Friday, July 31, 2009

Come Meet Jen, Who Often Refers To Herself in the Third Person

Friday, July 31, 2009

I've been hinting around about this on both Facebook and Twitter, and now I'm pleased to say I can finally share with you the details of the coming U.S. Cake Wrecks Book Tour!!

Exactly, Jae K.

Uh, you DID know there's a book, right? Because you've already pre-ordered your copy like a good Wrecky henchperson, right?

Well, even if you haven't purchased a copy I hope you'll come say hello (and then purchase a copy). It's not that I'd mind eating all the cake myself (did I mention there'll be cake?) and doing the Q&A with just John (and that John's coming?), but frankly, Andrews McMeel might. So please, block out these dates on your calenders now, and then buy any necessary plane tickets to get you there, because with today's plethora of transportation options I am NOT accepting "it was too far away" as an excuse. (Hey, if I have to get on a plane...)

Ok, ok, just to sweeten the deal further: How about a contest? And even better, one in which no talent is required and you get to eat the results?

Yes, exactly like this, Christine D. Thanks.
(The original is here.)

Yep, in a nutshell: just make a Wreckplica of your choice...but the catch is, it has to be on a cupcake. This is both to keep the entries a manageable size, and (bonus!) just to screw with you. The crowd favorites will win fabulous prizes, which admittedly I haven't decided on yet, but believe me, they're going to be fabulous.

There will also be cake for everyone (bakers, if you'd like to volunteer your services in your city, let me know), so rest assured you will be leaving with a sugar buzz even if you don't bring an entry - but you still should anyway, so that those of us with icing in our hair don't mock you.

Yeah. Like that.

Ok, now that I have you positively salivating with anticipation, here's the schedule:

Orlando, FL
Borders (Winter Park)
Tuesday, September 22, 5PM
(NOTE: This will be my first public appearance EVER. So let me apologize in advance for doing the entire Q&A with a barf bag strategically placed on my lap.)

Portland, OR
Powell’s Books
Friday, September 25, 7:30 pm

Seattle, WA
Third Place Books
Saturday, September 26 6:30 pm

San Francisco, CA
Copperfield's Books (Petaluma)
Sunday, September 27 2:00 pm

Denver, CO
Tattered Cover Bookstore (Historic LoDo)
Tuesday, September 29 7:30 pm

Chicago, IL
Barnes & Noble (Old Orchard)
Thursday, October 1, 7:30 pm

Dallas, TX
Legacy Books
Saturday, October 3, 2:00 pm

Austin, TX
Sunday, October 4, 3:00 pm

Kansas City, MO
Barnes & Noble (Oak Park)
Monday, October 5, 6:00 pm
(NOTE: Yes, technically this is not in Missouri; it's in Kansas. I think these are listed by the closest major city, if that helps explain it any.)

Bethesda, MD
Barnes & Noble
Tuesday, October 6, 7:00 pm

New York, NY
Barnes & Noble (Greenwich Village)
Wednesday, October 7, 7:30 pm

I should mention that this tour started out with only 5 stops, and has grown to what it is now partly due to your exuberant responses on Facebook. So if you feel that some crime of omission has been committed here, by all means, tell me in the comments.

I'd also like to apologize to my international readers, since as you can see this tour is limited to the U.S. Given my dislike of flying in general - and long flights in particular - I have a hard time feeling TOO bad about this, but I am sorry I won't be able to meet all you lovelies in Australia, the UK, Japan, etc. We may try to stream one of the Q&A sessions online for you, so stay tuned.

And finally, if you think you might join us at one of the venues above, please RSVP - even if it's with a "maybe" - by clicking on the city name. This will help us figure out how much cake, prizes, chairs, etc. to have on hand.

Thanks, guys! I look forward to meeting many of you soon!

UPDATE: WOW. Thanks for the frenzied amount of feedback - I knew I could count on you Wreckies to speak your mind! Just remember that *I* am not the one booking this tour, so no accusing me of hatin' on the southeast/northeast, Ok? And rest assured, the powers-that-be are reading your comments here, so I for one have faith that - no matter what happens - I can always blame the outcome on them. :D
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Taylor (My Older Brothers) said...

