Monday, April 19, 2010

Taking the Mickey Out of 'Em

Monday, April 19, 2010

Everybody sing!

Who's the one that can't be made

into a CCC?


And who's the one that looks like he

Would like to break your knees?


Mickey Mouse!

We think that's him!

Mickey Mouse!

Orange you glad?

Bump badump badump badump baDUMP!!

[Singing slower with sad faces]
Who's the leader of the cluuub...

That's maaade for you and meeee


"C" is for "copyright violation!"


Why? WHY? WHY?!?



Ted, Shelly, Dana C., Amanda L., Colleen B., Stephanie, Jennifer D., & Dana C., I think the creepy tongue adds character. *Badumpbum* And in all fairness, that last one could be a really, really bad Princess Leia cake.

- Related Wreckage: American Super (Sized) Heroes

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Jules AF said...

That green one is SO trippy.

Naomi Zikmund-Fisher said...

Anybody else notice that the first one says, "Happy Birthday and Chris"?

Is that "We hope that birthday is happy, and Chris is happy also?" or is it an abbreviation for "Happy Birthday and Christmas?"

lobsterjohnson said...

Strong Achewood vibes in this batch!

Lisa May said...

i love how the first one says "Happy Birthday and Chriss" WTF?

Babsiegirl said...

The third one kinda looks like Felix the Cat wearing Mickey ears.

Anonymous said...

If I wasn't a Disney fan before (and I wasn't), I wouldn't be after seeing these! Mickey's got a touch of the crazy. **shudder**

Colette said...

These are giving me a flashback to the South Park episode with Mickey Mouse beating the crap out of the Jonas Brothers XD

Little Lovables said...

shock n awe, that's what that last one was

Stacie said...

Just wondering when ears started growing out of cheeks...?

A Girl In Her Kitchen said...

My two year old recognized Mickey in there somewhere. I guess it's because these cakes were decorated by two year olds.

Swan said...

On that first one, "Happy Birthday AND Chriss"?

In the later cake, I found it stupefying that someone with a perfectly colored Mickey figurine ON the cake could think that skin tone so orange in the butter cream would hit its mark...
"...and this is Mickey after he ate too many carrots..."

Thanks for the laughs y'all and happy Monday. ~~Swan

ScatterCode said...

The CCC is the best-looking one of the lot. That in itself sends a message.

A Girl In Her Kitchen said...

Oh, but the green one she thought was Goofy, or she was saying it was just goofy. Can't know for sure :)

Tigerwolf said...

1. Mickey Mouse as seen by Don Martin.
2. “Don’t makes me sics my dog Pluto on youse now, y’hear?”
3. Anime Mickey With a Lemon in His Ear, by Andy Warhol
4. “When I said ‘carrot cake,’ I didn’t mean…”
5. “Get outta the way; he’s gonna hurl!”
6. “I’m not sure that hairstyle is working for you, Dame Edna.”

And finally…

7. “You wanna know how I got these scars?”


Taylor said...

When all the kids are awake, we're gonna see a bunch of comments saying, "My 4 year old told me, 'That's a mean Mickey!'"

ksaldria said...

Noooo! Not Mickey Mouse! *sobs* I know it was only a matter of time but...whyyyyyy???

P.S. That last one looks like the lovechild of Mickey Mouse and Joan Rivers *shudder* Thanks for the nightmare fuel, wreckerators.

Unknown said...

Not that it makes a difference, but why is the green one upside down? And why oh why oh why the ruby red lips on the next one? That one is just sooo wrong.

WV: belyi - those pics give me a belyi ache.

Anonymous said...

I quite like how the second one has 'WOW' written above it, like the decorator can't quite believe what just happened.


DD said...

The last one is Princess Leia meets Wolverine. +

Huh? Huh? See it?

Unknown said...

Is it just me or does the third one have a Margarita candle on it? I guess you have to be drinking to appreciate the "artistic" value of the cake?

Stella said...

wow talk about taking artistic licence...

Jessica said...

I think you're mistaken on the first one... I think it might be a Jay Leno CCC.

mrraylau said...

First one looks Jay Leno Mouse

Rebecca F. said...

I don't know which is scarier, Jaundice Mickey or Licky Mickey with the big tongue.....

Donna M. said...

Green one...blech

Third one...why is he wearing an earring?

