Monday, May 2, 2011

Totally Awesome

Monday, May 2, 2011

"Bakers, it has come to our attention that 'morale' is 'low.' Therefore, effective immediately, we will be instituting mandatory staff meetings every Friday at 3pm to get to the bottom of this problem.

During these meetings you will each be required to list at least one 'awesome' thing about working here. Susan, GO."

"Oh, come on, this is so STU...."

"Did I mention this will be on your monthly review?"

"...PENDOUS! Haha! Yeah! [grabbing manager by lapels] WORKING HERE IS AWESOME."

"Something more specific, please."

"Oh. Ok. Um...

"Oh, I know! Making the candy apples is awesome.

"It really gets my aggressive tendencies out."

"I...see. Bob?"

"I like misspelling things and then convincing the customer it's actually spelled that way."

"Cracks me up every time!"

"Bob, I'm not sure this is exactly..."

"Ooh, yeah! And scaring the kids! That is SO awesome, am I right?" [high-fiveing Bob]

"Alright, everyone, if you'll just wait your turn..."

"Oooh, crap!"

"What's wrong, Debra?"

"No, that's my awesome thing! Putting chocolate poo swirls on everything!"

"I call it my number two special. Haha!"

[sigh] "And Mary? What about you?"

"I like giving the customers exactly what they ask for."

"Ah, excellent! You see, everyone? Now this is...

"No, I mean EXACTLY what they ask for."

"It's totally awesome." [giggle]

"Well, I think that's enough for today. I hope this meeting has helped remind you all to cherish the little things, and to really enjoy your jobs here. Now, next week: Airbrushing! See you then."

Thanks to Denise G., Gema B., Amanda N., Meagan B., & Anne L. for being, um, awesome.

Oh, and hey, here's something that really IS awesome: my friend Neil of 1,000 Awesome Things has a free copy of his new book, The Book of Even More Awesome, for five of you lucky readers!

For a chance to win, just leave a comment telling me one of your favorite awesome things. It can be anything: getting extra icing on your slice of cake, picking the fastest line at the supermarket, snagging the last one of that sale item you wanted - you name it. We'll announce the five winners both here - on this post - and on the CW Facebook page at 12 midnight, EST, so be sure to check back!


GIVEAWAY UPDATE! After randomly selecting five comments, we have our winners! Congrats to the following readers who shared a few of their favorite awesome things.

Sunshine Dayz at 10:17am, who understands how awesome it is to find a few extra hours of sleep before the alarm goes off. (We share this joy with you.)

qurlyloks at 12:34pm, who REALLY appreciates awesome caffeinated coffee.

Elizabeth C., at 1:54pm, who thinks it's "inconceivable" (and awesome) that her kitties unleash cuddly kryptonite! You wanted Neil's book? As you wish.

TCC at 3:06pm, who loves awesome unexpected treats (and turns it up to 11).

soarin_ca4 at 8:37pm, who shares a birthday with David Beckham (which happens to be today). I bet winning Neil's book just made your birthday even more AWESOME.

Congrats again to our winners! Please email us your mailing addresses. Thanks to everyone for the great comments. So much awesomeness!

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Elizabeth said...

My favorite awesome thing is when all three of my girls sleep through the night.

amymarie said...

My favorite thing is getting out of a hot shower after a tough early morning workout, then crawling back into bed for the best 10 minute snuggle w/ my dog before starting my day. It's the best!
Oh, and finishing my PhD in cancer biology this month after 5 years. So happy.

Kim said...

I like having that tired high where you come up with completely awesome ideas and really amuse yourself.

One of my other favorite awesome things is meeting someone I really like and having an incredible morning/afternoon with them when neither of us wants to leave. That's pretty damn awesome.

Anonymous said...

Laying on the couch with my kids watching a show and they aren't fighting. haha but seriously its awesome.

Becky said...

One of my favorite awesome things is "discovering" all the plants coming up in the planters of my new house since this is my first spring here.

amy said...

Ok most totally awesome thing EVER...I got engaged last wednesday (4-27-2011) ON the haunted mansion ride at disney orlando, day before my birthday on the best family vacation EVER!!
amy hayley....

Mary O said...

Sitting in the sunshine, reading an engrossing book ... that is one of my absolutely favorite things! Oh, and dark chocolate :)

Camichic said...

camcat aka cammiewatson
My favorite awesome moment was when my gyno told me I was having twins! The girls are now 26 and are "Maid-of-Awesome" in our universe!

Lauralee said...

