I bet she doesn't look a day over seven, Michelle S.
- Related Wreckage: Gee, Thanks, "Kids"
UPDATE: No, she wasn't a leap year baby. They just forgot the zero. ;)
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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116 comments | Post a Comment
I bet Mom got a smile out of that one. Hilarious!
This would only work if "Mom" was a leap year baby and this were actually her 32nd birthday! (Eight leap years x 4.) I could see my nine-year-old daughter telling daddy to get a cake like this . . . !
WV: tersa. No, it's not her tersa birthda, it's her 8th birthday!
I think I like the posts the best that you don't even have to put any commentary. Not that I don't LOVE your commentary...but it's totally awesome when the cake can speak for itself...
Why would you name your child "mom"... that is the only legit reason I can think of for this cake.
This cake fails like this ice jumper
Hahahahahah!!!!! That is classic!!
They grow so fast! ;)
Perhaps she was born on February 29th and is now 32 years old...
Hmm, perhaps the 8 year old gets her mom a cake each year as a thank you for going through that whole labor thing? ;-)
I try to give the cake decorators the benefit of the doubt on most of these. They can't all be artistically gifted and all that. And spelling is a skill not all people have. But if the decorator speaks English or anyone in the bakery speaks English, this is ridiculous.
I'm wondering if that's for a leap year baby. She'd be what, 32? Young to have a cake purchased solely by her children but you never know.
I can not wait to hear the "stories" that COULD be why this wreckerator sits in the dock.
[I can not think of ANY]but there MUST be at least one.
Latin for liferaft?
Maybe she's a Feb. 29 baby and she's really 32?
I'll be honest - my first thought, other than "80th?" was that she was born on February 29th. I know a couple of folks who were, and they almost always receive stuff like this. One likes it, one doesn't :)
Babies having babies. Too bad she can't have any Champagne with that cake.
Maybe it was supposed to say, "Happy 8th, Birthday Mom!" for her eighth baby, born on her birthday?
WV: evest; not quite the opposite of invest - as in "I would like to evest in these bakeries, please."
HE he, that is amazing!
Maybe she was born on Leap Year... -L.
Well, coming from Baltimore, this could be very accurate...
Maybe she was born on Feb 29th?
No worries, Jen. You've still got the funny. :)
If she was born on leap year, she would have her 8th birthday in her 32nd year... take it from me, I know, I am 25 but I have only had 6 real birthdays!
if not tho... that is pretty sad...
~Malisa T.
She could have a February 29th birthday, in which case she would have turned 32 in 2008.
Maybe they just named their daughter "Mom." It could happen.
Hee! I think maybe they forgot a zero.
How lucky are they! My mom is totally old, she's 9!
A bit young for motherhood...
maybe mom's a 36-year-old leap year baby?
Mom must have been a leap year baby. Hey, does this mean that movie has to pay you now?
Maybe she was born on Leap Day, and she's actually around 32 years, but has only celebrated it 8 times.
What? It could happen!
Maybe she was a leap year baby born on Feb. 29.
Man, I wonder what the intention was. "Happy 80th Birthday, Mom"? "Hapy 8th Birthday, LOVE, Mom"? Hmm...
And just look, Look how smooth her skin is! LOL
So many options.....is she a leap year baby? Is it supposed to be 80th? How will we ever know?!?! :D Made me grin this morning, though, so that's all that matters!!! ;)
My mom turned 15 a couple of years ago.
my, my, but don't they start young these days?!
and to think, i was still playing with barbies when i was 8.
lovely cake with lovely pink script though!
Omg! I was just reading today’s Cakewrecks at my desk and I laughed and farted.
Guess the bean, chorizo and egg taco didn’t help.
Let's hope "Mom" is a leap year baby and she is really 32 ...
In some cursive writing styles "n" and "m" have an extra "bump" at the beginning, meaning it says "Mon".
Although, I think we've had more than 8 mondays...
(Unless it's short for Monique or something, but, nah.)
I had to hide my eyes before I could stop laughing. Just wow.
I knew kids were having babies younger and younger these days, but this is a little ridiculous....
Could this have been a leap year birthday? Or perhaps one of those situations where someone overcomes a health issue, and considers the day they recovered their "new birthday"?
Leap year birthday? My father-in-law has only had 17 birthdays.
Leap year baby?
They're starting younger and younger these days. Babies having babies... it's a shame. ;)
Well, if her mom is Tootie from Drawn together, it would be a possibility.
Vanna, I'd like to buy an O??
WV: repologi : these decorators definitely owe them a repologi
Maybe I'm an eternal optimist, but maybe Mom's birthday is leap day?