First one...was supposed to say "Happy Birthday and Chriss....mas? Chriss....ening? Chriss....ake why did you make me do a CCC?"

WV: suckerci....Jane was such a suckerci actually paid for a Mickey Mouse wreck.

Unknown said...

That last Mickey Mouse looks like Michael Jackson after all his plastic surgery. Frightening!

Sallie said...

I thought the last one was a combination Elvis/Mickey. You know, in case you'd ever need a cake like that.

Brittany Blais said...

I think the last one is actually this Leia incarnation:

I mean, it's OBVIOUS that cake is supposed to be Minnie, not Mickey. I mean, it has EYELASHES! And BLUSH! And DANDRUFF! Can it BE any more feminine?!

Anonymous said...

Poor Mickey. I don't think he ever did anything to deserve this kind of wreckage! They are SO bad and SO unappetizing that I don't think I could even eat any of them.

Anonymous said...

I've been a fan forever, never commented, but your lyrics to the song are beyond win. Jen for poet laureate!!!

Anonymous said...

After seeing the rest of the cakes, the first one doesn't look so bad afterall. :)

Anonymous said...

Why does the green Mickey have blank eyes and look like it's been photographed on the ceiling? Are you trying to make me queasy? It's working!

Sharon's Edible Art

Mindee@ourfrontdoor said...

You are astonishingly clever. :)

KJ said...

This made me laugh out loud this morning! Thanks!

Daniel King said...

I can't remember when I last laughed so very much and so very loudly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this post!

Anonymous said...

Just to be picky, I'd say the fourth one was actually Mighty Mouse.

Not that he's orange either.

Christina said...

UGH! What is wrong with people?

Anonymous said...

Uh, looks like some of those wrecks are of Mighty Mouse not Mickey Mouse.

Yeah... right... not that it makes them any better.

wv: spsyc "Could you be more spsyc with what you want on your cake?"

Musicalviolin said...

Does anyone see the little margarita or lime earring that the third one is wearing???

ha my word verification is COLON!! As these cakes are bad for my colon!

Full Passport said...

Those are some Mickies that should have stayed hidden...

Jennifer said...

Wow.. the green, hazardous waste Mickey is totally defying gravity.

Anonymous said...

That last one was a combination of Elvis, MM and Princess Leia!

Chelsea said...

There was almost an incident with my oatmeal when I got to that second cake.
Thanks for making my morning.

jolly said...

wow- That was so funny. laughed out loud and that is hard to get me to do- despite my name.

Mercy Langille said...

I think the third one is supposed to be Tom from Tom and Jerry. At least the colors are correct.

William said...

There is NO excuse for a Mickey CCC. Wilton makes Mickey cake pans,... They can even double as Elvis...

Nani said...

Glad I'm not the only one wondering why the first cake say "Happy Birthday and Chriss?"

SarahPants5 said...

Ok, they all reminded me of the drawings we used to do as kids, until the last one. That one is a monster. Did Mickey get rabies? *nightmares for life*


Unknown said...

I especially like the "WOW" on the knee-breaking Mickey. Couldn't have said it better myself.

kimberj said...

That just show's you what I know... I thought the last one was Michael Jackson. Not trying to disrespect the deceased, it just eerily reminded me of him. Also, since Mickey spends a great deal of time in California and Florida it makes sense they thought he'd have an orange tan by now :p

Anonymous said...

I think me teeth just rotted out of my mouth look at the last cake! Good god that's a ton of sugar!!! What's even scarier is, it's glistening in the light, with evil! See, proof Walt Disney was in the Church of Satan at some point.:>


Anonymous said...

I think that last one is actually Michael Jackson.

Tricia L said...

Gosh, that second one looks more like an angry bear than the beloved Disney character. Notice it says "WOW" at the top? Wow, indeed.

That last one is just plain scary. Bet the birthday kid ran screaming from that one.

Unknown said...

Honestly, at first glance I thought the second one said, "Happy Buttholey". Yeah. I see birthday now but try looking at the screen but not directly at the word.

SarahPants5 said...

I would like to apologize for my last comment. Of course he didn't get rabies. (Referring to the last cake.) Upon taking another look, I've come to realize that he must be getting on in years, and here we all are making fun of his appearance. This is just what happens when you age in's not pretty without all the airbrushing, (or paint-brushing) but he's still a beloved icon. I didn't mean no disrespect Mickey, please don't send the second cake after me!


