Monday, May 2, 2011

Totally Awesome

Monday, May 2, 2011

"Bakers, it has come to our attention that 'morale' is 'low.' Therefore, effective immediately, we will be instituting mandatory staff meetings every Friday at 3pm to get to the bottom of this problem.

During these meetings you will each be required to list at least one 'awesome' thing about working here. Susan, GO."

"Oh, come on, this is so STU...."

"Did I mention this will be on your monthly review?"

"...PENDOUS! Haha! Yeah! [grabbing manager by lapels] WORKING HERE IS AWESOME."

"Something more specific, please."

"Oh. Ok. Um...

"Oh, I know! Making the candy apples is awesome.

"It really gets my aggressive tendencies out."

"I...see. Bob?"

"I like misspelling things and then convincing the customer it's actually spelled that way."

"Cracks me up every time!"

"Bob, I'm not sure this is exactly..."

"Ooh, yeah! And scaring the kids! That is SO awesome, am I right?" [high-fiveing Bob]

"Alright, everyone, if you'll just wait your turn..."

"Oooh, crap!"

"What's wrong, Debra?"

"No, that's my awesome thing! Putting chocolate poo swirls on everything!"

"I call it my number two special. Haha!"

[sigh] "And Mary? What about you?"

"I like giving the customers exactly what they ask for."

"Ah, excellent! You see, everyone? Now this is...

"No, I mean EXACTLY what they ask for."

"It's totally awesome." [giggle]

"Well, I think that's enough for today. I hope this meeting has helped remind you all to cherish the little things, and to really enjoy your jobs here. Now, next week: Airbrushing! See you then."

Thanks to Denise G., Gema B., Amanda N., Meagan B., & Anne L. for being, um, awesome.

Oh, and hey, here's something that really IS awesome: my friend Neil of 1,000 Awesome Things has a free copy of his new book, The Book of Even More Awesome, for five of you lucky readers!

For a chance to win, just leave a comment telling me one of your favorite awesome things. It can be anything: getting extra icing on your slice of cake, picking the fastest line at the supermarket, snagging the last one of that sale item you wanted - you name it. We'll announce the five winners both here - on this post - and on the CW Facebook page at 12 midnight, EST, so be sure to check back!


GIVEAWAY UPDATE! After randomly selecting five comments, we have our winners! Congrats to the following readers who shared a few of their favorite awesome things.

Sunshine Dayz at 10:17am, who understands how awesome it is to find a few extra hours of sleep before the alarm goes off. (We share this joy with you.)

qurlyloks at 12:34pm, who REALLY appreciates awesome caffeinated coffee.

Elizabeth C., at 1:54pm, who thinks it's "inconceivable" (and awesome) that her kitties unleash cuddly kryptonite! You wanted Neil's book? As you wish.

TCC at 3:06pm, who loves awesome unexpected treats (and turns it up to 11).

soarin_ca4 at 8:37pm, who shares a birthday with David Beckham (which happens to be today). I bet winning Neil's book just made your birthday even more AWESOME.

Congrats again to our winners! Please email us your mailing addresses. Thanks to everyone for the great comments. So much awesomeness!

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Uzma said...

Awesome is my intelligent 8 year old daughter who mirror writes, without realizing(shes not dyslexic), she just thinks she being creative :)
And awesome is my 6 year old son who leaves me speechless with his odd rules, for example, I told him yesterday to go and take a shower, to which he replied,"It is the 1st of May today. I dont bathe on the 1 of May."

Mary Beth said...


Anonymous said...

My Favorite awesome thing is having the house to myself while my husband and sons go camping! Bring on the silence and not having to share the popcorn.

Chris Johnson

la p'tite frisée said...

Hiding from the kids to eat the last piece of cheesecake with a cappuccino for breakfast is just awesome.

Unknown said...

My awesome thing learning to feel healthy again, and knowing I can still eat cake even if its made a little differently.

Charlie said...

Totally Awesome = the end of allergy season. Only 6-7 months to go.... **achoo!**

Audra said...

seeing my baby girls smile. and reminiscing with my brothers and sister

Unknown said...

Oh geez, by your tweet I thought you'd stirred up some kind of trouble. Well of course you've got 750 comments on a giveaway!

I'll play...awesome is waking up and thinking, "Oh crap, I've got to get up and do ten zillion things," but then realizing that it's still hours before you have to get up, and you're tired enough to fall right back asleep.

My bar for awesome has gone much lower in recent more planning my Oscar speech, no more trying to fix the world, nope, I'll just take more sleep, thanks.

