"Girl, you
fine. Why don't you come over here, and give daddy a
lil' sugar?"

"Check it. I've got a spiky polar-bear-skin rug for us to lounge on, and some
weet champagne glasses the size of water coolers. I even put on my navy blue
tighty-whities, '
cuz I know how much you dig those.
"What's that, kitten? You like the light blue ones better? No problem."

[patting rug] "This cracked concrete floor is hard, baby, but not as hard as...er...my...devotion to you? Yeah. Yeah, that's it. Hey, kids! What are you doing in here?
Amscray, will ya?"

"That's better. Now, where were we? Ah, yes, talking about how lucky you are - or at least how lucky you're
gonna be. [waggling eyebrows]
Aww yeaaah. This sea I'm lying in is the ocean of my love, and it's all for you, girl, it's
all for
you. [wink wink]
"What's a matter, doll? Still not convinced? How 'bout if I do some leg lifts?"

"My sticker may say 'yellow',
pudd'n, but this here treat is
pure chocolate, if you know what I'm
I don't know about you, Aimee T., Lisa C., J.B., and Becky B., but I am definitely
in the mood - for cake.
299 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 299 Newer› Newest»WOW.
That spike-studded Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man can't be comfortable for that poor guy to lay down on...
What says come on over for a booty call more than a spikey Polar Bear rug, cracked concrete floor, and plastic child predator doing leg lifts? Nada, my friends, nada.
Jen, but you are the charmer mon cheri.
Bachelor #3 there looks like he's on a polar-bear shaped pool floatie.
That's the only way I can reconcile the Speedo, anyway.
This post had me peeing in my pants. Hilarious!!!!
Haha, I love the bear skin rug renditions - that makes it so much better.
But LOL at your commentary, which nearly made me spit water on my computer.
Word verification was verri: This post was verri funny.
What is that a reference too? It has to be something, or otherwise why would they all have the same thing essentially? Is this some portion of the collective consciousness that I have (thankfully) missed out on?
Hahahaha! What in the name of buttercream frosting were they thinking???
word verification: skindis. Um, I'd rather not.
Crocheted polar bear skin rugs are the best!
I thought the first one was Barbie's Ken wrestling with the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man.
WV: flion.... I want to be the flion the wall when these wreckorators first debut this kind of "art" to a coworker.
I thought the first one was being attacked by the abominable snowman.
This is by far my favorite Cake Wreck day!
oh. my.
the bearskin rug is the best part.
what on EARTH is the point of this cake?
So, do the instructions on the "figurine" package say: "Use star tip to pipe bear skin rug or reasonable facsimile. Place on top of rug."
Wow. I had no idea this cake was available. I am speechless. Is this "design" in one of those books of available designs? Wow.
OMG...I got that same exact cake for my 19th birthday!! (Ahem...21 years ago....) The guy is still sitting in my mom's china cabinet!! LOL
oh dear goodness....frosting bear skin rugs....even in all this wreckiness, something I thought I'd never see....
Love it!
Bachelor #2's head doesn't match his body!
Ummmm. . . the "rugs"? I would have guessed otter, rhino and race car - skin rugs but bear? I don't see it.
Why... why, why, why are there multiples of this absurd cake!?
Aw, if only I'd known about those cakes before my 40th birthday.
i know just the friend i'm going to request THESE CAKES for for her birthday.
she will die of embarrassment and i will die of laughing my ass off.
these are gold. gold i tell you!
This is just to funny! Thanks for the laugh.
Is that supposed to be Burt Reynolds from the Cosmo centerfold 1123356489099870 years ago?
I usually read your blogs with my kids. It's a good thing I was too busy to include them. I was laughing 'til I cried! I don't even want to think about any occasions that would warrant one of these cakes. I can't even believe they make the plastic man in the first place. Someone somewhere is totally warped! Thanks for such a great post. -Jen
A couple of those rugs look like the Abominable Snowman from Rudolph. Are these cakes celebrating the adult version of that movie?
"Hermey wants to be a male stripper!"
I know what kind of cake I want for my birthday. Ooooh yeah... Makes me think of cheesey 80's goodness! Oh if only he had some painted on chest hair! oooooooer!
