During these meetings you will each be required to list at least one 'awesome' thing about working here. Susan, GO."
"Oh, come on, this is so STU...."
"Did I mention this will be on your monthly review?"
"...PENDOUS! Haha! Yeah! [grabbing manager by lapels] WORKING HERE IS AWESOME."
"Something more specific, please."
"Oh. Ok. Um...
"Oh, I know! Making the candy apples is awesome.
"I like misspelling things and then convincing the customer it's actually spelled that way."
"Bob, I'm not sure this is exactly..."
"Ooh, yeah! And scaring the kids! That is SO awesome, am I right?" [high-fiveing Bob]
"Alright, everyone, if you'll just wait your turn..."
"What's wrong, Debra?"
"No, that's my awesome thing! Putting chocolate poo swirls on everything!"
[sigh] "And Mary? What about you?"
"I like giving the customers exactly what they ask for."
"Ah, excellent! You see, everyone? Now this is...
"No, I mean EXACTLY what they ask for."
Thanks to Denise G., Gema B., Amanda N., Meagan B., & Anne L. for being, um, awesome.
Oh, and hey, here's something that really IS awesome: my friend Neil of 1,000 Awesome Things has a free copy of his new book, The Book of Even More Awesome, for five of you lucky readers!
For a chance to win, just leave a comment telling me one of your favorite awesome things. It can be anything: getting extra icing on your slice of cake, picking the fastest line at the supermarket, snagging the last one of that sale item you wanted - you name it. We'll announce the five winners both here - on this post - and on the CW Facebook page at 12 midnight, EST, so be sure to check back!
1499 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1499 Newer› Newest»Awesome: The very bottom of a bag of chips, snack mix, crackers, etc...
You know, where the crumb shake accumulates. All those little flavor-saturated chunks that are too small to pick up with your fingers, so you have to make a total pig out of yourself by tilting the bag and dumping the contents all over your face. I <3 that.
My favorite awesome thing is tickling my little almost-two-year-old until he pees... but there's no cleanup because he's still in diapers! Awesome.
Old men who wear suspenders are awesome! Those Hello Kitties are not.
Waking up before everyone else in the house. Enjoying a good cup of coffee and browsing for project ideas. This is a truly awesome way to start the day.
one of my favorite awesome things is FLAMINGOS!!! i am seriously obsessed with them.. if it is flamingo related, i'd probably buy it.. lol. i even have a flamingo tattoo.. i mean, they're pink, they stand on one leg.. how much cooler can you get?!?! my parents are totally amused by it, buuuut Dad didnt find it as amusing when i flamingo'd his lawn...but deep down, i know he secretly enjoyed it.. like waaaay deep down.. haha.. Flamingos are love in action!! ;)
My husband! In fact I just bouoght him a shirt that reads "this is what awesome looks like."
My favourite awesome things are when my youngest sleeps all night so we all can, when my older son has moments of total clarity (he's ASD) & Autumn days where it's like 65 degrees, clear skies & super windy.
Today is my Birthday and that is frikkin AWESOME! Also that when I took a picture of the cake my hubby and kids made for me, and he said "if this shows up on cake wrecks, I will smack you" was awesome - shows he pays attention to the things that make me laugh!!
My 15 month old daughter's slobbery open mouthed kisses are pretty awesome.
My favorite awesome thing is a HOT bath with a new book and chocolate. I mean a lobster red hot bath, and the best part my 3 year old doesn't come in to bother me:)
Thin Mints for breakfast... AND for lunch!
My favorite awesome thing: seeing my brother's name show up as an incoming call, then hearing my 4-year-old nephew's voice instead, saying, "Hiiiii, Gina! How are you today?" Awesome.
My awesome is being on the beach. Haven't been in almost 6 years but I'd love to take my hubby and our babies. Maybe someday...
My awesome thing is seeing what good people my grown and almost grown children have become, and thinking I am the luckiest mom on the face of the earth, because I know I've made mistakes along the way and don't deserve what has been given to me.
I know others have said their husbands are awesome, but I must say that my husband is the awesomest of them all! He's been taking care of me, our 4 children, and the housework while I'm in bed recovering from major surgery. I'm a blessed girl..... Love him.
Okay I'll stop making everyone nauseous now =)
One of my favourite awesome things is singing along loudly to my favourite songs in the car. Or while dressing. Or while cleaning. Or anytime really.
When my 4 year old wakes up early on the weekend, and we have her hop in bed with us "to snuggle" and we all fall back asleep
So many things are awesome, but I have to say that coming home this weekend to my roommate hosting a baby shower -and making the usually annoying "game time" a DIY Cakewrecks event was Super Awesome with Awesome Sprinkles (especially the hot tub cake with carrot jockey babies drinking beers...)
