Monday, May 2, 2011

Totally Awesome

Monday, May 2, 2011

"Bakers, it has come to our attention that 'morale' is 'low.' Therefore, effective immediately, we will be instituting mandatory staff meetings every Friday at 3pm to get to the bottom of this problem.

During these meetings you will each be required to list at least one 'awesome' thing about working here. Susan, GO."

"Oh, come on, this is so STU...."

"Did I mention this will be on your monthly review?"

"...PENDOUS! Haha! Yeah! [grabbing manager by lapels] WORKING HERE IS AWESOME."

"Something more specific, please."

"Oh. Ok. Um...

"Oh, I know! Making the candy apples is awesome.

"It really gets my aggressive tendencies out."

"I...see. Bob?"

"I like misspelling things and then convincing the customer it's actually spelled that way."

"Cracks me up every time!"

"Bob, I'm not sure this is exactly..."

"Ooh, yeah! And scaring the kids! That is SO awesome, am I right?" [high-fiveing Bob]

"Alright, everyone, if you'll just wait your turn..."

"Oooh, crap!"

"What's wrong, Debra?"

"No, that's my awesome thing! Putting chocolate poo swirls on everything!"

"I call it my number two special. Haha!"

[sigh] "And Mary? What about you?"

"I like giving the customers exactly what they ask for."

"Ah, excellent! You see, everyone? Now this is...

"No, I mean EXACTLY what they ask for."

"It's totally awesome." [giggle]

"Well, I think that's enough for today. I hope this meeting has helped remind you all to cherish the little things, and to really enjoy your jobs here. Now, next week: Airbrushing! See you then."

Thanks to Denise G., Gema B., Amanda N., Meagan B., & Anne L. for being, um, awesome.

Oh, and hey, here's something that really IS awesome: my friend Neil of 1,000 Awesome Things has a free copy of his new book, The Book of Even More Awesome, for five of you lucky readers!

For a chance to win, just leave a comment telling me one of your favorite awesome things. It can be anything: getting extra icing on your slice of cake, picking the fastest line at the supermarket, snagging the last one of that sale item you wanted - you name it. We'll announce the five winners both here - on this post - and on the CW Facebook page at 12 midnight, EST, so be sure to check back!


GIVEAWAY UPDATE! After randomly selecting five comments, we have our winners! Congrats to the following readers who shared a few of their favorite awesome things.

Sunshine Dayz at 10:17am, who understands how awesome it is to find a few extra hours of sleep before the alarm goes off. (We share this joy with you.)

qurlyloks at 12:34pm, who REALLY appreciates awesome caffeinated coffee.

Elizabeth C., at 1:54pm, who thinks it's "inconceivable" (and awesome) that her kitties unleash cuddly kryptonite! You wanted Neil's book? As you wish.

TCC at 3:06pm, who loves awesome unexpected treats (and turns it up to 11).

soarin_ca4 at 8:37pm, who shares a birthday with David Beckham (which happens to be today). I bet winning Neil's book just made your birthday even more AWESOME.

Congrats again to our winners! Please email us your mailing addresses. Thanks to everyone for the great comments. So much awesomeness!

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Unknown said...

The most awesome thing is when you have no money to eat or for gas and you are putting pants in the wash and find a miraculous $20 bill!! - Scottstiger

dogwood said...

Snagging the Dorito that's loaded up with flavor = awesome!

Ferralyn said...

Saying "Awesome" when something really sucks is awesome.

Ellen said...

Wonderful post -- love the "exactly what they want" cake.

Petting my dogs' velvet ears -- lovely greyhound triangles and long beagle droopiness -- that's awesome!

Virginia P said...

getting through a weekend of being on call and not getting called in at night once! hooray for sleep!

Kim G said...

My awesome thing is every morning my daughters first words are: I love you mama!!

Christine said...

One of MY favorite things is finding brnad new clothing at Goodwill! I got a skirt that was orginally $84.00 and I got it for $4.29! AWESOME!

bassgirl said...

Just balanced the check book, and due to a math error, we found we actually had $500 more in there than we thought we did. VERY AWESOME!!

wv: satarsia CW is a master at satarsia!

