
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Forget Your "P"s and "Q"s...

...some of us need to start minding our "L"s and "F"s.

[Warning: Parents, clear the room of innocents!]

One cake, two drastically different meanings:

Yes, yes, I know it's an "L." Well, kind of an L/F hybrid, really. In fact, you might say if L and F got together, had a few drinks...



Ok, then.

Good juck?

Eh. I got nuthin'.

This, on the other hand, is giving me a little too much:

Go ahead, Wreckerator. Tell us how that's an "L."

Or better yet, why don't we all go over the importance of keeping certain letters separated?

I bet that's one office send-off Janet will never forget.

And btw, I love that the Wreckerator threw in the towel at the "J."

Like, s/he was all, "Let's see, I nailed that capital L, but man, I dunno if I can pull off the J! Huh.

Ah, screw it."

Thanks to Caitlin B., Christopher P., Chrissy G., Robin S., who agree that all performance reviews should be written in frosting.


Giveaway update: Our week of give-aways continues with winners Mamakitty, Mak, Jyl & Morganbard and our Facebook winners are Grace Holewinski and Elizabeth Johnson! Congrats, guys, and please e-mail us your mailing addresses.

Remember to leave a comment on this post for a chance to win your choice of an autographed copy of Cake Wrecks or the new Cake Wrecks wall calendar. Also watch our Facebook page for daily chances to win exclusive CW pin packs!
All winners will be announced in tomorrow's post.


  1. I could pretend I have something witty to say, but I think you've nailed it. Really, I just want the book.

  2. good luck to you too!

  3. In fairness, I don't think the last one would have been as bad if the frosting string hadn't broken. It's that little bit of break between the bottom and the connector that make it look more f-ish than l-ish.

    Ahh, who am I kidding. It was going to look like an f-bomb even if the line had connected through.

  4. And people say my hand writing is bad. At least my L was never mistaken for an F

  5. Oh my goodness--their English teachers must be cringing! Seriously, why not just print if you don't know cursive?

  6. I'm a college student and if I win the calendar I'm hanging it up on my wall!! What a way to help me keep track of all of my tests. :P

    Sara O

  7. That last one needs to be part of a sexual harassment workshop or something....

  8. Really...if only they had frosted those Ls a little straighter, they'd have been fine.

    *shakes head*

  9. Well, you know ... if said by the right person, those two sentiments can be equally flattering.

  10. Good truck to me!

    WV: Muffe. I just won't go there.

  11. Its not the book i wanna win, i have two already! but i want those darn pins on facebook!! they're basically the most adorable things I've ever seen. Ever. Seen.

    Buuut anyway, i loved that post. Course I love all of them, but whatever.

    Oh, and word verification? Vagcake. Sounds nice huh?

  12. Good book. Good, ah, luck. It's all good.

  13. Commenting in hopes of winning cuz I love you guyz and epbot too. I bought a cakewrecks book last Christmas for my SiL and foolishly didn't get myself one. How awesome would it be to have an autographed one (or calendar)? AWESOME!! ^_^ Thanks as always for making me giggle and sometimes outright guffaw (I think my all-time favorite (for now) has to be Inspiration vs. Perspiration.

  14. You know it almost makes more sense if the first one really was an "F." Otherwise that "wow..." seems really sarcastic.

  15. Wow, just wow. This just illustrates the need to read over your work, no matter what!

    Oh, and I really want to win! It would this week turn out a whole lot better.

  16. The ellipsis after the "wow" in the first cake makes me read it as a sarcastic compliment of someone's, um, "skills." *Giggle*

  17. I just want a calendar :D

    Actually, I'm a little jealous, nobody's ever given me a cake for a good ..... err .....luck.

  18. I know some people who would consider these cakes complimentary...

  19. I just love checking in sometimes several times a day just to read the post and look at the wrecks!! makes my day every day!-Melissa hayden

  20. Those must have been really embarrassing to serve.

    captcha: wandeds

    Poor office workers, all dey wandeds was some cake!

  21. Happy Birthday, John! I really want a book!! :)

  22. Wow, no matter how well I thought I did, I've never had someone get me a cake as congratulations. Sometimes a drink or two, or occasionally a movie, but that's usually beforehand...
    Sad thing is, I'd start making the suggestion, but then I'd get depressed by either the existance of too much cake or not enough cake! :P

  23. When I glanced at the first cake, I thought it said "Good Suck." Guess that's not much better, is it?

  24. Reminds me of a line in the Elvis Costello song Love Went Mad: "I wish you luck with a capital 'F'".

    If only I had the guts to use it.