Going to the park with my grand-girls! with them riding their bikes and having so much fun in the sun is just awesome.

jessica said...

Only one awesome thing? Oh man. How about 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep? Those nights are few and far between, but when they happen... AWESOME!!

The Barnes Family said...

when my son's football team wins.

Unknown said...

Reading each and every one of these posts have been awesome! People are just amazing! :D

Theresa said...

One of my favorite awesome things is finding a piece of chocolate candy when I thought they were all gone :)

leeshka said...

One of my most awesome things is when my child is being a complete jerk, and then she somehow injures herself grievously, and turns into this big cuddlebug. Occasionally, I have been known to pinch her when she's being too much of a jerk, just to get my sweet 6 year old back. Because I'm an awful parent.

Mad in Crafts said...

Clean sheets, new socks, and my three old son singing songs to his baby sister!

Rachel @ run50states said...

I love '1000 Awesome Things' website! One of my favorite awesome things is getting in my car after having the windows cracked open on a sunny day! It's not too hot, nor too cold in the car... just the perfect temperature for a drive. :)

-Rachel Hodges-

Unknown said...

My favorite awesome thing is a great cup of super hot coffee & reading some great blogs to start the day :)

-Mandy C.

Queen of Nothing said...

walking barefoot in the grass, while it is still damp.

Liz said...

Winning things! ;)

Meghan A said...

Seeing the first field of bluebonnets in spring is awesome!

Christina said...

One of my favorite awesome things is the drive back to my hometown and family and a video-game-coma after the last exam of the semester.

Bakeshow said...

A totally awesome thing that happened to me this weekend- I stopped for gas- and just as I finished putting the cap back on my car, gas prices went up. I got there *just* in time! Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Being a non-professional - I love it when my roses turn out just right and my cake looks like it's not homemade. That and taking your finger and swiping that last little bit of icing on the board. Nothing tastes better than that last little bit!

I agree about turning a garment inside out for the first time, too. So many things to celebrate.


Lacey said...

AIR conditioning is totally awesome! I love it.

min said...

I had my awesome thing all ready and then I read Tanira's (9:33) and 1f5e6286-74cf-11e0-ac8b-000f20980440's (11:16) comments. They both made me choke up with emotion and THEY are awesome.

Anonymous said...

The owl CCC completely fails to be awesome.

What is awesome, though, is finding the PERFECT present for my nephew -- he graduates high school at the end of the month, and the family is teaming up to have him meet Grant Imahara of "MythBusters". (Grant will be speaking in my area next month, we bought patron tickets to the event so my nephew can meet Grant after the talk and get an autograph/photo.)

Zombie Edward said...

Okay, what would really be awesome is if my computer and blogger decide to work together so I'm nto posting a comment five times before it gets accepted. Ugh!

Deyrdre said...

My favorite awesome thing is Tanira's 9:33 am post. Glad he made it home, that is more awesome than anything I could have thought of.

Hanna said...

Bus Walking- when you hit that stride where you can walk down the bus aisle. You look odd, but there's no seat crashing!

Naomi said...

Awesome is when my nephew (4) says "Guess what?"
And I, knowing what's coming, say "What?"
Then he says is a comically funny way "I love you!"


Justine said...

My favorite awesome thing... hmmm... some of the images on the Taste of Awesome website my kids showed me. I love how on the websites like TOA and CakeWrecks, people's cleverness and humor is available for all to appreciate.

Anonymous said...

Free food or treats. Totally Awesome!

Successful Dreamers said...

It's awesome to hear your autistic child call you mommy after 4 years of trying to get it out of him!

Or having my daughter (5) being thrilled to show all the teenagers that she can do a back hand spring....

No wait the most awesome thing was when I quit my job in November my son (3) asked me why? I told him, "Well I thought you needed me here at home with you since you had been sick." And his response was "Oh... thanks mommma, I lub you!" And gave me the biggest hug around my neck... :)

All the small things in life are the most precious and the most awesome thing anyone could ever ask for! :) **J. Culley**

Karen Valinda said...

I went to click on comments and saw 386 and went "this IS today's post, right? And it is only 9:58 am..."

My awesome is making eye contact with someone in the 2-6 month old age group. They wrap their little fingers around one of yours and stare at you SO intently. Amazing.
[babysat my 4 month old grand daughter last week (and her seven siblings)]

Lady Molli said...

awesomeness is melty hershey drops....oh yeah....not melted, just melty

Dorothy said...

Wasabi Peas. WASABI PEAS.

Aimee - Choose To Be Better said...

