
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Somebody Check Those Brownies...

...'cuz I think these Wreckerators are getting the munchies.

And it's really not pretty.

"Dude. You know what would be AWESOME right now? Fruity Pebbles."

Sure, that makes sense. Really. And go ahead and just put it out there on the shelf with all the other cakes, like it's not weird. Go on. Thaaat's it. Perfect.

"Naw, man, what we NEED are tacos."

How nice of them to write, "It's A TACO."

I guess there wasn't room for "It's A TACO, IDIOT."

"Ooooh, or PIZZA! Man, I am seriously jonesing for some pizza right now."

My friends, there is officially a first time for everything. Including albino pizza.

Oh, and "Albino Pizza" is the cool band name of the day. Tell your friends.

"Dude. Dude. Dude. LISTEN.

"We have GOT to get some fries."

"Aw, YES! From Mickey D's!"

"No way, man, I don't like the way their burgers look at me. So not cool."

(Admit it: a drug-induced hallucination would explain a lot here.)

"K, dude, forget the fries. We need something, like, totally bad for us. Something...AMAZING. Something like...onion ringos.

"Yeah, totally. What are onion ringos?"

"DUUUUDE. C'mon. Onion ringos? Like, with the beer batter and ketchup?

"OOOH. Right. Onion ringos. Yeah. Totally."


Hey Sarah, Michelle & Eli, Candy W., Crystal P., Allison P., Barbara, & Jason C., you know Prop 19 in California? The one that sought to legalize marijuana? Well, it didn't pass. And I know of at least one place that's pretty bummed:



Giveaway update: Congrats to our book/calendar winners MK, Togetherforgood, Sgalloway, & the Wendy who wrote, "Brown chicken, brown cow!" Plus our Facebook winners Bronwyn Harris and Maria Huitron. Please e-mail us your mailing addresses, guys.

And for the rest of you: leave a comment on this post for a chance to win your choice of an autographed copy of Cake Wrecks or the new Cake Wrecks wall calendar. Then watch our Facebook page for more chances to win exclusive CW pin packs!
Winners will be announced in tomorrow's post.


  1. Dude, that plastic fork sticking out of the Fruity Pebbles cake is freaking me out.

  2. I'm sure "It's a TACO" is meant to be a funny joke for someone having a baby girl. But ewww.

    Fabulous as always but am I the only one who's just a little sad that Halloween is over? I swear I look forward to holidays now primarily because I know they supply such great content for Wreckerators!

  3. Congrats to the winners!

    Hey, is MC Donald the son of MC Hammer? Just asking…

    For the love of all that is sugary and delectable, what IS that last THING?!?!

    - DB

  4. tiny purple elephantNovember 3, 2010 at 9:35 AM

    Pick me John! Pick me! Pick me!

    I woke up to below zero weather and there's frost everywhere!

    Tiny purple elephant

  5. Wow, first comment! And I was going to say bummer, dude, I didn't win yesterday. Maybe today? (Even though it took two tries to get this to post....)

  6. I'm surprised we haven't seen a Cheerios cake. I mean Cheerios are universal, right? Used for babies to calm them down, used as a treat to train puppies, and also to fill my belly in the morning!

  7. What's with the yellow poo blobs -- is that what happens to your intestinal tract when you eat too much refined sugar?

  8. I really appreciate how the fries on that one are just blobs of icing on the cardboard. I bet they would leave the same kind of grease spots that real fries would leave though.

  9. #3 is a *frozen* pizza cake.
    You need to heat in a 400 degree oven for eight minutes to get that golden brown, bubbly cheese pizza look

  10. It seems that more than just cakes were getting baked at that bakery.

    wv:impred - Man, I'm gonna kill that lepruchan. That little impred my diary!

  11. I read all the post with a stoned guy voice in my head, a la Wayne's World...

  12. oooooh the cakewrecks calendar is on my christmas list already. I've got a calendar in every room and my "small calendar" spot is reserved for the coveted cakewrecks calendar.

    As for today's wrecks - What occasion calls for food cakes? Really. The whole premise is just silly. In fact, I challenge all the wreckies out there to find some food themed Sunday Sweets. Who's up for it?

