Thursday, October 28, 2010

Well, That's Horrifying

Thursday, October 28, 2010

You know, I thought eating a cake baby was wrong.

I thought it couldn't get any worse. (At least not legally.)





Michelle M., I am never eating meatloaf again.
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Anonymous said...

Urk. You're absolutely right. Horrifying. How do I unsee THAT one??? I thought the Lenin cake was nasty!

WV: ussesed: What on earth ussesed someone to think that was a good idea?

Merry at Annie's Book Stop

Mrs. Mom said...

They say Bacon makes everything better.

Gotta draw the line there! Never be able to view bacon quite the same from here on out...


Shannon said...

That is the creepiest thing I have ever seen. WHY? Why would you make a meatloaf baby??? WHY?!?!

Laura said...

omg. they could have at *least* given it pupils. Wow, horrifying is right. bleh.

Anonymous said...


Well, I can name a couple of men who would enjoy wearing bacon.

Abby said...


Nama said...

The horror. The horror.

Anonymous said...

Meat Monster.

PatrĂ­cia said...

I almost barfed my dinner out... omg. My boyfriend's reaction was worth filming, he almost jumped out of the sofa. For the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, what were they thinking???

Stella said...

well, bacon underwear is a first....

Kate Rowan said...

OMG. That is so creepy.

y said...

I think it's hysterical! But I have a sick sense of humor, and bacon is one of my favorite foods. After GOOD cake, of course.

Stoich91 said...

I. Am going. To hur- *excuse me*

Bin said...


I think I'm grateful that you didn't show it after it was cooked, though.

Amy said...

Wow. I Am I most disturbed by the bacon diaper, or the unseeing zombie eyes? I do know I am disturbed.

MochaWolf said...

That is just wrong wrong wrong!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness...Until this I'm not sure I've ever seen anything here that has made me throw up in my mouth. First time for everything!

EG said...

Oh my gosh. That's so much worse.

Meg said...

I'm horrified and really want to share this with most people. That's the problem...not everyone, just most people.
Sad thing is, it looks better than most baby cakes (artisically speaking of course)

Caroline B said...

Sweeney Todd had to have words with Mrs. Lovatt after she nearly blew their cover with her new marketing ploy.......

Anonymous said...

I have some friends who make a meatloaf man to eat for Halloween dinner every year. Course, theirs isn't as detailed or as disturbing because it's a man, not a baby. All they do is stick a knife in it and have the sauce oozing out. It's actually quite cool. That creepy!

Susie said...

That is disgusting!!!

Man Meatloaf. In bacon speedos.

Oh, this could go so many directions...


The Suburb Experiment said...

What occasion calls for a zombie baby meatloaf with a bacon diaper? I would only make this if I was trying to horrify my family into going vegetarian!

snarkygurl said...

Am I the only one who wants to see what it looks like cooked?

John Sperry said...

OHMYGOSH you almost made this pregnant woman run to the bathroom and puke!!

Izzy A said...


Rustown Mom said...

Absofreakinlutely horrifying. Wonder what side dishes you would serve with it? Nightmare on a plate...bacon as a diaper? Kinda turns me off on bacon now...

Julia said...

I think that is the grossest thing I have ever seen. - BTW - I actually attended a baby shower once with a tiny baby on the cake made of fondant (made by the dad's mother) and the mom to be was freaked out by the thought of eating a baby. Do people even consider that when they order these cakes?

Sarah said...

I can't add anything. The title to this post says it all.

Unknown said...

As Eben ( has said, "Holy Ganesh's Hairpiece!"

This is one of those times when I wish my brain worked like an Etch-a-Sketch, and that if I shook it hard enough I could erase what I just saw.

msyendor said...

Ah well. I guess I know who's hosting the zombie party this year.

Ganon's Mom said...

Those EYES! This is the stuff of nightmares...

Anonymous said...

Oh, the horror... the unspoken horror...

The Petersons said...

