she's cancer-free after being diagnosed and treated for Stage IV cancer - we never would have thought it. And another awesome thing is my husband - who puts up with my quirks and silly habits, and loves me anyway.

Meg said...

Awesome the first -- witnessing a Eureka moment with your students

Awesome the second -- knowing that you are currently harboring new "life" (of all kinds! not just pregger ladies..the *average* age of ANY person's cells in between 7-10 yrs)

Awesome the third -- schnoogles. Cuddle factor X10!


Jessica Herzog said...

Getting out of work early and having NOTHING to do...AWESOME.

Matt said...

I woke up this morning and heard Osama bit the dust. Said to myself "That is wicked awesome." How coincidental you would ask for an awesome thing today!

LD said...

My awesome thing: Laughing. Out loud. As hard as I can.
Whether it's something ridiculous a friend said, an awesomely funny Cake Wrecks post, a crazy one-liner on a sitcom, or hearing a joke for the first time.

Laughing is an awesome thing. :D

Valerie said...

My husband making me dinner. THAT is awesome!

eww said...

My awesome is watching a newborn foal get it's legs untangled, walking and nursing for the first time.

Rachelf said... awesome things are:

1. Being called "brilliant" by my favorite teacher - totally made my week!

2. Taking my shoes and socks off after a long day of work, shopping and meetings - *bliss*.

3. Anytime my husband cooks. He's an amazing cook, even if he doesn't realize it yet. Especially his hamburgers.

4. Checking my bank account and realizing that I have just enough to cover rent this month. *phew!*

5. Last night, I convinced my husband to watch an episode of Doctor Who with me. He said it was fun. I love my hubby :).

~*Jess*~ said...

Right now my awesome thing is Cherry Garcia Ice Cream..Yum!

Natalie R. said...

My favorite awesome thing is when you get lost and it turns into an adventure rather than a frustration. Saturday, a friend I were trying to get Japanese food about three miles from my house before Doctor Who. What should have taken fifteen minutes turned into almost an hour of driving aimlessly and radio ADD.

Valerie said...

My most awesome thing is getting the parking spot directly in front of my apartment doors... simple pleasures!

siltedrepose said...

It's awesome to see sunlight shining through the flowers on a tree in spring.

margaret said...

A totally awesome moment for me is reading a ridiculously good book and getting so absorbed that I do not want to put it down .....even to eat dinner or go to sleep.

Megan M. said...

My favorite awesome thing is when the newest book in a series I love comes out and I get to read and it's EVEN BETTER than the last book I read!

Vanessa! said...

Finding forgotten girl scout cookies in your freezer 6 months after you bought them!

Alex T. Valencic said...

I just had an awesome thing happen today while I was teaching: a student noticed that my lunch bag advertises Arnott's TimTams and she knew what they were! Both awesome! (I substitute teach in East Central Illinois, and TimTams are from Australia.)

Metatwaddle said...

Sitting on the docks in a deserted state park in the late afternoon, hanging out with old friends and drinking beer.

I did this at a picnic last weekend, and it was wonderful. :)

AshleyRibera said...

Awesome is calling a close friend, and just when you think it's going to go to voicemail, she picks up!

Melinda said...

I already shared my awesome thing earlier, but I have to say that reading these responses on and off all afternoon is awesome! (Diane/Get-er-done, I was rooting for your son today! I hope he makes the finals!)

Some other awesome things:
Making "sock balls" with my daughter when we're folding the laundry, and throwing them at one another until we're laughing so hard we can't stand up.

When my kids were younger and there were towels to be folded, we'd have "contests" where I'd ask a math question and the first one to answer "won" a towel to fold. They participated every time, and never caught on. LOL

Watching the eagles in Decorah, Iowa, and chatting with other watchers on Facebook. Tens of thousands of us watch eagles sleep...we're either devoted or wacky. Or a little of both.

Amelia613 said...