  13. Love the Taco Bell sign at the end. LOL indeed!

  14. You know, wrecks like these make me glad I'm gluten-free. Really glad. Because now? Now I don't crave cake like I used to. SRSLY. Dude....

    Nina (not a llama)

  15. Mmmm...Taco Bell is late night (and pregnancy) goodness.

  16. Dude....this post is giving me the munchies...and I really wish I had some fruity pebbles...

  17. Are those real McDonalds fries? Eww.

    Love you guys as always!

    -Donna W.

  18. I would love to win some glorious cakewrecks swag.

    To the tune of "Heathcliff" (you remember, that Nickelodeon cartoon?):
    Cakewrecks, cakewrecks
    no one should
    wreckify their bakery goods
    but wreckers just won't be undone
    foisting wrecks on everyone!

    (Ok grade A poet I am not)

  19. A "Pizza Poorty" indeed ...

    I don't know of ANY accent in the world that could cause that to be written on a cake, even one so wreckerlicious as this :(

  20. Have you guys seen the you tube video about the McDonald's fries experiment?

    I have not eaten their fries since I watched this!

  21. Dude, Dude!

    I'm thinking it is a good thing the wreckers decided to label what they made - it makes it easier to determine what they aspired to make.

    Love what you do - when I'm having a bad day I know CW can make it better.

    Spreading the love for you!


  22. Personally I'm loving the Onion Ringos. Do you think if we looked closer we'd find a likeness of a certain former Beatle emplazened on edible photo paper on each and every one??


  23. All I could imagine was Jay and Silent Bob standing out in front of the Quik Stop, and this was the conversation that Jay was having with himself to Bob. And are you sure those burger and fries are McDonalds, it could be from Mooby's!

    word verification: helluch

    "Those cakes are helluch!"

  24. Pick me! Pick me! I would LOVE a Cake Wrecks book and the wall calendar would be a great addition to my office (and my office mate would be able to enjoy, too!)

  25. Why are Keanu Reeves' and Mike Myers' voices vying for the top voice in my head right now?

    Or is that Cheech and Chong?

    Swirling in a world of hallucinogens -- I wish. If I were, I wouldn't have to think of these wrecks as real, only pigments of my imagination.

    I cannot get a grip on the poo bombs with the fries. Never. They should be shroom capped, not cupcakecapped. Aieeee!

    I mean, like, are you sure, like, Hallowe'en isn't over?? That might also explain the hallucinogen induced burger face.

    I am liking the Fruity Pebbles -- I can hear it now -- "Yeah, mom, I had cereal for breakfast!! Seriously!!"


  26. I sort of liked the cereal cake! Especially if they used the new cupcake-flavored Fruity Pebbles....

  27. Congrats to the winners! And of course Taco Bell supported Prop 19 - they benefit from all the munchies people get at "late night."

  28. What I am most excited about today is that my son's financial aid package finally came through!! Whooo Hoooo! Now I can afford to buy that Cake Wrecks calendar!!

  29. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!



  30. I think those "onion rings" just made me throw up a little. Blech!

  31. Dude, where's my fries?

    Love you guys!!

  32. The burger cake is cracking me up.

  33. Burgers and fries for lunch and maybe even cake!

  34. Thanks for the laughs to warm me up on this chilly day

  35. For the love of sweet cake wrecks, SOMEBODY get me an order of those MCdonalds fries!!!!!!!!!

  36. Erin...i rise to your challenge! I just saw this episode of cake boss today! Click no 20.

  37. I could totally go for some Onion Ringos myself right now...

  38. Okay, I'm totally giving up fast food as of now!

  39. Oh...*vomit* at the little poo burgers! And for real...are those REAL fries?!?! And for the love of God, I hope that taco cake wasn't announcing the gender of a baby. Please, tell me it isn't so!!!!

  40. I'm a little afraid. How did they manage to make the onion ringos look greasy? Ew.

  41. pick me pick me! I think that cake has forever ruined my love of fries!

  42. For some reason, I'm guessing that most of these cakes were found in college towns!

  43. My six-year-old son was fine with all these cakes, until the last. "What is that thing?"

  44. Don't even try to tell me that you wouldn't just dive right in to that cereal cake. Come on, now. Cereal + Cake = Awesomeness.