Kayla F. said...

My awesome thing is finishing a really excellent book...and then starting a new one!

Kate said...

Stumbling upon Star Tours on the last day before it closed for major changes - with my best friend who'd never ridden it! Awesome

Suzie Quzie said...

Hearing my 2 year old say his ABC's in the same halting staccato as William Shatner.

Evelyn Curtis said...

One of my favorite awesome things is my hair after riding on the highway with my windows open!
Or are we supposed to say Cakewrecks to win? LOL

WV: baconsu- I don't know what it means but it must be awesome since it has bacon in it!

Anonymous said...

Awesome is the corner piece!!!

Jerilyn G.

Jess said...

Towels fresh from the dryer, baby giggles, old tv show marathons on a rainy day and listening to good music while baking- especially after a really bad day at work.

Suzie Quzie said...

My son saying his ABC's in the same halting staccato as William Shatner.

diana said...

I think Jesus is pretty awesome

The moment when you realize the guy you like actually likes you too. Awesome

When I can have a day at work where the guests are actually nice to me, not complaining that the magic was ruined and aren't trying to get money or free tickets....that's beyond awesome

OrvillesMom said...

Awesome = that satisfying click when the vacuum cleaner sucks up some little piece of something you didn't even know was there.

Ellies Jelly Bean Stealin Mom said...

It was pretty awesome hearing my 2yr old daughter put together her longest spoken intelligible sentence today.
" Haayy, Mama, Dont eep my jello beem, dat no nice"

...made me feel so guilty I ALMOST spit it out and gave it back to her.
But it was a cherry jelly bean... come on!

Lauren said...

Free Books are AWESOME!

Halle said...

Awesome is pulling out not just the top of the weed but also a long trail of its underground roots. Take that, garden interloper!

Melissa F said...

I love walking to work in the morning on warm sunshiny days!

Texpenguin said...

Laying with my hubby in our hammock built for two, listening to the birds sing and the leaves rustling overhead, feeling the warm sun on our faces, swaying gently in the breeze, then waking up 3 hours later, happy and refreshed, still swaying gently in the breeze after our unintentional nap--now THAT'S AWESOME!

Julie said...

I just got some hair color for free because my sister started extreme couponing!

Erin said...

When my daughter wakes up smiling, comes running down the hall and says, "Wake up, Wake up!" She's two and super excited about life - it's contagious!

Vinie said...

Awesome: having my newborn daughter sleeping on me and my son next to me playing mario kart together. And hot chocolate with baileys and marshmallows. Hmmmm! There is so much awesome here that it seema like the comments section will explode!

Dayla C said...

Waking up in the morning only to find out I still have two hours left to sleep...AWESOME!!

new_manager said...

My favourite awesome thing is my husband deciding to do the laundry / washing up or any other mundane houshold job without having to be ask....

I'm really hoping he'll read this and figure out that he needs to do this more than once a year :)

Kelster said...

Ice cream. Ice cream makes any day infinitely better.

Unknown said...

One of my all-time favorite awesome things is seeing my husband's face for the first time in twelve months after a long, hard deployment in Afghanistan! That was AWESOME!

PattyMade It said...

Awesome is the sunset I see out my kitchen window every night. We just recently moved to Arizona from Portland, Oregon .... didn't realize just HOW MUCH we were missing the sunshine till we got it full time!
Awesome is also a California Brittle from See's Candies. Yum!

emiwatts said...

Sleeping through a class then finding out it was cancelled! That's the best.

Ashiyah Cays said...

I loved the owl cake. And an awesome thing for me is finding something that's actually cute and fits me in the clearance rack. Happened two days ago and it was EXACTLY the shirt I had hoped to find! Totally made my week.

Title Loans said...

There is nothing more awesome than something that is so terribly bad. It looks like Hello Kitty got ax murdered!

Jill D. said...

My most awesome thing: Being a pastry chef specializing in wedding cakes, and NOT being featured on CW yet! (Sunday Sweets excluded. Someday!!!)

Megan said...

What's totally awesome is using up the bottle of both shampoo and conditioner ON THE SAME DAY!

GoatGirl said...

I'm completely in awe when one of my dairy goats is having difficulty delivering her babies and my daughter & I can go in and help her. Holding those beautiful bundles of life, seeing them take their first breaths of life with mom close by and doing well is awesome!

Annie said...

My favorite awesome thing is going home on a Friday night, ordering a couple of pizzas and sitting down to watch a movie with my family for Family Fun Night™

wv-- codism: the weird crap my husband spouts when he starts talking about work.