That was the hardest I have ever laughed while viewing your fabulous blog. I think that is one of the nastiest things I have EVER seen. Nasty... yet hilarious!!!

Dawn Peterson-Smith said...


*searching for words*

*shakes head and gives up*

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

Dear GOD!

Lindsay @SillyMomThoughts said...

Did anyone else immediately flash to Lady Gaga in her meat get-up?


Anonymous said...


Margie said... eyes! my eyes!!!!!!!

Claire said...

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth... My god.

pikojiko said... eyes are burning!

hmcornett said...

Ohmygod! Those eyes will haunt me!

Bethe said...

I thought it was some weird new icing technique...then I realized it was meat....


Andrea K. said...

OMG!! It's bad enough that someone actually MADE such a thing -- which I simply cannot understand doing. But now they have to put that thing in the oven!!! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!?!?!


Anonymous said...

I wish they had used boiled eggs for the eyes! That would have been awesome.

Anonymous said...

My eyes!!!!! It's eyes!!!!!!

Il Gatto Bianco said...

AHRGHHHHHHHHH... I will have nightmares tonight! The eyes are the worst and most terrifying thing! Uurrghhhh...

David Kleinschmidt said...

What did it look like cooked? And what are the eyes, pearl onions?

Jenna said...

oh. oh my.

Anonymous said...

YEARRRRRRRRRRGH!!!! That is without a doubt the creepiest thing I have EVER seen... the eyes, the baby, the grin, the hands, the bacon diaper. Must go look at pretty pictures now.

Unknown said...

God. That's -- ಠ_ಠ

tulipdjc said...


Janelle said...


Danger Boy said...

Thank you. I hadn't yet been motivated to stab out my mental retinas with a soldering iron, now I have.
Foxtrot. Over?

Renee said...


Jessica W said...

My eyes!!

Harry F. said...

What Lady Ga-Ga's baby would wear.

Corianne said...

The worst part is the pearl onions they used for eyes.

No, I take it back. The worst part is that when meat cooks, it shrinks, so when this monstrosity is done it's going to look even more monstrous. Not to mention the uneven baking--by the time the torso is done, the legs and feet will be burned.

No, I take it back yet again. The very worst part comes when it's time to serve that thing. The tastiest part would be the bit wrapped in bacon. I'm just imagining someone saying "Can I have a slice of the diaper, please?"

GAAAHH! I can't believe I'm thinking about this!!

Anonymous said...

Please pass the eye bleach!

(apparently, it's already made it's way to the meatloaf baby)

Anonymous said...

Just disgusting!

Anonymous said...

Um, the babies legs are backwards. Or are they supposed to look broken? Gross.

Anonymous said...

Wow...a cow died for that? LOL

PD said...

I'm pretty sure there's a DVD at Blockbuster with this picture on the cover.

MV said...

Are the eyes hardboiled eggs???

Aislinn said...

UGH... it's like watching a train wreck... I couldn't stop looking at it - yet it was so HORRIFYING!

Anonymous said...

LOL It's actually quite well done, I do agree on some pupils for the eyes though, it's a little alien looking without them.

Monique said...

Is that what Jonathan Swift was talking about?

Ladybugtag said...

What does it look like cooked???

Anonymous said...

wonder what the eyes are made of...?

Wincey said...

I'm fascinated by the detail -- they must have used a creepy baby mold, which makes me wonder all the more. And the eyes -- what are they made from, do you think? (Someone said pearl onions possibly, but I dunno.) And yeah -- what does it look like cooked? All greasy and crispy edges and sort of shrunk up and ... ew!

Anonymous said...

I think everyone is overlooking the absolutely stellar meat sculpting skills? No? That's all I've got. I always try to be a glass is half full kind of gal though...and strangely enough...I kinda do want to see the cooked version of it.

And has anyone tried the sound verification before? It's kind of frightening...

Culinarychiq said...

Wow, zombie meat baby, NOW I've seen everything!:-p That's just twisted and wrong LOL

Katt said...

