Thursday, December 9, 2010

Star Wars: The Next Generation

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Remember Katie, the little girl with the Star Wars water bottle who's been unofficially adopted by every geek on the Internet? Well, in Katie's honor, tomorrow is Wear and Share Star Wars Day!

This is a day to rock your Star Wars clothing or accessories, and also to donate a Star Wars or other geeky toy to your local shelter or hospital. Cool, right?

Now, for this special occasion Jen has asked me, Number 1, to write a Star Wars themed post. What Jen doesn't realize (and what I'm not going to tell her), is that I've never seen Star Wars. Ever. But I've seen Spaceballs a whole bunch of times, so I figure this'll be no biggie.

Ok, so, the movie is set in space, "the final frontier", sometime in the future. Luke Skywalter is the pilot for the Star Ship Firefly.

("Oh I'm sorry, we don't make Star Wars cakes at this bakery, but we'll happily make you one with plenty of 'space'." [Yeah. Seriously.])

Skywalter has to save the beautiful Princess Leia from the evil grip of Dark Vader and his Terminators:

"We will destroy Hans Solo by playing checkers."

In order to get past all of the Cylons, Skywalter makes some friends with magical powers:

RD2D, CP3O, and Spider-Man.

RD2D, CP3O, and Spider-Man follow Luke to the planet Vogon. There they find a short psychic Muppet in a swamp:


Slimer tells Luke to "use the force," but Luke doesn't know what that means so he shoots him. (First.) Luke and his gang then go back to the Enterprise to fight Dark Vader and rescue Princess Leia. Again.

But the ship is now underwater, which makes it impossible to turn on their Life Savers.

Dark Vader thinks it's unfair that Luke brought friends to help him fight, so Vader calls a friend of his own:

Accio pixie power!!

But wait! Slimer pops up from the dead and casts lightning into Vader's helmet. Pew! Pew!Vader falls to the ocean floor, and Slimer says, "You killed my father; prepare to die!" Then he crosses the tachyon streams to open a wormhole which sends Vader back to Gozer.

Then Luke, Slimer, CP30, RD2D, Scully, Mulder, and Superman all run to rescue the beautiful Princess Leia a third time, and she proclaims her love for Luke:

And they all live together on the island until John Locke finds himself dead in the coffin.


Thanks, Amanda K., Anony M., Autumn P., Amanda N., Sarah, Jessica H., Ruth K., and Mattie T. And as the brown coats say, "Live long, and may the force be with you." So say we all.

UPDATE from Jen:
Don't miss today's CNN article on Katie, with quotes from yours truly!
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Little Lovables said...

BWAHAHAHA! Tink and Dark Vader as allies... I KNEW it!

wv: alorm- slimer's cupcake like warts growth is ever so slightly alorming

Unknown said...

I've been following the blog for at least 6 months now, and I think this may be the funniest posting yet!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! So awesome! I love how you managed to fit so many different geeky references into it! The commentary is hilarious! Great job!


Anonymous said...

Best Post Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved it!

Summer said...

Thanks for the laugh!
And Tinker Bell and Darth Vader on the same cake? I never would have thought of that.

Anonymous said...

Omgosh. Favorite. Post. Ever.

Space Balls, Star Wars, LOST, and the Princess Bride...

You are my hero.

Jules AF said...

Tinkerbell and Darth Vader? What?!

Anonymous said...

Wow - that was head-spinning. Hilarious, but also head-spinning! I got the Star Wars, Star Trek, and Firefly references (along with a Harry Potter or two), but I think there were some I didn't get... Darn it!

Serendipity said...

Wow. Just wow. The Trekker/Star wars fan in me just cried.

Gary said...

Great summary, Number One.
Now I finally understand what was going on in those movies.

Sharon said...

Tinkerbell AND Darth Vader on the same cake...for a girl? You're kidding me!

Love all the movie references and I see Princess Bride found it's way into a cameo appearance as well.

Well done!