One of my favorite things is when my little girl (18 months old) cuddles with me in bed. She loves to just snuggle in and fall asleep on my shoulder. Life cannot be better than that.

Anonymous said...

My awesome thing is more awesome people. My friends are awesome as they help keep giving me a reason to keep living.

Anonymous said...

One of the most awesome things of my day is when my student masters something I've taken months to teach him! I teach special ed and my kids are beyond AWESOME!!!!!!

Kelly S

Bron from Brisvegas said...

I hear I'm supposed to disapprove of such things, but I love it when my kids tiptoe into my bedroom and sneak into my bed. Well, one tiptoes and sneaks, the other clods in and "oof!" there goes an elbow in my back and I'm awake. But, to be jostled and squished to the edge of the bed with two little angels snuffling gently beside you followed by all the giggles and snuggles in the morning are bliss.

I'd have that every day if I could, sleep being highly-overrated and all, but alas, they have two houses and today mine is quiet.

Amy said...

Awesome things: unsolicited hugs & kisses from an active 3 year old!

Squirrel said...

Too many awesome things to choose from, so I'll go with my most recent awesome which was going to Disneyland again for the first time in 26 years...and the first time we went to ride Pirates of the Caribbean we lucked out and got the first row.

Anonymous said...

My favorite awesome thing is being 26 years old and still watching cartoons with my husband. Nikki T.

Aussie Jo said...

Definitely climbing into bed after a long day when I'm exhausted and pulling up the big cosy doonah. Every muscles stretches out and my whole body sighs a relaxing sigh and I drift off into oblivion. It's heaven.

Anonymous said...

The smell of fresh cut grass - ahhhhhh...

nmlynn said...

My new awesome thing is our kitten waking me up in the morning by purring loudly in my ear. It's such a happy sound and makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

Getting an unexpected check in the mail from my student financial aide was awesome today! Sure I could use it to pay back my loans but what would be the awesome in that?

nmlynn said...

My new awesome thing is our kitten waking me in the morning by purring loudly next to me ear. It makes me wake up with a smile.

AllTheLetters said...

Favorite AWE-some thing? Southern MD thunderstorms with extravagant lightning over the bay. Raw power+gorgeous <3

Rosemary said...

Homemade cookies with a super yummy cup of coffee for breakfast :)

Sharon said...

Knitting at work. That is all.

brandi said...

nerd alert, but: i teach phonics [and other stuff!] to 3-5 year olds, and my absolute favorite awesome thing is when it clicks for them and they read their first words. BEST EVER! so exciting, every! single! time! :o)

Sarah G said...

One of my favorite awesome things? Seeing the number go down on the scale :) I lost 4 pounds last week and nearly floated through the day!

Donna M. said...

My favorite awesome thing....looking forward to reading CakeWrecks first thing when I get home from a long day at work :)

*yeah, that's a suck up ROFL*

wildmaven said...

My favorite totally awesome thing in my life thus far was when I spent time explaining to a cancer patient why her husband was acting so strangely around her. All I had to do was just do her exam and send her on her way, but the sadness in her eyes when she told me about how they were being driven apart made me stop and sit down with her to tell her that her husband felt powerless against her cancer and didn't know how to deal with his anger. I talked to her for a good fifteen minutes. My favorite totally awesome thing? She came back a week later and told me that I saved their marriage.

Beth said...

Cereal for breakfast!

Allison said...

The "Ohhhhh!" sound my students make when they finally understand a concept is one of my favorite awesome things.

Sarah said...

Watching the Harry Potter 7 (part 2) trailer was the most awesome thing that happened to me last week!!

kc said...

Mmmmmmm, awesome? Awesome would world peace, but obviously, that's not gonna happen anytime soon, so awesome for us would be for me to have one day without pain. Cake Wrecks really helps us keep smiling, so please keep doing your thing!!

Michelle said...

The chocolate crunchies inside an ice cream cake... perfection.

Cristina said...