Ace said...

My favorite awesome thing is that first "Hi Mom" from my kids Monday afternoons.

Elizabeth C. said...

Zelly - My awesome ringtone is vizzini saying "inconceivable".

Another favorite Awesome - When the kitties unleash their cuddle kryptonite. Resistance is futile to the three of them all warm and purring - Napping MUST commence. :)

Jen M said...

Scoring a two pack of king size pillows at a department store for less than $7. They were on clearance AND I had a $10 coupon. SCORE! NEW PILLOWS!

Sunny09 said...

Seeing my kids' faces light up when I've given them a gift. Also seeing my autistic child's face light up like sunshine when he conquers something that he's been trying and trying to do. All about the little victories...

Anonymous said...

My awesome for the day? Woke up with my son camped out next to my bed (in the same sleeping bag I used as a kid). AND - we got up early enough to watch an episode of Johnny Test before we left for the day!

Lightning said...

It's awesome when you wake up before your alarm and think it's just a few minutes before so you have to get up anyway but really it's an hour or more before you need to be up so you get to go back to sleep!

NanaCat said...

Going to Florida this week to watch my daughter graduate from nursing school. She has worked SO hard!! ......Awesome!

jacchris said...

A piece of plain chocolate cake with my mom's awesome butter sauce on it!

bookgeek78 said...

15,986 official word count +
23,811 actual word count +
70 pages of pure hell on earth + Dissertation completed today 3 days before submission date = OFFICIALLY AWESOME!

myfairmatron said...

I think perfectly extracted ristretto espressos are awesome... but when they aren't available, iced white chocolate mochas from *$ will do.

WV: spurbil. Wrecker-University's Spelling 101

Sandy F. said...

One of my totally awesome things is sitting in my room with my hubby looking out our bedroom window and watching a storm roll by.

lizzied said...

When my two boys (6 and 4) are feeling totally snuggly, it's AWESOME. Bonus if I get a cat snuggling on my lap at the same time.

LoriC2be said...

After a 12 yr abusive marriage ended when I found out my ex was a child predator & a nearly 4 yr horrid divorce battle... my awesome thing is that I am marrying an incredible man this weekend! Not only is he a wonderful partner, but he is actively seeking to adopt my kids who adore him.

martinsma said...

My best awesome thing was graduating my autistic son from home school high school last month. We'd been doing home school for 10 years.

My next best awesome thing is going to college to get a child development degree, focus special needs school age children. I'm 51!

My name is Michelle. said...

Everytime my daughter who suffers from extreme anxiety is able to do something she couldn't do before. Also, everytime she can pull herself out of a panic attack. She may be little, but she is strong! She is also AWESOME!

Daniel said...

awesome is walking past a picket fence, seeing a dog on the other side of that fence, and then that dog coming over and jumping up on the fence and enthusiastically lick your hand and generally be really sweet. always makes my day.

Kelsey R said...

Forgetting to turn my alarm off on the weekends, and then waking up at 6am on a Saturday just to realize I can turn it off and go back to sleep!

Kayla's mommy said...

The absolute most awesome thing in the world is my 9 month old baby girls laugh and of course I can't forget those sweet, yet slobbery, kisses!

Belle's Books said...

Happy Birday!! Ha! Funny stuff!

Badcookie said...

When my 9.5 and 6 year old quote Spongebob Squarepants, with amazing timing in public. Or how they can fluently use geek/gamer speek. It puts the awesome in awesomesauce, and makes any bad day a bit better.

Sandy said...

Finally getting my hands on
a new book I have been anxiously awaiting.
Oh, and also, my husband, who is pretty darn awesome, and CakeWrecks, which manages to put a smile on my face every day*.

*Except Saturdays, when I have to instead log onto Twitter and see if you guys have posted anything. :D

Rachel said... favorite thing is doing mitzvahs that make people smile, like holding a door for random movers or distracting a screaming child in the store. It makes me feel good because other people feel good.

Maevrim said...

The sticky-note feature in Windows 7 is AWESOME! I write notes to myself all the time (used to memorize things by tacking them to the wall by my bed, so I could stare at them), so it's really saving paper around the house. The computer is one place I always look, and you don't have to worry about the notes slipping off the wall/mirror/door and going unnoticed until you clean.

WV: ploca
The new hybrid dance craze combining elements of polka and flamenco. All the kids are doing it!

"Wanna hit the Plocateca this weekend? Bet I can Ploca triangles around you."

