
Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Boss'es...Boss'...Bosses...Bossy Day!

Quick! How do you spell the singular possessive of "boss?"


Well, there IS an apostrophe...but no.

(Also, what is that? A frosted book?)

You're getting closer. You just need to lose one of those letters.

Not that letter.

Wait. "Nappy Boos's Day"? With a period? Seriously? Maybe this is a lost cause...

A-HA!! YES! You spelled it ri...oh. Wait. No, you're still wrong here. See, the plural of "boss" is just "bosses."

[rubbing temples with eyes closed] Um. Ok. Look. Yes, you did spell the plural of "boss" right, but "Boss's Day" is possessive. Plus you spelled "you're" wrong.

Now, "possessive" means that...[blinking]...ah, screw it. Can you just write the word "boss" so it's not plural OR possessive?

I'm really starting to question your taste level.

And you still spelled "you're" wrong.

Look, I don't think avoiding the issue is the answer. And stop saying, "Sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays." That pin was lame in 1982. It's not getting any better.

[sigh] Alright, look, you want to see the perfect cake to get your boss? Something that gets right to the heart of the matter? Something spelled correctly, and conveying just the right amount of gratitude?

Then here:

Mission accomplished.

Jeneec K., Eric, Annette, Michelle O., Jennifer N., Angela P., Mandy W., Kate C., & Anony M., I say from now on we call it "Bossy Day." Who's with me?

Note from John: Yes. Some people accept Bosses Day as correct. However, if you think about the fact that this is a day for either your boss or your bosses, it really should be Boss's Day or Bosses' Day. Of course the original singular possessive of boss was Boss' but I think this hurt our American brains so we added the s. Just make sure you never use Bosseses' Day. bossbossbossbossboss


  1. I'm getting flashbacks to the no sexual harassment cake with that uterus cake. Including the fact that it wouldn't look out of place on The Office. Anyone else?

  2. Ha! Okay, the red stapler and the "case of the Mondays" button? I got both of those in my Office Space (the movie) "Work Sucks" kit from a colleague for Christmas a while back. So if the boss is an Office Space fan, it might be pretty darned funny to him or her!

  3. I believe the bloody cake might make it in a Gynecologist office, but otherwise...

  4. "Nappy Boos's Day"

    I sense another tee shirt coming on!

  5. Yeah, sometimes I feel like a slave to my lady parts too.

    Other than the misspelling of "you're" it is a well crafted uterus cake.

  6. And always remember - BOSS spelled backwards is double-S O B!

  7. The yellow cake with the red stapler and "looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays" flair is an homage to Office Space. And it's hilarious.

    WV - stchedia. St. Chedia - patron saint of cheddar-flavored-cheese-product.

  8. I feel it's necessary at this point to refer to this (NSFW):

  9. Reading this blog always makes me crave icing >.<

    Also, I want the possessive of boss to just be boss' , not bosses'

    i.e. "Napy Boss' Dag"

    But the internet does not unanimously agree with me, so I won't press the issue :)

  10. I read, "Starting to question your taste level," in Heidi Klum's voice. It was soooo Project Runway.

  11. Uterus cake?


  12. Oh how people over complicate such simple matters - just don't celebrate Boss's day. They don't deserve it!

  13. Looks like somebody tried to spell Boss with an OB and a GYN.

  14. HA! A bleeding uterus cake to go with all the bleeding armadillo cakes!

    Not that I know HOW it goes with them...

  15. Das is correct. One of the accepted spellings of the possessive form of singular "boss" is "boss'." Grammar provides an exception to adding an "s" for possessives where the word already ends in an "s." this is not required, though... either "boss'" or "boss's" is acceptable.

    But, I am with Scumbag Sam. I think the holiday is stupid. Everyday is boss' day... even Administrative Assistant's Day...

  16. shouldn't it be "Happy Bosses' Day" or "Happy Boss' Day" depending on whether you're celebrating one boss or more? no s after the apostrophe. of course that sinks all the cakes.

