I realized recently that I was greatly under utilizing Anne-Marie's powers for good when she reduced me to helpless giggles with an e-mail extolling the virtues of actually turning the oven ON when cooking a Christmas ham. It was then that I knew hers was a talent that must be shared. So, without further ado, I give you: Anne-Marie! Take it, Ree!
With the college football Bowl Championship Series behind us, and the Super Bowl looming ahead, the nation's bakeries are hard at work, providing us with an overabundance of sporty buttercreaminess.
Clancy R. shows us what happens when bakers with too much time on their hands play a game of Wreckerator Pictionary...

Walter: "No, you guys... wait, lemme write something on it..."
The other team: "Whoa! You can't write anything - just draw!"
Walter: "Too late... any guesses?"
Sheldon: "Uhh, a Dutch Oven full of sugar?"
Walter: [facepalm]
Amy G. found this gem:

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the Oklahoma
Time's up!
How many of you thought of a disembodied torso in a full-coverage 42 DD Playtex Eighteen-Hour Bra?
And finally, the Steelers were playing the day this was made, hence the black and yellow:

It is supposed to be read as “Go D-fence” (as in ‘go defense’ – see the little fence after it?), but to me and alert Wreckporter Noelle C, it says only one thing:
The Almighty is a Steelers fan.
Many thanks to Anne-Marie for pulling up the slack in the sports arena here on Wrecks. (Yep, she actually had to tell me it was football season.) Y'all be nice to her, now, or else your e-mails just may never see the light of day.
(Just kidding.)
(No, I'm not.)
135 comments | Post a Comment
Good Job Anne-Marie!
Loved it.
Keep on wreckin!
Ugh! Sugar Bowl...srsly.
I'm still lost on the torso for the Sooners...
BUT, one thing I do know for sure, is that if God is a football fan, He's definately backing the Steelers! Go STEELERS!!! (and any Steeler fan would be able to read that inscription, wrecky as it is, without pause or thought to what the wreckorater actually meant. Go D#!!!
wow---the Sugar Bowl, and thank you for spelling out "Go defense" but, what does the Oklahoma one mean?? I give up.
Good thing I have learned to quit drinking anything when coming here... although my next tip is to go to the bathroom first too... OMG! These are great!
"sporty buttercreaminess" - hi-la-rious!
Wreckerator pictionary - we're playing along at home!
Welcome Ree! :)
Dang! I was wondering where my bra went!!!!
On a more serious note, I have a friend from Pittsburgh who will fight you tooth and nail to prove that god is a Steelers fan. Go figure....
"It's a dutch oven full of sugar!" *dies laughing* A sudden and horrific reminder of why I never play Pictionary.
And when I think of the Sooners I always think of lingerie because...well... *drawing a blank*
Moving on then. I'm definitely seeing the God thing there. And I'd love to make jokes about him being in on the fantasy football rankings with Buddha, Allah and company but I have a feeling I'll get flamed.
I 'got' the Sugar Bowl cake right off. But the busty OU cake? Doesn't really fit. LOL
And I'd have never gotten "defense" out of the last one.
shakes head
Amy B
You just have to hope the torso cake was a special order that didn't get picked up, so they stuck it in the case. Otherwise, I don't want to even imagine what goes on in THAT decorator's mind.
WV: Costs - Cake Wrecks costs me to lose my job because I'm supposed to be working instead of cruising cake pictures.
"The Almighty is a Steelers fan."
well, duh! ;)
I would have totally bought the torso Sooners cake.
Actually I was just excited that I knew the Sooners were a football team. Maybe it's a disembodied Sooners cheerleader and the cake is actually for the other team who plans to rip the Sooners (and cheerleaders) to shreds. Just a thought though.
Great job Anne-Marie, I thoroughly enjoyed it!
I looked at the last one and was saying... YoD? What is a YoD?
Somethings are better left alone!