May the farce be with you....

Sharon's Edible Art

Chriss said...

This is quite possibly my new favorite CW post!!!!! I'm beyond impressed by the number of awesome movies you worked into it!!!!

Rebekah said...

I'd be scandalized if it weren't clear that only someone with extensive Star Wars knowledge could have written this. You are forgiven for having said you've never seen it. Besides, if that were true, Jen would have to shoot you (First!).

wv -- pinsplu: I got nothin', but it sounds funny when you say it aloud... pinsplu!

MeganRo said...

(wince)... Luke and Leia are brothers and sisters...

Elena said...

My geeky lil' heart lurvs all the sci-fi refs here. Browncoats untie!! Urp... unite. My cakery, it is wreckéd.

"I aim to misbehave" with the airbrush gun.

Anonymous said...

That was the funniest post I have read on here in a LONG time. Awesome sauce! Ghostbusters, star wars, star trek, super heroes and The Princess Bride all in one package. Who knew?

Icey said...

That, my friend, would be one EPIC movie.

Kay said...

That story's so awesome - and I completely lost track of all the references. Love GhostBusters & LOST at the end!!
I'm not even going to comment about the cak... cupc... wrecks.

Anonymous said...

This post reminds me so much of this:

Hans? Hanssolo! or whatever.

Keeley said...

Oh, good post, Number One!! I lost count of the # of mock references and misidentifications (the Life Savers took me an embarrassing amount of time), but I hope you've got your Epcot-shedding umbrella with you today.

Gween said...

One of the BEST Star Wars posts I've ever seen!
Way to go Hubby-o-Jen.

Evalis said...

You know i've just discovered something. Cross enough streams and the door swings both ways instead of us all dying (metaphorically speaking of course).

Good post.

Trevor said...

LOL very well done No. 1. But why is Darth Vader hanging out with Hans' friends?

peg said...

wait...I'm so confused ?!?

Paronomaniac said...


kayk said...

The expression on Tink's face shows she's as bemused to be on that cake as we are to see her there.

And when did Yoda 2 grow such lanky legs?

A briliant retelling. Thanks!

Doctor Tarr said...

But Basketball is a peaceful planet!

missvicks said...

That might not be the EXACT story of Star Wars. But I have to say. It's probably one I'd pay to go see. Couldn't be any worse that Episodes 1-3...

Anonymous said...


Tiffany said...

Number 1, your references to Firefly have officially made you AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Oh, man, that was beautifully messed up! I'm wondering how high the Epcot warning should be for today's post? Red? Plaid? =)

Rock on, No. 1, rock on!

OddManRush said...

Best. Post. Ever!

Liz and Chase said...

a princess bride reference in a star wars post? I love it!

Kate Vinée said...

Number 1, that was magical. By far my favorite blog post of the day.

Anonymous said...

brilliant blending of plot lines and characters, there #1. I, too, have never seen Star Wars. *gasp* But I HAVE seen Spaceballs, Ghostbuster, the X-Files and I know who Spiderman is. So I was right with ya! :)

Katie said...

Oh gods...I can't stop laughing! That was the funniest one in a long time! Right up there with Amber, The Fireman Hose, and Falkersautherhood!

Brilliantpants said...

That first Yoda cake, with the "slimy mud-hole" cupcakes is a total win. I want that for my birthday!

Anonymous said...

Too. Many. Geek. References. Cannot. Control. Bladder, I mean, laughter.

WV: Orkent - The child of Mork & Clark "SuperMan" Kent.

Unknown said...

BEST COMMENTARY EVER. For real. I just about died in a nerd-gasm. That was like the real plot of a movie of combined stories. It was awesome.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that the firefly references made me so happy I forgot to be mad that you've never seen Star Wars :P

Sandi said...

Vader and Tinkerbell were the best! Don't underestimate the power of the Dark Side.

TwinMint said...

Definitely one of my faves!

Trillian said...

"The Hitchhiker's Guide" reference just made my day! Don't let Yoda read you poetry...

