Monday, May 2, 2011

Totally Awesome

Monday, May 2, 2011

"Bakers, it has come to our attention that 'morale' is 'low.' Therefore, effective immediately, we will be instituting mandatory staff meetings every Friday at 3pm to get to the bottom of this problem.

During these meetings you will each be required to list at least one 'awesome' thing about working here. Susan, GO."

"Oh, come on, this is so STU...."

"Did I mention this will be on your monthly review?"

"...PENDOUS! Haha! Yeah! [grabbing manager by lapels] WORKING HERE IS AWESOME."

"Something more specific, please."

"Oh. Ok. Um...

"Oh, I know! Making the candy apples is awesome.

"It really gets my aggressive tendencies out."

"I...see. Bob?"

"I like misspelling things and then convincing the customer it's actually spelled that way."

"Cracks me up every time!"

"Bob, I'm not sure this is exactly..."

"Ooh, yeah! And scaring the kids! That is SO awesome, am I right?" [high-fiveing Bob]

"Alright, everyone, if you'll just wait your turn..."

"Oooh, crap!"

"What's wrong, Debra?"

"No, that's my awesome thing! Putting chocolate poo swirls on everything!"

"I call it my number two special. Haha!"

[sigh] "And Mary? What about you?"

"I like giving the customers exactly what they ask for."

"Ah, excellent! You see, everyone? Now this is...

"No, I mean EXACTLY what they ask for."

"It's totally awesome." [giggle]

"Well, I think that's enough for today. I hope this meeting has helped remind you all to cherish the little things, and to really enjoy your jobs here. Now, next week: Airbrushing! See you then."

Thanks to Denise G., Gema B., Amanda N., Meagan B., & Anne L. for being, um, awesome.

Oh, and hey, here's something that really IS awesome: my friend Neil of 1,000 Awesome Things has a free copy of his new book, The Book of Even More Awesome, for five of you lucky readers!

For a chance to win, just leave a comment telling me one of your favorite awesome things. It can be anything: getting extra icing on your slice of cake, picking the fastest line at the supermarket, snagging the last one of that sale item you wanted - you name it. We'll announce the five winners both here - on this post - and on the CW Facebook page at 12 midnight, EST, so be sure to check back!


GIVEAWAY UPDATE! After randomly selecting five comments, we have our winners! Congrats to the following readers who shared a few of their favorite awesome things.

Sunshine Dayz at 10:17am, who understands how awesome it is to find a few extra hours of sleep before the alarm goes off. (We share this joy with you.)

qurlyloks at 12:34pm, who REALLY appreciates awesome caffeinated coffee.

Elizabeth C., at 1:54pm, who thinks it's "inconceivable" (and awesome) that her kitties unleash cuddly kryptonite! You wanted Neil's book? As you wish.

TCC at 3:06pm, who loves awesome unexpected treats (and turns it up to 11).

soarin_ca4 at 8:37pm, who shares a birthday with David Beckham (which happens to be today). I bet winning Neil's book just made your birthday even more AWESOME.

Congrats again to our winners! Please email us your mailing addresses. Thanks to everyone for the great comments. So much awesomeness!

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Adorably Dead said...

Learning ASL with my best friend and being taken to deaf events.

Yulanda said...

My favorite awsome thing is to say good morning to my dog and watch as she gets all kinds of happy. Great way to wake up.

Lauren said...

my favorite most-recent awesome thing was spending all day Saturday wondering where my oldest child was. she wasn't answering her phone and she wasn't at home and she wasn't at a friend's house....only to find out that she had spent the entire day in Cordova, AL, at the FEMA emergency distribution center helping folks after the storm. Way to go, kid! :)

missgummybear said...

I love seeing somebody smile after a hard day! BTW, great post!

Janina Herbert said...

One of my favorite AWESOME things is when I get to fly back home and go to Scala Pastry (in Queens) and eat one of their AMAAAAZING Cannoli! mmmmm......

Anonymous said...

Awesome is my middle school aged autistic son making his own friends for the first time!!!

Anonymous said...

Favorite thing: eating dessert first :-)

That owl cupcake thing is hideous.

E said...

One of my favorite things is how awesome my hubby is: smart, strong, hot and serves our country as a Navy Diver (UDT shorts, look'em up! oh yeah!). He's super swell and one heck of a father to our two kids who adore him. Even more awesome is how he cracks me up! Like CW, but without the "I never want to see another cake ever again" feeling! :D

Amanda said...

