Jan G. took a more causal* approach to the challenge:

* Yes, "causal", not "casual" - though I can see how you'd get those mixed up.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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60 comments | Post a Comment
A salute to microbes - yum
Well, I could easily see how a biotech student/researcher would love microbes. In fact, I think this looks very much like your average Eukaryote (Wikipedia).
It's cute!
The microbe might be an amoeba; you might have seen them in high school biology. They're like giant bags of goo that change shape to move. Or it might be a paramecium; those purple spikes coming of the purple edge could be cilia, which are little hair-like appendages the paramecium uses as paddles to move around. The purple blob of icing in the center-right is supposed to be a nucleus, so this can't be a virus or a bacterium; viruses don't look like cells, and bacteria don't have nuclei (that's where we eukaryotes - animals, plants, fungi, and protists like amoebas - store our DNA).
And that, my friends, is your science factoid of the day!
Illness never looked so tasty.
Hah! *Finally* a cake whose shape actually lends itself to being a CCC!
Thanks Jen. I love bonus day. The first one would not be wrecky save for the subject. It appears to be quite well done.
Thyli....for those who have trouble saying tylenol.
just awesome
I'm a total sience geek, so the microbial ccc is fantastic
Now THERE'S a shape that a CCC can effectively create.
(Did you know that it is possible to buy stuffed-toy microbes? Yes it is. Some of my friends in medical fields adore them. http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/plush/6708/)
Looks more like an amoeba than a bacterium. But that's just me.
Just one question... do you have to take an Airborne before you have a slice?
Did you notice the flu cake is actually chicken pox? Does it still count? It is cute, though!
As a medical student, I love microbes too (well, at least in theory)!
I actually have a friend who is sick and I am going to make her the first cake, she would get such a kick out of it!!
Disgustingly cute!
Okay, I actually love both these cakes, although I might have a hard time eating a diseased face (or a healthy face, for that matter). If nothing else, as has already been noted, congratualtions to the decorator who actually managed to find a shape at CCC can properly acheive!
Word Verification: worthpo--
Most of the cakes on this site are worthpo.
That scarf around a Southpark-character-face cake is sooooooo adorable! I'd love to make that in varying expressions for many occasions!
Probably the only cake that will look good as a ccc.
A piece for me? Oh thanks, but I think I'll wait til after the candles are blown out - I like my germ cake with a little DNA sample sprayed on top!
This proves that like Hallmark cards, there is apparently a cake for everything...
I know what event that first cake represents... it's the perfect cake for a Chicken Pox Party!
(Do they still have those? Or are people now favoring the vaccine?)
That is just so wonderful in so many wrong ways!
OMG, I love them! They are so posted on my FB account. Cute!
That first cake looks like it COULD be for a pox party.
And yes, voxwoman, they are still having those.
I want to get sick just so I can have that get well soon cake. Seriously cute.
Let's just hope the receiver of these cakes isn't too sick to eat them.
:has a brilliant idea:
:cough hack wheeze:
Aw man! I'm getting sick! Anybody wanna make me a cake? No? Well, it was worth a shot.
Jen, for someone who keeps such a clean comments section, you should be careful with your placement of "flu/chicken". For a second I thought you were talking about some kind of Tourette's Pox.
I have been looking everywhere for a microbe cake! Thanks for the idea! :-)
My mom worked in a hospital lab and growing up, I remember many home-made cakes designed to look like a petri plate with colonies of bacteria growing on it. This may be why I ended up in the same career field.
I love Amoeba cake!
Gah! you just reminded me of the fact that when i was in the 6th grade... I made a Cell cake for biology class. It was great, until i tried to transport it on the bus. Then it got smooshed. Still tasted good though.
I found that CCC purely by accident and when I saw the challenge two days later I freaked! It was from a science club for some college in Virginia, I think. It's kinda cute in a sickly way! ~Jan
Now that is the proper use for a CCC as it's really the only shape it actually makes. Well done.
wow. I think the microbes cake is the only "good' application for a lumpy-sided CCC.
