
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

John's Birthday Suit

It's my birthdy! And by "my" I mean it's john (the hubby of Jen)'s birthay. Granted, I don't usually speak of myself in the third person (unless I'm in the midst of seduction [which, admittedly, rarely works (but John never knows unless he tries!)]) was I?

Oh, yeah: It's my birhday!

I originally wanted to write about those Canadian Nazi carrots you can buy at Epcot, but then I figured I'd just show you a bunch of misspelled cakes, so my own misspellings look international. Because I'm crazy like that. And giving. Yep, John's a giver.

[eyebrow waggle]

Look! A misspelling!

I believe it's spelled "Shirk." And since I did avoid seeing the last movie, this kind of works.

Isn't this called an oxymaroon?

Although if you roll the "r" while reading it out loud, you'll sound just like Sherk! Go on. Try it.

See what I mean? Now, all together: "Grrrreet job, don-kay!"

This one also seems a little contradictionary:

"Stop that right this second! Don't make me pull this event over!"

And since you long-time Wreckies know how fond I am of Earth Day cakes...

Listen! Do you smell Epcot?

And finally, this is not a cake, but I've gotta say...

...I pay way more for Jen's pasties.

Hm? What's this? Jen's telling me "pasties" are also British meat pies.

John thinks she's trying to tell him something. [eyebrow waggle]

John also would like to know why Jen rolls her eyes so much.

And now, because it's my brithday, I want to give you something special. Yes, that's right: John wants to give you something.


[Barry White music]

Awwww yeahhh. Mmmmmmm, baaaby. John knows what you want:

Cake Wrecks stuff!

So, leave me a comment, and I'll pick the sexiest two to win personalized copies of Cake Wrecks. (I'll even let Jen sign 'em.) The next sexiest two will win Cake Wrecks wall calendars.

In fact, because I'm such a giver, we're going to give stuff away every day this week, with even *more* give-aways on Facebook. Who loves me? Who is it? Oh yeah, it's you. Mmmhmmm. Happy briday to ME.

Check tomorrow's post for the winner's names, and also for your next chance to win stuff. Also watch the CW Facebook page this week for more chances to win exclusive CW pin packs and assorted goodies.


  1. Greet post, John. Yesterday was MY birthday! Vavavoooom!

  2. Good Morning Cake Wrecks!!
    ~Meg Summers

  3. Happy Birthday! May it have many pasties :)

  4. Happy birthday John!!
    I'm glad you didn't shirk your responsibilities today - greet job! Don't you love the daisies on that one cake?

  5. Happy Birthday, John! Today is my dad's birthday as well. Now to find him a gift... Well, I guess cake always works!

  6. Happy Birthday John. I hope it's all cake, no wreck!

  7. Lisa wood relly like a bok or a colander. Thnk you and Hippy Burfday.

  8. Happy Birthday, John! Today is my dad's birthday as well. Now, off to find him a gift... Well, I guess cake always works!

  9. Happy birthday to Jon (the giver-with pasties)!

  10. So this is totally how I just read the post..."blah, blah, blah...Free stuff!!"

    Just kidding...I saw it was Shrek's birthday. :)

  11. I love pasties! Happy Birthday John!

  12. "Grrreeet job don-kay!"

    ...You made me laugh out loud in a study-only computer lab. And yes, Cake Wrecks is relevant to my studies. It teeches me how to speall corecactly! =3

  13. Happy Birthday John! Pasties and tea what a way to start a morning!


    I hope you have a super sexy birthday with many pasties in your direct view!!

  15. Happy Biiiirrrrthday Mister Preeesssident... (deep shoulder action) Mmmmm...Pin-Up Pasties! Now THAT'S a birthday present!

  16. Happy birthday, John! And today is my birthday, too.

    Scorpios Rule! Or, would that be Scorpios Rool! today?

  17. Rarrrr....pasties for only a dollar? Why stop at buying only two? Happy Birdday John!

  18. Hey John!

    Happy birthday! It must be a special event- I hear they only happen once every year!

    Sara O.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Edible pasties sounds like a very marketable idea.

