Now, for the past few years this has been the gold standard for wrecked grad cap cakes:

Still, this year's wreckerators are certainly giving it their "best" effort:

(10 geek points if you get that reference, and 25 if you know his name.)
A tip of the hat to wreckporters Angi C., Casey H., April P., Jennifer S., & Holly K., who find that the power of cake compels them. (Although that last one really is the pits.)
97 comments | Post a Comment
Bad guy from 5th element=Zorg. Love that movie! Bruce Willis is his typical smooth, corny self.
Nope, the cupcake tassle still beats them all.
Oh my.
I love getting Geek points!
Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg. :D
C-C-Crap-tastic ! I see many have graduated with a Masters in wreckage.
+10 geek points for me. I actually really like that movie, even though a large part of me thinks I shouldn't. It's just so, so, ... Words fail me. As completely as these wreckerators failed.
Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg!!
One of my favorite movies ever. :)
'Fraid I don't get the "old cherry pitter" line.
Yeah, I get Zorg, but I never understood why he was all oily underneath that plastic thing on his head... what was that?
I can't stop laughing!!!! rs
LOL Cherries projectile vomiting on a picnic table! sounds like a party!
meanwhile, I think the one before that is a piano....
Zorg was the bad guy but I think she meant the unseen "Evil" that made Zorg ooze the black stuff. Did he have a name at all?
I <3 The Fifth Element so much... almost as much as I <3 geek points. I managed to get the 25, but I got Zorg (5th Element), Xur (The Last Starfighter), & Zurg (Starcraft) mixed up at first, as usual.
Why do I think the last "cake" looks like a red jellyfish wearing boxing gloves?
Maybe I need to find some meds...or coffee...yeahhhhh coffee....
That first one is the cap for the Witches Acacemy, and someone threw water on it.
His name was Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg. So there. hah.
How many points if I know he was played by Gary Oldman?
I am laughing so hard I am crying. "My personal favorite: Two cherries projectile vomiting on a picnic table".........hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Zorg played by Garry Oldman
@Rosie - I believe Zorg's secretary referred to it as "Mister Shadow" when it placed the telephone call. And the general at the beginning had the oil-ooze too, so I'd lay the blame on "Mister Shadow" myself.
Can I split the difference, and get only 15 geek points for knowing it's Gary Oldman?
I think the cherries are fist bumping. (they just have long arms)
ZORG!!! Awesome bad guy. Gary Oldman did an outstanding job playing that weenie. And what was that oily stuff underneath that weird skull cap thing on his head? Brain fluid?
It's from the Exorcist. "I need an old priest and a young priest!"
See, 'cause the cherries are projectile vomiting...
Jen and I wondered if anyone would get it.
The cherries fit with the Zorg theme as well....he almost chokes on a cherry before Father Vito Cornelius slaps him on the back to dislodge it.
LOVE that movie! Will have to watch it tonight now!
mmmm....chicken! Good!
by "bad guy from 5th eleemnt" do you mean Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg or Mr. Shadow (/the great evil)? Or perhaps the Mangalores
/super nerd (who am I kidding? that never ends! lols)
Holly and Hannah... "congratulatieno", must be a family code or something.
The first one to me looks like a murder scene. All that was left was the graduation cap and a pool of blood. Shudder.
I LOVED "Fifth Element" and never understood the critical pan it got--the scene that interweaves the Diva singing opera with Leeloo fighting the Mangalores is visually perfect, to my mind. (Oh, Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg, played by Gary Oldman. 35 geek points, please.)
Have these people seen a graduation cap?! D:
Oh my god!!!
"I need an old priest and a young priest!"
We used to say that when my daughter was a baby and needed a diaper change.
I'd forgotten all about that, so thanks for the memory!
extra credits for Zorg's whole name I think. Anybody else who yelled "Piiiggs in Spaaaaace!" on first seeing the Orcs-with-rayguns/Mangalores? Over-the-top space opera dungeon crawl looking for the elements of a treasure.
Um, and some of these cupcake "treasures" need to have their elements separated and put back in hiding.
wv: flopeckb -- in the divine language, Leeloo says, "I want sprinkles"
Ah...the symbolism of the first cake...this was made for a student who graduated at the bottom of his class -- hence the cap placed over the giant foam finger, which is, of course, pointing down. The "tassel" meanders, much like the student did during his academic career. And finally, the cake is orange, reflecting his best friend's comment to him after graduation: "Orange you glad it's over."