My favorite thing is getting to watch a movie or listen to good music or enjoy a concert with someone else who also loves the movie/music/band. :) It's like going to Disneyland with someone for their first time-all the wonder and magic... :) love it!

Emily said...

Awesome is spending time outside on a nice day, just doing nothing! In this crazy world I live in, such days are far between.

Rebecca said...

I have so many awesome things!!! Like waking up in the morning to look at the clock and realize I still have two hours before I have to be up! Buying new bottles of Nail polish! Baking the PERFECT cake! And my husband, who tells me literally everyday how awesome he thinks *I* am and how I am his world, the love of his life, his soul mate, etc. <3<3<3

Mary Kristy said...

I have many favorite things - here's some totally awesome ones:

-Finding an alternate method (due to stupid program limitations) when using MS Word or Publisher to do something so that I can make my work look the way I want it to. Because if I don't succeed, the computer wins! I hate losing to a machine.

-Using up leftovers in the fridge (I hate those silly little containers of 3 bites of food - plus, a tidy fridge is very satisfying)

-Soft-serve chocolate vanilla twist ice cream in a waffle cone. True joy!

-Dates with funny, kind, attractive men who think I'm worth pursuing...and who my heart thinks are worth bragging about.

Christie said...

My favorite awesome thing is being able to go to bed early (or at all) because a deadline got moved! (oh the life of a college student during finals...)

Unknown said...

My current favorite awesome thing is being able to say that I am having a piece of cake "because the baby wants it." Only 3 more months of that excuse.

absolutahnie said...

my boyfriend, erik. i've known him for 17 years through work, always knew that he's perfect for me and finally four years ago he asked me out! we now live together. AWESOME.

Jennifer Rzasa said...

My awesome thing is food. I know that it's a broad and vague answer, but I can't narrow it down! I love food, and it's always (well, mostly) awesome!

Izzybee said...

Hmmmm - I think that feeling you get when you wake up at your usual work day time and then realize it's a weekend and you can go right back to sleep. That's awesome right there!

Lorna Dayne said...

Having a mini LAN party with my boyfriend right after Portal 2 came out was probably one of the most awesome things to happen recently. ;3

by the way, Kitty Apple seemed cute until they started oozing caramel blood.. now they're concerning..

Unknown said...

It's awesome when I get a couple of onion rings in my fries from Burger King. Two for one!!!

Appel57 said...

Awesome for me is being able to see the wildflowers on a mountain before they disappear, then recreating them on cakes...or trying to!

Lorrie Munson said...

Awesome all time favorite is dinner with a group of friends. Lots of love and laughter.

Sheepeys said...

My favorite awesome thing is sitting on the couch with my dog in my lap and my daughter leaning against me. My whole family together. :)

Oh, and naps. lol

Lovey said...

Hmmm.. Awesome is marrying my fiance in 131 days. Also awesome is my grown, soon to be (step-)daughter announcing that I'm her mom on facebook. Also awesome is having my dad perform our ceremony. Also awesome... naw, I'll stop. Lots of awesome happening in September. :)


d.Rooks said...

My favorite thing is realizing my carefully hidden cupcake managed to stay hidden from my husband! Yum.

Michele Siedenburg said...

The most Awesome thing is listening to my grandkids giggle and laugh!

Michele S

Sahnsey said...

My favorite awesome thing is discovering blogs like this, and getting to waste an entire afternoon reading all the back posts. CAKE!!!

Hypothetical Woman said...

One of my favourite awesome things is seeing the cherry blossom being blown about in the wind and feeling like I'm in a Japanese movie. Sappy, I know, but we have so much cherry blossom round here right now, it's really anime-esque!

Shayna said...

My favorite thing is feeling productive and actually getting everything on that to-do list done! It happens so very rarely.

Also, chocolate cake.

Jelledge said...

Flipping over the pillow to get to the cool side - AWESOME.

Toni said...

Awesome is getting to leave work five minutes early.

Ashley said...

Favorite awesome thing: half mango/half pinapple frozen yogurt with sliced almonds!

Seej said...

A few of my favorite things would be my month old daughter Reggie, my pup Cary Grant, this website and snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.

Anonymous said...

This has been wonderful to see that there really is so much awesomeness in the world. Thank you everybody! My awesome thing is when I'm teaching and my math students "get" a new or difficult concept. It litterally gives me chills.