  17. I was under the impression that, when a word ended in 's' it was only necessary to add an apostrophe? For example, "Boss'" ... Though it does look strange. Perhaps I'll just be a good ESL-er and avoid it. I've never been so glad I don't work in a bakery.

  18. "Nappy Boos's Day" would be an appropriate cake for that ridiculous "Bebe's Kids" cartoon. (Which I'd like to go on record as never having watched. It is just part of the popular culture that is undeniably taking up space in my brain.)

  19. I used to have the "Mondays" pin. It made me laugh. Don't knock Office Space!

  20. OH MY GOD .. WHO WOULD MAKE THE UTERUS CAKE? Why would someone ORDER that? Oh my god! I... I ... I AM SO DISTURBED!

    Who would eat that!? "Uh... Uterus cake, anyone?" ... "Yeeeah, I think I'll just have coffee, thanks!"

    WV: Rumam..

    Someone with a swollen tongue trying to say "Run man!"

  21. Bosses' Day is the correct plural possessive of boss. The singular possessive is Boss' Day. Thank you Little Brown Grammar book from college.

  22. The uterus cake was really just gross. I wonder if it isn't from the UK as they use the term bloody more than Americans do.

    I know you don't do these things, but I listed you as one of my fave blogs for the Beautiful Blogger award. I figured it as the very least free advertising. :D

  23. My at-a-glance calendar lists the day as: "National Boss Day (US)"

  24. Jen! Ack! I can only see some of the wrecks! What gives? I use Firefox, is the site anti-firefox? I see some, but not all of the images. Please help! I need ALL wrecks for my life to be complete!

  25. I missed the memo! When did we start putting the extra s on after the apostrophe when the word ended in an s? I need to seriously brush up on those grammar rules. Dang. I guess I don't get to feel superior any longer. /sigh/

  26. Yeah, right.

    s' - that's the END of it.

    Period. (in no way a reference to that bloody uterus cake)

    I did find that one awesome, by the way. Well executed. *slice*

    Keep the laughs coming, Jen, and John (husband of Jen)!!


    Be self-employed, get your own bloody cake. Any time you want.

  27. Wreckin' cakes, LIKE A BOSS

  28. Whoops.....didn't remember that it was today. The secretary usually remembers to get the principal something and I just give her money...much easier for me that way. Wonder if she remembered about Boss's Day. Hmmmmmmm.....

  29. I love people who are all "that's the END of it. Period." in grammar issues.

    Grammar doesn't have very strong laws - it has always changed with the times, just like spelling. Some linguists and grammar books will favor the new, some the old. Everyone can have an opinion, some opinions are supported by authorities on the subject, but nobody can say that something is the only, unquestionable, definite way.

    Wikipedia says:
    Some respected style guides such as The Chicago Manual of Style recommend the more modern addition of an s when forming the singular regular possessive of a noun ending in "s" but specifically state that adding simply an apostrophe (eg. Jesus') is also correct.

    The Elements of Style and the Canadian Press Stylebook hold that the s is mandatory with only two exceptions: classical and Biblical proper names (e.g. "Jesus' teachings", "Augustus' guards") and common phrases that do not take the s (e.g. "for goodness' sake"). In all other cases, it is incorrect to omit the s.

  30. I don't think I know what te word "boss" means anymore. I've read it so many times, it just looks like letters. Bossbossbossbossbossboss...

    Great post!

  31. Boss is just an odd word. So stubby, so simplistic, so...gutteral. It feels like a leftover from the slave era.

    Huh. It's becoming really, really obvious why I'm a grad student rather than having a real job.

  32. I love that that someone made an Office Space cake. I just wish they had not decided to jam sharp objects into something that was going to be eaten.


  33. I attended the Girls' Latin School, and I have a brother named James. It's Boss' Day and Bosses' day. What could be easier?

