I mean, it looks just like Lenin's perfectly preserved corpse, so I know you're salivating already. Why, just look how excited the kiddies are!

Ah, a little jawbone with a scoop of ice cream on the side... [kissing fingertips] magnifique!
Ellie P., Whitney G., & Ann W., I think I'm going to need a Unicorn Chaser, stat.
- Related Wreckage: Any Occasion Will Do
UPDATE: Wow, thanks for all the entries in the dead Lenin caption contest, guys! The winning caption is a combination of what Taylor, Jenniffer, the Suttons, & Anne S. wrote. Oh, and my friend Abby came up with "slice of the iron fist."
And here are a few more that made me laugh:
"Lenin cake again?" - Ivory Girl
"I said I wanted a LEMON cake." - Judy
"Well, it’s better than cancer rat.” – Chris
"Crotch, please!" - BookTender
537 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 537 Newer› Newest»mmmm brains.
hey! i wanted the brains!
Girl: "No no! Not THAT head!"
Love the glow sticks. Prettyyyyy.
"Forget the roses--I want his nose!"
This will be the first comment (I hope)! Anyway, the caption to best fit the girl: "The arm! ACK! Don't cut the shoulder, man! The arm is going to fall off!"
Yes, it's a sucky caption, but I've never been much of a comedian.
Little girl: "Mmmmmmmm. Meaty!"
I think she's saying.........
OHHHH,not shoulder! I wanted to try some of those ribs.
Andrea Dixon
"No, no, no! I wanted the BRAINS!"
...zombie girls. There's just no pleasing them. >.>
"I want the mustache."
"No, I don't WANT the prominent chin! I wanted MOUSTACHE!"
"No fair! I wanted the cold, dead spot where his heart was supposed to be!"
"Not the shoulder again! I had Stalin's shoulder at the last party. Can I have the heart this time?!?!?"
That little girl was saying "But *I* wanted the earlobe!
I love the glowing Three Mile Island cake... but who the heck is celebrating that anniversary?
The Lenin cake is disturbing.
"I want the moustache! I want the moustache!"
*blink* *blink* *blink*
I have no words.
Who thought it would be a good idea to *order* the Dead Person Cake ... what bakery thought it would be a good idea to *make* a Dead Person Cake ... and who the heck would line up with a plate and a fork and *eat* a Dead Person Cake???
Jen ~ there is no way you can ever top this wreck. No. Way.
*Shaking head*
Yes i agree - the glowsticks are pretty inspired. Although if that cake were for me instead of 3 Mile Island, the message I'd come away with is: "We didn't have room for all the candles - so we improvised."
"I want a flower with my piece of arm!"
Who is that Lenin cake for?!
The kid is saying: OMFG!
The first one could have been awesome...too bad they couldn't do a decent shell design or mix up a proper x-files shade of green. Of course, that, too, is a misconception. Radiation glow is actually blue, so I'm told, but if you have been irradiated enough to see it, you are like five minutes from dead. Therefore the icing and glow sticks should actually have been blue, just to give 'em a little chill! mwahahahahaha.
The last thing I want to eat is a... aaaaa .... mrflhmph *claps hand over mouth* er, filet of dude. There's so much wrong with that Lenin cake. You do the math. lol
Lenin is beyond disturbing. Really.
I must know what occasion that was for.
That last image literally turned my stomach. BLECH!
"This is the coolest magic trick ever! Grampa's turned into cake! When does the magician turn him back to himself?"
"But I wanted the heart!"
Don't you hate it when your little brother always gets what *you* want? This started her deep hatred towards men. Watch for her film- "I am Samantha" Sam's got nothing on her!
I can't believe he used to play with Ringo!
"I want shoulder! I want shoulder! It has more icing!"
Shoulder piece is the new corner piece.
"Hey! Susie got a bigger piece of clavicle than I did! NO FAIR! MOOOOmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy!"
Okay, I'm opposed to viewings of dead bodies to begin with. Some even take pictures of them and place them in their albums, uggghhh! (Yes I know people still do this practice - I just don't understand it. Wouldn't it be better to remember the persons life rather than to keep a reminder of their death?)
But making a cake to replicate a dead body???? Why in heavens name would ANYONE want to do that?