I knew a kid who graduated in the class of 200g...he was real thin...
Loved the comment "two cherries projectile vomiting..." but I just hate to see two cherries pitted against each other...
wv - unogs: to remove the ogs
I don't know if I am ashamed or proud that I get the Fifth Element reference!
That last one threw me extra, because I used to know a guy who used "Holy Hannah!" as a non-sweary exclamation.
WV: Minnatto. Minnie Mouse's signature coffee beverage.
Bad guy is Zorg, reference is to where the black oozes down his face! Loooooooooooooooove that movie! The scene with the opera singer and the fighting all done with just music going on is AMAZING!!!
Yay for exorcist references! I just realized that I was four years old the first time I saw that... What were my parents thinking!?!
It is sad that the first one was actually the best (except for that wierd blob thing under/attached to it).
It's possible more people would have gotten the Exorcist reference if they were not so distracted by the shiny Geek Points. :o)
"Class of 200g".......?........
maybe a subtle reference to how much they'll have to pay back in student loans?
They really ALL ~~every dang one of 'em~~need to give up on the mortar board theme. These are ALL~~every dang one of 'em~~a virtual Rorschach test in buttercream.
Do they ever actually TRAIN these people????
(I can hear Groucho Marx saying, "This is so easy a child could do it. Someone go get me a child.")
Wait a minute; I thought Mangalores were the uberfighters from Star Wars (Jengo and Bobba Fett). Were they in the 5th Element too? Dang, now I gotta watch it again.
For even more fun (!):
Look closely at the photo of the blue mess, and you can *almost* make out the person taking the picture, reflected in the plastic lid.(!!)
Could be damning evidence of some sort, should this cake come to trial.
Why oh why did I read this at work? I'm biting my lip right now to keep in my loud bursts of laughter! Awesome Fifth Element reference!
Eeek! Apparently I am waaay out on the fringe of geekiness, because all these responses saying the Bad Guy is Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg are bugging me.
The bad guy who caused the dark-colored discharge from people's heads was only ever referred to as "Mister Shadow."
I loved that movie. The hubs and I saw it in the theater, bought the soundtrack, and we have it on DVD as well (normal edition and a special "collector's edition").
We quote lines from the movie at odd times. Especially "I only speak two languages, English and Bad English."
We're also fond of "Gimme the CASSSSHHHH!" One of us inevitably says this when the other has been to the bank. The other will hand over the money and go "S'okay! I don't NEED IT!"
Geeks have more fun.
...For those who care enough to at least send SOMEthing...
Hmmmm...I think I'll make "Holly Hannah" my new catch-phrase/exclamation for hideous giant cookies that have to fill in for actual cakes ("Holly Hannah! Look at that ugly cookie! What're they-too cheap to buy a cake?")
The first one looks a little like the Ace of Diamonds bled out after being shot, complete with yellow crime scene tape.
The last one reminds me of Harry Potter and Voldemort battling in the graveyard, when the spells meet in the middle.
Maybe this is how the baker envisions the last scene of Deathly Hallows -- Harry and Voldemort meet in Hogwarts and prepare to battle in the Great Hall, atop the (badly rendered) Hogwarts crest. Sick with stress, they both vomit. The puking spells meet in the middle. Who will prevail?
It's SO HARD to wait until July 15th to see if the baker was right...
Just thought you might like to know that Cake Wrecks is featured today on the Dilbert website under the "Links you might enjoy" feature. Woot woot!!
w.v.: proft- Amazing that wreckerators would get any proft from these cakes!
Is the answer Chris Tucker? :P
Very highly underrated movie. Way better than the critics said.
Zorg is my Hero. That 'morterboard' does kinda remind me of his half a head of hair. @Anonymous at 12:46. You are thinking of Mandalorian. Bobba and Jango wore Mandalorian armor. the Mangalores are the orc looking things from 5th Element. Easy confusion to have, the words are so similar.
WV: Lingl - Jango Fett's love child with Leeloo.
Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg!
Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg, and the reference is because it looks like his hair lol.