Anonymous said...

Proof that nothing is sacred when it comes to decorating cakes (or trying to)... Walt Disney would be horrified.

KatjaMouse said...

That's not Micky in the green cake, I'm afraid. Those are tumors growing out of a misc. cartoon character.

Anonymous said...

I was thinkin the last one looked like Michael Jackson too,Carlae beat me to it!!!!......AIRBRUSHCAKELADY

Anonymous said...

Carlae beat me to it but the last one looks so much like a MICHAEL JACKSON MICKEY!!!!! AIRBRUSHCAKELADY

Anonymous said...

I, too, thought that the third cake was Tom, from Tom & Jerry, not a very good Tom, but Tom none-the-less. Who would make rounded cat ears?

- MariaTeresa

Auntie Bee said...

my four-year-old tootsie said "that one kinda looks like MRS Mickey, but really they are all terrible."

Joanne L. said...

I am a total Disney-phile... I went to Walt Disney World on my honeymoon... I even have a D23 membership... and now, my heart hurts.

Phil said...

I thought there'd be a Donald Duck wreck after the Mickey Loompa. Just to fit in with the song.

Lori said...

Words escape me...

Unknown said...

Wow. Too bad THESE Mickey's aren't hidden.

Haylie said...

The last one resembles Micheal Jackson. hahaha

Melody said...

My 4 year old daughter was looking at this post with me. She saw the green one and exclaimed, "Cactuses???"

Hypersapien said...

Maybe the green one is Mickey Mouse by way of Pablo Picasso.

Jenn said...

Oh, Mickey,
You're so fine,
You're so fine you blow my mind
Hey Mickey!

Anonymous said...

Wow, the green one is just wrong. There's a cyst on your cheek, Mickey. Better get that looked at.

WV: undwato. I wish these cakes were several fathoms undwato.

Kelly said...

Yeah, so not only is the first one totally misshapen, but what's with the greeting? "Happy Birthday and Chriss..." and Chriss what? and Chriss don't forget to take out the garbage?

Tracy said...

I always love the writing on this site, but I think you really outdid yourself on this one. It's perfect!

That green one is horrendous and what on earth did they DO to the last one?!

Anonymous said...

Not my poor Mickey!!
These are terrible! The wreckerators should be taken outside and beat!

Unknown said...

I see Elvis and Princess Leia!

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad mine did not make this thread. -Alison

Unseeliepixie said...

I think maybe the green one was post-Apocalyptic zombie Mickey...

Ann said...

Wow these cakes just make me sad.
:( poor, poor Mickey.

Now is it mt imagination or on that last one did someone think a heart-shaped cake pan would work if you used enough frosting?

Amanda said...

This has made my day! Knowing that these cakes were made by "professionals". My first attempt, as a complete amatuer baker, with a character cake was a Mickey Mouse cake for my son's 1st birthday. I wasn't thrilled with the results, but it looked a hell of a lot better than these cakes!


Anonymous said...

That last one is what would happen if Elvis and Minnie Mouse ever got it on.

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned that that second one looks like it says "Happy Buttholey" I saw "Happy Burthelay" . . . either way - WOW is right! :) Scary!

Amberdawn said...

I did notice the "Happy Birthday and Chris."

Also, if I had to pick a saddest cake, it would be the cookie (I think it's a cookie) because it looks like they actually PAID for that. At least the others were homemade and folks were just trying to please their loved ones.

Annella Morris said...

because when I think Mickey Mouse I think Lime Green SLIME :)

Mickey said...

A little piece of my soul just died! :(


DanielElman said...

Uncertain if I'm looking at pastry or the photos in a medical journal.

Would the jaundiced Mickey be more festive or the vomitous Mickey?

These are the decisions we have to make for our kids I guess....

sendingtheclowns said...

John... John...John...
What did we ever do to YOU?
These are truly...(?something).
They make me want to go look at what's in our cats' litter boxes just to feel better. (I can envision letting our critters loose on those cakes and imagine how they'd try their darndest to bury them...)

