The following diet-assisting monstrosity was actually ordered by a customer. And what is it?

Go ahead, guess. I'll wait...
Spaghetti with tomato-y cream sauce?
An ear?
A cherry, Cheez-Whiz and regurgitation torte?
Nope, nope and nope! Give up?
It's a fetus-with-an-iPod pie!
Uh, I guess fetus cookies would have been going too far?
Thanks to Maayan Z. for being such a great sport!
- Related Wreckage: Fetal Bites
252 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 252 Newer› Newest»What the hell??? That's all I can say!
I think I see how this happened:
One guy: "Are you going to feed us pie?"
Second guy: "Yeah, feed us pie!"
Mob: "Feed us pie! Feed us pie!"
Frenzied mob: "Fetus pie! Fetus pie!"
*blink* ummmm. Does the fetus realize there is a mjor case of worms going on around it?
VW:ingsted-kind of says it all
OH Holy Mother of God!!!! There should be a warning before that picture. Some of us haven't eaten our breakfast yet (and now may never eat again).
Oh my... I lost consciousness for a minute there. Didn't think it was possible, but I have officially lost any desire for cake EVER AGAIN.
I don't know if the vernacular exists to even describe how disgusting that is, both in concept and execution! On the plus side, it looks pretty much the same before you eat it as it does when it comes back up.
That has to be the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.
fetus pie?
Whaaaaa???? *sigh*
I was going to guess an upper and lower intestine.
Angie (from over at
do you mean ordered by the customer? YUCK!
Beats my guess, which was "a stomach that has been assimilated by the Borg"
Monday Morning Crisis Quarterback
I'm speechless. And horrified.
Wow, I thought it was a human organ with some sort of medical device attached...I do work in a hospital though.
Did the people who ordered this like it?!?!
wv: ingsync: I sure hope that fetus isn't listening to ingsync.
I...I...I don't feel well now.
Thanks for the coffee warning, Jen, but you should have also given a food warning: "Caution, this wreck is not just diet-assisting, it's diet-inducing!"
Seriously icky. I was thinking about breakfast a few minutes ago, but now... I'll stick with coffee, thanks.
wow, that is foul.
Holy cow. I thought it was some kind of internal organ (intestines, pancreas, something) with an iPod. I'd never have guessed the fetus. I think I sense my breakfast coming back to visit me.......
I call shenanigans! This is a PIE, not a cake, and therefore does not count as a wreck......or something.
Just getting that out there early, maybe you wont get 8,000 camments like that. Or maybe you will. Meh
I really want to say "I can't believe someone ordered that.", but I have been reading this site for far too long and its no suprise. Gross.
I just hope its Mozart they are puttin through to that bebeh.
wv: khanymb - probably all a fetus can hear on an ipod.....they gots no ears!
i thought it was a brain with an ipod implanted. i was on the right track, but not nearly gross enough.
Well, I'm not sure how something could be ordered by a "custom", but if a custom were to order something, it would only make sense that it would be something strange.
This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen!
Wow, I thought it was a stomach...yeesh, people are SO weird! LOL!
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Ew. That's about all I can say.
Oh, gag! That is totally gross. What WAS the customer thinking????
Looks positively delish... in a completely repugnant and grotesque way.
Oh man, that's grim. I could have sworn it was a cochlear implant - equally grim.
way to wreck!
Ooooh, what a disgusting way to start a Thursday. Thanks!
That's disgusting!! I must confess i thought it was a pre-gastric bypass pie. That would have been ironic, right?
I hadn't eaten breakfast yet...I may wait
say it ain't so. please.
btw, anatomically speaking, that's one helluva umbilical cord, assuming that's what the squiggly thing is around said fetus.
sheeeesh. i can only hope he's listening to dylan ...
Eeeeeeeeeeeeew! That is even more disturbing than the children watching the jaw being cut off the life size Vladimir Lenin cake.
People are so unnaturally proud of those sonogram/ultrasound photos.
Eew. Eeew.
What's really scary, or perhaps sad, is I guessed it correctly on the first try.
Something this horrible has to have a back story. Does the baker know it, or did he just fulfill the order unquestioningly?
That is absolutely...stunning!
I was going with an x-ray of a stomach after ingesting an ipod. Bluuurgh.
ew. at first glance, I thought that was one of those deals where you get your large intestine 'stapled' or 'tied' so you lose weight.