The Sugar Bowl cake was a wreck out of the gate for one reason....WHIPPED TOPPING. Guh-ross.
There is not one part of that torso I would eat. Creepy!!!
Get rid of the "her's" in paragraph 2 before somebody shows up with a camera! You don't want a screenshot to end up on somebody's Grammar Wrecks site.
(it's just "hers")
Welcome Ree!
Looks more like a 36DD bra to me, judging from the ribcage width. (for those wagering on the bra size)
Great Job, Anne-Marie!
I see that the tag for this post is "Beyond Bizarre" and I fully and totally agree with that. Wow. I love all the blank space above the sugar dutch oven. The Sooners' cake is just, ah, well, [trying to think of something to describe it]--Oh nuts, I give up on that one. Go D-fence sounds like something my horses would say when they would rather be on the other side of d-fence.
Since I have started reading this blog, I have been looking at the cakes at the stores I shop at. I never have looked at decorated cakes because I can't stand to eat them--way too much sugar frosting on top of a way too sweet cake that is otherwise blah in taste. It is good to know that while these cakes are inedible to me, they do provide humor.
that's so funny - I didn't even notice the last cake until you mentioned it. Good job Anne Marie!
I have only one thing to say: give Anne-Marie a raise. Whatever you're paying her, it's not enough.
I read that one as "Yo D-fence!", but that goes to show what I know about divine intervention and football.
Welcome aboard, Anne-Marie!
WV: perathe. I must beware perathe of the Almighty.
OK, am I the only one that's wondering what's up with the weird nipple-ring-leash things on the torso cake? Or do the loop and squiggly lines actually look like something else to other people?
HAHA, sadly I understood the Sugar Bowl one and the Go D-fence once. I am still at a loss for the OU......
How many of you thought of a disembodied torso in a full-coverage 42 DD Playtex Eighteen-Hour Bra?
Well. That elicited a very unladylike snort from me.
Word Verification: aends - Another Emokid's Nintendo DS?
Like someone said- the "D-(fence)" image is a pretty well known one here in Steeltown, so I wouldn't necessarily make it a wreck because of that- it's a "visual colloquialism" if you will. HOWEVER... that does not excuse the vertical placement wonkiness, nor the randomly splooged drool-y looking dark stuff over the yellow border. That's actually the first thing I noticed and assumed was the wreckiness. Nothing says "yummy treat" to me like yellow stuff with dark brown ooze.
Here's a CRAZY idea for football season - how about a FOOTBALL-shaped cake? Maybe they couldn't differentiate them from the Thanksgiving turkey wrecks, but at least a football cake would be better than these disasters!
My mother will be happy to know that God is on the Steeler's side.
My only question is, how do you ask someone which part of the Sooner's cake they want?
"Do you want the left boob or the right boob?"
"Actually, I'd like a bit of panty."
AKA NoelleC:
I'm not really sure why the decorator felt the need to jam "go" and "defense" all on the top the cookie...
Ha! I give you props for the Big Bang Theory reference!! And that was hilarious, by the way... I totally pictured Sheldon saying "A Dutch oven full of sugar?" and explaining that he couldn't possibly guess sugar bowl because it looks nothing like a sugar bowl and re-drawing it himself and everyone looking at him like they hate him... which they probably do...
WV: "oulat"... This post was oulats of funny!
Not to be a jerk or anything, but I'm a stickler for spelling/grammar. In your introduction, it's "hers," not "her's." But you're hilarious anyway.
As is your sister-in-law. :)
sugar dutch oven= hilarious.
And I hate to say it, but I totally want that Steelers cake. I'm guessing its from Giant Eagle or Wal-mart. Better yet, I might make my own. I'll send in photos if I do. Let's go D!
I've also seen Steelers fans in the stands holding up a capital letter D and an cardboard section of fence. Actually, someone (if not already) should bring an actual piece of fence to the game, if allowed. or not.Freekin' classic.