Hopping in to take a nice hot shower and realizing that the washing machine is on (not so awesome) - BUT then realizing that finished your shower between rinse cycles and weren't left stranded with shampoo in your hair!!! SUPER AWESOME!!! kaseyson
My favorite awesome thing is having a friend randomly send a text or email when I'm having a very bad day especially if they don't know I'm having it. Lifts me up every time!
My favorite awesome people are you guys here at CW! *wink wink nudge nudge*
Now I must go scrub owl cake from brain...
My current favorite awesome thing is my 3-year-old's version of nursery rhymes: Ponkey Donkey sat on a wall. Ponkey Donkey had a great fall. All the kings horses and all the kings pigs couldn't put Ponkey Donkey together again.
Awesomeness is air conditioning....in Florida.....in August.
My "awesome" is planning my beach wedding with my Mom, and finding perfect little touches for it in unexpected places.
Walking into my 90 yrs old mother's assisted living room and she greets me with a smile. When I leave, she says thank you for caring for her. That puts a tear in my eye. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Beckie in TN
Wanna know what's awesome? Colleen M. Love that post.
The fact that my little one will be 5 at the end of this month, but she still calls me "Momma". Not Mom, not mommy, but Momma. Just like she did the first time. <3
My older kids are 20 and 18 and I am cherishing this one's little-ness as long as I can! The holidays were SO MAGICAL this year. I wish I could hold onto this forever. :)
Making my son "blow" the red lights green at every one we stop at. He's almost 4 and completely convinced that he has the power to change the red light for me! I love it so much when he isn't paying attention and we stop and he says from the back, "Sorry Mommy! I'll change the next one!"
Salted almonds.
The way the lawn looks right after it's mowed. (Bonus if you didn't have to mow it yourself)
Sorry. It's impossible to pick just one!
Our waiter telling my husband, "Drink up Sparky! You are getting beat by a girl!" when our friend is on her second beer and my husband is still nursing his first.
Needless to say, I have a new nickname for my husband now!
My favorite awesome thing:
the ultrasound at 11 weeks telling my husband and me that, after a couple of miscarriages, we are finally having a healthy baby!
I am now 32 weeks pregnant and our daughter is all healthy and growing perfectly inside me.
My most favoritest awesome things is being able to sleep in and actually doing so!!! (I need sleep!)
my favorite awesome thing: brand new foster kittens. we just took in two 7-week-old kittens to foster on Saturday. so precious! we're calling them Minnie and Princess Fluffy-Pants.
You know what's awesome? Batman. Like for reals, he's got the best toys, the best costume, the best wheels AND Catwoman is totally hotter than Lois Lane.
Also I'm fat :)
The most awesome thing is when my 6 week old baby sleeps 7 hours through the night :)
My favorite thing is the phrase "I love you mommy!"
My favorite awesome thing is when the baby smiles at you during her middle-of-the-night feeding. :)
When an entire line of traffic stands strong and doesn't let a dirtbag cut in front of those patiently waiting to exit. Stand strong, my brothers! Together we will teach manners to all those with none!
My awesomest thing is the dental floss and clothes pins I just lined my walls with that holds my kids' artwork. I love it even when I don't like my kids. Rainbow butterflies and distorted rhinos...What's not to love?
Getting in a good workout & then feeling no guilt eating the corner piece of cake my neighbor just brought over!
What is awesome?
My niece, who is having little baby Gabriel Lee at the hospital as we speak (as we read? As we write?) and my 3 month old niece Harper!!
It's a baby-palooza!!
Dawn Aka Blanche!
I'm a scientist and my favorite awesome thing is the moment I finish analyzing data from an important experiment. That is the moment you have insight into the way nature works, and for that moment you are the only person in the world who knows how something works. That is, until you excitedly blab it to your lab mates. :)
I am pregnant with my 4th baby and in a lot of pain. It's hard to walk and my house looks like a tornado went through it. I feel useless and grouchy and I hate being that way to my other kids. But when I am sitting down (which is a lot) and I start to feel the baby kick and move inside of me and see my belly bounce up and down I know it's all worth it and is the most awesome thing I can think of. =)
One of my favorite awesome things is being "groomed" by my pet bunny. He puts his paws up on my head and makes the tiniest, cutest licking noise.
An awesome thing: the right to vote. Because democracy is cool.
So you Canadians out there, don't forget to vote today!