Just to make matters even better, does Bachelor #3's cake have text-spacing issues? "Bettis Getting Older"--Is the person's name "Bettis" and the decorator doesn't know proper grammar, or is her name "Bett" and she "IS getting older"? Just something to ponder while I do leg lifts on a bear-skin rug...
Jeshii & Linnea -- Monstrosities along these lines are sometimes served at bridal showers and bachelorette parties.
My cousin once got one, entirely frosted, without the speedo. Ugh!!!! Three guesses which portion of the cake everyone refused to eat?
WV: manerman. As in, man-er-man that is one unbelievable cake.
I don't understand the writing on the red-undied one.
"Bettis getting old"?
A misspelled "beats getting old"?
"Bett is getting old"?
It's times like this I'm glad I just make my own darned cakes!
Oh, yeah. These would really put me in the mood..for a diet. Geez. Why have a real man when you can have a plastic one on a spiked rug? Heh, heh, heh...
~Amy B
The scary thing is that SO MANY different cake places have this creepy "leisure suit larry" sans-suit guy on cake.
surist - This surist a seducing cake!
OMG! I got one of those cakes for my 18th birthday. I had forgotten all about it until your brought that memory flying back! Too funny!
*cough, cough*
Ahem... uh...
*clear throat*
These look... tasty?
Not sure what to say here.
And why doesn't speedo boy #2's face match his body?
Oh my! I particularly like that the one "bear" is stabbed with a plastic Lucky Lady sign.
Not so lucky for the bear I guess, but the plastic man who survived drinking the 2 biggest drinks on the planet is plenty lucky to be so "perky."
So funny! Long time reader and I always get a laugh, but today it really struck me I guess, so I had to comment. =)
I also vote this as my favorite cakewreck day ever! Commentary/"dialog" was priceless on this one. I love it!
AHHH!!! In light of all the global warming/endangered polar bear stories out there right now, a mostly naked guy floating around on what is (clearly) a dead polar bear prostrate on a blue ocean of cake is both topical and tasteless! Good for you, wrecky bakers! Take a stand!
Ha ha ha... HILARIOUS.
Nothing sets the mood like this cake!!!
I have to say this site has given me a whole new outlook on cakes!! It's wonderful!! I cannot believe the cakes decorators try to pass off!! Do they really think the cakes look good???
So wrong on EVERY level!
I just found your blog and I gotta say, this stuff is just so wonderfully horribly wrong, it's awesome.
This just made my entire rainy day!
You know, I had no idea that this theme would be so prevalant, and I was actually asked last night if I make adult-themed cakes. not that these are that adult.
But on that third cake (I think.. second?) the border and string work down the sides are actually nice! What the hell happened to the top!?!
I like the Disney Princess napkins in the background of the first cake. Really makes you wonder what age group this "party" was for....
I had no idea that first one was supposed to be a bear skin rug when I first looked at it. I thought it was a screwy cloud, as if to portray some sort of "dream consort."
Those are all so awesomely creepy, though! I dig it (in the same way I dig really bad European '90s music).
Why does the polar bear in the third picture have such a giant tail? I did not know that polar bears had giant tails. You learn something new everyday I tell ya!
I can scarcely believe my eyes, and I'd bet the polar bear feels the same - Brrrrrrrr!
That's a cake maker (just the one I'd guess, and hope!) who is working out some kind of serious obsession, non?
Bettis Getting Old?
I've never commented on here before but that was hilarious!
Excellent commentary! Just needed some chick-a- wow-wow guitar in the background...
Oh my. There was more than one? Wow.
The best thing about Erica's super-spikey cake (the first one) is that it comes with Disney princess napkins! How old is Erica that both are appropriate??
*** shakes head **** Never mind, just .... never mind. These are wrecky in too many ways!
WV: laste - what these wrecks are; bad laste.
Does that one who is flying/cruising through the sky/ocean say "Bett is getting older" or some other variation.. and have the poor spacers struck again ?
My husband did not mention he was doing any cake modeling...Looking good darlin'
Frequent reader - but never posted. This post had me bust out laughing so hard my boss stuck his head out of his office to see what was going on! HAHA! Awesome!
