For example, some of them find this site absolutely hilarious...until they see their cake on it.* Others find the very concept of Cake Wrecks repugnant. Still others - and these are the ones I love - realize that Wrecks are a part of life and therefore nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, some of this rare, wonderful breed even submit their own cakes. Huzzah! That's the spirit! Why get cranky over a Wrecky creation when you can share it with us, generate some laughs, and be a proud Wrecker for the day?
With all of that said, today's Wreck comes from Alison, owner of Alison's Cakery in NC. Like most Wreck creators, she usually makes gorgeous cakes. She writes:
"I was asked to make a baby shower cake for a very non-traditional mother, [but] she had her baby 3 months premature. In a moment of brilliance (or insanity, or sleeplessness) I decided to make a 'surprise baby' just exited the mommy early, kind of like a new year's baby coming out of the cake. After a bit of time modeling I was pretty satisfied with my finished product."
And here it is:

[nodding] Very nice, very... er...hey...wait a second....can we zoom in?

I've heard of losing your head over a pregnancy before, but your arms and legs, too?
Fortunately, Alison has more to say:
"I showed the cake to one of my associates, who said it looked like an alien bursting out of a decapitated mother's funereal body. Needless to say, this topper did not stay."
No, really, it's not that bad...
[checking photo again] Er, ok, yes it is.
Not to say that the alien-bursting-forth concept wasn't a good one, though. I mean, at least the mother's decapitated and dismembered torso has clothes on.
Alison, you just keep wrecking on with your bad self, girl. And bakers, I hope you've all learned a valuable lesson here today: submitting your own cakes to Cake Wrecks could get you free advertising. Oh, and always have an associate double-check your work. ;)
* My idea for an apron: "It's all fun and games 'til it ends up on Cake Wrecks!"
146 comments | Post a Comment
The truth about Caesareans, coming to a cake near you.
That is pretty frightening.
I think that's the least preferred method of delivery.
(By headless, armless mothers everywhere.)
I guess the first step to recovery is admitting your cake is a wreck.
umm, Allison? I'd stick with the insanity plea...LOL. Wow. Ok. Take that baby off, though, and that's one awesome cake.
That's actually a really nice cake, until you hit the topper. I am 7.5 months pregnant, and that may just give me a nightmare or two.
I think your idea for the apro is awesome!
I think Athena sprang out fully formed from the head of Zeus, so maybe this baby has some mythological antecedents.
I would totally buy an apron that said that!
Yikes! The baby is slightly deformed as well... Glad to have been removed.
It doesn't seem nearly as bad when the person who made it owns up to it! Kudos to Alison for sharing this!
Okay, other than the dismembered and dressed body with the baby breaking out of the coccoon, it was a beautifully done cake!
Wow! I definitely see her point about the topper, but man that is one gorgeous cake! A lot of skill in the execution. Oops - maybe that isn't the word I was looking for - oh well. Lol.
Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the color scheme.
take off the scary alien child and the dismembered mom - and it's an otherwise beautiful cake.... I think there's a compliment in there somewhere.
I love your blog. I read and laugh everyday!!
I had to look at this quite a few times to make sure I was really seeing a decapitated torso there. And the baby looks almost evil. LOL
Good for the baker for having a wonderful sense of humour.
~Amy B.
I agree....a true decorator should be able to laugh at herself! My biggest wreck was my first wedding cake and the first attempt literally hit the wall and landed on the floor!! Sorry, no picture....too mad at the time but I hope to find one for you!
Um, wow... that is just disturbing, but highly entertaining!!! LOL
Up until the horror film topping, it looks really good. Love your blog, keep up the good fun!
Ok, no head arms and legs is pretty darn creepy, but when you look past that, it really is a very pretty cake.
beautiful, yet kinda creepy!
At least it didn't come out tap dancing (you know, Space Balls)
Oh my gosh! I can't decide if I should laugh or hide in fear from it! :P
We like cake wreckers who can poke fun at themselves!
Angie (from over at
Oh my! Well, I think its very good-natured of the baker to submit her cake. I will say it is very skillfully made and I like the colors.
However, I too was reminded of the Alien movies when I saw that baby coming out of that stomach.
It would be cute with just the baby she made on top, perhaps in a little crib or something. I hope it wasn't too much work to fix.
I wish I had wrecks to submit! Every decorator eventually gets a few but I never photographed them myself.
Real decorators have the balls to show off their wrecks!