Jenn Groceman said...

Getting to the bus stop or train platform at just the time the bus or train does! No waiting = AWESOME!

Kristin said...

You know what's awesome? Puppies. And candy. And winning the lottery. And cake...definitely cake. Ooooooh and I almost forgot bacon! Who could forget BACON. And about bacon cake?

Erika said...

My awesome? Keeping a secret and surprising someone! I'm lousy at secret keeping so when I do it's a surprise for both of us!! :)

ValerieC said...

My most favorite thing at the moment is having a precious 13 month old AND being 4 months pregnant again with our second. Knowing just how miserable I will be in a few months and it not matter because it will be worth every ache and pain to be a mommy of two.

WV: Trons - Sequel to Tron: Legacy and it will suck just as much.

Libby said...

Awesome is coming home to your 4-year-old twins screaming "I love you, Mommy!" without prompting or being in trouble with Daddy.

Lulubelle said...

An awesome thing...fresh, clean sheets. I wish I could have them every night and not have to change them myself.


MeganRo said...

rainy days with rainbows... in the desert

Linda said...

Having the 3rd appointment for a "Suspicious item" on my mammogram this morning--and being told (By a TOTALLY CUTE Radiologist) that I am totally clear!! WOOOHOOO!
Linda Shillingburg

Raine said...

My awesome thing: knowing that the semester-long fundraising efforts to help Japan after the quake and tsunami all stemmed from one e-mail I sent to the Japanese teachers asking if there was anything we could do to help. One simple question snowballed into a group effort so large they intend to continue working on it next semester as well. I call that pretty darn awesome.

Anonymous said...

My awesome morning, like today's, consists of listening to the public classical music station while reading cake wrecks. It can't get much better than that.

Alexis said...

My favorite awesome thing is competing against my little sister in Mario Kart using our feet to play. About as hard as it sounds.

My life is a walk in the park by Kim Shepherd said...

Kim Shepherd --oh my most awesome thing is that my daughter got me your book for Christmas her sister her and myself sat on the couch Christmas morning reading thru it an laughed and laughed...I know this sounds like i am sucking up but it is truth I have shared your book Cake wrecks and your FB sight with many people! you guys are the BEST!!

hickmama said...

Having just enough TP in a public restroom. Awesome!

kim Shepherd said...

Kim Shepherd oh my most awesome thing is that my daughter got me your book for Christmas her sister her and myself sat on the couch Christmas morning reading thru it an laughed and laughed...I know this sounds like i am sucking up but it is truth I have shared your book Cake wrecks and your FB sight with many people! you guys are the BEST!!

Stephanie said...

Cross-country jumping on my favorite mare. It does not get much better than that. :D

Kimberly W said...

The most awesome thing in the world is laughing with my teens. I love their sense of humor!

Julie B said...

When my kids spontaneously hug each other.

When I tell my son the prize for winning something (like who can clean up the fastest) is a really big hug, and he is so excited and can't wait to win and get that hug. :)

Anonymous said...

I love when I used to wake up and not be able to move because my cat was sleeping on my back and coming home to my dog who is super happy to see me! :)


Unknown said...

"Harry Potter The Musical" is totally awesome:

Kara Andretta said...

Waking up at 3:00am and realizing you still have 3 more hours to sleep! It's like hitting the jackpot!

hickmama said...

Volunteer plants and flowers coming up that I don't have to plant. Awesome!

Joni said...

One of my favorite awesome things is hearing my 3-year-old CRACK UP at the Little Engine That Could movie we just rented from the Redbox with a free code! ~Joni

Veruka247 said...

My favorite awesome thing is that one day during the entire vacation where everyone is in a good mood and has a great time, the kids don't try to break something in the hotel or at family's place, and the kids pass out early and sleep through the night!

kimleelee said...

Awesome thing: my daughter can drive now.
More awesome: every time she makes it home safe & sound.

Anonymous said...

One of my fave awesome things is to pass an Angry Birds level at the first try. Bonus if I get 3 stars or have left-over birds. :-D

Azlemommy said...

My favorite awesome thing is when my three year old tells me she loves me (for no reason and without prompting :). )

Alison said...

My favorite awesome thing is struggling to learn something new -- and then conquering it!

I know nothing about html but really wanted to change something in my blog. HOURS later...I made a pretty font appear! I felt like I was flying!

I am smarter about other things, I promise ;)

sparky_writer said...