I have seen my share of unappetizing food in my lifetime, but Dead Lenin cake, uhm, takes the cake.
"Can I have some fava beans with that?"
I think it's funny that there's a guy serving from the other end of the cake, for all those with a foot fetish.
"Quit 'Stalin'! I want some cake now!"
"eeech, I had face last Lennin cake!"
"wow, jelly filling!"
Did anyone else hear a muffled scream???
"I love the glowing Three Mile Island cake... but who the heck is celebrating that anniversary?"
OH! I read it as "Three MIKE Island" and wondered what those fellas had been doing for 30 years stuck on an island together.
WV: enerrump. Don't enerrump me when I'm trying to leave a comment.
My entry: Which has more frosting? The bicep or the funny bone?
"Hey, I was gonna get his nose! Mom PROMISED!!!"
Oh little disturbed child...
"Mom! It just winked at me!"
That is one scary cake.
"I'll take the chip on his shoulder"
Mine's got hair on it! --Philmchick
That last image was disturbing, but it was lightened with some of the comments.
Debbie and Miranda about killed me.
ooo bad choice of words. ick ick ick
The little girl is saying:
"Oh My Gosh! The inside isn't cake, its muscle!"
"I'll take the chip on his shoulder"
"Lenin cake again?"
Mmmm! Lungs!
The girl is saying: "Do you think they left the liver?"
Oh. My. Goodness. The glowsticks on that cake are way cool!!! Not the cake itself mind you, the cake itself is atrocious but the glowsticks on it *look* really cool! Maybe it's the old club kid in me. : )
As for the rest of the cakes, wow, they are highly disturbing. Especially the cancer rat and Lenin! I think that little girl is saying "Oh, I hope it's red velvet cake!" or "Can I have some of the moustache? It's the best part!"
Ooh, look! Chocolate frosting earwax! I want THAT piece!
I actually think the rat looks grosser (is that a word?) but that one really makes my stomach turn. But really, I couldn't eat a dead person cake either, that's just way too weird. . .
"Umm, I don't want cake anymore" *gags*
I asked for Red Velvet cake!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaah!!
It would have been really great if that Lenin cake was red velvet!! Like the armadillo cake in Steel Magnolias...aahh good movie!
The little girl is saying: "Hey! That's not the Barbie cake I wanted for my party!"
Awww, man, I don't want the ARM! I wanted the nose!
"Don't do that!! You'll wake him up!"
Little Girl Picture caption:
A young Yoko Ono was quoted as saying, "Ewww, I said Lennon, not Lenin! This tastes like communism!! I wouldn't give it high Marx"
"Aww! I wanted the jelly filling..."
I can't think of a caption, being that I am so disturbed that not only would someone assemble this cake, but then would hack at it and serve it to excited children. Barf barf and barf!
With that surprised look I think she's saying.....
"Oh no! Someone is cutting hi.....OOOOOOOHHH it's a cake. Now I understand why I have a plate."
Never before has one of your posts made me want to puke...dead Lenin cake definately made me go there...thanks Jen. Sure am glad I was done my breakfast. Urp.
I think he just moved!
"Not the Cold Shoulder again! Why, oh why, can I never have a Hot Piece of A**, Mommy?"
"Look! He moved!"
Ear! I want ear! Aww..shoulder again?!
@Just Jim...
"I think I saw him move!"
"Tastes like chicken"
That little girl is saying "but I want a FLOOOOWEEEERRRRRRRR" like all little girls when it comes to cake...gross.
No Mommy I said I wanted a LEMON cake for my birthday!!!!
Yes, jelly filling in strawberry cake would have made Lenin perfect! Yum-yum :)
My guess is either
1) "Heeeeead, Shoulders, Knees and Toes! (Knees and Toes!)"
2) "You put your left arm in, you take your left arm out, you put your left arm in, and I'm going to eat your arm!"
Wait, she's not singing something inappropriate? Oh I disagree! See the man behind the cake-surgeon there? He's shocked and appalled!
"It's meatloaf? No fair!"
"Mommy, let's save the head in the freezer so Babushka can have a piece!"
GROSS...gross, creepy, icky...even without the radiation poisoning on the side...
So that's what disarmament means...
That's not the arm I wanted! Give me private parts now, so I can preserve them from all of you perverts!