Time to start planning my cupcake wreck. I see mounds of icing in my future.

Anonymous said...

um, Memphis? we love you too!

josh said...

What, no southern places? What about Tennessee???

Anonymous said...

If there is free cake I would definitely come to a book signing.

Deirdre said...

Atlanta! you forgot Atlanta!!!!!

Toni said...

FRICK! I live in Jacksonville, FL, and briefly considered making the 2-hour drive to Orlando, but I'm flying back into town on the 22nd, and don't arrive until 6:30pm.

Want to swing by Jacksonville the day after you hit Orlando? We have lovely beaches, and fewer tourists. I LOVE to bake cupcakes, and even own TWO cupcake couriers, so I would promise to rock something out in the baked-goods arena.

Becca said...

Yay! Legacy books is actually in Plano,TX, not Dallas... which is excellent because that means its even closer to me! I'll be there for sure, and I'll tell my friends.

Anonymous said...

Aw... You're not going to tour in Canada? :(
Sorry, Jen, but there's no chance that my family's gonna go to the States so I can buy a book/meet you!
*Sigh* It really is too bad. I'll miss the cake :P

Miss B said...

Bethesda is the closest to me (2 1/2 hours), but it's on a weekday. Can't find the time to go on a weekday. I'm sure you understand. No? I'd love to be there, though. I'll definitely buy a book!

Auntie Meme said...

Austin is close enough! Yay!

Karen Bell said...

Boston is a glaring omission, and a short drive from NYC, if you wanted to add one more stop @ the end of your tour...

serialcinz said...

Boo! Why aren't any of these places within driving distance of Southern Ontario (Canada)?! Well some are (about 8 hours away) but they are weekdays. :o( Come on, do a Toronto date! (On second thought, I could combine my two current obsessions - Cake Wrecks and Twilight, and go to the Seattle one...but would that make me a bigger dork than I already am? Yes, yes it would...) LOL


nik said...

yeah... i'm gonna need you to come to connecticut or put your san francisco date off till the end of october. thaaanks.
oh, and i'm also going to need you to go ahead and move your desk to the basement. thaaaanks.

Depressed in the Deep South said...

2 places in TX but none in the deep south?? Atlanta would make a great stop...*hint hint*.

Anonymous said...

Atlanta! Atlanta! Atlanta!

WV: maseedn - If you don't come to Atlanta I might maseedn cake with you!

Suzyhomemaker said...

Nashville or Louisville would be a GREAT place to stop :) I live in between :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your upcoming tour! Just wanted to note that the Kansas City location is in Overland Park, not Oak Park.

Auntie Meme said...

Is there a file in that "One Bonbon to Folson" cake?

WV: joxess; I gets most of the joxess on CakeWrecks

Anonymous said...

Oh, awesome! I'm only about two hours from Orlando, so I may just do this! I mean, of course I will do this! And I get to see the barf bag and everything. Awesome. I think I'll make a barf-bag cupcake for my entry. Should I include carrots?

Amanda M. said...

It has to be on a cupcake? Geez, I can barely decorate a whole cake. I definitely will try though...

I'm hoping I'll be at the Denver stop - I submitted a maybe on the evite...

Anonymous said...

No Atlanta?!?!?!?!

Wide Awake Wife said...

Yeah book tour! Congrats! Any Ohio stops considered?

BTW-Love the first cake!

Leslie said... love for New Mexico I see...that's ok. Now I've just got to figure out a way to coerce my bff in San Francisco to go in my place. Maybe I can bake him a cake lauding his enormous...amount of talent.

Mel said...

awww, I'll be in class when you're nearby! boooooo

Beth said...

What, no stops in the Southeast? Regional discrimination against CakeWreck fans! Wish you could come to Charlotte, NC. That's not TOO far South.

Stephanie said...


I scrolled down ever so slowly, hoping I wouldn't have to sell a child or leave my husband to see you and whew Maryland I can do HOW GREAT, I am so totally stoked! I live in Richmond, VA and I was prepared to drive up to 12 hours and sure enough as usual you never disappoint me SO GREAT MARYLAND me and my peeps will be there with bells on, no really bells! LOL I must also say the Barnes & Noble in Bethesda ROCKS!