    V. Wylie

  45. You know I think I've had Mcdonald's food that actually looked like some of these. Yeah,I totally lost my appetite for them, permanently. But, hey, I still have Arby's!

    -Kristy J. M.

  46. wv: ullize
    Dude, ullize to me, those weren't fries.

  47. Love the wrecks! Thanks for a daily does of bad baked goods and sarcasm!

  48. *LOVE* your blog, and I would love a book too!

  49. Love today's blog ... I don't think I've laughed this hard, this early in the morning in quite some time!

  50. Thank you for making me laugh this morning! It is much needed after waking up to very, very disappointing election results from across the country!
    Also, I could really go for some albino pizza right now...

  51. That burger was just creepy! Love your posts :)

  52. That hamburger w/eyes was whackadoo! I quickly scrolled down so my 3 yr old wouldn't see it and freak out!

  53. Does the pizza say Pizza "Poo"rty? mmmm, those aren't pepperoni

  54. The onion ringo cake made me gag a little!

    wv: bledg- exactly how I felt when I saw that cake!

  55. LOL! Of course Taco Bell would support it!

  56. I'm not gonna lie, I do love cereal, and I love cake... Personally, I have the urge to break the packaging open and use the spoon to start shoveling crunchy, fruity, caky goodness into my face! Maybe that's why this a combo that's best kept private, and not on display at the grocery store?

    WV: Sessesse: what I thought when I saw scary burger face, "Se-s-se-s-seeee, it's staring at me!"

  57. I don't know--the taco kinda looked like a hot dog to me.

    Some wrecks you think, OK the decorating could have been better, but you eat it anyway.

    These--I don't think I'd be eager to dig in to any of them.

  58. Not enough sugar in the buttercream... they have to add fruity pebbles?! hehe. And I don't know what an onion ringo is... but based on that picture, I don't want to know!

  59. Bill and Ted were the commentators for me today. And the Taco Bell sign was priceless! Thanks for the laughs!

    Jolene B.

  60. Dude... when I said I wanted to get baked I meant...

  61. oh...frosted onion rings...could there be anything better?

  62. That's one of my husbands common sayings when seeing the wrecks "were they on crack when they decorated this?"

    Love the Taco Bell sign!

  63. I'm trying to figure out what universe contains a celebration that actually needs a cereal cake? Ever.

  64. Last year for my son's Spongebob birthday party, I made "crabby patties" using brownies & cupcakes, & fries using sugar cookies, ala Bakerella. WTH are these fries made out of???

  65. Love the Taco Bell!!!!!

  66. I sense an ill-begotten movie sequel coming on. . .

    "Harold and Kumar go to the Bakery"

    :D Pick meeee!

  67. The burger with the face looks like a nightmare I had the other night after eating a burger at midnight.
    word ver. anklis- My anklis swelled up after eating those french fries.

  68. I've always wondered about those Taco Bell employees.

  69. What, you don't put fruity pebbles on ALL your food?? Clearly you haven't lived!

  70. This is my first time posting, but I'm a long time admirer.

    I think I look at your site with my 2 year old next to me a little TOO often, because she looked at these pictures and proclaimed "CAK! CAKE! CAKE!"

    Either that, or I make really funny looking cakes, too.

  71. Taco Bell supports Prop 19?

    .........that would explain a lot.
    mexi pizza.
    the entire work crew.

    it all seems to make sense now!

  72. I'm a little worried about those mini-burgers where the 'beef' seems to be oozing. ewwww.

  73. Love that the taco bell sign put LOL too.

  74. Is it entirely wrong that I want to eat that taco? I'm from the UK and never had one. But I think my head might be confused... cake/taco/cake/taco... lol

  75. OMG the Fruity Pebble Cake is kinda Freaky Looking

  76. Pick me a fellow Floridian! FYI-- There is a linked Suggestion to buy a "Cake Wrecks" Book on Amazon athe the bottom of a link roundup (Tues, Nov 2nd), right after a mosterous cake link, over at the Super Punch blog (My other favorite!) Awesome!!! -Tray

  77. That Taco Bell sign was amazing! My favorite cake was the burger face cake.

  78. Oooh I forgot John wanted sexy comments.

    Wow, can you believe Ewan McGregor does the laundry and cooks dinner?