I really really really really really really reallyreally want to see what it looks like after it's been cooked, and with a li'l ketchup on!

clare @ the pretty walrus said...

Jesus, that IS scary!!!!

Let Them Eat Cake said...

So very very wrong.

@Susie: "bacon speedos" - love it!

Becky Z said...

That is so disturbing on so many levels!! Those vacant eyes are staring right into my soul......

Elizabeth C. said...

@The Suburb Experiement: I think a better question is "What occassion *doesn't* call for a zombie meatloaf baby with a bacon diaper?!" That this is soooo awesome... and sooo gross.. I can't take my eyes off of it.

Lady Anne said...

Pearl onions? I thought the eyes were garlic cloves. But I guess a zombie baby wouldn't have garlic, would it? That really is distressing..yetch.

Anonymous said...

Scarred. For. Life.

Mike said...

Well, I think I can say with authority that this creation...

*puts on sunglasses* in poor taste.


Donna said...

Is this a tribute to Meatloaf's (get it) character in Rocky Horror Picture know him having been eaten and all...only he wasn't wearing bacon undies (I don't think).

WV: anifig - some people will try to bake anifig

Jade said...

I wonder how many people decided to go vegan after seeing that.

Molly E. said...

It kind of reminds me of the Mini-Me guy off Austin Powers. But the eyes...omg...the eyes!!

Melissa said...

After reading through all the comments, I am apparently the only one who thinks this is awesome! lol I am a Halloween junkie and this is the ultimate in creepy food. I feel so boring simply turning my kids' mashed potatoes green.


Anonymous said...

What I want to know is; if they went to the trouble of making such a horribly taboo thing as a meatloaf baby, why the decorum of a bacon diaper? Why not just go whole um...hog?

Bakingdom said...


Those eyes...I...I...I taste bile in the back of my throat...


WV: hulfm: the sound of me vomiting after seeing Meat Baby

Miranda Jacobs said...

Oh my god... I honestly don't think I've ever been more horrified in my life.

Unknown said...

You know the german expression for "having a bun in the oven"? To have a ROAST in the oven!


Margie said...

WHAT are the eyes made of?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Now that is a food baby.

Evilm said...

My Husband has spent the last two minutes laughing at this...He loves it! I'm beginning to wonder who I married!

Anonymous said...

MMmm, I'll take a slice of the head.

gmrchick73 said...

That is nasty! Who would even eat that - I'd feel like a cannibal - gross!!!


Maureen said...

*Raises hand* Another pregnant lady that almost lost her lunch. I think you need a warning before the post. I need to go lie down now.

wv: inesang Whoever made that "cake" is inesang

Anonymous said...

wow. downright creepy. but really, what would be more horrifying for halloween than a creepy zombie meat baby?!

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a site safe for lunchtime reading. Usually there is only the risk of creating a sugar craving. And I've alreadyopened the Halloween candy. But now? Whom can I trust?

Anonymous said...

i guess that's for people who are considering cannablism but want to try it out this way first?

Kara Lynn said...

Most frightening thing I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

The horrifying thing is there are more out there!!
this one shows it cooked:

Candace said...

What the..... heck! That's...uh... well...

parting thought: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!!!

Melissa said...

WOAH! nightmares.

Heather D. said...

Bacon diaper... oooh yum. *gags*

Mollie said...

Oh wow.

That startled me.

Anonymous said...


*takes breath*


Anonymous said...


Donna M. said...

I think this belongs on Meatloaf Wrecks, not Cake Wrecks ;)

WV: gurni "Somebody quick get a gurni, this one's not breathing"

tiny purple elephant said...


Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

I think it's funny, actually. Amusing.
Maybe I'm sick, LOL!
What does it look like after it's baked?
I wonder.
I'm so weird!

Anonymous said...

*cries* Why??

Melis said...

"Never eating meatloaf again"... I'm toying with never eating ANYTHING again... at least, not tonight.

I guess you could name it "Chuck"...

Gross. Just gross.

Laura said...

just because you can doesn't mean you should...