My favorite awesome thing is dancing to 80s songs in the supermarket to embarrass my two teenagers....LOL

Lucy from Scotland said...

There are so many awesome things to be thankful for! Life is awesome. People thinking that I (18) am the mum of my wee sister (3) and baby brother (1) is awesome and hilarious! My sister telling me how to make a sandwich is awesome. My 14-year-old brother (who isn't someone to show affection often) making me a spontaneous 'well done for getting into university' cake is awesome. My lovely doggy snoring and running and woofing in his sleep, especially on my bed, is awesome. He sticks his tongue out just a tiny bit so there's a little pink line under his nose! My parents showing each other and us how much they love each other is awesome. Staying up all night to make and decorate a cake I designed for a cherished friend, and seeing the huge smile on their face is awesome. And watching Doctor Who just before bed, then having the story continued in my head, in my dreams, is really really awesome!

Too many? Oooops :D Thank you for making me see how many awesome things there are, and for making me laugh each day! You're awesome and you totally rock!

Melanie said...

Freshly shaved legs, slipping into bed with just washed sheets. Heaven!

Julie Weal said...

One awesome thing for me is finding a great bargain at my favorite thrift shop!!! The thrill of the hunt!

Sandra said...

The first glass of sweet tea on the first hot day of spring!

Christine T said...

My awesome thing is getting Pearl Jam tix!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing currently is waking up in the morning realizing that I slept all night because my 1yr old also slept all night!

Lauri said...

My most awesome thing is when some a#% driver, who passed everyone at 40 miles an hour over the speed limit, has his engine blow up at the top of Vail Pass, and all those he passed get to give him the bird as we drive by.

Unknown said...

What is totally awesome to me is when I bake buns and bread after months of not doing the job, and having my product turn out beautiful! That is truly awesome.

This is a great thread!

Emily Nielson said...

Baby giggles!!!!

Unknown said...

My current favorite awesome thing is waking up in the middle of the night with my fiance next to me, just a week ago he was in the hospital for a heart attack, and that was just about one of the scariest times of my life. Its so awesome to have him home!

Cortney said...

One of my favorite things is hearing my daughters tell me they love me.

Veronica Y. said...

One of my awesome things today was finding out that two of my favourite blogs posting up the same competition. :D

Kaitlyne said...

Sprinkles! Silly, I know, but whenever I see them I feel like I'm eight years old again. Can't help but be excited about it. :D

Unknown said...

One of my most awesome things is hopping in a hot shower after shoveling the cars out from a snowstorm :)

soarin_ca4 said...

Most awesome thing is the fact that today is my birthday and I got SIX cakes!! AH! And even more awesome is I share a birthday with David Beckham :)

Jasmine said...

My favorite awesome thing is picking up my kitty after she has been laying on the sidewalk in the sunshine!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite awesome things is making it to the gas station when I've been ditzy enough to not fill it up when it should be.


Anonymous said...

Knowing my whole house is organized!

Shelf Space Is Unrelated said...

I'd have to say... finding random misplaced things together on store shelves, and then making up a funny story about what people could do with those items!
I've found so many that I even started a blog of my own today!

JessicaH said...

The amazing donut I had at the orange blossom in Buxton NC this morning.

allison said...

Finding a gluten free restaurant is awesome!

Becca said...

Laughing so hard no sound comes out :)

miann said...

I am a volunteer puppy raiser for Canine Companions for Independence. Team training starts today, when the dogs are matched to their partners. There is nothing to compare to the awesome feeling you get when you find out your dog matched and will be graduating in a few days!

Jenney B said...

My most awesome thing is the days when I get home work exhausted and my husband makes me dinner

Jeanie said...

My favorite awesome thing is "healthy" food...such as froyo with tons of candy on top :D

Unknown said...

Saying the same thing at exactly the same moment as someone else is AWESOME!

Brad said...

My favorite awesome thing is going outside right after it rains. Everything is so fresh! -Bradley S.

Unknown said...

Something that's totally awesome? How about this?