Thanks a bunch for always making me laugh at least once a day and thanks now for the vacation I will be taking in October!


Unknown said...

No stops anywhere in the South???? And no, Texas does *not* count. As a resident of Richmond VA, I nominate our fair city, as it is the unofficial capitol of the South and a very fine place to visit in early October.


Patty said...

Minneapolis! it's so close to Chicago, and you could have it at the Mall of America!

Gina said...

Philadelphia, please.

sami said...

St. Louis would have been a better choice than Kansas City. Can't get to Chicago or KC- have school. Boo!

Jane said...

Aaaaargh, close yet so far away! We'd love to see you in Boise, Idaho. (Yeah I know, we're probably looked upon as podunk but we're pretty up & coming.) :)

Jane said...

Did I mention that if you come to Boise I would DEFINITELY make a cupcake wrecklica....

CarrieLives said...

Wherefore art thou, Boston?

Tezzie said...

I wish I could be there, but Sweden is a bit too far away haha. The best of luck to you anyway, I think it'll be a brilliant tour!

Sarah said...

How exciting! I would love to come to the one here in San Francisco so will be checking back for the place.

Lovey said...



Lauren said...

What about a stop at Joseph Beth Booksellers in Lexington KY? It's an awesomely huge bookstore with it's own bakery/cafe! Just a suggestion!

The Lili Effect said...

WHAT!? No stop in Atlanta!? Orlando is quite an 8 hour drive away, and that's the closest location. :~(

Forgive my interrobang usage here folks, I can't help it. My heart is broken.

Boozy Tooth said...

Jen & John...

I just had to write to invite you to my blog to see how you and Cake Wrecks has influenced more lives...

Remember back on December 8th when I left an innocent comment on Cake Wrecks that started that controversy over the word "gypped?" Well if that hadn't happened, I wouldn't have made some really spectacular blog friends - two of whom I met in person this week! It's such a great story and we owe it all to you. Check out this link if you're interested in the scoop and an awesome slideshow!

Love you guys.

Anonymous said...


NinjaMom said...

Please, please, please head north to Minneapolis MN!!! I have a newish baby, I can't come to Chicago. But I want to really baaaad.

Crystal Copeland said...

Come to Knoxville Tennessee!!!!! Puh-lease?!?

Half Assed Kitchen said...

Yay! You're coming to Seattle! Boo, I won't be here that day! (But if my plans somehow change, I will hightail it to Third Place Books)

Rory said...

I could try to make the KC one, but Fayetteville, AR or even Little Rock would be better...just sAYING.

natasha the exile on Mom Street said...

What, you just decided to skip the entire Southeast????

And no, Orlando does not count. Where's an Atlanta date?

Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS. Such a fabulous milestone!

April said...

You seem to have forgotten the South (Florida and Texas don't count)! To make up for it let me suggest Columbia, SC. We have Barnes and Nobleses.

Stephanie said...

You need to come to Atlanta! Show the east coast some love! (Orlando's a bit too far of a drive).

Amazing Greis said...

So bummed. I'm a 2 hour drive from Austin, but you'll be in the great city while I'm on a cruise. I'm gonna miss the book tour.

Alex Getts — Art & Illustration said...

Salt Lake City. :) said...

One tiny request: For those of us who are allergic to chocolate could you ensure that at least one of the cakes is chocolate free? Pretty please with sprinkles on top?

Jaemi said...

Tennessee please??

Tricia said...

Aw, we'll miss you in Canada. You could just rent a car and hop up across the border. If not we'll just find ways to get to you. Good luck with the tour. You'll do great.

Michelle said...

Where's the east coast love? Charlotte, NC wants to meet you too!

Angela N. in Seneca, SC said...

Where's the love for the Southeast? How about a stop in Atlanta or Charlotte? Pretty please?

Brae said...

Oh how I wish you were coming to Canada! If I could afford to make it to the states I would be at one in a heart beat :)
Thanks for always giving me a smile everyday

Your Canuck Friend

Elizabeth R. said...

Portland!!! So there!!!

amy! said...

There is NOTHING in New England! Why the Boston hate?! I can't take my cupcakewreck on the plane all the way to the west coast!

