The Enthusiast:

The Informer:

"Nice post, though."
The Optimist:

The Storyteller:

Bad commenters
The Name Builder:

The Newbie:

The Spammer:

When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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137 comments | Post a Comment
This post just made my week! I definitely fall into the "threw up in my mouth, peed my pants it was so funny" category. I just wish I was witty enough to make it as hilarious as you did! :D
Keep the laughs coming!
Shouldn't The Informer fall into it's own category of "remarkably annoying and no one cares"?
These cakes? WINNING!!
You left out The Offender. Like so: "I think it is not funny to make fun on newbie commenters, or to call them 'bad' just because they do not belong to the Inner Circle. Everyone should feel welcome, and as it happens, I do not feel that way anymore. Goodbye."
BTW, great post with a fresh angle ;)
I really like the daisies on that last cake.
I think Charlie Sheen already has two women to pet his mon....oh, wait, that's not what you meant?
I don't know about all of you, but I have a sudden urge to email Mike Johnson and get some Viagra (and I'm not even a guy).
You forgot "The Class Clown," (the gal -- or guy -- who desperately tries to show everyone how witty she is in the comments. (Guilty, though I have also been known to occasionally pimp one of my own blog posts -- like this unbelievably cute video of a baby laughing and making a scared face (clearly he must have been riding a carrot) -- in this space.)
Um, I'm pretty sure cake #5 is that Epcot Centroid place from Disney. You know, the golfball building. You can tell by the Disney-like pink color scheme. Also, the sprinkles are obviously supposed to be fairy dust.
Then again, it could be something completely unrelated. That diamond shape could be a poorly drawn flying saucer. Then, since it's on a terrestrial cake, it could be called Spaceship Earth.
The Storyteller is by far my favorite comment! Such creativity and imagination. You're always winning when you throw Charlie Sheen's name in the mix.
great start to my morning, as always! thanks
WV: dessem
Dessem posts really make my day.
Oh, now I'm all comment intimidated! (kidding! I'll bloviate more!) ;^)
It is good for us to laugh at ourselves for a change!
You forgot to include the terminally offended.
I think Craig deserves his own category of commentors. Cause when the posts are good, I keep checking back until he comments.
That dude is funny!
I totally agree!
You know #6 does look like Epcot...you can tell by the font..
The Storyteller cake *better* have a story behind it. You don't get cakes that ugly without *something* worthy of a story going down.
(once again, these photos just make me wonder what heck goes through people's minds to make a cake like that.)
WV: shedn. That storytelling cake is shedn gold junk all over everywhere. (man,that was too easy.)
Oh boy, you forgot The Analyzer. Nothing quite like reading through 12 inches of cake-by-cake self interpretation. This could probably also be called The Ego.
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm here?
Nah, must just be my imagination. ;)
Mike Johnson threw up in Mike Johnson's mouth when Mike Johnson saw all of Mike Johnson's comments used in this post. This reminds Mike Johnson of a story of this one time when Mike Johnson was Charlie Sheen's roomate at bandcamp in Northern Kentucky and Mike Johnson saw Jessica Alba nude except for a single ficus remidus leaf. Good thing Mike Johnson had lots of Viagra, but Mike Johnson's sperm doesn't look like balloons. Then we walked to Epcot in our Nikes. In other words, you forgot to mention the Rehasher and Mike Johnson still doesn't see any daisies. Good post, though.
You also forgot the Conversationalist. @J: You are so right. Glad I'm not like that and so is Mike Johnson. :D
Great. I am now petrified to leave a comment.
I love you.
You guys are awesome...I would fold my blog after the first negative comment, and slink away never to be heard from again. :P I'm very glad you keep them coming! I quite enjoy your take on things :)
VW: ovene
i bakez my cake wrekz in my ovene
I have a nomination!
The Defender:
You guys can say what you want about Gerber daisies/babies and purple fried donuts! Jen/John, we love you and your Spaceship Earth (and we totally knew it was not Epcot even before reading the comments), so don't listen to the haters! (then the cake should be appropriately happy with one eyed smileys or funky peace signs).