The Steelers are the best team ever. EVER. Also, I bet that cake was sold in Giant Eagle... but my local one usually never has wrecks. But I say that a cake that supports the Steelers can't be a wreck, because, as that cake shows, God supports us. GO D#!!!
yay Anne-Marie!
YoD... I saw that too.
WV: guill. It a Guill!
omg i got the big bang theory reference too!
keep her keep her!
OM"G" - Stefanie, I totally thought it said YoG as well. I understand football and I was lost for who G is.
Anne-Marie - nice work!
These cakes are crazy and the OU on the boob cake, I thought maybe they were attempting to be French "OUI OUI", but no, they just made the least edible cake ever.
of course the almighty is a fan! ; )
I'm still waiting for the first "Boomer Sooner!" of the day. So I can cringe, like always, when they say that. Freakin' Okies...
I really didn't get the "Sugar Bowl" one but I am not sports inclined. Though I am creeped out by the belly button on the Sooners cake, it looks like it is talking to me and I keep thinking of Seinfeld.
Is anyone else grossed out that the belly button on the torso looks like someone just swiped the cake for a taste of the frosting?
Word Verification: consi. I consi a cake wreck over in that case. :)
you know what this post has inspired me to do:
The next time I'm having a good ol' time with the Coors (yes, I said Coors!) and football at home I'm gonna visit this site.
No longer is it only for M - F 9-5...I cannot even imagine how much I'll laugh when I'm drunk!
rionogri: my favorite italian curry dish
Why, its' the Sugar Bowl of course! The OU one still has me perplexed...
Wow. I am ashamed to say the disembodied Sooner torso came from my state. What a sad, sad, sad....no that's actually funny. :) good job.--Kelly B.
The sugar bowl one wouldn't be so bad if the scale had not been so poor. It just seems off. (Although a larger sugar bowl may have increased the dutch-oven effect.)
D-fence and bikini torso OU boobs? No words.
OU = Oklahoma University? Maybe? Weird, when I first looked at it, I couldn't figure out why anyone would want a female torso cake, never mind the leaky breasts!
God#...I thought they had made a typo and scratched it out.
Football isn't big here in Western Canada (we're Hockey folks). So I take delight in this Wrecky-Sport.
word verification:
Caleri: Them Cakes be loaded with Caleri.
The first one surely is meant to be for the Sugar Bowl (Alabama vs, Utah, BTW) and they just left room for the teams' names.
The Sooners torso was fabulous---
My husband called it the Trifecta:
"Sports, sweets, sex....what's not to love?"
You better believe God is a Steelers fan! Yeah, baby! Goin' for the Six Pack!
A while back someone brought to Cake Wrecks attenton that a supermarket in NJ refused to make a cake for little Adolf Hitler and his sibling(s). This news story states that the three children have been removed from their home http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2009/01/13/2009-01-13_report_child_named_adolf_hitler_removed_.html. I think we all got what we were hoping for.
Of course the Almighty is Steeler's fan. And as someone who bleeds black and gold, I admit I cringed when I saw that.
And great job Anne-Marie... it's good to have a back-up just as good as the starter! ;}
I love how the belly button looks like they pushed their finger into the icing.
God a Steelers fan? Actually She is a Cowboys Fan ;) (yeah we had a bad year, what`s your point?? :) )
ROTFLMAO at the Sugar Bowl
Gotta say.. Jen's commentary and stuff is more amusing than Anne-Marie's. XD *hits the deck incase she's booed*
And those cakes are bad.. but what really disturbs me is that ear-like "belly button" in the stomach of that OK Sooner's cake.. WTF.
Awesome, Anne-Marie!
I agree with someone else - it's probably supposed to be a cheerleader. (Though the college cheerleaders I've seen aren't that busty, probably because skinny, athletic, and light go better with the kind of acrobatics college cheerleaders do.)
