
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Sweets: Farmed Out

[singing] Old McDonald had a farm...

Submitted by Alison L., made by Blue Cupcake


And on this farm he had some animals:

Submitted Stacey L., made by her friend Beth

This shows that your cake doesn't have to be big, sculpted, or multi-tiered to be awesome. Love it!


With a "baa baa" here:

By the always-amazing Bakerella

They're cake balls. Unbelievably cute, fluffy cake balls.

And a "cluck cluck" there:

Sub'd by Nancy D., made by Carolyn Mustopa

It's a wedding cake! How very City Slickers.

Here a "neigh:"

Made by Wrecks reader Joanne P.

There an "apple:"

Made by Heidi Miller

It was inspired by the song "Big Yellow Taxi." Gorgeous!

Everywhere a "barrel of ducks wearing cowboy hats with a bar of soap:"

Sub'd by Brenda, made by Cakes Unleashed

Before you ask, the "water" is pulled sugar covered with piping gel. Genius.

Old McDonald...

Made by Chocolate Pi

Oops... sorry. Sometimes I get my McDonalds mixed up.

Well, finally, here's a bonus Sweet for all you Farmville addicts enthusiasts:

By Flores & Aromas

I'm digging those carrots.

Get it? "Digging?"

Sorry; my sense of humor is firmly rooted in puns

Get it? "Rooted?"

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.


  1. Hurray! I've been waiting since this morning for the Sunday Sweets to arrive, and here they are :) Awesome

    I get that you woke up early and posted early, but I'm up since 08.30, and it's 15.30 here allready.

    *Impatient creature*

  2. good thing you answered that question as it was the first thing my husband said, over my shoulder: how did they do the water??? y'all know just how we think! answering questions before they are asked! wow

    and my word verification had ham in it.

  3. tiny purple elephantOctober 17, 2010 at 9:45 AM

    loved them all...but someone named their kid "flyer"?

  4. These are so cute! Brilliant!

  5. That fifth cake looks like cows to me... But I still love them! Sunday Sweets are the best!

  6. Big Yellow Taxi sweet! Joni Mitchell would be so proud.

  7. These are beautiful! I love the Sunday Sweets!

  8. All of these cakes are so cute! I really have to say that the Mickey D cake made my day as all my boys worked at McDonalds through high school (and beyond!) and so anything related is cool! Was it a wedding cake?

    I also post anonymously, due to the fact that someone had already taken the name I wanted, and because I am a computer spazz!

    WV-suptimi What this Canadian likes do is sup-Tim(m)i(es) with her cake!

  9. So cute! I wish I was better at sculpting so I could so something like this for my son's birthday!

  10. Those are some seriously cute cakes!

  11. Did you see this cake?

    Verminous Dickens cake banned from Melbourne cake show

    (I love your site. It has provided so many laughs!)

  12. loved them all...but someone named their kid "flyer"?

    i just assumed the cake was celebrating a horse named flyer.

    are those real apples?!

  13. Psst - "Paved Paradise" is actually called "Big Yellow Taxi."

  14. I love those chubby little ponies!
    And, are those REAL apples? They sure look like it.

  15. These are some of the most awesome sweets I've seen in awhile!

    That cake with the bucket and duckies is incredible! Those sheep skewers, I need those right now!!!

  16. Wow - absolutely amazing!


  17. john (the hubby of Jen)October 17, 2010 at 10:49 AM

    Anon @ 10:34,

    You're right. I changed it but it did say Paved Paradise on the bakers website. And really, you have to admit, "Paved Paradise" would have been a much better name for that song.

    Thanks for the heads up!


  18. I held the phone in front of my wife to show her the ducky bath picture. She was impressed and wanted to see the water upclose. We talked about how it was done and she said, "oh, those are ducks! When you showed me from a distance I thought those were Mexicans with sombraros and I didn't really understand it."


  19. I looveeee the sheep. And all the cakes.

  20. My little ones call McDonalds "Old McDonalds". So that one makes total sense to me. :)

  21. Wow, what an honor to see my Chicken Love cake on Sunday Sweets! I made that for my son's wedding -- his wife is a children's book illustrator. You can see the illustration that the cake was based on if you follow the link to the blog entry. Thanks for making my day!

  22. I kept saying Awwww throughout it. Loved Bakerella, her stuff is adorable

  23. Sunday Sweets make me happy! I love the squishy animals on the cupcakes in the first one.... but of course all the cakes are adorable ^_^

  24. @Anna - ours too - I'm sure they started life convinced it was the best of farm-fresh food!

    The Farmville cake reminded me that Farmville is huge - in fact it's the second biggest browser-based social-networking-centered farming game in the world (pure genius from alt-text at xkcd here)

  25. I think those carrots need some jockeys.

  26. All the animals are adorable. Though I'd have a problem eating the lollipop sheep by Bakerella no matter how cute they are. It bothers me when I have to bite the heads of gummi bears or chocolate bunnies (though I still do it anyway). Biting into something that's already wide-eyed with surprise to be on a stick seems... unfair.

  27. "so adorable!" i'm thinking as i scroll down my screen. and then i come to those golden arches. i get it, mcdonald's, but still... yucky.

    that said, the others are absolutely adorable and i LOVE the sheep pops. what a fantastic idea! (i would be hard pressed to eat them, they are so cute!)

