Thursday, November 27, 2008

And Now, a Word From Your Thanksgiving Turkey Cakes

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Well, it's officially Turkey Day. A day of food and fun for us, sure, but you know who gets the short end of the stick? Ok, well, mostly the turkeys - but turkey cakes, now, they're also bidding us a fond farewell today. Their time in the sun, as it were, is over. Here to comment are some Turkey Cakes. Guys, your thoughts?

"Turkey cakes? Turkey cakes?!? Dude, I'm the frickin' NBC mascot; don't you recognize a peacock when you see one?"

"Uh, I'm pretty sure I'm just an anthropomorphized version of the Statue of Liberty's crown, not a turkey. Sorry."

"Don't look at me! I'm just a cuter version of this guy:"

"Hey ho! Over here!"

"I'm a turkey cookie, does that count? Anyway, I'd just like to know why I have all these cranberries stuffed in my mouth. See y'all next year! Turkeys rule!! Woo-hoo!"

"Well I for one have a bone to pick with my decorator. Jen, would you kindly post some pictures of a turkey and a chicken here?

"Thank you. Ok, now, decorators: look at the heads of those birds. Which of them do I look like to you? Yeah, that's right: a CHICKEN. Is this any way to treat a self-respecting turkey cake? Is it?!?"

"Oh, quit your griping. At least you're not crammed into last year's Valentine cake tin."

"Yeah, or torn limb from limb. Are those my wings behind me? 'Cuz I think they're on fire."

"Well, bye everyone! [sniffle] See you next year!"

Stephani N., Lee G., Blaze B., Jessica H., Colette S., Stacey M., Katje S., & Adrian K., "gobble gobble". (That's turkey for "So long, and thanks for all the Wrecks".)
Unknown said...

Ouch! That CCC looks like he's being roasted alive!!!!

Anonymous said...

That chicken (cupcake)cake is so unintentionally impressive.

Angie McCullagh said...

ZOMG! Are you this funny in real life? Because if so, I'd like to eat cupcakes with you. I'm ROLLING and snorting over here.

Angie (from over at

An Apron Straitjacket said...

Gee, I kind of hate to see them say goodbye.

Happy Turkey Day!

~Bethany~ said...

Looks like someone ran off with the peacocks wing.....his purple feather is a little deflated.

Marissa said...

ok, those are just baaaaaad.

i would, however, eat the turkey leg/foot of that nasty CCC just to put it out of its misery.

my current favorite CW is the upside down, candy corn thing from a few days ago. i've actually randomly thought of it a few times in the past few days and cracked up. that person needs a raise... or a transfer to a different dept.

Angela said...

OMG - it's a turkey massacre!!!

Liberty :) said...

Hilarious!!! The CCC's are awful, I hope to god they never make it across the pond!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Americans!! :)

Anonymous said...

That turkey with the peacock tail is the logo for NBC's new line-up... combining the peacock logo with the shows' contents. Too bad they couldn't add some of the diaper-contents look for a complete thematic blend.

Anonymous said...

I think the second one down is a Golliwogg cake. I, for one, am offended.

Becky said...

Why oh why do they insist on the CCCs???????? Geez!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Anonymous said...

It seems that Holidays bring out the CCCs in full force! 90% of the Thanksgiving cakes we've seen have been CCC!!

undergrad RN said...

I love that they all seem to look like piles of poo!

CathyBB said...

Alternate theory on the turkey cookie, though - he kinda looks like he's staggering after being shot - or is that chest hair???

Fantastic commentary as always... thanks for a great laugh today - and every day! =)

Vashti said...

The first one looks like a poo with wings! and all are pretty horrible!

Kimberly said...

wings on fire.....*lol*...*rofl*...*crying***...on fire....You are going to make me wake my family up early this morning laughing!

searching_for_something said...

The one at the end is too cute. I couldnt eat him, nto with those sad eyes!

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO! I can hardly wait until the Christmas cakes are created. To be honest, I'm not big on Christmas, but this website may change my mind. :-)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Llyra said...

It looks like someone yoinked one of the tail cupcakes out from under the frosting on that first CCC...

Anonymous said...

I think the first one is a gay pride turkey actually, I've seen him doing a leaflet campaign for single sex marriage ;-)

Anonymous said...

The white turkey immediately struck me as the Ghost of Thanksgiving Past. It's sad when a bakery runs out of icing colors.

Most of the others look like some grade school had a contest and only those between 6 and 8 were allowed to enter.


Anonymous said...

In my mind, this is THE best Cake Wrecks commentary of 'em all. And some of the worst cake wrecks, too, which makes it even better.
Bravo, Jen! Fantastic! *applauds*

Anonymous said...

Oh my. That second-last one is the best of them all.

CakeEater said...

I saw a turkey one where the "feathers" were two cupcakes each, iced separately, but then they piled and piled icing on in vivid colors going towards the bird's body - a giant pile of brown icing in the middle of the cupcake semi-circle. I SO wish I had a camera!

Hyena Overlord said... the turkey cookie from hallowe'en? CCC are hilarious. They still can't grasp the concept here at the local bakeries. Although that's not a bad thing.

I do like the Statue of Liberty turkey CCC. Very good use of two icons for one holiday.

Tee hee
wvotd:jeziesva.."what the jeziesva is wrong with the decorators these days?"

MarieA said...

LOL.. I thought exactly the same thing... NBC Peakcock!

Am enjoying the wrecks here and am now taking my own camera with me when I hit the grocery stores and bakeries ... looking to find my first wreck and become a wreckporter!

Happy Thanksgiving. Hope your turkeys are ..... less .... goey!


wordver- BRR TOM! LOL

Feisty Irish Wench said...