Your revelation didn't lower the disgusting quota much.
Perhaps the customer just wanted to instigate one of those devilishly charming, friendship-killing dinner party debates by taking the pro-life argument to the next level... "So the idea of carving up a music-loving fetus bothers you, does it? Uh? UH?"
I guessed it, too.
I think the internet has made me callow, though. While I find that weird and unappetitising, I do not find it horrifying, and I'll be eating my breakfast now, hum.
All I can say is thank god Stanley Kubrick didn't get a load of this cake. 2001 may have had a TOTALLY different ending.
Frack, that's gross. WHY???
what really freaks me out is that I guessed right! I then dismissed my guess as not remotely possible, since no-body was likely to order a foetus-with-ipod anything!
my eyes are bleeding
my stomach is churning
I may die this very instant
It's just a fetus people...with an ipod. What's they big deal? I bet many feti would love to have something to pass the time in there. :)
Not appetizing at all... eewww!
Say WHAT? I never would have guessed that was supposed to be a fetus. What the heck is all that stuff around it? And an Ipod?
Just so, so very wrong.
Those worm-like crust things (for lack of better words) look like strands of the Marburg virus. And what exactly is that baby made of? It's like Silly Putty gone horribly, horribly wrong.
I guessed a stomach with an adjustable gastric band on it (see? the earbud is the filling port!) complete with upper and lower intestine. That the "real" answer is more disgusting is really something special.
I think I just vomited a little in my mouth...
That's disgusting. No breakfast for me today.
To the commenter that said she threw up in her mouth a little - I think I just threw up on my desk a little!
I too thought this was intestines (maybe kidney pie!) with some sort of medical implant. I even went in for the high res picture and by Rorschach, I still couldn't make out a fetus.
WV: geriests - The geriests still out on whether this was a cake or a pie.
@Taylor (MOB)- Your comment made me laugh SO hard!! Thanks.
Best. Post. Ever.
That Maayan sure gets around. I saw a kitty cake she did over on Cute with Chris just the other day.
I was going to guess a surgery gone wrong. Like that Seinfeld episode, when Jerry dropped a Junior Mint into the guy...only this time someone somehow dropped an iPod. Woopsi-daisy! Oh, if only I had been's sooooo much less disturbing. Ick!!
I really shouldn't have looked at this while eating breakfast. Really. I think I am done eating now.
Without knowing it was supposed to be a fetus, my first thought was "Well, that would be great for my cousin." She's a doctor and has had to remove stranger items than iphones from, um, the posterior region.
"Ahead of you lies adventure, and your strength still lies within! Freedom from the (butt) of doom is the treasure you will win!"
I think what I find the most amusing is the link to the cookie cutter where so many people commented "gross!" "sick!" "stupid!" "disgusting!" (ok, i guess it IS kind of stupid...but my delightfully warped sense of humor also loves it :))
As for gross and disgusting? oh no, my dears, that was just a sugar cookie. THIS is gross and disgusting! (ha. And also kind of funny in the 'what the hell kind of occasion calls for iPod fetus pie!??')
I love pie, but this is just too gross!
I work in retail and now I can go back to my sales manager and honestly say that the customer is NOT always right. In fact, this time, they're not even close. And are those cherries what I think they're supposed to be? As if intestines aren't enough, let's put a realistic looking placenta in there as well. With one 'creation, I may never have kids, cake or pie ever again. EWWWWW just isn't strong enough a word!!
*blinks weakly* um...I have to go lie down now...
Dear. Lord.
iPuke is correct!
Egads! This looks like the dog vomit I just cleaned up. I know you warned us but now I think I'M going to be sick!
WV: remba (remba to avert your eyes)
I think I have finally found a pie I will not eat. Excuse me, I have to go throw up now.
horf! double, triple horf!
It's so much worse than what my guess was.
In my expert opinion on the subject (and by that I mean I don't have any clue in hell what I'm talking about)...
I'm going to say it is in fact an ear - with a bluetooth headset in it.
And now that I've convinced myself that is what it is, I can't see any other possibility.
Okay--that is just gross.
Am proud to say I realised what it was before it was spelled out. By "proud", perhaps I actually mean "disturbed".