One of my favorite awesome things is not having any homework that I have to get done over the weekend, so that I can sleep in until 3 pm and not feel guilty!
Getting up before the family and running, just you and the Rolling Stones. All day long you enjoy the feeling of walking around on "runned" legs.
Awesome is my littlest, who will be 5 this month, still calling me Mama. Not Mommy, not Mom.
My older kids are HS and college. They grew so fast. I want to hang on to this one's 'little-ness' as long as I can! The holidays were so MAGICAL for her this year. I wish I could have that forever. <3
My favorite awesomeness is getting the giggles in a very serious meeting, a meeting I'm suppose to take scrupulous notes in, and laughing so hard I can't concentrate because I'm thinking about CAKE WRECKS! This site seriously makes my day, especially on a Monday. AWESOME!
The first spoon of peanut butter out of a freshly opened jar. Homemade strawberry ice cream in the summer.
So awesome that it is raining again because 7+ inches last month wasn't enough!
I don't have anything clever to say... But the awesome thing that always makes me smile is one of the following items: stroopwafel over a cup of hot coffee, a tim tam slam, thanks to an Aussie friend for making me aware of this treat, pim's raspberry shortbread cookie and finally a really good chili dog, with sweet and little bit spicy chili sauce.
My favorite awesome thing is reading a book so good that when you finish it you dream about it for the next week, both at night and during the day.
My awesome thing happened 10 minutes ago! I am 29 weeks pregnant and 2 years ago I had a kidney tranplant. I became pregnant naturally which is a mircle in itself. 13 days ago I was admitted to the hospital with kidney rejection and had to put in emergency dialysis which meant a central line in my neck. 10 minutes ago that line came out which means no more dialysis and I am that much closer to going home and having my baby girl grow so more in my tummy.
My husband!!
My most awesome times, are the times that I 'drift' on a supermarket trolley. (You know where you run with the trolley and then jump on and try and guide it around a bend)
Well there was this one particular day, and I was just gathering up speed. I was anticipating the speed at which I would bend around the next aisle, when all of a sudden I spotted one of my pupils from school. What a dilemma. Should I carry on, or just jump off ? decisions, decisions. I decided 'bollocks' just got for it.
I eyed up the forthcoming aisle, and decided that I needed just a touch more speed - I let my foot go to the floor, and started pushing myself along faster and faster ... I was almost there ... I was almost at the bend. The kids in school would love me - they would think that I was the coolest person alive ... I was getting nearer. I quickly threw up a prayer to God to help me. I craned over to the right. The front wheels creaked with the force, but they were turning - and turning - and turning. I was almost there. One more little lean, and I'd be round that bend. I leaned over as if I was a windsurfing champion. The trolley creaked one more time...
I woke up with a small circle of strangers looking over me. And the shopping trolley. And my shopping. I could hear a roaring laugh from somewhere in the crowd. I recognised it. It was that damn pupil from school!
A later review of the incident recorded that it was an 'awesome' effort - despite the epic fail !
That was my most awesome moment EVER !!! However my 15 year old son thought that it was the most embarrassing moment of his life, and that I should act like an 'almost 50 year old mum' :P( Me ? NEVER !
Awesome !
My awesome thing is my blackberry's recorder feature. I recorded my 6 yr old saying "good morning Mommy, I love you" and then set that to be my morning alarm!! How can your day go bad if you start with that sweet beginning!! Especially since he's not 6 anymore!!!!
Danna C
One of my favorite awesome things is holding my baby while rocking her to sleep in my arms; I always hold her just a little longer than needed so I steal soft kisses & snuggles from her.
Most awesome thing is my husband - who didn't even yell at me when I backed the car into the garage door.
What's awesome? My 15 year old daughter coming home and asking me 'when I kiss someone, and I feel like I'm going to throw up, is that normal?' YES! Love is AWESOME!
Awesome is sitting in the armchair in my flannel PJs, purring cat in my lap, hot chocolate in my hands, watching big, fat, fluffy snowflakes fall, knowing I don't have to go to campus.
Also French pastries, especially macarons, are AWESOME. I will be gobbling down as many as I can this summer.
Spending all year teaching people you think are not listening only to find out that they were, and they learned from me!!!!
My most awesome thing is when my youngest son (22) tells me he is so grateful for the way we raised him & his brother & sister.
That owl cake is awesome.
No really, I really like it.
The "butterfly kiss" I get from my 3 years old before going to bed!
Overhearing a hilarious conversation that I can then gleefully report on my people watching blog
Checking my favorite websites (*cough*CakeWrecks*cough*) when I should be working, and hiding the window when my supervisors come around. :~P
Awesome = naptime.
