
Thursday, November 11, 2010

In Honer of Our Hero's

My fellow Americans, today is a day to say:

Or perhaps:

But only if you know Evan, of course. And what "Vetrens" are.
Otherwise that'd just be weird.

Because today, my friends, is a day to celebrate those brave men and women who fought for that most important thing worth fighting for:

The head of the Statue of Liberty.

No, wait. That can't be right...

Aha! That's right, they fought for:

"FREE Dom!"

Whoever "Dom" is.

Today is also a day to celebrate that black slime alien guy from Star Trek:

Only we must do it patriotically:


And so, in conclusion, and in "honer" of "Vetrans" Day...


...allow me to say to all of our wonderful veterans:


Perhaps I should rephrase that.

[head tilt]


Thanks to Sandy K., Holly J., Jeff D., Sue D., Monica E., Tori L., Dana S., and anyone else who can successfully spell "heroes," "veteran," and "honor" after reading this post.


  1. The title still hurts me a little. I know it was for the first cake, but it just hurts the grammar nerd inside me.

  2. Other than that, the statue of liberty one is my favorite.

  3. The Statue cake almost reminds me of a snowman... a moldy snowman?

  4. I didn't know Mr. DeLuise had been imprisoned!

    At least the got the (extremely unappetizing) color right on Lady Liberty's head. ;-)

    wv: beyin, as in Them hero's is beyin all heeroick and we shud honer them today.

    - DB

  5. 'dom' means 'house/home' in polish. love it.

  6. Why can't God Bless our hero's fresh bakery?

  7. Statue of Liberty is mad at you!

  8. So that's why people in Florida are so happy...

  9. That Statue of Liberty cake looks like Raggedy Ann on Crack.

  10. Statue of Liberty looks a bit like a tiki head... If it was supposed to be a tiki head it would be... well, still a bit crap actually.

  11. Ah these are awesome. I thought the black slimy guy cake looked kind of like an outline of a body from a police scene with a flag over it. Funny.

    On a totally unrelated note, Jen & John, are you watching Top Chef: Just Desserts? I hope so, because Zac mentioned you last night!

  12. I'm Evan. So you can say you know who I am. At least virtually. Although, it's a long way from my birthday and I have no idea what "vetrens" are.

    But, cake! I'll take it.

  13. So, the city I live in has a Facebook account. They hardly ever make status updates, but today whoever runs the page decided to "Thank" all the veterans that live in our city:
    Happy Veterans Day !! We want to "Thank" all the servicemen for your service to our country. Thanks to over America's 25 million veterans and families who make sacrifices everyday for our freedoms. We truly appreciate your service!!

  14. LOL at "servicing your country"

  15. You mean honour, right? LOL

    -Angie from Canada, where words without U's just look funny!

  16. Hey, a free Dom! Awesome. Do I need to supply my own whips and chains, or are those included, too?

  17. Hahaha! I love how they tried to save the Free Dom cake with a hyphen in a completely different icing color. Yeah, that'll do it.

  18. I was so confused as to why there was a cake of some small gray little statue that is clearly supposed to represent some ancient artifact.

    Then you clarified that it was the head of the statue of liberty.

    Then I was more confused.

    Why is her head being served up on a (styrofoam) platter anyway?! It so anti-Veteran's Day.

  19. Does the one actually look like it says "FREE Dams?" I feel like it does.

    That Statue of Liberty cake looks like one of those creepy faces that people sometimes stick on trees in their yards...and will haunt my dreams.

  20. Sad.

    Although, I do agree with Zero's comment.

  21. Free Dom!! As in "Buy this ugly cake and we'll throw in a free bottle of Dom Perignon!"

  22. This is awful stuff, due to the important day this is...but I love it :)

  23. I remember that star trek episode. I think that lady had just posed for playboy or something. Mysteriously, she was consumed by the tar thing.

  24. Tasha Yar was my favorite Star Trek: TNG character before the blob killed her.

    Thank you for recognizing her service to the Federation today. ;)


  25. Wow the slime guy cake even looks like he's spitting stars which if you really stretch your imagination and pretend, is about as terrible an effect as they would have used in that Star Trek episode if they hadn't used up their terrible effect quota for that one

  26. My husband is in the air force and I truly would like to thank him for servicing our country...:)

    wv: waingear- ummmm I will let you all come to your own conclusions on that one!