  28. I loved all of the cakes. I want one of those western rubber duckies. That McDonald's cake was too cool. As a current McDonalds employee, that one made my day.

  29. Okay, I don't usually want to eat small cute animal things, but I would devour those sheep cake balls.

  30. They're all stunning, but the apples and the barrel-o'-ducks are especially amazing.

    And those cakeball sheep just look too adorable to eat! I want to use one as a pencil-topper or something!

  31. Okay, am I the only one who's seeing Shaun the Sheep on the first cake?

    Loved it! Thanks for yet another terrific Sunday Sweets!

  32. That Dickens cake is decidedly gross. Way beyond Cakewrecks. Cakewrecks create mirth. That Dickens mess creates ... well... more mess.

    I don't need to think about dieting after seeing that. And I made a caterpillar cake with worms and bugs crawling in, out and around for a bunch of Cub Scouts.

    I'm sorry I followed the link.
    Never sorry I stopped at CW for a laugh, however.


  33. I like the Chicken Love cake, but I was hoping it had something to do with the book "The Hoboken Chicken Emergency."

  34. Holy C$%#! Are those apples REAL? They're absolutely amazing if they're made out of cake.

  35. Anonymous @ 3:00pm - I see Shaun the Sheep too. And speaking of sheep, I'm another one who'd have trouble eating those cute little sheep pops.

  36. These are presh and totally appropriate considering I just went to the state fair yesterday.

  37. Animal-topped cakes give me an excuse to link to this. I thought someone else would surely have mentioned it by now, but I didn't see a reference to it.

    I want that long sequence near the top on a T-shirt.

  38. Finally, cupcakes in combo with a cake that I can get so cute! You had me at the first one...

  39. Anonymous @ 3:19,

    "Dickens cake"?? May I ask what you are referring to?

  40. I love, love, love the cute little duckies in cowboy hats! Oh, and some adorable ponies and sheep are on my order form too. These cakes are way too cute to eat!

  41. Thinking how to recreate sheep pops for my third graders with my lack of cake decorating talent. I'm thinking donut holes frosted and rolled in those little white nonparills (is that what they're called, anyone? anyone?). I'm thinking black candies from a box of Mike&Ikes and a black gumball would top it off. I think I could mangage frosting dot eyes and a little smile. Any other non-decorators have ideas on how I can copy these?

  42. See, wreckerators? It is possible to present cupcakes in a way that doesn't suck the air out of the room.

    I'm lovin' that McDonald's cake. Sheep on a stick is ok, but McDonald's is 'yucky'. Thanks to the poster for clearing that up. [walks away whistling]

  43. Anonymous, an earlier commenter linked to a Dickens cake at boingboing. I didn't think it was gross, but I don't really see the connection with Jen's post, either. Sometimes boinboing posts cool stuff and you just want to share it with someone (here's the link)

  44. Awwww these were cute! I *loved* that bucket of ducks with the waterpump! And all the marzipan animals... YUM :)

    And what was particularly charming about today's Sweets was that they were nicely done, totally cute, context appropriate (once we got the groom's mother's -- and talented decorator-- explanation for chickens as a wedding cake!)-- and most of them would be totally affordable. Which shows how there's no excuse for what we see Monday to Friday here. (Well, other than to make us howl with laughter, of course!)

  45. Aww! Just in time to start thinking about a cake for my youngest son's 2nd Birthday - A Cowboy Theme. Of course, if I tried one of these sweets, it might end up in the wreck category!

    These are darling!

  46. Thank you for mentioning my chicken city slickers wedding cake!! It was made by my very very talented mother in law. P.S.-it tasted wonderful too!

  47. Those cakes look so delicious! You almost wouldn't want to eat them...notice I said "Almost". :-)

    Thanks for posting!

  48. The instant I saw those cake pops I knew they had to be Bakerella's - she is indeed amazing.

    I also loved the ducks!

  49. Ooooh I want those lil sheep cake balls! Too cute to eat but knowing me I would try one anyways lol. Those cakes are as always amazing.

  50. I had to show these to my son and he loved them. He is turning 3 next month and keeps asking me for a farm cake.
    I especially loved the one with the cow on top and the horses all around. My son thought one of them was an elephant. Don't know how he figured that. I wish I had the skills to make one like that for him, but I have to settle for a frosted cake with plastic animals on it.

  51. Flyer is a horse. She made it for his birthday! He's the one on top and his barn buddies are the others.

  52. The carrot jokes at the end made this post something else. You should be PUNished. ;)

    You might benefit from

  53. A ball of cake. On a stick. Shaped like a cute animal.


  54. I love them! The animals are so cute and the one with the water pump is genious!LOL at the McDonald's food cake :)

    check out my blog:

  55. These cakes are SO CUTE!!! I love that first one. I have GOT to learn how to make those animals.

    The Micky D cake surprised me, but it's no less awesome.

  56. I happened across this a few minutes ago through a google search and saw that our McDonalds cake was tagged through cake wrecks.. I must say I was very excited to see that. A friend told me about the site a few months ago and I've loved it ever since, briefly wondered if we'd ever see one of our cakes on here. I guess that is now one thing I won't have to wonder about anymore :D
    So in summary, this whole entry is super cute and amusing.
    Thanks from Chocolate Pi!

  57. It's some nice decorating, but that MacDonald's cake almost made me throw up a bit in my mouth.


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