My awesome thing--When we go to Disney World, we always go to Magic Kingdom first. We enter the park using the entrance lane furthest to the left. Once inside, we have our kids cover their eyes with their hands until we are right in the center of Main St. USA in full view of the castle. The smiles on their faces and gasps of joy are priceless. It never gets old. -Michelle
Pretty awesome to fill my gas tank, JUST before the price goes up another 30 cents or so!
One of my favorite awesome things is watching something I want to buy until it goes on super-clearance, then snagging it for way less than I would've paid if it had been full price!
WV: trolymba - an unusual instrument which is a cross between a trombone and a cymbal.
My awesome thing is that we are safe and together after the tornados that touched down 15 miles from us here in alabama
my other awesome thing is finding money in soemthing I haven't worn since last summer.
Getting the "corner piece" of cake WITH a flower without asking (or begging!) for it!
Two of my favorite awesome things are laughing with friends and breakfast on Mother's Day.
I made caramel for the first time! I rule.
Having my marine step-son home for the weekend.
Oh, and I couldn't resist singing....
Rain drops on roses, and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles, and warm woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with string....these are a few of my favorite things!
You're welcome! =) It's stuck in my head, and now it's stuck in yours! (I did look through the comments, but over 500 was a lot! So if someone else posted it - have a great day anyhow!)
A box of red wine and a chick flick and being ALONE! Cake Wrecks makes me laugh everyday so thanks for that!
In college my BFF and I got a cookie cake that said "Ahhh... people are crunchy" - it was a Life in Hell cartoon reference and I'm pretty sure everyone but she and I thought we were insane. Making people crazy (or think that you're crazy) is AWESOME!!
p.s. my word verification is "bumboye" which is pretty funny in itself ;)
trying recipes from the CAKE MIX DR. especially when my best friend makes them. My cakes look atrocious and hers are always beautiful!
Popcorn popped on the stove in a pan with coconut oil, then drizzled with real butter and sprinkled with salt. Wow, that's awesome.
My favorite awesome things are my twin daughters! They are 7 months and are amazing! I know it's corny, but after trying for nearly 2 years and thinking that we just probably wouldn't have kids, they are the most awesome things in my life!
Realizing that you're done for the day and get to leave work an hour early is totally awesome!
Oh, and so are those moments of suppressed hilarity that ensue from meeting a friend's glance after observing something funny in public.
Most awesome: When you're driving around with the windows down for one of the first times in spring, and John Fogerty's "Centerfield" comes on the radio, and you and your husband smile big at each other, and he turns up the volume, and you sing along and play drums on the dashboard and you think of when you first met and baseball and summer and vacation and all the great things coming in the next few months.
Yesterday, my son came over to sew a cape and mask for his wife so they could attend a super hero themed roller derby match. Having the materials on hand, knowing he can sew because of me, and seeing how much he love making things for her was pretty awesome.
WV: doddlit. If you aren't sure what to write on that cake, just doddlit.
My favorite awesome thing is helping my niece become a Star Wars geek like myself. The force is strong with her....
I think it is hilariously awesome that my 7 month old prefers the hardwood floor to rugs because she figured out that sliding on your belly is a faster way to get to your sisters' toys than to learn to crawl. If she finds herself plopped on the carpet she will roll till she feels the hardwood floor... Awesome.
I think it is awesome when I have exact change!
My favorite awesome thing (at least for the moment) is that sense of relief after your finals!
One of my favorite awesome things is when my husband and I respond exactly the same way and same time to something, which happens fairly often. It usually cracks me up and tempts me to yell "Jinx!"
Something awesome: when you are watching a favorite show, like Doctor Who, on your DVR, and you get done watching the episodes you have and suddenly realize there's a whole new episode that has just recorded that you haven't watched yet! This happened to me yesterday, and it was pretty awesome.
Dancing with my boyfriend in the aisles of the grocery store to the typically 90's music they play.
Fonetik speleng iz awsum!
Spontaneous dancing in the kitchen with my husband, being woken up in the morning by my 4yo saying "I love you Mommy! Wake UP!", strawberry margaritas on a hot summer day, and chocolate in any form are all awesome!
One of my very favorite awesome things is my brain. I was in a bad auto accident last July and I've been recovering from a serious brain injury since then. I had no idea how much I took my brain for granted until it was "gone". I'm getting better, slowly but surely, and I hope I never take it for granted again because it's awesome!