  79. Man, im getting diarrea from LOOKING at those onion ringos...and to be honest, thats kind of what they look like!

    also, that angry burger will give me nightmares.

  80. I think that's one of the few uses of "lol" that I can actually condone. That and when there's a cat attached.

  81. Is anyone else grossed out by those two mini burgers with the frosting fries? The burgers are MELTING out the bun. I am thinking that it is looking a little like, well, not a burger. It's too disgusting to say what it really looks like!

  82. That taco bell pic is awesome. (Book please! :))

  83. If the prop had passed, we would have bought stock in Frito Lay!

  84. I love the "prop 19" feel of this whole post, lol!

    Ok so here is my bid for the book or calendar......uhhhhemmm,I am a transplant from Texas to Massachusetts......FREAKING MASSACHUSETTS, I am cold man really really cold! Oh and not only did I live in Tx before but it was SOUTH Texas! I was in Corpus Christi less than a year ago where it would get 60 degrees and people would pull out their down jackets.

    So that's my sad puppy eyed comment to hopefully win!

  85. Sooo.....can I have a book? please. :oD

  86. If I were a cake decorator, I would definitely draw angry hamburgers. It's a metaphor.

    Also, do the french fries on the McDonald's cake look disturbingly real to anyone else?

  87. Nah man....What we TOTALLY need is Pizza Tacos....topped with Onion Ringos!!! YEAH...That would totally ROCK DUDE

  88. I want some Taco Bell.

  89. Nomnomnom TACOS!

  90. I love this site. It helps curb the sugar cravings I have and, from the food cake, it now officially curbs my cravings for fast food...

  91. That onion ringo cake, while distrubingly unrealistic and a bizarre choice of cake to create, just gave me a craving for some onion rings. And some cake.

  92. Normally I really like sweets disguised as savory foods (Bakerella totally rocks this catagory!) but this is something else entirely.

  93. I made a pizza cake for my daughter's birthday one year--I made a single layer yellow cake, frosted the top with red frosting, and used shaved white chocolate as mozzarella cheese. She and her friends loved it, anyway. Next time, though, I'll slightly warm the chocolate so it resembles shredded mozzarella instead of grated Parmesan.

    wv: acaci--Acaci that your wreckerators have a serious case of the munchies.

  94. I was picturing my brother & his friends back in the days when I was their designated driver and they had serious munchies. Thanks for the laughs!

  95. I think I'm forever turned off of onion rings after seeing that cake LOL

  96. Eww to Heidi, re: baby girl cake!

  97. That hamburger face would give me nightmares!

  98. Suddenly, onion rings don't sound very appetizing...

  99. hamburgers with eyes are just wrong... Barbara PS I need a calendar for next year!

  100. Is that a SPOON in the fruity pebbles? at first I thought it was supposed to be a pile of autumn leaves. Is it a cake of a bowl of cereal??? (that's pathetic!)

    fry butterflies. another hallucination.

    i love the taco bell sign. i wonder what that place is like around 11 p.m. on a Saturday?

  101. Duuuude, seriously sweet.

    Who wants to eat an angry hamburger? Crazy.

  102. Is it just me or are the fruity pebbles in a green bowl-shaped cake? maybe it's meant to represent the inside of a honeydew melon and they decided to get a little abstract with the representation of the concept of "fruit". Or they want us to believe that it is a honeydew melon actually filled with pebbles, which means it must be the mastermind of a dentist like the one in Little Shop of Horrors (say aaaaaaaaaah...) Or come to think of it maybe it is in fact an Audrey II cake! I think that must be it. After they killed it, of course. I can only imagine that Audrey II guts are in fact multi-colored, in which case this is a representative and imaginative tribute to post-modern musical cinema at its finest, which means that this wreckerator has come around 360 degrees from horrible back to awesome. Dude. There should really be a prize for that.