"It's cool and it's totally awesome!"
- Darren Criss

Sweets By Sarah said...

Most awesome thing ... afternoon nap with my two toddler boys :)

Tara Young said...

Coming home to find that my husband got home before me and is already making dinner.

Carrie the Teacher said...

I love snow days when school gets cancelled, even in spring. You say it's impossible? I live in Northern Wisconsin, and we're still waiting impatiently for warmth to arrive, but we DID get a bonus day off a few weeks ago.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing is finding shoes that are both cute and comfortable! Who says beauty is pain??

Anonymous said...

Totally Awesome is when my youngest son tells me I am the best mom that two sons could ever have!

Totally Awesome is when my oldest son calls me out of the blue from deployment in the Gulf and I haven't heard from him in 5 months!

Anonymous said...

What ISN'T awesome: the [boring boring boring]Royal Wedding Cake. Todays wrecks are more interesting, and most all the Sunday Sweets are BETTER!

Rev W

amyfry80 said...

I just heard my baby girl say "Hi Mama!" for the first time today. I teared up and it was AWESOME! :)

Jessica said...

Samples at Costco are awesome!

Trish D. said...

My favorite thing is finding cute shoes that are also comfortable! Why should beauty be pain??

Sara from NE said...

My awesome thing is hearing my son laugh!!

Allison said...

My totally awesome thing is feeling the sand between my toes as the ocean is lapping at my feet.

Arissa said...

I think it's pretty awesome that the most frequently used phrase in our household is "Farty Party"

Kimberly Ann said...

Wow, free stuff sure brings the crowd out. Clothes made out of curtains are awesome.

Inertia said...

An awesome thing...

When you pull up at a red light and see that the bad driver in a hurry is parked there right next to you, and his speeding and cutting people off got him *nowhere*.

Erambo said...

Mini chocolate peanut butter cups from Trader Joes! Totally awesome.

Ashley said...

My favorite thing is waking up dreading getting ready for work then realizing it's Saturday and snuggling back under the covers for a few more hours.

BarefootCajun said...

Awesome to me is going down to the French Quarter with my husband and the dog for a morning walk on one of the very few perfect weather days we have down here. (Spring or late fall)

Heather said...

Pancakes. Especially pancakes made by someone else.

Anonymous said...

Totally awesome is having warm, flannel sheets to snuggle in and it's MAY!!

just said...

Awesome is seeing the first flower buds of Spring

Jessica said...

What the heck?

You know what I love?

Bicycles. Bicycles are awesome.

I never learned to ride as a kid and at the ripe old age of 24 I have discovered that BICYCLES ARE *AWESOME*

zobabe said...

The smell of a freshly mowed lawn on a cool spring evening, especially if honeysuckle is blooming nearby.

Abby said...

My favorite thing is that TODAY is my birthday! :]

Munchkin said...

Getting a chance to eat ALL the Halloween candy

Jessica said...

Getting my almost 4 year old to actually use the potty!

Stephanie said...

I'm going to get mushy here and say kissing my boyfriend. MWAH!

whitneyvegan said...

My awesome thing is stretching real big when you first wake up. And my doggies. And bike riding. And going to the park. And eating awesome food.

I guess my awesome thing is my life.

And stabbing Hello Kitty in the head with a wooden dowel.

Shonna Gariepy said...

My most awesome thing: My bakery had to close to do economy/location issues however one of my regular customers came in as I was packing up and brought me a copy of your book. She said how your site always made her laugh no matter what he...r mood and she knew I could likely use the laugh, too. That she reached out like that was really touching and that she reached out with something I love as well was even more so. I check your site daily and cheer on other decorators, both wreckinators and sweets - it's not an easy profession and sometimes the orders we get are truly off the wall, but it's beyond fantastic when there's someone who has the humor and kindness to acknowledge both the ridiculous and the sublime.

Cathy-Cate said...