I'm kinda thinking MAYBE bachlorette party (except for the one that says "Bettis getting old" which I'm guessing is supposed to be Betti's getting old. Either way, not nice.
But please tell me these all came from the same place and they just had some extra plastic men lying around and couldn't figure out what to do with them. Although I'm not sure that sounds much better.
I'm speechless. The fact you could even get one bohunk on a bearskin rug....but no, you get a choice of colors! Wow.
WV: grous. He grous me out, bebeh.
These cakes crack me up. They look like something made for a bridal shower/bachelorette party circa 1977. And did you notice the size of the "claws" on the last "rug?" Holy cow!
I can't believe they're still doing these cakes! I was an in-store decorator for about 10 years starting in 1991, and I thought they were pretty cheesy back then.
Once in a great while people would order the silly things though. Usually for a stag-ette party or some woman's 30th birthday or something...generally as a joke.
I believe that after I ran out of these sexy men, I ripped the picture out of the book and never ordered any more. Jeannie
Does the 3rd one say, 'Bettis getting old?'. If Betti is indeed getting on in years, then she will surely appreciate the gigalo cake.
These are just horrific, yet absolutely hilarious!
The leg lifts! It took all I had to hold the laughter in. Thanks for making the start of my work day just a little more absurd.
I also wanted to say that I've loved all the cakes you've posted, but I've never felt inspired to "wreck"-reate one before today. My friend has no idea what she's getting for Valentine's Day.
Oh my God, I used to see cakes like these in bakery windows in the 70's. I thought that the plastic gigolo cake decoration disappeared with disco. PLEASE tell me these cakes aren't recent! Please tell me that the plastic gigolo has not returned (still wearing the same 70's hairstyle no less. Geeze louise, even Ken dolls have changed their hair since then).
Hark - do I hear a little Marvin Gaye in the background?
My goodness - that has to be one of the best posts yet! Where can I get mine?!?!?!
I can't imagine why. Really. Why?
Oh My. Hilarious!!
Blessings, Carolynn
I wondered why the first guy was lying on a pile of misshapen marshmallows. And why is one lying on a crocheted version of a bearskin rug? And have you noticed that all these male figurines either look like child predators, or those jerks in high school that other girls drooled over because they were on a sports team?
Maybe that's the reason for the speedos. They're all trying to recapture those glory days.
Seriously? I am definitely shopping at the wrong bakery.
That is too funny.. wow, this is a fav of mine.
O.M.G.! I Can NOT Stop Laughing over This one! Excellent narration - As Usual!! You Always leave me rolling, but This one was Spectacular!! :-D
*Somewhere* there has to be an "it's supposed to look like this" photo. I tried searching but came up blank.
Thank goodness it comes with a plastic figurine. Can you imagine if they had to recreate the man?
(crocheted - yes, I saw that too)
What disturbs me the most are the Disney Princess napkins in the background of the first picture. Who'd they get this cake for?!
I am literally crying I am laughing so hard at today's entry. I think it was the "pudd'n" that sent me over the edge. :D
you made my day today! I am falling out of my chair laughing (sneaking peaks at work) and my team is wondering what I am cracking up about.
For an about to be divorced woman - this is my kind of cake!
Hey! Can I make a request? divorce cakes? puleese?
I thought the abmoninable snowman was attacking bacholer #1.
Bacholer #2 has been on display for quite some time judging from the cracked icing. Someone must have done a background check. The tu tu under the cake sends a mixed message as well.
Bacholer #3 has a spelling/spacing error. I think it's supposed to say "Bet it's getting old" in reference to Bacholer #2's cake.
I agree with Sarah about the pool floatie. I see it as well in Bacholer #4's cake. Except he looks like he's in an extra large jacuzzi.
Speedo's and cake are never the right decision.
wvotd vence: the opposite of hence. Bacholer #2's cake was made many years vence the other cakes.
I think the most disturbing thing about the first cake isn't the fact that it has a near naked man on a bear skin run. No, the disturbing part is the Disney Princess paper napkins in the background.
Please, oh please, tell me this cake isn't for a childs birthday.