What do we have to do to make this happen? E-mail me and I'll see what I can do to help. I can certainly pack seats wherever it happens.

Anonymous said...

This entry is one of the funniest I've read here. I hee-hawed from start to finish.

Yay for the book tour! Can't wait to see the book.

Lindsay B said...


You should come to Ohio, or Kentucky, or somewhere over here so the rest of us can get a chance to get our awesome books signed!

Anonymous said...

I see one glaring omission - there are no real southern cities on your tour! Where is Atlanta, Nashville, Birmingham, something?

AsylumTanya said...

May I request, Phoenix! In October, Arizona's heat is not nearly as oppressively skin searing as it is right now!!

Dandi said...

Aaiieee! No Cincinnati?? (One local bookstore that does great signings is Joseph-Beth, 513-396-8960.)

Anne said...

ohh the humanity! I used to live literally across the street from that barnes and noble in Bethesda. And now I live in Cleveland. Where you are not coming. No cake for the mistake on the lake. :(

Ericka Bailie-Byrne said...

Chicago & Kansas City but not Minneapolis? WHATEVER.

Marc said...

I can understand not stopping in Tokyo, but ... not even Toronto?

Boozy Tooth said...

PS: I'll sooooooo be seeing you in Winter Park on September 22nd!

Wild Cakes said...

You don't have to fly to come to CANADA!!!!

Dana King said...

Awww, man! I would come in a heartbeat if you were coming to anyplace within a reasonable driving distance from me. Sadly, the closest to me (I'm in Columbus, OH) is Chicago to the West or NYC to the East. And both would require loading three kids (all under the age of 5!) into a car and driving all day. As much as I love you and the blog, there's just no way I can pull that off. :o( Will you maybe have an online cupcake contest, too? I would enter that in a heartbeaT! I was already planning my cupcake as soon as you announced it!

queen of entropy said...

You're not coming to Ohio... [cry]

Well, my husband should be arriving home from Iraq sometime in September (yes, that's the exact wording his squadron gave me) and we are planning a roadtrip to Texas a few weeks after he comes home. So maybe I can sneakily coincide our roadtrip dates with your Book Tour dates! We probably won't be able to bake a cupcake on the road...but I was planning on buying your book for my husband for his birthday (which is mid-October) so this would be the icing on the cake! (Pun intended :P sorry!)

A Craftaholic's World said...

This is very cool!! I wish I could go!! Yes, I can use the "it's too far away excuse" because I'm on another continent (yep I looked it up in the dictonary to make sure I spelled it right!) right now.
*sigh* Oh well maybe next time....there will be a next time right??? I hope so!

Anonymous said...

Come to Tulsa, OK too!

-Megan R.

Audrey said...

Where's Salt Lake City?? :( Oh the unfairness of it all.

MandaK said...

You need to come visit us in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area! I'll wear my CW apron... :)

Anonymous said...

No Michigan? If any state truly deserves a sugar rush it is poor economy battered Michigan!
Flint and Detroit may seem the worst off, but Lansing is the capitol and is nice and centrally located!
Hope to see you in Michigan!

Clair said...

Hey Jen,
Since you are going to be in Chicago, why not hope on over to St Louis? I would be there, cupcakes in hand! I'll bring all my friends and we'll ask tons of questions. Promise!
Love the site!!

Melissa said...

Everything good happens at Powell's Books..*sigh*. I'll just have to make one of my friends in Oregon go for me...this is what I get for moving away!

Kallie Christine said...

We'd love to see you in Minneapolis!

Stacy said...

Hey! Yay for a Kansas City stop, but just a quick clarification. Oak Park is in Kansas, not Missouri. Marking my calendar now!

Antaress said...

WHAT??? NO TOUR ON ITALY??? too bad ;(

Kallie Christine said...

We'd love to see you in Minneapolis!

Brilliantpants said...

Are you going to drive from Bethesda to New York?

You SHOULD drive, so that you can stop and show your Philadelphia wreckies some love!

Unknown said...

Ohhh!! You should have come to Philadelphia!! I know New York is close but I wouldn't be able to get there due to work. Someone could make some wrecktastic cheesesteak cake :-(

Renee said...