  21. Many years ago, my family was on a vacation in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. "Pasties" are popular there, and we saw one sign for a food place named "The Queen's Pasties." My brother and I nearly giggled ourselves to death for the rest of the trip.

    (Pasties, by the way, are something like what we in Texas call empanadas. Unless you're in a strip club, where they're something different.)

  22. In my best Marilyn voice "Happy Birthday Mr. Cake Wrecks....Happy Birthday to yoooouuu!"

  23. P.S. Hippo Birdie two ewes, John.

  24. Sexiest two comments? I'm not very good at sexy. Can I just tell you a funny joke?

    A priest, a rabbi, and a duck walk into a bar and they all say "Ow."


  25. Hoppy Burfday John! I hope those pasties are edible...or at least easy enough to digest! -Your newest crazed fan, Katy.

  26. May you have a wonderful birthday and may Jen find pasties at the low low price of just $1!!! (Which would still kind of be in the realm of something for John...)*wink wink*

  27. The happy ear day cake (combined with the general sexiness of the post) makes me think of the Family Guy episode where people are having ear sex.

  28. Whicakis. That's my word verification for this post. I originally had a much funnier comment planned, but what is funnier than whicakis?

    (Say it like Sherk. Go on. See? Whiiiii cakis! It's hilarious).


    Whaaaat, I'm talking about *small* *cakes*. Sheesh, wreckies!

  29. Happy Birthday, John! Today is also my mom's birthday, my stepdad's birthday, AND my nephew's birthday! It's a busy day, today! Oh, and my stepdad's name is John.

    Anyways, now my inner thoughts all sound like "Sherk". "DON-KAY!"

  30. Well I was going to leave a sexy comment, but the comment box absolutely refuses to wear fishnets and a thong . . . so I guess you'll have to settle for this, which isn't really sexy unless you count the fact that it includes the word sexy 3x and also the words fishnets and thong . . .

    Yeah. Happy Birthday.

  31. Happy birthday!

    You really must try pasties if you haven't already. They're delicious. Vegetarian ones are best (and yes, I know how strange that sounds).

  32. International misspellings are the best. Happy Burma.

  33. Happy Birthday John!!!! hope its a good one.

  34. Happy Birthday John!!

    PS-what are the Epcot Canadian Nazi carrots??

  35. Wahoo! Free stuff! Happy b-day John :)

  36. Happy birthday, John! My "brithday" is on Friday, so it's a great week!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Happy Birthday John!! Have a great day!!

  39. What can I say? By entering this contest I'm attempting to "cease the moment".

  40. Brandy's birthday is a week away. It's like John and Brandy are third-person-talking-separated-at-birth twins!! And Brandy is going to turn 40--she's very excited about that!

  41. I have to stop reading these in the morning, it makes me hungry for cake! Even misspelled Scottish accented cake.

    Happy Birthday!

    And you know what is sexy?

    Not pasties. In the British sense you may as well just go for haggis...

  42. Happy Birthday! Just found your blog recently and have been hooked ever since!!

  43. Okay, sorry about this but, being Irish, I have no understanding of 'pasties' beyond the meat-and-potato-pastry-thing. Would anyone care to explain? I feel I am missing out on the joke.
    Oh, and Happy Birthday John!

  44. Happy Birthday! Its the start of my Birthday month...and yes I celebrate ALL month long!

  45. Happy Birthday! Just found your blog last week and have spent countless hours laughing ever since! Thanks!!

  46. To day is you're birhtday, da na nananananana! I'm shimmying. That's as sexy as it gets.

  47. There's nothing sexier than pasties in the morning. Do you think $2 hookers can afford $1 pasties? Just askin.....

  48. Hey Caaaake Boooooyyyy! (Done in my best sing-songy voice.) Hope you have a smooth-as-silk, luscious, butter-creamy birthday....mmmmmmmmm........buttercream!

  49. Remember it's not what the cake says, it's how it tastes. But then again, HPPY BITHDAY!

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Happy birthday John! *eyebrow waggle*

    As a Canadian, I am deeply concerned about these Canadian Nazi carrots being sold by Epcot! Haha. However, as a Canadian, I am required by our politeness laws to never mention it in a disapproving tone of voice.