I may have to differ on the Almighty's football team. Strictly in an academic sense, though - I don't care about pro football at all. But it has been said that the reason why Texas Stadium has a hole in the roof is so that God can watch his team play.
That joke probably says more about Texans than about God, actually.
Footballs with sugar.
And a great big blank open space in the middle.
Doesn't anyone use stencils anymore, if it's determined they can't freehand things decently?
Kinda thought the belly button looks line an ear.
Ummm. yeah. Go D Fence!
You know, some of these pics make me glad I gifted my daughter with my entire decorating set---for FEAR of producing such wrecks!
I was just about to post the link to that news article about the kids! Unbelievable.
Great job bringing sport to the cake masses. I am a huge Eagles fan and got a huge kick of the wreck you guys posted of the split Eeyore/Eagles cake. That is usually how I feel about the team, but not this year, oh no! We are going to the big game! Hopefully... If the Eagles lose next week, I would be tickled to see the cake reposted as a love song to all us fans. Headline: When you remember to take your Prozac half way through decorating your cake.
I get the idea behind the Sugar Bowl cake, but its execution leaves much to be desired.
And while I got what the D-FENCE cake was saying (huge football fan here), I also read it as Yo, D at first. Plus, I have to say that the D-fence trickery is not unique to Pittsburgh. Practically every team in the NFL (and some in college) have fans who bring their Ds and fence pieces into the stadium for their "DEFENSE" cheers.
I have no idea what Oklahoma and the Sooners have to do with beheaded girls in bikinis, though. That's a head scratcher for sure.
And here I was trying to figure out the last cake .... and than I saw the explaination .
What are the things hanging from the torsos boobs supposed to be?
I seriously was going God Fence? what the heck does that mean...and I'm a football fan, well High School Football. Anyway I think I'm going to start Wreckerator Pictionary night at my house!
Too, too funny! This is the only blog I check DAILY....I love the humour! Thanks "Cake Wrecks" for making my day again and again!
Of course God is a Steelers fan!! Loved it!
sporty buttercreaminess? HA!HA!
I don't get the torso cake...really strange...like N.starluna said, how do you offer it to someone?
And the last...totally read God at first...didn't even see the fence...
Totally with Cara on this!
Football wrecks?
We will, we will WRECK YOU!
I realized recently that I was greatly under utilizing Anne-Marie's powers for good when she reduced me to helpless giggles with an e-mail extolling the virtues of actually turning the oven ON when cooking a Christmas ham.
Ah, adventures in cooking ham for Chirstmas. Reminds me of the year that my mom and I puzzled over how many "layers" to peel off the ham before sticking it in the oven. There was an obvious paper wrapping, then a plastic wrap...then we weren't sure if we hit skin or another covering that should be removed before cooking. We didn't cook much ham in our household.
I've traveled here before, and stand in awe and amazement that there are that many troubled cake decorators out there, that you could dedicate an entire well-followed blog to it! Funny.
ou ou steelers! (huh?)
Anybody that watched Superbowl XL and is a Seahawks fan will know that God is a Steelers fan. Thus cake #3 rests that case.
Cake 2, did the decorator was his/her hand before using their finger to make the bellybutton? Or is that lint I see in there?
Great job Anne-Marie! I enjoyed the cakewrecker pictionary suggestion :)
This is completely unrelated to these cakes, but I just read something that I think you will be interested in.
"HOLLAND TOWNSHIP, N.J. - Three New Jersey siblings whose names have Nazi connotations have been placed in the custody of the state, police said Wednesday.
Holland Township Police Sgt. John Harris said workers from the state Division of Youth and Family Services removed 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell and his younger sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, from their home Tuesday."
That's right, the crazy parents who named their kids Adolf Hitler and Aryan Nation lost custody of them. You can read it for yourself here:
Thank you KT for the update on the little boy named Hitler. Much appreciated. This link might take people more directly to the story as it took me awhile to get there with the link you gave. Cheers!