I think I belong in this camp of commentors. :)
wv: Pancythe: what a half goat / half man uses to bring in the harvest.
Thanks for adding a little tee hee into my mornings. I wonder if my sister is getting weary of me sending this link location to her every day...? Nah. She's laughing.
So when the blogger runs out of whitty things to say about the cakes, take a whack at the readers. @@
Apparently i'm an enthusiast.
I'm so glad you consider that a 'good' commentor. ;)
I'm going to spend the rest of the day wondering what the sombrero and the monkey were doing to Charlie Sheen.
I'm not sure which one I come under.
But every morning, without fail, you guys make me laugh.
Btw, I think that pink-and-green cake would look great with a picture of Jessica Alba nude (or a pair of Nikes) on it.
So, is Mike Johnson John's porn name? ;-)
Haha I just want to post something now so I will
You forgot the Terminally Confused, which today is me because the Mike Johnson reference has left me bewildered. Don't bother explaining, I'll just come back another day when it's all not so confusing...
I am finally catching on to your daisy comments.
I just can't get going in the morning until I have had my cake wrecks.
I'm almost afraid to comment.
But I feel compelled to correct your geography about that lake, and tell you a very long story about how I know that it's not actually in Northern Kentucky.
And that was a daisy leaf on that one cake. I know, because it looks just like Epcot!
WV: ophot. Like an op-ed, but written by someone who's really steamed (hot under the collar)
The comments in my head are usually Informer-Optimist-Storyteller.
Then, I use my "What Would This Add, And Who Would Be Interested?" filter. Which keeps me from posting 90% of my thoughts. Some credit may also be given to my "Too Lazy To Articulate" filter.
Glad that you're laughing. It beats closing comments on posts.
I am SO stealing the Charlie Sheen comment. I am going to post it every where I can today - just to be original, you see! I love it!
That is such a hilariously accurate portrayal of your daily comments, I was grinning and giggling through the whole thing, when not laughing out loud. Nicely done.
Although, I was kind of looking forward to the person that got offended. "I cannot believe you, of all people, are not sensitive to the dangers faced by the ficus remidius! This endangered plant faces almost certain habitat destruction! I have devoted my whole life to preserving Lake Onomakahatitikaka! How can you call yourself a humor blogger and yet be so callous?" Because I think we can agree that anyone who gets offended about Cake Wrecks is pretty much gonna sound that ridiculous no matter what they're upset about.
I'm trying to decide which one I am.
I'm a little afraid.
I guess I'm a newbie....but I'm methodically reading through old posts trying to catch up. I am all the way through 2008 and 2009 (just stopped at April 2010 to...you know, do some "work" at my "job") and I still don't understand Epcot. Probably because I haven't been reading the comments, just the posts. Guess I better start over...
Cake Wrecks: Come for the ugly cakes, stay for the passive aggression.
There is also the lurker who doesn't usually comment but 'just had to comment this one time because..'
which would be me. -crawls back into hiding- eep.
ps. ♥
Do you get comments requesting more penis cakes? Probably not, considering the abundance of them.
I'm afraid to comment now.
My two faves: The "sine qua non" who feels morally obligated to comment on EVERY cake in the post so that no one will miss being educated; and the "Uber offended" (yes, I know I left off the umlaut) who is NEVER COMING BACK! Buh-bye, we won't miss you.
WV: obreste. "Obreste cake, where art thou?"
I'm Oblivious because you can't possibly be including me in any of these.
wv: Foliten -- and important daily subtance needed for a healthy sense of humor, can be found in cakes, pies, and ice cream
Yet another morning it's good I peed before reading Cake Wrecks. Brilliant as usual!
Sadly accurate D:
Ha! I know someone in all of those categories. (Well, except maybe "the Spammer.")
As it happens, I DO know what happened to that hooker's pet monkey; I'm still just not ready to talk about it. Unless I'm subpoenaed. But what are the odds, since I have no plans to go back to Prague, or even the year 1982?
I just want to know why the name builder cake has pink maggots on it. You cannot convince me that those are sprinkles.
@Neard, thanks for the giggle!