  25. Gosh, I *may* have been told that in the past, but I never got a cake for it! Bet he ate the cake himself....

  26. I work at a religious institution. I want one of those cakes, just to see people's heads explode and try and laugh it away.

  27. They should make all wreckerators take mandatory handwriting classes!

  28. Thank you sooooooo much for the daily laugh!!!

  29. I don't get why they would use a cursive "L" (quotation marks intended) when none of the other letters were cursive...

  30. I hope my office doesn't get me a good luck cake.

  31. Nothing is more versatile than cake, whether you're moving on to a new job or just saying "Thanks for...well, you know."

  32. I usually send the funniest of these to our Foods & Nutrition teachers to show their classes how NOT to decorate a cake. In the interest of keeping my job, I think I'll pass today... If I win the calendar, it will give lots of under-appreciated teachers a daily laugh! Good juck to me!

  33. Best. Cake. Ever.
    I think if I were Janet, I would be quite flattered.

    and I just wanted to say that this is the best LUCKING blog out there!

  34. This post reminds me of a good friend of mine who tried to tell me how much a hoodie cost one day. Her internal spell check was apparently turned off and she proclaimed that the hoodie was worth twenty-five... well, you get the drift.
    One expensive hoodie if you ask me!

  35. I want to see the recipients faces as they see their cake. SO funny!


    After having dental work they ask what is cooking for lunch, "ses supe?"

  36. Hoping to win, maybe f/luck will be on my side :)

  37. "i"Go ahead, Wreckerator. Tell us how that's an "L."

    That had me LOL. IRL. Haha.

  38. I needs me a calendar!!

    Karen Tompkins

  39. The L in the Janet Cake doesn't even have a bottom line to it... even if the letter "u" hadn't been so close, it still wouldn't have looked right :)


  40. I've had boyfriends I could have given these cakes to...

  41. Wow... Imagine explaining that one to your husband... No really honey, the cake decorator just messed up the L for L-U-C-K..see? Because I was leaving????

    Anyways, I would love to win a calendar with sprinkles!!!!


  42. This made me smile. And wonder how much trouble I'd get in at work if the bakery were to make that mistake on a cake I would order for the office. And if it would be worth it just for the laugh of watching everyone studiously try to pretend it's an L.

  43. Reminds me of a telemarketer I knew who used to end his calls with "F* you very much", because he said no one ever caught him doing it and it made him feel better. Yeah...

  44. Oh man, I never thought about this risk regarding the dying art of cursive writing!!!

  45. Wow...I can't imagine a bakery actually letting those cakes out of their door!

  46. Can I be the official offended commenter today, huh, can I? Please?... What? I have to threaten to never read Cakewrecks again?...I can't do that...Oh, well. Someone else will have to be offended then.

    wv: crombs. After we eat these cakes with f-bombs, all that will be left are the crombs.

  47. I just can't imagine that the wreckerator didn't notice the mistake. Maybe they're conspiring and doing it on purpose because they're disgruntled and know that they'll end up on cake wrecks no matter what they do!

  48. Most of those are questionable but the last doubt!

  49. I read you daily to see what is up in the cake world! Also can't walk through the grocery store without a quick look at the cake department in hopes of spying my own Wreck...

  50. As someone from the Emerald Isle, I must say you really can't top the luck of the Irish. ;)

  51. They all forgot to put "in China" after "good luck".

  52. I'm going to wish myself "Good *UCK" on winning the contest today! Either way I'm a winner, see?!

    W/V: herfeo - Winning that autographed CW book would sure make herfeo great!

  53. Capital L, Capital F they're all the same... Although in defense some of the capital Ls are a bit crooked and make them look f-like...

  54. Just what I needed to happily end my worst Lucking day ever.

    Thank goodness for cake wrecks or I don't know if I would have survived today.

  55. its amazing how something so trivial can have such an effect... brilliant! i wonder if sometimes they do it on purpose. i know i would, just to mess with people.

  56. Did anyone else get a Rocky Horror Picture Show tune stuck in their head after reading that last cake or am I the only one?

  57. I need you to pick me since I have already bought 2 of your books and let friends "borrow" them and I never get them back cause they let someone else borrow them! I need my book!

  58. Hey Jen,
    You rock! I'm amazed that such a simple concept can keep me laughing out loud EVERY DAY. Amazed.

    WV: balar. "Balar! 'Rinna needs you to focus on those tutu twirls."

  59. Wow, I have always wanted a cake commemorating my abilities... Never mind!!!

    WV: jugen
    These cakes sure are jugen a private part of bedroom lives.