"Can I have a piece of mustache, please?"
Notice that Lenin's mustache is *exactly* the same as the server's? Coincidence? I think not, comrade. In Soviet Russia, mustache wears YOU!
Okay, that's nasty.
Girl: "Whoa! Monster booger!"
Though I have to admit that the commenter that had the girl claiming the cake was grandpa and asking when he'd come back alive had me laughing out loud. Hilarious!
"Phew, good thing I didn't get the nose!"
What's a ghoul got to do 'round here to get prime rib?
I want a cadaver piece!" (Like a corner piece - more icing). Yum!
This is one of the more disturbing things I have ever seen. *Shudder!*
"In Soviet Russia... cake"
"I have toiled in the fields for the greater good of the commune, now we feast on the spoils!"
"Don't chop the Stalin daddy!" (anyone seen those ads for the lollies?)
“My papa witnessed the fall of the Soviet Union and all I got was this lousy HORRIFYING CAKE TRAUMA! AUGGH!”
“Ah, so THAT’S how you do rotator cuff surgery!”
“Nightmare cake is the ipecac of the masses!”
“Wreckers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your lunch!”
“That’s it! When I die, I wanna be CREAMATED!”
In Soviet Russia, cake eats you!
Can't resist a ST:TNG quote for the caption: "Mmmm...Cellular Peptide Cake ... with Mint Frosting!"
I said "a slice of shoulder, not bicep"
Well, you finally did it! (Inspired me to comment I mean).
That Lenin cake has got to be the most tasteless (pun intended) idea yet. It creeped me out beyond description. Of course, the rat was bad, too...but eating a perfect repro of a corpse is just the worst!
I hope the little girl isn't asking for the moustache!
In Soviet Russia, cake eats you!
"I think I saw him move"
Mommy...does eating him make me a cannibal?...and you said biting my sister was bad..at least I never put frosting on her and started slicing away!!!
Dunno if this has been done yet but:
"In Soviet Russia, cake eats YOU!"
Egads! I think I liked the Harry Potter cakes better.
Ленин! Я не знал, что они имели аромат Ленина. Теперь я застреваю с частью родинки Горбечова на моей пластине.
Phonetic: Lenin! Ya nee znal chto anee emeelee aromat Lenina! Tepehr ya zastrovayoo schastyoo rodenkee Gorbachova na mahyee plactenee.
Translation: Lenin! I didn't know they had Lenin flavor! Now I'm stuck with Gorbachev's birthmark on my plate!
Little girl: "He seems so life-like!" or "Mommy, it's like watching CSI!"
This is the closest thing to an autopsy being performed on cake that I have ever seen...or ever hope to see again. Although it does bring to mind the funeral cake debate that erupted when Micheal Jackson died...this is far more disturbing than any of those cakes could possibly have been.
WV: Lumented...the first cake appears to be lumented
Заполнение тапиоки взгляда Ohhh!
Translates to: Ohhh look tapioca filling!
ugh...i can't believe these actually got made. what kills me about the Lenin cake is that it looks like he's laying...in a cake, not a coffin. weird.
"See that blanket? I want what's Under Neat that."
"Is that Jamie Hyneman?"
"That's still better than the Michael Jackson cake we had last week. It was impossible to eat. It was all fondant."
"Is that a bullet in the neck? I thought he had that removed."
First thing I thought of..
"I'll choose my piece..I pick the nose" I guess gross caption goes with gross cake!!
Girl: "IT'S THE BEATING OF THAT HIDEOUS HEART! I mean, can I have his spleen?"
"Can I watch you cut into the gonads?"
"Watch out! He's going for the jugular!"
I definitely do like the "fava beans" remark tho.
WV: Asesse--"After he serves up the gonads, the asesse next"
"Do you mind if I throw up right here?"
"You CAN have cake AND death!"
"Oooh, ooh, I call dibs on the clavicle!"
"When he said that no amount of political freedom will satisfy the hungry masses, I don't think this is what he had in mind as an alternative."
(My vote goes for Judy's above.)
the little girl is saying, "oh my gosh! he had a heart?!"
blurk. ycuck. blorg.