Loved this post, as always. :) Also, I'm always so happy to see that you can laugh about Epcot because, well, I wouldn't have responded as kindly as you have.
Well played, Jen.
Also, I love "we are 95% sure we are going to miss you"! Now I want someone to leave so I can get them that cake.
Bwahahahahaha! I am so disgusted at you because you made me P. On. My. Keyboard while I was catching up on my Viagra emails (which by the way is a blue pill [made by Pfizer] that helps with...). Anyway, I don't get why it's funny to poke fun at bakers who are only doing their job the best they can. Aside from the retina-popping hot pink, the roses look nice! Speaking of retina-popping and Epcot, that reminds me of when I read your post about Charlie Sheen and laughed SOOOO hard at the rocket fuel cake! :-)
LOL @ Neard! Good one!
wv: truch: Mike Johnson wouldn't truch these cakes with a 10' pole!
So that's why Sheen has been in the news so much latley...
[blink blink]
{blank stare}
Well now I'm afraid to comment.
I've been all of these, except the Spammer and the Name Builder. I guess I have not head for business.
There's also the Too-Much-Information-Giver:
"Yet another morning it's good I peed before reading Cake Wrecks."
And the Person Who Disagrees With the Concept of 'Cake Wrecks':
"I think that Blastulated Craphound is adorable. Besides, could you do it better? I'm sure they did the best they could, and the little bumblebee on the Craphound's anus is too cute for words."
"What's wrong with an epcot with swastikas on it? It's an ancient mystical symbol of good luck."
Haha! Love it!!
There is also the Person For Whom No Cake Is A Wreck:
"Sandra Lee has such wonderful ideas for delicious and beautiful cakes. I'd like to eat all of them."
Then, of course, there's the Sarcastic Mean Person (insert picture of me).
ahaha, I don't fall into any of those categories. *looks around* what?
Plus, those cakes are just awful. lol
Some days I think you poke the sleeping bear just to know you're alive...
I agree with those who mentioned the "epic flounce" commenters. Those are always good for a laugh.
Oddly enough most of the readers of a HUMOR blog have enough of a sense of humor that when the subject is our comments, we are capable of laughing at ourselves (along with the funny cakes)!
Keep it up, your site is one of my favorites, and my kids' favorites as well. I've trained them well, they now peek into the grocery store display case every week and see how many cake wrecks they can spot.
I think I know who "Mike Johnson" is...
I feel properly chastised.
But I really do like "The Storyteller" cake. It looks like a preschool macaroni and glitter art project.
Soooo pretty.
wv: egasto-The decorator's leaving egasto go get some more gold spray paint to finish that cake.
I was worried some of the "enthusiasts" might be offended but it seems safe ;-}
I don't WANT to know my catagory, I just enjoy the cakes, and comments
What about people like me: "Trying to Sound Cool". Don't know what you'd actually call that. The Poseur?
And I'm with Fluffy Cow. I'm scared to actually leave a comment now.
The Informer is more like the Annoyer if you ask me.
Okay, I confess, I'm guilty of some of the charges. But you'll never take me alive.
WV devasta
I am devasta by the accusations of making bad/boring/bitchy posts.
I LOVE the fact that you finally acknowledge the intricacy of the comments that really aren't that bad compared to what some blogs get. It reminds me of the time that I went to the store with my grandma and we bought Mary_B's book about Mary_B. Although it might actually be a daisy, but I'm not sure because I don't know what WV means. Enough of this, I'm off to check out hot singles in my area who want to date me.
But honestly, I would rather not have any details about Charlie Sheen's monkey. Thanks.
When the informer and the story teller get together and comment on my blog, I tend to get all stabby. And don't even get me started on the link-whore.
There is also the Non Sequitur comment, of which I will now leave a sample:
Will Charlie Sheen's new monkey have tiger blood and Adonis DNA?
This was awesome. Equal parts "get rid of random but crappy cakes in our collection" and, I'd guess, cathartic mockery. :)
I'll join the others that are amazed that you chose not to mock the permanently offended! KittyKat's term "epic flounce" was pretty great. I like how they hold their readership over your head. "I can't believe you said that Charlie Sheen was Canadian and that King Cakes were named after him! I will never, ever read your blog again, and I will also stop speaking to anyone I know who is named either 'John' or 'Jen' because that is how offended I am."