WHY? Whywhywhywhywhywhy?????!
I knew that was a fetus right off the bat!
I have been here waaaaay too long. D:
why?? why for all that is holy would someone do that?! *shudder* i thought it was someone's stomach with a small camera in it and their lower intestines. that just SCREAMS "YUM!"
Pies are Wreck-worthy too! Yeh, I know I bent the rule today, but if that came across YOUR desk, could you NOT share it with the world? Anyone got a wrecktastic rugelah? A putrid petit four? A barfy biscuit?
The Wrecksistant
I was guessing a colonoscopy that found an iPod up a guy's ... umm ... colon.
What? My brain feels as scrambled as that mess looks.
disgusting. ugh. disgusting.
The fetus part is disturbing, but the i-pod truly pushes it into the WTF zone.
That has to be the worst case of lumpy fetal cellulite I have EVER seen! That poor fetus needs to get off of it's tail and move those flippers to Baby Mozart!
I'm going to have nightmares.
I thought it bowels of someone who swallowed a stethoscope or some other thing of that kind.
No. Freaking. Way.
I would not have guessed fetus-with-an-iPod even if you told me it rhymed with schneetus-schnith-a-schithod....
Now I get the swirly top crust. Huh. Maybe an eye or a nose on the fetus would have been a good clue. I hope it tasted good!
So - working at a hospital - I was going to guess stomach with one of those new weightloss machines on it. But THAT is just disgusting! I don't know if I'd even fault the baker for me not knowing it's a fetus... it's just a WRONG request all around.
How did the ipod...why is the fetus...? Why?
I have scrub my brain with bleach now.
Taylor (MOB) - best. post. ever.
I also guessed it, in a "now I KNOW I can't be right, but I think it is.." sort of way.
I honestly just can't imagine the occassion that calls for a pie like this.... I would really love to know the inside joke this is the punchline for.
I knew what it was immediately, because I had one removed from my body a few months ago. It's an adjustable gastric band, commonly known as a lap-band. It is a common weight loss surgery. You can even see the port, where the syringe pumps fluid gradually into the band, giving the person more restriction. This wreck, indeed, causes you to eat less! Cake or pie, by the way, is not recommended in the pre-op or post-op diet.
Ugh. Geez, I just ate.
how did (if they could) any one eat that? or even cut into it?
stunned. I think I might go crawl into a fetal position in a corner somewhere. I watched a Haunting in Connecticut last night & this is MORE disturbing.
I think this would be less disturbing if the fetus' texture wasn't so odd. that's some seriously lumpy/chunky fondant, there.
also, Taylor's comment (#2) just about killed me.
Oh, dear. A developing crackberry child. Oh, well. I guess there's no room for a wii remote.
*blinks in disbelief*
A fetus with an iPod?
If you say so...
Like everyone else here, I am absolutely stumped as to what possessed the customer to request this, but sadly I'm not particularly surprised.
honestly, I thought it was a stomach and intestines, and I was hurting my brain trying to figure out why a stomach had a pacemaker...
so, it is a fetus in a worm-infested womb? or is that a really sad representation of a placenta? And seriously, I've seen my share of ultrasound pics, and THAT looks nothing like a looks like, well, I won't say due to the number of folks that lost their breakfast this morning...
OMG I'm totally buying that fetus cookie cutter. I will serve fetus cookies @ my mom 50th birthday party in november!
As for the iPod fetus... oh man. I... I. I um. Why are there worms surrounding the fetus?
It looks like a stomach and small intestine with an iPod pie.
Oh. My. Word. (And, LOL to "Taylor (My Older Brothers)".)
I don't know what's worse:
a-someone ASKED for this
b-maker of this wretched sent it in to be mocked.
Yuck!!!! Now if the fetus' skin didn't look so bubbly, then it might be just weird. But as it is - *shudder*
Um. With the diet-inducing theme, I thought it was a stomach surrounded by intestines (the wormy things) and thought the Ipod was the stapling device the put in to make your stomach smaller. Thought maybe the occasion was somebody learning to equate mega cake/pie consumption with the consequences...
I'd love to know the real back story. Lily
My first thought was a iPod stomach.
But a fetus? That's just sad and slightly vomit inducing.
oh, eew. That's worse than the Bodyworlds Exhibit.
Mmmm, cut me a slice of foetus pie!