  52. Happy Brithday with
    "Sprinkles" on "Top"

    Excellent post as usual. May your birthday cake be non-wrecky and, more importantly, DELICIOUS.

  53. Happy Falker Satherhood!.....with sprinkles. :)


  55. Happy birthday, John!

  56. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you get everything you ummm...want.
    (I think I can hear Jen's eyes rolling from here!)

  57. I thought they were supposed to be sexy posts..... in which case, notably, the Marilyn Monroe thing to "Mr. President" coincidentally, also a John, has been done. hrmph.

    So I'm just gonna say can I win please just so I can donate it to my library where the copy of your book-which I convinced them to buy-has been "lost"....aka someone stole it and now no one else gets to love it. Also hrmph. (for the record, it wasnt' me, I already have my own copy).

  58. Happy Birthday John and a bow-chicka-wow wow to you!

  59. Oh good grief, John. I now have images of exotic dancers wearing British meat pies dancing through my brain.

    Happy Birthday!

  60. Q: What are the sexiest animals on the farm?

    A: Brown-Chicken-Brown-Cow
    (said in 'bow-chicka-bow-wow' type of way)

    My farmer friends love this joke :) Happy Birthday John!

  61. John, Jen is a lucky woman. She has a man who loves cake, puns, and power tools. Now that's sexy!

    "Hapy" birtday!

  62. In the words of Michael Scott, Happy Bird Day, John!

  63. Hey, John, if I win a book, will you sign it too? Gotta have the birthday boy's sig, too!

  64. a great date always includes pasties!

  65. Happy Birthday John!!!

  66. I got engaged on Saturday, and am getting married in July. A cake-wrecks book or calendar would give me some great ideas of what not to do for the wedding!

  67. There's got to be some perfectly wrecked day of the dead cakes out there, right?

    Oh yeah, and happy birthday. =D

  68. Happy birthday to you,
    Squashed tomatos and stew,
    Bread and butter in the gutter,
    Happy Birthday to you!

    A nice British version for you. On the British note, Cornish Pasties are lovely meat filled pastry which the miners used to take down the mines for lunch. They even had a fruit filled end for 'dessert'! I have no idea what Jen's pasties are like but I hope they have the same grab handles that the Brits ones do!!!! ;-)


  69. Harpy bipday Jim! May all your pasties be chery flavored! Lol

    Laura R.

  70. I've got a headache. Happy birthday, funny man!

    wv:sivegis- russian for pasties

  71. Happy Birthday!!!
    Cease the moment!

  72. To go international for your birthday, here is my rendition of a French birthday wish Cake Wrecks style (and I'm sorry to my high school French teacher in advance): "Bone Onnyvaresayre John. (in script with sprinkles)" oddly enough, that kinda sounds like it would go well with some birthday pasties! (grrr) ;) Happy Birthday!

  73. Happity Burfday John!! Jen is soooo very lucky to have you as a husband she should buy you some pasties for your birthday. I am from michigan and pasties are meat pies. Although if you are not familiar with this and see a sign that reads "king Arthur's Pasties"..It makes you wonder what exactly he is wearing under that robe?????? Have a fun filled day with Jen..I am sure you can think of something to do. ;)


  74. haha, hilarious....pasties....that's pretty cheap! You should stock up! Happy birthday!!

  75. In the perpetual land of cake wrecks, they were forced to eat Robin's pasties. And there was much rejoicing. Yay!

    HapE Burfday!
    ~Erin Sanders

    wv: gatalens - I gatalens it to you, great post today!

  76. Today is my birdthay too!! Happy Birdholq to us!

  77. Hppy Birfday Sexxxaayyy! (Jen, I'm kidding) please...Don't shoot me!! :)

  78. Happy Birthday!
    Here's a birthday joke for you!

    What's the difference between light and hard?
    You can make love with the LIGHT off...

    Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week... try the fish!

  79. The real trick is getting the pasties to spin in opposite directions...

    If you can manage that with the pork ones it's nothing short of hypnotic!