That, and getting the first scoop of peanut butter out of a new jar.


Catey said...

Today my favorite awesome thing is having only 23 school days left till Summer vacation! So ready for school to be out and kids homework projects to be done!

Katie L. J. said...

My favorite thing is snuggling on the couch with my husband while watching new episodes of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood with our two dogs on our laps whilst eating a red velvet cupcake. Woot!

Yanira said...


Awesome is when your husband returns from deployment an when you hug eachother you bounce away because there is a big belly in between you now that 9 months ago wasn't there. And awesome is your husband making it home for the birth of your children even though he has To go back to war. Awesome is also when my oldest son tells me I look beautiful just because. :) also egg shaped reeses are so very Awesome!

Gween said...

First kisses.
THE awesome-est!

Mary B said...

I live in Michigan. Any day the sun shines is awesome!

observer of odd said...

charts and graphs of interesting things
example: how many tissues used in various countries said...

one of my favorite awesome things is lazing in bed in the morning, cool sheets against my toes and the sound of my husband and daughter in the next room. then, thump, thump, thump and there's a little curly head next to my bed and a very soft greeting: "hey-yo mummy, wake up!"

Brittni said...

My home water birth was completely awesome :) Not much compares to the rush of endorphins and overwhelming joy when you catch your newborn baby in your own living room!

shannon said...

My favorite awesome thing: Meeting Jack Lindquist and having him tell me I have a beautiful name! *geek swoon*

Mary B said...

I live in Michigan, any day that the sun shines is awesome!

Leslie said...

Going to the bathroom and realizing there's JUST ENOUGH toilet paper left...

Carolyn said...

Honestly, one of the most awesome things was finding this blog. I was a cake decorator at a bakery and these pictures are AWESOME even tho they bring back some "awesome" memories of what the girls in the store used to write ...

Anonymous said...

Being able to watch all the Boston Red Sox games, even though I live in Texas!

Lydia said...

One of my favorite awesome things is making a HUGE batch of homemade pasta salad and then eating it twice a day for as long as it lasts!

MissNay said...

It's awesome to hear my Autistic daughter speak. We waited for a long time.

On a side note, a couple weeks ago I picked her a dandilion. She hugged it, closed her eyes and said "What a beautiful world. Thanks Momma." She's amazing.

Unknown said...

Waking up and thinking that you have 3 minutes until your alarm goes off, but then realizing its a weekend and you really have 3 more hours. Awesome!

Samantha said...

I think it is awesome that 1000 people who don't know me all read the best blog on the internet each day! Keep up the great work, Jen (You don't know me!)

Laurie Seubert said...

The most awesome thing I can think of right now isn't even a thing - it's a person: my WWII-veteran grandfather! He has made it through the Great Depression, WWII, three massive heart attacks, and several bouts with cancer. He'll be 87 years old next week, still plays golf twice a week and hits farther off the tee than guys in his foursome who are twenty years younger than he. If that isn't awesome, I don't know what is. :)

Anonymous said...

Visiting Cake Wrecks is awesome.

BarbarianDiva said...

Totally Awesome is everyone going home safe after working 12 hours in the jail.

Sarah Eden said...

my favorite awesome thing is morning cuddle time with the family.

Kamayeth said...

Being back in school at 40, realizing it's never too late to change the direction of your life!

RhubarbLady said...

Steampunk-reading material for girls and boys!

Denise Goerisch said...

My favorite most awesome thing is finally seeing something I submitted up on Cake Wrecks! Whoo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Would it be tacky to say one of my favorite awesome things is getting my daily dose of giggle from CW and Epbot? ...Thought so.

All right one of my favorite non-internet awesome things is laughing until our sides hurt at my family's weekly game night, to the point no one can remember whose turn is next.

M Scott said...

I find it awesome when you drive through a puddle and the water splashes up on either side of your car even if the people on the sidewalk don't really think it's as awesome as I do.

MC said...

Putting your hand in the pocket of a coat you haven't worn for a while and finding money...AWESOME!

mary said...

No more Bin Laden!!!

Lesath said...

Favourite awesome things: M&Ms, periwinkles and winning awesome things.

Jenny said...

My favorite awesome thing is when dinner turns out fantastic and everyone raves about it! It makes the hard work worth it.

Ashley C. said...

I love when there's actually 6 chicken nuggets in my 5 piece.