Wierd, gross and gross again!!
Very Interesting.
That is disgusting!
My guess was lap band surgery what with the noodle-like instestines and all...
Ew... gross. REALLY gross. I actually thought it was meant to be brain matter or something. I can't decide if that would have been more or less disturbing that the fetus.
Ummm, EW! That image will stay with me forever. Thanks for that.
That is truly frightening. Reminds me of Harlequin Fetus.
If you check out the picture of a human embryo/fetus at 5 weeks (sans IPod), you can see that the Wreckorator actually did a first-rate job!
Pardon me while I puke! I don't get the wormy looking stuff around that baby. That can't be right.
I saw this an my first thought was 'braaaaiiiinnnnsss'.
I honestly thought it was supposed to represent a lapband surgery.
I'm with whoever commented some posts above that this looked like it was meant to commemorate a surgeon's whoopsie. 'Hey, sorry about that. Have some pie as consolation.'
okay I should know by now not to be eating when I click on your blog. Throwing away my yogurt I had been enjoying before now.....I thought it was a cochlear implant too.
wv - in "what topuck is that?!"
cannot be unseen
WAY beyond nasty!
I'm sitting here with my head cocked sidways to the left, then to the right, then to the left a little farther. One eye closed, squinting, mouth open..... and then my coworker asks if I'm okay.
WV: unforti.... unforti-nutely I'll never be the same again after seeing what I just saw.
It would go great with some fava beans and a nice key-ant-tee!!!
(is this a duplicate? if so feel free to delete it.)
Funny, I looked at it and thought, "well it LOOKS like a fetus with an ipod, so it's probably supposed to be a bluetooth in an ear."
Taylor, you slay me! It is, after all, an APPLE pie.
Dude. I think that actually *is* a fetus.
I was going to guess some sort of commentary on music/ipods rotting your brain. . .
"This is your brain on an Ipod"
Anyway you look at it - ewwww! Why would you request that and then serve it?
I was hoping it was a cochlear implant. But yuck.
...I have never truly been disgusted by any of the cakes here. This one has changed all that...
I think that is the most disgusting thing I've seen.
Since when do fetuses sit outside of the womb on a bed of intestine? Unless it's a guy having a baby.
Ooh, MPREG fetus with I-Pod.
That is the nastiest thing I have seen in some time! GROSS!
I know we're in a recession, and small businesses shouldn't turn away business for self-preservation, but SERIOUSLY? This is gross!!
I was thinking "intestines"? Someone swallowed an ipod?"
But oh my gosh, my mouth fell open when I read what it really was. Gack.
im not really sure how i feel about the fact that i guessed right...
OK.....guessing without looking at the rest of the post of what anyone else has said.....I'm going to guess that cake is to celebrate a clean colonoscopy!
off to read the rest of the blog and comments!
Well....I guess I was in the general "area" of the body.....
What on EARTH is the matter with people? Seriously?
Shut. Up.
No... really???
Ooookay then.
If the baker herself was kind enough to supply the photo, why didn't she also give us the backstory/explanation for her creation?
I would hate to think that she made it with just the instruction "a pie of a fetus with an iPod" and NO reason for it!
I am trying to figure out how this request could have been done and not been a wreck.
WV: Uncinte. The Fetus Pie is enough to uncinte projectile vomiting.
that is so gross!!!!
OMFG! I'll never look at pie again, I swear!
Jeeze!!!!!! That is just nasty. What is wrong with people? Did someone really think that would be funny?
I think I may be one of the only ones who saw the image and thought "OMG, is that a fetus with an ipod?"
First, fetus with an ipod pie, next placenta petit fours!
Great! Now I need some Unicorn Chaser...
I stared, open mouthed, for a good minute trying to decipher what I was looking at. Once I found out, I stared, open mouth, a bit longer...
what the?!
I sure hope it's waterproofed!
Yes, but what kind of pie is it? Strawberry? Cherry?
Actually, I thought this was created to celebrate a surgery gone wrong, and the subsequent successful malpractice suit - with the surgeon's iPod dropped into the intestines...
I just threw up a little... in my mouth :(
Oh my god. I thought it was intestines with some kind of surgery tool left in the body!!
again, oh my god.
The photos makes me physically ill.