  80. Buying pasties from a bakery....Well, Maybe they'd taste better than those edible underwear!

  81. SEXIEST comment. Oh, and happy birthday to John!

  82. Homina, homina, Happy Birthday, John!!! Hubba hubba!

  83. Oooh, I want to win! Oh yeah, and happy birthday and stuff. :D

  84. *boom-chik-a-wow-wow*
    John's eyebrow might get him into trouble one day, waggling like that. My cakes are all a-quiver over here!
    Happy Anniversary of Your Natal Day, John, and use that eyebrow waggle with caution!

  85. The laughter that is occurring in my cubicle right now might get me in trouble, but I'll take that risk! Happy Birthday John!

  86. With all due respect to Jen, happy birthday to the sexiest man alive: John. Why is John not on the cover of People since he is the sexiest man alive? Travesty!

    OK--that HAS to be the sexiest comment because all of the magazine articles written about how to be sexy emphasize that women need to make men feel as though they are the sexiest man alive. Plus, in the second part of my comment, I stayed with your 3rd person ref, which shows I pay attention.

    Please, oh please, let my sexiness win me a signed book. Sincerely, a HUGE (and sexy) fan of Cake Wrecks.
    Huge in the figurative sense.

  87. Well, Happy Birthday John. May your pasties always be tasty.

  88. pasties also come in pumpkin flavor! just ask harry potter.

  89. Scorpios are sex-ay :) (I know because I'm one too!) Happy birthday, Husband o' Jen!

  90. Did you know today is Cookie Monster's birthday, too? You want cookie? Happy Birthday John!

    Yesterday was my birthday.. and Hello Kitty's.

    Random fun facts for you.


  91. Here's my sexy comment. Male. Female. Happy birthday.

  92. Happy Birthday! I love reading the posts every day, they crack me up!

  93. Happy Birthday John! Love this site! You & your wife do such a great job. Hope your day is marvelous!

  94. Hoppi Birfdai! May all your pasties be cheap (and edible)!

    My kids look at me in wonder every morning as I sit at the computer and giggle...but my husband is less than enthused about the effect Cake Wrecks has on my grammar and diction! Thanks!

  95. I'm hungry, can I have some of your birday cake?

  96. Sue says John did a great job and deserves an extra piece of cake (or perhaps a special pasty) for his birthday

    :=) Sue Antinoro

  97. Perhaps on the Earth Day one the decorator was dictating to an apprentice when they were attacked by the "black beast of earrrrrrr"

    Sorry, not sexy at all, but I can't pass up the chance to make a MP reference.

  98. Look! No--over HERE! I'm wag wag waggling! And not just my eyebrows! Could it be something tasty, perhaps?

  99. Celebreat all week!! Yay!!! Happy Brithday!!! ;)

  100. Gratulerer med dagen, John!
    (foreign languages are always sexy, don't you think?)

    Best wishes, hope Jen spoils you to death!

  101. Happy Birthday John! I hope you get lots of cake and that at least one of them is completely messed up or inappropriate!

  102. I am trying to figure out what is meant by "sexy" comments but I am an actual and factual burlesque dancer so I can say I know something about pasties! That's the kind that hide turkey timers (great analogy huha, lol) not the meat pie type. Does this qualify? LOL Oh and Happy Bday John!

  103. In Jen's best Barry White voice dressed all steampunkish "Oh shirk it babeee, shirk it all night lonnnnnggggg! (brief pause) Oh well, you did a greet job anyway Sir John, Lord and Master. Now get typing and posting! Oh yeah... and happy earday, no cake for you." Whip crack heard throughout the land. Then John says " yes dear"


  104. Since I have an earache today, I felt the "Happy Ear Day" cake was meant especially for me!!

    Also, I dreamt last night I won something, so I'm taking it as an omen. Of course, in the dream it was $1100.00, but a Cake Wrecks book or calendar would be almost as good!

    Hoppy Burpday, John!! Hope it's so good, it's all piping and no fondant! Oh, and absolutely no CCC *ptooie!*

  105. Happy Birthday to John! A short story:

    You walk into a darkened room. The smell of frosting is in the air and you can't help but get excited.