ViiriƤinen said...

My favorite awesome thing is having dirt or paint or, let's say cookie dough, under my fingernails.

Nikita said...

It is election day in Canada so today VOTING is AWESOME!!!!

Alanna Evans said...

The most awesome thing is getting up at 530 every morning to go do something the town depends on - a morning radio show. So many people depend on it for local news, weather updates and reports on school closings among many other things. It is a double awesome thing, because my work is simply filling in for my father who was recently diagnosed with cancer, and having the ability to help him through this difficult time is the most awesome thing in the world!

Rachel said...

Watching cartoons as a grownup= AWESOME
Eating a full pint of Ben and Jerry's for breakfast = AWESOME
Coming home and my husband had done the laundry AND cooked dinner = MOST AWESOME THING EVER

Kim L. said...

A freshly-mowed lawn (when I wasn't the one that mowed it!)

- Kim L.

Allison Jordan said...

As silly as it sounds, getting big fat chocolatey smooches from my wee diva daughters Zoe and Zadyn after we've made some seriously decadent brownies is simply the awesome-est thing in the universe...

Erika said...

Totally awesome? Getting juried into a major art show for my photography while my dad, a professional photographer himself, is still able to understand and be proud. He's got Parkinson's and Dementia, so we don't know exactly how long we'll have him around and cognizant.

RubyV said...

My most awesome thing is finding an allergy friendly dairy free cake for my daughter that tastes great and isn't fugly!

Leigh said...

Sharing a hearty laugh with my teenage daughter!

Carol said...

My awesome thing.....watching my kids dance at their recital on Saturday. :) <3 It was just awesome!!

(And to add an "awesome" thing more in line of the ones in your was just "awesome" to also get to tell them that once again their stinkin' loser of a dad decided that something else was more important (this time, eating out) than coming to see tham perform)

Avonelle said...

Awesome is my new vegan diet.... Now I just have to get a cupcake recipe that tastes good this way!

Danielle B said...

Something awesome is winning an awesome book about all things awesome.

gfxchick said...

The corner piece of the brownie pan! I steal those first!

lori said...

My favorite awesome thing is vacation. Specifically, lounging on the beach with a cocktail in one hand and a nutella crepe in the other with my hubby beside me and glittering blue water in front of me and not a single urgent decision to be made for one full glorious week. Sigh.

wv: schoos, as in "schoos me," which is what I say when I bump into the waiter after I've had one too many cocktails while lounging on the beach.

Patricia H said...

Seeing the expression on childrens' faces when they finally understand a concept they'd been struggling with - that's awesome.

abbey said...

Its awesome that the hummingbird I'm rehabing is doing well and going to be released today!

But ongoing awesomeness- Narwhals-

The Runaway Knitter said...

My favorite awesome thing is an AWESOME theme party like "gypsies, tramps & thieves" or "happy hippy happening" or the wedding I went to last night "come as your favorite Broadway character". I have the most awesome party wardrobe!

TableforTwo said...

Ponderosa Pine Trees are awesome. Their sap smells like fresh baked warm vanilla sugar cookies, and they are a great place to watch a morning mountain sunrise from.

Amanda Sutton Davis said...

Awesome = great local theater and live music.

Three Turtles and Their Pet Librarian said...

One of the ladies I work with does cake decorating on the side, and when she tries a new technique, she BRINGS US HER PRACTICE CAKES. She doesn't eat them herself! And these are full-sized, yummy cakes, with flowers and buttons and all sorts of cuteness. Free cake on a regular basis? That's awesome!

Little Lovables said...

hilarious! one of my favorite awesome things... my chocolate stash that my children have yet to find.

Deb said...

My favorite awesome thing is seeing the jerk who just flew by me on the highway pulled over by a couple state troopers a few miles up the road.....:)

Unknown said...

It is awesome when my market slices up the "cake wrecks" and sells them as "single servings". My special treat after the boys are asleep in bed.
Anne B

Judy Black said...

My dishwasher- I looove it.

Mags said...