Anonymous said...

my friend just made this his profile pic on fb. i think he actually LIKES it...shudder...

Blah Blah Blah said...

Baby Gaga.

Teresa Y Green, L. Ac. said...

Re: the link to the other baby meatloaf--that one was actually kind of cute, and I thought the head on the lettuce was really funny. But it wasn't realistic at all. The one here. . .I may have nightmares!

wv casmo. . .Make a baby meatloaf realistic, casmo realistic it is, the less you'll eat and the skinnier you'll be

Unknown said...

Isn't the saying "Never SHAKE a baby"? Now there's "Never BAKE a baby"?

Wait..that's not a real baby? *Phew* Carry on, then.

Lisa said...

The lack of pupils bothers me more.

Anonymous said...

Meat. Loaf. Baby. Bacon. Diaper. *headdesk*

I am here to tell you it's possible to barf and laugh at the same time.

Anonymous said...

WHAT THE EFFIN' CRAP!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? THAT IS SO GROSS!!!

Dullscythe said...

Er. Yikes.

I have no particular fondness for babies (although I don't find them objectionable), and I don't eat meat. This is kind of a two-fer of "no".

Was this for some kind of Modest Proposal luncheon?

Chriss C. said...

You know.... They were so realistic with the little fingers and everything. I have this terrible curiosity if that realism extends to what's under that bacon diaper. *shudder*

Nunya Biz said...

All they needed to add was green food coloring. Soylent Green is people!

drgns4vr said...

I think if you served that to a family with children in it you could be arrested for child endangerment if not worse.
I know many children are ghoulish, but let's not encourage THIS sort of thing.
Good grief! Bacon underwear!

Jen said...

I literally just said, out loud "what IS that? who the hell even does that???". I would like to know the answers to my questions.

Kelly said...

My God. THE EYES...The eyes are so terrifying!

Sara said...

Hilariously horrible.

Like I'm not sure whether to laugh or go O-O.

Lucy said...


WV: bleret. As a vegetarian, I feel I want to bleret at this horrific image. It's like a baby was burned alive, then put into a bacon nappy and is about to be put into the oven... This is *SICK*!!! I think the baker has some serious issues...

Katie said...

I don't get creeped out easily, but this ... thing ... bypassed creeped and went straight to freaked. BRB, I need to have a unicorn chaser to get that image out of my head.

Alex said...

AAAAAUGH! I have to sleep now! That. Will haunt me till the end of my days.

How could you do this to me?!

Also; LOL

Anonymous said...

ok, I need some unicorn and rainbow sparkle fairy juice to wash out my eyes. If only there were an 'unsee' button. sigh.

LoveDogsNHockey said...

I never liked meatloaf. Now the next time someone asks why, I will point them to this blog post. Those eyes are just disturbing. I will never forget them...*shudders*

A handful and a pinch said...

Well, this is a downside of free will.

stuckinmypedals said...

Gah! That is terrifying! I have a feeling that meaty little devil will be haunting me in my sleep tonight.

Tiffany said...


I feel like it's going to eat my soul while I'm sleeping!

Anonymous said...

baby, the other other red meat!

Rob Clay said...

I think the bacon diaper is what moves it into the realm of the truly horrific.

Anonymous said...

It actually looks like something out of a Junji Ito manga. I will be having nightmares.

Anonymous said...

Yucch. But still less horrifying than the hand shape meatloaf I ran across last year:

Rebecca said...


Jim Todd said...


Isolder74 said...

No nothing makes up for the tiny cocktail onions as the eyes!!!!!


ilze said...

Just to add a note to the "baking this baby" comments: When properly cooked, that bacon will shrink a lot, squeezing that 'baby's' middle until it has a wasp's waist. You could add sliced olived for the pupils of the eyes & get an alien monster to put out for dinner.


Alessandra said...

Glad I am a vegetarian...

Californiutahan said...

I was unable to say anything other than "WHAT??? WHY??? WHY?????" for a bit there... and I still can't stop thinking it... just WHY???