    You lick your lips in anticipation, not knowing what will come next. A flash of colour draws you closer although you can't quite make out what you are seeing. It's so hot in here that you loosen your tie.

    What will come next?

    As your tie falls to the ground, you let out a little moan.

    The icing smell is permeating the air and the cupcake fantasy you dreamed about last night appears to be coming true.

    Your hands are sweaty and you are trembling as you move closer to the light.

    There in front of you is something that makes you go wild! Your heart starts racing as you look down and see:

    A cake.

    It says: Heeepy B DAY Johnnes!

    You think back to your cupcake fantasy as your swipe a finger in the icing and taste it's sweetness.

    Sometimes reality is better than fantasy.

    Happy B-Day John!

    P.S. As a sex writer, I could have made that waaaayyy dirtier. lol!! :)

  106. Now Now...just wait a min. If you're going to "legitimize" the pasties with comments of English meat pies, then I must protest, yes, FIRMLY protest the inclusion of the GREET JOB. Every time I go to Wally Mart I see someone who is doing a GREAT Job in their GREET JOB. Wally world greeters need cakes too. (Even though it really wasn't a cake, but really a big frosted cookies, but saying 'greeters need cake' sounds so much better than 'greeters need big frosted cookies.')

    That said, Happy Birthday, John! Have a big frosted cookie on me, and when I say 'on me' (eyebrow wiggle) I am not saying anything other than ...this is getting complicated. Eat some cake. Celebrate. Send me a free goodie. Yeah, that works....

  107. I happen to really like pasties, so yea. Either way, $1 seems like a deal to me. >.>

    Happy birthday, John.

  108. Bow chica wow wow.... strippers for your birthday!.. wait no that would be a wreck too. Let's stick to the CW shall we?

    Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you.Happy Birthday dearrrrrrr John. Happy Birfday tooo yew!




    Valorie Mcphetridge

  109. Happy you!
    Happy you!
    Happy BIRTHDAY......dear John!
    Happy you!

    The dots are where you pause to imagine shimmying and booty shaking.

    Sexy enough?

  110. Scorpios are THE sexiest people ever. (I know because I am one - my birthday is 11/13.) Happy birthday to a fellow SAxY Scrapio!

  111. HappY! BirthdaY! Hope no one delivers you a meatloaf-baby!

  112. On your birthday, I like-a to make a cakey time with you.

  113. I hope the British definition of pasty and the American one never meet in a single item of apparel.

    Although there is probably someone out there who would find that sexy, and a new market for edible, stick-on (with flour & water paste?) pasties would be born.

  114. Well I'm wondering what constitutes a sexy comment... so... um.. pasties, pick me, pasties..

  115. Gee I wonder if Janet Jackson should have bought those pasties instead of the ones she wore at the Superbowl? Just thinking out loud.....

    Happy Birthday!!

  116. Happy Birthday John!!

    By the way: the purple "Greet Job" cake looks just like the Walmart roll back face! Maybe they meant it for their door greeters and just didn't have enough yellow dye?... no?... I tried. =)

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Hppy bBirlday John!

    May your evening resemble the love between a carrot and its jockey.

    Yeah I'm just gonna leave that image riiiiight there.

  119. Happy birthday! I love your blog!

  120. Happy Birthday John! My gift to you is a sexy joke:

    What are the two sexiest animals on the farm?

    Wait for it......

    Brown Chicken, Brown Cow

    Have a "Greet" Day!

  121. You guys always know how to make my day!!

    Hapy Brihday John!

  122. Happy birthday! May your cake be as naked as you like it!

  123. Hippo Birdies two ewe
    Hippo Birdies two ewe
    Hippo Birdies deer John
    Hippo Birdies two ewe!

    (sing while making a duck face)

  124. It's my Birthday today toooooo! I am 53! Happy Birthday to you! I Love Cake Wrecks - it never fails to crack me up!

  125. I'm sure it's been clarified (and I'm also fairly sure they meant 'pastries') but maybe they meant Cornish pasties?

    Pronounced with a soft (like cat) a?