  60. Gud £uck with your contest, Jen! I hope I whin


  61. Would it be worse if they really weren't supposed to be L's?

  62. I can think of some people that I could send these cakes too. :-)

  63. I wish I could use this one in my classroom (I use many, many of your posts to stress the importance of spelling/word choice to my high school English students). And, to be honest, share the laugh!

  64. Maybe it's like when you read a fortune from a fortune cookie, and you add "in bed" after you read it.

  65. Ah, but the real question is, which of these "ambiguous" letters is intentionally so?

    This reminds me of an AP history teacher in my high school (too many years ago) who got her PhD from a prestigious southern university at a time when "too-educated" women were frowned upon. Her first and middle names were "Shirley Louise." For some reason, right there on the parchment, these were spelled "Shitley Louse."

    You be the judge. In my book, that really takes the cake. (Get it? "Takes the cake"... oh, oh, forget it.)

  66. well thats one way to mark a morning after.....I can see it now. hey it was a good night last night...I had this cake made to commemorate the event.

  67. I love sharing your posts with my son. Not this one, though.

  68. I love your blog! I hope I have some good juck and win a calendar so I don't have to look at another golf course calendar all year...again..just like the past few years!!

  69. Well, if they dont work at the office party, they'll make EXCELLENT bachelor/bachelorette cakes

  70. If these are good-bye cakes, maybe it's a subtle (?) way of telling the departing soul to "Luck off." (See what I did there?)

  71. bet your comment load is going through the roof!

  72. Wow, I've written on ALOT of cakes, but I don't think my co-workers would let me live down a Good FLuck.... consider this WalMart Bakery employee fairly warned!

  73. This is my new favorite post. Go Janet ;)

  74. Bwahahahaha! I needed a good laugh, this morning.

  75. If these are congraDulating someone for a good time (wink, wink, nudge, nudge), how do they know to buy the cake in advance? Or is it a "just in case" cake? If you don't have a good *uck, you can console yourself with cake--a win/win situation.

  76. And THAT is why I never write on a cake in cursive....

  77. Holy Schnikies, Caped Crusader!

    That's some bad frostingship right there.

  78. How do we know those aren't the perfect way to celebrate a one night stand. Think how many they would (or wouldn't) sell? And people say he's just not that "in" to you, hehehe. I want the book too :)

  79. Oh, luck it! I'll never win the book or the calendar.

    And in some countries, it's standard practice to write your f like those first l's. Maybe they're leaving something tasty on the dresser instead of a $20 on the way out.

  80. The first one I was definitely seeing an L. By that last one I knew the decorators are pervs just trying to get one by us, kind of like those Disney cartoonist! ;)

  81. Believe me, I'll have all the luck I need. ; )

  82. Sort of a cursive/print hybrid that has the worst of both. Do kids even learn cursive any more?

  83. I guess it wasn't bad enough that I was on the phone with my daughter when that first cake came up. Add to that, my daughter's name is Janet. Ruh Roh!

  84. I want to summon the spirit of my second grade teacher and send her to haunt these wreckers until they complete her penmanship course.

  85. This is why I don't bother to try to write in cursive anymore. My handwriting is bad enough as is, I don't need any help with miscommunication.

  86. That first cake has a flat rate mailing box under it. Maybe they are sending it as a 'thank you' or a 'break up' cake? I dunno, just a thought.

  87. If I were a wreckerator I would say: "L"uck you, Jen. lol

  88. Is it better or worse for Janet that she was the only one retiring that day? "Wow! Good F/Luck Janet and Maria!" might be even harder to explain to one's husband...

  89. In the words of the immortal Scooby Do, "Rut Roo"!

    Happy, happy! :)

  90. And I still want the book!

  91. I've never felt so many good spirits, good compliments and well-wishes in my life! :)

    Thanks for the giveaways this week!

  92. Oh my gosh!

    and i thought my hand writing was bad!! this is why I don't decorate cakes :)

    I love your blog and read it first thing every morning!

    To Jen & John - thank you for putting so much work into a fabulous site!! Bravo!!

    and Good "L"uck!!!!

  93. heh. I love how the first cake starts with "WOW"

  94. pleaaaaaaaase, can i have a book? i promise to keep my "l"s and "f"s distinct and separated.

  95. The last one looks like they were TRYING to screw up xD I don't see how anyone could think that said 'luck'.

  96. Okay, so maybe my mind is always in the gutter, but I have to admit these raunchier posts are usually my favorites. These cakes would only be funnier if they included "light sabers" or "baseball bats." Nothing to See Here

    I love you guys. Or maybe I fove you guys, I can't read my own writing.

  97. Maybe if I wish myself "Good Juck" I'll win today!

  98. If that last one didn't look the way it did, the writing would be beautiful. Not centered, but still pretty.

  99. Wow. Please tell me that poor Janet's party was a very innocent event....

    This is EXACTLY why I don't write in cursive!