  34. Hey, I love the Office Space reference. You might think a case of the Mondays is 80's-style lame, but I thinks it's totally boss, yo.

  35. Okay, the word boss has now lost all meaning to me. It looks like it is stupid and spelled wrong no matter what haha.

  36. I'm an editor and, sadly, it is my job to correct these things until I want to scream or throw something. Boss's is never correct. It is either Boss' day as in your boss is showing ownership or Bosses day as in the day for more than one boss. I think this confuses folks for a number of reasons, not the least of which being we completely ignore grammar education these days. The way we pronounce boss' surely doesn't help matters. I know successful college graduates that do not know the difference in to and too or you're and your. Hmmmm...I love cake and I love being a grammar nazi...I wonder if I could combine the two for a spiffy new career? If the grammar is incorrect, I eat your cake! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  37. I forgot, when more than one boss is showing ownership then it would be, of course, bosses'. Boss' Day, Bosses' Day. I don't even know anymore.

  38. Now I'm confused as to how to write the plural of "s". But three of them in a row? Why ever would anyone be confused?

  39. @Lisa, I use Firefox and don't have trouble with the pictures.

    @Jen/John, do we have any backstory on the uterus cake?

  40. The gynecological cake is anatomically scary.

    The Office Space cake was headed in the right direction. Yellow for Post-its, red stapler. I give it a B for effort.

    I need to talk to you about your TPS reports.

  41. Am I the only one who feels like the word "boss" no longer looks like a real word?

  42. As a general rule, singular words ending in a sibilant do take an apostrophe and an s to form the possessive. "Boss's" is the usual preferred form.

    Then, of course, everything gets mucked up. Style guides are filled to the brim about exceptions for personal names, Biblical names, words ending in multiple successive sibilants (like Texas, Jesus, or Moses), and so on.

    Most of the time, the exceptions endorsed are actually pronounced without the extra "s" (i.e. "Jee-zus name" instead of "Jee-zus-ez name").

    It's actually pretty uncommon to find a style guide that allows the "just an apostrophe" approach for a single common noun that ends in only one sibilant, but there are a few.

    But in general, "boss's" is never wrong—especially since that's how it's pronounced—and "boss'" (ugh) may be acceptable depending on the style guide, but probably not, being neither a proper noun nor a double-sibilant.

  43. Somewhere in the middle of John's ETA comment I'd read the word boss so many times that it just started to look weird. Now every possible spelling of boss, bosses, etc. looks bizarre. Except for Boos. That one is pretty great.

  44. @Bassgirl: It is indeed one of the most classic cake writings yet. Unfortunately, I think it really needs context to understand, so maybe a shirt isn't the answer.

    I wouldn't mind buying the last cake. It looks yummy as well as comical.

  45. Happy Monday to the Wreckerators that make us smile!!!

  46. The uterus cake is horrifying!

    I do like the "Office Space" shout out with the Mondays pin though!

    my word verification to post is "poogyno" it made me giggle.

  47. Oh I feel so bad that I didn't know today was boss's day. I made something special this morning that I would have loved to give that jerk. It would convey not only what I think he is, but also what kind of a boss he is and what he's good for. Did you figure out my riddle?

  48. So after reading this post, does anyone else have The Lonely Island's "Like a Boss" ft. Seth Rogen stuck in their head? 'Cuz I deffs so.

    "Nappy Boss's Day" is clearly the cake for the "Nappy Blob Blob" cake recipient from her employees.

  49. When are people going to stop putting uteruses on cakes?

  50. I know it's been commented a couple of times, but for completeness, here's one more direct quote which is from _The Elements of Style, 4th ed._, although it has appeared in earlier versions as well.
    "1. Form the possessive singular of nouns by adding 's.
    Follow this rule whatever the final consonant. Thus write,
    Charles's friend
    Burns's poems
    the witch's malice
    Exceptions are the possessives of ancient proper names ending in -es and -is, the possessive Jesus', and such forms as for conscience' sake, for righteousness' sake."