  27. That last one. That can't have been what Kennedy meant when he said: "Ask what you can do for your country."

  28. It seems like the least we could do to honor veterans would be to learn how to spell "veterans."

    ... But maybe not.

  29. You guys all spell "honour" wrong.
    Just sayin'.

  30. these cakes make me want to start singing,

    "AMERICA!! F#*C YEAH!!!"

    ...but then hang my head in shame over the horrible spelling by Americans.

    at any rate, THANK A VET with CAKE! (just as long as it doesn't have writing on it!)

  31. Here in Canada, where we speak English, it's spelled honour. And you're wrong. Too bad my spell check program was built by Americans... (crazy neighbours, we should throw them all in the harbour!! Be gone red squiggly lines!! I shall not conform!) :P

  32. My husband and I can't thank you enough! He is in the United States Marine Corps and although he may hear scattered 'thank yous' around the year he really enjoys hearing it from you guys!

  33. The Statue of Liberty looks like Mayan sculpture - and she has exactly what to do with Veterans Day?? The rest are just classic! Thanks, veterans, for the servicing!!

  34. I think that's the Statue of Liberty's battle face... and I thought "servicing our country" was the wives' jobs :)
    Laura - who gets to mess with government property and who is proud of my husband, USMC Cpl Thomson.

  35. What Autumn said! Fav character, and thank you for "servicing" the Federation.

    I wonder if that cake isn't also made of ink mixed with metamucil.

  36. It's been a while since something literally made my jaw drop, but that Statue of Liberty cake did it. Stunning! (I would've had no idea what it was without your explanation.)

    And how quaint that you laughed at 'honer'. Here in England we always have a good laugh at 'honor'.

    wv: haille. I expect to see 'Haille to the Hero's, Honer Them' on a cake soon.

  37. Such negativity.
    We must not mock those, who once a year, use their cake decorating skills to honer our vetrans who are risking their lives to keep Dom Free?
    I know in my heart that Dom appreciates it.

    And I, for one, am humbled to know that our vetrans are busy servicing our country. It's a really big country!!

  38. At first glance at the statue of liberty cake, I thought, cool, that looks like the stone gargoyle I have in my garden. Then, read the caption. Oh.

  39. RE: Statue of Liberty cake. Two words - "KOOLAID MAN!"

  40. It takes A LOT to make my son run screaming from the monitor. The Liberty cake did it!! *Prints it out muttering "Five minutes hard staring at that should do it" before adding it to the list of punishments for when time outs do not work*

    WV: Reesuli: Well that cake is one ressuli to bad behaviour!

    ~ Sonia

  41. Thanks for remembering the vets! And why did you remind me of Tasha Yar! I had purged her from my memory, now I weep again.

  42. FREE Dom looks like FREE Doyn to me, whatever a Doyn is.


    Statue of Liberty head makes me think, "No, Maggie: Olmec. OL-MEC."

  44. I said it before. I'll say it again. These people need someone checking their stuff before it hits the shelf or the pastry box.

    What a travesty. How can you honor someone with a grossly misspelled cake? "Thanks, we love you so much that we don't proofread our cake. Have a day."

  45. my husband is one of the "vetrans" "servicing" his country! he's on another tour of duty so alas, i'm without his service for the next year :(

  46. Those red and blue swirls make me want to wear old 3D glasses.

  47. At first I read that last one as "Thank you for servicing our Courtney"...

  48. I really love your blog, but.....

    I wish you had showcased "sweet" cakes to honor our veterans. It grates on me a little to see it taken so lightly in our society, the TV commericals advertising big sales were bugging me last night, but this really takes the cake (HA!)

    I still love your blog though.

    W.V. -Somety- as in "Somety better git me a better cake or I'll blow em all ta hell."

  49. That Statue of Liberty sure has a mean-looking smirk on her face. What is she really thinking about?

  50. After reading this blog daily for a year or more I can no longer spell anything correctly.

  51. This makes me sad that in Britain people don't tend to do cakes in celebration or our equivalent day today to honour our veterans. I would have loved to see some of the failed spellings of Armistice Day!

  52. am i the only one who sees an airbrushed rear end on the Free Dom! cake? i mean...i guess it could be a heart or something, just sort of covered up by the rest of the airbrushing?