Awesome things in MagsWorld:
Almond Joy latte from the local coffee shop,
A purchase through my digi-scrap store,
Snugglin' with our puppy,
Hugs from our kids,
A date with my hubby,
SNOW days!
And Cake Wrecks... Which can make me laugh out loud every day.

:) Mags

Evlynn said...

My favorite awesome thing is the feeling I get after finishing a great run!

Unknown said...

When my boss takes a sick day, that is awesome.

PerkinsClan said...

Saving tons of $$ with coupons is awesome!

Judy Black said...

A good book that you bought for 10 cents at a yard sale.

Jackie Lew said...

What's awesome is having the world celebrating on your birthday because of Bin Laden getting taken care of. I'll pretend everyone is celebrating my birth too.

Tracie said...

Feeling tired and drained at work, and picking a book at random off the shelf. Flipping through it and finding a bunch if little 'moments' that remind you life is awesome! Then walking around the store reading them to my staff.....

Unknown said...

My favorite awesome thing is snuggles with my girls!

Unknown said...

Awesome, when my boss takes a sick day. Get to do my job with no extra stress.

jiniz said...

Finding a cache of Cadbury Mini Eggs on sale at Wal-Mart for 75% off the week after Easter. Woot!

Joan said...

Most awesome - when my coffee comes out perfect in the morning; just strong enough and hot enough. Yum!

Unknown said...

My favourite awesome thing is candy/chocolate mistakes: chewy maltesers, solid chocolate kitkat fingers, rude misshapen jelly beans - anything delicious that induces a snicker :-D

Steph said...

Free books are awesome. :)

Anna B. said...

Finally graduating with my BS in about 5 weeks is insanely super crazy beyond awesome!

Also, my wv is roses. That's kind of awesome, too.

Educated People said...

Awesome is buying myself something for mother's day because the husband messed it up....again

Gina R. said...

Hitting all the lights green so you don't have to shift all the way to where you are going... AWESOME!

Alisha Rene' said...

hearing my kids NOT bicker and read together and praise one another is SO AWESOME

Jennifer B said...

Finding out my grandmother's famous, homemade chocolate icing recipe was from the box of bakers chocolate - awesome! And it tastes awesome, too, of course.

mottcat AT yahoo DOT com

Tina said...

Going to lunch with an old friend is awesome!

Elizabeth said...

My favorite awesome thing is having my family all home for dinner. With weird work hours and sports, scouts, church, etc., we don't get to eat too often together.

Myndie said...

Something totally awesome? Being brave enough to move across the country with my boyfriend to a huge city where we know NO ONE... and then finding a coffee shop that I can walk to from our new apartment!

mommymarilyn said...

The most awesome thing is being able to not work and stay at home with my first grand-child! I didn't have that opportunity when my kids were young, and I'm relishing all the memories me and my granddaughter are creating every single day! Next most awesome thing - a client crying when they see the cake I've created for their special day and telling me it's the best cake EVER!

Robyn said...

Definitely....the first day of school.....or bedtime for the chitlins!!!!! Pure Awesome!

Monkey Pudding said...

I love my daughter's ASL. And when I asked her what my name was, she answered with "mommy".

Jill in Vermont said...

Having my hair come out just right!

KathyBarr said...

Buying a new book st the bookstore and reaching to the back of the stack to be sure I got a book that no one else has looked at or opened. :D

EasilyDistracted said...

My most awesome thing, my children, when they are behaving of course!

Danielle said...

My awesome thing from this weekend was helping my husband put together a dragon treasure hunt for the nephew and nieces. I made a dragon egg out of clay and put a giant "diamond" inside. Watching them find that "dragon's nest" and crack open the egg was awesome! :D

HelenL said...

I think it's awesome that my 16 year old son still kisses me goodbye when I drop him off at school!

Sarah said...

Getting into a warm car after leaving a cold grocery store for the first time in the Spring is AWESOME!

Star said...

One of my awesome things is hearing other people even strangers compliment on my son's manners when they hear my 3 year old say "Yes, ma'am" when asked a question.

Collins said...

Coming into work an hour late. Not only do you get extra sleep, but you get to leave after less time! It's totally awesome!

