(Sure, had it been left up to me I would have placed Cake Wrecks in the 'Best Humor Blog' category, but it wasn't, so I couldn't. [shrug] The powers that be at the Weblogs place each blog in only one category as a finalist, so we can only bow to their superior authority and, as they say, "go with it". Besides, far be it from me to look a gift award in the mouth, right?)
Oh, and here's the best part: unlike the Blogger's Choice Awards, you don't have to register to vote! Nope, all you have to do is click the link and then click on Cake Wrecks. Bada bing, bada boom. You'll even see real-time results of the polls after you vote, which currently look like this:

Thanks in advance, my loyal lovelies. You will all be rewarded in the coming Cakey Kingdom...
UPDATE: Oh, and while you're at it, I've just been told that the 2009 Bloggies are now accepting nominations. Honestly, I had no idea there were so many different award sites for blogs! Still, maybe for the Bloggies one of you henchies could nominate Wrecks in a more appropriate category? I mean, I feel kinda bad for the more legitimate "food blogs" on the BCAs. Not bad enough to spoil my fiendish glee at CRUSHING the competition, mind you, but still kinda bad.
Speaking of which, thanks to all of you for voting and for being the a$$-kickin'est group of readers a blogger could ever ask for. I am feelin' the love, guys, and believe me when I say it matters - it really does.
191 comments | Post a Comment
I'm voting right now! Please vote for me for fashion blog :-)
Woohoo...this means 2 of my favorite blogs are in the running for an award!
I voted! As of 3:12pm ET, Cake Wrecks is ahead by about 140 votes! Woo Hoo!
37.7% for Cake Wrecks! YAY
We now have Cake Wrecks leading a close 38.8% to Serious Eats at 27.6%.
YAY! You're in first place right now :) Good luck!
That poll you posted is way, way off. You are so in the lead I feel sorry for the rest.
Way to go Cake Wreck Groupies!!
The link to vote isn't working for me.... Am I the only one?
I'd be happy to vote...but the links are not working.
I voted. Long Live the Wreck!
Sorry, guys; the voting site is pretty bogged down right now. Give those links a try a little later, and hopefully they'll work then.
And thank you for your support. ;)
hee hee! Is over 40%!!!! Whoo Hooo!!! Wreck on!!
WF- tstabow
"Do you want that gift wrapped?"
"Nah... tstabow"
Holy smokes, I voted - and it appears you are definitely not in 2nd place anymore! Let's keep it that way.
You're weening! You're weening!
Woohoo! 52.3%
Go Cakewrecks!
Cake Wrecks is kicking butt and taking no prisoners.
I never comment here, but I'm a faithful lurker. Ya'll deserve this one!
I voted :3! Good luck, Jen!
Apparently, since your post, CW went up about, oh, a thousand votes. How amazing is that?
You've pretty much won xD! CONGRATS IN ADVANCE.
Ok, so the link in the post didn't work, but if you click on the icon to the side where it actually says Weblog Awards, that should get you there. So when I voted, Cake Wrecks had 1372 votes (over 53%) and the nearest (non) competitor was only at 546! Woo hoo! Let's hear it for Cake Wreck Cyber Bullies! im
I just voted and holy shnickes its a landslide for Cake Wrecks :)
Worked for me! Cake Wrecks is WAY in the lead with 54% of the votes!!
May the best blog win!! (where best blog = Cake Wrecks!!)
52% ahead! It hardly seems fair. . . Who could compete with Naked Mohawk Baby Carrot Jockeys? They are the perfect spokespeople (spokesbabies?) for food!
I just voted, and Cake Wrecks is leading with 57.1% !
Now, I don't know if I voted completely fairly, because I've never even "read" any of those other blogs. Why bother?
See, my motto is :
Why mess with the rest, when I've already got the best?
I voted! Good luck
Have you seen the numbers NOW?? Oh yeah! Go Cake Wrecks! (But seriously, how is Amuse Biatch not listed? Or Skillet Doux?)