Word verification - Roeinvu : what the mother told the child in his new paddle boat
When I saw the Steelers cake, my first thought was, "G [oversized period] D".
To steal a line from an old but rare movie, I wonder if they mean Golddiger -- or that other well-known word.
Well, didn't everyone already know that about the Almighty?
Everyone here in Pittsburgh does!
Great job, Anne-Marie! Keep up the good work!
Great writing, Anne-Marie!
I actually really appreciate the Sooners cake. Clearly this is a new mother. See the wrinkly tummy on her? I have a 3-year-old and a 9-month old, and for a minute I thought I was looking at my stomach. And of course, the breasts, which are clearly engorged with nature's perfect food, breastmilk.
It's really a touching cake. I'm crying a little bit as I meditate on the beauty of motherhood.
Beth (I blog here and here.)
I'm just surprised that boobalicious torso was sitting out for all to see along with normal cakes for a kids birthday. Funny. I can see it now...
"Mom, what's that?"
Welcome, Anne-Marie. I think we all love you already!
Thanks for the explanation on cake 3, because I couldn't figure out what Godfence meant (guess I'm just a wee bit too literal). The torso thing...just weird. Welcome Anne-Marie, and well done! Wreckage humor makes my day much more livable.
Way to go, Anne Marie!
I just forwarded the link to spouse, as his boss is a by-God-Almighty Steelers fan. I'm sure the big guy will heartily agree that God is on their side.
As for the Sooners cake ... no, I'm not going there.
Word verification: Fursock. It's finally cold enough down here that I can wear my fursock.
I was a bit confused by the torso cake (and glad that I didn't have a mouthful of coffee as I was scrolling down)...I suppose Sooner fans lactate, too...
YAY for Anne Marie!! I loved it too!
Sooners? I'm not a big football fan (shame on me, I know) but what SHOULD it be? Even with the right team name on there, I'm not sure it could be saved from damnation with that torso representing it.
I remember you posting about the Adolf Hilter cake... well here is a link about the children are being taken away... thought you might like to follow up the story...
As we Pittsburghers say:
Our Father,
Who art in Pittsburgh,
Football be thy game.
Thy kingdom come,
Five Super Bowls won,
On Earth as it is in Heinz Field.
Give us this day a playoff Victory,
And forgive us our penalties,
As we defeat those who play against us.
But lead us on to victory,
And deliver us on to Tampa!
For thine is the offense,
And the defense,
And the special teams,
3 cheers for Anne-Marie. I will agree that the Almighty is a football fan, although I'm more inclined to think he roots for the Redskins. Just sayin.
Yay, Anne Marie! Very Wrecky...
Good job Anne-Marie.
However, seeing as I'm a huuuuge Ravens fan, I guess that makes me a Satanist? We'll see come Sunday. Either way, both teams did the AFC North proud. So good luck to fans on both sides :)
Ah! I just *know* that OU cake was going to be a baby shower cake until someone got the memo, "Pregnant Torso = Wreck." Rather than waste the cake, they knocked the bump off and tried something different. Oh well. Recycling doesn't always pay.
Thanks for the fun wrecks, Anne Marie!
I read that last one as: "Go D-gate"??? I was very confused until I read the explanation!
For those wondering what the "things" on the torso's boobs are: http://cgi.ebay.com/Oklahoma-Sooners-Bikini-Top-NWT-Red-Medium_W0QQitemZ200265947150QQcmdZViewItem (and matching bottoms! http://cgi.ebay.com/Oklahoma-Sooners-Bikini-Bottom-NWT-Red-Large_W0QQitemZ200265947188QQcmdZViewItem )
Ick...and wrecky.
Welcome Anne-Marie!
wvotd pitabugg (I kid you not): Pitabugg, the spokesman for pita wraps died today when someone inadvertently stepped on him.