Then again, maybe you know that all the cranky people have already vowed to never again type "cakewrecks" into Google again, so you know they won't read it anyway. :)
What about the "Easily Offended"?
I am slightly offended you didn't post about THOSE people... sheesh!
I am still contemplating the fact that not one but two people have anonymously taken offense at this post, of all posts (@10:30, @11:38). They are kidding, right? It's some kind of meta-humor?
Sometimes I open the blog just to read the comments! Love the categories, not so fond of that last cake. Neon pink - reminds me of the 80's and is so bright, "I gotta wear shades."
WV: psersac (first s silent)
I would like one wreck psersac and thrown in the garbage!
Brilliant taxonomy of blog posters. The same types crop up on every blog I've followed.
If we can't laugh at ourselves, we shouldn't be laughing at the wrecks!
Thanks for the laughs!
<---- Enthusiast
Oh, I am so, so, so glad that all my methods of commenting fall into the "good comments" category!
Hot pink and emerald green!!!..My wedding colors!!! ...oh..wait...forgot, I got hitched at the court house...with someone in an orange jumpsuit waiting in the benches for THEIR turn with the judge...lol
Love the post :)
wv-culam :You just have to culam as you seeum.
LOL you forgot the complainer!
You know..."OMG Jen you call this a post? Ugh I can fart better posts than this!!!! I cant believe you call yourself a blogger!!"
I on the other hand LOVE it!!! Have a great day!
Maybe someday I will get tens of comments. You know, when I start actually writing more often than twice a year.
Wondering which categories I usually fall into?
Yes, please add the Always Personally Offended, Passive Aggressive, and/or Hypocrital commenter!
"Excuse me, when I am try to take a break from working and check out a "HUMOR" blog, I don't expect to see you poking fun a fine version of the flag that represents the 29th anniversary of when Queen Elizabeth II gave Royal Assent to the Canada Act 1982 (cake #5). Really? What could possibly be funny about Queen Elizabeth? Or Canada? Frankly I'm really suprised someone with such a following has no respect for this glorious holiday and the pastries that celebrate it! I guess I'll be finding a new humor blog that takes things a little more seriously. Thanks."
That Charlie Sheen scenario actually sounds a bit (a little bit) like the movie In Bruges with Colin Ferrell and Brendan Gleeson (Mad-Eye Moody). Great movie!!
OMG, I'm a cross between the name builder and the storyteller! My husband and I write a steampunk cyberserial and we're writing a post that's just like the storyteller. I'm laughing at myself!
Wouldn't it be ironic if there was an EPCOT today? At least we didn't lose too many to offense...
Yes, I too enjoy being updated on people's bodily functions as they are reading. (I kid the enthusiasts.)
I don't know about ficuses (fici?) but the second one would be perfect for a girl named Fern.
Poor 'Gary'. The wreckerator should be using an assumed name.
Teacher's gonna be mad about the fourth one -- Charlie Sheen used all the construction paper to make it that thick! (I'm presuming the CS embargo has been lifted...)
I'm sure that guy from Ace of Cakes would agree that #5 is upside down. If only it had pineapple slices on it...
I don't get the joke on the next one. Sure, there's a carrot, but there's no baby on it (not sure what *that* whole thing is about, either). What's that whole 'wv' thing? I came here looking for factual information about cakes, geography and traditions and I have to say, it's really lacking.
Why do I think that if the lights were off, the last cake would still be visible.
Well, gotta run -- there's this foreign diplomat who needs to get his inheritance out of his country, and only some random American he has never met can help.
Best wishes,
Rick Astley
Thanks for making me laugh every day!
Now you're going to have us sitting around thinking of new categories to post with...
Beats doing real work!
Can I be like a bad Ebay reviewer?
Great Post, the wrecks were exactly as described. WOULD READ AGAIN A+++++++++++++++++++!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!
I think I fall into the "threw up in my mouth. spilt coffee on my keyboard, and peed my pants" category.