Word Verification: crocke. syn to "malarky" describing something that is a total load of bull.
nice.... biological possibilities asside, I wonder if this really was an error, or just an inside joke of the families, the way way my grandpa would turn the digits around, when he was 80, he would go around sayin' he was 8...
That either really funny or sort of adorable :)
Funny because what wreckerator thought this was an accurate number.
Adorable cause well lets be honest kids have no idea about age. Can't you just imagine a little kid going to order the cake? "And how old is your Mom?" "Really old...like 8"
OK, I can see, if I were a cake decorator, accidentally piping that on there. That I can understand. However, how could ANYONE not read what they just wrote, and then actually SELL the cake without realizing how rediculous it is? How?
Betcha Mom is a Leap Year baby.
*snickers* Hahahahaha...a sure winner!
Maybe someone already submitted this possibility but...could she have been born on leap day and this is a running gag?
If not, I want that place to make my next birthday cake. Although, knowing my luck they'll error the other way, Happy 80th!
VW kyriest - Kyriest, you look good for 80! Hmmm, maybe that works after all....
My mom's cakes always had fewer candles than mine, too. She was born on February 29th!
-- Pam
You know there's actually only one way that could really work as a non-wreck... if "Mom" was born on February 29th and that happened to be the 8th time she actually had a cake on her real birthday.
But that's probably just me putting waaaay to much thought into it. ;-)
Wreck on!
Maybe Mom is an Oocampa?
The only thought that comes to mind is that maybe she was born on Feb. 29th. I at least hope that is the case. Eight is kinda young to start a family.
I'm guessing that's not a wreck, but for someone whose birthday is on February 29.
Okay, I feel like a spoilsport.
I said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm sometimes shocked at the young age at which girls become mothers these days.
This post seriously made me spit my OJ! HAHAHA!!!! I don't know if I should keep laughing or cry!
Leap day birthday? My mom always used to send my twin uncles cards for their "seventh" or "eighth" birthday, etc. :)
sure it seems silly, but not if Mom was born on leap year! Then she'd have 32 years under her belt, but still have only 8 birthdays.
Maybe Mom was born on Feb. 29? I had a friend in grade school whose mom celebrated her "10th birthday" when she was actually 40 years old. That would make this Mom 32, which is reasonable.
I looked at the cake. Everything's spelled right, script is well-done, flowers look good, spacing is nice... what's wrong with this cake? Why is it a wreck?
Duh. *facepalm* I'm going back to bed.
That's just a little scary. I mean, surely they meant 8th anniversary? Or 28th birthday? I don't know what to think about that.
wv: sancip. Do you have your sancip drive with you, I left my flash drive at home.
To be fair, she could be a Leap Year baby - I had a roommate born on leap year, and we celebrated her sixth birthday in much the same fashion, as it were :)
Wow. I'm trying to find good explanations for that - maybe she started counting backwards after 40? Maybe someone missed the eight-ty-eth over the phone? I'm going to stop thinking about it before my brain short circuits.
Ohh I don't really think this is a wreck. Is it possible "Mom" is a leap year baby and is actually 32...but 8 only because her birthday comes once every 4 years?
Is her birthday on February 29, by chance?
Well, she COULD be one of those 'Feb 29' people, who enjoy celebrating weird numbered birthdays.
Babies having babies. *shakes head*
I wonder if she was born on a leap year....
~ Kristen
Talk about teen pregnancy...
Oh my goodness. Does NO one read any comments at all before they post??
This can be fixed- just insert "Love," before Mom!
Oh, but there isn't really space to put it on the cake...
This is true wreck!
Im guessing it was supposed to be 80th!
I will bet it made the 80 year old smile!!!
Oh dear, what confusion one missed comma can cause....
'Happy 8th Birthday,
I'm going to go and lie down now......
Definitely a case of babies having babies...
aside from a leap year birth although uncommon its not entirely impossible for a mother to be 8.
look at lina medina who was pregnant and had a baby at 5 years old
That out of my system, I do so love a cake that comes with a riddle. I like the interpretation by Anony 11:10, but even so, please don't ever think it's too early to have "The Talk" with your kids! :D
Hey All!
It's my fault that there are so many repeated comments this morning - I usually get to them by 10 am, but didn't today until 12:30! By then, 80+ people had left comments for me to look at!
Sorry for the confusion! :(
@ Anne-Marie-- And it's not even Leap Year! I guess that's what happens when you try to take a coffee break. I couldn't believe these were the same people who were trying to get CW to take time off every week! :P
Hey, my Mum's birthday's the 29th of February too! My brother and I used to think it was hilarious to get her cards saying 'Happy 9th Birthday' and so on. Interestingly, her 10th birthday was in the same year as my little brother's 10th birthday... We grew out of it for a little while, but last leap year it was her 13th birthday and we couldn't resist getting her really cheesy 'Now you're a teenager!' cards. It's a shame I never thought of getting a cake that said that, it could have made a pretty good wreck.
maybe the problem is a missing comma & this belongs with bad punctuation: Happy 8th Birthday, Mom
maybe that is giving someone too much credit.
lol the story could be that the family has an in-joke of some sort. I mean...the writing is nice, what we can see of the decoration is great.