  53. Lady Liberty's face kind of reminds me of Mr. Bill.
    "Oh noooo!"

  54. "thank you for servicing our country"

    ... Jenn you need to find a wrecky "make love, not war" cake to go with that one. lol

  55. Well I hope that the twins, Evan and Vetrens Day are enjoying their birthday! You just never know what parents are naming their kids these days! As for the Statue of Liberty, she looks like a cartoon character, but I just can't figure out which one. Maybe angry Maggie on the Simpsons.

  56. I always take the time to thank our military men/women for servicing me... O_o

  57. That first one makes me laugh. At first it irritated my inner grammar-Nazi, but then I realized it made perfect sense if you read it as "God bless our hero's fresh bakery!" The hero, having saved the day, has now opened a fresh new bakery to deliver powerfully delicious cakes every day!

  58. As the daughter of an ex- Marine, I truly believe in Free DOM. Therefore, I support the asking and the telling regarding servicing our country ...and Courtney. ( nice one, Christine!)
    But what about Free DOM for our Wreckerators? Some here want to stifle them with chains of correct spelling and grammar. Ask yourself, "is this just?!" I think you know the answer in your heart.


  59. LOL @ the Statue of Liberty cake head and the "Free-Dom" cake.

  60. Reading this blog gives me consolation that there are many others out there like me who are mortified by things such as the incorrect usage of apostrophes, or egregious misspellings. (Hey cake decorator, don't you ever read?!?)

    On the bright side, the stuff just never gets old!!! Keep the wrecks coming--I MUST see them before I can do any work in the morning!

  61. The black blob/tar thing is called Armus. But I'm sure you knew that already.

    I don't even want to know what the wrekerators would do to "Remembrance Day" if they lived in the UK or Canada!

  62. This makes me angry.

    I just got back from Rememberance Day services at my Dad's nursing home -- and there was NO CAKE!

    I bet at least 90% of the guys in my Dad's home are veterans. They deserve cake! Even misspelled cake!
    (I was hungry)

  63. 'Lady Liberty'? Really. Try 'Gumby makes an anti-drug public service announcement'.

    "Thank you for servicing our country" would be ideal if it were served on Capitol Hill anytime between now and 01/05/11.

    I think it is (just barely) better to 'honer' our 'hero's' than to ignore them, which also is far too common. At least the intent is there.

  64. Ahem, it's "honour." Seriously, American's can't spell for toffee! ;-)

    I do want to give my heartfelt thanks to all veterans though. If it wasn't for them, we might not have the freedom to read this.

  65. is it just me, or does that Statue of Liberty head thing look remarkably like…a spinach dinner the night before? (t put it delicately)

  66. Our city's Veterans Day observance today included a large sheet cake from Walmart. I am sad to report it was not a wreck, although it did included what looks like a hologram American flag flotsum.

    The best part of today's CW was Angie's comment: Angie from Canada, where words without U's just look funny!

    Laughed loud and long at that. Thanks, Angie, and thanks to our vetrans ... er, veterans.

  67. A big THANK YOU to all of our Veterans!

    Veterans was one of my 3rd grader's spelling words this week. He knows it better than these people! Sad.

    These cakes and the comments crack me up!

    my wv is warchap.

  68. Love the title and think it could have even gone one step further...

    "In honer of hour hero's"

    or perhaps

    "En honer ov hour hero's"

    And the black slime monster is freaky---who cut off his feet?

  69. Poor Dom. He musta got throwed in the pokey when he got caught servicing America.


  70. I just scared my wife and our two birds with my frightened yell when I saw the Liberty head.

    Aaaaaaaugggghh!!!! * curls away from monitor in horror *

  71. The grammar slob in me says that hero's is right, you're taking the "e" out of heroes, therefore you put an apostrophe in...

  72. Sandy also in So FlaNovember 11, 2010 at 1:53 PM

    That statue of liberty cake is going to haunt me in my dreams... and I'm camping this weekend.

    Great, another thing that can jump out at me in the dark as I try to make my way to the bathroom- a moldy snowman with spikes in it's head.

  73. In the FREE Dom one I think there is actually a U inserted after the o in Dom making it "Doum".

  74. Reading this blog today has been painful.

    May God bless all our service men and women. Past and present, veterans and current.

    This is America, wreckerators. I'm sure there's a proud citizen of the USA out there who would be happy to have your job and do it right.

    I volunteer to free Dom from the obviously onerous task of captioning cakes. (I think he was hiding in the back of the bakery department, screaming for help)


  75. This is actually quite sad.
    Seems disrespectful. (Not your comments, I understand it is in jest, but those cakes should never have been made and/or sold).