Riding a new roller coaster on opening day, sleeping in a bed with freshly laundered sheets or slamming your pigs into a brand new pair of socks and sliding on hardwood floors are 3 pretty damn awesome things...just sayin. Melissa V
The noise my cat, Luna, makes, she sounds like Chewbacca. Awesome!
Reading what other people find awesome and agreeing. Awesome!
One of my favorite things is "finding" money in pockets of my old jackets, purses, pants, etc.
Another awesome? Turtles. They carry their house with them wherever they go and when they poke out there little heads I get a sense of "squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" I can not describe other than to say: "SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!! So cute!!!!" *poke*
I think one of my most awesome things is when my 23 month old looks at me at night and says "Wuv Mama! Hugs" and then I get sloppy kisses and hugs before putting him down for the night. And when he sleeps through the night. Even more awesome.
Bacon cupcakes. Just had my first one yesterday and it was surprisingly good.
One of my favorite awesome things? Sending a text to a friend while simultaneously receiving a text from the same friend referencing the exact same subject matter. Because it's just crazy awesome when we think alike!!...even though we haven't seen eachother in, oh, about 10 years.
Chocolate chip waffles with cream on top. It's heaven.
I volunteer at a private, no-kill animal rescue. The most awesome thing is when one of the "unadoptable" cats finds a forever home.
(Also awesome, if a bit eerie -- the word verification on this included the word "cat".)
Getting the corner piece of cake so that I can eat all that extra frosting - that's pretty awesome. Especially when it's a good cake with delicious frosting.
- AuntB
My favorite awesome thing is that a Sonic opened up not to far from us. It's awesome because I L.O.V.E. their ice!!!
Also, another awesome thing is my 3 year old daughter knows just the right things to say at the seemingly right time to make me laugh. - atomikjen
My awesomest thing is sitting on a hill in springtime, with luscious green forest covering the surrounding mountains, and the smell of thyme in the air!
p.s. I totally vote for Tanira! :)
Free cupcakes on the Sprinkles-mobile. Surprise free sweet potato fries with my order at Smash Burger. In general, free food is totally awesome. Also, this blog.
My favorite awesome thing is trying a new recipe and pulling it off without tears or slammed pots or pans.
I thought the owl cake was supposed to be Big Bird and they didn't get the color right.
My awesome cake-related moment is at my daughter's birthday parties when the guests have gone, the mess is cleaned up and I can sit down, put my feet up and enjoy MY piece of birthday cake.
going to bed in a icy cold room with crisp clean linens. LOVE!
My awesome things: 1) Cleaning your closet/purse/car/room and finding money you had stashed away and then forgotten. 2) Looking forward to being a home owner for the first time!
vw: rowshin: and the rowshin I'm here is that Cakewrecks is awesome!
Awesome was being able to track down a long-lost high school friend for my father (who is not computer savvy) and being able to see the look of surprise on his face, and hearing him say the words "Thank you," knowing how truly grateful he is.
I think it's awesome when I see a rare bird fly onto a branch right in front of my living room window.
Parking under a tree on the street overnight and seeing that gorgeous flowers had fallen all over your car hood in the morning--indicating that spring is finally here.
One of my most awesome things....that 15 to 20 mins of solitude in between my daughters and husband leaving for school and work; and when the twins get up in the morning. Pure awesomeness!!
Reading a book by a fire with a mug of hot chocolate on a cold, rainy day. That is awesome.
There are so many awesome things, it's hard to pick. However, a really good pun is awesome - the kind that makes you groan and then want to share with the next person you talk to. :o)
It's also awesome when your angelic-looking self can make someone laugh - like the time I purposely got a birthday cake for my brother that said "Happy Bar Mitzvah, Bernie" but told him it was all they had left at the bakery.
Awesome thing: waking up ON MY BIRTHDAY to the news that Osama Bin Laden is DEAD! OK, somebody, beat that!
wv: borefrie - This awesome site is definitely borefrie! I LOL every morning.
My favorite awesome thing is when my 26 mile commute in DC traffic takes less than an hour! Makes me smile ALL day :)
One of my awesome things is waking up the morning, turning on the computer, and hearing, "You've got mail!" I live thousands of miles away from my family and the friends I grew up with, so I love getting emails. :)
being able to post this comment without being kicked out again!
Getting hugs and kisses from my almost-2 year old son and hearing him say "lub you mommy". Oh, and Lindor truffles. Those things rock my socks.
Getting the highest rated comment on a youtube video. And people then replying stuff like "lol made my day :D" or "hahahahahaha!" or "wtf lol"
Lol, I'm sad xD
One of the most awesome things is discovering money in pockets and other places. Makes my day!