No Boston? You're breaking my heart! My fragile, fragile heart!

DraftCrossFool said...

Yay, so you're coming to Seattle, an easy drive from my neck of the woods!

Now I want cake for breakfast.

Kristy Edmondson said...

YES! Kansas City made your list. I'm sooooo there!!!! Can't wait!

Ilana said...

I'm a loyal follower (pre-ordered the book as a birthday gift!) but have never commented...until now. "Boom boom sexy time" is too good to pass up, and will now be my go-to phrase whenever I find myself having difficulty making small talk. I'll be the most popular girl on the block.

Sara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Faith said...

Why not Toronto? It's not a long flight... just a short jaunt north! :)

Rebecca said...

What - New Englanders don't like cake? An entire region of the country does not deserve your presence? Sniff. I understand. Boston is a really long way away from NY, so I can see how you couldn't possibly consider it... Sniff. We'll survive. I suppose.

Caron said...

If you will be in Kansas City, come on up to Des Moines. Such a short trip, you can rent a car and bring the Wreckfest up here then go west two hours to Omaha, then down to Topeka then over to KCMO again to hop back on a plane. It's a wrecktrip!

Carrie said...

I might come see you if you come to Atlanta. :)

Anonymous said...

See you in Bethesda, MD Jen! Can't wait!

absepa said...

I understand that you're probably focusing on major cities at this point. However, if you are ever inclined to stop in Kentucky, please know that there would be at least one very dedicated fan to meet you here in Lexington! We have a Barnes & Noble, as well as a great (and huge) local bookstore called Joseph-Beth's. Either one of those stores would be a really good venue for your signing and/or Q&A session.

'stina said...

noooo, you HAVE to come to NC! i work in book publishing and know that no tour could be complete without a stop at one of the Triangle's fine bookstores. please please have your publicists reconsider! might i suggest Quail Ridge in Raleigh or Regulator in Durham!! -christina

Alexis Ceule said...

I was hoping you wouldn't leave Kansas City off... in light of Andrews McMeel HQ'ing here and all. LOL! Friends working there have been all abuzz about your book. Moreso than any other book coming out right now. What does that tell ya? LOL!!! CONGRATS sista! Good times ahead!

meggie said...

hi, the southeast is feeling intensely neglected right now. come to south carolina! :)

Anonymous said...

Utah would love a stop on your tour!

bella said...

Wow, I am so excited for you (and John)! It seems like just yesterday you had your training wheels on your first wreck and now this?!

Bethesda, MD is the closest to me. Can you come somewhere further south, like the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area? Or even Richmond, VA. I don't know if you have many fans in these locations, but I do know I would be there (with a bib on).


Stephanie McGee said...

This just shows that I really need to move to Denver. No one ever comes to where I live and I can't afford to travel anywhere.


I'll have to catch that stream if you do it for your international readers.

Novice Writer Anonymous
Chronicles of a Novice Writer

theRachel said...

Um, so Canada isn't exactly a whole lot further to travel. Please bless us with the wreck-tastic book tour too!

Anonymous said...

Uhhhh, Atlanta?
The entire Southeast is neglected, and Atlanta would be the logical major city of choice. (No Florida and Texas are not part of the southeast.)
I finally move to a real city so I can be exposed to culture and arts, and no cakewrecks tour stop here?
That is exciting!
Good for you. Spread the love. And the cake!
I think I'm gonna go make some red velvet cake balls.


Alison said...

*sigh* Once again, as with all cool internet phenomena, the Southeast has been ignored. Hmph.

WV: ocethead: yeah, you're an ocethead for not coming to NC!

Anonymous said...

what about the new england area either rhode island or massachusetts
texas gets 2 days
what about 1 for us
for those of us like you who also are not fans of flight

Str4yk1tt3n said...

You need to come to Pittsburgh! We love cakes here.

Remy said...

Yay Austin! I've rarely posted on here, but I've been reading this blog for close to a year now, and so I'm very excited to meet the person behind the snark. Looks like I'll see you in October. :)

CKHB said...

COME TO BOSTON/CAMBRIDGE! Seriously. There are two awesome book stores in Porter Square and Harvard Square that would be so convenient to me, I mean, so perfect for you!

