Well, that's probably because I made that stat up. (FACT: 63.4% of statistics are made up on the spot.)
I'm pretty sure most diets do fail, though, on account of their requiring you to eat significantly smaller portions of cake - and, let's face it, that's a trade-off no one wants to make.
Still, for you foolhardy few trudging on in blatant defiance of Mother Nature, your genetics, and the Baskin Robbins large chocolate Oreo shake, here are some motivational visuals sure to make you lose your appetite, if not that spare tire.

Now, imagine washing that all down with a niiice, cold glass of milk.
Feeling motivated yet?

I feel I should warn you: this next cake will guarantee you'll never, EVER, want sprinkles again.
Sometimes you don't need icing or sprinkles to Wreck a cake, though. Sometimes, all you need is a can of fruit filling.
Hannah C., Ellysa C., Cynthia M., Johanna., Julie & Chris B., Jessica G., & Julia S., with cakes like these, who needs Weight Watchers?
- Related Wreckage: I Think I'll Have the Salad Today
RSS Feed Update: Due to excessive internet thievery (boo, spam blogs!) I've finally had to pull the plug on our full RSS feed. We're still tinkering and experimenting with options, though, so please bear with us!
221 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 221 of 221 Newer› Newest»I *was eating breakfast. I got all the way through to the blueberries and actually gagged on my cereal.
Cake #1 is proof of abiogenesis. has Kirk Cameron seen it yet?
I've been lurking on your site for the last two months ever since someone linked it on Facebook. Our family has been under some serious stressors lately and I have to tell you what a pick-me-up your site is. Even when I'm having what feels like the worst day, if I pop on here I'm smiling in seconds. Thanks for taking the time to do this, it really is appreciated.
I just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE this site! So funny. :)
OMG. That brown swirly icing with strawberry topping made me think of bowel cancer!
Just found your site today and spent an hour LAUGHING MY ACE OFF!!! Thank you for making my night. Holly Hilarious!
Bum-cake is not an issue. It would actually be a piece of arse a lot of men wouldn't otherwise get.
Cake one looks like something you scoop together from some lost corner of a swamp. It is a good deturent for dieting.
Cake 2... just no!
Cake 4 looks like a lot of donuts crammed together and tomato sauce sprayed on top.
Cake 5 and 6 are do look like Pinky and the Brains tray before changing it.
Cake 7 is simply from a goat farm.
This has to be the most wrecktastic collection of wrecks you've ever posted. The bloody poo one made me throw up in my mouth a little.
"Blueberries"? More like "Poo-berries" if you ask me...
....where are those cakes from???...specially the one of Chad....and the butt...and the green one that looks like a post-exorcism throw up....You guys truly surprise
Last cake. My train of thought:
*reading* No frosting...No sprinkles...*end-of-reading*...And no cake? All I see is a cake board and something my cat coughed up into my fish tank.
Last week.
the third one looks like a lower GI bleed. And I love the rat one. Going to do that for my daughter's next birthday.
Resourceful, thoughtful,
Personalizing pastries.
A rat's a good friend!
i am not wanting to be the eeter ov dis caak!
Love the Todd Snider reference!
the choc one that looks like pubic hair comes in already made! lmao i work at a supermarket we have that one XD
I dont know what an RSS feed is anyway. So have fun tinkering and I'll enjoy my ignorance.
*ahhh. bliss*
ALL of these cakes are simply gross! They are NOT funny, they would appeal to only extremely weird people and turn the rest of the guest's stomachs over!
Some freaky goings on are happening here me thinks! Scary creations. xx
Ewww...thats gross...not on a cake..surely?! :)xx
ROFLMAOOOOOO, all I could think of was " Deep space 9' and a 'hole in one' on the proctologist cake...LMAOOO