I <3 that movie
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who saw projectile vomiting cherries and read "Holy Hannah", but then if that were what it actually said, it wouldn't be a wreck now would it? I think I will go try to actually order this on a cake and see what I get...
Am I the only one who thought of "Witches of Eastwick" when viewing the cherries vomiting cake?
Hubby and I are huge Fifth Element fans, and have passed on our adoration of it to our 10 year old daughter (uh, we do skip the Ruby Rhod/stewardess scenes in the ship to Fhloston Paradise). She loves to shout out "Leeloo Dallas MUL-TI-PASS!" whenever we take the train, as you have to slide your transit card into a slot to enter.
Mr. Shadow, how dare you mess up my graduation cake.
Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg. I had to look up the spelling, but still knew the pronunciation of "Zorg". ;P
I didn't get geek points for The Fifth Element (too long ago since I saw it), but I did get The Exorcist reference. Funny thing is, I never saw The Exorcist. I just have a college friend who used to say that all the time.
I love cupcakes but the swirls on top are making me a little nervous. I'm not sure what that first one is. Maybe it's abstract. Isn't that artist for who knows what it is?
I get the 25pts geek points... but want to apply for extra credit. When my second child was born, her hair was patchy, at best. We called her Zorg until her first birthday -- when her hair finally grew in!
I'm a bit saddened. My local grocery uses cakes that have been frozen and shipped in...lol They are apparently better at decorating things somewhere else...so I have yet to see a wreck to photograph. I feel that I'm missing something ...that one day...can only be filled by finding a true wreck on my own!
The evil planet form who calls up Zorg calls itself Mr. Shadow. Fifth element is a great movie!
it's not surprising that most of those are the dreaded CCC.
I don't want to nitpick but isn't it Austin Powers making fun of The Exorcist that says "I need an old priest and a young priest"?
I love the Zorg cake! Fifth Element is one of a handful of movies (including Princess Bride and Office Space) that if I catch it on, at any point in the movie, I MUST sit and finish watching it. Consequences be damned!
OOOHHHHH!!!! Mr Shadow!! Who would have been totally proud of the black CCC swirly thing too.
While watching the Fifth Element, my father: "What are you watching? Raggedy-Ann Saves the Universe?"
Domo Danke! Geek points please!
Aziz! Light! Oh, now I've started...
wv: snelisan, snail martial arts master.
In the first pic... I see a wiggly match.
For a split second I wondered about the "Zorg" remark then "Oh... yes... Oozing headgear".
And I am down with the "Holy Hannahs!".
I have wondered how it is that the little cap on graduation caps has been turned into what appears to be a burkha on cakes across America. Conspiracy?
when zorg was on the phone with the planet sized evil entity and made him bleed from the middle of his forehead. BAM!!!im good!
yeah, I'm going with Mr. Shadow over Zorg since he was the ones marking people & things with his black evil goo. Awesome! Gary Oldman rules.
Hey, at least the Fifth Element cake used correct spelling (if somewhat illegibly).
Good lord, these are so damn embarrasing. A pool of vomit looks more appetising (in fact, I bet £100 you could get the likeness of a mortarboard with more accuracy from a pool of vom than from the craftmanship of all these 'professional' bakers combined).
I was actually thinking more of Rorschah from from Watchmen than Zorg due to the oozing quality of the black blob.
wv:thize - thize the worst attempt at a graduation cake I have ever seen!
The swirly cupcake cap gets even worse when you think about what black dye tastes like. I once made a "death" cake ('cause 30 is soooo old, LOL!) and warned people NOT to eat the Grim Reaper in the middle, 'cause NASTY!
So its horrible, swirly looks are actually a kind public service announcement that says "Don't eat this, it's not really cake).
Am I the only one who sees a grad cap on a Goldfish cracker for "cake" #1?
Holy smokes. Every single one of these was horribly ugly. Every one...no redeemers. Sigh
I loved seeing comments where people talk about how the randomly quote The Fifth Element. My soon-to-be husband and I do that all the time. "Aziz! Light!": When were leaving the house. "Chicken" (as spoken by Leeloo). "SuperGreen...." and so on. I think this is a sign of a great marriage to come. :)
Great cakes as always by the way!
Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg protrayed by the incomparable Gary Oldman... or are you meaning that guy from the first couple of minutes when that shoot the big planet of evilish doom?