Some guy with a milkshake book just did readings at both locations, I know cake would be equally appreciated. Tell me how I can help.

Anonymous said...

You really ought to come to North Carolina!

Laura said...

Boston loves you, too. ...and Books. We love Jen and we love books. (hint hint)

Anna said...

Um, hello?! Cincinnati?! Home not only to me and every single one of my friends that visits Cake Wrecks on a daily basis, but to Jacob Taylor, your 8-year-old biggest fan!

You've gotta come visit us! (Pretty please with Baby Carrot Jockeys on top?!)

Anonymous said...

Philadelphia PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

come to ohio!

Anonymous said...

Come to Salt Lake City!!

Anonymous said...

Aw, I was hoping to see a Toronto in there, even thought it *is* over the border just slightly!

Oh well, maybe next time/next book!

Also, I am quite inspired by the Russian Roulette bonbon cake. Hmmmm... *evil laugh*

Holly said...

How exciting, I will see you in Bethesda.

Unknown said...

Ahem. New Jersey hearts cakewrecks too, you know. Don't tell me that we're close enough to New York! Wednesday is a school night for some of us, you can't expect us to take the train all the way up to New York!

...Alright, fine, if I have to. Anything to get free cake. :D

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were from Orlando! Wow --- cool beans!

A hometown girl!

Anonymous said...

No SoCal? How about the esteemed Vroman's in Pasadena?

Karen Kaye said...

Canada is only a short drive away from many of your stops! We love your wrecky goodness up here too. And we can pretend *not* to be international if the word freaks you out LOL! Is "quiet neighbours" better for you?

Let us show you some of our fabled politeness, eh?

Heather said...

Oh no! You aren't stopping in Ohio?!?! I might make a cake, I'm so sad.
Good luck on your tour:)

Strange Mamma said...

Of course you would be going to Chicago. And of course it would be AFTER I move. Any chance of seeing an Oxford stop on that tour? Um...the UK one? No? Well, best of luck anyway.

Interestingly enough, the word verification is 'addictam' huh.

Painted Mommy said...

We'll miss you in Canada!

David Plass said...

"Calendar" not "calender."

At least it wasn't on a cake...

Looking forward to the book!

A Paperback Writer said...

A book tour with CAKE. Does it get any better than this?

bodoba said...

Wow! A book tour! I never thought I'd say I'd be excited over a book tour but I am.

Anonymous said...

I'm definitelty going to order that first cake for my next Borat-themed birthday party.

HeatherS said...

PLEASE come to Lincoln or Omaha, Nebraska. We love you SO much here and it's right in between Denver and Chicago. Pretty please? I'll even bring sprinkles to put on top of that last please!

homeschoolmommy said...

Hey what about Anchorage Alaska, we always get shunned :-(

Unknown said...

You should come to DC!

Cooking Monster said...

What about Atlanta or some place close, just anywhere in the south would be nice!! We love Cake Wrecks in the south!!!!
daily Cake wrecker

Jenna said...

Cincinnati would LOVE to see you :)

Dawn0fTime said...

(Pssst! How about Boston?)

Also, yay book tour! I'm hungry for some wrecks already!

Anonymous said...

What, no visit to Los Angeles, home of the "cupcake truck"?

Shame on you, Jen!

If Bruce Campbell can come here to promote HIS bargain-bin books, I'm sure YOU can make it.

(God, I LOVE Bruce Campbell)

MolleenCarie said...

Congrats on the book deal and I hope you have a fabulous time on tour! I *ahem* won't be able to come to any of the signings, but I'll be sure to pick up a copy of the book. I guess now it's off to the complaints department on FB.

Krickette said...

I notice a lack of Louisiana! I guess Dallas isn't too far....Though Shreveport, LA would be better, lol!

acostilow said...

You should come to Oklahoma City! :)

Liz said...

Viva la San Francisco!!

Anonymous said...

DES MOINES, IOWA!!!!! I'd bring a crowd with me!!


mrs_otg said...

Houston is the 4th largest city in the United States and definitely much larger than Austin. Come visit Houston!!! Not only do we have fantastic Cake Wreckers here, but we have plenty of humidity that further destroys cakes. (Beleive me, I know, I am a baker here. And if you can bake here, you can bake anywhere!)

