
Friday, November 5, 2010

Is It Just Me?

I'm just sayin'.

Hey, Donna I., what's the DEAL with those bananas?*

*That's my best Seinfeld impression. Sorry.


Congrats to yesterday's give-away winners, Kay (the under appreciated teacher), Alexa@10:52, Friday18 & Galincal! And our Facebook winners are Clairewhodat Menck & Jacob Barstow! Please e-mail us your mailing addresses, guys.

And for the rest of you, comment on this post for your last chance at winning an autographed copy of Cake Wrecks, or the new Cake Wrecks wall calendar! Also watch our Facebook page for today's chance at the exclusive CW pin packs.
(Winners will be announced in tomorrow's post.)


  1. That face is scary! But I've never liked Seinfeld, so maybe that's why I think so.

    WV: velify-- Sino-American for "verify"

  2. what's the deal with Seinfeld having boobs and a tail?

  3. I would love a copy of your book! And an autographed copy to boot? Awesome!:)
    I love this site and I check it every morning. And sometimes in the afternoon too, just in case.:) Thanks for all the laughs. :)

  4. Too funny! But I can't figure out the two big white boobs, oops, I mean blobs...Kiki B

  5. Please enter me in your contest! Would absolutely love to win your book. Thanks!!

  6. What's the deal with CCCs (patooie!) always making me want to reach for the insulin?

  7. My 2 year old saw the cake and said, "Funny...cake...monkey!" He didn't have a comment for the Seinfeld picture, though. :)


  8. ME ME ME! I so want one of these books. (but am way too cheap to buy it for myself)

  9. Naw, there's absolutely no resemblance. Now, if Jerry were sporting a tail...

    What the heck species of monkey is that supposed to be? It looks like the limbs & tail are attached with velcro and can be re-arranged at will. I want one!

  10. Wow. My son who loves monkeys was even confused by the atrocious monkey CCC.

  11. Wow! It is NOT just you. The similarities are uncanny. And your impression was spot on, as well.

  12. You have to have a certain persona to be a star, you know, and I don't have that. I'm a banana. ~ Harvey Korman

  13. Just one more cupcake here. And a little extra frosting there and voilĂ !!! Perfection. Yikes!

  14. baahaahaaahaaa!

    That was Great...

    I want to win something. Please? I lost at Trivia last night (sad face), went from first to third in the final round (wiping away tear), thanks.

  15. Hope you don't go too bananas with your week long birthday celebration! If you start running around the house in your monkey suit, I am running for the hills.

  16. Yikes - what's up with his 3rd leg? Just sayin...

  17. I'd love a calendar to help me get through the work week!

  18. trying four kids and I love looking at your blog everyday....I know they would love to have your book

  19. My husband once had a boss who introduced him at a special event as "the world's best second banana". What a cake wreck that could be...

    WV: mersi--what said boss would have been saying if I'd been able to get my hands around his throat.

  20. Please enter me in your contest! I love your site!!!

  21. The resemblance is so obvious, and so frightening! I feel sorry for the poor kid who ended up with this wreck.

    Your blog is too much fun. I only wish I could see the pictures at work. Darned overzealous school district filter!

  22. Last chance to win?! Oh no!

  23. What's the *deal* with bananas? They are basically the perfect fruit, prepackaged with no seeds to spit. That's the deal!

    Love those CWs!

  24. twins! and what's up with of that monkey?

  25. Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
    Banana phone!

  26. "And what is with all the poo flinging?"

    Seinfeld monkey is almost as scary as that "Bee Movie" Seinfeld Bee.

  27. That is one strong resemblance! Although, I bet Seinfeld would get a kick out of it!
    Would love to be entered into your contest.

  28. Ummmm.... my mind went another way with the middle of the "cake" there. A not very child friendly way.

    michelle c.

  29. The resemblance is waaaaay too creepy! Eek! -Andrea C.

  30. This blog is legit the highlight of my day!

  31. To me that looks more like Jay Leno.

  32. I would love a calendar!

  33. Sad bananas. That is all.

    Oh, and I really want to win!