Fetus, you say? So the orange-y thing is probably the umbilical cord…?? So Feety can run, like 10 miles, while listening to the I-Pod?? Now there’s a sight…as if we needed a worse one.
Fetus with an ipod?
Someone needs a new job.
I'll never eat pie again thanks to that horrific picture!
This is timely. Considering the Universities will soon be filling up with students. We'll get to walk to work in the morning on the much missed vomit covered sidewalks that signifly "Frosh week".
wv: pardy...Yup
And as Stria noted..."Some of us haven't eaten our breakfast yet (and now may never eat again)."
I'm going to print this off, tape it to my fridge, and cancel my Jenny Craig membership. Thanks, Jen!
Somebody really bought that? Somebody really ate that?
I definitely thought it was a kidney. With an iPod.
Sadly my first thought was a fetal pig laying in his mother's entrails....
um...then I saw the 'ipod' which I thought was a blood pressure cuff, so I was more than a little confused. Then I read your answer and am MORE confused.....
What kind of drugs was this person on when they ordered this pie?
WV: Argen...the sound I made when I urped up my sandwich after seeing this.
My thoughts were stomach intestines with an ipod. Like maybe they were giving a pie to someone who swallowed one, as a gag gift.
YUCK just the same.
Honestly, I'd be pretty upset if I ordered a fetus wearing an ipod and got a stomach and intestines. I hope the customer didn't have to pay for that.
I wonder what he/she/it is listening to?
I wish I hadn't been eating when I typed your url in my browser!
I don't know how everyone saw the iPod...I saw a fetus (or maybe brain) with a pressure cuff.
That might even make a bit more sense.
I thought it was a depiction of the top of a superior section through a skull and brain, with a cellphone inside. As in this is what is going to happen to you if you talk on that phone so much.
And here I was going to say a stomach with surrounding intestines. But a FETUS???? Ummmm....okay, maybe if you black out the lights....and squint. Or close your eyes.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Tacoma, WA
OMG!!!!! How in the he** did I actually guess that?!?! LOL!!!
I think I'm going to go loose my lunch now.
Is it sick that i guessed right? (It is sick that someone made such a thing...bleh!)
Mmmmmmmm... fetusy.
I thought that was going to be weight loss surgery cake. Vile!
Oh no!! That is exactly the kind of brain-looking goo I found online when I was looking for inspiration for my medically themed cupcakes. Very horror movie, hannibal... eek!!
Aaaah!!! I can't unsee it!!! I'm now damaged for life.
Okay, that's seriously so gross! That's even worse than the fetus cookies, because at least they resemble a cookie when you look at it!
OMGosh I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit!
I thought it was a celebration of a stomach pump removal of your mp3 player... And I still think it looks more like a stomach than a fetus. It Would explain the squiggly lines around it (other organs/flesh?) I suppose.
that literally jolted me when I scrolled down. So very wrong.
More like a very early-term embryo pie. They're usually a little more defined than that by the time they're bigger than an iPod.
Wh-what? *Why*? In the name of all that is holy, *why*? I-I have no words for this. *headshake* I can't decide whether this is one of the most hilarious or one of the most disturbing Wrecks I've ever seen. Maybe both.
Oh.My.Gawd. I think I just lost my appetite for the next month.
I think it looks like a heart with a pace maker, with lots of squiggly fat around it. Yeah, that's pretty diet-inducing too.
Hopefully this iFetus won't become a trend, we have enough baby shower wrecks out there that would make Jason Vorhees cry.
Oh. My. God. That actually made me gag a little bit.
OMG. That takes the whole realistic baby cake to a whole new level. You thought that was disturbing? Apparently it can only get better. Yum (as she fights a gag) Thanks for sharing?
OH. MY. GOSH. I have just one more thing to say. WHY????????????
It's a WHAT?! Oh dear lord! *hurk*
Am I the only one who saw a headless lamb with an ipod ripping out of its stomach surrounded by brains and circled by a trail of blood? Perhaps the result of a Pagan ritual?
I was guessing a top-down shot of a liver getting revived with a difibrilator.
Clearly it is a stomach with the intestines surrounding it. It's very accurate. Perhaps it swallowed the IPOD.
EEEEWWWW!!!!! Yuck!
I think that even for a fetus wearing an iPod, this is a poorly executed cake...sorry to say...