Georgette said...

So...About Virginia...Virginia Beach, to be exact...

Mommy of M's said...

I think you need to make a stop in OHIO~how about Columbus???

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Susan said...

We would LOVE to see you in Nashville, TN! What if I promise honky-tonk wreckiness?

Judy said...

Hey you don't have to fly to Canada. Whassup wit dat?
C,mon, share wit your good buddy neighbours!

a Cupcake near you! said...

Please come to Boston!!! I'm willing to drive down from New Hampshire so would it kill ya to come on up from New York? Sheesh!

I'll bring lots of Cupcakes--promise!

Your devoted follower,
Peaches LaRue

Katie W. said...

Atlanta is way better than Orlando. Skip Orlando and come to Atlanta instead.

Laura said...

Does no one read this blog in Southern California? San Francisco does NOT represent our whole entire state! Not even an LA stop...I would go there, even though I live near San Diego! Please add a SoCal stop!

Maggie said...


I can't wait for the tour! I'll try to make the MD one... what to make, what to make?

And of COURSE I'm going to get my grubby little cake-covered hands on the book, Jen. I might even get a copy for my 9-year-old nephew, since he loves this site.

Thanks for the best presents ever (announcement of tour/contest and picture of the Boom Boom Sexy Time cake, lol).

Adam Scheinberg said...

I'm totally coming to the Orlando one, since it's right down the road from my office.

Anonymous said...

If you're going to be in Bethesda, can't you just pop down to Richmond, VA. I know it seems like I should suck it up and drive, but there's a small school, work, and funds issue. Come on, for me, please!

Anonymous said...

...and Toronto is too far? Oh, right, Canada is just the boring upstairs neighbour above a cool houseparty... :) :D

Seriously, if you're in New York it's a day drive to Toronto. Or maybe a two hour hop by Porter Airlines, which comes right into the downtown...

And it's a really nice city on top of that. The Eaton Centre has a fabulous bookstore called Indigo that's got a perfect setup for authors to sign.

Anonymous said...

Please come to Atlanta!

Joshua.Akins said...

Of course you had to chose Austin, the "hipper" and "skinny" twin of the San Antonio-Austin area... But, while San Antonio can't claim to be the "music capital of the world", we non-indies do bathe more often. And with twice the population and the newly enlarged Riverwalk, how could you pass us up?

Sandra Bragg said...

ATLANTA!!!!! You must come to ATLANTA!

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


Please e-mail me your question.


blueiguana said...

Pittsburgh is within a day's drive of something like 2/3 of the USA's population. Think of the draw. Plus, we are the City of Champions again. Lotsa Steeler and Penguin wrecks!

Jacob and Brittney Richardson said...

Come to Oklahoma!! We would love to have you visit!!!

Miranda said...

Boom Boom, Wrecky Time! XD

Katy32 said...

Come to Cincinnati!!!! Our culinary schools use your site as an example of what not to do.

Anonymous said...

This makes me sad. I'm waaaay over in the Boston area! And since I can't drive, I'd have to convince my parents to let me kip school AND drive me six hours to visit that eccentric (but lovable) blogger I talk about sometimes! Maybe you could stop by our area?

Elizabeth said...

Hi ... I am excited that you are coming to San Francisco, but I do think that you should come to Los Angeles as well. Given that most people work and plane tickets take time and cost money ..... you should definitely hit an important city like LA ....

Unknown said...

My hopes were sinking as I scrolled down the list then I saw Bethesda! YAY!!! Will be there with bells on!

(And a cupcake of course!)

Gina said...

I will be at the Orlando signing! Some O-town wreckies!

Anonymous said...

Awesome!! I'm hoping to get the book for my b-day next week from my hubby. If you come to Salt Lake City, I'll bring all of my friends. And we'll all have cupcakes!!

Shannon said...

Yes, we will miss you in Tennessee! :( But that's okay. I've pre-ordered the book, and will just sit and eat cake by myself while looking at all of the beautiful wreckiness.

Angela said...

Umm, any Ohio, Michigan, or Indiana stops? Please?

Twistie said...