One of my favorite awesome things is reading an awesome sci fi book on my kindle instead of doing my homework! :) also, looking at pictures of wrecky cakes...hehe

Marissa and Aidan said...

Opening the microwave door at 0:01 and diffusing the "bomb" just in time!

Tiaras said...

My favorite thing is that first day in spring when you can leave your coat at home and just go for a walk in the park. Take a book with you, lie on the grass, close your eyes and feel the sun on your skin for the first time in months... Absolutely priceless =)

Anonymous said...

Awesome is that my husband is off on Mondays now and goes to the grocery store with me, AND carries them in

Brooke said...

Homeschooling really cool, outgoing, talented, intelligent teenagers--and trying to stay humble. ;) Did I mention they read Cakewrecks...and get your jokes? Oh, yeeeaaaahhhhh.....awesome.

Judy said...

I think how my children have grown into responsible adults is awesome!

Unknown said...

The most awesome thing in the world, is when my 6 year old neice (I've had custody of her since she was 16 months old) comes into my room on the weekends for some snuggle/cartoon time.
Melissa G

Anonymous said...

A freshly shorn Golden Retriever on a warm sunny day.

Jessica K said...

Awesome things: Seeing you're giving away the same book I've tried 3 times to win on FB (more awesome if your new book is included)! My ten year old daughter and I cracking up, then snorting at the same time! Thinking you're out of something then accidently finding one more. Our new kitten hopping around like a kangaroo. When the dog potties on the floor and it's easy to clean up. All awesome!!

Stephanie said...

Awesome is FINALLY getting that sneeze to come out that's been itching your nose and making your eyes water for days.

anastassia said...

passing up something i really want on sale, and then finding it on clearance later for even less!

Unknown said...

The way my dog greets me every time I leave....gone all day, happy dance, tail wags, and high jump....gone for an hour same thing...gone to the bathroom, happy dance, tail wags, high jump....gotta love the dog, he is awesome!!

Kristy said...

Awesome is my ferret with cancer bouncing around like a hyperactive kitten, without a care in the world!

Dorry said...

One of my fave most awesome things is finishing an angry Birds level on the first try. Bonus if I get 3 stars or have leftover birds. Sweet! :-D

Unknown said...

I think it's awesome when I've eaten an everything bagel from Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast and find I don't have a bunch of poppyseeds stuck in my teeth at lunchtime.

Jasmine S. said...

Awesome is my kitty-cat perching on the back of my chair and keeping me company while I laugh at Wreckerators' infinite amount of hilarious (and awesome) fail.

A.J. said...

My awesome thing would be chocolate covered marshmallows. They are so awesome they make anything better.

Unknown said...

The way my dog greets me every time I leave....gone all day, happy dance, tail wags, and high jump....gone for an hour same thing...gone to the bathroom, happy dance, tail wags, high jump....gotta love the dog, he is awesome!!

vanessa aleji said...

Finding money in the back pocket of jeans or inside pocket of a jacket you haven't worn in months. Thank you Texas cold front!

Celiac Cake said...

Peanut butter and bacon on a banana on strawberry ice cream. Yummmmm

Karen said...

My daughter's giggles are the most awesome thing EVER.

PaintedMermaid said...

My favorite thing is when I come home from work to find my cat on the kitchen counter and when I walk up to greet him, he stands up, puts his arms around my neck, and rubs his face against mine. Best. cat. ever. <3


Sybil said...

After a long, cold, dreary winter, it's awesome to have crocuses, daffodils, and hyacinths bloom.

Also, it's awesome to find money in the pocket of a coat you haven't worn for a while.

wf- cromativ -- some of the freakiest cake wrecks are very cromativ

Sierra DS said...

My favorite awesome thing is having my dog greet me when I come home for college. There's nothing better than pure, adoring love!

Katiebug said...

It's awesome to, after 4 days, figure out that you DO really want that Limited Edition Rapunzel tower from the Disney Store, call said Disney Store, have them say it's sold out, wait I think I have one in the back can you hold.........yes, we do have one left, and then be like, "I WILL BE THERE IN 20 MINUTES," and drive and get said tower!

And now of course it's on display in my house!

Jenniffer said...

Considering it just recorded about 24 hours of Royal Wedding coverage for me, My DVR is awesome!

cjs_mama said...

I may be a bit twisted but my favorite awesome thing is when a car comes flying by me, cuts me off and speeds away....then right up the road the same car is sitting on the side of the road with a cop car behind him!! AWESOMENESS at it's best =]

Becky Holland said...