*dies* The first thing I thought when I saw this cake was Spaceballs. "Water my *** get this guy some Pepto Bismol!"
It doesn't help that the cake shares the color. But regardless, in my head that baby just danced away singing "Ragtime Gal".
I can see where the decorator's idea came from but the whole Alien undertone of the thing just blows me away.
Oh and cheers to the decorator for being such a good sport! :)
ooooh,what bravery to submit your own cake wreck! That deserves an order or two, huh?
What a great sport Alison is! I appreciate an artist who takes risks--but also has the good nature to laugh when one doesn't work out as planned.
It feels better to be laughing with her than at her. And this does make me laugh!
ya know, cake decorators could save everyone a lot of time and misery by simply looking at their creations and asking themselves, "will this end up on Cake Wrecks?" If the answer is Yes or even Maybe...start over!
til then, wreck on!
Wow, that is truly disturbing, and I am glad the decorator *saw it* too!
Call me crazy, but I LOVE this cake. The awfulness that is the baby bursting from the appendage-lacking mother just cracks me up!
But then I'm not a mother. So I may be looking at this differently than a new mom would.
You know- aside from the topper- the cake is really quite stunning.
Can we talk about using black on cakes? It's so depressing.
The rest of the cake is beautiful. But the topper is a little, uh, odd. Hope the new mom liked the next version!
Let me say this, however. I've never seen a nicer set of fondant boobs in my life. Maybe when were done filling ourselves with silicone implants, we could just have some rolled fondant and gumpaste boobs. All natural, edible and they come in a variety of colors!
Okay, let's just ignore the fact that she has no appendages, and that the baby is bursting out of her belly alien that not the creepiest baby ever? Talk about adding insult to injury. Why not just put horns on it?
Actually, I have yet to see a "cake baby" that doesn't creep me out. Maybe it's just me...
Jen! I want that apron! Put it up on Cafe Press. I'm in need of a new apron, something I've been telling my husband. My b-day is next month. Something tells me I'm getting an apron.
btw, loved today's wreck, and I was thoroughly grossed out.
That's no wreck! It just needs to be in zombie colors and for a Halloween party. I think I will totally steal the idea for my baby shower coming up. Yeah, I'm weird.
Reminds me of that 80's tv series "V." There was an episode where the lady gave birth to an alien baby.
That's great. LOL.
OH, I'm wiping the tears from my eyes. "Alien baby emerges from headless torso" sounds like a tabloid newspaper headline! Kudos to Allison to realize this was a wreck!
And then there are those of us that are Queens/Kings of Denial -- why, nothing I've ever made could ever end up on Cake Wrecks. (ha!)
The only reason I'm safe is because I'm no longer decorating. Thanks for starting this site after I left the building.
I think of it as a culinary version of 'What Not To Wear'.
Even without the closeup, I looked at that and was like "oooh, It's Aliens. Or more like The Thing." Good Lord, what was she thinking.
I'd LOVE to see the e-mails you get from the decorators who AREN'T happy about their cakes being on here. Heh. I almost sent you one of mine, but I saved it from actually being a wreck. But I assure you, it was in the back of my mind!
That is a gorgeous cake! Other than the alien topping...
I'm curious what she did instead?
Definitely alien-esque. I'm glad she had the good sense to change it.
oh what a great apron idea!!!! i had a request for a pregnant belly cake a few months ago and it turned out fine, but it's just weird to think of them cutting into the boobs. i dunno, maybe it's just me. :)
I know Alison and I remember this cake!!!! She does make awesome cakes.
Thank you, Allison. Your honest and sense of humor (and awesome talent) is fantastic.
Awesome, Jen!! I'm making aprons for my church's craft bazaar! That really *would* be good on an apron!!
I love a cake decorator with a sense of humor! Kudos, Alison, for understanding that wrecks still have something to offer.
(Also, the free advertising works! I browsed your website, and am now dying to try pistachio cake with chai tea filling. Sounds like heaven!)
This reminds me of one story in the Japanese comic Pet Shop of Horrors where the rabbit this couple bought was pregnant and its fetuses ate its way out of the mother. They kept multiplying and all the fetuses kept eating their way out when they got born. Awesome stuff, huh?
Wow, I'm glad I didn't have Dr. Allison do my c-section. lol But the cake is beautifully done.
I am really having a hard time figuring out the whole mother's torso/cake topper. It looks like there are some legs where the head should be.