"Woooah...this is like that class trip to the morgue! This guy tastes much better! *nom nom nom*"
The Lenin cake is disturbingly well done. Did the bakery have "Lifesize replica of Lenin's body" on their list of cakes they could do? What occasion was this for!!
The Lenin cake should have been an entry on it`s own, everybody seem to forget sweet poor old cancer rat...
No fair! Everyone gets a slice that's the same size!
1. "Stop trying to feed me your Bolshevik."
2. "In Soviet Russia, cake eats YOU!!"
3. "Oh, my favorite! Red Terror!"
4. Wreckorator to shocked family:
"Excuse me, but aren't you Michael Palin from Monty Python's Flying Circus?"
"i've always dreamed of eating lapel!"
"Just squirt the blood right here, baby"
No! Wait! He's not dead!
C. Bhoff
Little Girl: "Well, at least it's better than that cancer rat."
"Tastes like chicken!"
WV: unmwads - the trouser-area serving *wink wink nudge nudge* of the Lenin-cake.
Hey - I heard my mom say that she needed a piece of man meat once. NOW I understand..
I imagine the little girl saying "YAAAAAY!! Dead Commie is my favorite cake flavor! Can I get an eyeball?"
Is it sick and twisted that I hope this cake was made of red velvet? Probably.
"Is it just me, or is it extremely odd that the server looks 20 years younger than the cake counterpart we are about to indulge in...*shudder*...maybe I'm not so hungry any more. No offense, food server, but I wouldn't want to eat you...dead or alive!"
Egads,that is a horrid cake. I thought it was bad in the first small pic, I was like "dead guy....ew". THEN I saw the other pics and realized it was life sized. *shudder*
Here I thought that life sized bride cakes were gross.....
"He looks SO much tastier than the Mao Tse Tung cake we had last year!"
"Oh my GAWD! He looks like Daddy!"
Wow! He is filled with preservatives! Mom...do I like the taste of embalming?
Girl: "Comrade Lenin, your sacrifice to the proletariat...it looks delicious!"
"Lemon Creme Lenin? This is the best meeting of the Fine Young Cannibals yet!"
"There's nothing better than a nice piece of a**."
Go for the heart!
"Oooh! Raspberry filling for the masses!"
"(Gasp) His blackened heart is made of chocolate lava cake! How realistic!"
.....i have no idea what i just looked at.
Little girl in whispery voice: "I eat dead people"
Can I have the whole arm?
umm...who in the right frame of mind wanna bake and eat that cake in the first place?
Anyway, here's my caption :
"Can I have the heart please? I love hearts!"
"Mom, is this what Mr. Lenin meant when he wanted to feed the hungry masses?"
Love the glowsticks.
Nice. A corpse cake. Ugh.
~Amy B.
"Worst. 'Got Your Nose' Game. Ever"
"Who knew communism could taste so good?"
'I'm here to eat your brains, Lenin'
NOTL style
Little girl: I got a shoulder piece last time...NO fair!
Little girl:
"The spleen is not that high you dummy!"
communist maniFEASTo
"GOSH, I HOPE IT BLEEDS. I like it when they bleed."
Little girl comment "Oh No, my piece is an eighth of an inch bigger than your piece - that will never do!"
Miranda is my new hero for "fillet of dude".
I can totally see her saying "This is great! I'm totally saving this idea for Mom's funeral."
"Oh.My.Gosh. That mustache is all frosting! DIBS!!!"
"No, I want a slice of his cold, dead heart!"
Oh no no no no! I wanted his HEART. Not the suit over it. I want the heart with blood dripping from it!
This reminds me of the old "Mommy, mommy" jokes:
"Mommy, mommy, I don't want to visit Grandpa!"
"Shut up and keep digging!"
"Mommy, mommy, I hate my sister's guts!"
"Shut up and keep eating!"
guy with beard and glasses behind server: "Emily, this is just like we practiced in class. Dissection is the same whether human or frog."
girl: "OH. MY. GOSH. Don't be so gross, Dad. That's not even funny... AHHHH! he's bleeding! Oh? Red Velvet cake? Yes, please."
i think she's saying..."um...yeah, i uh....*THINK* i'll just have the ice cream...(*gulp*)....THANKS, though...."
"No fair! He always gets the shoulder!"
"Wow, this cannabalism thing isn't nearly as gross as I thought it would be!"