"...that last one could be a really, really bad Princess Leia cake."
.....OR, a really, really bad Mickey Mouse cake?
Let's call a spade a spade here.
And, Man! "WOW" is right on for that 2nd one down--it looks more like Yogi Bear. On quaaludes.
Green Slime Mickey? Hate to tell them, but trying to *avant garde-up* the photo shoot by somehow hanging the thing off the ceiling (or standing on their head to take the picture) doesn't help matters much. It's still like something you'd see after a rousing stomach-pumping.
The only one I'm not worried about is the orange one, because what 1-year-old is going to give a flying **** what it is anyway? The kid'll just wear it and end up looking like an Oompa Loompa anyway.
Thanks for the headache!


Anonymous said...

My four year old was looking at these with me - and she did not say "mickey" once!

Anonymous said...

On the second one, is that supposed to be MOM upside down or WDW for Walt Disney World? Has Mickey been expelled from Disney Land for bad behavior?

I bet the first one was supposed to say "Aunt Chris" instead of "and Chris."

Jackie said...

Now I feel totally justified in my dislike and fear of Mickey Mouse.

The Chocolate Lady said...


Bakerella has some adorable mickey mouse cake pops up right now.

Im doing a delicious giveaway on my blog,

Kellyburg said...

I think the first one is also suffering a misunderstanding.

Happy Birthday and Chriss
- maybe should be -
Happy Birthday Aunt Chriss?

MoonGoddess said...

These certainly put the ICK in mICKey.

Donald & Pluto are now out hunting them down.

Unknown said...

First one looks like Jay Leno. . .

Anonymous said...

Ok, maybe the wreckerator had a "Mickey Finn" before they grabbed the piping tube and started on the green Mickey with the RED nose. There is a Mickey Finn Sour Apple drink that would fit right in with this cake.

Sharon's Edible Art

Anonymous said...

That last one is totally the love child of Princess Leia and Mickey Mouse.

Gemma said...

Maybe that sad CCC was supposed to say "Happy Birthday AUNT Chris"

Kessie said...

I sang this whole entry aloud to my husband. We rolled.

Also, is it just me or does that second cake say "Happy butthiday?"

Anonymous said...

You know what's horrible, is there's already a Mickey Cartoon where Mickey is turned into a monster, and that green wreck doesn't even look like THAT monster Mickey!

Anonymous said...

I think the last one looks a bit like Michael Jackson...scary....

DJ said...

The worst thing about the green one is that I think I see the edges of three more of them, maybe four.

wv: xxjhinc. Have I had too mush to jrink or do these wrecksh really xxjhinc.

Sue said...

so what's up with the lime piercing?

M M said...

Wow, just, wow, great commentary on this one Jen, I was stifling lots of giggles at my desk.

Anonymous said...

they're all awful, but green mickey is the most appetizing--I think it's an ice cream cake!

sendingtheclowns said...

I think that I may have some of this figured out. (!!!)
Someone there just got their Disney characters stewed up a tad.
(Can't get cheap enough help these days, y'know.)
That "Mickey" is likely SUPPOSED to be Dopey! It's the correct shade of green for Dopey's robe thingy, and...and...
That's all I've got.

And that's what I get for expecting this S*** to make SENSE.


Scarlett Robyn said...

Woah. OMG!
I bet and Chris was so happy when he got his cake!!!

jengersnap said...

Happy Butthelay? Really?
"WOW" indeed.

As for the last it too soon for Michael Jackson jokes?
If not, it looks like he and that strange Mickey shared the same plastic surgeon. Or is this what he had the baker create for a treat at his sleep overs? Ewww.

wv: dinaty. Mickey's dinaty deserved better then this.

Roses said...

The last one is the love child of Princess Leia and Elvis.

Anonymous said...

Nah. That orange thing is Mighty Mouse. Couldn't say why but I thing Mighty Mouse, not Micky. Despite the plastic critter perched on his ear.

Catherine said...

I think the last one is actually a Little Richard cake.

How To Eat A Cupcake said...

Ahahahaha you saved the best for last! ;)

Amanda said...

That first one made me think of Jay Leno's chin.

BADKarma! said...

I missed an episode of South Park wherein my Main Mouse Mickey beat the crap out of the Jonas Brothers!??!?! Damn it.

That said... Wow. Just... Wow... Mickey gets no respect.

Taylor said...

Totally called it. See my comment above.

billybob said...

mickey's ears should be 85 degrees apart, and they should be 55 degree ellipticals. so there!

Anonymous said...