I guess we can be glad that this baby is being delivered via c section.
Yes, Alien was exactly what I thought when I first saw it! Well at least she realised! That's why it's always good to get a second opinion.
BTW - Am v. concerned about what that black cupcake icing will do to the guests' teeth.
The best part is that it really is a gorgeous cake, artfully done.... with a really creepy topper. Lack of sleep does weird things to you. Good for this decorator for having a sense of humor.
Awwwesomely bad. lol! Good for her to share her mistake!
Other than than the alien birth, the cake really is beautiful, so it is a testament to her own sanity that she realized that her "vision" was actually quite terrifying.
I think you're missing the true horror.
I agree- it's a BEAUTIFULLY done cake wreck. Wreck on!
It would be great for a Macbeth party. Y'know, except for all the pink.
"...Macduff Was from his Mother's Womb, untimely Ript"
I always pictured it kind of like this. Y'know, except for all the pink. And he'd need to hold a sword.
Sounds like a great apron! Where do we sign up?! Hee hee.
You'll have to put the babies on the carrots image on it!
so, cupcakes as accessories to real cakes are ok..since they aren't the main attraction??? just wanted to double check that... as there are cupcakes around the main cake...
and it is beautiful, minus the alien baby topper as others have aforementioned.
LMAO. Only on cake wrecks will I read the comment, "...aside from the headless/armless torso and alien baby, bursting through the belly it is a nice cake!" This is great!
Oh the things you miss when you don't stop by Cake Wreaks for a couple of days!
Bravo! Ye Cake decorator! Not too many people reliaze their mistakes until it's too late.
Thanks for sending it though! ;)
I needed the laugh.
First the Calendar idea now an apron! Gurl you best to get to implementing your ideas before someone steals them from out from under your very clever nose! :0 c.i.n
I like non-tradition as much as the next person, but this is definitely wrecky...well done, but wrecky...Kudos to Allison to see the light in time
Absolutely you need to develop an apron line!!!!
Had she taken the pregnant lady off and just had the baby popping out of the cake, it would have been cute! Thank God they saw the light!
Kudos to Allison for submitting a cake of her own! I really respect that. The topper is pretty funny, and even though it is a wreck it's so well done! I think it adds that little 'je ne sais quois' to the whole overall look.
Go to cafepress and make that apron!
"If at first you don't succeed..." LOL. That made me laugh. Excellent cake. I'm gonna have to try and make that one.
Definitely go to Cafe Press and capitalize on that apron. I'd buy one.
Now let's discuss all that BLACK on that wreck. (shudder) I can live with the creepy alien baby and all...but as the mother of a preemie, I think that cake looks like a harbinger of death. But that's just me.
Other than that, beautifully wrecktastic!
Hahaha...that is pretty frightening! At least the decorator owned up to it!
the cake, less that creepy topper, is stunning! real talent, Allison. And I'd buy that apron for sure.
The rest of the cake is absolutely beautiful. But as I just watched Alien over the weekend, I'm going to have to go with my initial reaction of, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
That's a very realistic representation of Jr. Miss Funeral Pyre 2008!
I sent this to my husband who took a disturbingly similar picture of my c-section. I need to call my therapist now......right after I figure out how to make an apron with that slogan! Love it!!
Holy Wachungas!! Great cake in an poorheadlessexplodingmommy kind of way. I can say that...I just had a Caesarean.
Ok so that cake was really scary and took a minute to realize that the baby was popping out of Mom's stomache - but the decorator said that that cake topper was quickly removed...what did the final version of the cake look like?
Yah, kinda scary for sure *LOL*
But the final version was nice enough...
Oh Alison, thank you for having the foresight to document your remarkably well-executed wreck and the lady balls (or Thatchers) to send it in.
Most of all, thank you for understanding that you had made a wreck that needed changing before the poor mother saw it.
Truly, wrecks happen to us all, but few have the wisdom to handle them appropriately. I bow to you, Alison.
And consider me another voice wildly in favor of the apron. I don't wear them, but I would absolutely get that one...particularly if you found a way to put naked Mohawked baby carrot riders on it in addition to the legend.
I'm so impressed that she sent this in herself that I want to re-plug her Web site:
Now, as for the cake. Yeah. Wow. It's all been said before!
RE: black icing, I see it as an accent here, nice contrast. Why not, since the cake is overall so bright and cheerful.