When I worked in a mall kiosk decorating gift items, one woman asked me to decorate a piggy bank simply with the word "Large." I double checked as I wrote out the ticket: "You want it to say Large." As in, size Large." "Yes," she says. No explanation. So I did it. *shakes head*
"Kids these days"
... Babies Having Babies?
A previous commenter suggests that the cake is missing a comma--that somehow "Happy 8th Birthday, Mom" would make it better.
It wouldn't.
Adding a comma before "Mom" simply sets "Mom" aside as the person being addressed.
If you wanted to indicate that the cake was from Mom, you'd have to write something like "Happy 8th Birthday! Love, Mom"
Baby-Mama preserved forever in cake.
Or at least preserved forever...until the cake gets eaten. :)
Whether you're eight or eighty, you always have a right to a happy birthday! Not necessarily the right to an exciting or properly spelled birthday cake, but....
Maybe it's for a dog who just had puppies...
wv: shiss. the sound made by a dog blowing out eight candles.
Maybe it's just a misplaced comma.
"Happy 8th birthday, Mom (as in love, mom)???
Oh, I know this mom. She is a Martian.
It's like a mensa puzzle and b-day cake all in ONE! Gee, what else could a birthday mom ask for; does she want to have her cake and eat it, too?! :) Great post!
Gaawd, I luv this site!
::wiping tear::
Well, the youngest mother on record WAS only five years old at the time *shudder*
Did they miss a number or get the name wrong?
Thank you to Anonymous for pointing out that inserting a comma would not correct the mistake.
"Happy 8th Birthday Mom" and "Happy 8th Birthday, Mom" are the same thing.
i am a leap baby and i didn't even think of it that way! although i will turn 8 the same year as my daughter and 9 a day after my son who is feb 28! now how many moms can claim that!?!
Well, at least 'Mom' can take heart that her kids think she is young and pretty.
But methinks that something beyond dislexia is responsible for this one. Just a sheer lack of logic.
For your Sunday Sweets:
She sells at my local farmer's market, and her cakes taste BETTER than they look.
Your blog makes me laugh out loud. Your comments on these cakes are absolutely hilarious. Totally makes my day! Thanks!
Some women like to start counting backwards after 30 or 40. She could be 52 or 72 and likes using that technique, so her kids are playing with it.
Hey, it's probably for someone born on a leap year! in Epcot!
Except that it's not a leap year. Neither was last year. Really think Jen has been holding onto this cake since 2008? Methinks not.
heh. They could have at least put a 1 in front of the 8 lol.
Lame. Clearly someone ordered this as a gag/inside joke. How does this count as a wreck?
Clearly! I mean it's so obvious. It's like Jen doesn't even check her sources or put notes on the posts or anything! Cheesy. Lame-a-doodle-do.
Am I the only one who immediately thought, "Oh, she must be a dog mom, and those are dog years, so she's 56!" Uh...yeah, I guess I was the only one. Sorry...
Love, absolutely love your blog, Jen and John!
I'm actually surprised no one thought of the fact that it might be their mom's 8th year on the wagon.
When my ex's mom "turned" 10, we all sent her a card with "Happy 10th Birthday" on it.
That was the first thing I thought of when I saw it
When I was 13 or so I got a beautiful and poetic card from my great-grandmother that ended with the words, "Happy Birthday Grandmother." Later on my brother got a "My little boy is turning 3!" card on his 17th birthday. Grandma isn't around to send those cards anymore but I'd love to have one of these cakes :D
Happy 8th! Wanna start over again? I wouldn't!
I hope this cake didn't bring on the story my own grandmother would've told had it been her cake, about how it was the Depression and how no one wanted to waste money or even flour and eggs just over a little girl's birthday cake, plus sugar was a luxury...
I would've insisted they fix it before accepting it, and I'm kind of starting to sweat at the thought of the whole scenario. "Depression" is the most appropriate name they could've given the era, that's for sure.
p.s. She would save the box it came in, too, "just in case." Ack!!!
If it hasn't been said already..."Babies havin' babies!"
This is the third time I have scrolled down to this post and...I don't know why, but it's made me laugh each time. Yep, even saying it in my head is funny. Hee!!
It could be her 8th anniversary of sobriety as well... Those are usually referred to as "birthdays." But it was probably just a mistake...
Pedobear approves!
Well, she got into trouble early in life!