Favorite awesome thing? Aside from the fam that cannot be topped, I would say...Zumba!! I know I look much more awesome in my head than in real life, but's fun!!

Robyn said...

My neighbors - they are really awesome! I'm so blessed to live in this awesome neighborhood. Another awesome thing? My 6 year old! :)
- Robyn S.

Tia H. said...

My favorite awesome thing is chocolate...lots of chocolate :D

jj said...

That couple of weeks where the weather feels like actual SPRING, not winter or summer.


Clare said...

My "Miss Smarty" figurine beside my computer--it's from my best friend and it reminds me that no matter how smart I think I am--my best friend knows better!

Varika said...

My favorite awesome thing is making gumpaste flowers for Mother's Day!

Unknown said...

One of my favorite awesome things is homemade carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for breakfast! Yum!

Laura K said...

My awesome thing of the day is calling into work to stay home and play with my 2 daughters :)

Orna said...

My favorite awesome thing is baking the perfect unperfect cake - a tall chocolate cake filled with white chocolate ganache, and frosted with rich dark chocolate ganache...

I just love it when the cake is not completely straight, and it has that simple look, with the frosting dripping over the sides... Oh, and of course - it's very yummy!

I know it will work every time, which makes it the most awesome (and comforting) cake :)

Kristin said...

My 7-month old daughter is awesome for sleeping through the night!

OwlStory said...

That owl cake is pretty awesome (and totally not scary for me).

A day without joint pain is awesome. A day without allergies is awesome. Getting a good grade back on an exam is awesome. Waking up early is awesome. Figuring out a mystery at the last second before the characters is awesome. Mongolian gerbils are so awesome. I can't wait to have more of my own.

Anonymous said...

I think it's awesome that my name is used in your post today in a very timely fashion: My name is Debra and I am prepping for a colonoscopy on the very same day your post's Debra is touting her special ability at poo on cakes. Yup, that's awesome. And makes me want verboten cake...

Oh, even the WV is in on it: ashen, as in I am ashen from so much pooing. Viva le TMI!

Super Anxiety Girl said...

I think it's awesome when things are in rainbow order, that makes my day (I got 8 colors of Fiestaware so that I can keep them in rainbow order in my cupboard, instant happiness)!

Stephanie M. said...

My favorite awesome thing is a long, hot shower on a really cold day...

P.S. the owl cake? Truly terrifying! And were they just excited that there were no candles, or commanding the buyer not to put any on? :)

kmawesome said...

One totally awesome thing is finding that perfect recipe after numerous failed attempts.

Sandon and Othea said...

Having your S.O take care of you when you are sick and bringing you hot soup and tea without asking.

Jess said...

being outside on a beautiful day is awesome!!

Amanda said...

Coffee and cake for breakfast. Totally Awesome :)

Stephanie A said...

My boyfriend coming home. I've seen him 8 days total in the last 8 months. That's going to be pretty awesome :)

Anonymous said...

Guessing who the killer is on Castle and then getting to be all smug when I'm right :)

Dandi said...

Eating really intensely colored icing and then peeing and pooping in technicolor!

Or, if you prefer to be less scatalogical:

Green lips on Grandma after she's eaten the really intensely colored icing!


Kathryn said...

Awesome = reading Cake Wrecks! Also, being completely absurd with friends: it gets so funny!

Terrs said...

i personally think it's awesome when it is pouring rain ALL DAY LONG because it sounds pretty and because i love the rain and, oh yeah, because the light show that goes with it is fantastic!

Letondu said...

I find homemade fondant to be totally awesome. And, then finding someone willing to eat it.

Anonymous said...


Andrea McCann said...

FROGS ARE TOTALLY AWESOME...*so* awesome that I spent many hours of my Spring Break vacation with my kids netting thousands of pollywogs out of the backyard above-ground luxury frog nursery and transfering them to little ponds before my husband converts it back into the human pool it is meant to be.--Andrea M.

Mrs. Porter said...

Even though they are 15, 18 and 21, and the voices are a bit deeper; one of my favorite things of all time is hearing my children laugh.

Ellyn said...

Walking the dog at sunrise and seeing her happy, tongue-lolling dog face in the first sunlight of the day is AWESOME! Starts the day out just right.

-Ellyn H.

Unknown said...

when someone pulls a total jerkwad move driving and then they get pulled over right after it. that is AWESOME!!!

Letondu said...

I find homemade fondant to be awesome. And, even better, some one who thinks eating it is awesome, as well.

Carol said...

One of the most awesome things is spending time with good friends. I thank my lucky stars for them!