Personally I have no issue with the cupcakes around the cake because they're actual separate cupcakes and not glommed together in an unholy union from the Cthonic beyond.
I would buy a dozen of those aprons to use in my daughter's cake shop!
With the exception of the terrifying topper, this cake is awesome, an Allison deserves mad props both for it's creation and admitting when things don't go as planned.
Thanks everyone! The final cake is on mywebsite (linked) under the other cakes section, titled Purple and Black.
The baby did stay, and she got an early debut sign.
The thought started with all of the belly cakes, and then progressed because she wasn't pregnant anymore... and well, it just got out of hand.
I'm not saying it's appropriate for a baby shower, but I think it's kind of awesome. :-) And of course, beautifully made. How do they get the frosting to look so smooth and matte?
That hurts me just to look at it!
See, and I thought it was popping up out of a blanket at first...then the zoom in and I noticed boobs on that blanket, and THEN I realized what I was seeing.
Hahahahaha! I love someone who has a sense of humor about their creative mistakes. That's what makes it fun!
We all make mistakes but none as beautifully executed as this one!
Alison is a friend of mine and I remember this cake, most of us friends of hers told her it was very disturbing, LOL! Some of us thought the headless pregnant torso was a tutu! Alison does make beautiful cakes! Tracie
When you said the mother was untraditional, I thought at first this was simply mixing Halloween in with the baby shower at her request. Misspelling Alison's name in her website, that too kinda ties in with the whole horror concept... Not that I notice such things. Heh.
--another Alison
Okay, this is going to sound really weird and may be indicative of some deep-seated issues, but with all the pinkness and swirly-foldy-ness of the cake, did anyone else see a baby popping out of actual lady parts on first view of this cake? For a second I thought "Hmmm, actual natural delivery in cake form. Creepy." It took me a minute to blink and see the dismembered-mommy thing. I guess it's just me. Besides the baby it is an absolutely gorgeous cake and looks delicious, too.
Alison, you are a true artist.
I LOVE the finished final product and I'd have been tickled to death to have been that part of an after-the-fact baby shower once the preemie was out of the woods, home and thriving.
Though one could argue there are new moms who might find that whole disarticulated body thing funny. That's kind of what happens in the operating room ... all focus on mom's torso and the surprise within. Maybe surgical drapes next time?
Plus, that is one ugly baby emerging from the torso. Yikes.
LOVE that she's big enough to admit her own wreck! Gorgeous cake, sans split-open-mom-baby-popping-out thing....
Wow.... When I first looked at it it looked like a baby coming out of a vag. I think the baby bursting out of the pink tummy is probably better.
You should definitely make that apron! Both and have customizable aprons. I'm sure you'd sell a lot!!
Maybe the baby should have just come out of the CAKE like a striper. I mean the insinuation is less disturbing than the thought of the host being sacrificed for the life of the parasite.
Disclaimer: I do not consider babies parasites.
I was actually relieved at the close-up. Maybe it's just me, but the first thought when I see a baby erupting from something pink and oblong isn't that it's coming out of the mother's stomach Alien-style...
Too funny, either way!
Aside from the obvious badness/weirdness, I simply adore the colors and the cheerfulness of the cake.
At least the mom didn't have a multiple-birth pregnancy...THAT would have been a really scary cake!!!
hahahaha that's so hilarious! i love it! hahahaahahaa!
Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh! O.O
Creepiest. Cake. Ever!
Though it reminds me of some sound advice my science fiction loving mother gave me: "Never watch the movie 'Alien' while pregnant."
Alien birth, no legs, no arms, and to top it should excuse the head!!! Oh well, it's like the late Marie Antoinette once said, "Let them wreck cake!" Whaaaat?
I think it would have looked pretty cool if she had made it look like the dancing baby on Ally McBeal...
AHHHHHH!!!! It reminds me of when I was little and got traumatized by accidentally seeing a scene of "Alien"! EWWW!
Not to mention I was born by C-section..
And what's with the apparent decapitation and dismemberment?!
*curls into fetal position*
Well, anyway. I love those beautiful colours. I find the top of the cake highly disturbing, but the rest is lovely.
Way to get in the spirit of Wreckery, Alison! The rest of your cakes are amazingly beautiful!
My four year old took one look at that cake and said: eeewwwwww!!!
It's a universal horror.
I too am a friend of Alison's and remember this cake! And I have had some of her cake and it is great!!