Right now, after a long, long winter, my most favorite awesome thing is seeing the daffodils and crocuses that I planted myself blooming. So lovely. So needed right now!

Angela W. said...

Totally awesome for me is when I have had a bad day and at bed time I tell my boys to get in the bed and they do it without fighting to stay up "just 5 more minutes"!

Rachel said...

Awesome thing: finding the items on my receipt that rang up incorrectly at the supermarket, then going to customer service so I get them for free!

Shelley said...

Awesome is one of my MR students counting to 50! Four years ago he could not count to 5. I am so, so proud of how hard he has worked!

Vanessa said...

It's pretty awesome having a/c in my car in Central Florida. I feel sad when I see people driving with their windows open when my temp gauge says 95.

Jamie said...

Abby: it's my birthday, too! Happy birthday!

My awesome thing is that my tired soldier hubby, who had a long week last week and a possibly longer one this week (including a 24 hr. guard shift today) consented to driving 3 hours each direction yesterday so that I could go to the zoo to celebrate turning 8, I mean, 30. Additionally awesome things: pandas, a giant octopus playing with a ball, and a pride of lions that roared for us. Very awesome!

LynnE65 said...

Is having a student "get" a tough concept the first time around. It makes me feel like a good teacher. :D

Stephanie said...

One of my awesome things has to be when my 7 year daughter announces she has yet another person inside of her and do we want to meet them, tonight it was Lucy and she has a step-dad who sells foot massages and a rich aunt who apparently speaks with a british accent. Yep she is my most awesome thing. I am not going to say SYBIL just yet . . . but ya never know where this could go LOL!

Brooke Hartman said...

This post reminds me of one of my favorite awesome license plates. "The beatings will continue until morale improves." My husband used to have that hanging in his office. Ooh... my husband... definitely my favorite awesome thing.

Lori said...

My favorite awesome thing is the feeling of walking out of my last class or final for the semester, and knowing that summer is officially starting! It's sooo close!

Ms Dunn said...

My favorite awesome thing right now is the thought that the end of the school year is only 18 school days away! W00T!

Another awesome thing is planning a trip to Disney..thinking of being told "Welcome Home" at check in, and the look on my daughter's face when she goes to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique and sees herself for the first time...and possibly the the look on her face if we get a cake at the Grand Floridian... :)

aka Vanya Glyr on Facebook.

Rebecca F. said...

Hmmmmm.... On a day that is more difficult than normal, awesome is unexpected packages in the mail!

Mary Martha said...

My most awesome thing is being the wife of a man who fought Stage IV cancer and WON!!!!

Marie said...

I still think it is awesome when I get the icing rose on my piece of cake!

KDubs said...

One of my favorite awesome things is my friend who adorably, and accidentally, snorts every time he laughs.

Sarraphim said...

Getting a new book from a favorite author that, when you think about the other books in the series, changes their meanings ENTIRELY! :D

koffeekat said...

Coffee is awesome! Oh, and chocolate, too. Coffee and chocolate are AWESOME! And baby kittens are awesome. Coffee, chocolate and baby kittens. And fresh, warm bread. (With coffee and chocolate while holding a baby kitten.) All awesome.

Jessica said...

One of my favorite awesome things....the smell after a fresh rain. XD

KDubs said...

One of my favorite awesome things is my friend who adorably (and accidentally) snorts when he laughs. And the embarrassment that inevitably follows.


Angie said...

One of my favourite awesome things, is watching it all come together when one of my kids realizes they can READ!

Jenifer said...

Kitty snuggles

Happy Observer said...

Awesome = using big words to confuse people, even better if it insults them and they don't know!

Joy said...

Awesome - seeing the communities in my state come together...even when everything they own has been lost and destroyed in recent all of themselves to serve and love others and make sure that others needs are met...that my dear friend is amazingly awesome!

Julie said...

Well aside from my family and friends (who are all awesome!), I'd have to say that one awesome thing is when I hear a song that brings back amazing memories of times past.

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