  103. What is on top of the onion ring cake?

    I'll never understand why some feel the need to make cake in the shape of other foods. I understand cake decorating, but why would anyone want a pizza cake. I'd love to see someone get really creative with pies. Probably impossible, but it would be an interesting experiment. If nothing else, it would provide great material for a new book: Pie Wrecks

  104. The hamburger sitting in poo looks yummy.

  105. I HOPE they were all on weed. Otherwise we're all doomed. DOOOOOOOOOOOMED!

  106. are those real canned shoestring potatoes on that McDonald's cake? A little salt with your sweet I guess...

  107. Piped on Icing Fries is awesome!!! You can almost see the wreckerator pointing that decorating bag at his/her mouth and giving a big squeeze. Too bad they figured bag without tip was the best way to do a fry. Don't they know the one sharp angled tip would have been better? Those fries are more like half bananas rather than potato wedges. Emily, TX

  108. Man, I need ringos, like NOW! LOL, love taco bell!

  109. Today is my birthday an the only thing I want is a cakewrecks calendar. Think I'll get one??

  110. Come on, Sxey, Sxey!!

    Need a Cakewrecks book.

    -Kerri S

  111. Drug-induced hallucination? Or some kind of horrible cheeseburger nightmare?

    I can't imagine paying 18.99 for a cake that might eat me the second my back is turned.

  112. The "It's a TACO" cake, maybe they wanted to let you know that it wasn't a chalupa or a gordita...


  113. Sorry, I wish I had a useful comment to make. I'm just posting to join in for the giveaway... No funny, witty remarks today. I do wonder if the fries on the Mc Donald's cake are actually frittered taters.. assuming those are sold in the US too. Also assuming they will not actually go well with cake..:S

    Anyway. "Comment" :)

  114. Umm...ok, the Fruity Pebbles cake is making me hungry...and, in New Haven, CT, I TOTALLY had a "white pie" pizza. It was white sauce, and clams. Not my favorite...but a Pepe's specialty. haha

  115. I've always found cakes that look like salty foods intriguing, but very disturbing.

  116. Crushed that I did not win after my Pulitzer-worthy sexy comment yesterday, I understand there is still hope for winning today, so, all demoralized and deflated, I humbly submit in a whisper, "I'd love to win a book."

  117. I think Albino Pizza is playing Coacnella this year...

  118. Winner winner chicken dinner! I totally have to go out and buy a box of Fruity Pebbles now.

  119. I LOVE that Taco Bell supports Prop 19! LOL They know where their profits come from!

  120. A smart 7-Eleven manager would buy all these up and set 'em near the register about 4:30 every afternoon. Gone. Like. THAT.

  121. Remember when there were actual toys in the cereal boxes? It's a fruity pebble sundial!

  122. Learning that it's common practice for a baker to smoke a doob before decorating a cake would explain a lot.

  123. That MC Donald's cake looks like real month-old McDonald's....maybe that's why my friends and I refer to it as McDeath.

  124. The Taco Bell marquee is the best picture in this entire post - it was definitely LOL-worthy!

  125. Dude...dude...

    Onion ringos - now I gotta hit up Sonics. There goes my diet :P

  126. The taco bell picture was hilarious. Have you been in there in the late evening? Wow, the aroma is completely identifiable. I'm amazed cops just don't sit outside and wait.

  127. Love me some McDonald's fries!!

  128. I could go for some onion ringos right now...

  129. Wow, those burgers make me happy to be vegetarian.

  130. Is "albino pizza" the PC name for a "white pizza"?

    The onion ringos are actually, if you squint really hard, Ringo Starr's likeness in onions! Truly art - or something like it.

    Happy hump day to all!

  131. I'm really sick today, raging sore throat, dizzy, lost my voice, and got some kind of cold chills going on. Thanks for making me smile a bit on an otherwise completely miserable day.

  132. The Taco Bell pic seriously made me LOL! I would love to win your book OR your calendar!

  133. Wow. Just wow. I'm all for cakes looking like different foods if they are done well, but some of these are scary. Most notably the icing blob fries. How does ANYONE (even a stoned someone) think that's a good idea?!?

    WV: Mismenny. This just makes me laugh because it sounds like it could become "Mis Menny Ponny" which is the same letter switcheroo that my mom would do. Case in point: She called Monty Python "Ponty Mython!"