If so, I have a number for a good therapist you will most certainlly be needing later in life.
I didn't even know they *had* erotic bakeries. Or at least I'm going to the wrong Wal-Mart. Mine doesn't sell nekkid man cakes OR polar bear rugs!
Seriously, who thinks these things up??
Looks like one of them is on a maxi-pad...
Does anyone else see a Nuva Ring on that first cake? Ack!
You know those grown men buy those half-naked statues in comic stores of their favorite superheroine or warrior woman or whatever? I feel like these cakes were made for the female equivalent of those guys.
Jeshii, you have never been seduced by a hairless man wearing a speedo on a polar bear rug? Huh. I thought everyone had that experience in their twenties.
Men aside let's look at the bears. We have #1 the bear that looks like those egg crate mattress pads...yeah that's sexy alright. #2 looks like he's doing the guru thing and that may just be a polar bear bed of nails? #3 and #4 both have the fierce claw action going on but I've never seen a rug with the claws attached. A trophy mount, yes...a rug? No. Because nothing kills the mood like a pointy claw in the back (or the bottom of the foot) And what's up with the tail on 4? Polar bears have butt stumps, not tails.
Okay bears aside, I can't think of a reason to give one of these cakes other than possibly:
1.) It's going to a Barbie collector who thinks Ken just isn't delivering if y'know what I mean.
2.) You really want to get fired (or didn't pay attention to that sexual harassment cake) and decide this is the perfect gift for your boss.
3.) You're just twisted like that.
I think this is my favorite post ever! this beats the naked carrot jockey babies in my book! I can't believe this type of plastic cake topper figurine thing exists!
LOL what a great way to start the work day
Okay...I have to post on this one...what's with the princess napkins in the first picture. Please do not tell me this was for a child's birthday party.
Hmmm... I wonder where I could go to get myself a plastic man...?
Wait! There he is! Why didn't I think of looking in the bakery before?
What shocks me is more than one person makes this cake. Honestly!
Wow. Uh...these wrecks make me feel a lil funneh...
Are you sure that's a polar bear rug and not the Abominable Snowman about to eat him?
OMG, what a way to start out the morning! As always, love the commentary by Jen. I do have a question though, what the heck does "Bettis Getting Old" mean on the 3rd one??
that is all.
I had one of these buttercream wonders for my bachelorette party 5 years ago (Lucky me! I know, I know). It comforts me to know that some slightly inappropriate sugary hot messes never change.
I don't understand why the traditional bear skin rug has turned into a polar bear. Would it look too much like he was laying in a pool of poo if they made it a traditional brown bear skin?
Aboninable Snowman rugs for the win!
This post is "Pure chocolate."
About Wreck #2.
It looks like some skill went into the cake itself (the ribbon work on the sides)...so what would possess them to plop that sleezy plastic guy on top of a pretty cake?
And the cracks - what's up with those? Maybe Mr. Washboard Abs is heavier than he looks.
Nothing says sexy like lying on the skin of an endangered species.
so is this all from one company? is there a number to order from?? hehehe i know just the person to give this awesome cake too hehehehe I LOVE THIS BLOG!!!!!
Good GOD! A Burt Reynolds Cake!
Aaauuuuggghhhh! Yuck!
Sorry, I just find guys in spandex undies really gross.
I haven't laughed that hard for a long time. What the heck are they thinking? I do have to comment that the round cake seems to be well done except for that crap on the top. (And obviously the "polar bear" rug.)
Hehe, just like the infamous "Lucky Lady" window painting on one of the panaderÃas in my hometown...
I've heard of a bear skin rug, but a POLAR bear skin rug? I'm not feeling it.
Careful ladies, this is how carrot-riding babies with mohawks are made......
it's the Don Bailey carpet guy!
This just goes to show that the only thing that travels faster than bad news is a bad cake idea.
Re: the third cake...if you take out the "i-s" it looks like a perfectly spaced "Bett Getting Old." Methinks they did the old "who are the Chefs" thing and realized after they piped it that they were missing a word, so they squeezed it in and hoped no one would notice.
Judging by the comments on this blog, they were wrong.