    And my captcha was 'fiesces'.

  126. Sto lat, sto lat, John!
    (Poles have sexier birthdays.
    Just ask the sausage.)

    Not really sexy?
    Maybe it needs more sprinkles.
    Sto lat anyway!

  127. Forget about the past, you can't change it. Forget about the future, you can't predict it. Forget about the present, I didn't get you one..HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANYWAY!

    How do I make a post sexy? Do i Flutter my eyes..... put my lips. Ok nothing is worth the wrath of Jen! I would still love a giveaway [hint: book]

  128. It's my Birthday toooooooo! I am 53 today. Happy Birthday to you! I Love Cake Wrecks - never fails to crack me up!

  129. Happy Brithday!

    What are Canadian Nazi Carrots?

    And can I participate if I live in Germany?

  130. Shrek accent AND eyebrow waggling? I'm swooning.

    Tell you what- I'll swing by, cook dinner for the two of you (including dessert with no misspellings), clean up the whole thing, mow the lawn, take out the trash and any other chores that need done.

    Now THAT'S sexy...

  131. haPpy Brithday in blue. "With sprinkles!"

  132. *the lights are dim*
    *soft sexy music plays*

    From the heavy mist of seduction emerges a figure...(cough cough, waves arms in front of face)

    "Oh, hey there. So a regular pumpkin spice latte and a large toffee mocha, extra sprinkles. Could I interest you or your lady in one of our meaty pasties today? No. Alright, that'll come to $7.69. Your order will be at the end of the counter. And sir? Could you please stop with the seductive mist? It's really hard to see the espresso machine."

  133. Happy Birthday, John!
    I'm wondering about those "pasties" for sale... What if someone bought meat pasties, and tried to use them as the uh, *other* kind of pasties? It sounds like an Amelia Bedelia kind of mix up.
    I digress, as usual. Heppy Barfday!

  134. Happy Ear Day!!! Bring on those pasties!

  135. Oh John, those eyebrow waggles...I can only imagine them with a tilt of the 70s porn mustache I see you sporting...

    Do I make you horny baby; do I?? Eh??

  136. "Happy Brithday" John! Hope its' Greet!
    -Laura M.

  137. Felicitious birth anniversary!

    Eat your carrot riding baby with joy and humor.


  138. Happy Birthday John! You did a Greet Job!

  139. Hoppy Birfday Jon!
    Mony Hapy Retums.

  140. Hey, Aramis Troche- yesterday was MY birthday too! What happened 9 months ago?

    Either way, happy b'day John!

  141. Happy irthday, John! Thank you for brightening our unbirthdays, everyday. ...The editor in me is celebrating by ignoring misspellings and adding some of my own, so menny appy returns to you! That's a pretty good present, eh? EH?

    wv: wudizatu - the best misspelling of 'birthday' I've ever seen.

  142. it's my birthday too!
    i believe john and i should combine our forces of nov 2nd-ness to stop the politcal ads and phone calls.
    that is our present to the rest of you.
    you're "welcome".

  143. pasties are delicious! Hapy birthday!

  144. Yesterday was my birthday! There were wardrobe malfunctions with many pasties involved!! ;)

  145. Hey baby, how 'bout you bring those pasties on over here. What? these aren't pies! I thought you'd bring pie. ;-)

    Have a Happy Birthday Anyway!

    Who sure does love her meat pies...*sighs* and thinks wistfully of New Zealand.

  146. Happy birthday, you great big hunk of cheesecake! Wishing you a year full of carrot jockeys and baby cake...

  147. Happy birthday! Always sherk maroon pasties ... I've heard they're liable to carry a wrecked gene in them somewhere!

  148. Happy birthday John! Always sherk the maroon pasties ... I've heard they're liable to carry a wrecked gene!

  149. Ros said...
    "Okay, sorry about this but, being Irish, I have no understanding of 'pasties' beyond the meat-and-potato-pastry-thing. Would anyone care to explain? I feel I am missing out on the joke."

    In Britain, Ireland, Canada, and some parts of the U.S., a pasty is something like this .