58%!!!! Go Cake Wrecks!
Just voted! Cake Wrecks is now waaaaay ahead! Hooray!
Cake Wrecks will totally win! Currently, it's winning over second place by over 1,000 votes. I think it's a landslide.
Voted! You're smokin' the competition!!!
Cake Wrecks: 62.1%
Serious Eats: 17.0%
I think your call to arms worked. :D
YOU ARE NOW HAVE 65.2% OF THE VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!
Done, done, and donner! Thanks for a great blog!
lurker, voted, love ya!!
67%. That's just comical! Go Cake Wrecks!
60%!! WOOOOOOOOO! Yer kickin' butt!
I have to agree on the comedy part since this website makes me laugh so hard I sometimes need Depends. It's good for me though cause now I don't have to choose between you and bossy! Good luck!
63% for Cake Wrecks and climbing, Jen your evil, uh, I mean brilliant plan is working!
Jen, you're kicking cake. Deservedly.
Hey I just voted...you have 65.9% of the vote! Go Cake Wrecks, Go!
Happy to report that I was vote 2,541! Right now Cake Wrecks has 66% of the votes :)
5:16 PM Central time...CakeWrecks up to 2,550 votes. Yay!!
You've stomped the vote at almost 68% now :)
68% now.
And how were those of us who know nothing about blog awards supposed to know to GO there and vote had Jen not posted this 'call to arms' as it were?
You are totally winning.
Newbie here but so enjoy the sugar and snark....just like a southern sorority. Of course I voted for you.
good god, talk about kicking ass--Cake Wrecks has 70% of the vote with 3184!!
WOW Over 70% of the votes are yours! You deserve 100%... this blog is AWESOME! Thanks for the laughs you bring to us! :-)
I am voting every day, starting right now!!!
You MUST win.
Make it so.
You're rockin' about 71% of the votes, Jen! I think this one's in the bag. :)
Go go go! :-)
Totally! I just voted a couple hours ago, and the standings were(/ are) 50% in your favor!
Way to go! You're spankin' the competition. :D
I'm actually sort of glad you aren't in the humor category. Having to decide between cakewrecks and the comics curmungeon would have resulted in massive inner turmoil.
Good luck. I'm off to go stuff the ballot box now.
Wow - you're at 72% of the votes now! WTG cake wrecks :o)
Hard to say "every vote counts" when I'm one of 3,564 (as of now), but I'll say it anyways: every vote counts... and you got mine!
I think you're in the lead. ;) 73%!
I certainly hope the anonymous poster who sounded very ugly and mean was just kidding. Nobody would have known that the award blog existed if you hadn't posted this!! And it's not like you twisted our arms to go and vote, WE LOVE YOU and you totally deserve to win!!!
And may I just say, you're winning!! Woohoo
holy cupcakes! Cake Wrecks went from 25% of the vote to 73% in 6 hours!
Cake Wrecks is still kicking some serious backside in the voting! It was at 74.1% when I voted just now. Yow!
Just voted...5:35 PST...CAKEWRECKS has over 74%!!!I'm votin' every day...YEA!!
Anonymous said...
"Guess you lost sight of the real reason you are here - for fun and making people smile. Now it seems that it is all about fame.
You shouldn't have to ask people to vote for you."
January 6, 2009 6:13 PM
WhatEVER, Dude or Dudette!!!
Who SAYS she can't have her (wonderful wrecky) CAKE and eat it, too?!?
Stick that in your pseudo-righteousness pipe and smoke it!
I see a BLUE RIBBON, #1 cake being made somewhere! Yayaw!
As of my vote Cake Wrecks was 74.1% and the next closest was 11.6% That's cause this really is the BEST blog OVERALL in my opinion!! lol
just voted, and yeah, now you have 79.4 % of the vote,
As of my vote, 75.1% of the vote has gone to Cake Wrecks. That gives you a 3700 vote lead over Serious Eats!