I had the misfortune of living in Cleveland when the Browns came back (they'd only been gone HOW long? Jeez, people, chill) and then moved to Indiana, a very sports-heavy state. I wonder what kind of wrecks I could find in the stores here.
Does Cake #2 mean that somewhere a company mass-produces torso cakes for grocery stores???
And I much prefer whipped icing to buttercream--I worked in a store bakery for two years and never want to see buttercream AGAIN. Also it's lighter and much less cloying.
WV: exual, which I think is the name for something leaking from a cake's breasts?
I thought that the "G" was a "Y" sooo to me it kinda looked like...
"Yo D *drawing of a fence*"
What??!! Then I read on... my blonde mind.
I want to say the "GoD" cake is the worst one here...but I'm not so sure about that statement. Because...well...the bikini sooners cake is nothing but confusing. Maybe it made sense to the recipient though? Geez.
The middle one made me think of leaking breasts. Ugh! Sad!
Oh my ...
Lol! How funny. I must say, this is a pretty neat blog you have set up here! It's SO funny to see professionals mess up... Can't wait to see more!
American Jewish Princess
The Almighty is, indeed, a Steelers fan. That's how they managed to have so many miracle finishes this season. (But hey, a win is a win, so who's complaining right?)
Good job, Anne-Marie! I think you've given Jen a run for her money!
I thought it said Yo D
then I saw it was a G.
your blog kicks @$$! that bra cake is hilarious!
it never fails to amuse me - seeing all of these cakes gone wrong...
i can't believe some of these bakeries even consider selling their stuff - and worse, that people will buy them!!!
RE: Sooners cake:
OU shouldn't have!
OU had better fix this!
OU are SO not getting paid for this wreck!
OU had better go back to cake decorating school!
Classically Wrecktastic!!! I love 'em!
Living as I do in football-obsessed Norman, Oklahoma. I can tell you that there are plenty of OU fans who would not at all mind the full-coverage or the lack of brain. But will gladly drool over any girl with 42DD who also loves football.
How sad that these horribly common inverted priorities have now been immortalized in sugar.
At least it's been a little redeemed by making it on the blog. It certainly qualifies!!
Oh, how I loved Godfence. Saw it fourteen times.
Here's the idea: I get me one of those TORSO cakes, see?
Then, I cook up a batch of seafood appetizers, throw some beachy-type decorations around (empty beer cans, etc.), invite some people over, and ((Ta-DAHHHH!!!)):
JAWS movies marathon!!!
Oh, yeah--the best part: I take a handful of cooked white rice and toss it on the torso cake--for effect--and add a seaweed salad.
Roll 'em!
ok so I was thinking maybe the person with the OU cake was thinking sooner closer to a nooner??? ok maybe not.... I personally was trying to figure out the Star Wars thing with the fence. Then I read it and was like huh? Reread it. Nope still saw Yod and a fence. hmmmm If Jenn and Anne-Marie says it says God then I am ok with it.
These sports cakes are amazing!!
re: God is a Steelers fan
What's the wreck there...? I'm most certain that He is!
Before today I never would have associated the Sooners with a disembodied torso...
But now...
I might have trouble remember they play football.
Moose Nuggets
Didn't get "go d-fence" at all until you explained it. Also, the torso cake reminds me of an episode of Star Trek where Data is dreaming of cutting up a cake of Counselor Troi. Oh, God, I'm a nerd.
I thought the "sugar bowl" was kind of cute. But I'm not a sports fan.
G-d is a Steelers fan, however that would be the Sheffield steelers ice hockey team.
go Steelers go!
conf code
sitases : most sports fans :)
You know? I have to realign my brain cells when I come to this AB-FAB site. It takes above-average (waaaay above, sometimes) thinking to distinguish what my eyes are seeing here. This has become my favorite blog EVER! Kudos to everyone! And btw, what's a God Fence? Har!
C Beth, You win "Comment of the Day" in my opinion---tooooo funny.