KittyKat said...

After reading this post,I knew I had to see the comments. As usual, Cake Wreck commenters take the cake!

I think I got all the references, even though I never watched LOST.

Melinda said...

I know that I didn't get all of the geek references, but that post was genius. Thanks for the laughs, Number 1!

pearljammies said...


hahahahahaha Awesome.

If anyone tries to correct you, may their isp be flooded by wikileaks supporters so they can never access the internet ever again ever.

Anonymous said...

I do believe this post should be "Reason Why You Love John #1"!!!! Amazing.

Karen said...

I feel at home in this post, referencing everything from battlestar to princess bride.

"Live long, and may the force be with you." So say we all.

This may be my new sign off...

Bakingdom said...

This is the best thing I've read in a long, long time! Thanks for the uncontrollable laughter this morning!

Donna said...

Ghostbusters & the Princess Bride in the same post!!! Awesome!!! Near perfection!!!

Rebecca F. said...

Oh, this so could have had Epcot written all over it except geeky fans have a sense of humor!

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow. As someone else said... the content entirely belies the idea that the author of this post has NEVER SEEN STAR WARS. Got to love the mish-mash of different geekery that came out of it, though. :D

As for the last cake... I was wondering what a simple panda love cake was doing in this post. And then I realized.

It's not a panda. It's an EWOK. Cue demonic laughter.

Beezus said...

Oh please turn this into an animated or live action short. AMAZING. I'm really glad Scully and Mulder showed up - thank god.

AustenD said...

If I got all the references they are: Star wars
Terminator, Battle star Galactica, Firefly, Hitchhiker guide to the galaxy, Spiderman, muppets, Star Trek, Tinkerbell, Harry potter, Ghost busters, Princess bride, Xfile, Superman, Lost. Major Geek Award. Well done!


Anonymous said...

THE best post ever!

Danger Boy said...

I...I think you just exploded my head.

Muria said...

I so want to play checkers with cupcakes now (combination of the checkers cake and the cupcakes with R2D2, Spiderman, and Darth Vader)!

Jen's totally going to make you watch Star Wars, though. Never admit to that sort of thing on the internet. It'll come back to haunt you.

elissa said...

This is one of those posts in which the commentary is funnier than the cakes are. You have the helm, Number 1.

WV: zinness. Zen-ness, translated by Cake Wrecks

Jared Crookston said...

The Darth/Tinkerbell cake is actually pretty awesome, and only kind of wrecky IMO. Seems like the kind of cake my 5-year-old daughter would specially request.

And the (First!) was my favorite part of the post, probably the most subtle Star Wars reference in the whole deal.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the funniest posts I've ever read on this site. Good work!

Nicky said...

I think I laughed harder at this post than any other. Well done.

Stella said...

How could the commentary be better than the cakes. Oh yeah, silly me-CAKE WRECKS.

schmaimz said...

um... wow. I think someone needs some more sleep... I'm not saying who, I'm just saying

nice by the way :)

arensb said...

RD2D, CP3O, and Spiderman follow Luke to the planet Vogon.

Would it be too, too geeky to point out that the Vogons are from the planet Vogsphere?


Yeah, I thought so, too.

Michelle S said...

Now that is a great post! And the cakes all go together so well!!

Mad in Crafts said...

Best. Post. Ever.

Amanda M. said...

Best. Post. EVER!

Toni W. said...

This is an instant classic! Brilliant!!! I agree - you are my hero.

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh so hard that I'm so glad my boss isn't in yet, or I'd probably be in real trouble! Post made of the most WIN ever!!

Anonymous said...

This post ranks right up there with Falker Satherhood. :)

Once again, Cake Wrecks makes my day!


Kim in Id

Maureen said...

Bwahahahahaha!! This was one time when crossing the streams was great!
(Love, so love the Tinkerbell/Darth Vadar cake!)

Shannon said...