Why SHOULDN'T a fantastic thing such as this recieve a bit of a pat on the back for making SO MANY PEOPLE so happy?
It's all in fun, anyway.
Anything that can make us laugh and feel good (on a daily basis, at that)is deserving of some praise, in my book!
I'd never heard of this place before.
What a year--Obama AND CakeWrecks!
Life is good.
WV: "nowliest": this blog is the nowliest thing going, as in current, in-tune, etc. So very NOW. LOVE it.
Whoop! Whoop!! Cake Wrecks is @ 76.1% in the polls!!!!
ok so you currently have 77% of the vote... can you say "SLAM DUNK!"
at 6:49PST, its at 79% of the votes.
holy moly
Oh My Heck!! I just voted and Cake Wrecks was blowing the copm. out of the water!!! Wreck On!!
OK, so now nobody has a prayer in Hades of winning this category other than CakeWrecks, which is perfectly fine by me! I've been following your blog for months, and it's one of the only blogs I read every day. Here's hoping you win...my vote is in!
As of 1/6/09, 7:12 PST, Cake Wrecks had over 5100 votes and was at 77%. Just shows the power of the blog. :-)
You are now like 5000 votes in the lead. You should run for President in four years.
Whoa! 77.7% for Cake Wrecks! Go trashy cakes!
Your crew of readers have sure bumped you up there! I'm sure you feel loved. I've never posted on here before but I get my daily laugh from your blog. Thanks and good luck in all you do!
Just voted...again...and you have 5,396 out of 6,920 votes. Wreck on sista!!
78%. Now imagine if you used your Cake Wreck platform to execute real change!
...or...you know. for more cakes. I'm game for that one.
Mwaahaha. Gastesse. That would be the french word for a comely young lady with a predilection towards flatulence.
Cake Wrecks is smoking everyone! Let hear a woot woot!!
Wow - you are ahead by MILES!!!
Go Girl and keep up the good work
Yeah! 78.2% :) And very well deserved!
Wowza...leading by nearly 5,000 votes!! Clearly you have a large fan following, of which I am a proud member! :) Thanks for making me laugh!
Hooray! I was definitely 5 thousand something! LOL - lurker here, but had to show my support!
my suggestion.... put a link at the top of every day's post, and i will definitely be voting for you each and every day. i love this blog, and i check it daily. unfortunately though, i do have a pretty short memory span, and need reminders :P
79.1% now. I'll vote again tomorrow :)
I love this blog and of course, I voted for you.
It's really too bad about the anonymous negative voter. You definitely aren't the only blogger who let her reader know about the weblog awards.
You make me smile every day. I hope you win, and therefore, I helped return the favour!
Keep blogging!
i'm pretty sure you're going to win this one ;)
Well, I cast vote number 6,146.
You may just scrape through....
So I deleted the comment by anonymous since I'm the husband of the blogger and I can. Oddly enough, Jen was the one who let it go through, though I usually require that negative posters at least have enough courage to put their name down.
One final note to anonymous: Jen's not in this for the fame, I promise. She started this blog on a fluke and now gets a kick out of hopefully making your days a little brighter. I can tell you that Jen is filled with humility and gratitude at the many thousands of wonderful readers who continue to read Cake Wrecks.
Wreck On and thanks for voting. You guys really are the best.
Wow, you're way ahead of all of the other blogs. You deserve it and I hope you win, I'll make sure to do my best to help you!
Ask and ye shall receive! Cake Wrecks is at almost 80%!!! Woohoo!
Totally just voted. Holy cow...you picked up votes fast. You're kicking the other blogs' TRASH!
well it's 9:43 pst, and cake wrecks is over 78%, are you aewesome or what!!?!?!??!
the vword is you all over:niftical!
Wow, I just went and voted and your totally in the lead now!!
Great start :)
%80 Yeah baby Yeah!