  76. That fourth cake looks like it says "FREE Doyn" to me, rather than "FREE Dom". And also, what is that red item above m/n? A tiny bow?

  77. I'm with Boob Nazi (and others, I'm sure) - the title is driving me nuts, even if it was done intentionally. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me.

  78. Servicing our country! I love it! Thanks for the laughs!

  79. that last one is funny.
    the state cake is freaky.

    wv: orrater--some1 who does speeches :P

  80. Lady Liberty's head looks more like a bronze foo dog with a fine patina.

  81. Methinks the Statue of Liberty cakewreck is the illicit love child of the Kool Aid Man and an artichoke. OH, YEAAHH!

  82. Happy Veteran's Day my neighbours to the south!
    Happy Remembrance Day to my fellow Canadians/Commonwealth Members!

  83. As a vetren, you're welcome for the servicing.

  84. The Statue of Liberty looks more like the Jolly Green Giant.

  85. I'm with Yuki on the "FREE-Dom" cake, except I thought it was airbrushed cleavage, not a tush.

    Boobs: They make America worth fighting for!

    WV: desting - All of these cakes could do with a generous desting of red, white, and blue sprinkles!

  86. And here I was thinking the Statue of Liberty cake was a range of missiles aimed at me.

    wv premers Cake Wrecks is the premers blog on the net.

  87. I think that last one goes out to all our veteran mechanics, servicing tanks and war machinery... maybe.

  88. @Erin:

    "waingear" is obvious. Some department store has hired Elmer Fudd to read "The Night Before Christmas":

    "...When, what to my wondewing eyes should appear, but a miniature sweigh, and eight tiny waingear! Hehhehhehhehheh!"

  89. Ah yes, I agree seeing the attempts at spelling "remembrance" could be entertaining/depressing. Or to see poppies attempted. Then again, I think it's probably better to honoUr our veterans with respect. And some of those cakes-- well, at least the people who ordered them were appreciative of what men and women in uniform have done and continue to do on our behalf.

    As for the cakes... could someone explain the connection of Lady Liberty with Armistice/Veterans/Remembrance Day? That one has me rather stumped! (I actually thought it was a viking warrior or something until I saw the caption!). And Free Dom... from what he was smoking?

    My favourite is definitely the servicing... gotta send that one to a few friends in the armed forces (or, better yet, their girlfriends!).

  90. Well, it ain't gonna service itself, now is it? lol :)

  91. "Rememberance" has been trending in Canada for a few days now. How embarrassing for my country. Happy "Rememberance" Day!

  92. That Lady Liberty - at first glance i thought it was a pretty good Chinese gargoyle in jade. (and WHY would that be in this post??) After reading the text I despaired.

  93. Wow, that 'Statue of Liberty' THING, whatever it is, is really, really creepy. Like, cree. py.

  94. As far as I know, my dad is just fine! Mom didn't mention anything on facebook today, so I have to assume that Dad is still free...

    Dad = Domenic aka Dom

    wv: defiloid
    What happens when you cross Def Leppard with Pink Floyd...

  95. FREE Dom!*

    *With purchase of a Dom of equal or greater value.

  96. I am assuming the black cake was a shadow of a Soldier. The Statue of Liberty-WTF? All of the other cakes are just pathetic, but funny.

  97. I think the last cake was a present to the hookers of America.

  98. that's not the Statue of Liberty. I have pulled up a photo of her head on the internet, put the two side by side and THEY DO NOT MATCH. it looks more like a mouldy (for the Canadians) Cabbage Patch doll cake head...

    -Barbara Anne

  99. I saw the title before seeing the first cake, and I had a twinge of pain due to the misused apostrophe. Then I saw the first cake and thought, "I should have known better than that Jen would get it wrong," but it still was painful. Wreckerators don't just hurt those paying for the cakes; they hurt every grammar queen (and king.)

    I'm not sure who would want the head of an angry, evil Statue of Liberty in cake, although by the time they finish the frosting on their slice of cake, the sugar comas will probably make them forget that there even WAS cake.

  100. That one cake looks like the Statue of Liberty and the Sta-Puft marshmallow man had a kid.

  101. Hey, John and Jen,
    Today's not only Veteran's Day (thanks, veterans!). It's also "Singles' Day" in China! 11/11 every year is celebrated as singles' day b/c of all the "1's" in the date. Got any good singles' cakes for all of us singles??