Andrea K. said...

Trying out a new cake recipe and having everyone say it's delicious -- pretty awesome! Oh, and of course -- CakeWrecks is the Awesome-est!!!

Happy Monday!

Meitrannan said...

Hearing my email read on one of my favourite podcasts. Makes me happy every time! :0D

Casey said...

My favorite awesome thing is my three year old. Yesterday she asked me to duct tape two of her foam swords together so she could be Darth Maul.

Joan said...

Most awesome - coming home after work and having my 3 dogs think this is the greatest thing in the world!

RJ said...

One of my favorite awesome things is when you are eating cookies and cream ice cream and get a huge chunk of cookie. Its the little things in life.

Laura said...

Ohhh... was that supposed to be an owl cake? That was amazing...

Favorite awesome things: Almond butter, banana, honey on toasted wheat awesome.

Also, slipping in and out of naps on the couch watching reruns of my favorite shows instead of being productive and cleaning my house.

PixieThis said...

Awesome? Reading this blog! That's not me sucking up for a freebie - this is just the most fun, witty and punny blog in the 'verse!

Denise said...

Denise R.
Finally getting married to my HS sweetheart after 10 years together and a kid is Amazingly Awesome!!!

Alos Hello Kitty candy apples, cute in theory - scary in execution!

Janet said...

Sunday dinner with no arguments? Awesome!

Pat L. said...

Drinking my morning coffee -- with great care -- from my very special mug . . . the one that reminds me my sweet little old lady puppy is pure l


flying gargoyle said...

This year, we had feet & feet of snow that wouldn't quit. Plus, when we bought our house, we inherited gardens full of mystery plants. They've been untouched for 7 years & we started to resurrect the gardens. So, my favorite thing was coming home everyday in late-March & April, bounding out of the car and discovering what new flowering thing had poked through and bloomed. Not only was there the wonderful feeling of being freed from winter's shackles, but the childlike discovery of a new toy. "Oooo! It's hyacinth!" "Today, daffodils!" "Cool! What *are* those???" It's been great!

Shadow Rider said...

Currently the most awesome thing is this bag of Monkey in the Middle mix from Ann's House of Nuts..yummmmm.

Irene smiles said...

Wiggling your toes in the sand just where the waves hit the beach is a fantastic feeling.

Aunt Granny said...

Awesome? That my sweetheart and I have been married for almost 46 years, and he is STILL my sweetheart!!

Aunt Granny

Bekah said...

My favorite awesome thing is being at the right place at the right time to see something funny in a public place and catching the eye of a complete stranger who also saw it. That kind of mutual enjoyment goes across age, race, gender, economic, and language barriers. Awesome.

julie said...

getting 4 kids out the door to the bus on time then entertaining the 5th with cartoons so I can take a shower is awesome.

Roxanne said...

Awesome: Finding a spelling mistake wherein a heron (the bird) is referred to as a heroin (the downfall of several iconic jazz musicians) before the book goes to press!

Collins said...

Going into work late and leaving on time. Extra sleep + less work = awesome!

Meghan said...

It's awesome that my granny smith apple tree has the tiniest of apples growing on it!

Dan & fam said...

Finding my "missing" debit card in my scrubs from the previous week.

Samantha M.

Susan said...

The most awesome thing is getting hugs and "I love you" from my kids!

jen said...

AWESOME is: an 8 month old baby, that doesn't sleep more than 2 hours at a time, sleeping through THE NIGHT!

Famous Hat said...

My favorite awesome thing is having one of my plants bloom.

Famous Hat

Emily said...

Having my first baby in the hospital without pain killers was pretty awesome. But having my second baby AT HOME without painkillers or any other kind of drug was TRULY AWESOME.

That, and the fact that I just spent the last 30 minutes signing up with restaurants for free stuff on my birthday next week (Mother's Day) has been pretty awesome.

emiliy said...

My most favorite awesome thing is hitting every green light on the way to work. That, and ice cream.

Becka said...

Hmm... Awesome things? Smelling a cake that I baked, being able to snuggle in bed with my husband, watching my cats clean each other.