Hurray! I'm glad to see that Cake Wrecks is winning now. It was thanks to a commenter on another blog that is up for a weblog award as well (consumerist.com) that I found out about this blog.
80%! I'm proud my teeny vote is a part of it!
As of 10:35 pm today Cake Wrecks is WAY in the lead!
Cake wrecks has 6,848 votes of the total 8,504 as of 2:05 AM CST January 7. That is a pretty big lead I would say...
Holy Guacamole! You are currently at 80.6%!!!!
I voted and we are winning!!! YEY!! At least I can vote in this election while not being American citizen, feels so good to make a difference ;) Boo to the anonymous poo-poo head who couldnt even put down their real name. Yey for John the hubby who seems super sweet and YEYEYEYE for Jen who makes my day, everyday!
In the time since this has been posted... Cake Wrecks has jumped to the ALL OUT FIRST! Everything else is left behind by a mile! WOot! -longtime cake lurker boogie dance-
81% as of my vote.
CW has 10 times the number of votes of the nearest competitor - 81% to 8%! There's nothing in the rules that says a blogger can't mention the awards to alert readers to vote. I certainly wouldn't have known otherwise.
I had to vote, of course!! I just Lovelovelove your blog! I almost feel bad for not finding a wreck yet in my hometown...
-A dedicated reader from Finland
Excellent. I wonder who's going to win? :)
And "Anonymous" was right... I mean, you should do what political candidates do, and just sit quietly in a corner hoping that people will hear about the vote and pick you.
Come to think of it, perhaps you should start a slander campaign. Yeah, that's it -- a video complete with black and white, scratchy film showing how despicable Serious Eats is, and how Cake Wrecks will bring about change, and a better future for our children.
ahem. sorry. Good luck in the polls ;)
Wow, Jen ~ you are kicking some serious butt onthe polls! Way to go!
WV = miling. I am miling for you because you are winning!
KEEP WRECKING! I will vote every day as long as necessary! Too bad we can't vote more than once a day!! Don't forget a reminder at the beginning of each day, so us slow folks don't forget. . .
Thanks so much for the great big belly laughs every day!
I voted for ya, Jen!
This blog is amazing and is well deserving of the almost 8K in votes it's received (over 82%!!).
Okay...I think we have done pretty well and you need to change the picture, considering the vote percentage NOW! LOL
Wreck-on Jen! Your blog makes my darling hubby and myself lol every darn day just about. You totally deserve the award.
-Thanks from a long time lurker
my vote is in :o)
over 9000 votes as of now (1/7/09-7.30am MST-> that means mountain time), and cake wrecks has 8000+ votes. keep it up!
I voted for you, even though I hardly needed to... you are winning by 82.3 % (or 8,250 votes..)
Wreck on!
Congrats! You are kicking major butt! 83%!!! (of over 10,000 votes)
I just voted ( like 10am EST) and it was CW 8,548 votes to the 2nd place which had 770 votes. Cake Wrecks also has about 82.6% of the vote.
WOW, cake wrecks is totally kicking butt.
I tried to vote agin this morning but it hadn't been 24 hours yet so it wouldn't register...but never fear...I will be voting again this evening. I think it's hilarious that when I tried to vote earlier that CW had over 82% of the vote and the closest "competitor" had something like 7%. ;)
It is now 87% for Cake Wrecks! WOOHOO!!! You are kickin some serious butt!
Oh, you are SO cooking the books (so to speak) over there! We, your loyal minions, are doing our jobs well. Humor and cakes will always win!
Nearly 9,000 votes and almost 90% of the vote! Much love for you and your hilarity, Jen!
Thank you for brightening each day!
I just voted.. and I think you're in the lead by a little bit... or several thousand votes!!! Reading this blog every morning makes my day happier - keep 'em coming!
So I just voted and I don't think you are going to have a problem...it was at 82.9%. But I will continue to vote every day, just to be on the safe side.
Just voted...now you're at 83% of the vote! Winning by a landslide!
i b reprahzentin.
captcha word: stifiess.