    But in the U.S., the more common meaning of "pasty," and especially the plural, "pasties," is something like this
    or these .

    Thus all the hilarity over the name.

  150. I Voted!! (now, that is Sexy!!)

    Oh, and Happy Birthday Week!!

    CHayes :o)

  151. "comment...comment" purrrrrr.....

  152. Happy BJ!

    Yeah, that stands for "Birthday John." What were you thinking? ;)


  153. I'M SO SEXY TOOOOOOOOOOO! Pick me, pretty please!

    Kittens and rainbows (and poorly-spelled cakes),


  154. Hey, it's my daughter's birthday this week as well! She likes her half-birthday better though, this year I'd made her a cannibal meatcake with little meatcup villagers. It was awesome.

  155. Happy Birthday John --

    My husband also was disappointed when I said I was bringing pasties home for dinner and I'd show up with meat pies from the bakery.

  156. Happy Birthday! In honor of the occasion...

  157. Dear John, For your birthday, I'm frosting my epcots with nazi pasties so your carrot can jockey to Canada and back! Want me to blow out your candle for you? ;)


  159. Hey John, it's MY birthday too! Hope you're having a very happy birthday.

    (p.s. pasties are delicious, would you prefer cheese and onion or Cornish?)

  160. How gracious you are on your Birthday!

    May your B-day be filled with Pasties and Cake ;)

  161. You must have been waxing poetic on the "Happy Ear Day" cake...*sorry*

  162. Umm, this is a little weird, since I'd be more qualified to make such a comment for Jen, but John, I really want a book. I like books, so, I'll check my pride at the door, ready? Okay:

    You can really frost my cake! Oh, you hot cake guy, you know how to make icing HOTT! Let's have a slice of your creamy filling and why don't we add some ice cream for a little more fun. I think your carrot jockey is showing, cupcake! don't forget to blow out the candles! Happy Birthday!

    ugh, I feel dirty.

  163. Happy Birthday and thanks for sharing the cake, John! Congratulations also on sharing a birthday with my niece, who is a pretty rockin' 10-year old today!

  164. Happy birthday, John! I hope you get your carrot jockied. *eyebrow waggle of my own*

    Also, it's my birthday too. No foolin'.

  165. I don't know about you, John, but meat pies are the kind of pasties Laura wears... happy birthday!


  166. From one saxy Scropio to anthre, hapy brithdy!!!!! Did I get your pasties all hot and bothered???

  167. And a very happy briday to you, John (hubby of Jen)!!!! I wonder if you can get some pasties for Ear Day, too.

  168. I'm, too sexy for your cake, too sexy for your cake,
    Cake's going to leave me...
    I'm too sexy for your wreck, too sexy for your wreck,
    So sexy it hurts!

    And I do my little turn on the CAKEwalk,
    Yeah on the CAKEwalk, on the CAKEwalk,
    Yeah I shake my little tushy on the CAKEwalk...

    That's enough. :-)
    ~ Cynthia

  169. Happy Birthday, John! Many more, and lots of cake - with sprinkles.

    I used to work at a pasty (soft "a") shop in the UP of Michigan (I am now a vegetarian and make my pasties with tvp - and rutabagas). I used to get the giggling and eye-rolling about "pasties" all the time!

  170. I am wearing my "sexy" face. If you were stalking me, you would be able to see it right now!

  171. Happy Birthday John! Its my husband's birthday too. Great day for winning something!

  172. Today is my son's birthday. He's 8. Yeah, I know, it's not sexy, but since y'all seem to share the same sensibilities, I thought I'd chuck it in anyway. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ETHAN!!!!! Oh, & John.

  173. I always like to cease the Ear Day and enjoy a few pasties after doing a greet job on that awesome Sherk cake while thinking of wishing John a sexy birthday!! Have a good one John!!! I hope Jen gets you the wreckiest cake she can find!!

  174. Happy Birday John. Hope Jen gets you some meat pasties ;)

  175. I hope you have a Greeet Birthday John.

  176. Were the pasties on sale for National Breast Cancer Awareness month? It would only stand to reason. $1.00 pasties with every mammogram. YES!!!


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