Awesome, awesome post!!! Tinkerbell and Vader together at last!! HA HA HA HA

Mrs. Mom said...

Everytime I need a laugh, I *know*, with out a doubt, you two will come through.


Thank you for all the giggles you've brought into my life this year! Looking forward to many, MANY more!!!

And John, May The Force Be With You! ;)

Trude said...

LMAO sooo awesome!!

Fluffy Cow said...

But why is there a "B" next to Vader on the Tink cake???

Thank you for making me snort-laugh this morning!

Loo-E Loo-I said...

Way. Too. Stinking. Hilarious! I think I counted about 18 references (some may be stretching it):
Star Trek
Star Wars
Lord of Destruction (?)
Die Hard (Hans? Hans Grueber)
Battlestar Galactica
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The Muppet Show or any movie
Peterpan or any Tinkerbell movie
Harry Potter
Princess Bride
X Files

Do I win a bozo button today? :-D

wv: imonfur: Luke singing Bruce Springsteen song to Leia..."Whoh-oh-oh imonfur"


MadTigerKitty said...

OMG I am crying I'm laughing so hard. This is the funniest post I've ever read!!!! Thank you Jen for making Jen write this post!!!!!

Erin W. said...

Never has anything been so wrong, and yet so right. XD

Anonymous said...

Wait--I thought you said you'd never seen Star Wars? How did you know the story so well then? There's no way you could have known about the connection between Tinkerbell and Darth Vader without seeing all those movies.

Jenni said...

The Tinkerbell cake reminds me of strange requests kids give! The little girl probably couldn't choose between a Tink cake, or Vader, and why should she!
I had a little boy once ask for a Lego Batman/Star Wars cake because he liked both - he was specific though, Batman had to fight Vader, and Joker had to fight Luke. Kids are awesome.

Also, this post is awesome. Beyond awesome, really! Number One, I think you are an over-achiever lol

Shannon said...

So what I found to be the funniest thing is that I actually recognized all the different "additions" to the Star Wars story :) My husband would be so proud ! Thoroughly enjoyed that one.

Mrsblocko said...

What! Tinkerbell AND Vader on a the same time. I totally want that cake for my Birthday. Also I want that awesome Leia hat.

Yup. Best. Post. Evah.

Kristin said...

So, Vader and Tink weren't the best drawn, but if you have a little girl who loves Tink and Vader, then the cake really isn't a wreck. But, if it's not what you ordered... That's a different story. Anyway, great post! I loved it!

Mary said...

Turns out that psychic swamp muppet was actually this bat:

Anonymous said...

This is, by far, the best post to date. I loved it; it was absolutely hilarious. Then, to cap it off, the last cookie declares its love for me, on my birthday! A great start for my day. Thanks

- Jill (a.k.a. MariaTeresa)

Melvira said...

I. AM. DYING. This may be the funniest post in the history of the internet. But let me check that with Dan Quayle first.

Karyl said...

So fun! Firefly references always make me smile. And I may be able to explain that Tinkerbell/Vader cake. We had a Star Wars/Disney princesses/shark/Cinco de Mayo themed birthday party last year. Apparently parent sanity is not a good reason to choose only one birthday party theme at a time. And I couldn't come up with another reason.

Audra said...

ok i must say that i think that his was one of the most awesome posts ever!(and you've had a lot) even my husband kinda chuckled!

TechyDad said...

Vader and Tinkerbell?

"I find your lack of faith in fairies *disturbing*!"

Abby Normal said...

Danger Will Crusher, danger!
You forgot the part where they blew up the Epcot Center just beffore it fired on the ragtag, fugitive fleet.

But seriously, I want to liquefy this story and pour the awesome on my breakfast cereal!

Marcy W. said...

Harry Potter, The Princess Bride AND LOST, all in one post!!! I thought I loved you before, but now, well now it's just something else entirely. I'm just not sure what to call it. Scrumdiddlyumptious works for now.

A and M's Mom said...