Over 9000 votes, 83.2% as of my vote. Way to go!
You're currently more than 8,000 votes ahead of the second-place site -- I think you might have this one in the bag!
Ths lurker has finally got her act together and voted! As of when I saw it, it was Cake wrecks was also well past 80% of the votes.
haha cake wrecks has over 80% of the vote now
go cake wrecks!
Clearly, CakeWrecks readers are a loyal crowd... if only you were up for humor blog. I clearly don't come here for the food... it's the banter that gets me out of bed in the morning! Great job, Jen!
For the record, Jen didn't nominate herself, one of us did and a few more of us voted for her to get into the finalist list and the whole time she sat there all quietly and never mentioned it to any of ya'll till after the voting had already started.
Jen, Thanks for always bringing a smile to my mornin routine and thanks for the wonderful blog!
hmmmm....it's safe to say you are clearly winning.
87% percent now. Go Cake Wrecks!
You currently have 83% of the vote. I think you have it ;o)
I love your blog, you deserve to win!
You're currently at 83% of the vote, I think you're going to win somehow ;0)
I love your blog, am always on the look out for some lovely English wrecks to send you.
Good Luck!
Wowie kazowie! You pretty much have the voting in the bag with nearly 10,000 votes.
I read a few blogs authored by people who are up for a weblog award. They all have the trolls, too, so you are definitely not alone!
Rooting for you, cause your blog brightens my day!
Look at it now. Hoozah!!
Wreckporter D'alby here, the opposition are now mere cake crumbs. Cake Wrecks rules!!
p.s. I'll vote everyday to ensure ultimate domination!
Go Cake Wrecks!
Your blog is divine!
I just voted and it said you had 84.1% of the vote. Yikes!
We're blowing them all away. Wrecktastic!
Just voted, Cakewrecks is at 84%... The vote-grubbing is pretty obvious now.
I just voted, and Cake Wrecks has 84.4% of the vote (the next highest only has 8%)
WV - Jokey: the chances of all the blogs up against Cake Wrecks
84.4%!!! Over 10,750 votes!!!
Holy crap! There's like no contest anymore. I can't even see the others' stats! Go 'Wrecks!!
84% as of 2:20.... wow!
Total votes = 13,019
Votes for Cake Wrecks = 11,000
I think you have it in the bag!!!
I think you broke the poll already, but I am going to keep voting so we can see just how badly it can be broken.
I support your advertising of this poll BTW. It kinda almost seems like the whole point of these polls...
I just voted. CW is currently at 84.5% of total votes. I think we have a winner!!!!
I love it! You appeal to your readers to vote for you when you have 383 votes and 25.2% of the votes. The NEXT day you have 11,148 votes and 84.5% of the votes...your next closest competitor is Serious Eats with 869 votes and 6.6%! Wow, my two votes mattered!
Erm, just do you know, I think you've won! Haha.
The other sites should be thanking you for the plug (before your link, less than 2,000 votes; 24 hours later, 10,000 votes). At least now I know there is a site "Serious Eats." I feel badly for "Sparklette" with a mere 14 votes. But I'm not going to those other sites, I just like Cake Wrecks. It's not about food, it's about making fun of food.
I voted! I voted!
Your blog keeps me and many of my friends entertained. Thank you.
First time commenting here, but I check in here all the time with my daughter. In fact, on Thanksgiving Day, I had the relatives gathered around the computer and laughing their heads off at the Cake Wrecks(I think I turned a few of those relatives into fans of Cake Wrecks, too)
Of course, I voted. :-)
I feel a little bit bad because I love Serious Eats, but I love Cakewrecks far more, so I've already voted twice. You're kicking some blog @$$ there!! I love love LOVE this blog...having a serious baking hobby, I find that this "Failblog for Cakes" gives me endless hours of entertainment...it can pull me out of a funk, even...SO FUNNY. (And the commentary is what makes it the funniest! Please keep up the good work)
holy crap, we're at 84.5% !!! LANDSLIDE!
