Thursday, December 31, 2009
Please Decorate Responsibly
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Please, don't drink and decorate.
Don't let this happen to someone you love:
Thanks to Jan F., who plans to confiscate everyone's piping bags before serving the champagne tonight. Good plan, Jan, good plan.
- Related Wreckage: Why You Don't Raid Other People's Refrigerators
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What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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35 comments | Post a Comment
T-i-me (to) Celebrate! I had to hunt down and then sound out the words as I read, like I was watching Sesame Street or something!
So with that mystery solved, what's a taco-headed stick person got to do with anything? lol Don't drink and decorate, indeed!
Oh dear! :D
Happy New Year guys. Thanks for a fabulous blog.
Xowie. x
I'm sitting here trying to figure out what Ti Me means in Spanish!
Happy New year, thanks for making me laugh all the time.
Ti ... Me ... to ??? I thought of a poorly spelled "tomato" for a moment, till I adjusted perspective for New Years. "Time?" Hah!
Time to celebrate by scraping the muck off the cookie so it becomes palatable.
It took me 5 minutes to figure out that wasn't a Mai-Tai. And now I'm thirsty.
Happy new year!
I'm mostly worried about those dotty things in the "drink" - no way would I imbibe something with floaters in it! Happy New Year Wreckies!
Wow, I had to read the anonymous comment to realize what it said.
Wow, are the spots on the glass from a lack of Jet Dry in the dishwasher, or are they supposed to be bubbles in the champagne?
Thanks for making me feel better about my decorating abilities (so far I haven't found one of my cakes up here, but there's always 2010...)
Love you guys!!
Shawna M.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one trying to puzzle out the Spanish on this cake... :facepalm: :-D
I know what the taco's for-- in college, there was a taco/burrito stand that was open until about 5 a.m. It was only good if you'd had too much to drink, but the price was right.
Happy New Year-- and thanks for your great blog!
P.S. No, that place was not called "Taco Bell." XD
I too thought this was a Spanish cake! Ti me celebrate? Then I saw the "to" and it was as if the light bulb turned on and it all made sense.
Happy New Year to all!
Petunia Picklebottom
I was also trying to figure out "ti me" in Spanish! That's funny. I saw "Ti me" and a margarita glass.
OMG, if I hadn't read the comments I'd have never figured out what it was "supposed" to say. I could read the word "celebrate". couldn't find the word "to" initially. had to go back for a second look.
The chocolate chips and the white "bubbles" in the glass just don't look quite so great together, do they?
Thanks for a great year of cake-wreckery, Jen and John! Happy New Year.
This is no time to be celibate!
Don't drink and decorate, that's funny!
Hope you have a Safe, Happy Healthy New Year!
While you're confiscating those pipe bags could you also take my dad's bagpipes? He plays them (badly) every year.
Happy new year and thank you for the hours of procrastination fodder :)
Ti me celibrate to. :nods: Yep, it all makes sense.
and I'm with the rest on trying to decipher the Spanish, finally figured it out. Great blog, have been loving it and spreading the word!
I get it!!! ti-me bubbles!!!
HA HA HA....
In a difficult year (globally, individually, and for you two personally), you have caused me to blow coffee through my nose onto my key board, provoked me and my partner to spend far too much time lingering over the cake display case in the grocery store, and given me a place to bond with a particularly resistant step-daughter a place to bond (thanks for the Twighlight cakes!)
Here's to Jen and John's continuing good health (and bent sense of humour!)
It's pronounced 'Teh-ah-tim-eh.'
Is it just me, or does the whole thing look a bit like a blue-maned lion?
Ti one on me? Happy New Year's.
Calling that a wine glass seems uncharacteristically and undeservedly generous. ;) It looks much more like a taco-headed armless stick man, or maybe even a bird bath.
having a slightly off color mindset when reading this I saw Ti me to celebrate.... handcuffs.... scarves..... anyone else or am I the only sicko for the new year?
It looked far too much like "Me Celebrate" at first; does Tarzan celebrate New Years?
You're not alone, NanaCat. My first thought when I read "Ti me" was something bondage related.
took me a while to figure out what it was trying to say. and that badly drawn glass, the strategically located chocolate chips--that "glass" looks like a stick figure of someone with an oddly shaped head and a face full of acne medicine.
amazing how much variety of interpretation what badly made cake can make...
spanish, bondage, tarzan speak...
Heehee, this one totally reminds me of my Kingdom of Loathing days...level 37 bad martini, anyone?
I have a bad habit of drinking while decorating (at home of course!), which gets interesting at the end when I have to do the inscription...with words..spaced correctly....and spelled right too.
Hysterical! Maybe that person needs reading glasses... or cake spellcheck.
If only there were 2 eyes drawn on it! Then it would look like a sad bear too!
A glass of small pox....lovely! lol xx
It could be worse. I thought it said "Time to Celebate". Haha.