Badass Nature Girl said...

My favorite awesome thing varies from day to day--today, it would be when I was driving my son home from school and he asked me how long it takes to get to Heaven after you die. I said I didn't know and asked why he wanted to know. He said that he wants to get there FAST so he can see us again! He also is excited at the prospect of meeting George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Now THAT'S awesome!--Heather B.

Destinie said...

Having a tiny baby smile at you is awesome. Literally, AWWWW...some.

Julie said...

Most awesome thing is when you first enter the Magic Kingdom. Bonus points when your husband and children love it as much as you do!

Pamela said...

An awesome thing I love is reading a book by my favorite author and losing myself in the story. A good story will have me reading straight through the book in one shot - bad for chores, good for my imagination. :P

Lorien said...

My kids sleeping through the night is awesome.

Rachael McC said...

One of my favorite awesome things is playing with my brothers.

Unknown said...

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure bonsai trees are totally awesome!

Anonymous said...

To me, it is awesome to go out one morning and discover that all the neighborhood lilacs have suddenly bloomed overnight. It's like a little miracle every year. No matter what happens, as long as the lilacs bloom every spring, I can feel like the world is still beautiful.

Brenna said...

Most awesome thing:
Being chosen as a winner for contests that you are very unlikely to win. Maaaaaybe that could happen today.....*hint hint*

Some Girl said...

Totally awesome: opening a fresh package of Girl Scout cookies for the first time in a year. Alternate awesome thing: finding a package of Girl Scout cookies I forgot about in the back of the freezer.

Unknown said...

Awesome is when my 3-year-old says "I love you" not because it's bedtime or he wants something or he's sorry, but just because he loves me.

Destinie said...

Old people. Especially old couples. AWWWW!

Nancy D. said...

My 15 year old daughter is awesome. From her razor sharp, sarcastic wit to the way she handled her recent battle with thyroid cancer. I mean... she's SO awesome she didn't just go with ONE kind of thyroid cancer, she went with BOTH kinds! Seriously awesome that.

Jennifer said...

Coming home after getting called into work on a Sunday and finding my wonderful husband cleaned the house.

Weekend mornings when I can make a big breakfast and we can sit an enjoy it together.

My family and friends.

My dog and cat.

Finding great blogs that make me laugh daily (thanks Cakewrecks) :D

Jennifer S. in Hudson Valley NY

kobrakaisandy said...

oooooh! icing covered giant chocolate chip cookies! or... just the icing itself. yum.

Melissa said...

My favorite awesome thing is playing in the park in the finally nice spring weather with my two little boys!

And of course getting my daily dose of Cake Wrecks!

pbo said...

My favorite awesome thing is going to the coast (Oregon) on a day with sunshine, warm temperatures (not hot!) and no wind! Perfect!

Pamela said...

Going through the drive-thru at Starbucks, when the window opens, the coffee-scented air that rushes out is awesome!

And Cake Wrecks of course! Especially since it's by a fellow central Floridian!

Pattypro said...

One of my favorite awesome things is winning fabulous stuff from my favorite bloggers. No pressure!

Unknown said...

My favorite awesome thing is walking in the sunshine :-)


Pebblekeeper ~ Angie said...

Besides Cake Wrecks? Creme Filled Anything.

Liza B said...

I love when someone unintentionally says a line from a song... I immediately start belting out the tune :) oh the weird looks.

Jo said...

My awesome thing is Craft night with the lady's we really should call it eat chocolate and talk night but we do finish some cool projects at the same time. Thank you Cake Wrecks for all the laughs. Sometimes you are the best part of my day!

mbpilsner said...

My favorite awesome thing will be the day we can say my 4 year old is cancer free! Until then, really good sushi with too much wasabi that makes your eyes water and nose run!! ;)

Unknown said...

Biting into a cupcake and realizing that some angel has taken the time to add filling!

(Second spot: Realizing that Jen has mis-spelled a word in her post today. "High Fiving" doesn't have an "e".) But, if you write in icing nobody will notice.

ingerjay said...

The feel of freshly shaved legs on freshly washed sheets is totally AWESOME!!

Kaitlyn said...

I think Team Starkid is totally awesome.

Kim S. said...

My favorite thing is the perfect combination of chocolate and peanut butter!! YUM :)

kelly smith said...

I love to set my alarm earlier than I need to get up in the morning, just so I can press snooze a couple of times!