I just heard the Commodore 64 is making a comeback. AWESOME!

clarinetchloride said...

My favorite awesome thing is knowing that there are people that love and care about me. :)

Michelle said...

Some of my favorite awesome things:
My hubby, Rocky Road ice cream, my kids (most of the time), knowing I get to meet my baby girl any day now (due date in 10 days, can't wait to get her off my bladder!), Diet Dr. Pepper, funnel cakes, french fries from my local drive-in, Netflix, good movies, good friends, good times.

Kathy W. said...

Getting extra sleep. I work until 1 in the morning and I have a 7 month old son that likes to get up between 5 and 6. Not much sleep for Momma.

Robyn McIntyre said...

The comments on this thread are awesome. Reading them put a smile on my face.

BreeAnn said...

Watching my children play together happily. My son experiences Autism, so it doesn't happen often, but watching them work so hard to include him, and watching the four of them really enjoy each other in their own special way makes my heart SO full!

I also love grapes, baking cupcakes, and hamsters.

Catherine Dominguez said...

An awesome thing for me is the first few minutes after I crack open a new book. The information I will learn, the places I will go, the stories I will experience; it is truly an awesome feeling!

Jen Cuthbertson said...

My favorite awesome thing these days is that my hubby is fully recovered from the two surgeries needed after his accident last year!

Unknown said...

My favorite awesome thing is finishing school work for the semester so I can dump my brain.

It's so comfy in here now!

Lexi said...

My totally awesome thing is when whatever behavior i'm trying to train my dog to do suddenly just CLICKS and the dog and I are on the exact same page. :)

Cecile said...

My awesome today is that I remembered the combination on my bike lock that I haven't used since September! AWESOME! - Cecile

K said...

Falling in to the LARPing world in the last few months and loving it.

That has been super awesome.

Kim said...

Cheesy made for TV disaster movies are awesome, in a MST3K kind of way. More awesome would be having my own robot sidekicks to snark at them with :)

Becca said...

day-old chicks are awesome! I have some at my house and you wouldn't believe how capable they are and fuzzy and cute and awesome!

Anonymous said...

My most favorite and awesomest thing ever is baking cookies and other sweet stuff with my nieces and nephews (just not all of them at the same time, I have 8 and another is on the way! :)

- Kristy J. M.

Unknown said...

My awesome thing is having a 3 year old who snuggles up on my lap to watch Dr. Who before bed every night at his request:)


Catie said...

Playing fetch with my puppy!

Miss Tanglewood said...

I think impromtu tea parties on my last Monday of college ever are awesome. :)

Anonymous said...

Being greeted by a dog that acts as if he though you had left him forever when coming back inside from taking out the trash.

Seeing the plant you grew from a seed flower.

Chocolate and carbohydrates in any combination.

Heather said...

Awesome is when my kids laugh...or when they tell me I'm the most beautiful mom in the world and I'm skinny! Awesome is an iced coffee on a hot day, the smell of lilacs and honeysuckle in the spring, picking apples in the fall. Awesome is reading the pop culture references on Cake Wrecks every day!

Anonymous said...

Also: laying in bed for a half hour after waking up, just because you don't have to GET up.

kiggs said...

One of my favorite awesome things is looking outside and seeing a pigeon walk by on the outside of the building at work. Always makes me giggle, "Bird!"

Tiff K. said...

Favorite awesome thing #42- Drinking a cold beer in a hot shower after hiking all day! Tiff K.

Jenna said...

I have lots of awesome things:
*PvZ on the DS!!
*Mario Party with my husband
*Finding a good deal!
*Warm sunny days :D

I could go on... but you get the idea.

CellistNorway said...

Awesome: Finding out that coffee and ice cream helps alleviate my pollen allergy!

Of course, it might just be placebo.

Placebo is awesome!

kiggs said...

One of my favorite awesome things is looking out the window at work and seeing a pigeon walk by on the side of the building. Always makes me giggle, "Bird!"

Kim said...

One of my favorite awesome things is hearing my 4 yr. old daughter sing "Take me out to the Ball Game". :)

Kika said...

My fav thing is finding dollar bills in my just washed/dried clothes... It's like a reward for doing laundry, heehee

StaciO831 said...

Smelling rain in the air when there are wild fires 80 miles away raging so bad due to the lack of rain is AWEsome! Finally getting the rain is great but that smell before it comes... nothing beats that!

Karel said...

My "Awesome" is winning the English Award for Excellence for the year at your college, when I didn't know there even WAS an English Award for Excellence!!!

peg said...