Anonymous said...

And I always thought children tasted like chicken....

Colleen said...

Maybe it's just me but it's kinda cool, well, it would be if it wasn't a realistic looking baby. It gave me a great idea for Halloween dinner....Muahahahahaha!!!!!!!

́„ ë¯¸ (Sunmi) said...

Ahhh my browser froze for a few seconds while I was scrolling down... right when the picture was centered in the frame! I think that image is burned into my brain forever.

Anonymous said...

Best cake-made-of-meat ever.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Monique, that's exactly what Jonathan Swift is talking about. And the baby is even "modest". I'm not good with horror films so hope I don't relive this tonight - shudder. Norine

Unknown said...

When I first saw this, it looked like a suma wrestler wearing a bacon "mawashi". I wonder what it looked like after it was cooked.

Anonymous said...


*sound of uncontrolable shuddering*

excuse me, I'll be back in a moment. As soon as I finish barfing my guts out.

Unknown said...

When I first saw this, it looked like a suma wrestler wearing a bacon "mawashi". I wonder what it looked like after it was cooked.

Carrie said...

Dammit!! Why didn't I listen to your warning about it not being able to be UN-seen!!!! Where's the bleach.....

Neba Nebet said...

OHGODOHGODOHGOD! *runs screaming*

Captcha: humigniz -- an appropriate-to-the-subject-matter blubbering sound.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG What the crap is that?? I think I just threw up a little LOL Why oh Why would anyone think that is ok??? Just wow!

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

Well, at least he was wearing underwear! It could have been worse:)

Jedi Knight Ivyan said...

That's a little too Jonathon Swift for my liking.

Makes the baby cakes seem almost cute.

Shelley Parker Chandler said...

Let me start by saying that I understand if you don't publish this comment. That said, this photo is very disturbing, but as a Child Welfare worker, I have to say I have seen worse... Let's just leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

I call heads! I love meatloaf in any shape and I would have no problem lopping off a tiny little leg and destroying it. I don't really understand what the big deal is, after all it's not a real baby. I think it's an incredible idea for a Halloween dinner party and I plan on using it for mine next year.

Anonymous said...

Oh my sweet Jesus. WTH is that nasty thing??!! I will have nightmares about this one.

Karen in CT

Ice Queen said...

That is just so wrong on so many levels.

There are some pretty sick twists in this world.

And now that picture is burned into my retinas. Make it leave my brain!


mn_me said...

the three things that come to mind are:
1) OMG
2) Why?
3) Where's the eye bleach?


kingshearte said...

So, my first thought was, "What a freaky-looking cake."

Then I went, "Wait, is that diaper made of bacon?"

And then I looked again, and said, "Oh my god, that's a meat baby!"

Gross. And the thought of cooking it is even grosser. The whole thing is just nasty.

Anonymous said...

I may have nightmares tonight... All I could think of was creepy baby Voldemort in the 4th book!

Anonymous said...

That is awful. I feel a little queasy.

Anonymous said...

I think even Jeffrey Dahmer would be horrified by this. . . thing.

A Girl In Her Kitchen said...

Without a doubt the worst wreck ever!

Anonymous said...

I showed the picture to my mom and her response was, "What is it? It looks like that baby has some horrible skin disease."

Æryn said...


However, I lol'd at the bacon diaper.

Laurie said...

Baby Tartare? It needs a raw egg and crackers.

I thought it was really funny, but I only know two people who would share that opinion.

Anonymous said...

I looked at it and my lip curled. Though I think the bacon diaper is funny it was they eyes and little hands that grossed me out...until someone said what would that look like cooked- THAT'S the gross thought!!

(and I love zombie movies)

-Barbara Anne

egad apparel said...

Wow that is the creepiest cake I've ever seen in my life!

Maybe it could be Hannibal's birthday cake? But on a side note, a meat loaf and bacon cake would taste pretty good, but one too many baby cakes will lead to a heart attack.