Lynn said...

It is awesome when I'm sitting on the couch and my son charges at me declaring "snuggle time!" It is like an attack hug. Awesome!

trish said...

One of my favorite awesome things is getting a parking spot right next to the entrance when you are running late. Especially, when you are taking the kids to the movies!


Melissa said...

picking up my daughter in the afternoon and hearing "MOM! I missed you so much!"

mimi said...

Awesome thing... having a quiet house. Kids are at school. Just me and the cat and the dog. (And Cakewrecks. :) )

InMyOwnWay said...

Finding an unexpected EXTRA Cake Wrecks post, calling my eight year old daughter over and getting to share the pictures and the giggles with her. Unexpected laughter - an amazing, awesome thing.

Kathryn said...

Something awesome? When you have a stuffy nose and then you can suddenly breathe again for like 5 minutes. Its not only awesome, its flat out amazing!

KDShellie said...

Being and Art teacher is definitely awesome! It's all worth it when you can motivate kids and make them smile.

Micalah said...

I love spending an amazing day out of the house with my family and friends.

Such a great post! ;)

KDShellie said...

Being and Art teacher is definitely awesome! It's all worth it when you can motivate kids and make them smile.

Tricia said...

Having a friend that hates frosting. Is awesome. ;)

sunnygrrl said...

Fishing the best bits out of the ice cream container with a spoon - it's my ice cream!

Stevanie A said...

The golden sunlight before sunset.


chef caprice said...

My favorite awesome was having an autographed copy of Cake Wrecks at home when I nearly forgot my Mom's birthday and she was on her way over!! Lucky, I had the card alll ready to go, just grabbed the book and into a gift bag and off we go!!

Lesley C. said...

My friend Heather who keeps hounding me to join Cityville, Farmville, Frontierville and so on, but still talks to me even though I refuse to cave to peer pressure!

drgns4vr said...

A favorite awesome thing is meeting the author of a favorite book--and finding out she (or he) is terrific in real life, too.

(It's even better when there are free chocolates involved.)

wv lieraphy, which is the therapy given to people who are pathalogical liars.

Meri Anne said...

My favorite thing? Being able to sleep past 8am! I have 3 kids (9 1/2, 7 1/2 & 9 months) so it rarely happens, but it is pure heaven when it does!

Lily Marie :) said...

-Cakewrecks is AWESOME
-Having your cake NOT fall apart when you take it out of the pan is AWESOME
-Technical theatre is awesome
JOHN is awesome
-cake is AWESOMEST
-Stargate is awesome. And Doctor Who. But my Atlantis cake came out better.

(and Im not being suck up - I just really love cake. And cake decorating. and I legit credit you with a lot of that Jen)

Oh, so yeah. JEN YATES IS AWESOME!!!!

Jennifer said...

Awesome = dressing exactly appropriately for the weather. You're not too hot, you're not too cold, you don't get stuck dragging around an unnecessary jacket or umbrella, you don't get wet, your shoes and clothes reflect the perfect balance of comfort and style. Awesome!

Kati said...

No matter how old you get, getting approval or a "Good job" from your parents is always an awesome thing!

Becca said...

Finally passing a hard level on Angry Birds is awesome for me!

Kayla said...

Taking a bite of food so big you can barely close your mouth.

Ms Kate said...

One of my favorite awesome things is when "Magic Dance" pops up on my iPod during my walk home from work. I can never resist from jumping up a few times during the "dance magic dance" part of the chorus, even if I'm in public!

Jen said...

Seeing he jerk who tailgated me for five miles (even though I was at or above the speed limit the whole time) before blowing past me with his finger up and his horn honking getting pulled over.

It's a beautiful thing.

Jennifer said...

My favorite awesome thing is sitting in a chair with a book, my dog, a glass of wine, and a plate of cheese and crackers.

Jennifer J. said...

My favorite awesome thing is when my very "energetic" 6 year old son quietly comes up to me, gives me a hug, and says "I really love you mommy." Makes me melt...

AJ from UK said...

My awesome thing is my son ( and my daughters, but, for this reason,mainly him). He is awesome each time he relearns to walk after major surgery, he is awesome with every injection he has for his arthritis ( unrelated to leg problems). He is awesome even though anything he does is more difficult for him due to his neuromuscular problems. He is awesome because if you looked or listened to him, you wouldn't know how awesome he is.

