
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Sweets: Harry's Sweet Send-Off

Though the movie premiered last weekend, Potter Mania is still going strong here at the Yates household. I finished up John's custom carved wand display a few days ago, and we've been having a blast searching and sorting through all the Sweets flooding our inbox.

So, without further ado, here are the rest of the best of the best Potter cakes! (Oh, and if you missed the first half, click here.)

First, a magically delicious monster book of monsters:

Have I mentioned that I'd like one of those displayed in my office, too?

This one is like an edible still-life; I had to do a double take before I realized it was cake:

By Cake Central member Goonergirl

Even more I-can't-believe-it's-cake:

The lightning bolt font is especially...striking.


Artisan Cake Company also made the best edible golden snitches:

They're chocolate truffles, and I totally want to make some. Hit the link above for instructions.

More adorable cupcakes:

For those of you who believe it's the inside that counts, Darla over at Bakingdom did a fantastic house colors cake:

By Bakingdom

Hit the link to see how she did it.

I featured an amazing replica of Hagrid's hut last week, but here's one more:

By Cake Central member PennieK

Ah - wait for it - MAZING.

And here's another jaw-dropping Sorting Hat, too:

Submitted by Jessica W. and made by Highland Bakery

Complete with a hand painted Hogwarts Express on the bottom tier. BRILLIANT!

From hand painted to hand sculpted:

Submitted by Ellen B. and made by The Sugarcraft Emporium

This Hogwarts Express cake includes the entire platform!

Simply adorable:

I like how the striped board looks like Harry's scarf. Clever!

Another cool design:

Charm City Cakes (aka Ace of Cakes) again did a castle cake for the movie premier, but this time it was the battle-scarred Hogwarts:

Submitted by Emily J. and made by Charm City Cakes

Turn out the lights, and you'll see their creation really shine:

...and smoke. Wow.

Well, there you have it, fellow muggles! Hope you enjoyed this ridiculously long Potter Sweets feature. Now I'm off to collapse.

Happy Sunday!

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.


  1. That house colors cake is INCREDIBLE! And I love Hagrids House. Actually I like them all - thanks for sharing!

  2. Those are amazing-loved the cake that was colorful inside :D

  3. You had me tearing up all over again.

  4. Wow, love the painted Hogwarts Express, I've never seen that done before; fantastic idea! They're all amazing, thanks for another great selection.

  5. The folks at Charm City always do such awesome cakes..... I think they did my favorite wedding cake ever, the "Ghostbusters busting the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man" cake. I especially love that the castle lights up... I

    I have to admit, though, that the Sorting Hat cakes *kinda* creep me out. It creeps me out in the movies too.....

    Has anyone ever done an Aragog cake? That would be awesome. Scary, yes, but awesome.

  6. I agree! The house colors cake is beyond amazing! Wow!! I love them all.

  7. These are all amazing!

    I'm suggesting SMURFS for the next Sunday Sweets.

  8. really amazing cakes, as always. particularly love the cupcakes (i am such a sucker) -- they are quite well done and really get the "icons" of the movie. also love the big hp face w/ the striped scarf edge. and the all-white cake with the multi-color interior is really fantastic!

  9. The owls in the house colors cake are by the 3EyedBear people and the paper can be found here (along with other awesome paper 'toys':

  10. I can't believe, as a grown adult, I get all teary realizing there is no more HP. I mean, it's just as well, my oldest is just at that age where next year he prolly wouldn't want to see it, but... Still...

  11. I am so making the house color page one day! It will happen.
    The last cake made me kinda sad though, it's kinda hard to see Hogwarts like that.
    While the topics on HP, have you seen any AVPM cakes? I doubt it, but it would be totally awesome!

  12. Wow these cakes are just awesome. Some of them I wouldn't want to eat since they're so incredible. The Harry one with the border that looks like his scarf is just adorable.

    The cake with all the house colors inside is just amazing. I'm just lucky if I can use a cake mix and not burn the cake. I really want those adorable cupcakes too.

  13. I always wondered how
    "checkerboard" type cakes were made.
    All the sweets were wonderful.
    My fav, the Sorting Hat.

  14. Lovely! I don't know how people are able to eat these cakes - they're too beautiful to cut into.

  15. Wow. Some truly amazing artistry this week.

  16. in the first batch of cupcakes I read one as "o, no" and then realized it's Harry's glasses bisected by a lightning bolt!! LMAO

    -Barbara Anne

  17. It's my birthday next week. Just sayin'.
    -Sarah E.

  18. The house colors cake actually looks like something I'd eat. As much as I love the Sunday Sweets, much of the time they don't look as though they'd taste good to me because I don't like icing that much. But the house colors cake--that I'd eat! :)

  19. Those were better than last week's even! Very cool house colors cake. Loved them all!

  20. These are all totally wicked and brilliant!

  21. Have you given much thought to making your own monster book of monsters? It looks like something you could replicate with an old textbook and some fake fur. And the ability to sew, which leaves me out, lol.

  22. Yay more eye candy (cakery?) for my HP pinterest board! And a house colors cake is such an awesome idea! <3

  23. Ahhh these have nearly made me forget the horrifying baby shower cakes. I want that cute sorting hat cake. Too darn cute.

  24. I got distracted by the words "chocolate truffle," but managed to make it through the post without busting my own eardrums with my high pitched squeals of glee. Brilliant cakes and cupcakes. I'd definitely buy my next cake from these bakers.

  25. Those cakes are AMAZING!!! They barely look edible!

  26. Who you calling a muggle? lol

    Awesome cakes... thanks! :)

  27. I'll be SOOOOOOOOOOO happy when I can go to my favorite websites and blogs and Harry Potter will not be seen on any page.


  28. This Sorting Hat's the best of the lot....simply awesome!

  29. I kinda can't believe it, but this post made me cry!

    I know HP will be around forever, but man, I'm gonna miss it all the same! We went to see the movie at midnight last Thursday - both wanting to see it right away AND wanting to hold off, so it didn't end!

    I guess, there's always cake. :)

    WV: bawin I didn't expect it, but his post had me bawin'.

  30. As a cake decorator, I have been following this for ages, enjoying every bit, and I just found your other blog !!! YOU ARE AMAZING !!!

  31. (wink) Jen, my home was struck by lightning last week. I found your pun about the "striking" lightning font to be ill-timed and insensitive and...

    hey... that font IS pretty good.

    (P.S. I'm hearkening back to the slaughtered horse wrecks of postings past. Lightning = true story, but no hard feelings about the post, to clarify.)

    WV: scarin - Jen, your lightning pun is scarin' me!

    Or, the smoke on that castle is so convincing, it's scarin' the Muggles!

  32. I guess I'll be the only voice that does NOT like Harry Potter. I'm glad the series is over, I'm sick of hearing and seeing it everywhere I go.

    As well done as these cakes are....enough!!

  33. I'm a die hard HP fan. I love all of the cakes. I'm very sure Dumbledore would be greatly pleased with these cakes, greatly pleased indeed. It makes me wanna cry about the series finally coming to a close.

  34. Aw darn it!!! There should have been a spoiler alert for this post. I'm slow I know, but I didn't know about Hogwarts castle being involved in a battle until I read this post. NOOOO!

    (I've only seen the first 5 or 6 movies and am working of the 5th book...)

    Really nicely done cakes though...

  35. These are works of art!!!

  36. What does it say about my Harry Potter obsession that the first thing I thought when I saw that adorable Harry Potter cake was that they got the eyes wrong?
    It's really cute, but really, Harry's eyes are green!



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