Oh come on, surely you could have crammed a few more geek references in there! Loved it.
So Say We All.

Sandy C also in SoFla said...

Hey, Jen... there's an article about you in awesome!!

Congrats and keep up the good work!!

Larisa said...

I can't believe no one else caught this one glaring error: it's Spider-Man. For shame.

Anonymous said...

This was great! Made me laugh out loud!

dharmamama said...

Sarah's Vader/Tinkerbell cake remind me of the cake I made when my son was 3. I had plastic Star Wars characters, and I placed them all on the Yellow Brick Road, with Emerald City in the background. It was *perfect* for him.

He just turned 18, and not too long ago, I was telling him how much I loved that cake, and how well it suited him, and he said, "Hmmm... it still would!"

Alisha Rene' said...


Sarah Vanderburgh said...

so funny! I've been missing reading my cake wreck posts - even my husband mentioned we haven't checked in lately. This one rocks! Thanks for making me chuckle. I don't know what was funnier - tinkerbell with vader, the checkerboard or the addition of 'mulder' into the melee. i'm gonna follow now so I don't miss anymore adventures.

Craig said...

Glad to see that Tink kept her 'dark side' at bay and managed to cover up this time.

Yoda, you're so... tall! Must be a 'before' image from the prequel, 'Yoda vs. the Lightsaber'.

Becca said...

The Ending! LOL!! Love it Number 1!

Katie said...

Anyone who can combine Peter Pan, Lost, Harry Potter, Ghost Busters, Star Trek, Star Wars, and Spiderman into one story is pure genius!!!!

Laura B. said...

Oh my gods, that was utterly hysterical! I must share this with all my fellow geeks!

Anonymous said...

Oh thank you No 1, that was a wonderful start to a busy busy day!

MC from NZ

Unknown said...

I love the Harry Potter and Princess Bride references juxtaposed with a very accurate description of the Star Wars films.
Well done.

Jilly_bear said...


Kate Madalene said...

I think this might be the greatest post I have ever seen.

Gwen said...

Aww, you mentioned Scully and Mulder and got me excited to see an X Files/ Star Wars smash up!

Brooke said...

Life savers and psychic muppets. This is pretty much how I understood Star Wars for the first 20 years.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

So Darth Vader and Tinkerbell have joined forces. No surprises there. I never trusted that little bit... um, little bitty thing.

WV: enstril
Just looked like a good name for a drug for menopause or PMS or something.

Joanna said...

I actually started hyperventilating in horror over the cupcake assortment that had Star Wars mixed with Spiderman!!! Oh the horrors!

But the astoundingly brilliant commentary more than made up for the cake travesties!!

Bekah Tuggy said...

Fraktastic post, Number One. I haven't laughed that hard in quite some time!

Tricia L said...

Need this reposted with an audio track ... in Valley Girl dialect. That's the way my warped little mind heard it. Like, so awesome.

Amanda said...

Okay, now I know for sure I am a geek. I understood every reference. Absolutely hilarious post. Thank you.

lisadh said...

LMAO! That was so freakin' funny, #1. Way to capture everything that Jen holds dear and get it "wrong".

Superb work!

Kerri said...

Beautiful! Would have been funny if you'd said "may the fork be with you" or something like that.

Anonymous said...

LOVED this post!! The ending is EPIC!! "And they all live together on the island until John Locke finds himself dead in the coffin." GENIUS!!! LOL

Rima said...

This post is definitely going down in history as one of the CW classics.

Jana said...


Best. Post. Evah!

Susie said...

Best. Cake Wrecks. Post. Ever.

Katie (Kali) said...

Best Post Ever!! I was laughing all the way through! Oh man, I lost track of how many references there were!

Unknown said...

LOL, i love all the movie references in this post. i've never seen star wars, but all the movies are on my netflix list. i'll get to the them eventually. i have seen spaceballs, though (in fact, i just bought the dvd)

Bec said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH I've read since the beginning and this is my most FAVORITE POST EVER!!!! Pure hilarity :D

Lady Bright said...