Start baking the congratulatory wreck!
Wow! You've got 84% of the votes now. Congrats!
i voted just now. you are doing great!
What a loyal bunch of blog-aholics you have!!! Wreck on!
damn i just voted, and i don't think you're going to lose!!!
Congrats! You are killing the competition
you have over 12,000 votes. you definitely have this!
I just voted. Good luck Jen..as if you really need it. :-D
holy crap, I just voted, and you are now at over 13,000 votes! The next-best is somewhere in the vicinity of 990.... I feel sorry for them. But not sorry enough to vote for anyone but CakeWrecks! Let's see if we can get to 99% !!!!
WOOT! longtime lurker here, I just voted. GO CAKE WRECKS! : )
Wow, are you embarrassed by the INTENSE LEAD you have on all the other Weblog finalists?
I think it's just gotten EMBARRASSING how much you are murdering the competition right now.
I'm blushing a little.
Oh yeah, baby. Since you posted the original "vote for this blog!" link, I'm pleased to see that Cake Wrecks went from 26% winning its (note it's not "it is", please) to a freaking 84% winner! Let's hear it for Cake Wrecks!!!! You have a mighty following. :)
Cake Wrecks is at 84.1% !
there is NO way you could possibly lose ^^
You are up at 84.1%!!! I voted.
Vote # 14,266. I think you have that one in the bag!!
Just voted, and your stats are through the roof! Great work, and please know how many excited fans you have! Thanks for all you do to make us laugh!
I am a faithful lurker, and visit almost everyday! I have voted everyday for your blog because it rocks! You have 14,930, and at 84% by the count it shows right now! Serious Eats (your nearest competitor) has 1,129 at 6.4% I think you have it hun!
We still need to vote everyday, I looked at some of the other sites and they are also having their readers vote everyday (not that we need to apparently, but it wouldn't hurt much...well us anyway!) XD
Cake Wrecks is ANNIHILATING the competition.
Vote #15,348.
That one did it.
::cue Mortal Kombat Theme::
CakeWrecks is kickin some serious food blog booty. I just voted and u are at 15,806.
Woohoo! Vote #16,131...put you at 83.5%.
1,6757, 83.4%
84% LOL one has to think it's in the bag! Clearly there are a lot of savvy people out there - this site rocks!
(and I'm happy to see F*** You Penguin in Pets doing well, too)
Cake wreks is at 87 percent!!! WOOT!
OK, I have to say that you were totally robbed from being left out of the humor blog category. The only one in humor that even comes close to cake wrecks is the comics curmudgeon. If they accepted write ins you would win hands down in that category too! Blog on, Jen! You're the best! CherylSO'N
I just voted and could not believe how many votes Cake Wrecks has! And here I thought it might be a close call, so I'd better vote to make sure Cake Wrecks had the best chance possible to win. My vote wasn't needed it looks like, but I was glad to cast it anyway!
Look who has the most loyal fanbase... That's right, it's Jen. Thanks for being hilarious daily.
LOL! I think you broke it... the poll won't load! Well, I don't think it matters too much. You're so obviously going to win. YAY! :D
As of about five minutes ago, Cake Wrecks had about 19,500 votes; the closest any of the other blogs have gotten is 1,000-something. Kudos.
My vote was #20,580, which put you at 82.4%.
I've never commented here before, but I figured now was the time to start. Thanks for the wit and entertainment! You deserve to win this.
You're so in the lead it's almost silly. Apparently your competitors either didn't post a link to the poll or no one actually reads them lol. You've got about 21k out of 26k at this point.
Oh, yeah, hun. You've got this locked up.
Only 2 voting days left! I am vote #21,536 and I have to say you deserve every single one. I have the best time on your site. I think you're the only blog I've read all the past posts for.
Good luck!
31,152 out of 36,960. 84.3%.
By a landslide.