My favorite awesome thing is finding an excellent bargain. :) Thanks for the awesome chance to win this cool book!
Surprising family with a visit home when you live far away is awesome.
One time, my stepdad picked me up at the airport, and I talked to my mom the whole ride back to their house, she thought I was still out of state. I rang the doorbell, which irritated her, cause it was interrupting our conversation. She never figured it out, cause when she saw it was me at the door, she dropped the phone. :)
When the sky is bright blue, not a cloud in sight. The sun always makes everyone more cheerful and productive. It's awesome!
Flipping to the cold side of the pillow is awesome!
Hearing my daughters' giggling together...nothing is more awesome than that!
The most awesomest thing ever is when the baby makes a horrible poopy diaper when I'm not home. Someone else having to change her=awesome!
Something awesome is, I bought my little Keylime Green car five years ago! I LOVE driving it every day because it's my FAVORITE color. People think I'm weird for that... Part B is, The little green car will be paid off next month! YAY!
Walking into a pediatric hospital room with my pet-assisted therapy dog and seeing a child who reportedly hasn't smiled in many days just break into a huge grin because my awesome dog came to visit him/her. That is awesome!
Walking into a room and having my two year old run to me saying Mommy like we have been separated for days instead of minutes.
Not being depressed anymore and believing people when they tell me I'm awesome.
Today, I realized that when I get married next month I will finally, after 34 years as an only child, have brothers and sisters. Awesome!
My favorite things are 3 little hands on my tummy feeling the 4th little hand punching them, the smell of fresh baked cookies, putting on pants and a shirt straight out of the dryer, and my awesome husband. He works so hard for our family and his hard work allows me to stay home with all the little munchkins who are pretty awesome themselves. They make me giggle everyday!!
Lots of awesome things, but one of them was getting to sing my favorite Easter song at church last Sunday. It's a more traditional song and the church mostly sings not-very-traditional songs, so it was awesome to sing it!
It's awesome that it's May 2nd and snowing out. Oh, wait. Darnit, I pressed the sarcasm button again...
Awesomeness was my old ring tone and having my kids whistling along to 'Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life' :D
Most recent favorite awesome thing? Watching my two-year old enthralled and sitting all the way through his first ever viewing of Star Wars.
I love 1000 Awesome Things! What I find most awesome is that moment where everything feels all right and you can finally relax. We need more of those kind of awesome moments.
When I tell my two-year-old that his broccoli is dinosaur food and he gobbles it up excitedly- that is awesome!
Three years down the line, I still find waking up without a machine doing my breathing for me awesome.
My favorite awesome thing is when my 8yo runs in out of the blue to surprise me with a kiss! The AWESOMEST!
One of my favorite awesome things is being employed.
Awesome is finding that last on sale copy of the Godfather Trilogy in Blu-Ray and then lording it over your brothers so the spend most of the night visiting Wal-Marts trying to not get behinds in the "my DVD collection is better than yours" game. :)
(I love my brothers but they're so easy to get stirred up!!!)
Having complete strangers make googoo eyes at my 5-month-old son. I was never one of those "Oh he's so CUUUUUTE!!" people, so I'm surprised and delighted every time it happens. It makes it worth all the hassle of getting out the door!
My favorite awesome thing is driving somewhere on a warm sunny evening with my boyfriend and not being in a hurry just driving along and talking about everything under the sun. And believe me, we do come up with some pretty weird topics :)
Enjoying the warmth of the sun after 8 months of winter!
I think it is pretty awesome that my 89 year old grandma is on Facebook (all the time) and that she loves communicating with her grandkids and seeing pics of her great grandaughter that way!
I'm loving everyone's "awesomes". My favourite awesome is when my daughter throws her arms around me and says,"I love you Mummy." (And I can tell that she doesn't want anything)
My favourite thing is cold drinks in a warm glass. Yumyum.
Awesome is my soon to be 7yr old autistic son. 4 years ago he couldn't communicate with us verbally or eat foods that aren't pureed. Today he talks our heads off and makes us laugh and just a few weeks ago ate his first burger (ok white castle, but it is beef)!! His reward I'm going to (hopefully) make him an R2D2 cake for his Birday (Birthday). LOL Pray for me Wreckerators!
My favorite thing? When my six month old daughter growls after a yawn, just like her daddy; when she crinkles up her face and shudders back at a bad taste; and best of all, when she grins wide with her whole face and her one little tooth poking out. She's a charmer!
One of my favorite awesome things is very simple. . . a long drawn out full body stretch. You know, the ones that have even your toes streching and then leave you light headed because it feels so freaking awesome. Yeah. Those kind.