But if I had to pick just one, I would say my favorite awesome thing to do is to spend the day at Disneyland with my husband. Because of our schedules it never happens, even though we have passes. Alas, the life of 2 very busy college students. =)

tina said...

my cat jumping on my lap and curling up purring after one of the bad days at work

Anna. said...

When someone else takes out the trash at work. It makes my LIFE.

debbie said...

Homemade warm bread with some nice fresh peach jam is one one of my favorite things.

Janna said...

My favorite awesome thing is watching a breast cancer survivor walk into closing at the 3 Day having not only beating breast cancer but walking 60 miles in 3 days giving cancer a big ole middle finger!!

Unknown said...

Favorite thing? Cuddling with the whole family in bed. That's life.

Unknown said...

Finding just the perfect gift for that someone special ... Awesome!

joansie said...

My dog may be dumb, but she is awesome (and much cheaper than a therapist) . . . a fact I am reminded of as I look at the oozing Hello Kitty.

Jennifer said...

My 13 year old son has Cerebral Palsy. My all-time favorite awesome thing is his bright, happy smile. I could be having the worst day in the world and his smile will make everything better.

Oh, and Cake Wrecks, of course. That's my other favorite awesome thing!

Shelley Batenchuk said...

my favorite awesome thing is snuggling with the punklets (my kids) and watching them fall asleep.

Slim said...

Having a day off in the middle of the week and having great weather !


carli said...

Frying an egg to a perfect over-medium, with no burnt whites, is awesome.


Unknown said...

I think getting to sleep in while the hubby watches the kids and makes pancakes is awesome!

Bub said...

My favourite awesome thing (to be) will be getting off an airplane, after travelling from the other side of the world in six weeks time, to meet my first grandchild (due to be born in a couple of weeks) for the very first time!

Behnaz said...

My favorite awesome thing is when I wake up in a full on panic early in the morning because I think I'm late for work. Then I realize that it's the weekend and that I can snuggle into my bf and sleep a couple more hours.

SweetB said...

Being able to spend a day without HAVING to be here or there with my family is AWESOME! :)

Annie said...

My awesome thing is cake-related (as I was baking a cake yesterday!): when the cake is inherently lopsided, but you get to fix it by adding about an inch of frosting to one side of the top of it. :)

Sarah said...

Making my kids laugh and giggle. No better sound then that.

CakeMommy said...

Extra french fries at the bottom of the McDonald's bag. We call these "bonus fries."


Valerya Baker said...

I'm looking forward to spending 3 months with my family in Oregon this summer. My husband and I will FINALLY have a babysitter so we can spend our anniversary out with each other. It will be AWESOME because it'll be the first time it's happened!

Sarah said...

Making my kids laugh and giggle. Best sound in the world!

Unknown said...

My totally awesome thing happened just this weekend... my first nephew (and oldest of my nieces and nephews, I have no children of my own) went to his Senior Prom and I got to make the corsage and boutineer for them, as well as take pictures of how handsome he was with his beautiful date. It was totally awesome to see my baby boy, whom I held within an hour of his birth, get all snazzed up and celebrate the last big party of his high school life, knowing next month I get to celebrate the totally awesomeness of his graduation. Having him in my life is totally awesome...

coeurdechoeur said...

I love the texture of butter cream when it has had time to set properly and has just a little crust of sugar on the outside. So much better than that flavorless whipped crap that grocery stores so often use.

WV: ingener - I guess it's better that these folks are cake decorators and not ingeners. There would be a lot of poorly designed bridges.

Tennille said...

Awesome? When my eight year old tells me that the cakes I make are "much better than the ones on that website"! He of course, is referring to CW. Oh! One more, I LOVE it when people spell "genius" wrong. I giggle every time.

Anonymous said...

my favorite awesome thing is knowing that, this year, I'll be able to dance with my partner at the Marine Corps Ball without putting her career in jeopardy.

Anonymous said...

My favorite awesome thing is when my boys get along and I don't have to remind them to love each other.

Iisha at newmexicoazul(at)aol(dot)com

Gemgrrl said...