  34. Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Please...sad puppy face, fluttering eye lashes...

  35. The resemblance is uncanny! Kramer was so much funnier than Jerry though.

    Kramer: Yeah, but before I met up with her, I stopped to look at the monkeys, when all of a sudden I am hit in the face with a banana peel. I turn and look and there is this monkey really laughing it up. Then someone tells me that he
    did it. Well, I pick up the banana peel and I wait for that monkey to turn around. And then I *whap* let him have it.

    Jerry: Kramer, you threw a banana peel at a monkey?

    Kramer: Well, he started it!

    Jerry: It's a monkey, Kramer!

    Kramer: Well, he pushed my buttons, I couldn't help it, Jerry.

    Jerry: Well, I still think it's wrong.

    Kramer: Alright, alright, fine. You take the monkey's side, alright, go ahead.

  36. At least it didn't look like Kramer...

  37. Would love to win. I love your website. I share it with everybody while we are sitting around waiting for our daughters at gymnastics. They love it.

  38. These BANANAS are makin' me thirsty!

  39. Wow! they look so much alike!
    and because I LOVE this blog, and Jerry Seinfeld here is a funny monkey joke:

    Q. What do you call a 2,000 pound gorilla?

    A. Sir

    haha hope I made you lol enough to win a book or calendar!

  40. Used to work at a theatre. Jerry Seinfeld did his act there one time. I had to stand guard so the incoming personnel wouldn't go down to the dressing room where he was at. As the personnel were walking in, they asked me what I was doing there. When I told them, their attitude was "As if!" He had a sold out house, though.

  41. I just wanted to say that, although I don't post comments, I have read your blog almost since the beginning. I work in a book store and it was really nice to see your book for sale there when it came out. Congrats on the success. :)

  42. wv: uttur

    The simian CCC is an "uttur" fail. I'm just sayin'.

  43. I'm always wary of food that could kill me, and that includes bananas. That's one of the scariest cakes you've ever posted.

  44. That is one ugly monkey I agree!!! And the CCC is AWFUL too....

    I would LOVE to win a calendar..

  45. For what it's worth, I did read that in Seinfeld's voice, so your impression is good enough for me!

  46. Well, you what THE DOCTOR says:

    "Always take a banana to a party, Rose. Bananas are good."

    (Right now I am listening to the fun song, "I can't decide" by the Scissor Sisters. I love going on You Tube and watching The Master sing it to The Doctor!)

  47. What a resemblance.....

    Kelly L
    from Oklahoma

  48. I mean, can you just find a banana lying on the ground? And if you did, would you eat the banana? What's the deal?

  49. What needs to be done to end the era of the CCC (patooie!)? Its getting absurd. (but thats part of the hilarity, I suppose...)

  50. i have to say, the first thing i thought of when seeing that money was "holy crap, those are a huge pair of . . ."

    or do i just have an incredibly dirty mind??

    -katie, from toronto

  51. i deserve to finally win and i *heart* bananas. that is all.

  52. The comparsion is both hilarious and creepy. I can't stop staring at that monkey face (the cake, I mean).

  53. How many legs does this monkey have? Is it a spider monkey?!

  54. that is a weird resemblance! and that calendar sounds awesome! [:

  55. Hmmmmm... maybe his wife can write a banana cupcake book next!

  56. I *DO* want to win! I do I do I do!

  57. Seinfeld endorses bananas -not mutant monkeys. It's cool, though. Common misconception.

  58. Egad that must be a GM monkey. Nature can't do that!

  59. There must be a Seinfeld frilly-shirt CCC somewhere. *shudder* Wait, nevermind, I hope not.

  60. What is the DEAL with that cake? What is it - cupcakes or a cake? The bakery needs to make up it's mind! And why does it look like me? post a picture of Seinfeld and you're also having a "contest"....hmmmmm. ;-D

    LOL@Jen Price! Kramer is hilarious!