I don't know if this is open to people who don't live in the USA but in case it is:
I live in Canada and today we are having a federal election. Having studied politics at university and having spent extended time in a country where people aren't given the option to vote, I think having an election is awesome. Being allowed to have a say in my leader is awesome. Living in a country where women are 'permitted' to vote is awesome.
Also, the Game of Thrones mini-series is pretty awesome as well.
your sale item comment made me think how much i love it (and how AWESOME) it is to find one more of the sale item behind whatever is stocked just to the left or right. AWESOME!
One of my awesome things is watching an untranslated japanese movie with chinese friends. I'm just learning chinese, and they don't speak or understand japanese.
I love going through a speedtrap, getting that oh crap feeling and then noticing that you were going the limit at the time.
The most awesome thing that happened this week was a neighborhood mallard duck pecked his way through my backdoor screen, into my dining room, through my living room and into my kitchen pantry, where he then helped himself to a bag of potato chips, a bag of licorice, and a boxed cake mix before being discovered. What a swirl of cake mix, feathers, and duck poo to clean up but "A" for effort on the duck's part. Go, duck, go!
Awesome is even though lots of my friends lost there homes in last weeks tornados; none of them lost there lives. Plus awesome is finally having electricity, phone, and internet back! Frany
For me right now, awesome is having gone to my sister's wedding, having made the jewelry for her bridesmaids, having helped make the rehearsal dinner, having made the rehearsal dinner dessert, visiting with family I've not seen in 20 years and then coming home to big hugs from my absolutely wonderful husband, our sweet boychild and head butts from our adorable pair of kitty overlords. Just a big enormous feeling-so-lucky whirlwind of awesome.
-Anne S.
I love making something one of a kind and perfect for friends and family and watching their reactions. :)
A recent awesome thing was my two and a half year-old daughter waking up from a deep nap, sitting up and singing "LALALALALALALA" for about five seconds, and then passing out again. My crazy awesome girl!
PS and this being my very first CW comment!
Favorite awesome thing is an overcast day & me snuggling into the sofa with a huge comforter, a favorite book, and my doggy curled up next to me!
Awesome thing is my baby who turns 2 today. She is crazy.
Most awesome thing - opening a Dungeons and Dragons booster pack and finding a gorgeous huge-sized dragon inside. Rawr!
rain drops on roses and wiskers on kittens.. wait those are already taken ;)
for me an awesomething is taking that four hour drive north to no where, driving up that long (kinda scarily vertical) drive way. The crunch of my sneakers on gravel as i climb out of the car, the smell of the country and knowing that I am away from it all. No internet, no telephone save a family members cell phone in case of emergencies. Just me my rolling suit case, the beautiful hill top view of the mountains in hayseville NC, lots of books and quiet. This is my awesome thing. :)
An awesome thing? I like it when nighttime walks with friends turn into good conversations that last for hours.
the deep gut laughs i get when i look at the "let's get physiological" over and over again. also, working at home so that i can look and laugh on my own time!
Getting "pennies from Heaven" in the mailbox!
Awesome is the side by side comparison of what my severely premature baby looked like at birth - and the happy, healthy, fat chunk of love he is now. Thank G-d for modern medicine, and those who help apply it every day! :o)
My son who turned 4 today is one of the awesomest people alive, he cracks me up with the things he says. His most recent gem was about a portapotty " mom, it's the place where workmens go to pee on the floor" He is a wonderful little dude and makes everyday worth living!
My awesome thing is finding out your favorite funny cake blogger is also a Disney fan!
My totally awesome things:
A - Watching so much Doctor Who than I end up with a British accent
B - Watching so much Doctor Who that my DREAMS are about adventures with the good Doctor (10 or 11, they're both adorable)
C - My awesome husband buying me the 10th Doctor's sonic screwdriver for our wedding anniversary. Yes, that's what I wanted. Jewellery is over-rated! :P
Also, can you tell I love me some Doctor Who??? :D
Aaaaaand my name is Alyssa!
Today I started a fire in my toaster. I thinks it's awesome that I didn't burn the house down.
A new kitchen sink! Sounds simple, but after being without one for nearly two years (long story), it IS awesome. Oh and my wonderful husband who installed it is just as awesome!
Picking up my daughter (3yo) at school to have her spot me and yell, "Mommy!" while running through any obstacle to hug my legs.
My favorite awesome thing is when, after 10 years, my husband still reaches for my hand when we're walking together.