Finally, he is awesome because his favourite word is -


AJ xxx

Unknown said...

Even though all the ATMs and credit card machines in the world are different, my totally awesome thing is that they make all the fountain soda cup lids the same! It doesn't matter which cup I take in to 7-11 to refill, a lid will fit! Makes me happy daily.

Tammie.Banks said...

Chex Mix. It's awesome but it sucks that I can't get it in New Zealand. I bought six bags back when I came back from the US last year - I'm making them last!!

-- Tams

Unknown said...

My awesome thing is having the opportunity to vote. (It's election day in Canada.)

"The beatings will continue until morale improves."

Amy said...

Heres to being a crazy cat lady drinking Hazelnut Lattes and eating chocolate chip cookie dough, never you mind the chocolate chip cookies! Not being too grown up to watch cartoons and Anime. Loving crazy pajamas and fuzzy socks! How does one choose from all the little things that makes my life totally awesome? It can't be done! - Amy

Fluffy Cow said...

Barefoot Contessa homemade marshmallows with kosher gelatin.

(and may I add... Boob Nazi discussing "driving with the top down")

Sarah Monster said...

My favorite awesome thing is that feeling that comes upon me without warning; that I am where I'm meant to be, life is good and I am happy. I just close my eyes and breathe into that moment, and then go about my day.

Anonymous said...

My most awesome thing happens every day when my son says "I love you Mom." I know there are too many people out there who either want kids but can't have any or who have kids who cannot express themselves, so I appreciate how very lucky I am to get to hear those words every day.

At least until he's a teenager. :-)

Unknown said...

Awesome thing in my waking up in the to choose live my life as I wish and being respected,accepted, and loved for who I am..

Rachael L. said...

Hitting all green lights on the way home from work.

summer said...

That epic sense of awesome I get when I read the cake wrecks blog in a public place while I am sitting of by myself...and then start laughing. Tue awesome comes in when I realize that I look like a crazy person...yeah.

Nikki said...

My favorite awesome thing is finishing levels of angry birds, when they release new ones, that is.

Jane said...

Godiva truffles. I had a bunch in my Easter basket.

Caitlyn said...

My favorite awesome thing is when my car wouldn't start two strangers came over to help me without being asked, they were even on their lunch break. Also, I love watching snow fall when it is completely silent.

Unknown said...

Swingsets, bunny cookies, and when my boss makes me a smoothie at work.-Katherine S.

S in Ontario said...

Awesome things: looking forward to
Cake Wrecks and 1000 Awesome Things
every day!

Unknown said...

The most awsome thing! That's easy! My son got potty trained this weekend. No more diapers! No more diaper bag! No more running out of wipes on a twelve-hour flight!
--S Cheskis

Who do you want to BE? said...

Finding all my favorite stuff on sale is awesome. So is breathing. And my hubby and kids. But getting paid to drive down the beach is the most awesome thing of all. :)

Rachel Rienstra said...

It's awesome being less than 48 hours away from being done with final exams!

Lisa said...

My favourite totally awesome tng right now, is getting to sleep in.

Unknown said...

It's awesome when I come home to my puppies and it's like I've been away for a year not an hour!

Alexis said...

That smell right after it rains in the summer. The smell of hot wet pavement. I wish I could bottle it. that is AWESOME.
-Alexis O.

Unknown said...

My awesome may seem silly to some but here goes. My awesome is the Kitchen Aid stand mixer my husband bought me for Mother's day after he and his father so enjoyed all the desserts I made from scratch for Easter. This is especially nice since my MIL (who passed 2 years ago) never made a wreck in her life.

steveandonna said...

Total awesomeness is my daughter being state ranked in both the 1600m and the 3200m as a freshman!!!

Digital Daguerreotypist said...

One of my awesome moments is when people think I am 10 years younger than what I actually am...and blue moon ice cream...and snow...and snuggling with my cats ....and warm summer days...and family...and fun blogs like CakeWrecks and Epbot :)

thank you for all you do, Jen and John!

Kinney V said...

80 degree weather!! woohoo :)

HannaSolo said...

That moment when you realize that whatever it is you've been worrying about is so pointless in the grand scheme of things that there's no point in worrying.

And my mom's pumpkin muffins. Those are pretty awesome.


Amber said...

My favorite awesome thing is listening to my 7 month old son giggle -in his sleep...what can he be dreaming about?