Seven minute frosting!

Jill said...

In the spirit of the Stanley Cup playoffs, my favourite Awesome Thing is winning in Overtime...Nothing quite like it! (Of course, my team didn't make the playoffs this year, so a nice consolation would be reading about 1000 more Awesome Things...;))

Dani said...

One of my favorite awesome things: unsolicited, ridiculously sarcastic comments from my 3-year old.

Shelagh T said...

One of my favourite awesome things is when the kids don't wake me up until 7:30 or 8 in the morning instead of their usual 6 or 6:30.

melanie said...

My favorite awesome thing is Disneyland!!!

jenn said...

When my 15 year old son holds my hand - in public? Awesome!

froggibabey said...

My awesome thing? I love, love LOVE it when my husband takes out the garbage without being reminded 800 times! I refuse to do it, since I do everything else :P

halesbales said...

I love witnessing karma take its revenge instantaneously. Like the tool at the crosswalk that was making a rude comment to his friend about a homeless woman trip over apparently nothing fall flat out. That's awesomeness

Jen said...

So many awesome things in my life. Drinking an entire cup of coffee in one setting hot {not rewarmed}, getting to sleep in, getting a full nights rest...can you tell I have 3 kids under the age of 5 and these things next to never happen. Oh the little things that meake me happy!

Christina said...

my favorite thing is hearing my kids say "I love you" :D

I love your blog, makes me laugh every time! Thanks so much.

Tiffany said...

My favorite awesome thing is sign language. I love that my non verbal son can now tell me about the world using sign.Amazed by sign and my son!

CookieD'oh said...

My favorite awesome thing is when my toddler randomly tells me how much she loves her family! Accompanied by unsolicited hugs!

Dayla said...

Bright sunshine!! It is amazing how a little sunshine can lift your spirits!!!
And I agree with "The Boob Nazi"....Owl cake = scream!!

Casey said...

One of my favorite awesome things wearing a new pair of hand-knit wool socks that I made myself!

anna said...

Going shopping for something and finding it on clearance!....and chocolate chip cookie dough. Nom nom!

sharon said...

Having my son say I'm a genius because I know lots of stuff is awesome. (He's six and seems to think he knows everything)

ceer78 said...

Long hot baths when my back is acting up!

Anonymous said...

What's awesome? Coming across gems such as "the number two special"!

Something else I find awesome, though I think I'm becoming more and more the minority, is slamming gears and jamming the clutch in a manual transmission vehicle. Nothing beats it, especially if it's a high-performance model.

Seeing "sports cars" equipped with automatic transmissions is "tragic."

Donna B.
PS Kudos to Brian W for giving notice at the job he hates. I did that a couple of months ago myself. Best wishes to you! And yay to Tanira! As a fellow military spouse (I'm assuming your husband is mil) I'm cheering for you!

Jane said...

A totally awesome thing is when a complete stranger smiles at you. That just makes my day!

Hugs from Jane

Ms. MM said...

Whenever I'm asked if I like Twilight by a girl my age I always respond, "Hellz bellz yes! I totally am a Twilight fan!" and then I sing the Twilight Zone theme.

Their faces are usually O___O

Ainslee said...

one of my favorite awesome things is banana cheesecake from the cheesecake factory!

Anonymous said...

Awesome is seeing the look on a stranger's face when you do something nice, even something as simple as holding the door open or letting them go ahead of you in the check-out line. -Emily Anne

Amy said...

One of my favorite awesome things is when I am in line in the university cafeteria and they are at the bottom of the tray of french fries, and you know you're going to get the old, cold fries, and then justintime! someone comes over with a new steaming tray of fresh fries and the cafeteria worker gives you the first bowl out of the new tray. mmm bliss.

amy.kunberger said...

Awesome is learning words for things that you never knew had names! Like, an aglet (the plastic or metal part at the end of a shoelace) or glabella (the space between your eyebrows).

Ashley said...

the smell of water hitting warm cement. awesome

Amy Brooks said...

One of my awesome things is that I'm graduating this month from college.

GeekByMarriage said...

Sleeping in and waking up to my husband massaging my back.