  134. So I rarely comment - but I read everyday. I just had to say that the fries on the Mickey D's cake look a lot like Hickory Sticks.

  135. "Dude, you want fries with that?"
    "Nah, I want a CakeWrecks calendar!"
    WV: supple: I'm not even going to go there....
    Tracy O

  136. How the comments take off when there's free stuff on the line!
    (I include myself on this bandwagon).

  137. Um, is that toasted cocoanut on those onion ringos? What a taste sensation!

  138. Hilarious as always! Thanks for the daily laughs!

  139. Hey, everyone needs to come watch our band Albino Pizza and the Onion Ringos* play this Saturday at the Northwest Mall's Foodcourt from 4pm until 4:08pm. We'll be doing our one and only song "Don't Go Wreckin' My Cake!"

    Be there somewhere else I guess!

    *Ketchup not included

  140. Too bad there wasn't a Pop Tarts cake... it would have compeleted the munchies spectrum. LOL

  141. Dude, food that looks like other food! Get it?

    Most Excellent! Party on, Dude!

  142. I don't know what "brown cow, brown chicken" means, but I'll say it if it'll increase my chances of winning :)


  143. Very Funny! You guys do an amazing job with this blog! I make a daily stop just to get my day off to a good start.


  144. I'm oddly impressed with the taco! :) And LOL at the Taco Bell sign!

  145. I wonder what the alternative wording for if the prop did pass was? ;) I was really hoping it would pass, cuz hey, that would be funny ;). Fantastic post anyways!

  146. Man... I've never thought of putting cerel on cake before!

    What a horribly intriguing idea...

  147. I have to say, Shaggy and Scooby would be proud. Me, I'm feeling a little nauseous.

    Ba-da Ba ba ba- I'm throwin' up!

  148. I love the evil faced burger. The fries look like a big blob of yellow. Love your site by the way.

  149. I swear the Albino Pizza actually says "Peza Party"

  150. I LOVE onion ringos! In fact, I wouldn't mind having some right now...along with the angry burger...give me the stink eye all you want burger, you're still goin' in MA BELLAY!

  151. Ooh, I like winning things!

  152. this post is giving me the munchies...

  153. I also support prop 19, as long there is a healthy supply of non-wrecked cakes and nachos. mmmmmm...nachos...

  154. Mmmm, fruity pebbles.......too bad I can't do milk anymore. Nor the tacos, damn my lactose intolerance. I miss cheese so much. I love you guys. I check Epbot (John has got to be THE BEST husband ever) and here everyday. Thank you for all the wonderful laughs and insight. Bless you both.

  155. Absolutely love the Taco Hell marque... the highlight of my morning!

    The frosting poo fries are just, well, disturbing, on many levels.

    I am going to make a bid for the calendar... I work as a computer programmer from a home office so the calendar would definitely 'light up my work life'. (Ok, let's all sing! 'Youuuu... liiight up my liifeee... you make me waaaant... to carry onnnnn...' ).

    I really need the calendar. So I won't attempt to sing in the comments of Cake Wrecks again and cause mental damage to you and others. Please. :)

  156. This comment brought to you by the letters "P", "I", "C", "K", and "M" and "E"...

    -Sue (who can see a use for those cakes in the her low-carbohydrate diet "it's not cake, it's protein burger food!")

    W/V: pracc - I'm thinking "pracc"tically about how to incorporate more nutritious cake in my diet...

  157. I need to stop reading this before lunch, I'm totally craving Tacos now.

  158. On the MC Donald's cake, are those... potato sticks? Dude! I remember getting cans of those things. They were like, weird but in a good way if you were in the right mood. I could totally go for some right now. Did you say you had pizza?

    What, you want me to choose between Albino Pizza and Brute Squad for a band name? Dude. I was thinking, like, Judicial Lien. You know, like, "How do you lien?" "Dude, I lien judicially." Whaddaya mean you do not think it means what I think it means. That's deep, man.

    Whoa! The squiggly things in my eyes just went all "whoa!" Do ya think that happens to the burger? What about fries? I mean, like, potatoes have eyes, right? So, like, what happens to them when they get made into fries? DUDE! Is that where ketchup comes from? Like, the collect the fries eye blood and that's why ketchup and fries taste so righteous together?