Anonymous said...

just being me is awesomess

nikki said...

My favorite awesome thing is decorating Christmas cookies with neon frosting (trust me it's awesome)

Stacie R. said...

One of my favorite things is winning just enough in the lotto to buy next week's ticket. If I can't have the big one, that's the next best thing!

Laura said...

I love getting a text and finding that it's from someone I love! It's awesome!

Holly said...

All five kids sleeping through the night. Awesome.

TJ said...

When someone is driving like a maniac and cuts you of while driving, but you end up ahead of them in the end.

Jasry said...

My favorite awesome thing is watching my baby girl while she's sleeping. Her little twitching eyelids are awesome, her sleep-dampened hair is awesome, her splay-legged-arms-akimbo sleep position is awesome... and then she wakes up to see me smiling down at her, and she smiles sleepily back. That is the mostest awesome of all!!
Those cakes, however, are not awesome, hmm-mmm.

LivingInSong said...

Braiding my sisters hair would have to be MY favorite awesome thing. Because that's the only time we really get to spend time together, and I like making her look like an elf princess with fancy braids and up-dos. C:

Unknown said...

the lyrics to she-bop are awesome!! I've been enlightened.

Esqueishness said...

Awesome is a deep from the gut laugh... even if it is at your co-workers vigilanty flatulence.

I work with all men, you have to enjoy the simple things ;)

Brian S. said...

Two things that are awesome are:
1. Pretending you are a magician and you wave your hands to turn a traffic light green, and having it actually turn green.
2. Winning books because you are a bibliophile.

CaySedai said...

Naps! Naps are awesome. I take one every day. (Well, I work late, stay up late, get up early to get my kid off to school, then go back to sleep.)

Amy M. said...

Awesome = Watching another driver do something utterly ridiculous in traffic, thinking to yourself "where is a cop when you need one?", and then watching a cop materialize out of nowhere to bust the moron. :)

Julie said...

Getting a great deal on ANYTHING--I love a bargain!

Jenn the Hen said...

Sometimes when I read a book I listen to music. When a song comes on that is related to what I'm reading it's just awesome. I was reading "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep" the other day and the song "Human" by the Killers came on the radio. It's kind of odd but that really made my day.

Ginevra said...

Cinnamon gummy bears - the ones just a little smaller than your thumb - are awesome. They have always been a comfort food of mine, and not just because there's something satisfying about biting off their spicy, tasty, squishy little heads.

Bethany said...

My husband Daniel. Oh, how I love the inspiring, handsome, sweet man.

hmcornett said...

Warm, freshly baked chocolate chip cookies are the awesomest!

Allie said...

My favorite awesome thing is celebrating my first anniversary yesterday with my husband and having America give us the awesome gift that Bin Laden is dead. My husband is a Marine, it is a damn good gift.

Anonymous said...

My favorite awesome thing is tucking my daughters in for the night and hearing them say "I love you Mommy! Night Night!". Melts my heart every time :)

Brandy said...

My 19 month old son has started giving lots of kisses that aren't super drooly. That is awesome. Also awesome is when my 15 year old daughter cleans her room.

Anonymous said...

Everyday is an awesome day for me. I have a wonderful husband, two beautiful children, and a job I enjoy. It can't get more awesome than that. If I had to add one more thing, tins of SweetRiot cacao nibs in dark chocolate make everything awesome. Oh, and maybe some Bailey's in my afternoon coffee. Mm, and Paris in general. And Viggo Mortensen in just about any movie. And George Clooney. Kate, Duchess of Cambridge is pretty awesome, too. So is her sister's dress. See, it's all good.

Erin said...

It's awesome to watch my coworkers enjoy the desserts and snacks I periodically make for them. Everyone loves walking into the breakroom to see goodies baked just for them waiting to be eaten!

Karin P said...

Being the first one up early in the morning and getting the kitchen to myself!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that my 3-year-old, Hello Kitty lover is out running errands with daddy right now- she would have been extremely traumatized by those candy apples!

Anonymous said...

Despite looking at the beautiful cakes of cake wrecks, loving to bake myself and selling what I bake, I've lost 18 lbs!! One of my many favorite things :)

Summer Lynn said...

A bubble bath and a good book. Heaven.

KimberlyAlsp said...

One of my favorite awesome things would have to be fluffy puppies!! I love having my heart melted :]

TechyDad said...