Karla said...

Sunshine is awesome!

karlatrx AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Jamma's awesome is seeing her grandchildren's firsts... first smiles, first steps, first laugh, first hugs and kisses!!!

Pippa in a Tree said...

In your 20's irrationally feeling like you are running out of time and, in the midst of a conversation worrying about adulthood, having your friend's eight year old daughter interrupt and tell you "Yeah but you're not really like a complete grown-up. Not really."

Totally the most awesome thing anyone has ever said to me.

Also toothpaste. I love toothpaste.

Anonymous said...

My totally awesome thing is all the de-cluttering I've been doing. Seriously, Totally, AWESOME!


~ Cynthia

Anonymous said...

You know what's awesome? Bacon. Bacon is awesome. Also my husband, who mows the lawn so I don't have to. And who cooks me delicious dinner.

transyamber said...

My favorite thing is finally getting a butter cream icing that doesn't taste like a salt lick!
Amber Combs

Heather said...

Walking on the beach in my fave Florida spot (sorry, not sharing the details. It is nicely underpopulated!) early on a late spring morning searching for shells!

Sabrina said...

Winning contests. Winning contests has got to be one of the most awesome things possible. I say this with a hopeful heart, lawd knows I've never actually won one, myself.... unless you count that breath holding contest in the second grade while singing the days of the week song... which I totally don't count because I cheated. Whoops. Sorry Mrs Duncan!

HarlowBlue said...

One of my favorite AWESOME things. You'll never be the same.

Melissa B. said...

My favorite awesome thing is snuggling with my 6 month old baby boy. =D

Unknown said...

My favorite awesome thing is living here in the US and having the freedom to be/do/and believe whatever I want and have those freedoms protected by our brave men and women. Yesterday's news has really made me appreciate all over again the freedoms that I was born into. My country is so AWESOME!!!

Marcy K. said...

Sitting by someone on the bus who smells like fresh laundry. Awesome.

Jenka said...

Sagging a corner piece ... with a giant icing rose on it! :)

malakoff grows said...

Epcot = awesome.

Chunky Dunk said...

My favorite awesome thing today is my boss and her awesome baking! Sugar cookies today and coffee cupcakes later this week!

Nikki said...

The good favorite thing is when all of my kids are home and the loud chaos that comes that. OR Peanut M&M's fix most of whats wrong in the world. AWESOME

~JenNiFer~ said...

One of my favorite things is listening to my puppy snore while he snoozes in a big fluffy blanket!

LeAnna said...

This blog is one of my favorite awesome things!

Maureen said...

Those cakes are..... awesome!!!
My awesome thing: being around my 3 1/2 year old great-nephew.

Mama Wild Bear said...

Awesome is when the kids say something crazy hilarious like when my daughter walked up to all the adults in the neighborhood and told everyone that her stuffed cat just got laid. Stunned silence followed by hilarity when we realized she meant it had just been BORN and that the other cat was its MOTHER!

Unknown said...

My favorite totally awesome thing would be winning a book of awesome things... but for now it's having my son home from college.

Anonymous said...

My favorite awesome thing is my cat pawing at my eyes whenever I cry (be it for a movie or a commercial or because I'm sad), so I stop. He purrs as he pats the tears away.

Rikki said...

I love the firsts of the year: the first day back to school, the first day with the top off my Jeep, the first day it's warm enough to ride my horse, annnnnd the list could go on for a really, really long time.

Becca said...

One of my favorite awesome cake things is getting a piece from the middle instead of one of the edges. I could do without the frosting... for me it is all about the cake!

Nicole said...

Sitting on my porch and reading a book.

Anonymous said...

My favorite awesome thing: cracking up over cakewrecks every single day, then heading over to epbot for more fun.

Joni said...

Winning. That is awesome.

Marenski said...

Giggling babies. It's the best sound in the world. Ok that and free cookies at the grocery.

Anonymous said...

My awesome thing for the day is being able to touch my toes! I never used to be able to do that! :D

Lara Kay said...

Watching D&D enthusiasts get into heated arguments over the superiority of Elves versus Dwarves. Also, sleeping with the windows open during springtime, and waking up to a freshly brewed pot of coffee.