    I'd like a wall calendar please. I am a faithful henchperson!

    wv: othors. Jen and john (the hubby of Jen) are the othors of the Cake Wrecks blog.

  61. You take the monkey's side, go ahead!

    (From this Seinfeld animation: )

  62. Jen - Look to the cookie!!

  63. LOL that was good. Thank you Jen Price, that was spot on.

  64. It's fitting that you are giving away a calender that says "Nothing" from a post referencing a show about nothing. I'm just sayin'. :)

  65. The only thing I'll give the wreckerator here is that s/he didn't resort to plastic flotsam for the face, it is made of actual icing. Though putting a human face on a monkey is mighty strange. And what's up with those appendages? The only identifiable one is the tail...

    Please, please, please pick me for your totally awesome, fantabulous, out-of-this-world CakeWrecks calendar!

    Thank you.

    WV miterti - Miterti looks better than this poo-covered CCC (ptooie!).

  66. Cupcake cake Seinfeld joke... you learn something new every day.

  67. "No Cupcake for You" **second worse Seinfeld impression

  68. you guys asking for witty comments the entire week is wearing me out!


    Thats all I got. If I win with this half hearted comment I'll be super embarassed (but happy)!

  69. Oh my! That is so funny! It took me a second, but the more you look at it the more they look alike!

  70. I love this site! It gets me through the workday :)

  71. Forget the face! I am trying to figure out it's legs....

  72. Maybe Jerry likes monkey-banana-CCC's...not that there's anything wrong with that. Yada, yada, yada...blah, blah, blah.

  73. haha that's A-Mazing! It does look like him!

  74. No more monkey business!!

    Kerri S

  75. Hmmm, I was so distracted by the cake limbs pointing off in random directions that I didn't even notice the face. Wrecky on so many levels.

  76. I would love a copy of the book or calendar. is one of my sites I go to everyday. I love the monkey and Seindfeld. Pick me to win, i never win anything.

  77. I've been reading cake wrecks for awhile now, and I would love a book! (I've recommended the site to a bunch of people too, including one person getting ready to pick wedding cakes.)

  78. I can see it... if i squint... sideways... ;P

    Not that there's anything wrong with that

  79. Gol dangit, what does it take to win the autographed book!?? It would make my day to win! :)

  80. Good post! Love the blogs and would love a goodie of some sort - calendar, book, etc....

  81. My daughter loves monkeys, but even she didn't know what to think about this one!

  82. I don't guess there's any reward in trying to make sense out of a CCC, but the resemblance is pretty striking...

  83. Pick me. Pick me. Said the banana or the poster wanting to win.

  84. I'd love a book or a calendar! Thanks for the chance.

  85. Is that what they mean when they call it a "chunky monkey"?

  86. I'd love a calendar! Love your site!

  87. I hate it when they turn cupcakes into something like that. It's horrible!

  88. I'm still trying to figure out which one's the cake!

  89. The popular "brown monkey with a banana" creeps me out...

    I'd rather see a black and white capuchin with an orange, quite honestly. Highly underrated.

  90. A co-worker just mentioned how she thought cupcake cakes were cute, and I about punched her.

  91. last chance already? I hope I win. And you are sooooo right about the seinfeld/monkey guy!

  92. What is the DEAL with cupcake cakes? They're not cupcakes, and they're not cakes!

  93. Lot of icing on the monkey there! And it does resemble Seinfeld.

  94. Not what I wanted to see this morning!

    ~Robin B.

  95. That's the most horrendous monkey CCC (patooie!) you've ever posted.

  96. Um, what's the deal with those... I don't even know what they are! Monkeyboobs??

  97. Hey Jerry, the jungle called. They're running out of bananas!

    I'd love a copy of the book! :)

  98. I was just calendar shopping yesterday. I was debating between Marc Chagal and chickens. A Cake Wrecks Calendar would certainly end the debate.