  100. Do you think the wreckerators even noticed? Oh well. Who gives a luck?

  101. Maybe Janet got around at the office, lol. -Miranda E.

  102. I'd be pretty darn proud to be the recipient of that first cake!

  103. These are just wrong.

  104. I would FOVE to have a copy of the book!

  105. Probably one of the ones that has made me laugh out loud the hardest. These were great!

  106. What's with the "vines" on the first cake? And gray icing...really??

  107. I think we should always celebrate getting "lucky" with a cake. I really want to win a calendar. But if I don't, I will buy one and pay full price for a calendar for the first time since The Far Side calendars were discontinued.

  108. Whoa... those would be interesting to present. "No, no, really! I told the baker LUCK!!"

    Biatchtsu. a new breed of Shih tzu!

  109. Well everyone likes to know how they are doing in the sack every once in awhile...

  110. At first I thought the second one was just some icing on one of those styrofoam plates. I had to look again to see it was just a really boring cake.
    Krystine M

    defullo- a word to describe the ballon animal after a week on the floor of the closet

  111. the people need some serious "luck" with their handwriting.....

  112. Because sending flowers the morning after is just too ambiguous.

  113. You guys are still freaking awesome.

  114. Obviously these people were never taught the Palmer Method.

    WV: rokinis

    Jen has the rokinis blog on the internet.

  115. Ha!! I want a "Good 'L'uck" birthday cake!! Just saying, this'd be the perfect day for it.... Unfortunately, I don't think that the five bucks I gave my husband to bring me back a birthday treat will swing it. That's right. I'm paying for my own birthday treat. It should go well with the early birthday dinner I cooked for all of us last night. Yummm.

  116. I did perform pretty well last night, wish someone had given me cake for my efforts...

  117. Yeah, I think these cakes are quite, um, complimentary, really.

    Actually, I have more trouble making a cursive "F" look like an "F". Maybe I should just start trying to write "L" instead?

  118. looks like they need to go back to the 3rd grade to learn cursive all over again!

  119. this makes me feel better, b/c i cannot write in cursive in any way! dang you engineering classes and making me write in all caps!

  120. You know, perhaps a good f*** should be celebrated with cake! Reinforcement of positive behavior, right? :)

  121. I wonder when they will all just cave and use flostam letters.

  122. What makes you think these were mistakes? I feel bad for those of you who have never received a "Good ****" cake.

  123. Wow, that's quite the commentary on Janet...

  124. I was ok until I read the last one. Note to self: never drink and cakewreck...

    ...I need a towel...and a new monitor.

  125. Too funny! That cursive L will get you every time

  126. Too funny. I hope this post brings me good luck as well.

  127. Oh, my. Looks like a bunch of wreckerators need to go back to handwriting school! You know, there's something to be said for printing instead of cursive...

  128. I always thought a gentleman was supposed to send flowers. And talk about lovely evenings, soulmates, and the other preludes to the deed.

    It's a good thing no one was trying to celebrate success through dumb luck.

  129. @earlleen

    The Palmer Method? Hmmm, my wife and I have never tried that one.

  130. tiny purple elephantNovember 4, 2010 at 12:09 PM

    Pick me John! Pick me! Pick me!

    Tiny purple elephant

    ps is anyone else watching 30 rock tonight?

  131. The only thing that would have been more apropos than that "wow" cake is one for someone starting a cigarette company. Flotsam cigarette included...

    Thanks for the laughs, Jen and John!


  132. I'm glad I put my water down at some of these. I'll be keeping this entry in mind if anyone asks me for a "Good Luck" cake. The "F" variety sounds like a cake you'd give a one night stand!

  133. Hmmm, I can think of some times I could have given someone one of those cakes. I can't say any more about it on a family web site.

  134. 137th comment, did I.
    Win a prize, should I.
    ("Sprinkles in blue" picture bottom)

  135. Hmmm...let's see. Can't make a cursive 'L'? Then PRINT it! At least they all appeared to be adult cakes. Could you imagine that on a Tinker Bell cake?!

  136. Guess these are for the guy who goes one better than making you breakfast in the morning.

  137. That last one is the sort of thing you more often see written on a restroom wall.

    WV: inessest. Nope, not going there, either.

  138. I love you, Cake Wrecks. I really really love you. Thanks for brightening my days!

  139. If I keep trying maybe I'll win!

  140. L... J... F... It's all the same, right? No? Huh.


  141. Haven't read all the comments, so I'm soooooo hoping I don't kick off any kind of epcot thing, but that first L/F looked like an S to me...