Yesterday was awesome. I took some Green Lantern toys which I had been given to throw a party with, took my boys to the park, met some friends and had a blast. My older son (7) memorized the Green Lantern oath almost instantly while my younger one (3) memorized about half of it. (He recites the first and last 2 lines; he keeps forgetting the middle 2.) By the time the boys fell asleep, I was so exhausted I could barely climb onto the couch. But it was an awesome sort of exhaustion.

Unknown said...

Awesome thing - Toast with peanut butter and honey. Om nom nom nom!!


Michelle said...

Writing individual tasks of my To-Do list on Post-It notes and then ripping them off the wall when complete - makes things appear achievable and is so satisfying.

Anonymous said...

The most awesome thing ever is knowing I've saved numerous peoples lives. And that that is what I get to do as a career!!!

Unknown said...

buying a cupcake from a bakery you don't know and discovering that it is amazing: pear & pistachio=delicious! AND starting my morning with Cake Wrecks! A laugh in the morning is better than coffee and considering how much I dislike morning, making me laugh first thing is an amazing feat.

Just Jenn said...

My favorite awesome thing is that I just had my 2-year cancer free anniversary! Boobie cupcakes were made. Super awesome. :)


Adrienne B said...

What's awesome for an Interpreter? Showing up for a 9 hour shift at a hospital to find out the patient is going home at noon!

Cindy deRosier said...

Fresh baked bread is awesome. And Cake Wrecks. Definitely awesome.

Kelly said...

My awesome thing is actually three things that happened all at once: In 2011, I achieved my goal of losing 50 pounds, earned my Master of Science Degree, and found the love of my life. It doesn't get much more awesome than that :)

AuthorAnonymous said...

Leftover pizza eaten cold the next day....AWESOME!

Nammy K

Unknown said...

After 3 days of trying decaf coffee, going back to drinking the real thing is totally awesome!!!!

Temira said...

One of the most awesome moments in my life was having my husband safely come back from serving in the Army in Afghanistan. :D

Modern Mia said...

One of my most favorite awesome things is when all 4 of my children take a nap at the same time. With 4 children under 6, my house is very loud all the time.

Tami said...

Some awesome things in my world:
Chocolate (by itself, covering raisins, etc.)
Crumb Brothers Bread - toasted
Getting mail from friends (something other than bills)
Checking the latest post from Cake Wrecks
I could keep going... but that's a good start!

Shanan P. said...

It is most awesome when the they clean the tiles inside the tunnel on Highway 26 in Portland. Seeing those shiny tiles just makes my day!

AliceBlue said...

My favorite awesome thing (today) is my amazing, brilliant volunteers creating a 6 foot tall vacuum tube model *which lights up like a real one* to put in an exhibit for the museum where I work. These guys are so awesome.

Kirsten said...

Enjoying the same things my kids do is AWESOME! I could play LEGOs and talk about Star Wars all day long!

Anonymous said...

It's awesome when you get out the box of Easter decorations and you find a couple of leftover jelly beans from the year before....and you eat them.

justagirl said...

My favorite awesome things:
Being a stay at home mom and seeing my baby girl learn something new every day and when my 6 year old son comes home from school every day and the first thing he does is seek out his baby sister for kisses. :-)


Anne I am. said...

When the dog joyfully cleans up the cat puke. It's the simple things...

Ashleigh C. said...

Waking up in the middle of the night thinking it's probably time to get up, but then looking and realizing that you still have hours to sleep is AWESOME. :)

Renee said...

When I blow someone's mind at the library with my computer skillz! Even if it's just something small like showing someone how to copy and paste I just feel like a rock star afterwards.

Lisa Thayne said...

My 8 year old son spends the weekend at his dad's house. I don't normally get to see him till Monday nights. This morning I had to drop something off in his classroom...but he hadn't arrived yet. As I walked down the hallway - I saw him - and his beautiful eyes just lit up when he saw me...and instead of me saying what I tell him every morning - he called to me "Good morning sunshine!" Today was awesome. Probably the most awesome moment of my life.

Anonymous said...

What's awesome is that my husband and I celebrated our 7th anniversary yesterday, and he has yet to try and smother me in my sleep with a large pillow during that entire time. He's truly awesome for that.

Jamielynn said...

My most awesome thing is fresh shaved legs and clean sheets! Nothing better, not even chocolate, which is close.

Rena said...

One of my ALL TIME most awesome favorite things is finding that one perfectly crunchy leaf in the fall and stomping on it. So satisfying.
-Rena O.

Unknown said...

One of my favorite things at the moment is that Starbucks now has cake pops!! whoop!

elissa said...

I had my favorite awesome thing yesterday: a sunny morning in the woods all by myself, birds singing, gentle breeze blowing, trees just leafing out, and not another human in sight. Heaven!

wv: ingates. The opposite of outgates.