"But I wanted the goatee!"
Oh! He's a CAKE?!? Yeah, I'll just have some ice cream, thanks.
Mum! My cakes got hair in it!
That is seriously disturbing on so many levels . . . I think the little girl should be saying "Did he move? I think he moved!"
"I want to eat his eyes!!"
"Can somebody give me a hand here? Hey, why are you giving me the cold shoulder?"
I thought that modeling a cake on living beings was disturbing. It turns out that using a corpse as inspiration is so, so much creepier.
mr.ska said In Soviet Russia, mustache wears YOU!
I can't believe we got this far in the comments without an "in Soviet Russia" joke.... Which of course, naturally leads to: in Soviet Russia, cake eats you.
{Deep excited breath} "Oh! Oppressive Communism!?! My favorite! With sprinkles too? Awesome."
"Hey! Can we get a cake like that when Grandma dies!!!!!"
Or at least that's what my daughter would've said. :)
Never mind, I see the "in Soviet Russia, cake eats you" joke popped into a lot of other heads too once Mr.Ska opened that door.
Girl "This funeral is A LOT different from the one we went to last time!"
"Augch! I got a tooth!"
AHHH.... It's just cake. I thought it would bleed or something!!
"I thought you said I couldn't have a guy's tongue in my mouth until I was 20!"
So THIS is what happens when you combine Marie Antoinette with Communism.
Im pretty sure the girl is saying, "Am I really going to eat that!"
little girl: "MOOOOMMMMMM, I think he's still breathing!!"
More Flesh Please.
The girl is singing, "Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svodbodnoye, Druzhby narodov nadyozhny oplot!" (Which is the first 2 lines of the chorus of the Soviet national anthem).
I love this blog.
"NO! No, comrade! Vant little pinchy nose, not overgrown mustache. "
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, it's a CAKE!"
Thanks for cheering me up, its raining,life is C*** and then Lenin Cake!! I really did LOL.
the little girl is saying
I want head!
when we had bunny mould blancmange my kids used to argue over the bum and the head
The girl is saying, "If he wakes up, should we stop eating him?"
Can I have a slice of Adam's Apple?...or should that be Lenin's Apple?
"Judy said...
No Mommy I said I wanted a LEMON cake for my birthday!!!!"
Best. Caption. EVER.
If my vote counts, put me down for Judy!!!
"Grandpa? All these years Grandpa was a cake, and no one told me?"
For my birthday, can we have a grandma cake?
Why on Earth would you need a cake that looks like Lenin?!? It reminds me of the preggo woman in the tub. Both are very disturbing... Ordering a case of the unicorn chaser now!
Is it going to bleed?
Little girl: "OMG! Sweet! Grandpa died and turned into cake! This IS heaven!!"
I'm not easily grossed out, but that corpse cake nearly made me lose my breakfast.
I said "lemon cake!"
this was taken right before the vomit started to project out of her mouth...BLECH!!!!
Mmmmm. Cancer Rat.
ooo ooooo I want the nose !
"I don't think you understood ... I want his 'joint'."
Unicorn Chaser...hysterical. I love that listed amongst the feel-good herbal ingredients you find GLITTER! I'm happy already!
Is it wrong that I'm hoping the dead Lenin cake is red velvet?
Lol! @ Amberella's comment :)
"Is this kosher?"
Let them eat cake!
Annie astonesthrowfrominsanity.blogspot.com
That's beyond wrecky....it's disgusting! I would eat the glow sticks before a piece of "dead man" cake. Bleck!
(singing) "Someone left the Bolshevik out in the rain ..."
My first comment was supposed to be a caption but I forgot to put the quotation marks.
So, for a second shot "Hrumph, it needs sprinkles"
"Oh, I wanted grandpa's rotor cuff"
Ewwwww, not the heart!
The body cake reminds me of a Tom Petty video. Just can't remember which song it was...
"Can I have a slice of trechea? Can I, can I, can I?"
Wv: suphi. Wow..someone obviously was trying to speak with a broken nose here...
"but mom he's putrified!"
"But it's oozing!"
"Do I have to eat it?!"
"I have never seen a cake look like that! Is it supposed to look like that?"
"it makes me StalinGLAD!"
"Is that bone?!"