My favorite awesome thing today is hearing the peepers (frogs) at night after a very long Maine winter. Spring is finally here when you hear them sing! Also what is awesome is that I had so many awesome things that I thought of before posting.

Anonymous said...

cycling is awesome. it's so much fun I can never figure out why I don't do it every day. The bicycle is awesomeness incarnate!

Rachel Athaclena

crownring said...

One of my favorite things is scoring a stupendous thrift store find. I once got a totally awesome $50 necklace for 50 cents!

wv: ponce I ponce on bargains!

Angel mom to Lena and Dub said...

Our USA military forces are AWESOME! Mission accomplished!

WFbean02 said...

The most awesome thing to me is knowing that on my days off I won't have to set an alarm because my 11-month old will wake me up at 9am instead. I love opening my eyes to see his big brown eyes and 5-toothed smile.

Also, cake batter flavored ice cream. Yum :d

Unknown said...

The awesomest (is that a word??) thing for me? My eight month old daughter! She is the absolute light of my life. Her little giggle, her figuring out how to do things, how excited she gets when she sees something she likes...I can't get enough!

I also LOVE your blog to btw - seeing that there are bigger idiots out there that I don't have to deal with on a regular basis makes me smile! :)

gigi said...

Fresh raspberries sneaked off the neighbour's bushes. Totally divine.

TMaryMack said...

one of my favorite awesome things is visiting one of my favorite blogs on a 'bad day' and seeing something that makes me smile... it just so happens that 1000awesomethings and cake wrecks are 2 of those blogs. Thanks for the many laughs and reasons to smile =)

Unknown said...

The joy on the face of a newly one year old as they smash up their birthday cake.

Angela Reichenbach said...

Something awesome...those rare summer days in Florida when it's somehow not 90+ degrees. Once in a blue moon it will be a little overcast with a nice breeze blowing. They're so rare that when they happen I feel like I'm getting a little gift to enjoy. :)

Also awesome...puppy breath!

Greenmare said...

When we get to our favorite private camping spot and hear the river again.
and good coffee. good coffee is awesome.

Robin Pennington said...

My favorite awesome thing is when a child is trying to do something like learning to tie a shoe or zip a coat and they finally get it after several tries. To see the look of Pride on their face is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Seeing a photo of seriously sick children smiling away with the happy mail I sent via :)

Sabriam - said...

My most favorite awesome thing are books and food

Susan at said...

It really makes me happy when my grilled cheese sandwich toasts perfectly on both sides without requiring a spatula smoosh. Nothing more awesome than a perfectly grilled grilled cheese.

Unknown said...

Feeling my little guy kick is pretty awesome. You know what else will be awesome? Getting to actually SEE my little one. That will be pretty sweet. :) July 7th couldn't come fast enough!

miss ruark said...

awesome - being the first one to walk through an ice covered puddle!

Tanya said...

Awesome is when you find that new book from your favorite author on the shelf in the library! YES!!

interestedparty29 said...

The most awesome thing for me: today my awesome daughter and equally awesome son-in-law left Tanzania (where she was the awesome director for 9 years of an awesome home for some TRULY awesome street kids and AIDS orphans) to begin their journey back to the States.

Randi said...

My awesome thing is Dr Pepper. I love Dr Pepper.

TCC said...

Awesome = unexpected treats, like exchanging Spinal Tap references with someone you just met, walking into a coffee shop and being handed a free travel mug, finding a pink donut on your desk because someone knows you love them, or your cat opting to let you sleep in instead of poking you in the nose at 6:30 am.

Unknown said...

Merciful heavens! Over 800 comments.
My awesome things are finding True Love in the second half of my life with a husband who is crazy about me.
And warm puppy tummies are pretty awesome too.

Unknown said...

Awesome is remembering what my password is to make a comment!

Jenny Allworthy said...

Finding a $20 bill in your coat pocket that you haven't worn for 6 months!


TCC said...

Awesome = unexpected treats, like exchanging Spinal Tap references with someone you just met, walking into your favorite coffee shop and being handed a free travel mug, someone leaving a pink donut on your desk because they know its your fav, or your cat opting to let you sleep in instead of poking you in the nose at 6:30 am.

sara.martin said...

My little girls square knees, the dimples on the backs of their hands and being in my van without my kids listening to big hair rock really loud!

Patty said...

Awesome is 2 years smoke-free. Yea ME!!

Unknown said...