  99. Would love a book or calendar!


  100. I'm one of those folks who never understood the popularity of "Seinfeld." I think he and the monkey cake bear an excellent resemblance!

  101. I think the Jerry Monkey is kinda cool.... Put me in for winning something :) Love you

  102. I always call my little boys my monkeys...I think this post has me wanting to change that nickname!! lol

  103. HaHa! he's just trying to get away from the Bee movie lookalike. and yes, I so wants your book

  104. The fact that I did not win is Bananas! B-a-n-a-n-a-s!

  105. I'm in agreement with Dr. Who, Bananas are good! These guys are scary, but Bananas are good!

  106. I think the monkey has an arm coming out of its boobs/chest area. Just a little creepy. Maybe Jerry likes disfigured monkeys....

  107. Patedis. A dangerous infection of pate.

  108. pick me pick me pick me. is tht enough begging? Love, Love to you and John. You are both such awesome people. I enjoy both of your sites on a daily basis. "too steamy" indeed. Great wedding pics. Have a superb weekend.

  109. The extra long arm is freakin me out! And yes, there is some resemblance, wonder if it was on purpose?


  110. Maybe he's made of cupcakes too?

  111. I think that monkey needs a manzier or is it a bro?

  112. i love seinfeld! not so sure abut the cake tho...

  113. I'm ordering that cake for Festivus.

  114. I bought a copy of Cake Wrecks for my sister-in-law for Christmas, but I fell in love with it and am having a hard time convincing myself to give it up. Money is too tight to buy a second one, but if I won one then I wouldn't have to have this inner struggle.....

    Okay, enough of the pity party. Life goes on, and I am sure I will talk myself into giving it to her by Christmas.

    Love the Seinfeld monkey!!

    flededge: I got nothing....maybe it is a new kind of ledging product?

  115. Seriously, it would make my week to win the book (or the calendar)!

    I'll spare you the pity-me story, but just know this gal goes through a lot, and loves a good laugh!

  116. I'm torn between commenting, "Yadda yadda yadda," or "NO CAKE FOR YOU." So here's both.

  117. Maybe the monkey is just trying to network at a conference.

  118. I would be ecstatic to get a calendar. My husband gave me your book last Christmas and I've shared it with all my friends. It is one of my favorites!!!!!

  119. I like to eat eat eat eapeels and beneenees...and I'd also like a book...and cake. Wait this isn't santa's lap...sorry sir!


  120. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Now I need to go clean coffee off my keyboard. (Winning something for all my pain and suffering would be nice too. I mean, that was good coffee!)

  121. *batting eyes*
    Even though that never works, but a girls gotta try! BEtter then flashing you, no one needs that.


  122. I would love one of those books!!

  123. I'd love a calendar to go with my book!

  124. you're way more funny than jerry seinfeld.

  125. Gone bananas! Back soon.

    Being diabetic, I tended to stay away from the cake aisle at the grocery store. However since becoming addicted to this site, I can't resist looking for Cake Wrecks and this pseudo-technophobe may even splurge on a camera phone just to record the wrecks I find.

    Whomever invented cupcake cakes deserves to be dressed in a clown suit... shot out of a cannon....into the Pacific Ocean....near an island inhabited by cannibals.

    Hey Dud, does this clown taste funny to you?

  126. Sometimes I think decorators say, "Eh, it's just for a kid. They won't know the difference."

    But hey, they're kind of right, kids today don't know who (or what) Seinfeld is.


    p.s. I'm also imagining how horrifying this would be if it were a flying monkey...

  127. It's Jerry Seinfeld's newest role as Banana Council Spokesperson.

  128. Never having watched Seinfeld, I have to resort to another sitcom of the 90's.
    Could that monkey BE any more disformed?

    I would love win an autographed copy of your book! I think cakewrecks and epbot are SUPER awesome... In fact, in my application to Princeton, I'm listing cakewrecks as my favorite website. (true story)

  129. I'm quite intrigued by this Seinfeld- headed monkey's limb placement. Not quite sure how that monkey moves around with such wackado limbs. . . or how it copes with a hand in the middle of its' arm.