Well, to be fair, none of these cakes have to deal with copyright violation, since you would have to be able to recognize what was being copied.

Anonymous said...

The last one sotr of looks like Michael Jackson...........

Sylph said...

In addition to the FINE decorating skills, one must commend the photographers who chose to take their photos upside down. I suppose it was necessary, if stealth is required?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one to immediately see felix the cat with round ears for the third one. Ha ha

-M Hopes

Unknown said...

Woah, that last one... Jeez! O_o

Anonymous said...

SO glad I'm a facebook fan! I was having a bad day at work until I saw these and I actually laughed out loud!

BTW, I'm making a Mickey cake and cupcakes (NOT a CCC) for a friend's child's b-day. Hope they turn out better than THESE! Makes me realize that I'm more talented than some professionals!

Anonymous said...

That last one has to be Michael Jackson!

coffeetailor said...

Note to self, if I ever feel like making a Mickey Mouse ccc, just make a bunch of groups of three.

Anonymous said...

That last one looks like Michael Jackson!

Edana said...

Oooh, lobsterjohnson beat me too it--I immediately went to find that Achewood to post when I saw this. I hope none of these caused a baby otter to sob in his bed.

Rachel Rem said...

My three year old keeps telling me the second to last Mickey Mouse cake "has make-up on it"

Harry said...

I think the client probably said, "Write 'Happy Birthday' and 'Chriss' on it."

bookbug said...

Who's the maker of this cake that's made for you and me? C-A-K E-S-P O-I-L-E-R. Cake spoiler! Cake spoiler!

(Wrecker doesn't fit. What?)

Johnna said...

The fourth cake looks like it spent a little too much time with the Jersey Shore kids

Anonymous said...

I had a Mickey cake one year for my Birthday. The bakery used a ton of this black gel stuff for his ears and nose. Everybody's teeth turned grey and our lips were black. It made for some very interesting photos!

William Hawkins said...

I think that last one is the love child of Princess Leia and Elvis, just saying.

Unknown said...

<< that last one could be a really, really bad Princess Leia cake. >>
Children attempt to identify with these characters.

Children attempt to identify with these characters?

It all makes sense now, never-mind. ;x

(in my best Yoda voice) Doomed we are.


Sky said...

Ah yes! Someone else sees that one of them is a rounded eared Felix the Cat :D

Thank you for the laugh at work today!

Elizabeth Kronoff said...

I am going to have to stop reading these while the kids are sleeping, as I've woken them up again. K-E-Y- Why, why, WHY??? had me snorting.

The Whiz Kid Forte said...

Wowza - and I just went to Disney's Animal Kingdom when you posted those Mickey Mouse cakes today!? How coincidental!

Sparky said...

I think the third one was Felix the Cat. Or possibly the offspring of Mickey Mouse and Felix the Cat. Which is a kind of terrifying thought.

Fanboy Wife said...

No wonder I never liked Mickey Mouse!

Mari said...

Mickey can be made into a fantastic CCC, but I won't share that since you all think CCC can never be cute. ;)

Monkeyville said...

The last one scares me, possibly because it looks like Michael Jackson with Princess Leia hair *shudder*.

*mk* said...

One of the few occasions it's appropriate to sing the Mickey Mouse March in a minor key.
The only other time it would be appropriate is at Mickey's funeral.

z said...

uggh that last one looks like an unholy love child of mickey mouse, zombie michael jackson, and princess leia. ::hides under the covers::

wv: slynizin. i'm afraid that terrifying CCC is going to try slynizin into my house when i'm asleep.

Unknown said...

By far my favorite post you've ever writen. So funny.

rachel said...

I'm pretty sure that last one is a Michael Jackson death mask . . . you know the old cake tradition.

Laura said...

Are you sure those are Mickey?? I think they might be Epcot. You can tell by the font :)

janet2buns said...

What kind of carcinogen makes icing black? Why would you want to use it?

Anonymous said...

Wow... that was kinda like a rorschach test. The green one? That was "C" is for copywrite violation? I totally saw Goofy instead of Mickey. Go figure.

The Gravekeeper said...

Radioactive mutant Mickey is messing my perception...he's right-side up, but the world is updside-down! Arrrgh!

Froggies Mom said...

all I can say is OMG!

Anonymous said...