  142. Why is it every time I see "F," you see "K"?

  143. so hilarious... and the one purple and white cake looks like it's sides are covered in dried, crumbled leaves. eww

  144. I so want to learn to deocorate cakes but I'm afraid they would just end up on your site, so throw my name in the hat for the book!!

  145. No words. This post takes the cake. ;op

  146. sigh..... i never win anything.... what's the point of me ACTUALLY posting anything here.... i won't win..... however...... i must say that i am highly highly ashamed of the backers that accidentally put an f-bomb on the cakes.....

  147. Wow. I would love to get cakes like that. i would be cracking up!

  148. I wonder what Pittman (or whoever developed the cursive letter style we supposedly learned in school, with a capital Q that looked like the number 2) would have to day about this?

  149. I would say something witty...but I think you've got that covered. :)

  150. Loved today's post! Such a simple little detail, gone so hilariously awry.

    Please pick me, Jen! I REEEAAAALLLLY need a calendar for my office :) .

  151. The first two I could put down to carelessness, and the third to the DTs (if I'm being kind) - but that last one? How could you possibly write that, and not know what you'd written? I call "disgruntled employee", and hazard a guess that Janet isn't the only one planning on leaving her place of work!

  152. I wish I had a sig other so I could send him one of these cakes. Oh well, I'd settle for an autographed book. Love to you and John.

  153. Wow..I can't wait for my office send-off now! Hope I get a wreck worthy cake!

  154. my writings not great, but I have never been accused of writing bad words when they were really words like "luck"

  155. This has got to be one of the funniest wrecks *ever*.

  156. Poor Janet, and anyone else getting those cakes. I want a book too. Thanks for the laugh on this chilly Thursday!

  157. I can't believe they let those go out, especially the last one. I wonder if we had these guys watch an episode of "Laverne & Shirley" if they would learn what a cursive "L" looks like, since Laverne has one sewn to all her clothes. Hmmmm, probably wouldn't help anyway.

  158. I knew there was a reason I didn't believe in luck!

  159. I like that these folks feel so comfortable with each other as to wish each other a Good well, ya know! Of course, everyone involved is gonna end up in one of THOSE corporate conduct training courses.

  160. They're making cakes for THAT now???

  161. I already have your book...I LOVE it. Even though my copy was purchased with a broken spine, for my birthday, because it was the VERY LAST copy in the store. My husband went to THREE stores to find it for me because I was OBSESSED, RABID even.
    And I love it!
    I love you guys! Happy Birthday Week again, John! Hope you continue to have a fantastic time giving away your wife's stuff!
    --Nina Million

  162. It would be really hard to nail a witty comment to this without completely screwing it up. Maybe I'll just bang my head on the keyboard until until a good idea comes. Wish me f/luck with that!


  163. Wow...Those were freaking hilarious!! ROFL!!! Why can't I ever see any of these?

  164. Had to be careful reading this one at work in case anyone misinterpreted those cake sayings as they walked by.

    Good laugh ;)

  165. wow. I think if my husband brought me one of these cakes I'd probably forgive him being a schmuck! Sure, I could possibly overlook being called Janet for THAT compliment...

  166. I have nothing witty to say today. But I would like a book...

  167. Priceless! I can't imagine serving any of those... Way to send them off with fond memories?

    PS I'd love a calendar!

  168. The only way these could be better is if the wreckerator was trying to "reuse"/get rid of valentine's day cakes....

  169. This blog is the best part of my day! Already have the book, but would love the calendar. Hope to have a bit of good luck today!

  170. I really didn't know that one was to get this sort of cake for THAT sort of occasion...Miss Manners never mentioned THAT! Now I know...I bet my husband would get a kick out of one of these cakes :)

  171. What Jenni said in the first comment on November 4, 2010 9:32 AM... Or the calendar. Both are cool :)

  172. Ooooh, what they said! *tsk tsk* Stuff like this makes me glad I mainly print on cakes. Cursive-shmursive. Or something.

  173. Well, I thought the first one was an "S", not an "L" or an "F". Meh. About as bad :)

  174. I got to wondering maybe that one for Janet was what they actually ordered? Could this be a trend? Maybe good f/luck cakes are replacing flowers as a romantic gift after an night of passion. I like cake better than flowers......I really want this to become a trend.

  175. Brenduh from CanaduhNovember 4, 2010 at 12:48 PM

    A Cake Wrecks book would be my BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER! I will name it George and I will hug it and pet it and squeeze it...

  176. I think the first one looks like an "S", which is still naughty.


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Profanity, mean-spirited remarks, anonymous criticism & blatant advertising will not be published.

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