Tammy said...

One of my favorite awesome things is being in the Navy, fighting the war on terrorism for 13 years and finding out that Bin Laden has been taken out by on of our own :-)

Anonymous said...

Ice cream Cakes are awesome!

Nancy said...

Fave awesome thing: my new soaker bathtub!

wv: resom. The mane resom I love Cake Wrecks is: there "awesome"!

Janina said...

my awesome is awesome carrot cake with awesome frosting that got decorated by my awesome kids for my SUPER AWESOME 30th birthday!!! Oh...did I mention the awesome cake?

Love you, Jen and John! I hope u can make it back to Denver for book tour #2...not on my anniversary this time :D

SpaceFanMomma said...

My favorite awesome thing is getting to the Magic Kingdom early enough to cruise through the first few rides without having to wait in line.

Lisa O. said...

When you wake up early and then realize it's the weekend and you can go back to bed and sleep in. Awesome!

EG said...

Motown music!

Unknown said...

My most awesome thing is when my kids tell me they'd rather I cook dinner than go out to eat :)


Anonymous said...

I think it is awesome when I take a photograph of something (on my film camera) and when I go to develop it, the picture comes out better than I had anticipated.

Lizzy said...

One awesome thing- seeing baby ducklings in the duck pond in the springtime. Makes me happy every time I see them.

Arkansas Mom said...

Coffee to go with my cake, that's what's awesome.

Anonymous said...

my most awesome thing today is going to work...and being told I can go home...woohoo unexpected day off!!!
Deana N

Emkede said...

Having a sleepover with my friends and acting like we're five. The complete and utter awesomeness of pillow fights and laughing at absolutely nothing pwns all. Awesomeazingtasticalepicalicious to the fifth power!

CheriA said...

Awesome: Driving down the closest parking lane at Target "just for giggles," and actually finding a rock star parking space!

Also awesome: freebies from CW!

Rachel said...

My awesome things are two little girls. Ages 3 and 5. Full of creativity, love of life and excitement about everything. After never thinking I'd be this lucky and not sure if I could have a child after a bad situation, here they are. Hope for the future and hope for a bright future.

Unknown said...

One of my favorite awesome things is when the bakery gets your cake order RIGHT! :) LOL!

Unknown said...

Another favorite thing is that they finally got Bin Laden!

Anita Vaughan said...

The most awesome things I have experienced has been planning what I thought would be a tiny event - and having it turn into an amazing, fabulous party. How? Because a bunch or wonderful people offered to help. For free. Even people I didn't even know called to offer their services. Amazing!

yellowpickup said...

Finding an extra dollar in your wallet or pocket.

Anonymous said...

The most awesome moment was the day my niece was born. I was blessed to be in the delivery room to witness and welcome her into the world. It was awesome and amazing!

Abby said...

Awesome thing: hugs from my girlfriend.

Heidi said...

It's always awesome to find a $20 bill in your pocket you'd forgotten about. :)

Shara said...

I think that the fact that my nearly 16 year old son still givs me a good morning hug and kiss is AWESOME.

I think that the fact that one of my birthday cakes was featured on CakeWrecks over two years ago is still a topic on my blog. Everyone remembers my Wolfman/Curious George Cupcake wreck. It was AWESOME!

Now for something NOT Awesome - my cellphone went defective last week and I lost about thirty photos all of potential cakewrecks that I hadn't downloaded yet. Boooo.

Mindy said...

On Easter Sunday, my husband came home from a year in Afghanistan. Last night, we watched the news about Bin Laden together, from the comfort and safety of our living room. It was decidedly awesome.

Molly said...

Awesome: when my 4 year old falls asleep on the couch in the afternoon, and I get a bonus hour to myself!

-Molly P.

Mandybear said...

Having a guy give you the second look as you walk by, I'm pretty chubby after having 2 kids so when it actually happens it makes my week!!

Jenny said...

Reading your blog and laughing until I cry is totally awesome with awesome sauce on top.

Debra said...

chocolate and peanut butter ice cream!

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