Did anyone else notice that someone snuck a cupcake out from under NBC's feathers, leaving only the pile of icing, almost virtually undisturbed?

Anonymous said...

"So long, and thanks for all the Wrecks" Man, now I have to go watch HHGTTG!!!

Ms Ashley said...

The turkey cookie looks like he's about to throw up all those cranberries!

Bri said...

Oh wow.
that poor bird creature. I actually wish someone would rearrange that CCC so the thing doesn't look dismembered. That's so sad.

Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

Oh wow, those are some ugly turkeys. :) Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I read 5th sacred thing during a women's and gender studies class in college. Great book!

Kitty said...

I love that the first one is missing a cupcake and they just frosted right onto the board like they figured that no one would notice...

Garret said...

That was funny! I actually felt sad for the last one. He looked like he was going to suffocate in there.


Mari said...

Wow, you outdid yourself.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jenn said...

I have to agree, the turkey on the cookie looks like he's not long for this world. Or maybe he's dead already and is a ghost turkey.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, does that black-and-white one look like a zombie to anyone else?

WendyB said...

The first one made the NBC station identification get stuck in my head.

Orsolya said...

Why is it that all the "necks" (and I use the term loosely) of the "turkeys" (also using that term loosely) look like piles of poo? How hard is it to *not* poo on a cake? Or even a CCC for that matter?

Love the Hitchhikers reference btw! :o)

WV: Bevis - just seems apt somehow...

Cindy said...

Awww.. I like the first one, except the missing cupcake part. It's bright and cheerful and gives me a sugar tummy ache just looking at it.

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

am I the only one that thinks a lot of these turkeys look... ummm..... uncircumcised?

E.A.D. said...

/snickering helplessly

That's all I can think of right now. Too much funny, not enough words!

Word verification: hobit. Er, wait, when did Merry and Pippin get into the blogging business?

Anonymous said...

The white turkey looks like he's having a heart attack.

queenb said...

FABULOUS!!! Those poor sad litte things will be so happy to finally be put out of our misery.

I will miss them...But on to scary holiday cakes!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone...I for one am thankful for the hilarity of Cake Wrecks!!

~Bonnie B~

Unknown said...

The turkey on the cookie cake looks like a zombie turkey out of a B horror movie.

Must. Have. Braiiinnsss!

Anonymous said...

I think the peacock one is actually Mr. Hankey crapping a rainbow (perhaps as a result of excessive brightly-colored frosting consumption?).

Alexis said...

Aw, the third one looks like a Fraggle!

Anonymous said...

It looks like someone ate one of the cupcakes from the NBC "turkey"before they got the picture...other than that- its execution was done well, just didn't turn out Thanksgiving enough.

Jen said...

This one is Laugh Out Loud funny!!! Such sad, sad turkeys.

Stephanie said...

The NBC comment and the Valentine tin comment...have me rolling...LOL

wundermary said...

"Uh, I'm pretty sure I'm just an anthropomorphized version of the Statue of Liberty's crown, not a turkey. Sorry."

Interesting. I thought it was a hedgehog being electrocuted!

Anonymous said...

That NBC cake is actually cupcakes

I also like the cute turkey that suppose to look like a frill-neck lizard

Happy Thanksgiving from the land downunder

Fhtrkstr101 said...

Well, everytime I scrolled down more my two year old brother would exclaim "It's a Turkey!" so i guess that says something.

Heidi said...

Hilarious. I say these turkeys are disguising themselves as anything but a turkey to not be eaten.

Utok said...

My daughter, who is four, took one look at the second picture and said, "It looks like a chick inside a cornucopia with corn all around."

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing I know better than to drink & look at this site at the same time...I'd have had soda coming out my nose! And that's on the SECOND viewing of these cakes!


Wolf Woman said...

Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought the NBC mascot was a turkey.

Anonymous said...

these turkeys are soo messed up! I can't believe a deorator woyuld pass these off as turkeys!

word- nerse I'd like to nerse these poor birds back to health

Mozart said...

Hmmmm....I am somehow reminded of a Mexican cockfighting bird.

Sara said...

I want an NBC turkey!

Anonymous said...

Those are some sad turkeys. Hilarious.

Vanessa Rogers said...

ahhhh!!! Those are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Did anyone else notice the second one is actually a DOUBLE LAYER CCC??? Run for your lives!

Meg Natraj said...

The cookie turkey keeps making me think of the skeleton koopas in the dungeon levels of Mario! The color, the posture, the slightly gaping mouth... Am I really the only one to make that association?
For comparison:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that the first one's problem is that he's the Peacock...I think that it's because his body looks like a giant...ummmm....fallic symbol. Yeah. That's the word I'm looking for! (Katie)

Anonymous said...

Forget CCC's, I declare war on cookie cakes! They are always hideous, without any exceptions.

Red Wolf said...

Ooooh, now I want a Dilophosaurus cake!

Anonymous said...

The turkey cookie looks like he's gripping his chest for an oncoming heart attack!!! LOL

Anonymous said...


katydid25 said...

ok so the turkey cookie cake soooo has chest hair. Niice. going for the david hasslehoff look I see.

Connie Moreno said...


Anonymous said...

I've figured it out! the cookie cake looks like the Blue Meanie from Yellow Submarine. Only he's not blue

Meghan the Smith

Cupcakes Lady said...

Are those my wings behind me? 'Cuz I think they're on fire." lol...sitting here laughing my ass off lol xx

Delirious Bagels said...

Is it just me, or is the NBC mascot missing a cupcake?

The icing seems to be sliding off. . . .LIKE A WATERFALL!

Or is it deflating?

Julia F. said...

That Turkey photo you have is actually a turkey vulture :P