Holy Saber Streams, Dark Helmet!!!

Sooo lovin' the cross-overs aplenty, especially Firefly references!

Certifiable geek, yes, I am. All references, noted, I did.

Thanks for the trip/lift!


Maureen said...

Oh! My daughter would love the Tinkerbell and Vader cake! I might have to get her one on purpose. :)

Lisa said...

I had to look up a few references, turns out they were all Battlestar Galactica references, but other that that, I'm pretty proud of my innate geekiness. I absolutely loved this post. I think it's probably my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I have tears running down my face, from laughing! This may be the funniest post I've ever read in here. Thanks for the very good laugh!!

BADKarma! said...

I think I smell BBQ'd dog hair... Aheh...

Naazju said...

GENIUS. And is it sad that I'm proud that I understood *every single reference*? I'm such a nerd! :D

Anonymous said...'ve never seen Star Wars??! least you've seen Firefly :]
awesome post. :D

LivingInSong said...

I love the Firefly references!

Anonymous said...

I prefer Jen's blogs, sorry #1. Didn't your parents take you to the movies when you were a kid John? Were you raised in the jungles of the Amazon? NEVER seen Star Wars??? OMG!

crownring said...

You are definitely a Cake Warrior, Jen! However as a Star Warrior, you're deliciously hilarious! Or is that deliriously hilarious? Oh, bother......


Winona said...

My daughter would ask for the Tink/Vader cake. She's 4, and quirky as they come.

Anonymous said...

the pixie cake is as good as the pink cake for the girl that had vader. thats so funny!

kms handmade said...

HU.LAR.I.US!!!!!!!! Coming from a major Star Wars geek home, I approve. And was proud to say I knew most of your references and laughed out lout! Tink and Darth. Tisk tisk. Those wreckers....

Angela K said...

Well done, Number 1!

Amy said...

Bravo! Loved all the nerdy references!

Athene Numphe said...


MandaK said...

Great post! So fun to see my son's birthday cake (the first one) posted too! Keep up the great work!

Anne-Marie said...

This made me laugh so hard, I was to tears. Thank you.

flarglepuf said...

That was pretty much the most awesome and positively geeky post I've ever seen!!
And I know you were intentionally messing up all the geek culture references, but one really bugged me. The planet is called Vogsphere, not Vogon. Y'all can't be disrespecting my beloved Douglas Adams.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Amazing! Brilliant! Seriously, this should be made into a movie! So Wrecktacular!

Anonymous said...

Spider Man? You have got to be kidding! Who would Spider Man with Star Wars?

Tinker Bell and Darth Vadar? Oh WOW!

Michelle_K said...

This is my favorite post of yours! I love all the movie references. Great job!

Anonymous said...

O...M...G. Been lurking here for a year, but this post did it - I'm coming out! Too funny, finding it difficult to control my shrieks of laughter, which is a little embarassing since I'm at work...

Anonymous said...

Ha! Did anyone notice that on this picture the plastic at the bottom looks like a row of penis'? I did.

Dorci said...

I'm guessing you saw the story on about Katie and how you found her mom's blog about it and then blogged about it yourself. Nice going, Jen. :) You helped rescue one more child from being bullied and holding onto the stigma of feeling insecure and unwanted the rest of her life. Wish you could have been around when I was a kid.

Lori said...

Love the Princess Bride reference - that was the only thing good in that mess of wrecks!

mblonde7 said...

I especially liked the Vogon and "Accio" references :)

Unknown said...

I laughed at all but the Luke and Leia getting together. They are brother and sister, ewww!

Lily Marie :) said...

Space Balls, Star Wars, Princess Bride, Star Trek, Tinker Bell, Harry Potter, Ghostbusters, Lost, X files, HG2G, Terminator, muppets, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Superman, Spiderman....

So much much win in a combination! and yet....

my guess it that if you've *really* never seen Star Wars, you will have by the end of the week.