Liisa said...

My favourite awesome thing is when my dog snuggled up with my husband & I without being coerced and rests his chin on MY side.

Amy G. said...

Finding out that something you're buying is even MORE on sale than you thought it was is awesome! :)

Unknown said...

One of my favorite awesome things is watching my 2 year old and almost 1 year old get to Skype with daddy while he is deployed. :) deployment is no fun but seeing their faces when they realize daddy is on the computer talking to them is amazing. :) I also love seeing my husbands face when the kids smile at him. its so sweet.

Unknown said...

Milanos. 'Nuff said.

Anne said...

One of my favorite awesome things is being able to work from my couch.

I got my Dad's laptop after he passed away last fall which lets me work there and when I'm there the dog and the cat curl up on either side of me and nap.

SEBBY said...

My most awesome thing is finding a formerly lost pair of dirty, fancy underwear a few days later - coming out of my dog's ass in the back yard.

Kim said...

Finally giving Bin Laden what he deserves - AWESOME! Thanks, Seals!

Terra said...

1. Finding a wreck
2. Submitting the wreck
3. Seeing your wreck on the interwebz!

Julie said...

One awesome thing is my husband getting kids up for school in the morning to let me get 30 minutes more sleep. He is mega awesome.

amy hamilton said...

Sitting in the sun in a hammock on a hot spring day! The awesomeist!

Anonymous said...

Awesome is the dance of joy my 3 year old does when I give him the sock puppet I made for him.

Mierins Family said...

My most awesome thing....having my almost 13 year old son tell me I'm "one of the good moms" and that he loves me. (as opposed to the normal "seriously mom, do you not know anything?" comments)

Anonymous said...

You want to know what's REALLY awesome? Cracking up at creepy cakes after having a week of flooded basements, wasted animal food, clumpy kitty litter clogging the basement drain, a fried dryer, spending a thousand bucks to buy supplies to renew the aftermath of said flooded basement, no chocolate in the house, and on TOP of all of that, being sick and having to work all weekend...THAT is what's awesome. But, hey, it's Monday and I got to laugh at the new cake wrecks, so I'd say things are finally looking up...

Now if only I had a book of awesome...

Sweetiebug70 said...

My fave thing is telling people my hometown is Humptulips, WA. I love the reactions. They think I'm saying something nasty. It's a real place along HWY 101 and Humptulips is an Indian word meaning 'hard to pole', as in poling a raft on the river.

Angela said...

My favorite awesome thing is a bag of M&Ms separated by color... because the green ones should be eaten last. And this awesome thing has been passed on to my 3 yr old daughter... who now also separates her M&Ms. Life is good!

Leah K. said...

Hugging my husband tight and burying my nose in his uniform to smell the stinky submarine smell that means he's finally home.

Watching my girls play together and laugh until they fall down.

Seeing one of my cakes on Sunday Sweets!

Sue ZQ said...

sleeping in late and burrowing under the covers on cold rainy Saturday mornings

hot cocoa on a cold day, icy cold lemonade on a hot day.

The scent of my cat's fur when she's been laying on the windowsill in the sun.

kimc said...

Leaving aside the really awesome spiritual stuff, in favor of the daily small-stuff awesome, I'd be inclined to say that when I buy something and it turns out to be exactly right for what I wanted. For example, I sleep with a pillow or something under my knees. I've gone through about six or eight different ones, from various stores and catalogs, and I finally got one that I really love: it's just right! That's awesome!

Shandan said...

My awesome moment is when the house is clean and I can take a bubble bath without my husband or our two cats interrupting. (Nora our calico likes to dip her tail and paws in and eat soap bubbles)

pinkcheese said...

Fezes. And bowties. They're cool AND awesome.

Anonymous said...

What's awesome to me is that after all of the devastation in my state from the tornadoes, our town was spared. My family is safe and our home is not destroyed. That's awesome. Everyone is helping out with clean up. Total strangers are being taken in to have a shower and a warm meal. Volunteers are everywhere doing what they can. That is awesome!

Kathy said...

Awesome is the pure, unsolicited look of delight on my grandkids' faces when they greet me!

cinjam said...

Sex is awesome...there I said it.

Jeremy said...

Getting to meet my baby girl on Friday morning!

Jen T. said...

One of my favorite things is getting a pedicure while drinking my favorite coffee beverage. Delightful!

Jeanette said...