Thanks for the AAWWEESSOOMMEE post!
I'm afraid I'm an Informer.
Will you ever forgive me?
WV: stessew - the wild stessew is a native of. . .aw, forget it!
I'm another who should be afraid to comment (no comment on which category/categories I am) but am doing so anyway.
Another category of blog commentators I fortunately don't see too often at Cake Wrecks is the Crusader, who takes any opportunity to take over the comment section on a post that ever so obliquely mentions something they can somehow relate to their Big Cause, and the more controversial the better. (You know, the person who sees the Naked Baby Carrot cake as an in for, say, advocating for a political party who supports carrot farmer subsidies.)
I'm usually fall more into the first category but I'd love to be the spammer! they look like they have way more fun!
The informers can be boring and annoying but they have good info and that is a good thing. ;)
I actually kinda like the last one. I know the color combo is awful (especially the pink...) but if you just look at it, it's rather striking.
Oh EB has one more thing to say (and is too lazy to inset html links again): the writing on that "God Luck" cake is so good it has me (EB) "mesmerized" it's 95% good and 5% wrecked.
PLEASE explain the "Mike Johnson" think. I've been reading for years and am still baffled. Many thanks.
I love the links in those posts.
I have to agree with Heidi at 10:02...I was watching for the "Person Who Needs to Write Their Own Blog and Stop Re-Writing the Entire Cake Wrecks Post" but Heidi summed it up much more neatly :)
Heidi said...
Oh boy, you forgot The Analyzer. Nothing quite like reading through 12 inches of cake-by-cake self interpretation. This could probably also be called The Ego.
I find myself wishing for a "like" button so I can more easily (read: lazily) let other commenters know I agree with them!
WV: tarder
I took the tarder way this time and just typed out my own comment.
NICE! This blog makes me laugh every day. Thanks! :)
Love this post! Laughed so hard. You totally nailed the categories and I hope you'll add some more in the future.
I agree with that last anonymous and all the other people confused: I've been reading this blog for two years and I do not understand the Mike Johnson reference! Enlighten us!
I forgot to look at the cakes this time.
Great post! Very informative! Check out my blog with tons of Nekkid pictures of Angelina Roberts! Also it's actually spelled OnomaCahatitikaka, not OnomaKahatitikaka, common mistake.
WV Versh-I don't have a definition, I just like the way this sounds... versh! versh!! VERSHHHHH!!
Love this post! I guess this makes me an Informer:
For everyone who's confused about the Mike Johnson thing, you have John, Jen and Number One to thank, for removing comments just like that example... where someone uses an unoriginal comment as an excuse to link their own website as many times as humanly possible while trying to maintain some semblance of relevance. Unfortunately the only relevant word they can usually come up with to disguise the barrage of links is their own name.
P.S. For anyone wondering, Jen, John and Number 1 are probably only letting this comment through the sieve because Epbot is not a shameless plug for my own blog - it's written by our very own Jen! Go read it.
P.S. I had fun choosing all those links!
I laughed so hard at "The Storyteller" that I choked on my own saliva! Thank you for that laugh, I needed it.
You didn't include the kind that irritates me the most: people (the same two whom I won't name and an occasional bonus poster) who rewrite your post for you EVERY day. I find it really rude and arrogant.
I'm pretty sure I'm a pop up commenter. I post once in a while with random meaningless comments. So would I be a whack-a-mole commenter?
Rick Astley wins the comment section. That is all. :)
Hmm. The sad thing is, I've been reading this for ages...I've read every single post, though I normally only read the first 20 or so comments...yet I still don't get the Epcot thing. I've been trying and trying to figure it out, but I'm still lost.
I feel left out.
A little afraid to comment, but at least I *hope* I fall into the "good" categories... and we must have a little humor at our own expense every now and then :)
I am 100% sure I love the 95% cake and must have this the next time a friend leaves work.
oh, and @Scrapopotomous, I totally agree! Great humor!
Couldn't the Informer category be named for that famous/infamous informer from Cheers, Cliff Clavin who was always ready to share "a little known fact"?