  159. Wow. This reminds me that I need to start bringing my camera to the grocery store. And it's also making me rethink ordering a birthday cake for my daughter, LOL!

  160. Love the yellow chunky fries. Kinda looks like a distorted Japanese symbol. Unfortunately the supermarket where I work forces us to make cakes and cupcakes that look like Summer foods i.e. burgers and hotdogs...yup hot dogs on a cupcake! Fortunately I "never have time" to make the nasty things. They get done on my days off!! Hee hee!!!

  161. Dude! I like, don't get this post at all. I thought those were supposed to be wrecks?
    Like, far out.

  162. Must. Have. Calendar.

  163. I just love the taco cake.

  164. If they wouldn't have said, "Onion Ringos", I would have NO idea what they were even trying for!

    As a Californian, none of my Taco Bell's had that sign, but I would have laughed seeing it in person!!

  165. @Heidi--I'm sad too! Halloween wrecks are the best!

    @kanani7 who said...
    "I'm surprised we haven't seen a Cheerios cake. I mean Cheerios are universal, right? Used for babies to calm them down, used as a treat to train puppies, and also to fill my belly in the morning!"

    I hear they're good for potty training boys, too. Target practice!!

  166. Wow. After reading the first 535 comments yesterday, I figured I didn't have much chance of winning. I really was hoping Jimh. would win. I don't know him, but his comment made me laugh. "A" for effort, kind of thing.

  167. I don't think I'll be visiting that Taco Bell any time soon .... :)

  168. In soviet Russia hamburger eats you!

  169. Pick me!
    I'm a panda!
    Pandas need calenders, too!

  170. HA HA HA

    Put my name in the hopper for the CakeWrecks book and/or calendar!!! :)

    Kelly L
    from Oklahoma

  171. I wanna win a calendar....I love your website and your book. It cracks me up and I find myself looking everywhere for cake wrecks to send you! :) Jen and John you rock!!!!


  172. Seriously, I have issues when my food can look at me. And those onion ringos? EWW!!!!! What are they even made of? Nothing I could stomach, that's for sure!

  173. Oh, my gosh! We so totally do the great band names thing! As in, "Wow, that's a face full of cheese!" "Hey - Face Full of Cheese - I hear they're playing at the Roxy this weekend..."

  174. Taco Bell wasn't a cake, but that was hilarious!

    I wonder, though, if you have to tilt your head to eat the taco cake?

    Kym Nixon

  175. Duuude...sounds a little too much like you're speaking from experience! I don't remember you from my younger days...then again I don't remember too much from back then! LOL

  176. The Taco Bell sign is hysterical! *LOL*

  177. I'm not feeling too good today, got a tummy-ache....that lot didn't help me any.......

  178. @Melinda: try using different (bigger) holes on the grater, rather than warm the chocolate (messy)

  179. Pick Me! Even though I can't think of something clever to leave as a comment :)

  180. As if the yellow fat "fries" aren't bad enough - apparently there is no bottom bun on the hamburgers. Either that or the meat is so good it's oozing out all over the place.


  181. wv: brens
    what you ruin when you smoke dope. then these wrecks are what you create.

    new anti-drug ad:
    "these are your brens. these are your brens on drugs. These are your cakes when your brens are on drugs. any questions?"

  182. I'm reminded of the Van Wilder movie, and the pink taco in the sky.

    Also, there is this rad place in Portland called Voodoo Donuts, where they feature extra weird concoctions - such as donuts dipped in various breakfast cereals (and oreos, and peanut butter, etc.). And it's amazingly good. So, if you're ever there - it's a must-visit.

  183. Rachel,
    I would soooo go to see "Harold and Kumar Go To The Bakery!

  184. As Nancy Reagan once said,
    "Just say "no" to cereal cake!"

  185. TACO? I seriously thought it was a palm tree. Good thing they wrote It's a TACO, or else I would never have figured it out.


  186. DUUUUDE, onion ringos. LOL

  187. Jeanette Ickly EnhancedNovember 3, 2010 at 11:58 AM

    Fantastic idea to have a Cake Wrecks calendar. I know lots of people who would love to have one.


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