  130. My husband loves Seinfeld more than just about anything...I don't really care for it? (Sorry!)

    I have to admit that it's a little creepy seeing those pictures together. I'm going to have to take them home and let him see for himself!

    As always, love the blog!

  131. If that monkey had been decorated with a full set of teeth, it would have been a frightening doppleganger.

  132. tiny purple elephantNovember 5, 2010 at 12:07 PM

    Pick me John! Pick me! Pick me!

    Bananas are an excellent source of potassium. They make a great on the go snack as they are portable,and dont require washing or knives for peeling. Pick one up today.

    Did you know the easiest way to peel a banana is like the monkeys do. Simply squueze the BOTTOM stem and the skin will split apart easily.

    Tiny purple elephant

    love Seinfeld!

  134. I think it's the eyebrows.

  135. You'll never make a monkey outta me!!!

  136. imagine if you will a certain whiny pitch in the voice--"Why does 2% milk taste good with cake, but tastes different with cupcakes?"

    call me bananas!!

    Sam i am

  137. Hmmm...quite the resemblance there eh?

  138. I would love a calendar!

    Melting Cinderella

  139. They could be twins! I would love a chance to win the book or calendar!

  140. Best imitiation of that no-talent Seinfeld I've ever seen.... I think it even channeled his personality!

  141. Pick me! I have the book, now I need the calendar. Didn't even know there WAS a calendar until today. :)

  142. My cellular, bananular phone!

    Banana phone, ring ring ring!

  143. "Get out of here!!!!"

    But really, you are not the only one that sees the resemblance.

  144. I've been instructed to stay away from breads and NO sweets for 2 weeks, so you know I'm just dyin' for some cake... but THAT ccc (ptooey!) makes the craving flat out RUN away. Yikes.

  145. Never mind Seinfeld. That CCC Monkey is scary on its own merits.

  146. Post post post post post post post post post post post poooooooost!

  147. I'm sort of afraid, since I've been reduced to soft foods like bananas (I broke a tooth off last night)and would hate to appear as part of this ccc setup.

    WV cangshin I am trying to cangshin on the pity vote to get a calendar.

  148. I love your site... I think about it each time I go to order a cake!!! :)

  149. Hahaha! And I'd still love a book ;)

  150. If the contest is open for international readers, count me in. :o)
    Also, the Seinfeld/cake monkey resemblance is all kinds of uncanny and creeps me out.

  151. Sorry, my last post went without my name...
    As I said, if the contest is open to international readers, please count me in!!

  152. no cake for you, lol, wow, scary look alike there!!

  153. Wow....That monkey looks like it has boobs.

  154. Your blog makes me smile everyday!

  155. i woudl love a calendar... i so need a new one :)
    ugly monkey but amazing DOES look like...

  156. I'm trying to figure out what the other two pale cupcakes are for... the ones that obviously aren't part of his limbs.

    And although I am in the process of teaching my nephew to love monkeys, I now know to never get him a monkey cupcake cake.

  157. Here I go, trying again. :)

  158. Never thought I'd see a ccc actually resemble someone without really trying. The creator must have been denied soup. ;-)

  159. That CCC (bleh) creeps me out. Please enter me for the book. =)

  160. I just got a book for my birthday and would love a calendar. I take my book to my cake decorativ classes that I teach.

  161. I sure would love to win. Being that I'm home sick with a virus that my adorable plague carrier..uh mean 3 year old child has so thoughtfully given me. Since he's totally into Monkeys it seemed fitting that I enter under this "spectacular" monkey cc!

  162. Does EVERYONE on that show have a tail?!? Remember Jason Alexander's little wagging tail? Jerry's seems a bit harder to hide, though.


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Profanity, mean-spirited remarks, anonymous criticism & blatant advertising will not be published.

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