I'm about to be one of the newbie commenters...
What's the whole Mike Johnson thing? I don't get it. :(
I love how folks commenting that now they are afraid to comment are...commenting!
I'm usually a lurker, myself.
There's a couple of groups I've noticed that haven't been mentioned.
First of all, we have The Ninjas - anonymous commenters who don't sign their names anywhere in their comments. They are usually, although not always, in one of the bad categories.
Then there's a group I like to call the TL:DRs - people who don't read the comments and pump up the current Epcot to threat level red.
wv: woakie - a wookiee that is no longer asleep
M. Dale, it's all in the comments! If it says "Epcot, twitch twitch" as Jen's late-addition to the post, there's stuff in the comments.
I try not to be anonymous, but I am blog-less and I don't think I have a google account. Hm.
You should add "The corrector" to include all these idiots who felt the need to add categories to your already great post.
Why do people feel the need to add their own spin on things? Ugh.
And yes, I DO see the irony/hypocrisy in my first sentence.....
the hooker's pet monkey runs an Italian bakery in Kabul & his uncle is a dentist who specializes in cracked molars.
-Barbara Anne
The last one was actually quite pretty...I'm 95% sure of it ;) lol
You forgot the "I'm just posting because the word verification was just too good to pass up."
Okay, so I just posted the missed WV thing and my new and improved WV comes up- Drum roll please.....
WV:cowduc- I think that is what is on the 17th cake.
What the cow did when it saw the mad bride throwing her wedding cake from yesterday's post.
You also missed the "I love you John/ I love you Jen" comments.
Sure, the balloons on the third cake dont look like sperm, but I kept thinking that they look like goldfish crackers.
Thanks for the Bonus Fun provided in the Spammer links! The links were quite appropriate, and just as funny the second+ time around!
2 Enthusiastic Thumbs Up!!!
Lol! I can't stop making typos now thank you :D. That storyteller rose cake was kinda pretty. The first one looks like something out of Plants vs. Zombies. It would kill the zombies that is for sure lol.
Aw, anonymous at 8:05. There's a handy FAQ's that explains Epcot, and mohawk babies, etc.: http://www.cakewrecks.blogspot.com/p/faq.html
@M. Dale, @Anonymous 8:05pm, and others who don't understand what EPCOT is all about: I too was in the dark about EPCOT, until I happened to read the FAQ section (link is on the top menu). Jen provides links to the entries and comments you need to read in order to understand what it's all about. (You'll need a couple of hours to get through it all, though, as there are about 500 comments to read.) :)
Oh wow, does this comment make me an Informer?
@theangelJean 6:54pm, thanks for clearing up the Mike Johnson question...now I can get a good night sleep. Also, your links were great.
I'm sure moderating the comments is a time-consuming job. Thanks for all the great posts and hard work. Glad to see that you're maintaining your sense of humor. :)
And a new category emerges: the commenter whose wit earns him a cult following. To wit: Craig.
WV: blagise--Those who have insufficient wit to author their own blogs often blagise the entries of others.
I definitely fall into the newbie category....Will someone explain the Mike Johnson thing to me?
How about the Reference Checker, who is always grateful for the reference to ______ , which once in a while I'm not so sure was even there?
There are always more categories that you can add, but that's a great subset of them!
Sometimes I just come on this wonderful blog (and I read it) in order to get to your other Steampunk-er blog.
(I refuse to bookmark or add to favorites...Don't want "Da Man" to find out where I surf...Ya, know what I mean?)(Don't worry though, I do preach the good word about your stuff to my associates)
So as the good Doctor (10) says, "Alonzi!"
That didn't look anything like Jessica Alba.
Okay, now I feel self conscious about commenting -- like I'm back in gradeschool...
You guys make me laugh.
That's why I keep coming back.
I knew there was no way you would actually link to some weird porn site, so when I realized "Jessica Alba Nude" was an actual hyperlink, I had to find out what it went to. Thanks for the giggle!
Marvelous, just marvelous :)
You guys are the funniest! Love you...in a non creepy way!!! LOL
I, for one, would love a story involving Charlie Sheen, Prague, and cake!