OMG! I thought toilet cakes were the limit! These are crazy! Your commentary is SO fitting! I recently introduced your blog to my teenaged nieces and they love it! I'm sure they'll laugh their heads off at this post!
While your comentary about had me in tears, reading the everybody comments from top to bottom has just put me over the top...
The tears are flowing because I'm laughing my @ss off. Everyone here is in rare form today.
That cake could be even better if the 'muscle' man was loading the dishwasher.
I'm just sayin...
Seriously there are more than one of these cakes!!
LMAO @ the convo. It was deliciously tacky. Loved it!
I love the spiky, painful looking rugs! I think the only way these cake could be better (worse?) is if the rug was a CCC.
"...both topical and tasteless..."
"Hermie wants to be a stripper."
"I getta lick the guy!"
How did I live before I found this blog?
I love how Ken #2 and #4 have heads much lighter then their bodies. They must have been baked wrong in the tanning booth.
WV: unidat. I fear they're not wearing something unidat!
what the HELL is up with these?!? Please tell me this isn't a trend.
Oy vey. Scary as hell. ... I'm surprised they didn't use black icing to make the doll's chest hair. o.o
*uncontrolled giggling*
BTW, what is UP with the giant champagne glasses?
The sad part is that it didn't just stop with one.
Um, I just sent this link to my husband and friends with the note "I want this for my 30th Birthday Party."
Is that wrong?
Your commentary is PRICELESS!!! OMG, these are so awesomely bad!!!
My personal favorite is the last one - because it so OBVIOUSLY is not a special order - it's just done up, put out there in the store, waiting for someone to decide to take him home. That in and of itself is so horrifyingly hilarious.
WV - wootter - is it just me that's thinking naughty thoughts??
OMG I'm dying laughing! Tears in my eyes. Thanks Jen, I needed this today!
WHY, when I read Jen's commentary, is the only thing I can think of is the Ben Affleck/Kristen Wiig "Target Lady" skit from SNL?!
wvotd: alses. You can all bet your alses these cakes are disgusting!
Oh, Oh, Oh, my side hurts from laughing so hard!!!
Funnies. Post. Ever.
and some day, i want that cake. . . or Tom Seleck, one of the two
Ummmm ... still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that some one, some where, decided there was a need for those plastic guys, and then followed through and made them. "Hey, where do you work?" "I work in the factory that makes the little plastic, speedo wearing guys for cakes."
Oh wow...I would not be able to eat if someone set this cake in front of me. Sick...
OMG...are those cakes based on THIS?
I think that's something that should have been left to die a quiet death in obscurity... o.O
Spot on commentary; I fell off the chair laughing at the post and the comments.... HA!
Ah, the "Macho Man" kit sold by Bakery Crafts:
Sadly, the example cake doesn't look much better than the wrecked versions.
WV= belessin.
It's a belessin this cake isn't ordered very often.
I just want to say...thank you for making me laugh aloud. Every. Single. Day!! Robin
"Careful ladies, this is how carrot-riding babies with mohawks are made......"
I think I just peed my pants.
LOL! yes, the funniest post ever!
Apparently there was a memo that went out on this "idea", since these are not from the same bakery?
Hysterical...and scary.
My birthday is in November - who's getting me one of these?
My parents bought me a cake JUST LIKE the first one on my 18th birthday - that was 21 years ago. You'd think they'd have come up with something different by now.
You are absolutely hilarious! The dialogue in this post almost made me pee in my pants!!
Aaaargh , whol buys this "cake"
Friends, March 27th, this is my cake. Until you come up with another one even more ghetto fabulous, which is, well, very doubtful.
jen, would that be you're in the mood for BEEFcake?
What does CW1 say-- "Links"?
And CW3 (or 2?) -- Betti's getting old? Or is it supposed to be "Bett is getting old"?
too funny.
ps-until i saw "polar bear rug," i thought guy #1 was lying in a marshmallow mountain.
I know Jerome Bettis is getting old, but do we need a whole cake with a scantily clad man to mark the passing of years?
Besides, he and I were born in the same year! Sheesh, people!
I think this may be a reference to Burt Reynolds Playgirl centerfold. It is the same pose on a bearskin rug. Just google it.