Adrian Davis @ egad apparel

Anonymous said...

I know I am the worst person ever, but I kind of see what it looks like cooked. In for a penny, in for a pound.

WV: ingess. I am not sure I would be able to ingess the meatloaf baby.

Anonymous said...

This is exquisite. Put a pair of sunglasses on him and dangle a ciggy from his lips. Hilarious.

Lazy Silly Girl

Anonymous said...

No way, dude. I am SO making this for the next baby shower at work.

Arlene said...

I used to love meat loaf.. sobs now I can never look at it the same way again lol. Why do they do this??? Some sick cannibal cult? Or just crazy people lol either way.. ick.

Anonymous said...

And I am like


I am like


Craig said...

I didn't know there was a totally inappropriate use for bacon -- until now. Thank you very little.

"Iron Chef Hannibal, how did you answer the meatloaf challenge? YIKES! COMMERCIAL BREAK, NOW!"

A sprig of rosemary would have been perfect. Wait for it...

Kimpossible said...

OMG WTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why would someone do this? There are some really sick people out there!!!

Anonymous said...

Look at the Meat baby.

Now, imagine it cooked.

Now, imagine it lurching towards you, along a darkened corridor, leaving a trail of small, misshapen, greasy footprints, a gleaming carving knife in it's crispy, burned hand....

Viiriäinen said...

Good heavens. Horrible. I'm afraid the eyes will be haunting me in my sleep.

After getting over the first shock though, I have to admit it is pretty well made, proportions and all.

wv: phyphru - the sound of my morning coffee getting sprayed all over the laptop when seeing this.

Anonymous said...

Oh Good Lord, what on Earth was THAT?!?!?! Geeeze, thanks, I think I will have nightmares! That is right up there with the "Birth" cake. I had the unfortunate pleasure of doing one a few years ago- absolutely horrifying!! But LOL, it is Halloween....

Judy said...

Oh, this is perfect with the Lady Gaga meat dress. Spawn of Gaga?

Anonymous said...

This is a good idea for my halloween dinner,haha

kurleegurl69 said...

The only way this could possibly be worst, is if it was TURKEY BACON!

Anonymous said...

Someone save me a piece of the brain!

Herma said...

That is wrong on so many levels! The eyes! Those hands!
And you have to cook it, in your oven! And when it's cooked, you have to put a knife in it! I wonder, would you feel like you're having a nice dinner or taking part on a biopsy?
This is genuine nightmare material. (And I've never used that many exclamation marks in a comment before...)

Anonymous said...

I guess that's what it looks like to a sow, when you're making a bbq suckling pig.

SuBee said...

My 14 year old's response:

OOH, I like my babies golden brown and crispy skinned.

Happy Halloween!

Tracy said...

Dude that is AWESOME!

Maureen said...

My retinas have been burned permanently!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is almost the most gross thing I have EVER seen!!!!!!

Shannon said...

Well, now I know what my nightmares will be about tonight...

bassgirl said...

Here's another version, not nearly as well scuplted, but you can see it before and after being baked. Yuck.

ania said...

Oh, no.

The eyes.

The, um - everything.

Oh, no.

Anonymous said...

O. M. G. It even has a belly-button!

I'm cracking up at the comments...
Baby GaGa
naming it 'Chuck'
the link to the other meatloaf baby

wv: hylecs: Hylecs pretty relaxed for a baby about to be baked at 350-degrees.

Lori said...

I literally almost threw up when
I saw that - are those ONIONS for the eyes?! I have 3 kids & thought I'd seen every gross thing possible. Not so.

Emi!y said...

Is it really sick that I kind of want to see how it turned out after baking?

Nikki said...


And I'm an atheist.

What the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks were they thinking?????????

Katie (Kali) said...

It makes Rosemary's Baby seem cute.

Anonymous said...

I had a dream about this last night.

It's kind of creepy when the meatloaf babies open their eyes and cry to be held. It's even more scary when you realize that there are bunches of them surrounding you.

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