My most awesome thing is getting the corner piece of a big old-fashioned fruit cake with a layer each of almond and Royal icing so it has as much or more icing than cake.

Bon said...

My favorite awesome thing is being curled up with my sweetie and swapping jokes. Giggling while toe-hugging under the covers is made of super chocolate flavored win.

Heather B. said...

My horse is awesome, especially when we jump or gallop and just have fun.

Blu Grey said...

The most awesome thing ever is when my husband and sons all take turns sniffing their stinky feet to decide whose smells worse. Men.. are a mystery! (but my daughter and I sure enjoy laughing at them ;) )

amber (likes free things) said...

my wife and daughter are AWESOME!

Meghan said...

Awesome, you say? Finding a hair in whatever you're eating. Not ONLY will it curve your appetite so you lose those calories you were going to gain by eating the rest of it, you ALSO can get some nice coupons for the next time you want to try eating again!!

Bon said...

My favorite awesome thing is being curled up with my sweetie and swapping jokes. Giggling while toe-hugging under the covers is made of super chocolate flavored win.

Anonymous said...

Getting to work from home and take Cake Wrecks breaks whenever I want to is my awesome.

@Git-er-done: that IS awesome! I will totally be watching that!

And like George Arendas already noted, Osama bin Laden dead at the bottom of the ocean is pretty awesome, too, and so are all the folks involved in getting him there. THANK YOU!

emain said...

Today Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is awesome because Mickey entertained my three year old so I could catch a quick nap to sleep off a killer migraine.


Jenny said...

Reading this blog and laughing so hard I cry is super awesome. -Jenny

Jacquie B said...

One of my favorite awesome things, after years of having jobs I hated I'm nearing completion on my Criminal Psych PhD, and now love getting emails from other staff and students asking me all manner of question about serial and/or sexual homicide. As awful as that sounds, its like FINALLY work related emails that bore the living daylights out of me!!

Sure we talk about eye gouging, cannibalism and far worse topics, but it's so much better than dealing with whinging customers you hope will have a close encounter with one or more serial killers. LOL

Anonymous said...

I made a sour cream coffee cake for a luncheon at work. Everyone loved it but one woman said her mother made that same exact cake every sunday and it tasted just like her mom's cake. She started crying at the memory, which made me tear up as well. Food is love.


dpotsy said...

One of my favorite awesome things is watching my little boy (he's almost 2) try to dance. Cracks me up every time. Much like your awesome blog. :)

Anonymous said...

The most awesome thing ever is finding a pair of jeans that actually fit my Hobbit-sized body!!!

Anonymous said...

Being alone in my house, rarely happens, but heaven when it does.

Allie said...

Whats Awesome? Getting the news that my daughters twin baby boys , born premature, got their feeding tubes out today and will soon be home with us!! Connor and Jaxson, you are awesome!!

Liberty Bell said...

My favorite thing is waking up on a Monday morning to a spring rain and my lilac bushes blooming for the first time this spring. It's kind of like those lilacs knew Monday morning would be a rough one.

Winona said...

Pulling a pair of black pants you haven't worn for months out of the closet and finding $10 in the pocket - happened to me last week. Now that's awesome!!!!

Rhonda BZ said...

Awesome thing I recently experienced = Being able to sleep on my stomach again after 9 months of pregnancy. H-e-a-v-e-n-l-y sleep, you have returned. Oh wait - gotta get up for a feeding every 3 hours now. Oh, baby girl, you are SO worth it!

Karen and Kyle said...

Awesome? I love cloud watching. It is so relaxing!

Melinda said...

Wow, giveaways really bring out the commenters! Awesome! ;-)

One of my favorite awesome things is that my son is graduating from college this weekend, and then will be moving home to live for a bit while he works in the family business. I would love for him to stay in the area, and his dad would love for him to join the business permanently, but we want it to be his decision.

Anonymous said...

Awesome thing: Eternal hope. Happiness that lasts, joy that doesn't depend on my circumstances. Now that's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Awesomeness is when I have so much money from making cakes I don't know what to do with it. It's fun making cakes and getting paid for it is the bonus. I don't pay any bills since that's what his money is for. Vegas this weekend!

Jennifer said...

My favorite awesome thing is nursing my two kids to sleep at the same time.

Wolfbrat said...

Sudden Baby Flying Squirrelage. Photo available by request if accompanied by signed release holding me blameless for cuteness overload.

Maisyday said...

Recently I moved back to my home state (after five years away) and I've been living with one of my sisters and her family for the past few months, while I'm looking for a house of my own. So my most awesome thing right now is coming home in the evenings to my two nieces and nephew, running with arms wide open, so happy and excited to see me again. :)

Dian e said...