No! I refuse to believe that there was actually more than one of these made! Ick!
And that first cake looks like he's lying on the Stay Puft marshmallow man.
Its a booty call cake style...bwahahahahaha.
This post was the funniest I've seen in a while!!!
My nearly 4-year-old said, "Wow, that's a man cake. And he's in the snow, & I think he's a candle." For some reason "man cake" cracked me up almost as much as Jen's commentary.
I keep hearing...
Fly to me my ladybug...
that's you (wink)...
in the misty morning.
The Jack-in-the-Box Commercial that won't go away.
I managed to stay composed until I got to the "leg lifts".....
Is it just me, or is that last polar bearskin rug... indecent? What *is* the vaguely arrow-shaped thing? It the rug wrong-side up?
Spam word: Aphytere. Those guys are wearing one awfully ugly aphytere
I think the thing I find most disturbing is that there isn't just one of them. No, there's 2. No, there's 3. OMG They just keep on multiplying!!!
Word verification: boott... why yes, there is an awful lot of boot-t (booty) on this entry!
Amusing and horrifying at the same time!
Wow.... I how the last one appears like its something just sold in a grocery store.
The way you posted the story line with it made the cake SO much more funny!
These should be accompanied by a nice recording by Barry White singing "Let's Get it On."
BUAHAHAHA!I had to forward this to my sisters and one said she's been at a bachelorette party with this cake! HAHAHA!!!
Where do these designs even come from? One cake like this would be an anomaly, three + makes me think there's something weird lurking out there in the collective unconscious...
This cake is an imitation of Burt Reynold's famous naked photo shoot for Cosmopolitan! Check it out on google images.
I forgot to say that I could almost hear the Barry White music playing in the background.
Holy crap! Think I had an accident. Ha ha ha!
I haven't laughed that hard in ages.
Thanks...yeah, baby!
we sell those plastic hotties where I work. Once I started reading Cake Wrecks I looked at them in a whole new light. And now, here they are, on Cake Wrecks. Why am I not surprised?
I saw this exact cake design in a catalog at a bakery in Baltimore. The guy on the rug was on one page and the one on the next, facing page was for first communion.
All I can think of is the SNL bit with Christopher Walken offering cham-pa-gne...
In my attempt to find a picture of what the book cake looks like, I ran into a picture of Mario Lopez, naked, on a bear rug. I'm going to go find a good therapist now
wv: calcomic They have calories, and they are definitely comic.
I am ashamed to say that I ordered the female version of this cake for my husband a few years ago. I am a Wreck Enabler. I wish I had a picture.
That's not a polar bear...it's a squished Yeti!
Some women go out on Friday nights. Some prefer to stay home with cake.
I love these! I'll have to see if I can find one for my drag queen friend's 40th birthday.
sessessi: thess plasstic mensss isss ssso sessessi
I don't know if I'm more amazed that people make cakes with plastic gigalos on them or that people make plastic gigalos.
Insane! Wonderfully insane!
WV: gueates -- those mens got some awesome gueates! *bats eyelashes*
Holy moly, these may be worse than the Flame body spray website (also involves bearskin rug).
Hilarious!!! Best Wreck of the year...so far!
Oooh.. god. This just made me laugh til my sides hurt.
I love your commentary, Jen. XD It's the best! I can't decide which one is worse.. it's just all around bad. The pink/purple liquid the first guy is lounging on with his road-kill rug is pretty rank-looking, though..
Oh my freaking heck! This has to be one of my favorite posts of all time.
The first guy looks like he's gettin' it on with the Abominable Snowman! I'm guessing that's the Northern Lights in the background?
egads, I saw this one over Christmas but couldn't take a picture because the store security guard was posted right by it.
That is so strange that you put these on today, because I just saw one at the grocery store yesterday! Where are they all coming from?
I haven't laughed so hard in weeks!! The fact that there are at least 4 cakes like this out there in existence makes it even more funny! The commentary was priceless!!
Word vert: fulowe. As in, let that champagne from those watercooler sized glasses fulowe!
As the cakes get worse, it looks like the scary plastic men are jamming their elbows into the "polar bear"'s throats. The last guy wins. That polar bear is down for the count.