  51. I literally did a jaw-dropped, gasping, out loud "OH MY GOD!" when I saw the uterus cake. Hideous.

  52. "Please don't fire Ue"?

    Why does Ue need to have messengers present cakes to his boss? What has he done to deserve being fired? Questions... Questions...

  53. surely it's just boss' day, or bosses' day in the plural?
    I dunno. it looks stupid however you spell it.

  54. Am I the only one who thought of Springsteen with the "Happy Boss Day" cake?

    wv: prebeeia: the moment before realizing you are being circled by a bee.

  55. Fun to look at and educational as well. I'm a stay-at-home mom, so should my children get me a cake today? I do boss them around plenty.

  56. It just absolutely amazes me how poor some people's spelling skills are. It definitely gives a good laugh but at the same time is shameful. Great post.

  57. I personally liked the "Nappy Boos's Day" cake.

  58. I don't even know how to do possessive with my own son's name. James' birthday, or James's birthday? And if I write it the first way, do I still pronounce it the second way?

  59. Ah...another successful posting of wrecks! Thanks you guys! Or would that be guyes? Or guy's? XD

  60. Which is why the pre-decorated cakes say "To the World's Greatest Boss". With sprinkles.

    (By the time I was half way through this post, I had absolutely no idea of the correct spelling. Thanks so much!)

    wv: busthrop -- where you catch the bus before the novocaine wears off

  61. My boss took the day off so happy day to the rest of us.

  62. Reading the comments, I think when we have a grammar discussion, it may be a good idea to indicate our country! Because I was definitely taught no "s" after an apostrophe, EVER, but others are clearly taught differently-- and we both have style guides to back us up. Perhaps it's a British (and thus Canadian and Australian) spelling vs American spelling thing? Sort of like the "u" in humour, favour, neighbour, or metre/meter, etc.

    The first cake would work for one of the bosses here, given her last name is Bossé. And I hope the last cake was tasty enough that it worked for them... if competence doesn't work, appeal to your boss' stomach?

    PS I learned my grammar in Australia and Canada...

  63. heh, actually my calendars just say it's "National Boss Day." I think that means I get to be the boss.

  64. This is hilarious! I made a boss's cake last week and there was a HUGE debate in the bakery about how to spell the damn word... I had FOUR different calendars in my department alone that had FOUR different spellings... We decided "Boss's" was correct. lol... They should just rename it something else, like, "Happy Upper Management day" XD

  65. After reading that, "boss" no longer even remotely resembles a word. Bossbossbossbossboss...

  66. It is completely acceptable to make the "case of the Mondays" remark if one is clearly alluding to "Office Space."

  67. lol. bossbossbossboss! You guys kill me!

  68. The bloody cake is pretty boss.

    Yes, I had to.

  69. 1st cake says "Happy Bosse's Day". Isn't Bosse the name of a cow?

  70. I'll be showing that cake my "O Face."

  71. some of those cakes should get you fired

  72. That uterus cake is just so very wrong. And the word "bloody" should never, ever be on a cake.

    But, really, the wording of it makes me ask - is the cake FOR that person's uterus? If so, that raises LOTS more questions. That I don't want answers to.

    (I apologize if I'm the 500th person to ask that... I can't read all of the comments just yet.)

  73. A bit surprised and saddened that ya'll aren't Office Space fans (or I'm kind of assuming you aren't, since it didn't get a mention following the "Case of the Mondays" cake).

    But your site is still the boss of me!

  74. I wonder if the boss on that last cake did have them fired. They did ask so nicely after all lol. I would just forget the boss, bosses ect and give em the darn cake but that is just me being lazy and not wanting a horrible wreck to take to a boss.

  75. Office Space cake FTW, especially if it's taken out to a field and beaten.

  76. Americans spell weird. We'd say "Boss' Day" but you have to go and add an extra 's'. I guess it makes it easier to teach the kids how to spell.