I like the orange one. Mice really shouldn't get spray tans (I guess mickey learned that one the hard way)

colleenoz said...

Anyone else notice the last disaster is based on a heart shaped cake? They just can't help themselves, trying to recycle Valentine cakes. Give up!
All of these look like they were created by someone who had Mickey described to them by someone else who saw an out-of-focus picture of him, twenty years ago...

This Ro(a)mantic Life said...

My hat's off to you, John. That parody brings back memories. Sadly -- or fortunately, depending on how you look at it -- the cakes do not.

Beckerlynn said...

the third one isn't too bad.

MAX said...

Dear oh Dear! I'm gonna be having Mickey related nightmares for a while now.......

Unknown said...

That was hilarious! Only problem is that I now have the Mickey Mouse Club theme stuck in my head.

*sighs... and continues singing to herself..'M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E*

Crys said...

I thought the last one looked like Elvis impersonating Mickey.

Luneray said...

Anyone else think that last one looks like Michael Jackson?

Food Vigilante said...

Howdy. This is by far my favorite foodie site out there. I can't stop laughing! Cake Wrecks is absolutely the best sweet to enjoy.


Arlene said...

That first one looks like it says happy birthday and Chris.. and Chris what?? Run before this possessed CCC tries to eat you instead?? That poor sick green Mickey. He must have tried to eat that CCC. The last one lol at Princess Leia oooh I can't stop laughing.

Ella said...

Those are terrible. I had to scroll through several times, because I kept speeding through, truly, truly the stuff of nightmares. He's not that complicated of a character to draw, pretty darn simple. Why on earth was he green in one??? I'm all for artistic license, but come on. Who was the last one??? Mickey's grandma with two curly buns in her hair or sailor moon mouse??? Andy Panda?? Sure those are supposed to be eyelashes & not crow's feet. Whoever it is they need chap-stick bad!! The Lord of the Flies cake is looking a whole lot friendlier. And what is it with the frosting dandruff???

Sarah Walsh said...

So I was singing "Who's the one who can't be made into a CCC?" to the theme song, and I inserted a "ptui!" of my own. It fit perfectly.

Anonymous said...

I didn't plan on commenting (I love to lurk in the shadows and laugh like a maniac at your comment, Jen, and your comments, members of We love the Wrecks around the World - or www), but my word verification word is "ulastron", which I think is the name of the sound I made by seeing the last cake, as in "Only dogs can hear that level of ulastron"
Thanks again !!!!!
- Naomi

Jenn Holton said...


Mickey Mouse—DONALD DUCK!

Wheeeeeeee! Now I'll have this playing on a loop in my head all day!

P.S. whoever came up with the idea of a CCC needs to know what wrongs he has brought upon this world.

Ink and Pixel Club said...

This is NOT getting me excited for my trip to Disney World

Bee said...


Gina M. said...

That last one has an Elvis look to it I think. Sorry if someone already mentioned that.

Joanne said...

Poor Mickey :(

sendingtheclowns said...

Mari said...
"Mickey can be made into a fantastic CCC, but I won't share that since you all think CCC can never be cute. ;)"
Aw, come on~ be a sport!
Somewhere out there the inquiring mind (yes, that's singular) may want to know!

Anonymous said...

And, yes, I just had to sing my way through these wrecks. Thanks for making my day.

Miranda said...

I'll be honest with you, I've always hated Mickey Mouse in the first place. These just make me laugh so hard. But the last one, damn, that's the stuff of nightmares!

WV: upeps

Upeps need to learn to decorate better, or you're fired!

Nonna said...

Oh, my, now those are truly awful and for a Disney fan, painful to look at, but I admit I laughed like a fool as I read the commentary !

Anonymous said...

Compared to the rest, the first one actually doesn't look that bad!

Anonymous said...

Mickey Mouse #7: Looks like this "Mickey" went to Michael Jackson's plastic surgeon TOO many times!
jamie k.

sherpamama said...

Is it just me or does that last one look a bit like Michael Jackson!?!?

Laura, Ben, and family said...

My two year old recognized the first as Mickey, the others got a funny look.

Anonymous said...

lmao my 3.5 y/o came in and goes eeew mickey...thats not mickey!

Unknown said...

Laughing myself to tears doesn't happen much, but I definitely just did. You almost killed me with this post, and I couldn't love you more for it.