I think you'd find some of my cakes VERY inappropriate. That's part of my charm, inappropriateness.
Good for her for finding the humor AND asking for coworker opinions. Score!
BUT, minus the headless and legless woman with a baby busting out of the belly, it is a gorgeous cake!
Um, I don't know how many of your blog readers are also readers of the Twilight series (vampire romance books), but in the last installation, Breaking Dawn, **spoiler alert** there is actually a scene quite a bit like this...
Maybe your cakewreck friend will actually get MORE business making cakes like this than she originally thought! Lol, freaktastic!
As a recent recipient of a c-section, this cake makes my scar hurt.
And I'm another one who doesn't care for all the black icing. I like the color black, just not on food.
What a great sport! YAY Alison! And good job on getting a second opinion!
It looks like the baby just won, "Little Miss C-section Horror 2008". What's with the sash? I just don't think I'll ever be the same...
When I first looked at it I thought, "Oh no.... Mr Bill"
Vague reference to early 80's humour. Looks like a naked Mr. Bill popping out of the top of that beautiful cake. "Oh no..... Mr Bill" indeed.
This cake was hilariously FREAKY, (coming from someone who had a baby 3 months early) and I can say that this cake would have made me cry at my shower.
Did she use the Venus of Willendorf as a model for the mom figure?
I loved the cake! The topper would send small children and pregnant mothers running from the room though. I thought alien baby bursting forth from a corpse too. lol scary stuff! But I would definitely use your bakery if I were close by, the rest of it is gorgeous!
I just learned about your site recently, what a great outlet!
Can I make a horrible looking cake on purpose just so I can send you a picture? Haha
Thanks for adding hilarity to our lives!
It is like a scene from Spaceballs! WTG Alison! I love it.
Yay for the wrecker. Glad to see there are still some people out there that know how to laugh at themselves. ;)
I had a nightmare when I was pregnant where this exact thing happened to me. My baby came early and just popped out of my side. It really freaked me out in my dream . . .
I actually rather like it. Then again, I'm a fan of the Aliens movies and find this cake hilarious. :)
Either way, it's a very well done cake!
Kudos to the baker/decorator for being able to laugh at herself. :)
Is that some kind of hex or are those cake wrecks!?
I had a flashback to that movie "Species II". And now I'll have nightmares. eeeeeeeesh...........
The next time I give birth, I totally want a cake with a baby ripping through my abdomen. What more could a gal ask for?
Am I the only one who at first didn't realize that it was a woman's body? And instead thought the pink thing parts where babies normally come out of? no? that's just me? oh....
ohhhh sick!
But they had the smarts to change the topper. There is some sanity left in the world after all.
Its like revisiting my nightmares from my first pregnancy!!1 pregnant ladies have weird dreams tho.
If you're not making any mistakes, then you're not learning, you're coasting.
Be adventurous. Take risks. If you're not certain of the success, ask a trusted friend or coworker for feedback.
oh my gosh, hilarious!
You have to make those aprons! and sell them, I'll be the first one to buy. btw, I love your blog. I read it every day at work for a pick me up. It's all the fun of cake, and no calories :)
not to mention SHE'S NAKED too!!!
Where can I get a Cake Wreck apron? :)
I'm going to be laughing about this one for DAYS! XD
OMG, this is so hilarious I can't stop laughing! And if you really do have aprons made I know at least three people I would buy them for for gifts! I just hope they'd still make me cakes afterwards....hmm, better think about that.
But, seriously, you are hilarious. The cakes are funny but your commentary just makes it so much more. Thanks for the laugh!
hahahaha that is one sad case of a 'birth'day cake
This cake does look beautiful, minus the baby on the top.
Finally! Someone else who says "Huzzah!" My friends just don't get me.
Unfortunately, this has happened:
Unfortunately, this has happened:
That's so wrong on so many levels... O__o
Delurking to say that I clicked through the link to Alison's Cakery website... and she's in my town! That is so random! Yay Wilmington, NC! :)
Crazy. I might just have to check her out for my wedding cake. But uh, no baby cakes. Uh-uh.
Also, this is a great site, love it. :)
oh my I really looked at it and it lookedlike a c-section gone terribly wrong!
OMG... I laughted so hard I cried. Really that was the natural thought progression for a premature delivery... ROFLMAO... whooo that would be a great Twilight cake for those in the know.
I pretty much FELT like that after giving birth...but I'm thinking that cake was designed by one bitter woman!!