Well, now, what have we here?
I think I'll have a migraine with a side of nausea, please.
Those plastic "men" leave plenty to be desired; the heads are WAY too big for the bodies, for one ugly thing--and the legs are positioned all pretty, like a woman's. And they use NAIR! The last one appears to have fallen off the balcony of his cheap motel and landed on a giant three-toed sloth.
Who WOULDN'T want one of these?!
Greatest cakes I have ever laid eyes on. I'll be needing one of these for my birthday which sadly wasn't even a month ago. I can't wait 11 plus months... it'll be sooooo worth it
oh my goodness
as if i wasn't laughing enough when i read the blog post - i came to comment on the bears and read all the comments .... that did it ... i was laughing so hard i was CRYING and my partner came up from downstairs to see what was wrong
after he read it (giggling) he said "i know why you read this everyday"
the bears (?) are the killer for me .... those big black evil eyes .... arhhhhhh
PS in australia we call those speedos 'budgie smugglers' ... !!!
Classic, they are so great and so are your words Jen, I am going to get one of these for my single sister..... she will hate me for it too LOL
Great as always!!
These are so wonderfully wrong that I LOVE them. Definitely the best (i.e., the most laugh-inducing) post I've read in a while!
I just snorted a tic-tac onto my keyboard.
Seriously, this one needs to be framed and put permanently on your sidebar for easy reference.
My four-year old daugther just walked in the room and pointed to the screen. "Can I have one like that for my birthday, Mama?"
Mmmm. Buttercream, bulging plastic muscles, and poorly executed sexiness.
That's just a typical Saturday night around here...
That's a hunk! Ha, you could try to make your own at this easy bake online decorating game. http://www.ampgames.com/game/559/Easy-Bake.html
I thought that in the first picture, the smooth moves dude was lying on the Michelin Man or the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.
It kills me that this sort of cake is popular.
-- Kate, redmcfred.blogspot.com
I read this in my mind with a Barry White type voice. I was near tears!
Oh god! I want one. Those are too funny! Where oh where did they find them???
Thank you so much I was having the worst week and this totally cheered me up!!
Holy crap! The first one looks just like George Hamilton in Where the Boys Are!
For what it's worth, I was craft shopping today and, I came across an entire bag of Naked Mohawk Babies for just $1.99.
Of COURSE I bought them. (What're YOU looking at, check-out guy?)
Word verification: hootio. No explanation needed.
I think the funniest thing about these is the sheer volume of them. Who knew there were so many men lying about in speedos on bear skin rugs? Lol!
I am seriously laughing so hard there are tears rolling. Oh my. I needed that!
Wowee wow wow! I had no idea there was a market for these. They totally crack me up.
Appropriately the word verification is borpoo, which sort of is what the guys are laying on. Bwahahaha!
99% perfect. I really think that first dude would have said "shuga", not sugar. So, so funny.
oh.my.god! GENUIS!!! Where can i get one of these bad boys *wink wink*
i was laughing so hard my husband said "you lookin' at those cakes again? Keep it down you're going to wake the kids!" note to self: no reading cake wrecks when muh bebees are sweepin
"Betti's getting old?"
No matter what it's supposed to say, it's illegible.
But aside from that particular flaw, this would be the best prank cake EVER!
I have a few girlfriends with weddings coming up.... *evil grin*
The music I thought of was I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred. As for guys using Nair, I had a friend in college who was into bodybuilding, and he shaved a lot of his body. I don't know if he used Nair or anything like that, though.
My mom worked in a place where they probably would have had a good laugh at one of these cakes. (Her female co-workers bought her an "over the hill" bra for her 60th birthday as a gag gift.) And I'm sure there are similar versions with scantily-clad women on top for us guys, so why not these cakes for women?
I think a good rule of thumb is that if there's anything sexual you can think of, somebody else has already commercialized it.
>> put on my navy blue tighty-whities
How can you have navy blue tighty-whities? Wouldn't those be tighty-bluies?
wow---going for 200 comments on this cake--and I am amazed at the attention to detail of the commenters. Princess napkins indeed. Whoa.