But I'm doubtful of that you haven't. This post has too much GEEK written all over it for you to have *not* seen Star Wars...

Anonymous said...

Number 1 needs a raise for this post.

Awesome. Pure, unadulterated awesome.

Arlene said...

You had me at "Spaceballs." But to throw in a Princess Bride quote? Well, that took the cake.


Anonymous said...

Best. Commentary. Ever.

Melissa said...

I'm not sure if I'm more excited about the hat I knit for Katie being on CNN or Cake Wrecks.

This is such a fun post!!

Brea in Texas said...

Ok, I've lurked around here for a long time, but I finally felt compelled to comment. I was loving the beginning (girl geeks are AWESOME and everyone should know that), then grinning and snickering as I was reading. Then I got to 'You killed my father, prepare to die.' And I spit coffee all over my keyboard and choked, I was laughing so hard. Anyone who can use a PB quote in a SW post and make it work so damn well is a-ok in my geeky little book. Thanks for the post, and if I have to explain to my husband when the keyboard shorted out, I'm blaming you people. :)

sally said...

loved it! thankyou. :)

Anonymous said...

Hands down, this is the best post ever!!!


Texpenguin said...

Pefect John! I think you got the story just right!

Elizabeth C. said...

Rebekah is so right. Only someone who KNOWS Star Wars would have added the (first!) and still been able to add that many geek references!
Has anyone tried to count the unique references?
I recall at least 8!

Rachel H. said...

Okay, the "You killed my father, prepare to die" made me literally LOL. :D Great post!

Unknown said...

Great article! Made me cry in a good way! :) Thanks for helping us all to get involved in this little girls life and help make a difference. You rock!

Anonymous said...

I love how i hate Star Wars, and have never seen a movie, and think all of the shows are stupid; yet i knew his name was DARTH Vader, not Dark. haha.

and i liked how at the end, Princess Leia was a panda bear. :P

Anonymous said...

My five year old loves fighting Dark Vader with his life saver!

Mr said...

As for the last cake... I was wondering what a simple panda love cake was doing in this post. And then I realized.

It's not a panda. It's an EWOK. Cue demonic laughter.

Look again, Anon. It's not an Ewok. Yeah, it's a panda...with Leia's side-buns for ears. Can't believe no one's mentioned that -- it made me smile big-time!

Michelle said...

My favorite post to date. Love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Number 1 - I don't often actually laugh out loud but you got me twice! Thanks for that.

Lotlot said...

Number 1, you rock!

zombiekim said...

*slow clap for all those references*
Nice job with the Firefly and Princess Bride references especially.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god that was the freakin' funniest thing I have every read! Thanks for making me laugh out loud.

Anonymous said...

My son wanted to know how Anikan was fighting himself?

PEZ said...

Confession: I've never seen Star Wars either. Everything I know- I learned from Spaceballs, Family Guy, and Weird Al songs.

Anonymous said...

Best. Blog. Post. Ever.

Unknown said...

Great post, Hubby of Jen. I have only minor criticism. IMHO, you needed to work in a "By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be avenged!"

Oh, and some daisies.

Anonymous said...

Alas, Jen, I am afraid this might be my NEW favorite post on Cake Wrecks. Thank you Number 1. You have been well named.


wv: atess: This post was atess of Number 1's Star Wars knowledge. And I say, A+! (even though, you know, not really)

holly said...

I just read Katie's article online and down the page..."Jen Yates"...wait, I KNOW Jen Yates!! It's Jen 'Cakewrecks' Yates! Just wanted to say, you made my throat lump up a bit with your bighearted efforts on Katie's behalf. Cyberbullies, old school. People are using the Internet for GOOD!

Now I know you rock for another reason.

Stacy said...

I love your blog so much, and I love that I'm such a nerd I got every reference in there. :)

Cloudy said...

Nerd, nerd, nerd nerd, nerd!!!! And I mean that in the best possible way! What a fantastic gallimaufry of references to my favorite movies, etc.--and I think I got about 96%

gategeek said...