Jessica vdS said...

My favorite awesome thing is either getting a big hug from my children, or watching a great baseball game without being interrupted (which is not as easy in Europe as it is in the US!).

Hannah H. said...

Awesome: When your writing an answer in on those little lines and it fits perfectly. It makes you feel like you got it exactly right.

Also Awesome: When you get a piece of cake with super-dark icing and you think it's going to be gross but it's actually delicious.

Also Awesome: Cake in general. And Cake Wrecks. Duh.

Emi Li said...

To me, the most awesome, wonderful thing is waking up with a snuggly kitty (or two, or three!) purring on your pillow.

erinesosweet said...

I love it when you get the icing flower on the slice of cake... oh and shower punch... wedding shower, baby shower whichever!

Unknown said...

An old friend randomly calling to catch up when you happen to have great news =] AWESOME!

MC said...

My favorite awesome thing is hearing a choir hit the high point of a piece with so much joy and soul that your eyes get misty.

Unknown said...

It is awesome to see the sunset in Alaska when I get off of work.

tat2kitten said...

breakfast for dinner is my awesome

L G said...

My grandchildren!

Debbie said...

Having my kitty spontaneously jump on my lap & start purring. Makes my whole day!

Thanks, Jen!

Rio said...

Finding money in old pants pockets! =D

Leah R. said...

Unexpected gifts of Starbucks!! :) ~Leah

WV: Royall - when you get pretentious you *have* to add a second L. :)

Erica R. said...

Brand new crayons that have never been used. Socks fresh out of the dryer when it's cold outside. Sneaking the last ice cream sandwich outta the freezer at midnight. Awesome!

Addie G said...

My awesome thing is finally being able to complete a video game level without running into walls!! Seeing the look of pride on my fiance's face was worth every bit of frustration! =)
~Addie Marie

ABL said...

Having my whole family together for a couple of days where nobody has to rush off for anything...that's awesome!

L G said...

Oops! forgot to put my name on my previous post! It's Lee

A Girl In Her Kitchen said...

Awesome things kids say. My 3 year old made us laugh the other morning. While still asleep she said, "Oh no Geggie! I'm sorry I dropped the taco!" Thanks to her we had Mexican for dinner. Tonight I think we're having Chinese because she wants "to go to China". That's what she thinks the chinese restaurant is. Love it!

CoryN said...

I work in a children's hospital and I love letting kids push the buttons on the elevators. They get so excited and it's awesome!

Brandi Oveson said...

Awesome is getting to sleep all through the night...NO interruptions!!

Tawnya W.

Katie said...

My favorite awesome thing is finding an abandoned puppy and saving its life by taking it in until I can find it a good home so it will never be sad or abandoned again

Erin said...

Awesome is getting home after work before everyone else and taking off your shoes and just getting comfy and enjoying the silence before hubs and little kids come home....

Rose said...

I love when spring has just arrived and I can open my window and let the fresh air in.

Kelly F. said...

It's awesome when I go to the library and the book that I have been dying to read has finally been published and I get to read it at last! (Four years, Patrick Rothfuss? But it was totally worth the wait.)
Kelly F.

Unknown said...

One of my most awesome things is when my husband takes care of me while I'm on crutches! He is the best!

Kristen said...

My fav awesome thing right now? My daughter's bedtime. Actually after she has fallen asleep, because bedtime has recently been followed by repetitive getting out of bed and asking for random things that she needs "right now".

Ysobel said...

Awesome is a coffee machine that a) can be set up the night before and be push-a-button ready in the morning, and b) has a carafe that keeps coffee hot without overcooking it.

Awesome is also a snuggly purring cat sleeping on you. (Except at 3am, when it's equal parts awesome and "omg go away let me sleep")

Sarah said...

The fact that an item that I wanted to put on my birthday gift list is now available for FREE on my favorite blog! IT'S SO AWESOME!!!!!

Charmaine S said...

My favourite most awesome thing is me not working shift work any more. I can actually sleep from and wake up at a normal time, not only that I can remember what day of the week it is and not have to convince my brain for half a day that it is actually Monday, not Thursday like I was so sure it was.

Charmaine S, the normal one now

Sarah said...

Knowing I am going to be in the Whitsundays in two days! Awesome.

Sarah from Australia

sisterAE said...

Applause is awesome! I think everyone should be the recipient of genuine, heart-felt thanks or "wow, that was cool!" applause.