Decadent Housewife said...

So Mickey is Princess Leah in real life. Who'd have thought it.

Bree said...

The first Mickey looked like he got chin lipo, and orange Mickey is perfect for the gal who loves the tanning beds a little too much.

Letitia Landers King said...

Forgive my ignorance, but what is "CCC?"

Kari said...

I showed these to my 2 year old who LOVES Mickey Mouse and she didn't tell me any one of them was Mickey Mouse when I asked her who they were. LOL

(and my word verification is 'tries'...awesome!)

Dave & Heather said...

The last one kind of reminds me of Betty Boop

Julia said...

This is hilarious!

Linda said...

I think the very first Mickey cake was supposed to say "Happy Birthday Aunt Chris", but it says "Happy Birthday and Chris".

sendingtheclowns said...

Letitia Landers King said...
Forgive my ignorance, but what is "CCC?"
CCC= Cupcake Cake (or Cup Cake Cake)
Okay. Here is the THEORY:

Here's how to MAKE one!!!!!
(THIS is the exciting part!)

1-Gather up enough individual cupcakes to please whatever size crowd you have hanging around.
2-Arrange said cupcakes in a form that (in theory) represents something *special* (character-like Mickey Mouse), or whatever else you have your sights set on.
3-When you have the CC's just right, slater frosting all over the whole top...making SURE that you've covered the CC's just enough so that you can still see the sides of the individual CC's. This important step is to ensure that no one in his/her right mind would ever confuse the thing with a REAL cake. (Very important)
4-Decorate the top in such a way as to convey that it is supposed to look like the whatever-it-was you had in mind. That COULD mean adding eyes, nose, mouth,etc.--if it is a face you're shooting for.
The possibilites are ENDLESS. You could have YOURS be whatever you want!!! Even in the shape of a map of a United State. Like where you live. That's ALWAYS fun. Yes! Let your imagination run wild.
5-Make sure (!!) to take pictures.
And last, but NOT least...
6- Watch for your masterpiece to show up on this. very. blog.
That's it!!
Send us a postcard from wherever you moved to to escape the shame and ostracism.

sendingtheclowns said...

Grrr, I hate typos!
NOT that anyone cares, but I meant to say "slather," not "slater."
There should be a spellcheck thingy, for word nerds like moi...
I HAVE my reputation to uphold, after all!


*folds arms, shuts eyes, raises eyebrows, tilts head upwards and slightly sideways in snooty pose*


Anonymous said...

This is a riot - I love the lyrics!

Unknown said...

As a fellow Disney Freak (currently wearing a limited edition pick a pearl mickey necklace AND a mickey ring - yep THAT big of a geek)- I think this is the best post ever. :)

Midnite Skys said...

Princess Leia cake I thought that too!!

Anonymous said...

I almost peed my pants laughing! Omfg!

Blog Fan said...

Rofl. Thanks for the laugh!!!

Unknown said...

wow i left this page open when i closed my laptop and right now that i opened i had the scare of my life with that last mickey hahaha

Anonymous said...

Anyone NOT singing along with this? Such a shame that future generations won't have the MMC to reference.

Laura M said...

The second one could be an evil Yogi Bear too ... right before he goes out to totally mess up that ranger for taking back the picanic baskets!

Christina Gambino said...

This is what I get for trying to read Cake Wrecks while in class: seriously disruptions by laughing OUT LOUD, while trying to sing the song.

If there was anyone to blame for my inevitable F, it's now Mickey.

Thanks Jen!

bren j. said...

I was looking at these with my almost three year-old and these were her responses, in order:
"Panda, bear, cat, orange thing, that green one's a mickey mouse, mickey, cat, look at that thing - I think it's a cat."

Mostly, I'm worried that she thinks Mickey is green...

Texhattan said...

Anyone else think that last one might not be Mickey? I think it's Liza "with a z" Minnelli!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Way too funny! Especially love the 'Snot Mickey'.

Anonymous said...

Roxanne Rosensteel said...

The first one looks like Jay Leno.

Ali said...

I just saw this post and I legit LMAO by the end of it. Absolutely hilarious!

nart said...

I concur with Brandy, that's definitely Liza Minnelli, and no I do not want a piece.

clare @ the pretty walrus said...

That last one looks more like a Michael Jackson cake than a Mickey Mouse one... o_O

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