Allie said...

I've been reading since the beginning and this post probably made me laugh out loud the hardest. I got half way through & thought "the only thing that's missing is a Princess Bride reference" and then there it was!


Kathleen said...

I really want the Darth Vadar/Tinkerbell cake for my next birthday. My husband says I should get help so I asking you all to help me get the cake!

Unknown said...

Thing 1 - My 14 year old son got all the nerd references except the Lost reference. I feel so proud.

Thing 2 - That CNN article made me cry. A wow-people-really-can-do-good-things type cry.

Anonymous said...

where have all the epcot-ters gone? I read the comments hoping for some bloodshed, but they must have *gasp* gotten a sense of humour!

WV "fortli" I would've fortli regular epcot posters would've fort to put their two bob's worth in!

another amanda k said...

Help me! That was frelling awesome.

wv: vessinge; back to the village vessinge!

Jules said...

best movie synopsis EVER!

Anonymous said...

Awww what a sweet kid-I wish her luck. The first cake I would call the Reverse Black Hole. The other cakes-WTF

jenn said...

wee! george lucas bought shoes from my boyfriend at sports authority today :D

Allie said...

I just read the article about Katie on CNN and was pleasantly surprised when I recognized your name. It was so weird to see my "friend" being quoted but I was not surprised to see you backing a young star wars lover! I love your blogs- keep up the good work!

-Allie W

bec bec said...

Slimer tells Luke to "use the force," but Luke doesn't know what that means so he shoots him. (First.)


and the Lost bit at the end. Loved this post!

Joey said...

Best post ever! I would have completely geeked out anyway, but you just HAD to throw in a Firefly reference for the kill. Nice.

Mary said...

Cake Wrecks always makes me laugh, but this one made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe. Seriously, you almost killed me. Thanks. :)

Bob said...

I just wanted to say thanks for helping get the word out on this story and helping get people everywhere to feel a little better about who they are. Also thanks for being hilarious.

Kerethina said...

I truly want to go to the Dark Side after seeing those cakes AND the fact that you have never seen Star Wars. It is a way of life!! Those cakes should been blown up by the Death Star!

Kalani said...

Best. Post. Ever. And i've read the entire blog.

I count 15 separate items of geekery referenced (some more than once):
1. Star Wars
2. Spaceballs
3. Star Trek
4. Firefly
5. Battlestar Galactica
6. Spiderman
7. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
8. The Muppets
9. Disney
10. Harry Potter
11. The Princess Bride
12. Ghostbusters
13. The X Files
14. Superman
15. Lost

Did I miss any?

Tami said...

Absolutely brilliant! Pure genius! Makes me proud to be a nerd!

Arlene said...

Lmao those made me laugh hysterically while my hubby is trying to watch "The Last Airbender". Shame on me lol.

Buttercup Bento said...

Hey Jen,

Been here a while compulsively reading very occasional anon posts but had to post now under my usual moniker as I just read your article on Powder Room Graffiti and it sounds like you have the same stuff going on as me. They originally thought it was SVT but now I get so called 'panic attacks' but am never stressed out beforehand and they can last for hours too. Terrible aren't they - sometimes I wish went green or something just so people know something is up and that I'm not OK. So scary but liveable - I've lived with it for over 7 years now and once I cut out the triggers (caffeine and nicotine mostly) have been much much better. Thinking of you x

Noortje said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA, the nerd in me just laughed her head of :) Well done!

astr!d said...

too funny!!! my husband is a huge star wars fan and is raising the youngest offspring in true star wars fashion! he pulled out some star wars toys we've had even before the boy was born!! were giving him some for xmas but he gave him a big obi one and darth vadar. and he L O V E D them!!! he kept saying, daddy, thank you for the koby one and dark vadar dolls!!! he's too cute. i'll be sure to pass on the star wars day info to both the dorks in my life!!!!!

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