Of course I can't click on San Francisco yet, but consider that spot clicked by me. Seriously, I do want to be there.


Megan said...

I say that Los Angeles is also a glaring omission! (And even though it's still hours away for me, I might try!)

Unknown said...

Yeah for coming to Portland!

Tessa said...

Boston! Come on, we rock and wrecking! Bet we could come up with some Big Dig cakes. Wrecks about a wreck! Plus our clam chowder pwns New York's. I'm just saying.

Joshua.Akins said...

Since Austin is only an hour north of San Antonio, I guess I don't have any excuses...

Debbi said...

CLEVELAND, please. Pretty please? With sprinkles?

Reginia @NotSoModern said...

Bless your heart, I know you are busy and all but my goodness -- you forgot Atlanta?!

We *heart* CakeWrecks in Georgia -- Come see us!!

Anonymous said...

What about ARIZONA? Phoenix is beautiful this time of year. Ok, not really, but you should still come!

Rebecca said...

Come to Boston, please!!!! As some have mentioned, it is only a quick plane/train/automobile ride from New York at the end of the tour. And you'd have a great turnout, people in Boston love to both read and eat.

Becky B. @ Bibliognome said...

You should come to Omaha, Nebraska.

We have all sorts of great bookstores and I'm sure a great love for all things cake related:)

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Salt Lake?!? Please?? It's right on the way!


Anonymous said...

Toronto loves you! We're not even that far away and could be the only international date on your tour.

Meg said...

Out of sheer boredom, I decided to look up 'cake' in my Latin-English dictionary. Much to my horror, this is what I found:

cake: s libum n, placenta f.

Placenta = cake.

Would you like a slice of placenta?


Oh, and add me to the list of those who are sad that the book tour isn't coming to the south.

Anonymous said...

please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
pretty please please please please
come to ohio!

wv: unglym- i look unglym when i cry 'cause i'll miss your tour

Auntie Meme said...

Will the cake be slathered in buttercream or a fondant nightmare?

Wonder if Browen Weber does non-fondant?

WV: humpla; opposite of hoopla
I can definitely see what all the humpla about CCCs is about.

Gal220 said...

Yay!! You're coming to Dallas TX!!

Anonymous said...

Please come to Atlanta!! :)

Marni said...

Owwwww, this is so sad. It would have been really wonderful to get you guys outside U.S.

I live in Finland (the land of Santa Claus and many, many Santa-related Wrecks) so to attend your book tour would pretty much drive me into bankruptcy. So, so sad. Sniff. :(

Stacey B said...

I would come to San Francisco if it's on the Sunday! Please Please have it on Sunday!!

Jenn said...

People read in the South, I swear! We have bookstores and everything! I'd like to suggest Charleston, SC.

Kaede said...

I second what 'stina said. (By the by, how do you make a capitol apostrophe?)Go to Quail Ridge, it where all the librarians hang out. You need librarians on you side.

Anonymous said...

For realz yo, like we get no love in the A-T-L?

L. Woodard said...

This is sooooo cool. Not only are u coming to Seattle, but actually Lake Forest Park - right down the street from me!! yeah!

Daily Nail said...

Hellooooo, Vegas!!!

Shannon said...

Please come to Square Books in Oxford, MS!

Anonymous said...

Please come to Ontario!!! You could drive or take the train from New York to avoid flying! I bet it would be a full house in Toronto!

Lisa said...

I have recently found your blog and laugh myself silly looking at all these wrecks!!

I'm making something for our county fair...if it so happens, trust me, i will send you a pic!!

Thanks for the laughs!

Jenn said...


Amy K., Nashville said...

You must come to Davis Kidd Booksellers in Nashville. We'll cupcake it up right for you.

Leah Early said...

Come to NC PLEASE. Charlotte, Raleigh, Greensboro, I don't care, just COME.

Laura said...

You have neglected the southeast. Don't even try to act like Florida counts, because that is way too far away. Atlanta and Nashville are both big, cosmopolitan, and within a day's driving distance for me. Please pick one of them.

Di said...

It's a crime you're not comingto ATLANTA !


Kate said...

Boston, Boston, Boston! We love us back!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. You have completely omitted the Southeast (and no, Florida doesn't count)!

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