My favorite awesome thing is having my girls run up to me and yell "I love you, Mommy!" without any prompting. Oh yeah, and chocolate anything.

M said...

My favorite awesome things are my two dogs. They don't care if I'm rich, poor, fat, stupid, ugly or the next top model, as long as I throw the damn ball!

RC said...

The sound of silence when my twins calm down after temper tantrum is pretty awesome :)

Unknown said...

Awesome is getting a king-sized memory foam mattress for a pittance at auction, then just going and flopping down on it on the floor in the guest room without feeling the need to get up and drag it to the bed in the other room. It's sheer recreation til that happens.

Lulu said...

My favourite awesome thing: freaking out my coworkers and making them laugh by changing the background on the front desk computer to a Cakewrecks pic every day. Everyone's favourite by far is anything that says 'Sorry for the herpes!'

mari said...

the 1st lily of the valley bloom of spring ... ahhh

Radionaut said...

my favourite awesome thing is driving round the neighborhood before the alarm goes off in warm warm weather with an owl cake on the back seat and my top down. (the car doesn't have a top that goes down)


Kelli said...

My favorite awesome thing is hearing one of my cake students get really excited during class because of what they just accomplished. It's worth more to me than the pay check any day!

Unknown said...

Pulling out your spring/winter coat as the season changes, putting your hand in the pockets and finding money in them!

Also my amazing hubby, children and family. They are all AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

To have electricity is awesome, and so is internet, and the phone is pretty cool. But hands down, the most totally awesome thing is to be part of a community that is faced with a natural disaster or tragedy and watch the people come together and help each other in such a way, that there are too many volunteers helping and they have to be be turned away.

Meghan said...

My favorite awesome thing is realizing that I get paid to do what I love - bake cakes! And I pray that none of them ever end up on cw. That would so NOT be awesome.

Dana said...


And fresh clean sheets on the bed.

And trips to Disney World.

And fireworks.

And fireworks at Disney.

And pedicures.

And fresh basil and tomatoes.

And ocean breezes.

SpicyArcticTaco said...

Most Awesome of All Time - is when my seven year old son thinks I'm asleep, and he gives me a kiss on my cheek.

JRose said...

My awesome thing is catching people happily picking their noses in traffic (but them not noticing so it doesn't take their joy away) and/or dancing in the aisles to good music at the grocery store.

KtCallista said...

When my kids get in bed with me in the morning and instead of making me wake up, they fall asleep on my bed and I get another 30-60 minutes of sleep!

dawn the glass beadmaker said...

my current favorite awesome thing is . It helps me in my day job, Screaming At The Elderly For Money (dsl tech support over the phone).

Victoooria George said...

I think it's TOTALLY AWESOME that long before I knew I wanted to be a writer I had the forethought to marry into a family that sees nothing wrong with driving 4 hours to deliver a dead horse to my door at 1 in the morning.

Erik said...

My favorite awesome thing today is watching my little girl tak eher first steps this morning!

painthappens said...

LEGO - they were awesome as a kid... now still awesome as an adult and father playing with the with my son... still awesome. That my girlfriend made me a Lego cake for my birthday - even more awesome!

Anonymous said...

My most awesome favorite thing is getting big pieces of cake for the 5 kids and being forced (as any good mother would) to help them each finish their piece :o) especially a good old fashioned white cake with chocolate frosting!! MMMmmmmm...good.

Jamie M said...

One of my most awesome things is creating my own wrecks for my kid's birthdays. I will make them a cake in any size, shape or fashion they ask for. I am not a baker or a decorator. Some are good, some are awful, but just having them recognize it, and seeing them smile when mom pulls it off is awesome.

tevs said...

What is really awesome to me, is when I wake up in the morning and everyone else is asleep. Quite time to enjoy a cup of coffee and browse for ideas on the next project.

Celeste said...

Doctor Who. Nuff said.

Shannon said...

One of my favourite things is listening to people mis-sing song lyrics. The best was my husband singing "You make me feel like a handful of puddin'...PUDDIN'!" in place of "Natural Woman."

Tara said...

my most awesome thing? Coming home from many days on the road, working. Tired, frustrated and opening the door to see my 21 month old son, running to me with open arms screaming, MOmmy Mommy! Oh man, it's the best, most awesome feeling in the whole world!

Wolfbrat said...

Sudden Baby Flying Squirrelage=AWESOME. Photo available on request with signed "Hold Harmless" release, should Cute Overload occur.

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