And BTW, for that other commenter, those are not nipple rings (ewwww....I hate even typing that), the (ahem) breast "decorations" are the OU logo for Oklahoma University ---or University of Oklahoma...? Don't know, and don't really care, since THEY LOST bwaahahahahahaha! to Florida.
Laughed out loud for like ten minutes about this. Thanks Anne-Marie, that was hilarious.
And, no the Almighty is NOT a Steelers fan.... :)
Yes, OU is for University of Oklahoma.(my state) I thought MAYBE it was a swimsuit b/c they went to Florida, you know, where its sunny?! Im a die-hard Oklahoma State fan, so it really didn't upset me that OU lost. Oh well. That was pretty disgusting and since I know a lot of die hard OU fans, I doubt any one of them would buy that cake. Well, maybe there are one or two, but ewww, GROSS
Ah aha ha ha! You crack me up!
Chances are if you have to label something on a design then you've failed to execute it properly. >_>
"Boomer Sooner"? Looks like "Boober Sooner to me.
As for the Steelers cake, I thought the thing on the end was something being built by a beaver. The message I see is "God dam", as in, "God damn, the Steelers got in the playoffs again." ;-)I'm from Cincinnati
FABULOUS!!! I laughed out loud!!! Loved the sugar bowl commentary!!! :D
YoD gate?
That was awesome. Anne-Marie should be a regularly featured contributor.
Hee-LARious! I'm still chuckling over the cake decorator's Pictionary....great stuff! :)
WV: blogeye, Hawkeye's nerdy cousin.
god is a giant cookie!!!!
vw is sqearyl squirrel(ly) like those cakes!
@ JohnnyB - "Boober Sooner"?!?!?! I almost fell off my chair! LOL!!!
I totally got the Go D# thing but only because we all know God is really a Ravens fan....
ducking and running
my ds just informed me that for his birthday cake he wants the first one (what can i say? he's 5! and anything with a football is good to him)
wv: nyptein....i've already told you nyptein times!!!
I thought it was something about G-d.
A dear friend of mine passed away this week who was crazy for the Steelers. Somewhere he is laughing, and he would absolutely agree that "the Almighty is a Steelers fan."
God must be a Steelers fan they are going to the superbowl LOL
OU: The University OF Oklahoma, a top 25-rated US public university
Nobody calls it Oklahoma University.
Sooners: The mascot of OU and a term from the landrush (I am not going to tell you anymore, study some freaking American history.)
Boomer Sooner: Our fight call
Making fun of it only shows your ignorance as to how a huge portion of the middle of the country was settled.
Our cakes: Really none of your business
I notice you don't seem to post "messed up" college cakes unless they're from a place you rule as nowhere important.
- An OU Honors College student
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand - some of us who went to OU actually retained a sense of humor. BTW, previous anonymous, "Sooners" is the name of the teams, not the mascot. The mascot, at least when I was there, was a dinky little nameless covered wagon, though there seemed to be a move to replace it with a football helmet with feet. And yes, the interlocking O and U is the official logo. Way back when, the admin tried to replace it with a white ("cream") U superimposed over the bottom half of a red ("crimson") O, or maybe it was the other way around. It was fantastically fugly and was promptly dubbed "The Toilet Seat Logo." That was the end of that.
The bra looks my size, but the only piece of OU gear I bought in my six years there was three enormous scratch 'n' sniff banana T-shirts on clearance at the bookstore.
P.S. To this day no one knows why "University of Oklahoma" is abbreviated "OU". Well, maybe the guys with the bazookas (I have thankfully forgotten what they call themselves), revealed to new recruits at the dead of night by the Duck Pond after the final hazing.
still another Anne
PPS: "Boomer Sooner" is the OU fight song, which goes to the tune of "Oola Boola" and consists of the words Boomer Sooner repeated until someone conks you on the head.
Anne again. It's way past my bedtime.