Getting and giving unexpected compliments!!! Not just the usual, nice shirt or cute shoes, but a genuinely out-of-the-blue compliment about something you don't expect. Even better when it's from a total (non-creepy) stranger. A girl on the school bus in grade school once told me that I had pretty eyes and it makes me smile to think of that even to this day! I don't give superfluous compliments, but when I do compliment someone, I try to make it personal, special and completely unexpected so that someone else can have that little awesome moment too!

Gretchen W. said...

A day all to myself with absolutely nothing planned in advance.

Unknown said...

It was totally awesome when I taught my (then) 3 year old to say "That's a crazy (random) happenstance" and even more awesome when people got the reference!


Unknown said...

It was totally awesome when I taught my (then) 3 year old to say "That's a crazy (random) happenstance" and even more awesome when people got the reference!

Samantha Long said...

My favorite awesome thing is goat cheese and roasted garlic. delicious.

Jenny.Headlee said...

pockets on baby clothes! AWESOME!!!

Kelly said...

My two-year-old told me this morning, "Yer the best Mom I eber had!"

Awesome. I think.

Tam :o) said...

My awesome thing is hearing my 4 year old sing! I love his little songs and I love that he sings....

Marie F said...

Awesomeness is realizing that failing a class isn't the end of the world.

JennaBC said...

My awesome thing is the way it feels outside right before it rains.

Marie F said...

Marie F

Unknown said...

My WIFE is awesome, she makes more money than I ever could at her level of education, but most of all she's just awesome all over.

Cory Johnson

Binah the Bold said...

My favorite awesome thing is when you make a recipe you've never done before, and you screw it up but it tastes delicious anyway. :)

Unknown said...

The other day I saw my little cousin and her friends putting tape on their fake glasses and wearing neckties with tank tops. I think it's awesome that being a nerd is suddenly the thing to do, and I think it's even more awesome that I was a nerd before it was cool :)

Unknown said...

The most totally awesome thing for me is finally able to pursue my baking and pastry dream and make some awesome fantastic non-wreckable cakes!

Lisa Gibson said...

My favorite awesome thing is when I don't have something for breakfast or am running to late for breakfast I show up at work and someone is making pancakes for everyone or there are donuts left over from some random event. :D

Jo said...

My favorite awesome thing? Waking up at five in the morning, thinking I have to get up in another half hour to go to school, and realizing it's Saturday/winter break/not a school day for whatever reason.

Beans said...

My favorite awesome thing is to find a new home for a previously homeless pet! Best feeling in the world to give a great animal a second chance!

Dubs said...

Checking out Cake Wrecks everyday is awesome... Which usually leads to spitting whatever I'm drinking out of my mouth (and sometimes nose) which isn't so awesome. Oh, and butt kissing... butt kissing is awesome, dontcha think?

AlisonH said...

Getting to cuddle my new grandson, and now while we're back home hundreds of miles away, watching the video of his second-ever giggle at his mommy.

Brittany =) said...

My favorite awesome things are penguins, walks with my 88-year-old grandma, and using made up words like "kawesome" to make awesome that much more kawesome!

Liane said...

Finishing my first year of grad school is awesome!!

Jo said...

My favorite awesome thing? Waking up at five, thinking I have to get up in thirty minutes, then realizing it's Saturday/winter break/not a school day for whatever reason.

Craig said...

Any time I can spend with my fiancee (who lives in another state right now) is right up near the top of the list for sure.

My Mom is a three (praying for four-) time cancer survivor, so stories like that of @Tessa Rocks rank high on my list of awesome things. Time I can spend with her and knowing that something I do helps her.

Others: The gift of laughter (thank you, CW team, for facilitating that!). Knowing that everything has a purpose and a season, even when things seem purposeless and the bad stuff looks like it will go on forever.

My most awesome thing: knowing that God exists, that He has reconciled me to Himself -- even though I don't deserve it -- and will do the same for anyone who asks. For me, everything else flows from that.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the first wreck in today's post. It should be tagged, 'vicarious wish fulfillment'.

Susan J said...

When you walk into a house that still smells like the cookies/ scones/ bread/ brownies that were just baked

Michelle H. said...

One of my favorite awesome things is watching a beautiful sunset!

mizdarlin said...

One of my favourite awesome things is spending $20 on a bottle of wine and liking it when I try it!

Unknown said...

You know what's awesome?

New socks.

That's right, new socks. They're perfect, just the right amount of softness and stretch. Once they're worn and washed they're never the same again.

Simple pleasures.

Susan J said...

Daffodils.. yellow daffodils are just plain awesome

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