  102. In Afrikaans, "dom" means stupid - quite appropriate for these cakes really!
    Janet (South Africa)

  103. I'm from South African and read both your blogs daily.

    Lesson for the day, "DOM" in our language (which is Afrikaans) means "Stupid"

  104. Victoria said...

    This makes me sad that in Britain people don't tend to do cakes in celebration or our equivalent day today to honour our veterans. I would have loved to see some of the failed spellings of Armistice Day!
    November 11, 2010 11:37 AM

    Oh yes, I'm sure they'd have butchered "Armistice" right royally. We call it "Remembrance Day" here in Australia and I see all kinds of half-baked attempts at that. Most common error is "Rememberance". Sorry. There's only three e's in Remembrance.

    I think it's the "In honer of our hero's" one that gets me the most. I'm a "spelling Nazi", I'll admit it, and while I don't really like the concept of "American English", I can accept it. But for the love of all things good and sacred, whichever version you're going to use, at least spell it correctly!!
    As for the superfluous apostrophe ... *facepalm*. No apostrophe required for plural!! I learned this stuff in primary school! (Elementary school for the Americans) It's not that difficult!

    Elizabeth from Sydney, Australia.
    (where words without u's also look weird. *high-5's Angie from Canada*)

  105. I cannot believe it! Why there are so many spelling mistakes on cakes in the US? Please someone tell me...

  106. I get the feeling that Lady Liberty is actually Mr. Bill. Where's Sluggo when you need him?

  107. Well, "dom" in Afrikaans means "stupid" - kinda fits, yeah? Be free, little cake wreckers, be free...!

    MC from NZ

  108. Jenn, here in Britain, we spell it 'honour' as well. If you change your settings to 'English English' instead of 'American English' those horrible red dots disappear.
    But nothing will get rid of the ones under 'honer' Ah well.

  109. Love the free dom cake. For some reason it just reminded me of Futurama & 'Freedom Day' & made me giggle. Thanks!

  110. Nothing says PATRIOT like eating the bulbous head of the Statue of Liberty!

  111. Did anyone catch the little shout-out to Cake Wrecks on Top Chef- Just desserts? Zak said "I made a Cake Wreck!" for a cake he was eliminated for.

  112. The Statue of Liberty blob cake is my new favorite!!

  113. Well, Denise "Tasha Yar" Crosby's birthday is coming up (Nov 24th) so I suppose if the Armus cake doesn't sell then someone could send it to her so she can get a good laugh out of it. (Wow, how die-hard of a Trekkie was I back in the day that I can still remember some of their birthdays after all these years? In my defense, the ST:TNG calendars used to list birthdays as well as holidays.)

  114. If that cake said Free Domme, I'd be all over that occasion. But Free Dom frightens me.

  115. My husband, a vet, was laughing so hard when he saw these. You know most vets would be happy if you just said thanks and left it at that..cake, much less butchered cakes are soooo not necessary. :)

  116. The Statue of Liberty reminds me of the head of X'tilapaketl (sp?), the giant Olmec head in the Simpsons' basement.

  117. The butt-erfly is a nice touch, and well placed, too.

  118. I love the Armustice cake ;)

  119. OMG! I think I'm going to have to get the "Thanks for servicing our country" cake for my hubby when he gets home from this deployment. So often we feel like we are getting.... well, you get the picture.

    wv: sislaere- Cause, sislaere, deese peepul jus cain't spell.

  120. I thought the Statue of Liberty one was either an Easter Island or Tiki statue head. Poor Lady Liberty :(

  121. "Dom" was the character in Inception who's trying to get back to his kids... so maybe that's who they were thinking of FREEing. That's actually fairly appropriate in a certain, Inception-related context..

  122. LADY Liberty? That cake looks like the Kool-Aid Man's head after he was possessed by the most vile and powerful demon ever, and sprouted diabolical spikes!

  123. Jen - the Statue of Liberty cake looks EXACTLY like the tiki glasses from the Polynesian Resort...just saying..

  124. That head looks like the evil love child of the Statue of Liberty and the Kool Aid jug.

  125. At times it seems our country is "servicing" us. Just sayin'.

    wv: logua - self-explanatory

  126. I dunno, I think misspelling IS an honor to our military folks. An all-volunteer force depends, to a great extent, on people with limited educational opportunities. So honer are Heros!


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