I am searching around desperately for a photo because my friend had a severe eye infection last year around exam time and another friend of ours got him an ear infection cake, it was genius, a huge ear with blood coming out of it.
If you're sick, though, would you feel like eating? :)
I can't believe someone actually made a microbe CCC. This makes my day :)
A microbe is about the only thing a CCC can do that a real cake can't.
My sister told me she wanted me to visit a very funny website and I have been laughing for the past hour! I love this blog. I would like to add it to my favorites list on my Timeless Things blog. Let me know if that is okay with you.
Such a delightful site. Thanks for the laughs. I needed it today.
Deanna :)
I think the microbe is an appropriate use for a CCC.
The microbe cake reminded me of putting notes on our food in the shared kitchen refrigerator in my college dorm that said "science project." That would be a great thing to put on the microbe ccc. I'm sure the football players would still eat it anyway, just like they ate the food in college. We got them back with a delicious batch of exlax brownies...
Alright...the bacterium can't WIN...because both the regular flu (rhinovirus) and stomach flu (rotovirus) are VIRAL, bacteria can't win this contest! LOL
however, if it were say e. coli, we might have "food poisoning" winner? :P
Sorry, couldn't resist being overly analytical.
I love that first cake and honestly for once a CCC makes sense to me!
Hmmm. I'm afraid that both cakes are "sweets", though the second one is a very specialized kind of sweet. As an amateur, I'd make it for a biology nerd, for sure. One thing's for sure; without Cake Wrecks, I'd probably never get to see anything like them. Thanks, Wreck Mistress!
I have to admit that upon first sight, the microbe cake looked more like a vomit cake to me, but hey, that's within the parameters of the challenge. Yum.
A microbe cake! Perfect for your favourite Lab Rat or Doctor! Yesssssss!
~Amy B.
nicely done, I didn't think it was possible to find a cake for that "occasion" but you proved me wrong! The first one is cute too, I agree.
Yeah? I want a paramecium cake.
Okay, seriously, who wants to eat cake when they're sick? Too much frosting makes me feel a little urpy when I'm perfectly healthy. Can't imagine receiving a cake while ill and actually enjoying it.
The microbe cake is ADORABLE, though, and since it's an amorphous blob to start with, it seems like a perfect subject for a CCC.
I think maybe it says "I HAVE microbes". You know, what better way to inform a lover about his/her new condition than by sending a cake?
I saw the cutest cupcake cake the other day--no, wait, come back! It was handmade by a man for his wife's anniversary. It looked like a curly-haired teddy bear, but here's the thing: Those little points of frosting--rosettes?--that were used as accents on the microbe cake were the bear's fur and eyes and all. As in, you could take the thing apart without having a pound of frosting glop off on your hand. A pointillist cupcake cake! I'm going to try to convince the happy wife to send a picture here.
Jenny Islander
The chicken pox one would be cute for a pox party. :)
I am SHOCKED that you did not mention that the microbe was a CCC!!!
I stumbled across this blog while voting....and I have to say it's hilarious!! I'll be back
very very nice cake!!
Great, now my son(age 5) wants a germ cake for his birthday. He wants to be an infectious disease doctor when he grows up. The bakery is going to look at me like I am nuts.
I will say, cup-cake cakes do well as amoebas.
I would have sworn it said 'Microbia!' :-P
i love the microbe cake!
and what, pray tell, is a "chicken pox party"?
A "chicken pox party" is where parents bring their kids who haven't had the pox yet over to visit another kid who's got them so their kids will catch it and get it over with at a particularly opportune time (since, after all, the best way to guard against potentially fatal adult chicken pox is getting them as a child).
it looks like a culture so all the dots are actually little colonies that grew on the culture.
The only things people can achieve with CCCs are bacteria... And Dittos. Don't ask.
Verification word is rebans, creepy.