Jessica A. said...

When you see little flowers popping up and fern fiddleheads... now that's awesome. Spring (post rain) is just awesome!

abbyinwonderland14 said...

an amazingly awesome thing: when you're driving and all the lights turn green at exactly the right moment!!!
another amazingly awesome thing: when you are "healthy" and order the kiddie size ice cream but when it comes out it's actually as big as the single scoop!!!!!!
can i get a "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"?

Julie said...

ooohh and this happened to me today, even!! Getting an email from my library telling me the new book I requested is in! :-D

Kate said...

A paid day off from work where have to do absolutely nothing. said...

one of my favorite awesome things is stepping on leaves and having them crunch under my feet (:

The Coolest Girl said...

I think-no. I KNOW that A Very Potter Musical is Totally Awesome.
Actually I got really excited when I saw that this post said "Totally Awesome" because I thought that my nerd obsessions had made a complete circle and AVPM had been somehow related to Cake Wrecks or just cake in general... Fails are pretty awesome too...

Michelle said...

My absolute most favorite awesome thing is when I feel down in the dumps I get a hug from my gorgeous 10 year old daughter and a kitty in my lap. AHHHHH talk about fast acting non prescription pain relief!!!

Tegan's Mom

Noeleen said...

You know what's awesome? Realizing at the end of a long day that Mental Health Awareness month started yesterday and, being bipolar, I feel like I have at least one month to live without shame this year. Knowing that I am worth something and that others care about me, whether they know me personally or just my disease, is truly awesome.

BJ said...

Licking the beaters is so awesome.

The Top Apple said...

Holding hands with my kids is awesome and rejuvenating!

Kristin said...

Something that is awesome is that my dear friend Stephanie is finally pregnant after 3 miscarriages.

Dana said...

one of my favorite things is happening to pick the fast lane and bypassing all of the other cars on my way to pick my husband up from work. Simple, but i like it :)

Kai said...

My favorite awesome thing?

Not being in pain. Being able to walk around without my leg braces on. Not having a migraine so bad I can't see straight. Not having to push myself around in a wheelchair at 23 years old.

My favorite awesome thing is appearing normal. :)

Andrew Lenahan said...

My favorite awesome thing is Jigglypuff riding a unicorn made out of holograms through a crystal cave to the tune of Led Zeppelin's "Houses of the Holy".

Katie said...

One of my favorite awesome things? Brownies, definitely brownies. I am drooling over memories of a "everything but the kitchen sink" brownie I got once in Philadelphia.. it had crushed up pretzels, potato chips, m&ms.. it might sound scary but it was CRAZY good I'm telling ya!!

Jenn R said...

Awesome is listening to my kids sing! It makes us all so happy.

Unknown said...

It is awesome when you don't have a whole lot of money but then find a great deal on something you've been wanting for a while, like a $10 puzzle that I got on sale at the craft store for $.99.

Jenn said...

Awesome is my 8th grade students telling me I'm "even cooler than Justin Bieber!"

(Eighth graders clearly have a different scale for cool than I do. Or at least I hope they do...Ack!)

Unknown said...

The MOST awesome thing is knowing that Jesus Christ died for my sins and that I can gain eternal salvation simply by acknowledging this fact, asking Him to forgive my sins & repenting (which doesn't mean being perfect, it just means doing my best to live according to God's will). I hope you post this- I'm not a fanatic, just a devout Christian. Thanks!

Tori said...

Eating a delicious homemade meal is AWESOME. Double AWESOME if I made it, and triple AWESOME if everyone else at the table likes it, too.

Head full of stuff said...

Receiving a handwritten letter by airmail from a friend living overseas. Snail-mail at it's best!

null said...

My favorite awesome thing is laughing with a complete stranger. Best part of public transportation is meeting new people, imho. :3

Nancypantz said...

One if my favorite awesome things is laughter. It takes away tears, makes your heart happy, and brings people together.

Oh and the smell of clean sheets! :o)

NiteNurse said...

Terrell (aka Pollyanna) says:

Today's awesome was looking down at badly smashed and surgically repaired right wrist, now encased in dark purple cast, and thinking, "Man, I am SO GLAD I got the Purple. It looks really great with this lime shirt, mixed colored scarf, and these rings."

Awesome is when you crack yourself up as soon as you hear your own thoughts. ;-D

wv: chear; I chear when I hear...

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