    WV: esser
    Being a boss doesn't make you an esser man.

  77. Wow, that last cake doesn't even have the minimum amount of flair. It needs at least 15 pieces, although 37 would be better, and a terrific smile.

  78. Why do people insist on putting anatomical pictures on cakes? A lined uterus?

    Uhhggggg! I would not touch that cake with a ten foot box of tampons.

  79. I've always used Boss' and thought you were wrong through this whole post... They changed it? I never got the memo! I love that there ar technically 2 cakes with periods... he he he

  80. I love the Office Space one! And I know the first one is a wreck spelling-wise, but those icing swirls on the outside are mesmerising me...

    wv: barfumbe: What i did when i saw the uterus cake + 'umbe'

  81. Bosse is a legitimate first name/nickname in Sweden...
    So "Happy Bosse's Day" would be the correct form in English for a day dedicated to someone named Bosse? "Bosses" might also be allowed, if you're allowing mixing Swedish possessive and English...

    (nah really, it's still a wreck)


  82. Why can't people spell?! And that bloody boss one is sooooo gross lol

    check out my blog:

  83. With the Office Space cake, would Milton get the stapler but still miss out on a piece of cake?

  84. I'm hoping the uterus cake is for a gynecologist.

  85. Zabinatrix, I'm glad you love me.

    I'm also sad that you haven't a single sarcastic funny bone in your body.

    Read my post with a bit more tongue in cheek, it helps. Or do I need to add unnecessary ' ' " " marks?

    *sigh* Don't take life so literally - it'll be a lot more fun.


    I find it ironic that my wv is 'bless'... 2 words for you -- "Bless you"

  86. Bosseses works...if you're Gollum.

  87. I thought it was Boss'? since it ends with an S?

    ...I just looked it up on Wikipedia, and they're both right. Whew... I thought for a minute that I'd been doing it wrong all these years. 'Cause Wikipedia is right. Always.

  88. So. Fabulous. So many opportunities to teach punctuation! Yes, I'm a teacher. In that vein, then, please know that "Alright" is not a word.


    PS. Any crusading you could do on the improper use of of the nominative case pronouns, as in "Because of he and I" or "with Becky and I" would be deeply, deeply appreciated. People learn better from mistakes made on cakes. At least, I hope they do, because they aren't getting lessons anywhere else as far as I can tell.

  89. Dear Anon @ 7:03,

    I'm not gonna fight with you but alright is a word.

    Every dictionary, every spell check and most English teachers agree. I don't like it anymore than you do.




  90. And in case anyone cares, Happy Day to the Person in Charge is always October 16th.

    Or so says wherever the heck I looked it up. We took the boss to lunch--made her drive and pay. Because we're awesome that way.

  91. The Office Space cake had so much potential and they really missed out other than just the misspelling. They did good with the red stapler and the piece of flair with the annoying "Mondays" statement, but no Office Space cake is complete unless it says, "don't be greedy, let's pass it along and make sure everyone gets a piece." And placed on a Jump to Conclusions mat, of course!
    I would love to see a big red cake in the shape of a stapler for an office retirement or going away party! That would be awesome!
    Amy's WV was perfect for today!

  92. Okay, the uterus cake is pretty inappropriate, but I'm guessing there's some sort of inside joke there. Still, you have to admit - it's a pretty decent rendering of the female anatomy, plus the detail of the shading is quite nice. Honestly, I'm more offended that they went to all that trouble and still used "your" instead of "you're." *sigh*

  93. I believe the second to last cake was a reference to the movie Office Space. Aaaaaaaaaaand, I just noticed someone else pointed this out. Damn.

  94. Does no one get taught apostrophes nowadays?

  95. Oh my...ovaries and the entire female downtown business on a the, well, in blood red and skin color.....oh....I hope whoever ordered that cake got fired.



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