Bad guy from the Fifth Element was Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg. The blob of black looks a lot like the punishment Mr. Shadow gave him while they were on the phone. Yes I have watched the movie way to much but I love Bruce Willis (he's so hot) and Gary Oldman is such a great actor.
I loved Zorg, that headpiece was awesome.
Hee! I loved Gary Oldman as Zorg. *g*
As for that last cake, I saw the names Holly and Hannah and my mind immediately went to Sam & Jacob Carter's favorite saying of "Holy Hannah!" Yeah, I watch waaay to much Stargate; if there is such a thing.
you said not to disturb you unless it was Mr. Shadow. and it's Mr. Shadow.
OMG these are just awful. It's like some cake decorators did not even try.
When are wreckerators going to graduate from CCCs? Yes, I know; 'when people stop asking for them', but all it takes is a concerted effort to educate the public, preferably by directing them to CW. Anyone who continues to insist after that has been warned.
I cite in support of my thesis the first three exhibits.
#2 Could 'Class of 200g' have anything to do with that white powder in the lower left? Wait, that's a reflection from the cover. Never mind.
#3 is from Van Gogh's 'cupcake period', which proved to be the cause, rather than an effect of his insanity.
#4 "Why did you have to go and spill ink on that nice cake I just decorated?! Never mind, just write 'Congratulations' on it and we'll pass it off as a graduation cake."
#5 Yes, it's the Giant Cookie of Doom. On the other hand, 'congratulations' seems to be getting mangled less often these days (I hope I won't have cause to regret saying that). Yet another positive effect that Cake Wrecks is having on society.
"At present, nothing is possible except to extend the area of proper spelling little by little."
I think that fourth one, with the formless black void in the upper left corner, may be my favorite. It kinda looks like the Langoliers tore into it.
+25!! WE geeks rock!!
BTW, I thought there were supposed to be graduation cakes that looked like hats in this post. ??
-Barbara Anne
I usually don't get to come by here as often as I'd like, but when I saw the reference to the 5th Element, I made sure I did. And I was not disappointed :o) Oh, and geek points to boot, what more could a Nerd girl want? Of course that's the blood/ooze from under that weird skull cap thing and the baddy was Jean-Baptiste. Emanuel (sp?). Zorg. I think a viewing of the movie is on the "must do" list for this weekend :o) Green? Super Green!
How many points for having painted the Zorg Industries logo in food colouring on a cake? ;)
Well looks like that first cake found Nemo..sheesh what a way to celebrate a graduation lol. Too tired to come up with much of anything other than eeeeeeeeeeek to that CCC swirly poo hat thing lol.
Yay! 35 geek points for me!! That's one of my fave movies...even though all the boys in the house hate it. What do boys know anyway?! ;)
That last cake was just weird and incomprehensible til you said it looked like two cherries projectile vomiting...then I was sick. It's like the revenge of the fruit from Stand By Me...guess they were out of blue frosting for blueberries, though.
5th element, bad guy named Zorg with with the bizarre plastic headpiece. Congretylishons to me!
The cake with the hand that says Great Job has to many fingers!!!
Kim, Aurora, Ontario, Canada
I thought Zorg's cake was more of a baby grand piano... but, that's just my eye's view of it. :)
yay, geek points for me! :D
All I remembered was that his name was Gary Oldman. Do I still get points. I certainly don't remember any falling pianos in the movie. i do, however, remember watching the RiffTrax for it and laughed so hard that I was in pain.
The cherries are definitely bad, but hey, at least they spelled congratulations correctly!
OMG I just found your blog and have laughed so much I'm crying. Thank you!
Zorg hardly counts as a BAD guy. He's a businessman, that's all. And innately evil. But smart. Or at least, smarter than his customers. And I want one of those guns. I can think of many occasions I'd like to freeze my enemies, or at least throw a net over them. I'd mount it on my bicycle. :-) Hey, I bet even a wrecker could make a Mangalore-head cake! The uglier, the more accurate!
Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg. He was played by Gary Oldman, and that movie is one of my favorites like ever. Supergreen!~
Yay, 35 geek points!
Also, yay, Gary Oldman. That guy gives good villain.
(Yes, I'm frighteningly behind on my blog reading.)