My name is Mika, and I would say the most awesome thing I have found in life has been the embrace of my 6 year old son Kenneth. His adorable perspectives and social skills have left me inspired to keep being the "best daddy in da hoe wowld!" Being only with him every other weekend sucks, but the moments I share in his embrace releases an awesome amount of relief that makes the whole world a little lighter. When I was his age, the most awesome thing was to dive into a fresh pile of warm laundry right out of the drier... I made a song about it when I was a kid... My son made a song up this past week in his prayer before bed to God which brought me to tears... So... Yes... Life is awesome when you have children around! Sorry for the rabbit trail there! A lot of things to be thankful for while you have them within reach!
Having a good ol' Laugh-Out-Loud moment....even in the library XD
My favorite awesome things:
-Cruisin' on the highway with the windows rolled down and my favorite song comes on the radio.
-Finding money in the pocket of my old spring jacket!
-Lemon cake with cream cheese frosting...yum!
My favorite things: 1) while cleaning your room/purse/car finding money you had stashed and then forgotten, 2) looking forward to being a homeowner for the first time
(sorry if this is a double post my computer acted up)
Awesome is when my friend for 25+ years told me this weekend that the thing she loves most about our friendship is how much we laugh together, and that's exactly the same thing I love most about our friendship. Kindred spirits rock on!
My favorite awesome thing is when a little kid notices and is genuinely interested in or fascinated by my crochet. Little ones only care that something is fun/neat/interesting, and don't care whether it's uncool or not "gender-appropriate."
My favorite awesome thing is clean underwear. Never underestimate the power of clean underwear. That's why your mother always told you to be sure to wear clean underwear in case you are in an accident. Of course, if you are in a horrible accident, you might have had clean underwear to start, but it may have scared the crap outta you. But, I digress. Clean underwear is AWESOME!!
Something totally awesome is when you unintentionally do something to help someone else have an awesome day. Compliment someones shoes, or even just flash them a smile and ask them about their day. For some people it just rolls off the surface, but for some people, that connection is just what they needed and when you see it in their eyes that you gave them something helpful, that is an awesome feeling! The moral of the story- reach out to people because almost everyone is feeling overwhelmed or lonely at one point or another in their day. :) Peace and Love
Finding out that I don't have Celiac disease and am able to eat cake again, is AWESOME!
The most awesome thing is going outside just after a pre-dawn thunderstorm and seeing a rainbow and a sunrise at the same time.
--Lady C.
Hearing my kids laugh us one of the most awesome things in life!
Cut price Easter chocolate is pretty awesome - we now have a lovely warren of chocolate rabbits featuring Lindt-bunny, Cad-bunny and Sains-bunny (that last one may not quite work outside the UK, but he is the biggest bunny in the warren so can't be left out.)
What I think would be awesome is winning something in a contest, when you have never won anything at all! Like a cool book from contest on a website! Just. Plain. Awesome!
Awesome is having only 10 more tuition payments for my kid and when they are done, I am quitting this stupid corporate job and going to work with the homeless.
One of my favorite awesome things going to the mall on a rainy day. For some reason, that makes it much more fun.
Getting kisses and snuggles in the morning from my two kids, 5 & 3. Or NY black and white cookies. Both full of yum!
Okay, CCCs are horrible, awful abominations, I agree. But..... that owl cake is actually awesome. C'mon it has donuts for eyes, actually looks amazingly like an owl and I actually want to eat it!
I have such trouble posting on this site sometimes, well i will just rewrite it and make sure it posts :)
Totaly awesome thing? rain drops on roses and wiskers on kittens...wait those are already taken ;)
For me my "totally awesome" is taking that four hour drive north, watching the city disapear as i get closer and closer to my destination. I drive up the long (and scarily vertical) driveway, climb out hear the crunch of the gravel on my sneakers and i look at the most beautiful place i have ever seen. Im on a hill top looking out i can see what looks like forever the mountians in the distance, and to me even the cows in the feilds look beauitful. I am in the middle of nowhere, away from cities, internet, Televisoin (save a few dvds one may bring) , and cellphones/telephones save a family members for emegencies. This, this hill top cabin in NC is my awesome thing.
These comments are awesome. I expected Cooke ts somewhat like the bakery employees, but so far all those I've read are for real and have me smiling!
Driving home from work and seeing Mennonite moms outside playing baseball with their Mennonite daughters. Play ball! :)
Having my son mostly potty trained so I only have to play hide-n-go-shit once in awhile these days.
What is REALLY awesome is a big cup of good coffee to go with the corner piece of cake that has all the extra icing on it. YUM!!
Awesome? When you rush out the door to find that your roommate cleaned the snow of your windshield!